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This Medical Certificate has been issued in accordance with the provisions of the (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watch-keeping for Seafarers STCW 1978, as amended (STCW) Regulation I/9, Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) Regulation 1.2 and
regulation of the authorizing country* as applicable.

Family Name: Given Name(s): Exam Date: Birth Date (day/month/year): Gender:

Male Female
Passport No./Seaman Book No.: Home Address:

Nationality: Capacity that the seafarer will serve onboard :

Deck: Engineer Rating Catering (F&B) Other


I confirm the identification documents were checked: YES NO Color vision meets standard*? YES NO
Does the seafarer’s hearing meet medical standards? YES NO
Date of last color vision test:
Is unaided hearing satisfactory*? YES NO
Vision acuity meets medical standards*? YES NO Is the seafarer fit for service? YES NO
I have evaluated the above named examinee according to company medical guidelines. YES NO
On the basis of the examinee’s personal declaration, my clinical examination and diagnostic test Fit Not fit NA
results recorded on the medical examination form, I declare the examinee: Fit for look-out duty
Is the seafarer free from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by service at sea or render the
seafarer unfit for such service or to endanger the health of other persons onboard?

Are there any limitations or restrictions on fitness (e.g. specific position, type of ship, trade area) ? If so, specify the limitation:

Place of examination: Date of Approval: Medical certificate expiration date


I hereby confirm that the medical examination has been carried out in accordance
with the ILO/IMO Guidelines on the Medical Examinations of Seafarers and the I __________________________________ (seafarer name)
national guidelines of my Authorizing Administration. confirm that I have been informed of the content of certificate
and the right to get a review***.

Official stamp and National Medical examiner signature Examinee’s signature

License/Certification number (print name if not legible)

*For persons who are assigned shipboard safety, security or environmental protection duties, the medical standards referenced on the certificate are the
standards as specified in STCW Regulation I/9 and any other standards as specified by the authorizing Administration. For any other persons serving
onboard, the medical standards shall be as specified by ILO and the authorizing Administration of Malta and the Bahamas.

** The Medical Practitioner shall be approved by the national Administration, after inspection of medical facilities/recordkeeping, to carry out STCW/ILO
medical examination.

***The review shall be carried out by a body/Medical Practitioner authorized by national Administration and this information should be made available to
the seafarer.

RCI Celebrity - Medical Certificate for Service at Sea 062824 ORIGINAL give to Employee to take to Ship Medical Page 1 of 1

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