Footprints of Past Pandemics in The Human Genome - Ocred
Footprints of Past Pandemics in The Human Genome - Ocred
Footprints of Past Pandemics in The Human Genome - Ocred
Open Access
Viral pandemics over centuries and millennia have left indelible signatures on our genomes. Deciphering these signatures could give us profoundly important
information on our evolutionary history that appears to have been directed by the arrival of new viruses from the deep cosmos.A recent study that shows a residual
signature of SARS-CoV-2 (in the form of multiple generational expression of host-specific SARS-CoV targeting viral interacting proteins known as VIPs) in the
genomes of a South Asian population suggests that a major COVID-19 type infectious episode may have occurred about 25,000 years ago. The need to monitor
the stratosphere for the arrival of new pathogenic viruses, or even the return of old viruses such as Small Pox, is stressed.
signatures. They are the most striking feature of the human genomic DNA
Introduction sequence structure-‘the forest rather than the trees against which protein-
coding genes are conventionally embedded.”
In this article we discuss the growing evidence to support the view
that at least some of the viruses that cause diseases in plants and animals In the book “Living Comets” published in 1985 Hoyle and
including humans are of extra-terrestrial cosmic origin. This was raised first Wickramasinghe wrote [5]. Thus:
specifically for the fully-sequenced human genome by Wickramasinghe [1], “An illusion was put about widely a few years ago that it would be
and expanded to review evidence for the range of integrated full-length viral impossible for viruses from space to mount pathogenic attacks on terrestrial
genomes and their fragments, of DNA and RNA viruses, both retro-viral and plants and animals with the specificity that is actually observed, for example
non-retroviral, by Wickramasinghe and Steele [2]. This is but one part of the with measles being a specifically human disease. But this was merely an
body of evidence that is pointing towards an extra-terrestrial origin of life expression of opinion. Worse, it was untrue. Human viruses attack tissue-
on our planet, in contradiction to the conventional view that life originated cell cultures of other primates, and most human viruses can be cultured
de novo on the Earth from a primordial soup of organics. This alternative even in chick embryo, a taxonomic class apart from humans.
viewpoint argues that life is unequivocally a cosmic phenomenon, and one
that takes root on every habitable planetary abode throughout the cosmos. The specificity does not come therefore from individual cells or from the
viruses themselves, but from our immune systems. This should really be no
Nearly four decades ago Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, from their studies surprise because our immune systems can be specific even to the extent of
of interstellar and cometary dust, arrived at the startling conclusion that rejecting tissue from close relatives of our own species.
a large proportion of cosmic dust is comprised of bacteria and viruses, a
fraction of which must exist in viable form Hoyle and Wickramasinghe. It It appears very likely that our very genetic make-up has an origin
was argued that the origin of life on habitable planets like Earth inevitably external to Earth. As well as causing pathogenic attacks, viruses can simply
involved the arrival of microorganisms in viable form, thereby circumventing add themselves to our chromosomes, placidly multiplying only as our cells
the concept of small-scale planet-bound abiogenesis, an issue which is divide. In this way we derive new genes as a matter of fact, not conjecture.
fraught with both inconsistencies and extreme statistical improbabilities Since it needs only an elementary mathematical calculation to show that
[3,4]. As a consequence of these ideas, it was further proposed that the genes are so astonishingly complex that they could never be produced
occurrence of pandemic diseases of viral origin in plants and animals is by random internal shuffling of bases on our DNA, it is then but a short
an anticipated corollary that in turn would have a crucial impact on the step to the realisation that all of our genes are of external origin, added by
evolution of life. Indeed, the several stages of human evolution must viruses [1-4]. Complete immunity to viral invasion can therefore be seen to
have been profoundly affected by these myriad viral genetic integration be impossibility for an evolving biological system.”
