Evaluation of Scratch Resistance of Polymeric Coatings and Plastics Using An Instrumented Scratch Machine

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Designation: D7027 − 13

Standard Test Method for

Evaluation of Scratch Resistance of Polymeric Coatings and
Plastics Using an Instrumented Scratch Machine1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7027; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope point of failure in a rising load scratch tests using contrast as

1.1 This test method describes a laboratory procedure using the failure criteria. The software determines failure if a
an instrumented scratch machine to produce and quantify continuous change in contrast between the scratch groove and
surface damage under controlled conditions. This test method the undamaged material surface reaches +3 %, -3 %, or 63 %.
is able to characterize the scratch resistance of polymers by The continuity criterion is defined as a region of length equal
measuring many significant material parameters. The scratch- to 2 diameters of the scratch stylus with 90 % or more of the
inducing and data acquisition process is automated to avoid region exceeding the contrast criterion. The lowest load point
user-influenced effects that may affect the results. on the scratch from which there is a continuous contrasting
region is considered the point of failure. This program is useful
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as for visual analysis of the test and may be used for other
standard. The values in parentheses are for information only. applications, such as pass-fail criterion for scratch visibility. An
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the example of the application of ASV is shown in Fig. 1.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.1.2 critical normal load, n—the normal load at which
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- failure (see 3.1.4) of the material within the scratch groove first
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- occurs.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3.1.3 normal load, n—a load applied onto the scratch stylus
2. Referenced Documents that is imposed in a vertically downward direction, perpendicu-
lar to the surface of the specimen. The normal load is also
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 referred to as the “Z-direction load.”
D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing
D638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics 3.1.4 point of failure, n—the point along a rising-load
D1894 Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of scratch path at which the damage to the surface is first
Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting considered to be unacceptable. The point of failure for a given
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in study shall be defined in a quantifiable manner. For aesthetic
ASTM Test Methods studies the recommended criteria is a contrast of 63 %
G99 Test Method for Wear Testing with a Pin-on-Disk between the scratch groove and the undamaged material
Apparatus surface. For different studies other criteria for failure may be
G171 Test Method for Scratch Hardness of Materials Using used. For example, failure may occur when the scratch width or
a Diamond Stylus depth exceeds a predetermined value. Onset of micro-cracking,
crazing, fish-scale formation, plowing can also be used as
3. Terminology failure criteria. For a coated specimen the point of failure might
be defined as the point at which the coating is penetrated,
3.1 Definitions:
revealing the underlying substrate. An image of styrene acry-
3.1.1 ASV Software, n—Automatic Scratch Visualization, a
lonitrile (SAN) subjected to Test Mode A (4.1.1) under a
computer program which automates the identification of the
linearly increasing normal load range of 1-90 N is shown in
Fig. 1 to illustrate several possible points of failure that can
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on Plastics occur during the scratch process.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10 on Mechanical Properties.
Current edition approved Oct. 15, 2013. Published October 2013. Originally 3.1.5 scratch coeffıcient of friction, n—the ratio of the
approved in 2005. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D7027–05ε1. DOI: tangential force (3.1.10) to the normal load (3.1.3). This
coefficient is a measure of the resistance of a material to
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
scratching motion. For tests conducted under constant load,
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on two distinct quantities may be characterized, the static and
the ASTM website. kinetic coefficients. The static coefficient is related to the

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7027 − 13

FIG. 1 Images of Polystyrene-Acrylonitrile (SAN) Subjected to Test Mode A Under a Progressive Load of 1-90 N Showing Examples of
Points of Failure

