6-Unit V - Illumination

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2 Contents:

Nature of radiation, definition, laws, photometry, lighting

calculations, design of illumination systems (for residential,
industrial, commercial, health care, street lightings, sports,
administrative complexes), types of lamps-energy efficiency

Light is a form of Electromagnetic energy, radiated from a body

which is capable of being perceived by the human eye.

◆ Energy Consumption efficient

◆ Good Visual comfort
4 Illumination Engineering:
Deals with :
🠶 Science & Economics
🠶 Physiology of eye
🠶 Peculiarities of our seeing process
🠶 Psychologica l effects

Poor Lighting ca n cause:

🠶 Eye Strain
🠶 Headache
🠶 Accidents due to insufficient lighting
🠶 Glare
5 For Good lighting system:
🠶 Adequate illumination of suitable colour on the
working surface
🠶 Good maintenance
🠶 Avoidance of hard shadows
🠶 Avoidance of Glare.

Good illuminance ensures increased production,

effectively of work & reduced accidents.

◆ Light:-
◆ Electromagnetic energy
◆ Radiated from a hot body

◆ Luminous Flux:-
◆ The total quantity of light energy
emitted per second
◆ Measured in lumens

◆ Luminous Intensity:-
◆ Intensity of emission of luminous flux in specific
◆ Unit=Candela

◆ Illumination:-
◆ Lights falls on any surface, the phenomenon is
called Illumination.
◆ Measured in Lumens/m2
Lighting Schemes
1. Direct Lighting:-
◆ About 90% to 100% of the total light flux is made to fall directly
upon the working plane ( falls downwards) with the help of
suitable reflectors.
◆ Most commonly used for internal lighting.
◆ Mainly used for Industry & general outdoor lighting.
◆ Disadvantage: Causes hard shadows and glare.
2. Semi-Direct Lighting

◆ 60%-90% of the total light flux is made to fall directly

downwards with the help of semi-direct reflectors.
◆ Remaining light is used for illuminate ceilings and
◆ It is used for general lighting where ceiling also should
be illuminated
◆ Causes soothing brightness.
3.Indirect Lighting

◆ More than 90% of the total light flux is thrown upwards to the
ceiling for diffused reflection by bowl reflectors.
◆ Causes soft, glare-free, diffused illumination.
◆ Used for decorative purposes in cinemas, hotels, theatres, etc.
◆ Advantage; It gives a glarefree diffused
light flux with soft shadows.
4. Semi-Indirect Lighting:-

◆ 60%-90% of the total light flux is thrown upwards to the ceiling

for diffused reflection by using inverted reflectors.
◆ The remaining light reaches the work plane directly
except for some absorption by the reflectors.
◆ Causes soft shadows and glare free lighting scheme.
◆ Used for indoor light decorations.
5. General Lighting

◆ In this method the bulb and the reflector are made of diffuse glass,
so as to give uniform illumination in all direction.
◆ Causes diffused and glare-less lighting, same illumination in all
◆ Eg: Wall lights, Ceiling lights, dimmers and lower wattage lights,
fluorescent lights.


I. Adequate illumination
II. Uniform light distribution all over the working
III. Light of suitable colour.
IV. Minimum hard shadow and glare.
Factors affecting Lighting:

🠶 Shadow
🠶 Glare
🠶 Reflection
🠶 Stroboscopic effect
🠶 Colour Rendering
🠶 1. Shadow
🠶 A shadow is a dark (real image) area where light from a light source is blocked by
an opaque object. It occupies all of the three-dimensional volume behind an object
with light in front of it.
🠶 Characteristics:
i) It depends on shape of the object. The shadow increases & decreases in
the ratio same as the shape of the object.
ii) It depends on source of light whether it is plane, parallel rays or
iii) It depends on position of the object whether it is at infinite or
finite directions.
iv) It depends on the position of source of light. If the source of light is
kept closer to the object –the shadow will be smaller & if it is Farther
then, shadow will be longer.
🠶 2. Glare
🠶 A Glare is the loss of visual performance or discomfort produced by an
intensity of light in the visual field greater than the intensity of light to
which the eyes are adapted.
🠶 Glare occurs when too much light enters your eye and interferes with
your eye’s ability to manage it.
🠶 Glare can be distracting and even dangerous and can occur day or night
in a number of ways.
🠶 Glare may come directly from a light source or be reflected.
🠶 Two types of Glares:
i) Discomfort Glare : Results in an instinctive desire to look away from
a bright light source or difficulty while seeing a task.
ii) Disability Glare : Caused by inter-reflection of light within the eyeball
Factors affecting Lighting:
2. Glare… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHX
🠶 UGR: UGR (Unified Glare Rating) is a method of calculating glare from luminaires,
light through windows and bright light sources.
🠶 The UGR rating helps to determine how likely a luminaire is to cause discomfort to
those around it. For example, the discomfort that a LED Panel will cause the
workforce within an office. This classification ranges from 5 to 40, with low numbers
indicating low glare.

