Amsa-303-Certificate-Of-Medical-Fitness Certificate
Amsa-303-Certificate-Of-Medical-Fitness Certificate
Amsa-303-Certificate-Of-Medical-Fitness Certificate
This Certificate of medical fitness is to be used by an AMSA appointed Medical inspector in conjunction with the
following documents:
• Standards for the medical examination of seafarers and coastal pilots
• Medical examination report (AMSA 232)
Both of these documents can be found on the AMSA website:
Applicant details (as recorded on proof of identity) Declaration of the Medical Inspector
I have evaluated the above-named applicant and on the basis of the applicant’s
Family name
personal declaration, my clinical examination and diagnostic test results
recorded on the Medical Examination Report,
I declare the applicant is:
Given name(s)
Fit – and is not suffering from a medical condition likely to be
aggravated by, or to render him/her unfit for service at sea or
likely to endanger the health of other persons on board.
Seafarer ID Fit* – with restrictions as detailed below.
Unfit* – details and action taken shown below.
Gender *Restrictions
M Male F Female X Indeterminate Duties:
Date of birth
Nationality Location / vessel:
Permanent address
Medical / other:
Must wear corrective lenses for distance vision
Must wear corrective lenses for near vision
Distribution of copies: Original (Blue) – Applicant - only after review and confirmation by SHP; Duplicate (Green) – SHP Seafarer
Administration Team; Triplicate (White) – Medical Inspector of Seafarers (30 years) AMSA 303 (6/19)