1st Week
1st Week
1st Week
MoS For Panchayati Raj Kapil India’s leading exporter of electronic goods in
Moreshwar Patil Released Report on FY23, with exports reaching USD5.37 billion (bn),
nearly triple the export of FY22 (USD 1.86 bn).
Panchayat Development Index
Tamil Nadu is followed by Uttar Pradesh (UP) in the
Kapil Moreshwar Patil, Minister of State (MoS) for
2nd place with export worth USD 4.90 bn and
the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) released the
Karnataka in 3rd place with USD 4.52 bn.
Report on Panchayat Development Index (PDI)
during the National Workshop on PDI held at
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, Delhi.Th aim of the MNRE Unveils Guidelines for Incentive
index Main focus To develop a strategic plan and Schemes for Electrolyser & Green
roadmap for the integration of the Ministry’s portal Hydrogen Production in India
/dashboard to build a data ecosystem. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE)
✓ PDI was formulated to evaluate different announced comprehensive guidelines for the
indicators responsible for ensuring targeted implementation of the Strategic Interventions for
development in villages. Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) programme:
Component I – “Incentive scheme for Electrolyser
Major Changes Regarding TCS) & LRS Manufacturing” and Component II – “Incentive
Ministry of Finance announced that there will be no Scheme for Green Hydrogen Production”.
changes in the rate of Tax Collection at Source ✓ SIGHT programme is a major financial
(TCS) for all purposes under Liberalised measure under the National Green
Remittance Scheme (LRS) and for overseas travel Hydrogen Mission, with an outlay of Rs
tour packages, regardless of the mode of payment, 17,490 Crore.
for amounts up to Rs.7 lakh per individual per ✓ SIGHT programme aims to make India a
annum. global leader in the production and export
✓ It was also announced that more time will of green hydrogen.
be provided for the implementation of the
revised TCS rates and also for the inclusion Annual Hemis Tsechu Festival Concludes
of credit card payments in LRS. at Ladakh
✓ No change in TCS rates for all purposes The annual two day Hemis Tsechu Festival is
under LRS & for overseas travel tour celebrated by Hemis Gompa (monastery) from 28th
packages. June to 29th June 2023 in Leh, Ladakh on the birth
✓ The government has postponed the anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava to
implementation of its 16th May 2023 e- commemorate his life and works, who is referred to
gazette notification which brought credit as Guru Rinpoche.
card expenses under LRS. ✓ This festival also marks the opening of Guru
Padmasambhava’s silk thangka (Tibetan
Tamil Nadu becomes India’s Top painting) on the occasion of Monkey Year in
Electronics Exporter of FY23 with the the Tibetan Calendar, which falls every 12
export worth USD5.37 billion years.
According to the Export data released by the
government of India for FY23 (financial year ended
in March 2023), Tamil Nadu (TN) becomes
NASSCOM signed MoU with MIDAS & UNCTAD’s World Investment Report
MAG to Set Up 1st Launch Pad in UK 2023: India and ASEAN top recipients of
The National Association of Software and Service FDI
Companies (NASSCOM), the leading organisation According to the United Nations Conference on
representing India’s technology industry, has Trade and Development (UNCTAD)’s “World
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Investment Report 2023(WIR 2023): Investing in
with MIDAS (Manchester’s Inward Investment Sustainable Energy for All”, Foreign Direct
Agency) and MAG (Manchester Airports Group) to Investment(FDI) in Asia’s developing countries
establish first NASSCOM launch pad in the United remained unchanged at USD 662 billion and India
Kingdom (UK) to promote innovation, investment, and Association of Southeast Asian Nations
and technological exchange between Greater (ASEAN) were the top recipients , with an increase
Manchester (UK), and India. of 10% and 5% respectively.
✓ India was among the five economies that
accounted for almost 80 percent of the FDI
flows to the region. The four other
economies were China, Singapore, Hong
Kong (China) and the United Arab Emirates
Mary Kom Named Global Indian Icon of WB President Ajay Banga Named in
2023 at 5th UK-India Awards 2023 2023 List of Great Immigrants
Former Rajya Sabha member and India’s first-ever Ajay Banga, Padma Shri awardee and the President
Olympic medallist in women’s boxing, Mary Kom of the World Bank, has been named among the
(40 years old) has been honoured with the India 2023 annual list of “Great Immigrants”, that
Global Forum (IGF) United Kingdom(UK) Special honours individuals who have strengthened the
Award: Global Indian Icon of the Year award (2023) United States of America (USA) through their
at the 5th annual UK -India Awards (2023) held in contributions. The list is curated by Carnegie
Fairmont Windsor Park, Windsor, UK. Corporation of New York, the USA, a philanthropic
✓ She received the award from Indian High organization.
