India, Japan, US & Australia hold 28th The survey is not conducted in some of the villages in
Malabar Naval Exercise off the Indian Coast Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
The 28th edition of the multi-national maritime ✓ It is conducted by the National Sample Survey
Office (NSSO) under the Ministry of Statistics
exercise MALABAR(2024) commenced off the coast of
and Program Implementation (MoSPI).
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh(AP) under the
Eastern Naval Command (ENC). The exercise saw ✓ In rural areas, approximately 96.5% of
individuals aged 15-24 years can read and
participation from the Indian Navy (IN), the United
write simple statements in their everyday
States Navy (USN), the Japan Maritime Self-Defense
lives and perform basic arithmetic
Force (JMSDF) and the Royal Australian Navy
calculations. In urban areas, this figure is
(RAN) from October 8-18, 2024.
around 97.9%.
✓ The MALABAR 2024 Exercise is hosted by the
✓ In terms of medical expenses, households in
IN to enhance interoperability and strengthen
rural areas spent an average of Rs 4,129 on
maritime cooperation.
hospitalization over the past year, while urban
households spent Rs 5,290.
Highlights of ITU WTSA Hackathon 2024 ✓ Digital Skills– Among individuals aged 15-24,
Phase-2 95.7% in rural and 97.0% in urban areas could
The Phase-2 of the International Telecommunication use a mobile phone. Click here to read full
Union (ITU) World Telecommunication News
Standardization Assembly (WTSA) Hackathon 2024
concluded on October 8, 2024, at Bharat Mandapam
Colombia becomes 17th Country to Sign
in New Delhi, Delhi.
Audio-Visual Co-Production Agreement with
✓ It was organized by the ITU and hosted by the
Department of Telecommunications (DoT), India
Ministry of Communications (MoC) of India India and Colombia signed an Audio-Visual Co-
under the theme “AI Bharat 5G/6G Sandbox." Production Agreement to enhance collaboration in
✓ This event served as a precursor to the WTSA film production and strengthen cultural ties, and
2024, which will take place from October 15- goodwill between the two nations. With this,
24, 2024, with Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Colombia becomes the 17th country to sign such an
Modi inaugurating it alongside the India agreement with India.
Mobile Congress (IMC) in New Delhi. ✓ The Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting (MIB), Government of
India(GoI), has played a pivotal role in
MoSPI released the ‘Comprehensive Annual
promoting these partnerships.
Modular Survey: July 2022- June 2023’ ✓ The agreement was signed by India’s Union
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Minister of State (MoS) Dr. Loganathan
Implementation (MoSPI) released Murugan, MIB; and Jorge Enrique Rojas
the ‘Comprehensive Annual Modular Survey (CAMS) Rodriguez, Colombia’s Vice Minister of
: July 2022- June 2023’. This survey was conducted as Foreign Affairs in New Delhi(Delhi).
part of the 79th round of the National Sample
Survey (NSS), conducted from July 2022 to June 2023.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurates India’s first Memorial for Unsung Heroes of
India’s 1st Demonstration Facility for Military Intelligence ‘Satark Park’ Unveiled in
Biopolymers in Pune. Pune
Union Minister of State (Independent charge, IC) Dr. The Indian Army (IA) inaugurated its first memorial,
Jitendra Singh, Ministry of Science and "Satark Park" in Pune(Maharashtra), dedicated to
Technology(MoST), virtually inaugurated India’s 1st honouring Military Intelligence (MI) personnel who
Demonstration Facility for Biopolymers at Jejuri, lost their lives in service. The memorial is inspired by
Pune, Maharashtra. MI's motto "Sada Satark" (always alert).
✓ The facility was developed by Pune-based Praj ✓ The memorial has been constructed,
Industries Limited, an Indian multinational maintained and operated by the (MINTSD)
process and project engineering company. with support from Pune based Roadway
✓ This state-of-the-art centre is designed to Solutions India Infra Limited (RSIIL).
produce Polylactic Acid (PLA) bioplastic using
advanced, indigenously developed Cabinet Approvals on 16th October 2024
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister (PM)
✓ India ranks 12th globally and 3rd in the Asia-
Narendra Modi has approved various schemes and
Pacific region in biotechnology. It is the projects on 16th October 2024.
largest vaccine producer and has the third-
The Cabinet has approved,
largest startup ecosystem.
✓ The additional instalment of 3% of Dearness
✓ India’s bioeconomy surpassed USD 150 billion Allowance(DA) to Central Government
in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 300
employees and Dearness Relief(DR) to
billion by 2030.
✓ The Varanasi-Pt.Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
Maharashtra Launches India's First State- multi-tracking project of the Ministry of
Level Cyber Command Center to Combat Railways with an estimated cost of Rs 2642
Cybercrime crore.
✓ Rs. 35,000 crores allotted for the continuation
The Maharashtra State Cyber Department in
of Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan
partnership with Vadodara(Gujarat) based Larsen &
Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) schemes to support
Toubro (L&T) Technology Services Limited (LTTS)
farmers and control price volatility.
launched India's first state-level Cyber Command and
✓ The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
Control Center (CCC) at Mahape in Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra. (CCEA) has approved the increase in the
Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for all
✓ The CCC aims to enhance the speed and
mandated Rabi Crops for Marketing Season
efficiency of investigating cyber incidents,
thereby fast-tracking cybercrime 2025-26.
MSP for all Rabi crops for Marketing Season 2025-26
✓ Advanced Technology Integration: The CCC Increase in
integrates state-of-the-art technologies such MSP
as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain, Crops 2025-26 (Rs. (Absolute)
alongside over 50 global forensic and per quintal)
(Rs. per
cybersecurity tools, including 17 threat
intelligence tools. These technologies enable
the center to monitor and mitigate cyber 1 Wheat 2425 150
threats in real-time.
2 Barley 1980 130
✓ These initiatives were initiated during the first EAM Jaishankar Launches e-Migrate V2.0
Governing Board (GB) meeting on September Web Portal & Mobile App for Safer Global
10, 2024, chaired by the Prime Minister (PM)
of India Narendra Modi as the GB President.
On 14 October 2024, Union Minister Dr S. Jaishankar,
Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and Union Minister
MP to Declare Ratapani WLS as 8th Tiger Mansukh Mandaviya, Ministry of Labour and
Reserve near Bhopal Employment (MoLE), launched the e-Migrate V2.0
The State Wildlife Board (WLB) of Madhya Pradesh web portal and mobile app at Sushma Swaraj
(MP) has accorded approval to declare Ratapani Bhawan, New Delhi, Delhi.
