Pretreatment Trouble Shooting

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Problem Cause Remedy
Improve Degreasing bath efficiency,
Improper Degreasing Check Concentration and improve
Check wetting and dwell time at each
stage. Increase wetting agent
Inter stage drying
concentration if required in cleaner
Loose Oxsilan
1 stage.
Increase pH to alkaline with the help
Acidic pH at Pre Oxsilan DM
of Oxsilan Additive 9951 or 9950 or
GTP 10543
Reduce the active point concentration
High Active Pointage – High
by dilution of Oxsilan bath with clean
Coating weight
DI water.

High Process Time in Oxsilan

stage > 3 min Reduce process time at Oxsilan stage.

High Active Pointage of Oxsilan Reduce concentration of Oxsilan bath.

bath (Reduce Zirconium concentration)
Dark Blue Violet
High Pickling effect in Acidic
Oxsilan Coating Increase pH of Acidic pH up to 4.5 – 5.0
2 Cleaner
(High Coating
Optimize Fluoride concentration with
weight) Low Free Fluoride
GB A H 7269
High Agitation in Oxsilan bath Optimize Oxsilan bath agitation.
Check the temperature and adjust it
High operating temperature of
below < 43 deg.C or Reduce process
Oxsilan bath
time or Concentration of Oxsilan bath.
Optimize the treatment time. Inspect
Low Treatment time. nozzles for any clogging in case of
Spray application.
Optimize Fluoride concentration with
High Fluoride concentration
Low Oxsilan Coating the help of Oxsilan Additive 9903.
3 weight (No colour on Low Agitation in the Oxsilan bath Optimize Oxsilan bath Agitation.
coating) Optimize Oxsilan bath pH with the help
Low pH of Oxsilan bath.
of Oxsilan Additive 9950 or 9951.
Low Active pointage of Oxsilan Increase Active points with the help of
bath Oxsilan Additive 9905 / 9925 etc.

Improve the air circulation in WDO.

Flash Rust (Pre or Improper air circulation in Water Optimize blower capacity and ensure
Post Oxsilan stage) Dry off Oven. no moisture trapping on the
components or inside oven.
Increase the pH of Post Oxsilan DM
Re dissolution of Oxsilan coating
Water Rinses above 5.5 with the help
in Post Oxsilan DM Water Rinses.
of GTP 10543 or OSA 9951
Inter Stage Drying – High Dwell Check wetting and dwell time at each
time over Oxsilan stage stage.
Adjust pH of Pre Oxsilan water Rinses
Tarnishing at Pre Oxsilan Water to 7.5 – 8.5 and Gas Point > 2 with the
Rinses (Industrial and DM). help of OSA 9951 / 9950 and GB CC
Improve Wetting of components at all
Drying of components after
stages by increasing surfactant
Improve pre wiping efficiency if
Dried oil stains or excessive black
available or increase Degrease
soot on components.
concentration and impact.
Optimize the operating Oxsilan bath pH
Oxsilan bath pH < 3.5 to 4.5 with the help of OSA 9951 /

Improper Degreasing Improve Degreasing bath efficiency

Provide misting nozzles or reduce
Inter stage drying
Dwell time or addition of wetting agent
Contaminated water rinse stages. Renew water rinse stages.
Flow Marks / Streak Excessive foaming at Degrease
Marks stages – Carryover of foam on Reduce foaming at degrease stage.
skin panels
Improve degreasing efficiency or pre
Dried oil stains

Improper Degreasing Improve Degreasing bath efficiency

Provide misting nozzles or reduce dwell
Inter stage drying
Loose white powder
Contaminated Water rinses Renew water rinses baths
6 depositions on skin
Provide proper drain holes to hangers
panels Alkaline carryover from hangers.
or modify the same.
Improper circulation in Water
Improve rinsing efficiency.
rinses – insufficient rinsing

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