tangential force measured prior to the movement of the scratch “whiter,” than the undisturbed background surface. Key defor-
stylus while the kinetic coefficient is related to the constant mation mechanisms include increase in surface roughness due
tangential force measured in sustaining this movement. This to micro-cracking. Whitening is measurable as a contrast
quantity is not equivalent to the coeffıcient of friction, which is change between the scratch groove and the undamaged mate-
obtained in accordance with Test Method D1894 and is similar rial surface.
to the stylus drag coeffıcient as defined in Test Method G171.
3.1.6 scratch depth, n—the vertical distance to be measured 4. Summary of Test Method
from the trough of the scratch groove to the undisturbed 4.1 This test method utilizes an automated scratch machine
specimen surface (D1) or to the peaks of the scratch path (D2). to administer controlled scratch tests on polymeric specimens.
Refer to Fig. 2. Two basic test modes (Test Modes A and B) are presented.
3.1.7 scratch resistance, n—ability to withstand damage that 4.1.1 Test Mode A—A scratch is applied onto the specimen
is accompanied by the gross deformation typically associated surface under an increasing normal load from 2 to 50 N (60.5
with sliding indentation of asperities that may involve N) over a distance of 0.1 m (60.0001 m) at a constant scratch
compressing, plowing, and shearing of material. Quantification rate of 0.1 m/s (60.0005 m/s). This test mode is intended to
can be accomplished through the measurement of critical determine the critical normal load for failure for a material
normal load scratch depth (3.1.6), scratch width (3.1.8) and system. The point of failure should occur in the second or third
other geometric or visual characteristics of the scratch. quartile of the test length. For materials that do not exhibit
3.1.8 scratch width, n—the horizontal distance between the failure in this range, the load range may be changed to ensure
two peaks on both sides of the scratch groove (W1). Refer to that the point of failure occurs in the middle of the scratch path.
Fig. 2. 4.1.2 Test Mode B—A scratch is applied onto the specimen
3.1.9 scratching, v—process involving surface deformation surface under a constant normal load of 30 N (60.1 N) over a
(displacement or mechanical removal, or both, of material) distance of 0.1 m (60.0001 m) at a constant scratch rate of 0.1
caused by the action of one of more asperities, or m/s (60.0005 m/s). This test mode is intended to evaluate the
protuberances, or both, sliding across the surface. load-dependant homogeneous response of the material and
establish the scratch coefficient of friction. The constant load
3.1.10 tangential force, n—the force present at the interface value may be increased if 30 N is insufficient to generate
between the scratch tip and the specimen, acting opposite to the damage on the specimen.
direction of motion of the scratch tip. The tangential force acts
parallel to the scratch direction and is composed of two 4.2 The scratched surface can be inspected visually or by
components: the kinetic friction acting on the scratch tip, plus using evaluation tools to study the surface damage. For Test
the reaction force generated during deformation of the surface. Mode A, the critical normal load is determined by the point of
The magnitude of the component forces can vary. At small failure criteria established for that experiment. Measurement of
scratch depths the tangential force is kinetic friction. As scratch the scratch width, or depth, or both, may also be taken to aid
depth increases, the forces due to elastic and plastic deforma- the quantification of scratch resistance. ASV Software may be
tion increase. Tangential force is also referred to as the used to automate the measurement of the point of failure with
“X-direction force” measured by the scratch instrument. regard to scratch visibility.
3.1.11 whitening, n—a phenomenon occurring as a result of 4.3 Scratch coefficient of friction as defined in 3.1.5 can be
light scattering by surface deformation resulting from the computed for material characterization using the tangential
scratch process that causes the scratch path to be brighter, or force and normal load data recorded during tests.

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FIG. 2 Cross Section of Scratch Path Showing Scratch Width Measurement (W1) and Depth Measurements (D1 and D2)

