FTR 32(1) (2007) 27-32

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Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research

Vol. 32, March 2007, pp. 27-32

Structural and mechanical characteristics of polyester dref-3 yarns in relation to

fibre profile and annealing treatment
G K Tyagia, Kaushal Raj & J Singh
The Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences, Bhiwani 127 021, India
Received 19 December 2005; revised received and accepted 10 March 2006

The influence of process parameters and annealing treatment on structural parameters, tensile properties, flexural
rigidity and abrasion resistance of polyester dref-3 yarns has been studied. Annealing leads to a marked increase in helix
angle and helix diameter, and a decrease in mean fibre extent. The results show significant improvement in breaking
extension, work of rupture and abrasion resistance, and an appreciable decrease in tenacity, hairiness and flexural rigidity on
annealing. The degree of change in these characteristics is more marked in the yarns made from a circular polyester fibre
and the coarse fibre denier, thicker core and higher production speed facilitate it. Compared to the yarns made from a
trilobal fibre, the yarns spun from a circular fibre exhibit higher thermal shrinkage which further increases with the increase
in spinning speed.
Keywords: Annealing, Core-wrapper ratio, Dref-3 yarn, Polyester yarn, Thermal shrinkage, Trilobal fibre
IPC Code: Int. Cl.8 D02G3/00

1 Introduction applications are subjected to high temperature. The

Friction-spun yarns have been around for over 25 present study aims at investigating the effects of
years. With advances in machine designs and friction annealing under relaxed condition on the changes in
elements aimed at improving fibre alignment, friction- structural and mechanical characteristics of polyester
spun yarns are widely used in manufacturing textile dref-3 yarns in relation to fibre profile, core-wrapper
products for high performance applications like ratio and production speed.
automobiles, filtration, geotextiles, safety and heavy
protective garments and many other industrial 2 Materials and Methods
applications. Friction-spun yarns were studied in as
2.1 Preparation of Yarn Samples
early as 1981-82 by the researchers examining the
Three polyester fibres of different linear densities
effect of yarn production conditions on the
and cross-sections were used for the study. The
characteristics of friction-spun yarns1. A
specifications of these fibres are given in Table 1.
comprehensive bibliography of the considerable
Each polyester fibre was hand opened and processed
literature on friction-spun yarns has been reported by
in opening room. The conversion to drawn sliver was
Ishtiaque et al.2 There are occasional references to the
carried out by using a MMC carding machine and a
response of jet- and friction-spun yarns to thermal
Lakshmi Rieters' draw frame DO/2S. Two drawing
treatment in the literature.3-6 However, no publication
regarding contribution of fibre profile to friction yarn Table 1 — Specifications of polyester fibres
quality is available so far. As friction-spun yarns Fibre Length Linear Breaking Breaking Coefficient of friction
become more refined and diverse, the information profile mm density strength extension Fibre-to- Fibre-to-
with regard to the combined influence of system dtex cN/tex % fibre metal
variables and heat treatment needs further (μff) (μfm)
corroboration and systematic investigation. Such a Circular 44 1.66 44.05 36.3 0.449 0.188
detailed knowledge is imperative for establishing (46.49) (29.5)
processing guidelines because the textile substrates Circular 44 2.22 42.67 35.9 0.399 0.161
made from friction-spun yarns for some high-tech (45.02) (29.2)
Trilobal 44 2.22 38.53 37.0 0.424 0.165
______________ (40.61) (30.0)
To whom all the correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: Figures in parentheses indicate values for grey yarns.