Copyright: © 2021 Wickramasinghe NC, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Received: June 30, 2020; Accepted: July 14, 2021; Published: July 21, 2021 | .html
The Role of Viruses-Evidence from DNA Viral sequences added through the mechanism of pandemic disease
could provide evolutionary potential that leads to new genotypes and
new species at one end of the scale, and to new traits and the capacity
After the human genome was fully sequenced in 2001 our cosmic
to express our genes in novel ways at the other. It is becoming clear that
ancestry was laid bare and many of the predictions of the cosmic theory
our entire existence on this planet is contingent on the continuing ingress
of the 1980s were verified. The discovery that only 25,000 genes exist to
code for all our proteins left the origin and the role of the vast majority of our of cosmic viruses, which we had hitherto thought were merely the vehicles
for death and disease. Their positive role in evolution that was predicted in
seemingly redundant DNA unexplained. There seems now little doubt that
the 1980's may only just be beginning to be seen. Major evolutionary steps
much of this genetic inheritance is comprised of DNA whose origin is viral in
in the development of complex life forms leading to Homo sapiens are thus
nature. This DNA shows up as LINEs (Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements)
all externally derived, and evolution is essentially driven from the universe
(21%), and SINEs (Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements) (13%). The LINES
outside. If this is so the overall impression will be of a pre-programming in
are directly functionally related to retroviruses as reverse transcriptase
the higher levels of development of intelligence that is manifest in biology.
encoding elements which assist the integration and retro-transposition
of other shorter SINE elements (e.g. Alu elements). The HERVs (Human
Endogenous Retroviruses) and LTRs (Long Terminal Repeats) comprise Evidence from Geology
about 9% of the human genome (see Ref.6 Appendix B). These are all relics
of viruses that have infected our ancestral lineage over the past millions of The facts relating to the evolution of life on the Earth progressing through
years and have left their footprint in our DNA. During the past 4.2 billion a long series of punctuated steps have been available for several decades
years of terrestrial evolution of life on this planet viruses have played a {7]. Long periods of slow and tedious evolutionary progress are frequently
key role. When a virus invades and productively infects a cell it multiplies interrupted by sudden bursts of evolution and innovative speciation, with or
with the “assistance” of the invaded cell. In other instances viruses can without accompanying episodes of extinctions, which we can often attribute
instead insert genetic (viral) elements which can alter the previous cell either to comet collisions or climatic catastrophes of one form or another
program without causing any overt deleterious changes to the cell. Such [8]. It is this process of speciation that Hoyle and Wickramasinghe already
program insertions by viruses may have been responsible for many stages discussed in the 1980's and attributed to viral additions [9] (Figure 1).
of evolution over millennia for the vast ensemble of life forms (species) both
on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos. Arecent observation in the field of geology that is inconsistent with the
See eR RAR Mere ee ee Ae Keres
standard theory that life emerged in a primordial soup on the Earth is the
In general, it will not happen that a virus on entering a cell will have discovery that the very first evidence of microbial life on Earth was found
precisely the right elements for insertion of genetic material into the life-form locked away within crystals of zirconium in rocks that formed 4.1-4.2 billion
in question at its current stage of evolution. During evolution there will thus years ago now exposed in the Jack Hills outcrop in Western Australia [10].
necessarily have been a multitude of “abortive trials”, likely with massive This discovery lies to rest the possibility of the origin of life in a primordial
viral replication and cell death, before a successful program insertion is soup brewing on Earth at a time when the planet was being relentlessly
accomplished and evolutionary advances occur. It is our hypothesis that bombarded by comets and meteorites. The evidence is in favour of the
a cosmic imperative is for viruses to act as a driver of evolution, in which alternative viewpoint that the first life on Earth in the form of bacteria came
viruses seek cells, not vice versa. from impacting comets.
Million of years
Billion of ye
Figure 1. Evolution of plants and animals, from the time of the first introduction of life 4.2 billion years ago.
The delivery of micro biota from comets to the Earth would of course Viral inserts via direct viral-encoded reverse transcription as for the
have continued from that early moment 4.2 billion years ago to the present retroviruses is clear. In the case of non-retroviral RNA infections this would
time, bringing the set of microbial genes from a vast cosmic ensemble that require host cellular-derived reverse transcription, such as for the single-
directed the evolution of life on our planet in the manner first proposed stranded coronaviruses like COVID-19. Such inserts appear involved at the
by Hoyle and Wickramasinghe in 1981 [9] and all the relevant supportive branching points in the evolutionary tree depicted in Figure 2 are arguably
evidence recently reviewed by Steele et al. [4,6] The existence of virus- also implicated in a long sequence of pandemics of disease. In each
related DNA in vast quantity in our genomes testifies to the operation of postulated pandemic of disease [11]. In each postulated pandemic of viral
euch 9 nerneoce taking nlara over hillinne nf woare nf ower the nact AG millinn vwosre 9 curnvivind enhort of nur anractral
such a process taking place over billions of years of evolutionary history disease over the past 45 million years a surviving cohort of our ancestral
[1,2]. line would have directly acquired the retroviral genes indicated (Figure 2).