Wildlife Sanctuary (WLS) located near Bhopal, capital ✓ This aligns with Goal 10 of the United Nations’
city of MP, as 8th Tiger Reserve (TR) of MP. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
✓ The state WLB will now forward its “Reduce inequality within and among
recommendation to the Government of India countries”.
(GoI) for the final approval to notify the WLS ✓ e-Migrate V2.0 is an updated version of the e-
as the TR. Migrate portal, developed by MEA in 2014.
✓ In 2011, the National Tiger Conservation ✓ With a partnership with the State Bank of
Authority (NTCA) had given in-principle India (SBI), the portal allows digital payment
approval to notify Ratapani WLS as a TR. services with no transaction fees.
IOCL & Nepal Oil Corporation Sign B2B Union Minister Nitin Gadkari Unveils
Framework Agreements to Develop 'Humsafar Policy' for Onboarding Service
Petroleum Infrastructure in Nepal Providers for Wayside Amenities Along the
On 3rd October 2024, Indian Oil Corporation Limited National Highways
(IOCL) and Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) signed a Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, Ministry of Road
Business to Business (B2B) Framework Agreement for Transport & Highways (MoRTH) launched
the development of petroleum infrastructure in Nepal the ‘Humsafar Policy’ in New Delhi(Delhi) to enhance
with a total investment of around Rs.15 billion. the convenience of travelling on National
Highways(NHs) and accelerate the development of
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari Addresses 12th the Wayside Amenities in presence of Minister of
CII Bioenergy Summit in Delhi State Ajay Tamta, MoRTH.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways(MoRTH), addressed the 12th CCPA Issues Guidelines for Prevention and
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Bioenergy Regulation of Greenwashing or Misleading
Summit held in New Delhi, Delhi. Environmental Claims
✓ The theme of the summit was “Fueling the The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA)
Future - Securing India’s Green Growth
has released guidelines titled 'Guidelines for
Prevention and Regulation of Greenwashing or
✓ Nitin Gadkari highlighted that ethanol
Misleading Environmental Claims, 2024' aimed at
blending in petrol has increased from 1.53% in
preventing and regulating greenwashing and
2014 to 15% in 2024, with a target to reach
misleading environmental claims.
20% by 2025.
✓ These guidelines are in furtherance to
the ‘Guidelines for Prevention of Misleading
Advertisements and Endorsements for
Misleading Advertisements, 2022’.
GoI & GBA signed agreement to Establish implemented over 5 years (FY 2023-24 to FY
GBA Secretariat in India 2027-28).
The Government of India(GoI) has signed a Host
Country Agreement(HCA) with the Global Biofuels DPIIT Relaxes Mandatory Quality Control
Alliance (GBA) to officially establish the GBA Order for Cookware and Utensils for Micro
Secretariat in India. The agreement was signed at a Units
ceremony in New Delhi (Delhi). This will facilitate the
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal
alliance in achieving its objectives of promoting
Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry
biofuels on a global scale.
(MoCI), announced significant relaxations in the
✓ The HCA grants GBA legal recognition,
mandatory Quality Control Order (QCO) for cookware
including privileges and immunities under the
and utensils, specifically targeting micro units.
United Nations (Privileges and Immunities)
✓ The QCO was extended with the amendment
Act of 1947, ensuring smooth operations
in name of the QCO i.e. "Cookware, Utensils,
within India’s legal framework.
and Cans for Foods and Beverages (Quality
Control) Order, 2024" which was notified on
MoE Minister Dharmendra Pradhan 15th March 2024, and effective from 1st
announces 3 CoEs in AI in Healthcare, September 2024 for Large and Medium-Scale
Agriculture and Sustainable Cities Manufacturers and foreign manufacturers,
✓ The QCO will now be implemented with effect
Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, Ministry of
from 1st April 2025. For small enterprises, it
Education (MoE), announced the establishment of 3
will be effective from July 1, 2025, and from
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centres of Excellence (CoEs)
October 1, 2025, for micro enterprises.
focused on Healthcare, Agriculture, and Sustainable
✓ Micro-enterprises registered under the
Cities during an event held in New Delhi, Delhi.
Udyam portal, with investments in plant and
✓ These CoEs were announced under Para 60 of
machinery not exceeding Rs 25 lakh and a
the Budget Announcement for 2023-24. The
turnover below Rs 2 crore, are now exempt
government of India (GoI) has allocated Rs
from the QCO requirements.
990 crore for these centres, which will be
INS Talwar Arrives in South Africa to Join India’s Jubilant Ingrevia Joins WEF's Global
IBSAMAR VIII Lighthouse Network
Indian Naval Ship (INS) Talwar, frontline stealth Noida, Uttar Pradesh (UP)-based Jubilant Ingrevia
frigate of Indian Navy (IN) arrived at Simon’s Town in Limited, science products and innovative solutions
South Africa (SA) to participate in the 8th edition of provider, has become the latest Indian firm to join as
India-Brazil-South Africa Maritime (IBSAMAR VIII), a the member of the Global Lighthouse Network (GLN)
joint multinational maritime exercise among the of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
navies of India, Brazil and South Africa. ✓ Jubilant Ingrevia is the only Indian firm among
✓ The exercise is based on Blue Water Naval the cohort of 2024 welcomed by the WEF.
Warfare, covering the dimensions of Surface ✓ In 2024, A total of 22 innovative
and Anti-Air Warfare. manufacturers have joined GLN as members.
IRENA’s Report: 2023 was a Record-Breaking Gobin, Mauritian Attorney General and
Milestone for Solar Power Generation: Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security,
and accepted by the Government
According to the report titled “Renewable Energy and
of Mauritius.
Jobs Annual Review 2024” released by the
✓ It will be financed by the State Bank of India
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in
(SBI) at concessional terms.
collaboration with the International
Labour Organisation (ILO), 347 GigaWatts (GW) of
photovoltaic (PV) capacity were added to power India Advances in 6G Race, Ranks Among
generation globally in 2023. This marks an increase of Top 6 in Global Patent Filings
74% compared to 2022. According to various studies, India ranks among the
✓ As per the report, China alone constituted top 6 countries globally in filing patents related to 6G
63% (216.9 GW) of the new PV capacities technology, indicating the potential influence of India
added in year 2023. on the 6G standard-setting process.