UGR ≤ 16 Technical drawing

UGR ≤ 19 Reading, writing, training,
meetings, computer-
based work
UGR ≤ 22 Craft and light industries
UGR ≤ 25 Heavy industry
UGR ≤ 28 Railway platforms, foyers
Factors affecting Lighting:
2. Glare:
🠶 VCP: Visual comfort probability
🠶 It is defined as the percentage of people that will find a certain scene
(viewpoint and direction) comfortable with regard to visual glare.
🠶 If VCP = 70%, then system is said to be glare fee.
Factors affecting Lighting:

🠶 When a ray of light approaches a smooth polished surface
and the light ray bounces back, it is called the reflection of light.
🠶 The incident light ray which lands upon the surface is said to be reflected off the
surface. The ray that bounces back is called the reflected ray.
🠶 Reflection factor:
The ratio of the total amount of radiation, as of light, reflected by a surface to the total
amount of radiation incident on the surface.
🠶 Aluminum polished: 65 – 75
🠶 Granite 20 – 25
🠶 Marble, polished 30 – 70
🠶 Plaster, light 40 – 45
🠶 Plywood, rough 25 – 40
🠶 Concrete, rough 20 – 30
🠶 Brick, red 10 – 15
🠶 Paint, white 75 – 85
Factors affecting Lighting:

🠶 4. Stroboscopic Effect:
🠶 The Stroboscopic Effect in Fluorescent lamp is a phenomenon which causes
running or moving equipment to appear stationary or appear to be operating
slower than they actually are.
🠶 4. Stroboscopic Effect:
🠶 The Stroboscopic Effect in Fluorescent lamp is a phenomenon which causes
running or moving equipment to appear stationary or appear to be operating
slower than they actually are.
🠶 It can be eliminated by:
🠶 1) Using 3 phase supply for lighting System
🠶 2) Using frequency controllers for the supply
🠶 3) using Twin tubes

🠶 Two lamps are connected parallel to the supply and the lamp is connect in
series with a capacitor or choke. Therefore there exist a phase difference
between 2 currents.
🠶 5. Colour Rendering:
🠶 It describes how well the light render color in an object.
🠶 Color Rendering is expressed as a rating from 0-100 on Color Rendering
Index ( CRI).
🠶 How a light source makes the color of an object appear in human eye
and how well the variations in color shades are reveated.
🠶 Color Rendering relates to the object appear under a given light source.
This measure is called CRI.
🠶 Low CRI- Object color may appear unnatural
🠶 High CRI- Object color may appear more natural
🠶 Street Lighting- 2.2 ( Sodium Vapor Light)
🠶 Office- 62 ( Fluorescent Light)
🠶 Residential- 80-90 LED
95 Incandescent Light
80-85 CFL
🠶 https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/pixar/rendering/rendering1/v/overview-
General and Localised Lighting

🠶 Theterm ‘general lighting’ or ‘ambient lighting’

refers to the background levels of light in a
particular space. In the majority of workspaces the
minimum level of general lighting is determined in
line with best practice guides to ensure safety and
enable everyday visual tasks to be performed
comfortably and efficiently.
🠶 Localized lighting systems provide illuminance on
general work areas with a simultaneous reduced
level of illuminance in adjacent areas.
🠶 Local lighting systems provide illuminance for
relatively small areas incorporating visual tasks.
Such systems are normally complemented by a
specified level of general lighting. Figure 1
illustrates the typical differences between the
systems described.
General and Localised Lighting

🠶 ‘General lighting’ or ‘uniform lighting’:

🠶 Lighting system which provides an approximately
uniform illuminance on the horizontal working
plane over the entire area are called general
lighting systems.
🠶 Simple to plan & install
🠶 Adv: It permits complete flexibility oftask location
🠶 Disadv: Energy is wasted illuminating the whole
area to the level needed only for the most critical
General and Localised Lighting

🠶 Localized lighting systems

🠶 It employ an arrangement of luminaries related to
the position of tasks and workstations.
🠶 They provide the required service illuminance on
work areas together itha a lower level ofgeneral
illumination for the space.
🠶 Localised systems normally consumes less energy
than general systems.
General and Localised Lighting

🠶 Local lighting systems provides illumination only

over the small area occupied by the task and its
immediate surroundings.
🠶 Also referred as task ambient lighting
🠶 It is a very efficient system, particularly when high
standards of task illuminance are required.
🠶 It is normally provided by luminaires mounted on
the workstation, providing a very flexible room
layout. Such local units must be positioned
carefully to minimize shadows, veiling reflections
and glare.
28 Types of Lamps

