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Correction to: Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control

Chapter · January 2019

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-0802-8_13

4 399

2 authors:

Landis Markley John Crassidis

retired University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


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Book Corrections for
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control
F. Landis Markley* and John L. Crassidis„

May 10, 2022

This document provides corrections for the book: Markley, F.L., and
Crassidis, J.L., Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and
Control, Springer, New York, NY, 2014. Any other corrections are
welcome via email to the authors.

Chapter 1
ˆ On page 2 there should be a closed parenthesis after “1630” in Table 1.1.

Chapter 2
ˆ On the sixth line of page 17 “conceptionally” should be “conceptually.”

ˆ On page 19, the definitions of upper and lower triangular matrices under Eq. (2.9)
should read “An upper triangular matrix is a matrix in which all the entries below the
main diagonal are zero, i.e. aij = 0 for i > j. A lower triangular has all zeros above
the main diagonal, i.e. aij = 0 for i < j.”

ˆ On page 23, the sentence below Eq. (2.28) should read “In particular, if we have a
scalar f (x) in place of the vector function y(x), this reduces to the 1×n row vector...”
Also, the next sentence should read “The transpose of this, an n × 1 column vector...”

ˆ On page 33, Eq. (2.68) should read

7 M +9
JD(Y, M, D, h, m, s) = 1, 721, 013.5 + 367 Y − INT Y + INT
4 12
275 M 3, 600 h + 60 m + s
+ INT +D+
9 86, 400∗

where INT denotes the integer part and 86,400* denotes using 86,401 seconds for days
with a leap second.

ˆ On page 62, in part a) of Problem 2.9, “GPRs” should be “GRPs.”

Emeritus Engineer, Attitude Control Systems Engineering Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD 20771. E-mail: Landis.Markley@nasa.gov.
SUNY Distinguished Professor and Samuel P. Capen Chair Professor, Department of Mechanical &
Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Amherst, NY 14260-4400.
E-mail: johnc@buffalo.edu.

Chapter 3
ˆ In the first paragraph of page 67 the translational momentum should be defined as
p ≡ mv not p ≡ mv̇.

ˆ In the second paragraph on page 89 (fourth line), the word “away” should read “a

ˆ The inertia matrix in Exercise 3.6 on page 119 does not satisfy the triangle inequality.
We recommend using the following inertia matrix:
 
100 0 0
JBc =  0 75 0  kg-m2
0 0 50

Chapter 4
ˆ On page 126, Eq. (4.3b) should read

v = v0 + f s2 /s3 = v0 + f tan α

ˆ On page 129, above Eq. (4.9) “finding N stars” should be changed to “finding exactly
N stars.” Also, below Eq. (4.9) and in the next paragraph “finding 4 stars” should be
changed to “finding 4 or more stars” (3 places). Finally, below Eq. (4.9) and in the
next paragraph “finding 5 stars” should be changed to “finding 5 or more stars” (3

ˆ On page 143, in the first sentence of Section 4.7.1, “rate-integrating gyro” should be
replaced by “rate gyro.”

ˆ On page 159 the label “newpoly.eps” should be removed from Figure 4.10.

ˆ On page 176 the subscript “min” in Eq. (4.127) should be text, not italic.

Chapter 5
ˆ On page 200 the reference to Eq. (5.3) in the second line of the second (new) paragraph
should be to Eq. (5.6).

ˆ The matrix Atrue in Problem 5.3 on page 225 should read

 
0.352 0.864 0.360
Atrue = −0.864 0.152 0.480
0.360 −0.480 0.800

That is, the (2,3) element is changed from 0.460 to 0.480 to ensure that A is orthogonal.

Chapter 6
ˆ On page 243 in the last sentence of the paragraph below Eq. (6.25), δϑ−
k and ∆ξ

should be δ ϑ̂ and ∆ξ̂.

ˆ The asterisk used for the unnormalized reset quaternion in Eqs. (6.27) and (6.28)
and in Tables 6.1 and 6.3 conflicts with the notation for the conjugate quaternion,
which is used throughout the book. To better differentiate between the two, replace
Eqs. (6.27) and (6.28) with
δ ϑ̂ /2 1
q̂ unnorm
= ⊗ q̂− = q̂− + Ξ(q̂− )δ ϑ̂+
1 2
q̂+ =
kq̂unnorm k
respectively. Also, replace both q∗ and q̂∗ by q̂unnorm in Tables 6.1 and 6.3.
ˆ In the second line of Example 6.2 “a 90-min low-Earth orbit” should be changed to “a
91.5-min equatorial low-Earth orbit.” The number of available stars changes slightly
but the results are nearly identical. A plot of the available stars with a 91.5-min
equatorial low-Earth orbit is shown in Figure 1.