✓ Also, the year 2023 witnessed the largest ever ✓ According to the official data from MaxVal, a
increase in jobs in renewable energy sector global Intellectual Property (IP) management
i.e. from 13.7 million (in 2022) to 16.2 million firm, India has been ranked at 6th spot with
(in 2023). 188 6G-related patents, based on the
✓ Globally, 7.1 million jobs were created in solar Government of India (GoI)’s data.
PV in 2023(increased significantly from 4.9 ✓ China emerged as the top player in global
million in 2022), which accounted 44% of the patent filings with 6,0016G-related patents,
world’s total RE workforce. followed by the United States of America
✓ The report has estimated that 1.02 million (USA) (3,909 patents); South Korea (1,417
jobs were created in RE in 2023. patents); Japan (584 patents); and the
✓ India had cumulative installed wind power European Union (EU) (214).
capacity of 44.7 GW in 2023 and ranked ✓ India’s ranking is significant in 6G patents, as
at 4th position globally. India added wind it has surpassed major economies like: the
capacity of 2.8 GW in 2023 after the 5 years of United Kingdom (UK) (151 patents), Germany
slower growth. (84 patents), Sweden (74 patents), and France
(73 patents).
India extends 1st ever Rupee-
Denominated LoC, Mauritius gets Rs Islamabad hosted 23rd SCO CHG Meeting
487.60cr focused on trade and economic agenda
The Government of India(GoI) has extended a new The 23rd Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation
Line of Credit (LoC) worth Rs 487.60 crore to the Organization (SCO) Council of Heads of Government
Government of Mauritius for financing of a water (CHG) was held on 16th October 2024, in Islamabad,
pipeline replacement project. This is India’s first ever Pakistan under the leadership of the Pakistan Prime
rupee-denominated LoC for project financing to any Minister(PM) Shehbaz Sharif.
country under the Indian Development and Economic ✓ Union Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar,
Assistance Scheme (IDEAS). Ministry of External Affairs(MEA),
✓ The formal offer for the project was made by Government of India(GoI), addressed the 23rd
the Union Minister SCO CHG in Islamabad. He became the first
Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Ministry of Indian foreign minister to visit Pakistan in
External Affairs (MEA), GoI to Maneesh nearly a decade.
NBBL introduces national pension system on distributor has a registration and follows
the Bharat Connect platform industry rules.
NPCI Bharat BillPay Limited (NBBL), a wholly owned
subsidiary of the National Payments Corporation of SEBI Extends Digital Relaxation for AGMs
India (NPCI), has partnered with the Pension Fund Until September 2025
Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) to On 4th October 2024, the Securities and Exchange
integrate the National Pension System (NPS) as a biller Board of India (SEBI) extended the relaxation given to
category on the Bharat Connect platform (formerly listed companies from sending physical copies of
known as Bharat Bill Payment System-BBPS). financial statements to shareholders for Annual
General Meetings (AGMs) by one more year till 30th
Indian and South Korean Bonds to Join FTSE September 2025. The relaxation was valid till
Russell Government Indexes in 2025 September 2024.
On 8th October 2024, London (the United Kingdom,
UK)-based index provider Financial Times Stock Visa unveils platform for global banks to
Exchange(FTSE) Russell announced that the Indian issue stablecoins, other tokens
and the South Korean government bonds are set to Visa Inc.,an American multinational payment card
join FTSE Russell Government Indexes in 2025 to services corporation, has launched the Visa Tokenized
attract billions of dollars of foreign investment into Asset Platform (VTAP), a platform to help banks issue
their local bond markets. stablecoins and other fiat-backed tokens
✓ Market Accessibility Level for India will be internationally. VTAP is expected to go live in 2025.
reclassified from 0 to 1 and the Indian ✓ VTAP will enable banks to “mint, burn and
sovereign bonds will be included to its transfer” tokens offering infrastructure for
Emerging Markets Government Bond Index financial institutions aiming to leverage the
(EMGBI) from September 2025. advantages of blockchain technology.
✓ It has also announced the inclusion of the
South Korean government bonds to its World
Indian Navy & Bajaj Allianz Life Signed MoU
Government Bond Index (WGBI) after 2 years
on its watch list. for the Welfare of Naval Civilian Personnel
The Indian Navy (IN) has signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with Pune(Maharashtra) based
Jio Payments Bank Secures Mutual Fund
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited (BALIC),
Distribution License from AMFI a private life insurance company, marking a significant
Jio Payments Bank Limited, a subsidiary of Jio initiative to enhance the welfare of its civilian
Financial Services, has obtained a Category personnel.
1 Execution-Only Platform (EOP) license from the ✓ This initiative aligns with the IN’s declaration
Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) for of the 2024 as 'Year of Naval Civilians,' aimed
Mutual Fund (MF) distribution. at enhancing the work environment and
✓ This license enables the bank to distribute welfare measures for civilian staff.
direct MF plans and receive transaction fees
capped at Rs 2 per transaction. Currently,
IREDA Received DIPAM Approval to Set Up
there are 15 Category 1 EOPs registered with
AMFI. Subsidiary to Handle Retail, B2B biz in
✓ The AMFI gives MF distributors a unique code, Renewable Energy Segment
the ARN (AMFI Registration Number). It is a State-owned Indian Renewable Energy Development
key identifier. It ensures that a mutual fund Agency Limited(IREDA), under the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy (MNRE, has received the in-
principal approval from the Department of
Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM), foundations and organisations and the remaining USD
Ministry of Finance (MoF), to set up a wholly-owned 300 million was from the previous commitments
subsidiary to undertake retail and Business-to- made by the European Union (EU) and African Union
Business (B2B) business in the Renewable Energy (AU).
(RE)sector. ✓ The announcement was made during the
WHO Investment Round Signature Event
ADB approves USD 42mn loan for coastal which was co-hosted by Germany, France, and
Norway, held at the World Health Summit in
protection ecosystem in Maharashtra
Berlin, Germany.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a
✓ Germany emerged as the major contributor
loan of USD 42 million to enhance coastal and
to WHO’s funding among all European nations
riverbank protection ecosystems in Maharashtra,
and has pledged nearly USD 400 million for a
boosting the resilience of local communities and their
period of 4 years, with USD 260 million in new
natural environments.
voluntary funding.