Commissioner to the UK Vikram ✓ Ajay Banga, became the first-ever Indian
Doraiswami and shared her remarkable 20- American to lead the World Bank in June
year journey filled with dedication and 2023 and he is the only honouree from
unwavering commitment to the sport of India in 2023 list of ‘Great Immigrants.
boxing. ✓ He was honoured with the Padma Shri in
✓ Indian filmmaker Shekhar Kapur, 2016 for his contributions in the fields of
nominated for Oscar for his film “Elizabeth: trade and industry.
The Golden Age”, was honoured with “IGF
UK Special Award: Lifetime Contribution to British Children’s Writer Michael Rosen
UK-India Relations”. The award recognised
Honoured with PEN Pinter Prize 2023
his contributions to cinema in both
British children’s writer and performance poet,
Michael Rosen(77 years old), has been awarded the
PEN Pinter Prize 2023. He will receive the award in
King Charles and Queen Camilla Give a ceremony co-hosted by the British Library on 11th
Environmental Award to Indian October 2023.Michael Rosen is known for making
Conservationists poetry accessible to children through his work and
Britain’s King Charles III and Queen Camilla performances. His themes are often social, political
presented the prestigious Elephant Family and ethical.
environmental award to Indian conservationists at ✓ The PEN Pinter Prize was established in
the 2023 Animal Ball, Lancaster House, 2009 in memory of playwright Harold
London,United Kingdom(UK) to recognise Pinter, who won the Nobel Prize in
contributions to protecting Asian wildlife. Literature in 2005.
✓ Kartiki Gonsalves,Filmmaker documentary
‘The Elephant Whisperers,’ received the GAIL accredited with Authorised
Tara Award.The Elephant Whisperers’, Economic Operator (AEO) T3 Status
which won the 2023 Academy Award/Oscar Gas Authority of India Limited (Gail (India)
Award for Best Documentary Short Film. Limited), a Maharatna – central public sector
✓ The Real Elephant Collective (TREC)-a undertaking (CPSU) accredited with Authorised
wildlife conservation group from India, Economic Operator (AEO) T3 Status which is a
consisting of 70 Adivasi artists, was highest level of facilitation for Importers &
honoured with Mark Shand Award. Exporters by Central Board of Indirect Taxes and
Customs, Ministry of Finance.
✓ AEO is a programme run by the World
Customs Organisation (WCO)SAFE
Framework (2005) of Standards to secure
IDFC Ltd to Merge with IDFC First Bank ✓ Second, the IDFC Limited will amalgamate
in a Share Exchange Ratio of 155:100 with IDFC First Bank.
The board of directors of IDFC First Bank Limited
approved the scheme of amalgamation of IDFC CCI approves acquisition of Marnix Lux
Limited with IDFC First bank and the share by Concentrix Corporation
exchange ratio is fixed at 155:100.IDFC First Bank On 4th July 2023, the Competition Commission of
has proposed to complete the merger by the end of India (CCI) approved the indirect acquisition of
2023. Marnix Lux SA (Marnix Lux) by Concentrix
The IDFC group rejig scheme is a two-step process. Corporation, and acquisition of
✓ First, IDFC Financial Holding Company approximately 22% shareholding in combined
Limited (HFCL) will be amalgamated with company by the shareholders of Marnix Lux.
IDFC Limited.
Greater Chennai Police Launched India’s the brief suborbital ride with 3 Virgin Galactic crew
First ‘Police Drone Unit’ in Chennai members.
The Greater Chennai Police(GCP), a division of the
Tamil Nadu(TN) Police, launched the ‘Police Drone Home Minister Amit Shah Launched
Unit’, the first in India, for aerial surveillance in Make in India "Akshar River Cruise" in
Chennai, TN.Director General of Police (DGP) and Gujarat
Head of Police Force C. Sylendra Babu inaugurated Amit Shah, Union Minister of Home Affairs and
the Unit at Besant Avenue, Adyar, Chennai. The unit Cooperation, virtually launched the 'Akshar River
was established at a cost of Rs 3.6 crore. Cruise' on Sabarmati Riverfront in Ahmedabad,
Gujarat. This is the first passenger catamaran built
Galactic 01: Virgin Galactic Completed in India under the “Make in India” initiative. This
First Commercial Spaceflight Cruise is a floating restaurant developed under
Virgin Galactic Holding Inc (SPCE.N), the space Public Private Partnership by Akshar Travels
company founded by United Kingdom(UK) Private Limited, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
entrepreneur Richard Branson, successfully (AMC) and Sabarmati Riverfront Development
completed its first commercial spaceflight mission Corporation Limited (SRFDCL) at a cost of Rs.15
called “Galactic 01”. 2 Italian air force crore.
