1 - Learn Java - Hello World Cheatsheet - Codecademy
1 - Learn Java - Hello World Cheatsheet - Codecademy
1 - Learn Java - Hello World Cheatsheet - Codecademy
Hello World
Print Line
System.out.println() can print to the console: System.out.println("Hello, world!");
System is a class from the core library provided
// Output: Hello, world!
by Java
out is an object that controls the output
println() is a method associated with that object
that receives a single argument
Comments are bits of text that are ignored by the // I am a single line comment!
compiler. They are used to increase the readability of a
Single line comments are created by using // . /*
Multi-line comments are created by starting with And I am a
/* and ending with */ .
multi-line comment!
main() Method
In Java, every application must contain a main() public class Person {
method, which is the entry point for the application. All
other methods are invoked from the main() method.
The signature of the method is public static void public static void main(String[] args) {
main(String[] args) { } . It accepts a single argument: an
array of elements of type String . System.out.println("Hello, world!");
A class represents a single concept. public class Person {
A Java program must have one class whose name is the
same as the program filename.
In the example, the Person class must be declared in a public static void main(String[] args) {
program file named Person.java.
Compiling Java
In Java, when we compile a program, each individual class # Compile the class file:
is converted into a .class file, which is known as byte
javac hello.java
The JVM (Java virtual machine) is used to run the byte
code. # Execute the compiled file:
java hello
Whitespace, including spaces and newlines, between System.out.println("Example of a
statements is ignored.
System.out.println("Another statement");
// Output:
// Example of a statement
// Another statement
In Java, a statement is a line of code that executes a task System.out.println("Java Programming ☕️");
and is terminated with a ; .
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