Electric lamps :-
A. Incandescent lamps
B. Discharge lamps

Incandescent lamps:-
1. Vacuum lamps
2. Gas filled lamps
1. Vacuum lamps 3. Halogen Lamp

2. Gas filled Lamp 4. Discharge Lamp

5. Fluorescent Lights
Measurement of Light
 Unit of luminous intensity of a source

 Defined as 1/60th of the luminous intensity per cm2 of a black body radiator at
the temperature of solidification of platinum (2045 °K)

 A source of one candela (cd) emits one lumen per steradian

 Total flux emitted by it all round is 4 π × 1 = 4π lumen

Luminous Flux (F or φ)

 It is the light energy radiated out per second from the body in
the form of luminous light waves.

 Unit of luminous flux is lumen (lm).

 Defined as the flux contained per unit solid angle of a source of

one candela or standard candle.

 Since, it is a rate of flow of energy, it is a sort of power unit.

 Approximate relation between lumen and electric unit of power

(watt) is given as

1 lumen = 0.0016 watt (approx.)

It is the quantity of light
delivered in one hour by
flux of one lumen.

It is similar to watt-hour (Wh)

Luminous Intensity (I) or Candle-power

Luminous Intensity 

(I) or Candle-power

Mean Spherical 
Mean Hemispherical 

Reduction Factor 

Illuminance or Illumination (E)

Lamp efficiency

Coefficient of utilization or utilization factor

Maintenance factor

Plane Angle

Solid Angle

Relationship between plane angle and solid angle
Laws of Illumination
Laws of Illumination or Illuminance

Laws of Illumination or Illuminance

Laws of Illumination or

Inverse Square Law

Laws of Illumination or

Inverse Square Law

Laws of Illumination or

Inverse Square Law

Lambert’s Cosine Law

Lambert’s Cosine Law

Illumination possible at a given point

Illumination possible at a given point

Illumination possible at a given point

Horizontal Illuminance

• Maintenance Factor / Depreciation Factor
• Ratio of illumination under normal working conditions to the
illumination when everything in clean or when the luminaire is
• Always less than 1
• Due to the accumulation of dust, dirt and smoke on the lamps, lamps
emit less light than they emit when clean.
• Frequent cleaning will improve the maintenance factor.
• Greater if the lamp fittings are cleaned regularly (0.8)
• If much dust is accumulated, it is 0.6
• As a rule of thumb, 0.8 is chosen as a Maintenance factor.
Quick Consideration of Maintenance factor
Lamp Maintenance Total
Room Maintenance Factor for dirty Maintenance
Classification Factor lamp Factor
Very clean 0.09 0.85 0.9
Clean 0.9 0.9 0.8
Average 0.9 0.8 0.7
Dirty 0.9 0.7 0.6
Environment Activity or Task Area

Clean rooms, semiconductor plants, hospital

Very Clean
clinical areas, computer centers
Clean Offices, schools, hospital wards
Shops, laboratories, restaurants, warehouses,
Normal assembly areas, workshops
dirty Steelworks, chemical works, foundries, welding,
polishing, woodwork
Quick Consideration of Maintenance Factor

Enclosed fixture, clean room 0.80

Average conditions 0.70

Open fixture or dirty room 0.60

• Utilization Factor / Coefficient of Utilization
• Ratio of the total number of lumens reaching the working plane to
the total number of lumens emitting from the source
• Indicates the effectiveness of the lighting scheme.
• Depends on
• Mounting height of the lamps- utilization factor decreases with increase in
mounting height of lamps
• Area to be Illuminated – for a given height, proportion of direct light becomes
more and more if floor area increases i.e.., utilization factor increases with
increase in area to be illuminated.
• Type of lighting-more for direct lighting and low for indirect lighting
• Colors of surroundings – more for light colors and less f or dark colors. Its
value range from 0.25 to 0.5 for direct lighting and 0.1 to 0.25 for indirect
A small light source with intensity uniform in all directions is mounted at a height of
10 metres above a horizontal surface. Two points A and B both lie on the surface
with point A directly beneath the source. How far is B from A if the illumination at B
is only 1/10 as great as at A ?
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
Taking into consideration the utilization and depreciation or maintenance factors, the expression for the
gross lumens required is
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *
• Flooding of large surfaces with light from
powerful projectors – Flood Lighting
• Flood lights are great lighting fixtures that emit a broad
beam of light.
• Flood lights are used to flood an area with light. It is the
best way to provide an enormous amount of non-
natural light to an area.
• They are used for many purposes and also allow a range
of lighting techniques.
Flood lighting
• To enhance the beauty of ancient monuments by night
• To illuminate advertisement boards and show cases
• To illuminate railway yards, sports stadium, car parks,
construction sites etc.
• Small buildings:
• Uniform flood lighting used
• Flood lights are placed o nearby buildings or on suitable
posts at distance of not more than 60 m.
• Light fall perpendicular to the building.
Flood Lighting- Features
• Large or tall building:
• Illuminated non-uniformly