A recent study of the genomes of an East-Asian population group
Deep History of Ancestral Pandemics has shown evidence of multiple generational human gene signatures of
strong positive genetic adaptations which occurred in these populations,
DNA sequence studies over the past decades have clearly shown that in multiple genes that interact with coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2.
the evolution from early primates leading up to Homo sapiens was marked by These signatures of viral-interacting proteins show up as a strong peak
a long series of viral pandemics, each of which could well have represented after retracing mutational steps generation-by-generation through 900
a “brush with extinction”, but the evolving line survived through eventually to generations in the past [11]. This evidence is reproduced from Souilmi et al
reach us today. The branching points in the evolutionary lineage are marked (11). below indicating a major Covid-19 type pandemic some 25,000 years
by the discovery of HERVS and ERVS as shown schematically in Figure 2. ago (Figure 3).
— Platyrthine—
20 o
ee FI OO AS Li 1 Lie 9 Line Lin 3
- 870
o 1970 3 coronavirus VIPs
c 8 o
= i = T T T T
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Reports of the sudden spread of plagues and pestilences have the fragments of the COVID-19 genome, particularly the highly expressed
punctuated human history throughout the centuries [12]. The various coding region for the nuclear capsid protein (NC) at the 3’ end of the genome,
epidemics, scattered through time and across the world are sometimes are directly fused to multiple different protein-coding gene segments at
in a few instances recognisable as similar to modern diseases, a striking many exon sites across the entire human genome. This provides molecular
example being smallpox. Skin lesions strongly suggestive of smallpox have underpinning for the findings of Souilmi, et al. [11]. About two thirds of all
been found in the Egyptian mummy of Ramses V (1145 BCE). Furthermore, integrated sequences appear to have been mediated at endonuclease site
Clinical descriptions consistent with smallpox are described in medical motifs that allow target site reverse transcription (RT) by the RT enzyme
writings both from ancient India and China at around the same time. The encoded by LINE1 elements. We can only speculate that the other 33% of
absence of any comparable descriptions of pandemics in classical Greece integrants have been target site reverse transcribed and integrated by the
and throughout early Christendom in Europe suggests an absence of the other known dominant cellular reverse transcriptase, the DNArepair enzyme
disease from human populations for over 1500 years, until it reappeared in DNA Polymerase-l] (eta) [17,18] and assisted by recently discovered RT
China possibly in the 5th century of the Common Era. Thereafter it remains activity also in the DNA repair enzyme DNA Polymerase-@ (theta) [19].
endemic in the world’s human population until its final deliberate eradication At this stage all reported integrations have been into the nuclear DNA of
in the 20th century. A major puzzle for understanding the re-emergence of somatic cells, and germline integrants have not been searched for, but
smallpox after an absence for 1600 years is the lack of an animal reservoir given the sheer number of humans of all races infected with COVID-19,
into which the virus might have receded, humans being the only known running into the many tens of millions, we should anticipate that significant
host of the Variola major virus. An alternative viewpoint considers the data germline human genomic sequences of COVID-19 and its many protein
to make a prima facie case for a comet with period 1600 years-if the last coding segments (fused in many cases to different human genetic coding
episode of infection is assumed to have happened in 500 AD in China (vide exons) may appear in human genomes of future generations-these in turn
supra), a return of the same comet is alarmingly imminent. may be associated with inborn genetic errors as mankind's legacy of the
2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic.