Table 2 — Spinning parameters for dref-3 yarns

[Yarn linear density, 59 tex; Friction drum speed, 4500 rpm; and Combing rollers speed, 12000 rpm]

Yarn ref. no. Fibre profile Fibre linear density Core/wrapper Production speed Inlet speed, m/min
dtex ratio m/min DU -I DU - II
S1 Circular 1.66 50/50 100/150/200 1.01/1.53/2.04 0.20/0.30/0.41
S2 Circular 1.66 60/40 100/150/200 1.22/1.83/2.44 0.16/0.24/0.33
S3 Circular 1.66 70/30 100/150/200 1.42/2.14/2.85 0.12/0.18/0.24
S4 Circular 2.22 50/50 100/150/200 1.01/1.53/2.04 0.20/0.30/0.41
S5 Circular 2.22 60/40 100/150/200 1.22/1.83/2.44 0.16/0.24/0.33
S6 Circular 2.22 70/30 100/150/200 1.42/2.14/2.85 0.12/0.18/0.24
S7 Trilobal 2.22 50/50 100/150/200 1.01/1.53/2.04 0.20/0.30/0.41
S8 Trilobal 2.22 60/40 100/150/200 1.22/1.83/2.44 0.16/0.24/0.33
S9 Trilobal 2.22 70/30 100/150/200 1.42/2.14/2.85 0.12/0.18/0.24
DU-I—Drafting unit I, and DU-II—Drafting unit II.

passages were given to carded slivers. The drawn

slivers were spun into 59 tex yarns on DREF-3
spinner using the process parameter given in Table 2.
In all the spinnings, the friction drum and combing
roller speeds were kept constant at 4500 rpm and
12000 rpm respectively.
2.2 Annealing Treatment
All the yarns were annealed by dry heating at
160°C for 5 min in a laboratory curing-setting
chamber under relaxed condition. Skeins of Fig. 1 — Helix diameter and helix angle of tracer fibre
300-400 m were prepared on a wrap reel and laced at
5 points. The lacings were kept loose so as not to 3 Results and Discussion
hinder the relaxation process in yarn during
shrinkage. The skeins were then hung loosely in 3.1 Yarn Structural Parameters
curing-setting chamber for annealing. Table 3 shows experimental results for structural
parameters. It is observed that the distinct fibre cross-
2.3 Tests sections produce different helix angles and their
Prior to processing, a small fraction of dyed fibres variances depend upon the fibre linear density and
was added to the grey fibres during mixing and the spinning speed, which means that the measured
lots were spun into yarns in a normal way. The yarns results depend on the experimental conditions.
were then immersed in a fluid with the same Invariably, the helix angle appears larger for the yarns
refractive index as the fibres so that the dyed fibres made from a non-circular polyester fibre but it
could be readily observed through an image analyser. substantially decreases as the yarn is delivered faster.
The yarn structural parameters, namely helix angle, This decrease could be caused by the lower amount of
helix diameter and mean fibre extent (Fig. 1), were twist inserted by higher speed. Although no particular
then measured for dyed sheath fibres using a Leica trend is observed for helix angle with variation in core
Q500 MC image analyser. Eighty yarns with both content, the increased fibre linear density causes helix
ends shown on the screen were observed for each yarn angle to decrease. On the other hand, annealing
sample. The yarns were also tested for the following treatment causes a marked increase in helix angle at
properties as per ASTM standards : tenacity, breaking all spinning speeds. This concides with the occurrence
extension and work of rupture (Instron); flexural of longitudinal shrinkage in the yarn, which, in turn,
rigidity by ring loop method7 (Shirley weighted ring brings the consecutive helices closer to each other.
yarn stiffness tester); abrasion resistance (CSI The increase in helix angle of yarns spun from a
abrasion tester); and hairiness by Zweigles hairiness trilobal fibre is significantly greater than the increase
meter. in yarns spun from a circular polyester fibre. The

Table 3 — Influence of fibre profile, fibre linear density, core content and production speed on helix angle, helix diameter and mean fibre
extent of polyester dref-3 yarns