5. Significance and Use 6. Apparatus

5.1 Scratch tests are performed on specimens: 6.1 General Description—The instrumented scratch ma-
(1) to evaluate the scratch resistance of a particular chine3 described here has been developed at Texas A&M
material, University under the auspices of the Scratch Behavior of
(2) to rank the relative scratch resistance of different Polymeric Materials Consortium. A schematic of the scratch
materials, or machine is shown in Fig. 3. The instrument consists of a
(3) to determine the scratch coefficient of friction of sample stage, clamping devices, a load generator, and a
materials. horizontal motion servo system. Optional systems such as a
load and position sensing system, data acquisition and com-
5.2 Since polymers exhibit mechanical properties that are puter systems may be included when position and load data are
strongly dependent on temperature, the test standard prescribed required. An environmental chamber may also be added for
herein is designed to yield reproducible results when users sub-ambient and elevated temperature tests. Instruments like
perform tests under the similar testing environment and on optical microscopes, flatbed scanners, image capturing tools, or
specimens of the same material and surface texture that are an ASV (3.1.1) can be used for post-scratch evaluation.
subjected to the same conditioning procedures. 6.2 Spring-Load Mechanism—The instrument is a stylus-
5.3 Certain polymers are self-healing (recoverable) when type scratcher in which a 1-mm-diameter spherical tip is used
subjected to scratches and other physical deformations because to scratch the surface of a flat specimen. It consists of a sample
of their viscoelastic and relaxation properties. It is important to stage with dimensions of 305 by 610 mm on which test
note the difference between the instantaneous (if readily specimens can be anchored. The spring-load driven
measurable) and residual scratch damage and compare results mechanism, capable of generating 0 to 200 N of normal load,
appropriately to ensure reproducibility. It is recommended that exerts the force onto the scratch stylus, either at a constant
24 hours be allowed for viscoelastic recovery when consider- magnitude or increasing linearly to a desired magnitude.
ing residual scratch depth. 6.3 Horizontal Motion Servo System—A high-precision
5.4 “Whitening” of the scratched surface is a key damage motor, controlled via microprocessor, actuates the scratch
mechanism that has prompted much concern in automotive and
other applications where surface aesthetics is important. This
type of damage is undesirable because it is evident to the 3
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
human eye. The critical normal load at which this phenomenon is Surface Machine Systems, LLC, http://www.surfacemachines.com. If you are
aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Interna-
appears serves as a benchmark in ranking material tional Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting
performance, especially from an aesthetic point of view. of the responsible technical committee1, which you may attend.

D7027 − 13
be spherical in shape with a diameter of 1 mm (62.54 µm);
using a tip of other geometry is optional but their results shall
not supersede those from the spherical tip tests.

