Online Exam Form

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Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

First Year Exam Form


Note for First Year Students:

1. Eligibility Number is compulsory for those students whose Nationality as “Indian”.

2. Only for Art, Commerce, Science Under Graduate and Post Graduate Student
Please Select “New(For Art, Science, Commerce under Graduate and Post
Graduate Student)” option as a student type while creating student profile or not
allow for the International student.
3. Use previous sessions username and password for login. Do not create new account
if you have created account in previous session.
4. Only one account per student is allowed.
5. If student have to changed Mobile no, Email id, Photo, Signature etc. please contact
to your college.
6. If you have forgot password then you click on “Forgot password” and create “New
Click on Examination.

Click on Exam Forms Online

Click on Proceed to Login
Click on Create Account
1. Select the Nationality
2. Fill the Student Name as per 10th marksheet.
3. Fill the correct Email Id and Mobile no.
4. Click on Verify Email and Mobile no.

Then the message will be shown as “Account has been created successfully.”

If don’t remember Password then use of Forgot Password link.

Enter Nationality

Enter Captcha Code.

Click on Send OTP, OTP will be sent on your Register Mobile number and register
Email id.

Enter received OTP, Click on Verify OTP and change password.

Then click on Proceed Button.
Login to Exam form
• Select Login by Mobile no or Email Id
• Enter Password
• Enter Captcha Code.
• Click Login button.
Student Dashboard; Click on ‘New Course Enrollment’

Select Student Type

Fill All details and click on ‘Save’

Fill Personal Information and Save all details

Please check Profile Status is complete after that click on ‘Exam Form’
Click on Proceed, Select First Year (Arts, Science, Commerce and Law Graduation
Students Only) Please, select this Option, otherwise select another option.
Then Click on ‘Create New Application’

Show all Basic details and click on ‘Next’

1. FRESH/BACKLOG for First Year
If student is totally fresh for First year then student must have to select first option
and if he/she have backlogs then select second option to proceed.
2. Course type selection for (BA/BCOM/B.Sc. (ALL))

Here, Course type selection means whether it is Regular/Vocational/Restructure.

3. Subject Selection
According to course type there are different types of groups to select subject as per
student selection.
4. Subject Selection
Students have to select their subjects and check whether all selected subjects are
correct or not. Once they confirm hit the ‘SAVE And NEXT’ button to proceed to
display fees for that.
5. Fees Structure
Here, is the fee Structure for selected subjects.
6. Print Application Form

Here, is the Application form print which student must submit to college.
For Having BACKLOGS in “First Year”

(For having backlog in first year, follow same process up to filling Subject

1. Login Page
Student must login from this page by his/her profile email id.
2. Student Dashboard
Student can create new Application from here & get update from how many
form he/she generated against his/her profile.
3. Students Year Selection
First Year students select first year option and other than
first year select other option (those who are appearing for other than First Year).
4. Students Basic Details
Students see his/her basic details.
5. FRESH/BACKLOG for First Year
If student totally fresh for First year then student must have to select first option and
if he/she have backlogs then select second option to proceed.
6. Course type selection for (BA/BCOM/B.Sc. (ALL))
Here, Course type selection means whether it is Regular/Vocational/Restructure.
7. Subject Selection
According to course type there are different types of groups to select subject as per
student selection.
8. Subject Selection
If student having backlog, should have to select particular backlog subject and Check
whether all selected subjects are correct or not. Once they confirm hit the ‘SAVE
And NEXT’ button to proceed to display fees for that.
9. Fees Structure
Here, is the fee Structure for selected subjects only. If it is correct then click on
‘Confirmed And Save’
10. Print Application Form:

Here, is the Application form print which student must submit to college.
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Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Other than First Year Exam Form

Note for First Year Students:

1. Eligibility Number is compulsory for those students whose Nationality is “Indian”.
Only for Art, Commerce, Science Under Graduate and Post Graduate Student need
to Select “New (For Art, Science, Commerce under Graduate and Post Graduate
Student)” option as a student type while creating student profile. This is not allowed
for the international student.
2. Use previous sessions username and password for login. Do not create new account
if you have created account in previous session.
3. Only one account per student is allowed.
4. If student have to changed Mobile no, Email id, Photo, Signature etc. please contact
to your college.
5. If you have forgot password then you click on “Forgot password” and get “New
6. Already have create account.
At first user go on website –

Click on Examination.

Click on Exam Forms Online

click on Proceed to Login

Please use previous login details for next session exam form.

If don’t remember Password then do use of Forgot Password link

Enter Nationality and Mobile no.

Enter Captcha Code.

Click on Send OTP, OTP will be sent on your Register Mobile number and register
Email id.

Enter received OTP Click on Verify OTP and change password.

Then click on ‘Proceed’ Button.

If your mobile no and email id is changed then contact to your college for change
mobile no and email id.

Login to Exam form

Select Login by (like Mobile no, Email id…etc.)

Enter Password

Enter Captcha Code.

Click on ‘Login’ button.

Show Student Dashboard, if PRN No. and Eligibility No. not updated in the profile
then click on ‘Delete Profile’
Click on ‘New Course Enrollment ‘

1. Select Student type – Existing

2. Medium of instruction
3. Fill the PRN
4. Fill Eligibility No
5. Click on ‘Save’ Button and Update Profile.
click on ‘Exam form’
1. Student Dashboard
Second year students select ‘Other than First Year Non-Engineering & All
Engineering Students, Please, Select this option’ (those who are appearing
for other than First Year).

2. Students Course Selection

Student must select his/her related course to proceed ahead.
3. BACKLOG for Regular Student Year
If student must have to select he/she have backlogs then select second option to

4. Course type selection for (BA/BCOM/B.Sc.(ALL))

Here, Course type selection means whether it is Regular/Vocational/Restructure.
5. Subject Selection
According to course type there are different types of groups to select subject as
per student selection.
6. Subject Selection
Students have to select their subjects and check whether all selected subjects are
correct or not. Once they confirm hit the ‘SAVE And NEXT’ button to proceed
to display fees for that.

7. Fees Structure
Here, is the fee Structure for selected subjects.
8. Print Application Form

Here, is the Application form print which student must submit to college.
For Having BACKLOGS in “Second Year”

(For having backlog in Second year, follow same process up to filling Subject

1. Login Page
Student must login from this page by his/her profile email id or Mobile no.
2. Student Dashboard
Student can create new Application from here & get update from how many
form he/she generated against his/her profile.
3. Students Year Selection
Second year students select ‘Other than First Year Non-
Engineering & All Engineering Students, Please, Select this option’ (those who
are appearing for other than First Year).
4. Students Course Selection
Student must select his/her related course to proceed ahead.
If student have backlogs then select second option to proceed.

6. Course type selection for (BA/BCOM/B.Sc.(ALL))

Here, Course type selection means whether it is Regular/Vocational/Restructure.
7. Subject Selection
According to course type there are different types of groups to select Subject
as per student selection.
8. Subject Selection
If student having backlog, should have to select particular backlog subject and
Check whether all selected subjects are correct or not. Once they confirm hit the
‘SAVE And NEXT’ button to proceed to display fees for that.
9. Fees Structure
Here, is the fee Structure for selected subjects only.
10. Print Application Form:

Here, is the Application form print which student must submit to college.
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