✓ ADB will support the Maharashtra Maritime
✓ Other European nations like: the European
Board in enhancing its capacity for shore
Union (EU), Norway and Ireland have made
management planning, including the creation
the commitment of USD 250 million, USD 100
of a coastal infrastructure management unit.
million and USD 30 million, respectively to
WHO budget for 2024-28.
Tata AMC Launches India’s 1st Index Fund
Based on Nifty Capital Markets Index RBI Approved the Merger of Tata Capital &
Tata Asset Management Company (AMC) has
Tata Motors Finance
launched the “Tata Nifty Capital Markets Index
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has approved the
Fund”, the India’s 1st index fund to invest in
merger of Tata Motors Finance Limited (TMFL) with
companies from the Nifty Capital Markets Index to
Tata Capital Limited (TCL), creating India's 12th largest
track the performance of selected companies from
Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC).
the Nifty 500 Index.
✓ As a consideration for the merger, TCL will
issue its equity shares to the shareholders of
India & UAE to Interlink UPI & AANI for TMFL resulting in TML effectively holding a
Seamless Cross-Border Transactions 4.7% stake in the merged entity. As of 31st
The Government of India and the United Arab March 2024, Tata Sons holds 92.83% of Tata
Emirates(UAE) are working on interlinking India’s Capital, while the remaining shares are owned
Unified Payment Interface (UPI) with UAE’s instant by other Tata Group companies and trusts.
payments platform AANI to enable seamless cross- ✓ RBI has imposed a monetary penalty of Rs
border transactions between the two countries. 28.30 lakh on SG Finserve Limited (formerly
✓ This will benefit over 3 million Indians residing known as M/s Moongipa Securities Limited)
in the UAE enabling them to use the power of for non-compliance with specific conditions
UPI and AANI. under which the company was issued the
Certificate of Registration (CoR) by RBI under
section 45IA (5) of RBI Act, 1934.
WHO Secured USD 1 billion for 2025-28, with
✓ RBI has imposed a monetary penalty of Rs 14
USD 700 million in New Funding
Lakh on Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank for
The World Health Organisation (WHO) announced
non-compliance with certain directions issued
that it has secured USD 1 billion in pledges for its next
by RBI on ‘Strengthening of Prudential Norms-
budget i.e. for 2025-28, of which nearly USD 700
Provisioning Asset Classification and Exposure
million pledges was made in terms of new funding Limit’ and 'Know Your Customer (KYC)'.
commitments from various European nations,
India Exim Finserve partnered with VoloFin the first-year agent commission from 35% to
to enhance receivables finance solutions for 28% including a bonus after revising its surrender
value norms and decreased from 25% to 20% without
Indian SME exporters
bonus. The new surrender norms came into effect
Gandhinagar(Gujarat) based India Exim Finserve IFSC
from 1st October 2024.
Private Limited (Exim Finserve), a wholly owned
subsidiary of Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim
Bank) has collaborated with Singapore based India Pledged USD 300 million to WHO; USD
VoloFin Services Private Limited to provide 250 Million will be spent on CoE for
comprehensive receivables financing solutions to Traditional Medicine
Indian exporters. India, the 6th largest global contributor to the World
✓ This collaboration will assist underserved Health Organization (WHO), pledged over USD 300
Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) million to support the WHO's core programmes from
exporters who play an important role in the 2025 to 2028.
country's economic growth. ✓ Around USD 250 million will be dedicated to
the establishment of the Centre of Excellence
LIC Reduces 1st-year Agent Payout to 28% (CoE) for Traditional Medicine in Jamnagar,
after Surrender Value Revision Gujarat.
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has reduced
NITI Aayog Raised Asset Monetisation Target on-Year (Y-o-Y). This growth projection is mainly
for FY25 to Rs 1.9 trillion attributed to higher agricultural production and
The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI robust employment growth from policy initiatives,
which further boosting the private consumption.
Aayog) has raised the Asset Monetisation(AM) target
✓ The World Bank has also retained India’s GDP
for Financial Year 2024-25 (FY25) by Rs 23,000 crore
to Rs 1.9 trillion. This move will bring closer to achieve growth forecast at 6.7% for FY26 (2025-26).
✓ The World Bank has raised its growth
the overall target of Rs 6 trillion set under the
projection for the South Asia region to 6.4% in
National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) for a period of
4 years i.e. from FY22 to FY25. 2024 from its previous estimate of 6.0%.
✓ It has estimated that highways monetisation
will generate Rs 54,000 crore for the centre WTO Reduced 2025 World Merchandise
government in FY25. Also, coal block Trade Growth Forecast to 3% from 3.3%
monetisation is expected to generate On 10th October 2024, the World Trade Organisation
Rs 55,000 crore. (WTO) released its latest bi-annual trade outlook
titled “Global Trade Outlook and Statistics: October
World Bank Retained India’s GDP Forecast 2024”. It has reduced its previous projection of world
for FY25 to 7% due to Rising Private merchandise trade growth from 3.3% to 3% in 2025.
✓ While, it increased its merchandise trade
growth projection for year 2024 to 2.7%, up
On 10th October 2024, the World Bank(WB) released
from its previous estimate of 2.6%.
a report titled “South Asia Development October
✓ The report has also projected that the global
2024 Update: Women, Jobs and Growth”. It has
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth at
retained India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
market exchange rates will remain at 2.7% for
forecast for Financial Year 2024-25 (FY25) to 7% Year-
both 2024 and 2025.
✓ The report highlighted that global minorities, rising from 5.1% in 2022-23
merchandise trade witnessed the growth of to 5.8% in 2023-24.
2.3% with Year-on-Year (Y-o-Y) increase in the ✓ Similarly, the unemployment rate among
1st half of 2024. This rebound came against Muslims rose from 2.4% to 3.2%,
the backdrop of slump of 1.1% in 2023, driven ✓ The unemployment rate among Christians
by high inflation and increasing interest rates. rose from 4.5% to 4.7% during the same
India becomes fourth country to cross $700 ✓ The overall labor force participation rate
(LFPR) in India rose from 36.9% in 2017-18
billion in foreign reserves
to 45.1% in 2023-24.
According to the Reserve Bank of India(RBI)’s data,
India's foreign exchange reserves surpassed $700
billion for the first time ever in September 2024. This SKYBER Partners with Sibia to Sell India-
milestone makes India, the fourth country in the Made UAVs in the MEA Region
world , alongside China, Japan, and Switzerland, to SKYBER Aerospace Private Limited, an advanced air
reach this level of reserves. mobility firm, has announced a strategic partnership
✓ The foreign exchange reserves increased by with Dubai (The United Arab Emirates-UAE)-based
USD 12.59 billion to hit an all-time high of Sibia Technologies, to market and sell made-in-India
USD 704.885 billion in the week ended Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) across the Middle
September 27, 2024. East and Africa (MEA).