7. Hazards
7.1 The scratch machine contains moving parts, and is
capable of moving at high speed. Therefore, standard labora-
tory safety practices involving the use of machinery should be
followed. Objects, samples and tools must not be stored on or
near the scratch tester to avoid them being accidentally caught
in the mechanism.
7.2 Eye protection must be worn at all times when conduct-
ing scratch tests.
7.3 The scratch machine operator shall take care that loose
clothing, jewelry, long sleeves, and long hair are secured and
FIG. 3 Schematic of a Spring-Loaded Scratch Stylus Machine
kept away from the scratch machine.
7.4 Thermally insulated gloves must be worn when han-
stylus. The horizontal speed of the scratch stylus can be set at dling specimens at extreme temperatures. If testing is limited to
a constant rate between 0 and 400 mm/s. room temperature only, thick gloves are not to be worn, though
6.4 Load and Position Sensing System (optional)—If disposable latex gloves may be used to avoid skin-oil contami-
required, the instrument may be equipped with devices to nation on samples.
monitor the normal load, the tangential force, instantaneous
scratch depth and horizontal position. The tangential force 8. Test Specimens and Sample Preparation
acting on the stylus shall be measured with an accuracy of 8.1 Materials—The test method can be applied to a variety
60.1 N. The data acquired for depth, horizontal position and of bulk polymers, as well as coated materials. The materials
velocity of the stylus shall have an accuracy of 60.5 µm, 65 must be able to be prepared to the desired dimensions and able
µm and 60.0005 m/s, respectively. to withstand the stresses imposed during the test without
6.5 Data Acquisition and Computer Systems (optional)— ultimate failure or excessive fracture. The materials being
Connections from the sensing system to the computer system tested shall be described by dimensions, surface finish, material
shall be insulated against electromagnetic interference to type, form, composition, processing treatment and, when
ensure clean and reliable data. The computer system shall have appropriate, indentation hardness (see Test Method G99).
the capability to collect the force and position data. The data 8.2 Tensile Specimens—Injection-molded tensile bars as
capture rate (samples per channel) shall be set to a minimum of specified in Test Method D638 (Test specimen I-IV) are
10 times the scratch velocity (mm/s) to guarantee reliable and acceptable for use with this test. Typical thickness shall be
accurate data. The data capture rate may be set higher if between 3 and 10 mm. Since the scratch length for different
desired. test modes is taken to be 100 mm, the specimen shall be at least
6.6 Environmental Chamber (optional)—An environmental 140 mm in length to provide enough area for clamping at both
chamber with heating and cooling controls allows experiments ends. Experiments have shown that thickness can affect scratch
to be performed from –50 to 100°C. properties and care should be taken to ensure that the thick-
nesses of different specimens are consistent within the toler-
6.7 Evaluation Instruments—Other than visual inspection, ance specified in Test Method D638.
the scratch grooves can be further examined with optical
microscopes, flatbed scanners, and/or profilometers for mea- 8.3 Plaque Specimens—A plaque, at least 140 mm in length
suring scratch width and depth. These devices can also be used and 10 mm in width, shall be used. Thickness shall be at least
to determine the point of failure (such as the onset of 3 mm. Samples thinner than 3 mm may be tested with the use
micro-cracking, crazing, fish-scale formation, plowing, etc.). of a precision backing plate or spacer underneath the sample. It
Since the capability and sensitivity of each device are different, is possible to make multiple scratches on the same plaque so
it is required that the adopted method of evaluation be reported. long as the grooves do not affect one another and the distance
For the purpose of quantifying whitening, other instruments between the two neighboring grooves shall be no less than
that are capable of measuring reflected light intensity in the twice the stylus tip diameter. For injection-molded, polymeric
scratch groove can be used. materials, the scratch should be made along the melt flow
direction for consistency.
6.8 Stylus Tip—The setup of the scratch machine provides
the added flexibility of allowing the interchangeability of stylus 8.4 Sampling Size—At least five specimens (or five runs)
tips in their material and geometry. The suggested material for shall be tested to ensure repeatability.
the scratch stylus tip is #440 Stainless Steel. Other materials 8.5 Surface Finish—For material comparison, test speci-
for the stylus tip are acceptable so long as they have higher mens shall have the same surface texture and color, unless the
indentation hardness than the test material. The stylus tip shall experiment is performed to investigate the effect of surface