Yarn ref. Helix angle, deg Helix diameter, mm Mean fibre extent, mm
no. 100a 150 a 200 a 100a 150 a 200 a 100a 150 a 200 a
54.41 48.72 43.58 0.336 0.354 0.375 4.11 5.89 7.72
(49.69) (43.72) (35.95) (0.332) (0.346) (0.355) (5.66) (11.78) (12.51)
46.70 46.46 40.44 0.330 0.333 0.343 4.02 5.03 7.06
(44.58) (43.60) (35.57) (0.284) (0.293) (0.320) (8.74) (9.94) (11.70)
48.00 44.26 42.82 0.326 0.333 0.342 4.57 5.94 7.44
(43.72) (42.46) (38.68) (0.280) (0.286) (0.308) (7.71) (11.91) (12.24)
45.31 42.00 39.35 0.347 0.365 0.381 5.32 6.89 8.12
(42.25) (37.63) (33.30) (0.341) (0.356) (0.367) (7.75) (12.34) (12.78)
43.38 40.43 40.17 0.337 0.344 0.361 5.75 6.61 8.18
(40.97) (35.43) (34.05) (0.305) (0.328) (0.345) (9.81) (11.35) (12.20)
46.16 41.46 40.93 0.335 0.341 0.347 5.68 6.99 7.98
(43.27) (38.50) (34.80) (0.296) (0.316) (0.339) (9.16) (12.48) (12.94)
46.44 42.98 42.57 0.374 0.390 0.398 4.28 5.84 5.88
(44.13) (37.97) (34.39) (0.359) (0.370) (0.384) (5.83) (8.47) (8.89)
46.17 42.83 40.34 0.359 0.363 0.374 4.10 5.30 5.58
(42.80) (40.32) (35.33) (0.336) (0.338) (0.348) (6.96) (7.08) (7.12)
47.14 42.71 41.34 0.345 0.351 0.367 4.00 5.03 5.33
(43.69) (38.55) (37.48) (0.327) (0.332) (0.342) (7.44) (7.64) (8.90)
Production speed in m/min. Figures in parentheses indicate values for grey yarns.

yarns produced at 200 m/min speed, however, display the production speed increases from 100 m/min to
smaller helix angle than those processed with 100 m/ 200 m/min. This is the result of lesser yarn twist,
min spinning speed. which contributes directly to mean fibre extent.
Table 3 indicates that the yarns made from a Although no specific relationship between core-sheath
trilobal polyester fibre, in general, display larger helix ratio and mean fibre extent has been observed, the
diameter than the equivalent yarns spun under latter however reduces as the fibre linear density
identical processing conditions but with a circular decreases. Finally, the mean fibre extent decreases
polyester fibre. The trilobal fibres on account of their dramatically on annealing. This is obvious
higher bending rigidity tend to form a larger sleeve consequence of the shortening of fibre length brought
and hence a larger helix diameter. The fibre linear about by the alteration in structural matrix of fibres
density and core-sheath ratio have a significant effect upon heating. However, the decrease in mean fibre
on helix diameter which increases as both fibre linear extent is relatively more marked in yarns spun with
density and core-sheath ratio increase. The increase in 1.66 dtex polyester fibres. The finer fibres on account
helix diameter is associated with a decrease in yarn of their lower bending rigidity get buckled easily and
twist arising due to the formation of a larger sleeve. form loops before they are incorporated in the yarn.
Further, as the spinning speed increases, helix Besides, buckling tendency is alleviated by the
diameter also increases due to lower yarn twist. The shrinkage of fibres on heating, hence reducing the
effect of annealing can also be observed in Table 3. mean fibre extent immensely. The influence of fibre
Under all experimental conditions, the helix diameter profile on the mean fibre extent is minimal.
steadily increases on annealing. The bending and
buckling of fibrous components result in the 3.2 Tensile Properties
loosening of structural matrix of yarn, thus increasing The influence of five experimental factors, viz.
helix diameter. fibre linear density, fibre profile, core-wrapper ratio,
The values of mean fibre extent of the polyester production speed and annealing treatment, on the yarn
dref-3 yarns corresponding to different process properties was assessed with the help of ANOVA
parameters are given in Table 3. In general, the mean analysis (Table 4); the confidence level used was
fibre extent is considerably lower for the yarns 99%. Table 5 shows the result of tensile tests.
containing trilobal polyester fibre and it increases as The data show that the annealing treatment leads to a