officers(Colonel Walter Villadei and Lieutenant
Colonel Angelo Landolfi) and an aerospace engineer
from the National Research Council of Italy made
2023 Lausanne Diamond League: Neeraj ✓ 14th edition SAFF Championship 2023 held
Chopra Wins in Javelin Throw with from 21th June to 4th July 2023, saw
participation of eight teams including India,
87.66m Throw
Kuwait, Nepal, Pakistan, Lebanon, Maldives,
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Gold medallist Neeraj Chopra
Bhutan, Bangladesh.
won the gold medal in the Men’s Javelin Throw at
the Lausanne Diamond League 2023 (officially
known as Lausanne Diamond League Athletissima FIH Hockey Pro League 2022-23:
2023), held from June 29 to 30 at Stade Olympique Netherlands Men’s Team won the Title
de la Pontaise in Lausanne, Switzerland.Neeraj for 2nd Time
Chopra recorded a throw of 87.66 meters(m), Netherlands men’s hockey team won the 4th
Germany’s Julian Weber finished second with the edition of Fédération Internationale de
throw of 87.03m and Tokyo Olympics silver Hockey(FIH) Hockey Pro League 2022-23 by
medallist Jakub Vadlejch of Czech Republic finished defeating Belgium in the finals held in Antwerp,
third with the throw of 86.13m. Belgium.The Netherlands Men’s become the first
team in the men’s competition to win the title twice.
F1: Red Bull Driver Max Verstappen They won their 1st title in the 2021-2022 season.
Wins 2023 Austrian Grand Prix ✓ With the win, the Netherlands also become
Dutch-Belgium racing Driver Max Verstappen won the first nation to win both the men’s and
the 2023 Austrian Grand Prix(GP) - Officially women’s FIH Hockey Pro League titles in
known as Formula 1 Rolex Groser Preis Von the same season (2022-2023).
Österreich 2023, at the circuit Red Bull Ring, Netherlands Won The 4th Edition of
Spielberg, Austria.Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc Women’s FIH Hockey Pro League 2022-
(Monacan Driver) finished 2nd and Red Bull’s Sergio 2023:
Perez (Mexican Driver) finished 3rd. On 27th June 2023, Netherlands Women’s Hockey
✓ Verstappen won both the main F1 race and team won the 4th edition of the FIH Hockey Pro
the shorter sprint race from pole position at League 2022-23 title by defeating New Zealand in
the Austrian GP 2023. Wagener Hockey Stadium, Amstelveen, The
Netherlands.This marks Netherlands women’s 3rd
title in FIH Hockey Pro League. So far, they have
Indian Men’s Football team defeat
won 3 of the 4 women’s FIH Hockey Pro League
Kuwait to lift 2023 SAFF Championships titles.
for 9th Time
Indian Football Team (also known as ‘Blue Tigers’)
won the South Asian Football Federation (SAFF)
Bangladesh Cricketer Tamim Iqbal
Bangabandhu Championship 2023 defeating retires from International Cricket
Kuwait national football team at the finals, in Sree Bangladesh One Day International (ODI) Captain
Kanteerava Stadium, Bengaluru, Karnataka.The Tamim Iqbal (aged 34) announced his retirement
2023 SAFF Championships marks India’s 9th SAFF from international cricket after 16 years of his
Championship title and second consecutive title journey in cricket.His last game was on 5th July
after it won in 2021 SAFF Championships in 2023, against Afghanistan in Chattogram,
Maldives (defeated Nepal). Bangladesh. Tamim Iqbal is the third-highest run-
scorer as of July 2023, after only Virat Kohli and
Alan Arkin, Oscar-winning ‘Little Miss United States of America (USA)at the age of 89. He
Sunshine’ Actor, Dies at 89 was born on 26th March 1934 in Brooklyn, New
Veteran United States (US) actor Alan Arkin, who York, United States of America. Arkin earned two
received four Academy Award nominations and Screen Actors Guild Awards, a Golden Globe Award,
won an Oscar passed away in Carlsbad, California, and British Academy Film Award.
International Asteroid Day 2023 – June ✓ The 2023 theme focus on climate action and
30 emphasis that ‘climate action starts at
United Nations (UN)’s International Asteroid Day is home’.
annually observed across the world on 30th June to
raise public awareness about the asteroid impact National Doctor’s Day 2023 – July 1
hazard and to inform the public about the crisis National Doctor’s Day is annually observed across
communication actions to be taken at the global India on 1st July to appreciate and honour the
level in case of a credible Near-Earth Object (NEO) valuable contributions of doctors and healthcare
threat. The observance of the day was based on a professionals in India. This day also gives an
proposal by the Association of Space Explorers, opportunity to thank doctors for their selfless
which was endorsed by the Committee on the service and efforts for the well-being of the people
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). in India.