D7027 − 13
texture and color. This is especially important for the detection 11. Conditioning
of whitening in the scratch path as certain colors and grained 11.1 To conduct scratch tests under the standard laboratory
textures tend to hide the surface damage better than others. Any atmosphere, the conditioning practice, Procedure A as specified
imperfections in the sample including ejector-pin marks, in Practice D618 shall be followed. For other testing
sprues, gates, etc., must not be present on the underside of the conditions, users shall refer to Practice D618 for the recom-
sample in the area of the scratch path. If the specimen has mended conditioning procedures.
pultrusions on the bottom side then these must be removed
before testing. 11.2 Prior to the execution of the tests, the surface of the
specimen and the scratch stylus are to be inspected for any
9. Preparation of Apparatus contaminants and cleaned if necessary. Only cleaners that do
not alter the test material and its surface characteristics shall be
9.1 Scratch Stylus Tip—The scratch tip (stylus) shall be used for cleaning specimens and the scratch stylus. Organic
inspected frequently to ensure it is in good condition. Inspec- solvents may be used on the metal stylus. If the specimen is
tion shall be performed using a magnifying device capable of found to be dirty, it may be cleaned using compressed air or
at least 10× magnification, such as a stereomicroscope, “pocket similar. Cleaning specimens with liquids is not recommended
microscope” or loupe. If the tip shows mechanical damage as cleaners may leave residues that affect the scratch test.
such as chipping, visible abrasive wear, or breakage, the tip Under no circumstances shall an organic solvent be used to
shall be immediately discarded and replaced. If foreign matter clean polymer samples prior to testing. If a cleaner is used then
(such as debris from the scratch specimen) is found to be the cleaner must be known to not affect the chemical structure
adhered to the tip then the tip shall be cleaned with an of the specimen.
appropriate solvent and then re-inspected. Appropriate solvents
for cleaning scratch tips include isopropyl alcohol, methanol, 12. Procedure
and acetone. HPLC grade solvents are recommended for tip
12.1 Mark the intended start and end positions of the scratch
cleaning. Solvents must be allowed to evaporate completely
path on the sample using a fine-point permanent marker or
before the tip is returned to service. Scratch tips shall be
paint pen (optional).
cleaned with solvent anytime the scratch material system is
changed. This is to prevent cross-contamination of slip agents, 12.2 Place the specimen on the test stage and secure it with
mold release agents, or other chemicals that may be present in lockable clamps. Make sure that the specimen is flat and the
some samples. Under no circumstances shall a scratch speci- surface is clean. The specimen should be in complete contact
men be contaminated with a cleaning solvent. Care shall be with the base (work surface) of the machine. Any gaps between
taken that cleaning solvents do not contact the specimen. the bottom of the specimen and the work surface will cause
errors in the analysis. Move the scratch stylus to one end of the
10. Calibration and Standardization specimen where the start position of the scratch path is. The
scratch tip should be positioned about 1 mm above the test
10.1 Scratch machine, data acquisition system, and any specimen for consistency. Check to confirm that the stylus tip
associated electronic equipment shall be maintained at a is clean and free of damage.
constant temperature (62°C) for a period of at least 24 hours
prior to and during testing. The test equipment shall be located 12.3 If scratch tests are to be conducted at temperatures
in an environment with the standard laboratory atmosphere as other than the room temperature (23 6 2°C), an environmental
specified in Practice D618. chamber shall be used to maintain the stylus and the specimen
at the desired temperature. The stylus and specimen shall be
10.2 Prior to conducting any test, verification, or conditioned in the environmental chamber for not less than
calibration, or a combination of the three, the scratch machine thirty minutes, prior to testing.
and associated electronic equipment shall be powered on and
12.4 Ensure that load and position sensing and data acqui-
allowed to warm up for a period of not less than thirty minutes.
sition systems are operational when real-time data are to be
10.3 Before any test, the accuracy of the load and position collected.
sensors shall be verified. Sensors for the normal load and 12.5 Configure the scratch machine to perform the desired
tangential force shall operate within an accuracy of 60.1 N. test by inputting the necessary parameters such as scratch rate,
Position sensors shall also be checked against standards to load, and data capture rate.
assess their accuracy (61 µm ). Should the accuracy of the load
and position sensors be found out of specification, calibration 12.6 Begin the scratch process.
must be performed. 12.7 Examine the scratch groove of the test specimen under
10.4 For calibration, precision weights shall be used to a calibrated microscope, or a profilometer, or both, and
calibrate load sensors while standard gauge blocks or feeler quantify the scratch width, depth, and/or other predefined
gauges can be used to calibrate position sensors. All calibration scratch damage. A flatbed scanner may also be used for this
tools, including weights and gauges, shall be of known and purpose.
certified accuracy. After calibration, the accuracy of the load 12.8 When using Test Mode A and failure is observed, the
and position sensors must be re-verified prior to performing point of the first occurrence along the scratch path shall be
tests. noted. This can be accomplished visually or through the

D7027 − 13

FIG. 4 Digitally Scanned Images of Samples of Polypropylene and Polyvinyl Chloride Subjected to Test Mode A Under a Progressive
Load Range of 1-80 N

assistance of optical instruments and image analysis tools, such 13.4 Incorporating the depth and load sensing option to the
as an ASV (3.1.1). Correspondingly, the critical normal load scratch machine allows the instantaneous or real time data such
for failure shall be determined and used for material compari- as scratch depth, tangential force, and normal load to be
son and ranking. To illustrate the difference in surface damage, captured during the scratch process and these data can then be
Fig. 4 shows that polypropylene has significantly less resis- plotted graphically for study. As an example, curves represent-
tance than polyvinyl chloride when onset of whitening is ing the applied normal load, and the measured tangential force
considered as the point of failure subjected to Test Mode A along the scratch path during the scratch process are shown in
under the same progressive load range of 1-80 N. Fig. 5.

