05-Building Your V1 Pull & Push Pitch
05-Building Your V1 Pull & Push Pitch
05-Building Your V1 Pull & Push Pitch
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Now you’ve understood how to Pitch decision makers using our frameworks & general script,
it’s time to make it your own. This resource is going to help you design the initial Push/Pull
script to get the prospect opening a conversation. For the rest of the script, I’d advise
opening a separate Google doc, copy and pasting the script in and then speaking it aloud,
changing words that don’t suit your style.
Warning: DO NOT stray too far from the core of the script and DO NOT skip parts because
they make you uncomfortable.
Pull Script
“OK so look John.. I’m typically invited in by owners of successful and ambitious
Gyms. But they’ve... they have the honesty to recognise that perhaps appointment
booking and sales is a bottleneck to their growth, and so they’re probably frustrated
that they have an awesome membership and gym but not enough new people and
bodies walking in the door to actually sell it to.
Others are worried that perhaps that’s not an issue, but if they do get leads or people
in the door, they’re not qualified and don’t have the cash or commitment to invest.
Or maybe that’s not the case, it could just be the fact you’re a little concerned that
perhaps the sales conversion or closing rate of your team isn’t what it could and
should be, and this is having a knock on effect on you and also your team and the
rest of the business. I mean, I get the feeling you’re probably tell me that none of that
applies in your world?”
The only part you need to edit here are the parts in pink.
If you’re having trouble thinking about what problems you solve, you need to think more
deeply about it. Just generating leads isn’t enough these days. We need to consider the
main symptoms of poor business growth and address them directly here. You can test
phrases like “perhaps they’re worried their ads aren’t performing well enough in light of the IOS
14 update” or “that their website isn’t being found by the right people” but often the business
owner won’t even know this is a problem and therefore it won’t resonate with them, so you’ve got
to test and figure out what 3 things resonate with your niche the hardest & cause the most pain.
Push Script
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
“OK so look John, basically I’m typically invited in by owners of successful and
ambitious Gyms. They invite me in because I can help them achieve 3 things. The first
is getting more bodies, more fresh prospects in the door, usually so many they
actually can’t handle all the new members.
The second is a drastic increase in leadquality, so that the leads you do get actually
show up and have the money to invest in your membership, and the third is improving
your sales process so much you can close twice or even three times as many of the
opportunities that do walk in. I mean, I get the feeling you’re probably gonna tell me
you already have those things on lock and don’t need more members?”
The only part you need to edit here are the parts in pink.
Here you need to think deeply about the outcome of working with you. What are the 3 main
transformations the business owner will see if they work with you? List them below, and pick
the top 3 that you think will hit and resonate the most with your niche.
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Once both scripts are written, post in the FB group with the first line “Cold Call Script Audit” and
we’ll take a look at it. Note: these scripts are not forever, and I can guarantee you it’ll be able to
be improved over time.
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.