✓ The day also commemorates the birth as
International Day of Parliamentarism well as the death Anniversary of Bharat
Ratna Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (BC Roy), a
2023 - June 30
physician and one of the most influential
The United Nations(UN)’s International Day of
designers of India’s contemporary
Parliamentarism is annually celebrated across the
healthcare system.
globe on 30 June to celebrate Parliaments and the
✓ The theme for National Doctor’s Day 2023
ways in which parliamentary systems of
in India is – “Celebrating Resilience and
government improve the day-to-day lives of people
Healing Hands”.
across the world.The day also marks the
anniversary of the foundation of the Inter-
Parliamentary Union (IPU), the global organization 75th National Chartered Accountants
of national parliaments, founded on 30th June Day – 1st July 2023
1889. National Chartered Accountants (CA) Day is
30th June 2023 marks the 134th anniversary of annually observed across India on 1st July to
IPU. commemorate the establishment of the Institute of
✓ The theme of International Day of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on 1st July
Parliamentarism 2023 is “Parliaments for 1949. It is also known as ICAI Foundation Day
the Planet”. which honors the work of all Chartered
Maharashtra renames Versova-Bandra Sikho-Kamao Yojana (MMSKY) (CM Learn and Earn
Sea Link as Veer Savarkar Setu & MTHL Scheme) for the skill development of the youths of
MP.He started the process of registration of youth
as Atal Setu
applicants in this scheme and interacted with the
The Maharashtra Cabinet approved the renaming of
youths during the event organised at the Ravindra
two infrastructure projects in Mumbai after
Bhavan in Bhopal, MP.The scheme-related training
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and former Prime
will begin on 1st August 2023.
Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The 17-km
Versova Bandra Sea Link (VBSL) which connects
Andheri to the Bandra-Worli Sea Link and a part of Sarbananda Sonowal Laid the
the coastal road project will be renamed as ‘Veer Foundation Stone for Inland Waterways
Savarkar Setu’ after Savarkar. Transport Terminal in Assam
On 4th July 2023, the Union Minister of Ports,
QCI and Odisha Government Launched Shipping & Waterways (MoPSW) and Ayush,
Odisha Gunvatta Sankalp in Sarbananda Sonowal laid the foundation stone of
Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) terminal to be
developed at Bogibeel in Dibrugarh, Assam along
Government of Odisha launched the Odisha
the banks of the River Brahmaputra, (National
Gunvatta Sankalp (Odisha Quality Mission) in
Waterways 2).The tourist-cum-cargo IWT terminal
Bhubaneswar, Odisha with an aim to promote and
will be developed at Rs 46.60 crores and is
prioritize quality across various sectors in the state
scheduled to be completed by February 2024.
of Odisha. The dynamic 5T initiative in Odisha has
achieved remarkable progress in enhancing quality
across various sectors including public service Odisha Government launches Mo Jungle
delivery, heritage tourism, healthcare, education, Jami Yojana for Forest Dwellers
skilling, and access to drinking water, among The Odisha Government launches ‘Mo Jungle Jami
others. Yojana’ (My Forestland Scheme) with the aim to
recognise all rights under the Scheduled Tribes and
Anurag Verma Appointed as New Chief Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of
Forest Rights Act)(FRA), 2006 in the next two
Secretary of Punjab
years. Under Mo Jungle Jami Yojana scheme, Forest
Anurag Verma, a 1993-batch Indian Administrative
Rights Cells will be constituted at the tehsil and
Service (IAS) officer, took charge as the 42nd chief
district level for the implementation of FRA, 2006.
secretary of Punjab in Chandigarh, Punjab. He will
also hold the charge as principal secretary,
personnel and vigilance.Anurag Verma succeeded J&K launched India’s First Tele-MANAS
Vijay Kumar Janjua, who retired on 30th June 2023. Chatbot
Anurag Verma served as the additional chief Manoj Sinha, Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and
secretary of Punjab, Principal Secretary home Kashmir (J&K) launched India's first Tele Mental
affairs and Justice, along with some other additional Health Assistance and Networking Across States
charges. (MANAS) chatbot in the Union Territory (UT) to
enhance mental health support for distressed
MP CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan initiated people by initiating an instant conversation with
those who are in need.
the registration of Mukhyamantri Sikho
Kamao Yojana for youths in MP
Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Chief Minister of Madhya
Pradesh (MP) implemented the Mukhyamantri