13. Calculation or Interpretation of Results 14. Report

13.1 Scratch width, or depth, or both, can be quantified with 14.1 The test report shall include information on the tip
a flat-bed scanner, optical microscope or other appropriate material, test specimens, test conditions, and all measured
profile analysis instruments, as specified in 8.8 of Test Method parameters. The average values of the five measurements shall
G171. The width and depth measured shall provide critical be reported with standard deviation.
dimensions for analyzing the scratch path. It shall be noted, 14.2 Critical normal load—The method used to quantify
however, that comparing the scratch width provides more point of failure shall be reported. Whether by visual inspection,
consistent results than the scratch depth, as the latter tends to image evaluation analysis, or microscopy, the same method
fluctuate significantly even under constant loads. Should there shall be used to maintain consistency and facilitate compari-
be a need to use scratch depth as a basis of comparison, users son.
must clearly indicate how the scratch depth is measured, based NOTE 1—The critical normal load can either be read off the force profile
on the definition provided in 3.1.6. from the data acquired or by measuring the distance of the failure point
from scratch initiation and then calculating the normal load from the
13.2 The critical normal load may be used to rank the distance obtained. Fig. 6 shows how the critical normal load for whitening
scratch performance of samples. A higher critical normal load of various polypropylene systems can be represented graphically and used
indicates higher material performance as it indicates that higher for comparison; the value for each material is an average of five scratch
force was required to achieve the point of failure. When tests.
materials are ranked in this manner the failure criteria used for 14.3 Normal load—For materials that do not exhibit whit-
the analysis should also be stated in the results. ening as mentioned in 3.1.11, the magnitude of the normal load
13.3 For Test Mode A, the critical load for a failure event, that corresponds to a predetermined scratch width, as defined
Fc, can be estimated based on the linear relationship between in 3.1.8 shall be reported.
the applied normal load and the scratch distance: NOTE 2—The predetermined value for the scratch width may differ with
materials and applications. Plots of normal loads against scratch widths
d like Fig. 7 can be generated and the normal loads can be read off at the
Fc 5 · ~ F f 2 F 0 ! 1F 0 (1) predetermined scratch width. Applying this approach to different materials
allows a quantitative comparison of their scratch resistance.
where: NOTE 3—Materials will exhibit a quadratic relationship between the
d = distance measured to the failure event from the normal load and scratch width. In any case where there is a significant
deviation from the quadratic relationship, it may indicate the occurrence
beginning of the scratch in millimeters, of severe fracture, spalling or delamination and such an anomaly shall be
D = total scratch length in millimetres, and reported.
Ff and F0 = final and initial applied normal loads,
14.4 Scratch width and depth—Residual and instantaneous
respectively, in Newtons.
(if available) measurements shall be reported, along with the
More precise results can be obtained by simply checking the method used for the measurement.
actual applied load at the point of failure from the scratch NOTE 4—Due to the different sensitivity of each method, measurements
machine data file. obtained may differ slightly. Though it may be generally accepted that the

D7027 − 13

FIG. 5 Sample Data Showing Normal Load and Tangential Force Curves for a Polypropylene-Based Specimen Subjected to Test Mode A
Under a Progressive Normal Load of 1-30 N. A Low Pre-Loading was Applied at -10 mm to Allow for Acceleration of Scratch Tip to
Move from Static to 100 mm/S.

