BSCSC - Course-Sequence - Catalog 2019-2021 - July18 - 2020

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BSCSC Course Sequence (136 SCH)| Catalog 2019-2021 | B.S.

in Computer Science (BSCSC) BSCSC Tabular Sequence

Freshman Freshman Sophomore Sophomore Junior Junior Senior Senior

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 Last updated on July 18, 2020
MTH 1303 MTH 2301 MTH 3301
MTH 2320
a) Mathematics

Calculus II: Multivariable


Calculus I: Differential and Probability and Statistics for

Linear Algebra
(15 SCH)

Calculus Engineers
Area 1:

Integral Calculus
MTH 1304
Discrete Mathematics Area 1: Mathematics,
Sciences and Engineering
(30 SCH)
b) Sciences and

Basic Sciences Elective:


PHY 1401 PHY 1402 Free Elective

Req uirements

EGR 2302 (3 SCH)

Area 1:

BIO 1401 , BIO 1402, or

(15 SCH)

Physics I Physics II Engineering Economics (6 SCH)

CHE 1401
Area 2: a) Computing
Core & Elective (43 SCH)
Free Electives

Area 2. b) Computer
Free Elective Free Elective
(6 SCH)

Science Major (12 SCH)

(3 SCH) (3 SCH)

Area 3: Minor (15 SCH)

CSC 3315 CSC 3374
CSC 1401 CSC 2302^ CSC 2306 CSC 2305 CSC 3351 EGR 4300 (3 SCH)
Languages and Advanced and Distributed
Object Oriented Computer Organization Operating Systems Internship Area 4: General Education
Computer Programming Data Structures Compilers Programming Paradigms
Programming and Architecture (30 SCH)
Computer Science Core & Major Requirements

CSC 3371 Computing and EGR 4402 (4 SCH) Possible Advanced

CSC 3323
Computer Commun ications Engineering Elective
Analysis of Algorithms Capstone Design Computing Elective
and Networks (2 SCH)
Minor: Communication Studies (3 SCH) (5)
(55 SCH)
Area 2:

Required Minor Courses CSC 43XX

Any from other Adv anced
CSC 3326^ CSC 4307 Computing courses
CSC 3324 Advanced Computing
COM 1304 New Media Technology Software Engineering Database Systems
Agile Software
Elective (3 SCH)
Engineering and DevOps
COM 2301 Professional Communication Possible Computing and
COM 2427 Art & Design Production CSC 4301 Engineering Elective
CSC 4308 (2 SCH) (5)
Introduction to
Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence

EGR 3204
Robotics Competitions
Minor Course 1
(15 SCH)

Minor Course 2 Minor Course 3 Minor Course 4 Minor Course 5

Area 3:

CSC 3261
(3 SCH) (3 SCH) (3 SCH) (3 SCH) (3 SCH) Computer Programming
CSC 3271
FYE 1101 Prerequisite for ART 1301 Innovation and Entrep ren eurship
through 1305 & ART 1399 CSC 3281
Art Appreciation &
FYE 1101 FYE 1102 Ethical Hacking
Creation*** (3 SCH) Civic Engagement(3)
First Year Experience First Year Experience CSC 3291
Area 4: General Education (GenEd) Program (30 SCH)

ART 1301, ART 1302, ART (1 SCH)

1303, ART 1304, ART Analytics Competitions
ENG1301 Prerequisite for XXX ****SL or SLP
1305, ART 3399, ENG
FAS 1220 ENG 2320 2320, HUM 2301,
1101(4) EGR 3203
FAS 0210* (0 SCH) Applied Undergraduate Res earch
Foundations for COM 2327***, LIT 3370***
Foundations for
Academic Success: FAS 1220 Prerequisite for
Academic Success:
Introduction to Critical HUM 2301
Strategic Academic Skills
Thinking Arrow Key
Possible Corequisite Prerequiste: The box
Social Sciences
History or Political from which a line
Humanities (3 SCH) Science (3 SCH)
HUM 2305, HUM 2306, French(2) (2 SCH) ECO 1300**, originates indicates the
ENG 1301 HIS 1301, HIS 2301, GEO 1301, PSY 1301,
HUM 2307, LIT 2301, FRN 3210 pre-requisite for the
English Composition I HUM 1310, HUM 2302, SOC 1301, SSC 1310
PHI 2301, PHI 2302 PSC 2301 destination box
ENG 1301 Prerequisite for LIT Corequisite: two courses
ENG 1301 Prerequisite
2301 - PHI 2301 - PHI 2302 could be taken together
for PSC 2301
during the same semester
Arabic(1) (2 SCH)
ARA 1201, ARA 1202, ENG 2303
COM 1301
ARA 1203, ARA 3299,
ARB 1201, ARB 1202,
Public Speaking Technical Writing
ARB 1203, ARB 1241
Note: Arranging for Summer Session(s) is recommended to readjust and mitigate the course load during regular semesters