Number of Available Stars

0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Time (Min)

Figure 1 Available Stars

ˆ On page 264, just above Eq. (6.102a) the estimate should be defined as E{x|θout }.
Thus, the sentence should read “Because ηu , ηv , and ve have zero mean, the conditional
expectation x̂ ≡ E{x|θout } and the state error vector ∆x ≡ x − x̂ obey”
ˆ On page 265 three lines from the bottom “Equation (6.107) are” should be “Equations
(6.107) are.”
ˆ On page 266, in Eq. (6.108b) the 3-2 element of the matrix P + should be changed
from ζ −1 Se2 Su (∆t)−1 to ζ −1 Se2 Su /∆t to make the notation consistent in the matrix.
ˆ In Problem 6.7 on page 280, the sentence “Use the discrete-time covariance propa-
gation in Eq. (E.132)...” should be replaced with “Use the discrete-time covariance
propagation in Eq. (E.131)...”

ˆ On page 284, the word “attitude” in Ref. 16 is misspelled.

ˆ On page 284, the word “convergence” in Ref. 34 is misspelled.

Chapter 7
ˆ In example 7.2, the initial the torque of the reaction wheels exceeds the capabilities
of 0.01-1.0 Nm, as discussed on page 148. What would happen if one commands a
reaction wheel to produce a torque above its maximum capability would depend on
the electronics in the wheel drive. The most likely result is that the wheel will produce
as much torque as it can. This can cause a problem if one wants the direction of the
net torque vector in 3D space to be correct. In practice, the control algorithm is
designed to check that all the wheel torque commands are at or below the maximum
(with some safety factor). If any are above, then all the torque commands are scaled
by the same factor to reduce the largest command to the maximum allowable in order
preserve the correct direction of the torque vector in 3D space. Similar steps can
be taken if a reaction wheel’s angular momentum approaches its maximum capacity.
For this example, control gains can be reduced so that the maximum values are not
The inertia matrix has now been changed to
 
640 −7.64 −2.56
J = −76.4 473 −4  kg-m2
−2.56 −4 816

Change “The gains are set to kp = 10 and kd = 150.” to “The gains are set to
kp = 1 and kd = 15.” Change “...the norm of the momentum is kJω(t0 )k = 112.4586
Nms” to “the norm of the momentum is kJω(t0 )k = 11.25 Nms.” Change “...pyramid
configuration at the final time is 96.8044 Nms” to “...pyramid configuration at the
final time is 9.68 Nms,” and change “...NASA standard configuration at the final time
is 111.8695 Nms” to “NASA standard configuration at the final time is 11.19 Nms.”
The new plots for Figure 7.2 in the book are given by Figure 2. The new plots for
Figure 7.3 in the book are given by Figure 3. Note that Figure 7.2(a) is the same as
before, however the other three have changed.

ˆ On page 300 ωc should be given by

 
φ̇c sin θc sin ψc
ωc = φ̇c sin θc cos ψc 
ψ̇c + φ̇c cos θc

ˆ On page 302 “Substituting Eqs. (7.1b) and (7.3.1) into Eq. (7.33), and after...” should
read “Substituting Eqs. (7.1b) and (7.32) into Eq. (7.33), and after...”

ˆ On page 328 the fourth line of the last paragraph of Section should read “the
rotation of the z-axis...”

ˆ On page 342 the last page of Ref. [30] is 2566 not 2565.