FIG. 6 Critical Normal Load for the Onset of Whitening of Various Polypropylene Systems

profilometer gives the most sensitive measurement, contact-type profi- NOTE 5—Scratch hardness may be determined graphically from a plot
lometers may damage the scratch groove during measurements. In the of normal load, P, versus the projected scratch area (πw2/4), where w is the
absence of profile analysis instruments, scratch widths can be measured scratch width (see Fig. 8).
using optical microscopes or flatbed scanners.
14.5 Tangential Force—At the point where whitening oc- 15. Precision and Bias
curs shall be reported whenever the data is available. 15.1 To assess the precision and bias of the test method on
14.6 Scratch coeffıcient of friction, as defined in 3.1.5, shall the basis of repeatability and reproducibility, the two test
be reported for Test Mode B. modes (A and B) shall be used. The material chosen for the

D7027 − 13

FIG. 7 Variation of Scratch Width with Normal Load

FIG. 8 Graphical Method of Obtaining Scratch Hardness

assessment exercise is polypropylene. The precision of test image capturing equipment, VIEEW (ATLAS) was utilized
data are determined and expressed in accordance with Practice with a consistent set of light and grey-scale settings.
E177. 15.2.1 Repeatability—Table 1 is based on two test runs by a
15.2 Test Mode A (Increasing Load Test)—Using Test Mode single operator. For each test run, the specimen was prepared at
A where the normal load increases from 2 to 50 N, the critical one source. Table 1 is presented on the basis of a test result
normal load for stress whitening, as defined in 3.1.2 and 5.4 being the average of three samples. The test runs were
was adopted as the key scratch parameter to examine the conducted by the same operator under the same operating
repeatability and reproducibility of the test method. To deter- conditions using the same machine on the same day.
mine the critical point for the onset of stress-whitening, an

D7027 − 13
TABLE 1 Repeatability Data—Critical Normal Load for Stress conducted by the same operator under the same operating
Whitening (A Single Operator) conditions using the same machine on the same day.
Test Run Average SrA IrB TABLE 3 Repeatability Data—Scratching Coefficient of Friction (A
1 6.79 ±0.26 ±0.73 Single Operator)
2 6.61 ±0.38 ±1.07
Test Run Average SrA IrB
Sr = within-laboratory standard deviation of the average. 1 0.430 ±0.012 ±0.034
Ir = 2.83 Sr. 2 0.433 ±0.014 ±0.040
15.2.2 Reproducibility—Table 2 is based on a round-robin B
Sr = within-laboratory standard deviation of the average.
Ir = 2.83 Sr.
test involving three operators. For each test run, the specimen
was prepared at one source. Table 2 is presented on the basis of 15.3.2 Reproducibility—Table 4 is based on a round-robin
a test result being the average of five samples. The round-robin test involving three operators. For each test run, the specimen
test was conducted by three operators under the same operating was prepared at one source. Table 4 is presented on the basis of
conditions using the same machine on the same day. a test result being the average of five samples. The round-robin
TABLE 2 Reproducibility Data—Critical Normal Load for Stress test was conducted by three operators under the same operating
Whitening (Three Operators) conditions using the same machine on the same day.
Operator Average SrA IrB TABLE 4 Reproducibility Data—Scratching Coefficient of Friction
I 6.64 N ±0.26 N ±0.74 N (Three Operators)
II 6.72 N ±0.18 N ±0.52 N
III 6.80 N ±0.20 N ±0.57 N Operator Average SrA IrB
I 0.433 ±0.010 ±0.028
Sr = within-laboratory standard deviation of the average. II 0.434 ±0.010 ±0.028
Ir = 2.83 Sr. III 0.433 ±0.005 ±0.014
15.3 Test Mode B (Constant Load Test)—On the repeatabil- A
Sr = within-laboratory standard deviation of the average.
ity and reproducibility of the test method using Test Mode B, Ir = 2.83 Sr.

the scratching coefficient of friction, as discussed in 3.1.5, will 15.4 Bias—There are no recognized standards by which to
be used as a basis of evaluation. estimate bias of this test method using the two test modes.
15.3.1 Repeatability—Table 3 is based on two test runs by a
single operator. For each test run, the specimen was prepared at 16. Keywords
one source. Table 3 is presented on the basis of a test result 16.1 critical load; polymer; ranking; rising load; scratch;
being the average of three samples. The test runs were scratch resistance; scratch visibility; whitening

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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