○ Several of the topics within the GenEd Program (41 SCH) are met by required courses in Areas 1, 2, and 3 of the BS programs i n SSE (mathematics, computer science, basic science). The remaining topical areas (30 SCH)
that satisfy the GenEd are listed in Area 4.

* FAS 0210 is a non-degree credit-bearing course, and it is a graduation requirement. It counts for 2 non-degree credits, i.e. they do not count towards the degree. However, this course can be waived upon a successful

** ECO 1300: requires no Course Prerequisites/ Co-Requisites (Catalog 2017-2019 p. 205). This course is designed only for students that are NOT majoring or minoring in Business Administration or Human Resource
development. Therefore, it cannot serve as a substitute for ECO 2301 or ECO 2302. However, students that are eligible to take this course may also take it as an elective course (Catalog 2017-2019 p. 120).

*** Art Appreciation & Creation:

ART 1301 “Music & Vocal Performance”
ART 1302 “Dance & Choreography”
ART 1303 “Painting & Sculpture”
ART 1304 “Drama & Theater”
ART 1305 “Art Appreciation”
ART 1399 “Special Topics in Arts: ………….”
ENG 2320 “Creative Writing”
HUM 2301 “Islamic Art & Architecture”
COM 2327 “Art & Design Production”: requires COM 2403 as Course Prerequisite/ Co-Requisite
LIT 3370 “Aesthetics”: requires Junior Classification
All degree-seeking students must earn 2 SCH of Arabic language by taking one course from the list. Arabic courses are categorized depending on the student’s high school diploma and prior Arabic proficiency level.
Holders of the Moroccan baccalaureate take ARB 1241 without placement.
Holders of a cultural mission baccalaureate in Morocco (French, Spanish, etc.) take one ARB course based on placement test re sults.
Holders of international high school degrees with no prior Arabic language instruction take one ARA course based on placement test results.
Holders of the Moroccan baccalaureate must earn 2 SCH of French language by taking FRN 3210 as an exit level. Every newly admitted student is required to take a free international official French placement test TEF
(Test d’Evaluation de Français) in order to determine how many courses in French he/she needs to take and at what level. If based on TEF placement test results students have to take additional French courses as pre-
requisites, the latter will not count towards the degree. Students may not take French in their first semester of study, and they can also be exempted upon earning a minimum of C1 in TEF and 16 in GAT. International
students with no prior knowledge of French may choose to take Spanish to satisfy GenEd language requirements.
A course with an SL component must be taken as co-requisites. Failing the course will de facto result in failing the SL component, too. Failing the SL component will result in an NRP in the SL component only. Students
who fail the SL component must enroll in another course from their degree plan with an SL component in the subsequent semesters.
In case no subsequent course in the student’s degree plan is offered with an SL (Service Learning) component, he/she must submit an SL proposal to the SLP Committee and enroll in SLP 1101.

CSC 2302 Data Structures: Prerequisite: CSC 1401. Co-requisite: MTH 1304 (required for BSCSC major and recommended for other majors)

**** EGR 4300 may be combined with EGR 4402 for 7 SCH with approval (Catalog 2017-2019, page 214).

(5) Pre-Requisites for Elective Courses:

CSC 3204 (Robotics Competition): Junior standing

CSC 3261 (Programming Challenges): CSC 2302
CSC 3281 Ethical Hacking: Junior standing

CSC 3331 Introduction to Big Data Environment and Applications: CSC 3351, CSC 3353

EGR 3203 (Applied Undergraduate Research): Junior standing

EGR 3271 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Junior standing

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