0.8 25

h1 (Nms)
0 15
-0.4 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 5
0.02 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

-0.02 5

h2 (Nms)
-0.04 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -5
0.2 -10

0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 15

h3 (Nms)
1.2 10

0.8 5
0.6 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (Min) Time (Min)

(i) Quaternion Errors (ii) Wheel Momenta

Figure 2 Quaternion Errors and Wheel Momenta

15 20
1 1
2 2
10 15
3 3
Wheel Momentum (Nms)

Wheel Momentum (Nms)

4 4
5 10

0 5

-5 0

-10 -5

-15 -10

-20 -15
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (Min) Time (Min)

(i) Pyramid Configuration (ii) NASA Standard Configuration

Figure 3 Comparison Between Wheel Configurations

Appendix A
ˆ On page 346 the sentence above Eq. (A.6) should read “...then from Eq. (A.3b) we

ˆ The third sentence on page 358 should read “Equation (A.50a) can be used to prove...”

ˆ The last sentence on page 358 should read “Equation (A.50d) can be used to prove...”

Appendix C
ˆ On page 387, the terms in Eq. (C.103) should read
   
z 2 x
1 − 5 r  r
3  µ  R⊕ 2 
2 y 
aJ2 = − J2 2  1 − 5 zr

2 r r  r

2 z
3 − 5 zr

   
z z 3 x
5 3 − 7
1  µ  R⊕ 3 
   r r  r
3 y 
aJ3 = − J3 2  5 3 r − 7 zr z
 
2 r r   r 
2 4
− 3 − 30 zr + 35 zr
    
z 2 z 4 x

3 1 − 14 r + 21 r  r
5  µ  R⊕ 4 
z 2
4 y 
3 1 − 14 r + 21 zr

aJ4 = J4 2

8 r r  r

2 4
15 − 70 zr + 63 zr z
    
z z 3 z 5 x
7 5 − 30 + 33
3  µ  R⊕ 5 
   r r r  r 
z z 3 z 5 y
aJ5 = J5 2 7 5 − 30 + 33
 
8 r r

  r r r r 
z 2
 z 4
z 6

− 5 − 105 r + 315 r − 231 r
   
z 2 z 4 z 6 x
5 − 135 r + 495 r − 429 r  r 
7  µ   R 6  
⊕ z 2 z 4
6 y 
 5 − 135 r + 495 r − 429 zr
aJ6 = − J6 2

16 r r r 

2 4 6 z
35 − 315 zr + 693 zr − 429 zr

ˆ On page 390, in the ninth line of Section C.3.4 “SRP only contributes as times...”
should be replaced with “SRP only contributes at times...”
ˆ On page 397 two lines under Eq. (C.129), it should say “greater than 90◦ ,” not 95.68◦ .

Appendix D
ˆ On page 412, the ∆Tc term in Eq. (D.18) should read
∆Tc = A + Bhp + Ch2p + Dh3p

ˆ Also, the B term in Eq. (D.20) should read

B = B13 y + B14 yT + B15 yT 2 + B16 yT 3 + B17 yT 4 + B18 yT 5

Appendix E
ˆ Equation (E.69) on page 446 should read
s= +λ ∆x

Also, the sliding surface for n = 3 should be s = ∆ẍ + 2 λ ∆ẋ + λ2 ∆x. Note that
Eq. (E.69) is a notational simplification for the weighted sum average used to generate
s, which is discussed in [25].
Equations (E.70)–(E.72) and the associated wording should be changed as follows.
As an example consider the following second-order system:

ẍ = f (x, ẋ) + u

where an assumed model f¯(x, ẋ) will be used to develop the control law. Taking the
derivative of s in Eq. (E.65) and substituting ẍ = f (x, ẋ) + u gives

ṡ = ẍ − ẍc + λ ∆ẋ
= f (x, ẋ) + u − ẍc + λ ∆ẋ

Using the condition ṡ = 0 from Eq. (E.67) with the assumed model f¯(x, ẋ) leads to
the following control law:

ue = −f¯(x, ẋ) + ẍc − λ ∆ẋ

ˆ In Example E.3 on page 448, ẋ2 should be

ẋ2 = −(k1 /m)x1 − (k2 /m)x31 − (c/m)x2 |x2 | + u/m

ˆ On the first line of page 459 “Nonlinear Least squares implies that an fairly...” should
be replaced with “Nonlinear Least squares implies that a fairly...”

ˆ Equation (E.113) should read

1 − kpc k2 ∆x + 1 − k∆xk2 pc − 2 ∆x × pc
p̂ =
1 + kpc k2 k∆xk2 − 2 ∆x · pc

ˆ On line two of page 465 “This the preferred form...” should be replaced with “This is
the preferred form...”

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