Group 3

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“Synthesis and Evaluation of

Al2O3_SiC/AA6061 Aluminium Foam

Composite via Compaction and Casting”
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Abhishek K. Singh (1716440003)
Abhishek Jaiswal(1716440004)
Abhishek Singh(1716440005)
Atul Agnihotri(1716440030)

Under the supervision of

Dr. Mayank Aggarwal
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology

Bhauti, NH-2 Kanpur
Aluminium metallic foam which is to be prepared with the help of a consolidated
process at powder compaction and conventional casting. In this process AA6061
aluminium alloy will be used at a primary matrix While Al2O3 and SiC will be used
at a reinforcement material. In the process both super enforcement agent will be
mix in the presence of melt wax and silicon aluminium powder further, IN this
process ball milling will be used for the mixing of powder reinforcement and
aluminium powder.

We prepared powder material will be compacted inside the die under low
pressure in which to form aluminium metallic foam(AMF) melt slurry will be
poured over the powder pre form.
Working Schedule
In the synthesis of Aluminium foam we have to work in a set pattern and this
pattern evolves certain steps and steps require particular time duration. The
schedule is described below:-

Literature survey - continues

Synthesis - 1-2 months

Evaluation & testing - 2-3 months

Relevance of topic
1- In this process a consolidated effect of compaction and casting will be
2- Wax will be used which will provide an investment casting effect for the
aluminum metallic foam (AMF).

1- To different reinforcement agent will provide a combined effect on the
aluminum metallic foam such as better abilities dispersion and a new form
of reinforcement.

2- Light weight aluminium metallic foam composite will prepared which

beneficial for the aluminium industry will such as aluminium structure house
hold application and application where weight to strength ratio (higher) is
real wired.
Closed cell aluminium foam has been examined with respect to crash protection
systems, stiff and strong light weight structures and sound absorbing panels /
enclosures for use in automotive systems. Monotonic compression tests revealed
that the crash box made from aluminium foam-filled steel tube showed twice the
energy absorption compared to empty crash box. Flexural studies on foam-filled
thin walled aluminium extruded section showed higher resistance to bending (7.5
KN) against empty Al-section (5.8 KN). Differences in the mechanisms of
deformation between foam filled sections and their empty counterparts were
studied in compression and bend loading conditions. Acoustic behaviour was
evaluated in the as-received foam and in foams post processed to increase cell
interconnectivity. High sound absorption coefficients were observed in most
conditions. The optimum combination of high sound absorption coefficient and
frequency range occurred in a crushed foam with good cell interconnectivity.
Work Methodology
STEP 1- Mixing of Alumina SiC (Silicon carbide) Aluminium powder via Ball
Milling Process.


STEP 2- Compaction of Ball Milled Powder via UTM inside the Die.


STEP 3- Preparation of Primary Slurry For AA6061.

STEP 4- Holding of free form Inside the POP (Plaster of Paris) Mould.
STEP 5- Pouring the Melted Slurry on the compacted free form.
STEP 6- Removal of Composite and Evaluation in the Presence of Wax.
1- H. V. Atkinson, "Semisolid processing of metallic materials," Materials Science and
Technology, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 14011413 2010.

2- A. Vogel, R. D. Doherty, and B. Cantor, Solidification and Casting of Metals,The Metals

Society, London, UK, 1979.
3- R.D.Doherty, H.-1. Lee, and E.A. Feest, "Microstructure of stircastmetals," Materials
Science and Engineering, vol. 65,no. 1, pp.1811891984
4- A.Hellawell, "Grain evaluation in conventional rheocasting," in Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, article 40,
Sheffield, UK, 1996,

Checked & Approved by:

(Dr. Mayank Aggarwal)

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