✓ With an expected market size of USD 5.3
Adani Group & Google partnered to boost billion by 2029, the MEA region presents vast
opportunities in both government and
clean energy in India
commercial sectors.
Ahmedabad(Gujarat) based Adani Group and the
✓ The partnership targets both military and
United States of America(USA) based Google have
commercial sectors, including industries such
announced a partnership to enhance the sustainability
as oil and gas, construction, and agriculture.
efforts and contribute to the growth of clean energy
Significant consumers are expected from the
in India. This collaboration will help Google to achieve
UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
its "24/7 carbon-free energy goal" by ensuring that
cloud services and operations in India are powered by
sustainable energy. RITES signs MoU with Etihad Rail for Rail
Infrastructure Development Projects in UAE
MoSPI Releases Unemployment Rates for Gurugram(Haryana) based RITES Limited, formerly
known as Rail India Technical and Economic Service
2023-24, Highlighting Trends Among
Limited, signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Religious Minorities (MoU) with Etihad Rail, the developer and operator of
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation the United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Rail
(MoSPI) released the Periodic Labour Force Survey Network, to explore collaboration and leverage
(PLFS), which indicates unemployment rates among capabilities in the development of railways and
India's religious minorities for 2023-24 (1 July 2023 to associated infrastructure services in the UAE and the
30 June, 2024) wider region.
✓ According to the survey, Sikhs faced the
highest unemployment rate among religious
Sister Rosita Milesi, Brazilian Nun and 4 Top 10 Richest Indians Tycoons:
Other Women Won UNHCR’s Nansen Net
worth Company
Refugee Award for their Life Changing work Rank Name
(in USD Name
with Migrants Billion)
Sister Rosita Milesi (79), Brazilian nun, lawyer and Reliance
social worker was honoured with the 2024 United 1 Mukesh Ambani 119.5 Industries
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Limited (RIL)
Nansen Refugee Award’s Global Laureate for
Gautam Adani
championing the rights and dignity of refugees and 2 116 Adani Group
& Family
migrants of different nationalities in Brazil for nearly
Savitri Jindal & OP Jindal
four decades. 3 43.7
Family Group
✓ The award was presented at a ceremony held
in Geneva, Switzerland on 14th October, 4 Shiv Nadar 40.2
✓ Regional Winners 2024: Maimouna Ba (from Dilip Shanghvi
5 32.4 Pharmaceutical
Africa region, Jin Davod (from Europe region; & Family
Nada Fadol (from Middle East and North
Africa region); Deepti Gurung (from Asia-
Pacific region). Ashokan Charuvil From Kerala Wins The
2024 Vayalar Award For 'Kattoorkadavu'
Mukesh Ambani Tops Forbes’ India’s 100 The Vayalar Ramavarma Memorial Trust has
conferred the 48th Vayalar Ramavarma Memorial
Richest 2024 List; Gautam Adani Ranked 2nd
Literary Award(2024)to Ashokan Charuvil, an Indian
Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director
short writer in Malayalam-language, for his novel
(CMD) of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), has
retained the top spot on Forbes India’s 100 Richest
✓ The award includes a cash prize of 1 lakh
2024 List with an estimated net worth of USD 119.5
rupees and a bronze sculpture ,which was
billion across diversified assets, up by USD 27.5 billion
designed by renowned artist Kanai
compared to USD 92 billion in 2023.
✓ Gautam Adani, Chairman of Adani Group ,
was ranked 2nd on the list with an estimated
net worth of USD 116 billion. President of India Droupadi Murmu
✓ He is followed by Savitri Jindal, the matriarch Conferred 5th National Water Awards for
of the OP Jindal Group, jumped by 1 place to Year 2023; Odisha Won the Best State Award
3rd position on the list for the 1st time with a On 22nd October 2024, the President of India
net worth of USD 43.7 billion, up by USD 19.7 Droupadi Murmu has conferred the 5th National
billion from 2023. Water Awards (NWAs) for the year 2023 on 38
winners including joint winners across 9 different
categories such as: Best Village Panchayat, Best Urban
Local Body (ULB), Best Industry, Best Water User
Association, Best Institution (other than school or
college), and Best Civil Society.
Sony Pictures appoints Ravi Ahuja as new Omar Abdullah Sworn-in as New CM of UT
CEO; Tony Vinciquerra to step down J&K; Surinder Kumar Choudhary as Deputy
On 1st October 2024, Sony Pictures Entertainment CM
(SPE), a subsidiary of Tokyo(Japan)-based Sony Group Omar Abdullah (54 years old), Vice President (VP)of
Corporation, announced that Tony Vinciquerra, Jammu & Kashmir National Conference (JKNC) was
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SPE will officially sworn-in as new Chief Minister (CM) of
step down from his role as SPE CEO on 2nd January Union Territory (UT) Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). He
2025. became the CM of J&K for the 2nd time.
✓ Vinciquerra will remain in an advisory role for ✓ With this, he becomes the 1st CM of UT J&K
SPE as non-executive Chairman until since the abrogation of Article 370 by the
December 2025. Government of India (GoI) in 2019.
✓ Along with him, Surinder Kumar Choudhary
MS Dhoni as Brand Ambassador & raised his took oath as the Deputy CM of UT J&K.
stake in Garuda Aerospace drone startup
Former Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh(MS) Utkarsh Small Finance Bank appoints Mary
Dhoni has been roped as the Brand Ambassador Kom and Sunil Chhetri as its brand
of Chennai(Tamil Nadu, TN) based Garuda ambassadors
Aerospace, one of India’s leading drone startups, and
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank (SFB) has appointed
raised his stake in the drone startup.
