BSCSC - Course-Sequence - Catalog 2019-2021 - July18 - 2020
BSCSC - Course-Sequence - Catalog 2019-2021 - July18 - 2020
BSCSC - Course-Sequence - Catalog 2019-2021 - July18 - 2020
Calculus Engineers
Area 1:
Integral Calculus
MTH 1304
Discrete Mathematics Area 1: Mathematics,
Sciences and Engineering
(30 SCH)
b) Sciences and
Area 2. b) Computer
Free Elective Free Elective
(6 SCH)
EGR 3204
Robotics Competitions
Minor Course 1
(15 SCH)
CSC 3261
(3 SCH) (3 SCH) (3 SCH) (3 SCH) (3 SCH) Computer Programming
CSC 3271
FYE 1101 Prerequisite for ART 1301 Innovation and Entrep ren eurship
through 1305 & ART 1399 CSC 3281
Art Appreciation &
FYE 1101 FYE 1102 Ethical Hacking
Creation*** (3 SCH) Civic Engagement(3)
First Year Experience First Year Experience CSC 3291
Area 4: General Education (GenEd) Program (30 SCH)
○ Several of the topics within the GenEd Program (41 SCH) are met by required courses in Areas 1, 2, and 3 of the BS programs i n SSE (mathematics, computer science, basic science). The remaining topical areas (30 SCH)
that satisfy the GenEd are listed in Area 4.
* FAS 0210 is a non-degree credit-bearing course, and it is a graduation requirement. It counts for 2 non-degree credits, i.e. they do not count towards the degree. However, this course can be waived upon a successful
** ECO 1300: requires no Course Prerequisites/ Co-Requisites (Catalog 2017-2019 p. 205). This course is designed only for students that are NOT majoring or minoring in Business Administration or Human Resource
development. Therefore, it cannot serve as a substitute for ECO 2301 or ECO 2302. However, students that are eligible to take this course may also take it as an elective course (Catalog 2017-2019 p. 120).
CSC 2302 Data Structures: Prerequisite: CSC 1401. Co-requisite: MTH 1304 (required for BSCSC major and recommended for other majors)
**** EGR 4300 may be combined with EGR 4402 for 7 SCH with approval (Catalog 2017-2019, page 214).
CSC 3331 Introduction to Big Data Environment and Applications: CSC 3351, CSC 3353