• According to beam spread, projector classification:

1. Narrow beam projector – beam spread b/w 12-25 deg.
Used for distance beyond 70 m.
2. Medium beam projector – beam b/w 25 -40 deg.
Distance b/w 30 -70 m.
3. Wide Angle projector – beam b/w 40-90 deg. Used for
distance below 30 m.
Projector classification according to
beam spread.
Beam Type Beam Spread Use
Narrow Distance
Beam beyond 70m
Medium Distance
Beam between 30-
Projector 70m
Wide Distance
angle below 30m
• LED floodlights are highly energy efficient and have a
higher lumen per watt output than any other
conventional lighting system. They are used for many
purposes and also allow a range of lighting techniques.

• Why we consider Flood Lights with LEDs?

• Energy Efficient and Maintenance Free
• High Lumen Output
• Excellent Thermal Management
• Environment-Friendly
Flood Lighting- Features
Different types :

1. Aesthetic Floodlighting
2. Industrial and Commercial
3. Advertising
1. Aesthetic Floodlighting
Enhance the beauty of building at night on
festive occasion
Public places
Ancient buildings
Religious buildings
2. Industrial & Commercial Floodlighting

Railway yards
Sports stadium
Car parks
3. Advertising

Illuminating advertising boards and showcases.

Floodlight Projector
Reflectors and its housing used for concentrating
the light into a narrow beam.
Installed in remote positions
Robust Efficiency
• Silvered Glass is 90%
Whether proof • Polished Metal is 70%
Reflecting surface
Made of silvered
Stainless steel
Chromium steel
Floodlight Projector contd…..

Inclination of beam is varied in vertical and

horizontal direction.
500W of 1000W lamps in projectors,
ventilation is provided for adequate cooling.
Location and Mounting of Projector:

• Symmetric projector kept 20 – • Projector cannot be located

35 m away from the surface to away from the building.
be floodlighted. • unsymmetrical
• Provide approximately parallel reflector mounted in the basement
beam with beam spread of 35-30⁰ area or on a bracket attached to the
• Direct more intense light to
wards the building.
What is the main difference between Flood Light Luminaire and
Road Light Luminaire?

The main difference between the flood light and the other
luminaire used in road lighting is the former aiming direction with
respect to the light intensity axis. That means, the road light
luminaire is always aimed at a particular direction on the road
surface spot wise. But flood light covers the wide range surface of
the aimed object like buildings, hording etc and it is defined to a
proper mounting position. Whereas road light luminaire cannot
cover wide range of road surface area.
Floodlighting Calculations
1 st Step : Illumination level required
depends on
Type of building
Purpose of flood lighting
Amount of conflicting light in the
Floodlighting Calculations, Illumination level required
Floodlighting Calculations

2nd Step : Type of projector

Depends on
Beam size – determines the area covered by the beam
Light output – determine the illumination provided.
Beam angle is decided keeping in view the
distance of projector from the surface.
Floodlighting Calculations

3 rd Step : No. of projector

N – no. of projectors
A – Area of surface to be illuminated
E- Illumination level required in
lumens/m 2
Waste Light Factor
When illuminated by multiple sources, the
amount of light wasted on account of overlapping
and falling of light beyond the edges of the area
to be illuminated.
Multiply theoretical value of lumen with
1.2 for rectangular areas
1.5 for irregular areas, statues, monuments.
Depreciation Factor
Ratio of illumination under ideal condition to
the illumination under normal conditions.
Due to the accumulation of dirt and dust on the
reflectors and in the source of the projector,
reduce the light effectiveness.
50 – 100% more light must be provided so that
illumination is adequate at the interval between
the cleaning periods.
Coefficient of Utilization
beam factor.
Ratio of beam lumens to lamp lumens.
Range between 0.3 to 0.5.
As Light emitted by the projector is not along
the direction of beam but some of it is
absorbed by the reflector and by the front
Floodlighting_Numerical examples
The front of a building 45 m x 20 m is illuminated by twenty 1000- W lamps arranged so
that uniform illumination on the surface is obtained. Assuming a luminous efficiency of
18 lumens/watt and a coefficient of utilization of 0.4, determine the illumination on
the surface, waste light factor1.2 and depreciation factor 1.3.

Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *

The front of the building measuring 50 m * 15 m is to be floodlighted by means of
projectors placed at a distance of 25 metres away. The average illumination required
is 100 lux. Determine the number and size of projectors required. Assume waste
light factor of 1.2, depreciation factor 1.5 and coefficient of utilization 0.5.

Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *


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