2.6-9.5% decrease in tenacity, a 43.4-48.2% increase significantly affect the tenacity loss after annealing.
in breaking extension and 32.5-43.8% increase in Higher spinning speed leads to higher tenacity loss,
work of rupture of polyester dref-3 yarns, depending and the amount of yarn wist is known to have an
upon the process parameters used. The changes are effect on the loosening of yarn structure arising due to
obviously caused by the loosening of yarn structure, bending and buckling of core fibres during shrinkage.
decrease in fibre tenacity and increase in breaking Annealing treatment causes a marked increase in
extension due to annealing (Table 1). Higher core breaking extension of polyester dref-3 yarns
content raises tenacity loss; the decrease, though (Table 5). The increment is the result of
always more in yarns spun from a circular polyester rearrangement of molecular structure due to yarn
fibre, demonstrates a downward trend with decreasing shrinkage and increased fibre extension. However, the
fibre linear density. Such a trend occurs because increment in breaking extension is more marked in
greater compactness no longer favours the yarns spun from a circular fibre as compared to their
transmission of heat to axial fibres and consequently non-circular counterparts owing to the lower yarn
higher values of strength due to lower relaxation twist8. Consequently, fibres shrink more, resulting in
shrinkage. In addition to fibre profile and core- higher extensibility. In regards to fibre linear density
wrapper ratio, spinning speed also appears to and core-wrapper ratio, the breaking extension shows
a similar trend as for yarn tenacity. Analysis of
Table 4 — ANOVA test results variance for spinning speed suggests that an increased
Process Yarn property spinning speed results in greater increase in breaking
variable Tenacity Breaking Work of Abrasion Flexural Hairiness extension after annealing.
extension rupture resistance rigidity
As shown in Table 5, the yarns made from a
A s s s s s s trilobal fibre possess considerably lower work of
B s s s s s s rupture. The work of rupture displays a descending
C s s s s s s
relationship with the increase in proportion of
D s s s s s s
wrapper fibres. This behaviour is analogous to the
E s s s s s s
s – Significant at 99% confidence level.
tenacity of the yarns. Increasing production speed
A – Fibre linear density, B – Fibre cross-section, C – Core-wrapper markedly reduces the work of rupture. Surprisingly,
ratio, D – Spinning speed; and E –Annealing treatment. there is a noticeable increase in work of rupture on
Table 5 — Influence of fibre profile, fibre linear density, core content, production speed and annealing treatment on tenacity, breaking
extension, work of rupture and abrasion resistance of polyester dref-3 yarns

Yarn ref. Tenacity, cN/tex Breaking extension, % Work of rupture × 10−3, g/den Abrasion resistance, cycles
no. 100 150 a 200 a 100a 150 a 200 a 100a 150 a 200 a 100a 150 a 200 a
S1 20.57 20.32 19.89 15.65 15.50 15.25 182 176 171 4898 4736 4634
(21.12) (20.94) (20.62) (10.92) (10.68) (10.38) (130) (126) (121) (4293) (4055) (3768)
S2 25.82 24.03 22.76 15.46 15.39 15.11 226 209 194 6788 6700 5968
(26.71) (24.96) (23.86) (10.72) (10.69) (10.31) (162) (149) (139) (5747) (5650) (4809)
S3 26.88 26.26 24.12 15.23 15.01 14.55 231 223 198 7313 7170 6438
(28.01) (27.53) (25.64) (10.51) (10.28) (9.88) (166) (160) (143) (5804) (5778) (5147)
S4 19.84 19.31 18.78 15.54 15.38 14.94 174 168 162 4791 4623 4566
(20.85) (20.44) (20.00) (10.76) (10.56) (10.16) (127) (122) (115) (3864) (3708) (3641)
S5 23.54 22.70 20.52 15.41 15.24 14.86 205 195 171 5666 5636 5573
(24.92) (24.49) (22.63) (10.57) (10.48) (10.08) (149) (145) (129) (4537) (4489) (4406)
S6 24.90 23.43 21.76 15.11 14.93 14.27 213 198 175 7101 7088 6407
(26.58) (25.61) (24.05) (10.34) (10.20) (9.63) (155) (147) (131) (5632) (5599) (4994)
S7 19.82 19.00 18.71 15.50 15.46 15.19 173 166 160 3078 2878 2859
(20.40) (19.92) (19.47) (10.85) (10.77) (10.42) (125) (121) (114) (2499) (2323) (2299)
S8 21.20 20.51 19.03 15.48 15.44 15.09 187 179 162 3392 2982 2952
(22.00) (21.53) (20.38) (10.76) (10.66) (10.32) (130) (129) (119) (2736) (2383) (2351)
S9 22.29 21.37 19.76 15.43 15.22 14.63 195 184 163 3670 3310 3145
(23.39) (22.91) (21.67) (10.69) (10.45) (9.95) (141) (135) (122) (2934) (2629) (2473)
Production speed in m/min. Figures in parentheses indicate values for grey yarns.