The identifiable recurrence of smallpox (Variola major) through history
is an exception. More often, from written descriptions alone, ancient
epidemics bear little or no resemblance to either modern disease or to one Conclusion
another. However, they all share the common property of afflicting entire
population centres, countries or even widely separated parts of the Earth in As discussed by Hoyle and Wickramasinghe in many places the
a matter of days or weeks. Earth interacts with the debris streams of comets that carry bacteria and
viruses; and such comets have periods ranging from a few years to tens of
The Greek Historian Thucydides said of one such isolated event, the
thousands of years. In one particular instance, Comet Encke with a period
plague of Athens of 429 BC [12,13], thus:
of 3.3 years, a case was made to argue for a close correspondence with the
“It is said to have begun in that part of Ethiopia above Egypt. On the appearances of this comet and cycles of Whooping cough from 1940 until
city of Athens it fell suddenly and first attacked the men in Piraeus; so that routine vaccinations essentially eliminated the disease in 1980 [13]. As for
it was even reported by them that the Peloponnesians had thrown poison longer period comets, the best known is Comet Hyakutake which reached
into the cisterns.” its last perihelion in 1996 and which has an orbital period of 70,000 years.
The putative comet responsible for the COVID-19 virus would be estimated
Thucydides writes further that many families were simultaneously
to have a period of between 20,000 and 25,000 years, and a smallpox virus
struck by a disease with a combination of symptoms hitherto unknown.
bearing comet a period of 1600 years.
The prevailing orthodoxy that viruses responsible for all major pandemics
Bacteria and other biological entities down to viral sizes have been
have their origin in animal reservoirs (birds, pig, bats) is a conjecture with
isolated from the stratosphere over several years and the only reasonable
no substantial evidential backing. The fact that both influenza viruses and
explanation in our view is that they are of extra-terrestrial origin. From the
corona viruses both represent broad viral families with counterparts in
stratospheric sampling carried out by Harris et al and others [20-23] we
animals does not imply a plausible mechanism of transfer. Indeed, it has
have estimated that some 10° bacteria and 10” viruses per square metre
been argued that for the COVID-19 virus to be transferred from a bat, via a
arrive from space at the Earth's surface every day. Very recently the startling
pangolin to a human requires random mutations that would far exceed the
report of bacterial DNA discovered by PCR techniques on the outside of the
available probability space in the whole universe [14].
International Space Station (ISS) orbiting at 400 km above the Earth has
The orthodox narrative asserts that pandemics of viral or bacterial origin been reported [24], but has largely gone unnoticed.
throughout human history were all initiated with the advent of farming and
In an unrelated project carried out by a team of international scientists
animal husbandry, thus allowing zoonotic viruses from wild and domestic
the total flux of bacteria and viruses falling through the atmosphere on the
animals systematically to access and infect humans. As we have already
tops of the Sierra Nevada Mountains has recently examined by Reche et
mentioned the cross-over from zoonotic variants to humans in the case
al. [25]. The average downward flux of viruses from this height, presumably
of the COVID-19 pandemic involved an insurmountable probability barrier,
mainly lofted from the ground, was discovered to be 800 million per square
and similar impediments may apply to other instances throughout history. In
metre per day close to the estimate that we made earlier from stratospheric
addition, the claim that the 2012 MERS-CoV outbreak was caused by viral
sampling. If both the space-incident microorganisms and terrestrial microbes
jumps to humans in the Middle East via infected camels is not supported
are mingled into this latter estimate their genetic differences could turn out
by existing evidence [15]. Indeed the evidence of a COVID-19 pandemic in
to be difficult to detect. Efforts to separate these components are clearly of
a South Asian group of humans 25,000 years ago [11] already highlights
leo Ieee lobes, Ie dbeie oleae Oh Able Iede oteote of She Ione Aare boron en paramount importance, and after our current experience of COVID-19 this
should be considered an international scientific priority [26]. The evidence
populations were still thinly scattered across the globe and agriculture had
that comets continue to bring bacteria and viruses including COVID-19 [26]
barely been discovered.
to the Earth, and routinely thus contribute to the microbiomes of all life
The recent discovery by Zhang et al. in 2021 [16] is very significant in forms, aiding evolution in the long term, and sometimes cause pandemics,
regard to COVID-19 genomic sequences eventually appearing as significant is still regretfully being ignored by mainstream science.
germline signatures in the human genome. These authors have shown that
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; ; ; ; ; How to cite this article: Wickramasinghe, N Chandra, Gensuke Tokoro, Daryl
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Infect Dis 26(2020): 191-198. See ee