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PM Bimbel WIN di SMAN 39 Jakarta Pendalaman Materi UTBK-SNBT

WA Bimbel WIN: +62 821-2504-3370 - Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris -

2 Literasi

Fungi of which there are over 100.000 species in- 02. Which of the following is mentioned as a major
cluding veasts and other single – called organism as change in how scientists approach the study of
well as the common molds and mushrooms were for- fungi?
merly classified as members of the plant kingdom were
(A) Fungi are no longer classified as plants
formerly however , in reality they are very different
(D) Some single-cell organisms are no longer clas-
from plants and today they are placed in a separate
sified as fungi
group altogether.Theprincipalreason for this is that
(C) New methods of species identification have
none of them possesses chlorophyll, and since they
been introduced
cannot synthesize their own charbohydrates, they
(D) Theories about the chemical composition of
obtain theor supplies either from the breakdown of
fungi have been revised
dead organic matter or from other living organism
(E) Fungi classified as plants
futhermore the wall of fungal cells are not made of
cellulose , as those of plants are, but another 03. The world “principal” in paragraph 1 is closest
compexsugarlike polymer called chitin, the ,material in meaning to ...
from which the hard outer skeletons of shrimps , (A) True
spiders, and insects are made . (B) Main
(C) Logical
The difference between the chemical composition
(D) Obvious
of the cell walls of fungi and those of plants is of
(E) Secondary
enormous importance because it enables the tips of
the growing hyphae, the threadlike cells of the fun- 04. According to the passage, how do fungi obtain
gus , to secrete enzymes that break down the walls of carbohydrates?
plant cells without having any effect on those of the (A) They absorb carbohydrates from their own
fungus itself. It is these cellulose – destroying enzymes cell walls
that enable fungi to attact anything made from wood, (B) They synthesize chlorophyll to produce car-
wood pulp , cotton, flax, or other plant material. bohydrates
(C) They produce carbohydrates by breaking
The destructive power of fungi is impressive .they are
down chitin
major cause of structural damage to building timbers
(D) They acquire carbohydrates from other or-
, a cause of disease in animals and humans, and one
ganic matter,both living and dead
of the greatest causes of agricultural losses. Entire crops
(E) They absorb carbohydrates from another cell
can be wiped out by fungal attacks both before and
after harvesting .some fungi can grow at + 500C
,While others can grow at - 5C .so even food in cold 05. The passage mentions schrimps,spiders,and in-
storage may not be completely safe from them. On sects in paragraph 1 becauseTheir skeletons….
the other hand, fungi bring about the decomposition (A) can be destroyed by fungi
of dead organic matter, thus enriching the soil and (B) Have unusual chemical compositions
returning carbon dioxide to atmosphere .They also en- (C) contain a material found in the walls of fun-
ter into a number of mutually bebeficial relationship gal cells
with plants and other organisms. In addition , fungi (D) secrete the same enzymes as the walls of fun-
are the source of many of the most potent antibiotics gal cells do
used in clinical medicine , including penicillin. (E) do not chemical composition
01. What does the paragraph 2 mainly discuss ? TEXT 2
(A) Difference between simply and complex fungi
The history of clinical nutrition, or study of the
(B) Functions of chlorophyll in plants
relationship between health and how the body takes
(C) Functions of sugar in the walls of fungal cells
in utilizes food substances, can be devided into four
(D) Difference between fungi and plants
distinct eras, the first began in the nineteenth cen-
(E) Functions of fungi.
tury and extended into the early twentieth century
when it was recognized for the first time that food

Pendalaman Materi UTBK-SNBT PM Bimbel WIN di SMAN 39 Jakarta
- Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris - WA Bimbel WIN: +62 821-2504-3370