Olympic boxer Mary Kom and the former Indian
✓ Garuda Aerospace is a drone solutions
football team Captain Sunil Chhetri as its Brand
provider that uses innovative techniques to
Ambassadors. The brand ambassadors will work on
meet India's growing need for Unmanned Utkarsh SFB initiatives like financial literacy
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
campaigns, product launches, branch inaugurations,
and social media campaigns for inclusion and Paramesh Sivamani Takes Over as 26th
resilience. Director General of ICG
Paramesh Sivamani has took over as
Kais Saied secures 2nd Term as President of the 26th Director General (DG) of the
Tunisia with 90.69% Votes Indian Coast Guard (ICG). He has
Tunisian President Kais Saied won been serving as the DG (additional
the presidential election for the charge) of ICG since August 2024 after the death of
second term with 90.69% of the then DG Rakesh Pal. Paramesh Sivamani has been
vote. He was first elected in the serving as the Additional DG of ICG since September
2019 Presidential election, 2022.
following the death of former
president Beji Caid Essebsi, Tunisia's first president Prabowo Subianto Sworn in as 8th President
freely elected by universal suffrage after the of Indonesia
revolution. On 20th October 2024, Former
✓ Kais Saied was the first President to be born
general Prabowo
after Tunisia achieved independence from
Subianto Djojohadikusumo (73) of
France in 1956. Great Indonesia Movement Party
(Gerindra Party) was appointed as the
Deputy Governor of RBI Rajeshwar Rao gets 8th President of Indonesia (2024-2029). He
a one-year extension succeeded Joko Widodo, who served as the President
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC), of Indonesia from 2014 to 2024.
Chaired by Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi, has ✓ Gibran Rakabuming, son of Joko Widodo, was
approved the re-appointment of M. Rajeshwar Rao as appointed as the Vice President of Indonesia.
Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for ✓ Prabowo Subianto served as the Defence
one year with effect from 9th October 2024, or until Minister of Indonesia from 2019 to 2024.
further orders.
Noel Naval Tata succeeds Ratan Tata as
Nayab Singh Saini took Oath as Haryana CM chairman of Sir Ratan Tata Trusts
for Second Term Noel Naval Tata, half-brother of
Nayab Singh Saini took oath as the Ratan Tata, has been selected
Chief Minister (CM) of Haryana at unanimously by the Board members
the swearing-in ceremony in of Sir Ratan Tata Trusts as the
Panchkula, Haryana. This marks his chairman and all trusts covered
2nd tenure as CM of Haryana. under it. He will succeed Ratan Tata who passed away
Previously served as the CM of Haryana from March at the age of 86 on October 9, 2024.
2024 to October 2024 after Manohar Lal ✓ Noel Naval Tata is currently the chairman of
Khattar resigned ahead of 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Trent Limited, Tata International Ltd, Voltas
✓ Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya Ltd and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd. He
administered the oath of office and secrecy to is also the vice chairman of Tata Steel Ltd and
all of them. Titan Company Ltd.
CCI Approved JM Financial’s 43% Stake Buy business division (non-food business) of
in JM Fin Credit Solutions Patanjali Ayurved Limited (PAL), one of the
promoters of Patanjali Foods by Patanjali
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has
Foods Limited (PFL) for Rs 1100 crore.
approved the acquisition of 43% of the total paid up
share capital of JM Financial Credit Solutions Limited
(JMFCSL) by JM Financial Limited (JMFL), the LIC Increases Stake in BoM from 4.05% to
operating cum holding company of the JM Financial 7.10% through QIP
Group, for consideration of approximately Rs 1,282 Mumbai(Maharashtra) based Life Insurance
crore. Corporation of India (LIC) increased its shareholding in
✓ The board of CCI has also approved the the Pune(Maharashtra) based Bank of
acquisition of 71.79% of the total paid-up Maharashtra (BOM) from 4.05% to 7.10%, after being
share capital of JM Financial Asset allotted 25.96 crore shares as part of the
Reconstruction Company Limited (JMFARC), bank’s Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) Process.
subsidiary of JMFL, by JMFSCL, for a LIC has acquired additional 3.376% at an average price
consideration of Rs 856 crore. of Rs. 57.36 per share.
✓ The CCI has approved the proposed
acquisition of Home and Personal Care (HPC)
Indian Army unveils its first upgraded T-90 discovery of this new exoplanet was published in the
‘Bhishma’ Tank journal Astronomy & Astrophysics(A&A).
✓ This new exoplanet is known as ‘Barnard b’, it
Indian Army (IA) unveiled its first upgraded T-90
‘Bhishma’ tank, marking a significant move toward is estimated to have a diameter about 6,000
miles (9,700 kilometre/km), or roughly three-
enhancing the operational capabilities of its armored
quarters that of Earth.
units. The rollout ceremony was attended by the Chief
of the Army Staff(CoAS) of the IA, Upendra Dwivedi.
✓ The T-90 tanks, manufactured under a license SpaceX Launches Mega Starship Rocket on
agreement with Russia, are produced at the 5th test flight
Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) in Avadi, near Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu(TN). successfully launched the 5th test flight of the
Starship, the 2-stage fully reusable super heavy-lift
Small rocky planet ‘Barnard b’ detected by launch vehicle, from Starbase near Boca Chica, Texas,
ESO’s VLT The United States of America(USA).
✓ The empty Starship blasted off from Texas
Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet orbiting
near the Mexican border at a height of around
Barnard’s star, a red dwarf star, the closest single star
to our Sun using the European Southern 400 feet (121 meters). The rocket arched over
the Gulf of Mexico like the other previous 4
Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT). The
IN launches Missile-Cum-Ammunition Barge ✓ The MPV is 106 meters long and 16.8 meters
LSAM 12 wide, capable of reaching a top speed of 15
The Indian Navy (IN) launched the ‘Missile Cum
✓ It is designed to tow other vessels, which is
Ammunition Barge, LSAM 12 (Landing Ship
essential for naval operations.
Ammunition) (Yard 80)’, which will enhance its naval
logistics and firepower.
✓ This is the sixth vessel of 8 Missile Cum NASA’s Spacecraft Europa Clipper Blasts off
Ammunition Barge project, aimed at to Find out if Jupiter Moon Can Support Life
strengthening the Navy's operational On 14th October 2024, the National Aeronautics and
capabilities. Space Administration (NASA) launched its Europa
✓ It is built by M/s SECON Engineering Projects Clipper spacecraft under the Europa mission to Jupiter
Pvt Ltd (SEPPL), Visakhapatnam, Andhra and its moon Europa, one of Jupiter’s 95 known
Pradesh (AP). moons.
✓ Indigenously designed, built under Indian ✓ The spacecraft aboard a Space Exploration
Register of Shipping (IRClass) regulations, Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) Falcon
with model testing at the Naval Science and Heavy rocket and was lifted off from Launch
Technological Laboratory. Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space
Center, Florida, the United States of America
INS Samarthak: 1st ship of L&T’s Multi- (USA).
