Punchlist Procedures
Punchlist Procedures
Punchlist Procedures
PROCEDURE N:. I-PR-3A04.03-1400-910-HPU-004
E&P SHEET: 1 of 11
BJC nº BJC-QA-15012
This document is intellectual property of BJC Heavy Industries PCL – Thailand - and may not be reproduced, sold or used in whole or in parts for any
proposes without the written approval of BJC heavy Industries PCL.
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1. SCOPE……………………………………………………………………………………………...................................................... 3
2. REFERENCE……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... 3
3. DIFINITION………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... 3
4. RESPONSIBILITIES……………………………………………………………………………....................................................... 4
5. PUNCH LIST PREPARATION…………………………………………………………………...................................................... 5
6. PUNCH LIST COORDINATION………………………………………………………………....................................................... 6
7. APPENDICES......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIXI – Punch List Execution…………………………………………………………....................................................... 7
APPENDIXII – Punch List Record for Piping………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
APPENDIXIII – Punch Register for Piping………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
APPENDIXIV– Punch List Record for StructureSteel……………………………………………………………………………. 10
APPENDIXV – Punch Register for StructureSteel………………………………………………………………………………… 11
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This procedure is applicable to all activities, from preparation of the initial Discipline Punch List by Module
Fabricator through to agreement of the Outstanding Items Punch list by BJCHI.
This procedure is written with respect to completion of module applicable to structure, Mechanical, Piping,
Electrical, Instrumentation, Painting and Insulation.
This procedure describes the control of out standing work in fabrication Structure steel, testing,
pre-commissioning and commissioning through punch listing method.
The scope of application cover physical activity and also documentation work.
The punch list control for on-site and on-shore fabrication works is executed in advance of the following
- Before Carrying out BJCHI shop
- Before Pre-Commissioning
- Before Reinstatement
- Before Sail away
Control of outstanding works during fabrication phase such as before blasting/painting, hydrostatic test is to
be cotrolled by “Inspection Release Note” (IRN) as specified in the associated fabrication process
control procedure.
- I-PR-3A04.03-1400-914-HPU-001: Material Handling and Storage Procedure.
- I-PR-3A04.03-1400-955-HPU-002: Welding Repair and Inspection Procedure.
- I-PR-3A04.03-1400-955-HPU-001: Welding Consumeble Control Procedure.
- I-PR-3A04.03-1400-973-HPU-001: Non-Destructive testing Procedure(NDT).
- I-PR-3A04.03-1400-140-HPU-001:Structure SteelFabrication and Erection Procedure.
- I-PR-3A04.03-1400-955-HPU-003: WPS's & PQR's for Structure Steel.
- I-PR-3A04.03-1400-956-HPU-002: Surface Preparation and Painting for structure.
Owner : Petrobras
Client : TUPI BV
Fabricator : BJCHeavy Indrustries Pubic Company Limited (BJCHI)
ITP : Inspection and Test plan
ITR : Inspection and Test Record
IRN : Inspection Release Note
HAE : Hazardous Area Equipment
MER : Material Exception Report
RFSA : Ready for Sail Away
NDE : NonDestructive Examination
Pre-commissioning : Activities such as internal cleanliness, loop checking andfinal
alignments and reinstate ments will also be completed
Punch List item : Itemthat were deemed to be complete however are identified as
defective, unsafe, inoperable or not as per the original design
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4.1 Module Fabricator
4.1.1 The Module Fabricator each shop prepares the construction punch list when the delivering piece
has outstanding works. Module Fabricator will control by Register Excel file and close out items as
they are completed. Copies of the Construction Puch List are sent to the respective BJCHI office for
insertion into Work Packs or Job Cards, for implementation and Close out.
4.1.2 The management of the completion of the punch items may be delegated to the Construction
Manager or Pre-commissioning Manager at discretion of the Module Manager.
4.1.3 Any punch items outstanding at ready for Sail Away of each module shall be clearly identified to the
Contractor Construction Managers and formal agreement obtained before the Turnover of Modules is
4.1.4 The Module Fabricator Manager is responsible for the overall coordination of the subsystem walk
Under the management of the module Fabrication Pre-commission Group, the Construction Team
will be responsible for monitoring the progress of the subsystems and determining, in consultation with
the construction discipline, and as required the pre-commissioning group, when a subsystem is ready
to be walked down.
4.1.6 Construction Engineer will organize the subsystem walk downs and ensure that the correct
disciplines and Contractor/Company representative when required attend the walks.
4.1.7 Construction Engineer will be the focal point for collecting the punch items raised during walk-
downs, agreeing the classification with the person who identified the item , noting the location of the
punch items raised during the walks and sending the punch list to the TOSTR clerk for uploading.
4.1.8 Once BJCHI System has been updated the construction Manager will inform the disciplines so that
they can start their punch closure and then monitor and expedite the punch closure.
4.1.9 The BJCHI clerks at the Module Fabricator are responsible for ensuring that the punch lists are
uploaded in a timely fashion in BJCHI System, that the punch closure status is updated upon receipt
of the signed off punch closure sheets and the signed off closure sheets are filed.
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Subsequent regular meeting which will be organized by Punch List Coordinator during punch list
execution stage. Such meeting will be carried out on daily basis to incorporate any additional agreed
punch item.
Meeting Frequency may be reduced upon agreed with BJCHI. Closed out items shall be signed off by all
parties on the working copy, which are to be kept by the discipline Punch list Coordinators until all item
are closed out or transferred to the Final Outstanding Punch List at the end of onshore fabrication work.
The Focal Person for the punch list master register will identify the punch list generated in the BJC and to
assign with a unique punch list number.
The BJCHI punch list register serves for monitoring the completion status of punched item; it is to be
updated on regular basis.
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APPENDIX I – Punch List Execution
Punch List
Coordinators Meeting
QC Monitor/Verify
(Final Outstanding
Punch List Format
COMPANY Inspector
Final Punch List
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