contained constituents that were essential for human (E) to lodd the weight
function and that different food provided different
08. The word “tempting” PARAGRAPH 2 is closest in
amount of these assential agents. Near the end of era
meaning to
, research studies demonstrated that rapid weight loss
was associated with nitrogen imbalance and could only (A) necessary
be rectified by providing adequate dietary protein as- (B) attractive
sociated with certain food, (C) realistic
(D) correct
The second era was initiated in the early decades (E) Visible
of the twentieth century and might be called the :
09. It can be inferred from the passage that medical
vitamin periode “.vitamin came to recognize in
schools began to teach concepts of nutrition in
foods.and deficiency syndrome were described .As vi-
order To….
tamins become recognized as essential food constitu-
ents, necessary for health,it become tempting to sug- (A) convince medical doctors to participate in re-
gest that every disease and condition for which there search studies on nutrition
had been no previous effective treatment might be (B) encourage medical doctors to apply concepts
responsive to vitamin therapy .At that point in time of nutrition in the treatment of disease
.medical schools started to become more interested in (C) convince doctors to conduct experimental vi-
having their curriculum integrate nutrition concepts tamin therapies on their patients
into the basic sciences.mucjh of the focus ot this edu- (D) support the creation of artificial vitamins
cation was on the recognition of vitamin deficiency (E) Refuse medical doctor participation
symptoms,Here in line the beginning of what ultimately 10. The word “Reckless” in PARAGRAPH 2 is closest
turn from ignorance to denial of the value of nutri- in meaning to
tional theraoies in medicine.Reckless claimwere made
(A) Recorded
for effect of vitamins that went beyond what could
(B) Irresponsible
be achieved from the use of them.
(C) Informative
In the third era of nutritional history in the early (D) Urgent
1950’s to mid – 1950. Vitamin therapy began to fall (E) Vain
into disrepute .commitment with this , nutrition edu- TEXT 3
cation in medical school also became less popular.it
was just a decade before this that many drug compa- Bloodbounds are biologically adapted to
nies had found their vitamin sales skyrocketing and trailingtheir prey.The process by which the nose rec-
were quick to supply practicing physicians with gen- ognizes an odor is not fully understood , but, there
erous samples of vitamins and literature extolling the are apparently specific receptor sites for specific odors.
virtue of supplementation for a variety of health re- In one explanation, recognition occurs when a scent
lated conditions.expectations as to the success of vita- molecule fits into its correxponding receptor site .like
mins in disease control were exaggerated As is known a key into alock. Causing a mechanical or chemical
in retrospect, vitamin and mneral therapies are much change in the cell. Bloodhounds appartently have
less effective when applied to health-crisis conditions denser concentrations of receptor sites tuned human
than when applied to long-term problems of under scents.
nutrition that lead to chronic health problem
When a bloodhound trails a human being, what
06. What does the passage mainly discuss? doesitactually smell? The human body, which consists
(A) The effects of vitamins of the human body of about 60 trillion living cell, sheds exposed skin at a
(B) The history of food preferences from the nine- rate of 50 million cells a day .so even a trail that has
teenth century of the present been dispersed by breezes may still 30.seem rich to a
(C) The stages of development of clinical nutri- bloodhound .the body is produced about 31 to 50
tion as a field of study ounces of sweet a day .neither this fluid nor the shed
(D) Nutritionalpratices of the nineteenth century sknin cells have much odor by themselves,but the
(E) The advantages of vatimin baxteria working on both substances is another
matter.one microbiologist estimates the resident bac-
07. It can be inferred from the passage that which of teria population of a clean square centimeter of skin
the following discoveries was made during the on the human shoulder at multiples of a million. As
first era n the history of nutrition? they go about their daily business breaking down 25
(A) Proteint was recognized as an essential com- lipids or fatty substances 0n the skin. These bacteria
ponent of diet release volatile substances that sually strike the
(B) Vitamins were synthesized from foods bloodhound’s nose as an entire constellation of dis-
(C) Effective techniques of weight loss were de- tinctive scenrs.
(D) Certain foods were found to be harmful to

PM Bimbel WIN di SMAN 39 Jakarta Pendalaman Materi UTBK-SNBT
WA Bimbel WIN: +62 821-2504-3370 - Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris -
11. What does the passage mainly discuss? It had been thoroughly inspected the day of its
(A) Why Drople choose bloodhounds Dr house- fatal voyage. Yet hours later, the Estonia rolled over
hold pets and sank in a cold, stormy night. It went down so quickly
(B) How a bloodhound’s sense of smell works that most of those on board, caught in their dark, flood-
(C) How hurtians compensate for an ing cabins, had no chance to save themselves: Of those
(D) underdeveloped sense of smell who managed to scramble overboard, only 139 sur-
(E) underdeveloped sense of work vived. The rest died of hypothermia before the rescu-
ers could pluck them from the cold sea. The final death
12. The author compares a scent molecule toll amounted to 912 souls. However, there were an
The way in which bactena work on Skin cells and unpleasant number of questions about why the Esto-
body sweat with a ... nia sank and why so many survivors were men in the
prime of life, while most of the dead were women,
(A) Key children and the elderly.
(B) Lock
(C) Cell 17. One can understand from the reading that —-.
(D) Bloodhound (A) the lifesaving equipment did not work well and
(E) Body lifeboats could not be lowered
13. in PARAGRAPH 2 the word “it”refers to ……….. (B) design faults and incompetent crew contrib-
uted to the sinking of the Estonia ferry
(A) Bloodhound
(C) 139 people managed to leave the vessel but
(B) Human Being
died in freezing water
(C) Smell
(D) naval architects claimed that Estonia was un-
(D) Body
(E) Animal
(E) most victims were trapped inside the boat as
14. According to the passage, how many ceils of skin they were in their cabins
does the human body rid it self of every day?
18. It is clear from the passage that the survivors of
(A) 60 trillion the accident —-.
(B) 50 million
(A) helped one another to overcome the tragedy
(C) 1 million
that had affected them all
(D) Between 31 and 50
(B) were mostly young men but women, children
(E) 40 Million
and the elderly stood little chance
15. In paragraph 2 the word “rich” is used to mean (C) helped save hundreds of lives
that a trail is (D) are still suffering from severe post-traumatic
(A) paved with precious materials stress disorder
(B) a profitable business to get into (E) told the investigators nothing about the acci-
(C) a very costly undertaking dent
(D) Filled with an abundance of clues 19. According to the passage, when Estonia sank, —
(E) Paved with special clues
(A) there were only 139 passengers on board
16. Which of the following acts as a stimulus in the (B) few of the passengers were asleep
production of the human scent? (C) there were enough lifeboats for the number
(A) Sweat of people on board
(B) Dead Skin Cells (D) faster reaction by the crew could have in-
(C) Bacteria creased Estonia’s chances of survival
(D) Fatty Substances. (E) all the passengers had already moved out into
(E) Blood the open decks
TEXT 4 20. The synonym word of claim in paragraph 1
Naval architects never claim that a ship is unsink- (A) Surrender
able, but the sinking of the passenger-and-car ferry (B) Repudiate
Estonia in the Baltic surely should have never have hap- (C) Demand
pened. It was well designed and carefully maintained. (D) Abjure
It carried the proper number of lifeboats. (E) forego


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