Purpose Vessel Launched in Chennai ✓ NASA’s Europa mission is part of its Artemis
program, which aims to send astronauts back
On 14th October 2024, Larsen & Toubro (L&T)
to the Moon and eventually to Mars. The cost
launched the first of class Multi-Purpose Vessel (MPV)
of the mission is USD 5.2 billion.
Yard No. 18001 named Indian Naval Ship (INS)
✓ During the mission, the spacecraft will make
Samarthak, built for the Indian Navy (IN), from L&T
nearly 50 flybys of Europa at closest –
Kattupalli Shipyard near Chennai, Tamil Nadu(TN).
approach altitudes as low as 16 miles (25 kms)
✓ The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Chennai
above the surface.
(Tamil Nadu) Based L&T Shipbuilding Limited
signed a contract for the construction of 2
MPVs on 25th March 2022.
Spanish Tennis Player Rafael Nadal ✓ Rafael Nadal started his professional career in
Announces Retirement After 2024 Season 2001 at just 15 years of age. He has won a
On 10th October, 2024, Spanish tennis player Rafael total of 92 Singles career titles including 22
Grand Slam, 11 doubles and 6 team titles.
Nadal (38 years old) announced that he will be
✓ In 2008, He completed the Career Golden
retiring from professional tennis at the end of 2024.
Nadal's final tournament will be the Davis Cup 2024 Slam at the age of 24 and became the
youngest male player to achieve the feat. He
which is scheduled to be held in November 2024 in
is the only player to achieve Career Golden
Malaga, Spain.
Slam and win Olympic gold in singles and
doubles history.
✓ In 2010, He also achieved the Surface Slam by Anantjeet Singh Naruka won the bronze
winning majors on 3 different surfaces in the medal in the men’s skeet event with a total of
same year 43 points.
ISSF World Cup Final 2024 held in New Delhi: ICC Women’s T20 World Cup 2024: New
India Finished 9th with 4 Medals Zealand won its maiden title by defeating
India finished 9th on the medal tally of the South Africa
International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World New Zealand’s Women's Cricket team won their first-
Cup Final Rifle / Pistol / Shotgun 2024 with 4 medals ever International Cricket Council (ICC) Women’s
(2 Silver and 2 Bronze). Twenty20 (T20) World Cup title, by defeating South
✓ China topped the medal tally with 8 medals (5 Africa’s Women's cricket team by 32 runs in the finals
Gold and 3 Bronze) followed by Italy with 5 of the ICC Women's T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 held
medals (1 Gold, 3 Silver and 1 Bronze) and at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium, The United
Germany with 3 Medals (1 Gold and 2 Silver). Arab Emirates (UAE).
✓ India’s Sonam Maskar secured the silver ✓ The winning team (New Zealand) received a
medal in the women’s 10m air rifle event at cash prize of USD 2.34 million (Rs 19.6 crore).
the ISSF World Cup Final 2024. ✓ The first runners-up South Africa received
✓ Vivaan Kapoor won the silver medal in Men's USD 1.17 million (Rs 9.8 crore).
Trap (Shotgun) event in the ISSF World Cup ✓ Player of the tournament(POT): Amelia Kerr
Final with 44 points. (New Zealand)
✓ Akhil Sheoran won the bronze medal in the ✓ Player of the match(POM) (Finals): Amelia
50m Rifle 3 Position Men final at the ISSF Kerr
World Cup Final 2024.
Former Director of AIIMS and Padma with his wife, Priya Sarkar, was published in
Bhushan Awardee Dr P. Venugopal Passed 2023.
Padma Bhushan Awardee Dr. Panangipalli Venugopal, Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex
a prominent cardiac surgeon and the Former Director Salmond, Passed Away
of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Former leader of Scottish National Party (SNP) Alex
passed away at the age of 82 in New Delhi, Delhi. He Salmond, who served as the First Minister of Scotland
was born on 6th July 1942 in Rajahmundry, Andhra from 2007 to 2014, passed away at the age of 69 in
Pradesh(AP). Ohrid, North Macedonia. He was born on 1st
✓ The government of India honoured him with December 1954 in Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland.
Padma Bhushan in 1998 for his contribution ✓ He also worked as an economist in the Royal
to the field of Medicine. Bank of Scotland (1980-87).
✓ Book: His memoir titled “Heartfelt - A Cardiac
Surgeon's Pioneering Journey”, co-authored
World Cerebral Palsy Day 2024 – October 6 ✓ National Post Week 2024 was held from 7th
World Cerebral Palsy Day (WCPD) is annually to 11th October 2024.
observed across the globe on 6th October to raise ✓ The theme of NPW 2024 is “Dak Seva: Jan
awareness of Cerebral Palsy (CP) to ensure a future Seva” (“Postal Service-Public Service”).
where children and adults with cerebral palsy have
the same rights, access, and opportunities as World Migratory Bird Day 2024 – October 12
everyone else in society. The United Nations (UN)’s World Migratory Bird Day
✓ The theme of World Cerebral Palsy Day 2024 (WMBD) is biannually observed across the globe on
is “#UniquelyCP”. In 2012, the Cerebral Palsy the 2nd Saturday of May and October, to raise
Alliance declared 6th October as WCPD. awareness of migratory birds and the need for
international cooperation to conserve them.
World Habitat Day 2024 – October 7 ✓ The WMBD 2024 falls on 11th May 2024 and
The United Nations (UN)’s World Habitat Day (WHD) 12th October 2024.
is annually observed across the globe on the first ✓ The theme/campaign slogan of WMBD 2024 is
Monday of October to reflect the condition of our “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”.
habitats and to emphasize the fundamental right of
every individual to adequate shelter. World Post Day 2024 - October 9
✓ The WHD 2024 was observed on 7th October The United Nations (UN)’s World Post Day(WPD) is
2024. annually observed across the globe on 9th October to
✓ The theme of WHD 2024 is “Engaging youth commemorate the anniversary of the establishment
to create a better urban future”. of the Universal Postal Union(UPU) in 1874 in Bern,
✓ The WHD 2024 global ceremony was held in Switzerland.