annealing. This is quite understandable and arises due 3.4 Flexural Rigidity
to increased yarn breaking extension. Table 6 shows that for polyester dref-3 yarns,
heated under relaxed condition, the flexural rigidity is
3.3 Abrasion Resistance 4.6-13.6% lower than that for the corresponding grey
The results of yarn abrasion test are given in yarns. The reduction in flexural rigidity is expected as
Table 5. The data show that under all experimental a consequence of the loosening of yarn core,
conditions the abrasion resistance of polyester dref-3 favouring easy inter- fibre movement during bending.
yarns increases remarkably after annealing, indicating The yarns produced with low spinning speed have
the effectiveness of annealing treatment towards yarn higher flexural rigidity. On annealing, these yarns
abrasion. This is well known that the annealing causes exhibit a lesser decrease in flexural rigidity. The data
loosening of yarn structural matrix due to bending and suggest that a lower spinning speed leads to a lesser
buckling of fibres. Consequently, the greater fibre drop in restriction on the movement of core fibres due
mobility is produced by opening of yarn structure, to the compact nature of yarn because of the higher
which reduces the intensity of abrading action. yarn twist. The decrease in flexural rigidity increases
However, an increase in spinning speed from 100 with the increase in core content on account of
m/min to 200 m/min causes a greater increase in increased thermal shrinkage. From the figures in the
abrasion resistance. This concides with the change in foregoing, it can be observed that there is a strong
yarn shrinkage at higher spinning speed. A statistical influence of fibre profile on flexural rigidity of
analysis of the data indicates that the fibre profile and annealed yarns, the values obtained for non-circular
core- wrapper ratio have significant effect on abrasion profile are significantly higher. The higher inter-fibre
resistance with F-ratios of 921828.6 and 3795 cohesion and higher bending rigidity of trilobal fibre
respectively. This indicates that the increase in could help to explain this lesser decrease in flexural
abrasion resistance with thicker core and circular rigidity. Moreover, the decrease in flexural rigidity
profile is reasonable. With increased fibre linear also increases when the fibre linear density is
density, the increase in abrasion resistance shows an increased from 1.66 dtex to 2.22 dtex.
increasing trend. This obviously arises due to
increased stress-relaxation, which, in turn, leads to a 3.5 Hairiness
greater fibre mobility and hence a higher abrasion The hairiness results for various dref-3 yarns are
resistance. given in Table 6. In general, the yarns made from a
Table 6 — Influence of fibre profile, fibre linear density, core content, production speed and annealing treatment on flexural rigidity,
hairiness and thermal shrinkage of polyester dref-3 yarns
Yarn ref. no. Flexural rigidity, dynes.cm2 Hair/20m Thermal shrinkage. %
100a 150 a 200 a 100a 150 a 200 a 100a 150 a 200 a
S1 60.8 44.6 29.2 16 22 33 6.8 7.1 7.5
(63.8) (48.1) (32.3) (24) (33) (44)
S2 65.9 45.7 31.2 14 16 30 7.3 7.8 8.1
(74.3) (51.8) (35.4) (21) (30) (40)
S3 67.7 52.1 35.5 29 25 37 7.6 8.5 9.0
(76.8) (59.3) (40.6) (31) (35) (41)
S4 61.4 47.5 31.0 39 47 77 7.8 8.4 9.0
(68.0) (54.1) (35.8) (58) (50) (87)
S5 66.7 52.7 32.0 44 49 81 8.2 9.0 9.7
(77.2) (61.2) (37.8) (58) (64) (125)
S6 68.6 60.2 35.9 39 54 60 9.1 10.1 10.6
(81.8) (72.7) (42.7) (44) (69) (74)
S7 71.6 51.4 34.6 31 68 124 7.4 8.2 8.6
(77.6) (57.8) (39.6) (92) (143) (182)
S8 75.9 54.9 43.1 41 64 87 7.8 8.5 8.9
(87.0) (63.3) (50.6) (55) (82) (193)
S9 80.3 66.8 50.8 40 72 160 8.5 9.02 9.6
(95.1) (80.0) (61.3) (71) (75) (165)
Production speed in m/min. Figures in parentheses indicate values for grey yarns.