Mexico at the “Educational Cultural Center of ✓ The theme of 2024 WPD which marks the
the state of Querétaro”. 150th Anniversary of the establishment of
UPU, is “150 years of enabling
World Cotton Day 2024 - October 7 communication and empowering peoples
The United Nations (UN)'s World Cotton Day (WCD) is across nation”.
annually observed across the globe on 7 October to
raise the visibility of the cotton sector and create 92nd Indian Air Force Day - 8th October 2024
awareness about its critical role in economic India Air Force (IAF) Day (IAF Raising Day) is annually
development, international trade and poverty observed across India on 8th October to
alleviation. commemorate the establishment of the Indian Air
✓ 7th October 2024 marks the observance of Force(IAF) on 8 October 1932, an auxiliary air force of
the 4th World Cotton Day. the British Empire. The day reflects on IAF’s
contribution towards protecting India and its people.
National Postal Week 2024 – October 7 to 11 ✓ 8th October 2024 marks the observance of
National Post Week (NPW) is the annual celebration the 92nd IAF Day or 92nd IAF Raising Day.
Indian postal services which reflects the emerging role ✓ The theme of the 92nd IAF day is “Bhartiya
of India Post in driving the socio-economic Vayu Sena - Saksham, Sashakt, Atmanirbhar”
development of the nation. The annual observance is (Potent, Powerful, and Self-Reliant).
led by the Department of Posts under the Ministry of
World Mental Health Day 2024 - October 10 and to promote their empowerment and the
World Mental Health Day (WMHD) is annually fulfillment of their human rights.
observed across the globe on 10th October to spread ✓ The 2024 International Day of the Girl theme
awareness of mental health issues and encourage is ‘Girls’ vision for the future’. The first
efforts to support those experiencing mental health International Day of the Girl Child was
issues. observed on 11 October 2012.
✓ The theme of UN’s WMHD 2024 is “Mental ✓ The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Health at Work’. released its ‘First global and regional
✓ World Mental Health Day (WMHD) was estimates on sexual violence against
started as an annual activity of WFMH in 1992 children’, published before the International
by then Deputy Secretary General of WFMH, Day of the Girl Child.
Richard Hunter. ✓ As per the above published report, more than
370 million girls and women – or 1 in 8 -
experienced rape or sexual assault before the
World Egg Day 2024 – October 11
age of 18.
World Egg Day (WED) is annually observed across the
globe on the 2nd Friday of October to raise
awareness of the high-quality protein and vital World Arthritis Day 2024 – October 12
nutrients found in eggs and the vital role of egg World Arthritis Day (WAD) is annually observed
farmers around the world. across the globe on 12th October to raise awareness
✓ The 28th World Egg Day (WED 2024) was about Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases
observed on 11th October 2024. (RMDs), their prevention and the importance of
✓ The theme of WED 2024 is “United by Eggs”. accessing effective treatments for arthritis.
✓ World Egg Day was established by the ✓ 12th October 2024 marks the observance of
International Egg Commission (IEC), the only the 29th WAD.
organisation that represents the global egg ✓ The theme of WAD 2024 is “Informed
industry. Choices, Better Outcomes”.
World Standards Day 2024 – October 14 World Day Against The Death Penalty 2024 -
World Standards Day (WSD) also known as October 10
International Standards Day is annually observed World Day Against the Death Penalty is annually
across the globe on October 14th to highlight the observed across the globe on October 10th to raise
importance of standards-related efforts and honour awareness about the death penalty and to demand its
the collaborative contributions of individuals and abolition.
organizations committed to developing voluntary ✓ 10th October 2024 marks the observance of
standards. the 22nd World Day Against the Death
✓ The theme of WSD 2024 is “Shared Vision for Penalty.
a Better World: Standards for the Changing ✓ The theme of World Day Against the Death
Climate”. Penalty 2024 is “Death Penalty and Safety”.
International Day of the Girl Child 2024- International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
October 11 2024 - October 13
The United Nations (UN’s) International Day of the The United Nations (UN’s) International Day for
Girl Child (IDGC) is annually observed globally on Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) is annually observed
October 11 to address the challenges faced by girls across the globe on 13 October to promote a global
culture of risk awareness and disaster reduction.
✓ IDDRR also encourages the implementation of World Sight Day 2024 - October 10
frameworks such as the Sendai Framework World Sight Day (WSD), also known as World Eye Day
for Disaster Risk Reduction(SFDRR) 2015- or World Vision Day, is observed annually on the
2030 which focuses on reducing disaster risk second Thursday of October across the globe to focus
and enhancing preparedness globally. global attention on blindness and vision impairment.
✓ The theme of IDDRR 2024 is “Empowering the It is coordinated by the London(the United Kingdom,
next generation for a resilient future”. UK) based International Agency for the Prevention of
✓ The SFDRR 2015-2030 was adopted at the 3rd Blindness (IAPB) and the Geneva(Switzerland) based
UN’s World Conference on Disaster Risk World Health Organization(WHO).
Reduction in Sendai(Japan) on March 18, ✓ WSD 2024 falls on October 10th 2024. The
2015. theme of the WSD 2024 is “Children, Love
Your Eyes”.
International Day of Rural Women 2024 - ✓ In 1999, the World Health Organization
October 15 (WHO) officially launched the WSD and WSD
was first observed on October 12, 2000.
The United Nations (UN’s) International Day of Rural
Women (IDRW) is annually observed across the globe
on 15 October to recognise the contribution of rural Global Handwashing Day 2024 - October 15
women, including indigenous women, in enhancing The Global Handwashing Day(GHD) is annually
agricultural and rural development, improving food observed across the globe on 15th October to raise
security, and eliminating rural poverty. awareness about the importance of handwashing with
✓ The theme of International Day of Rural soap and water in preventing the spread of infections
Women 2024 is “Rural Women Cultivating and diseases.
Good Food for All”. ✓ 15th October 2024 marks the observance of
the 17th GHD
✓ The theme of Global Handwashing Day 2024 is
“Why are clean hands still important?”.
UP CM Yogi Adityanath Unveiled Multi- ✓ The design of the logo features a temple, a
Coloured Logo & App for Mahakumbh 2025 seer, an urn, the Akshayvat tree and an
image of Lord Hanuman, representing the
Uttar Pradesh(UP) Chief Minister(CM) Yogi
confluence of nature and humanity in the
Adityanath unveiled the new multi-coloured logo for
Sanatana civilization.
Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj (earlier
✓ The logo prominently features the city’s most
Allahabad),UP. During the event, the CM launched the
sacred site, the Triveni Sangam, the
website and application(app) for Kumbh Mela 2025.
confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and
Saraswati rivers.
Aspirant Queries