trilobal polyester fibre are relatively more hairy than both in fibre denier and production speed increases
the yarns made from a fibre having circular cross- the mean fibre extent and helix diameter but decreases
section. Hairiness decreases when fibre linear density helix angle. The helix diameter reduces with the
increases, and at the same time when production increase in core content.
speed decreases. This is because at lower production 4.2 Annealing of polyester dref-3 yarns leads to a
speed, the residence time of fibres in the nip of substantial increase in breaking extension, work of
friction drums increases and hence the yarn rupture and abrasion resistance and decrease in
twist,which, in turn, results in firm embedment of tenacity, hairiness and flexural rigidity.The level of
surface fibres in the body of the yarn. The hairiness change in these yarn characteristics is more marked in
values depict no specific trend with the change in core the yarns spun from a circular polyester fibre and it
content. Furthermore, the annealed yarns have lesser increases when each of the fibre linear density, core
hairiness than grey yarns regardless of fibre profile, content and production speed increases.
core content and spinning speed. The reduction, 4.3 Yarns made from a circular fibre exhibit
however, is relatively more marked in yarns spun considerably higher thermal shrinkage than the
from 1.66 dtex fibres. equivalent yarns spun from a fibre with trilobal cross-
section.The thermal shrinkage increases when both
3.6 Thermal Shrinkage
fibre linear density and production increase, the
Table 6 shows that the polyester dref-3 yarns spun
increase is more prominent in yarns spun with a
from coarse denier fibres undergo greater thermal
thicker core.
shrinkage on annealing. It increases further with the
increase in core content.This is due to lesser
restriction on the core fibres owing to the lower References
percentage of sheath fibres and consequently better 1 Lumenschloss J & Brockmanns K J, Mellind Textilber, 11
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Res, 24 (1999) 242.
4 Conclusions 5 Ishitiaque S M, Das A & Yadav P, Indian J Fibre Text Res, 28
4.1 Structural behaviour of polyester dref-3 yarns is (2003) 295.
predominantly influenced by annealing treatment. On 6 Sengupta A K, Chapodhyay R &Daspal D, Indian J Fibre Text
Res, 18 (1992) 215.
annealing, all yarns exhibit a marked increase in helix
7 Owen J D & Riding G, J Text Inst, 55 (1964) T414.
angle and helix diameter, and a decrease in mean fibre
8 Khanna Y, Contribution of fibre profile to structure and
extent. Yarns spun from a non-circular fibre, on the properties of polyeseter Dref-3 yarns produced with different
other hand, show larger helix angle and helix core-wrapper ratios and production speeds, M Tech thesis,
diameter, and lesser mean fibre extent. An increase Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences, Bhiwani, 2004, 52.

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