Socio-Economic Data in Coastal Vulnerability Indices: Constraints and Opportunities
Socio-Economic Data in Coastal Vulnerability Indices: Constraints and Opportunities
Socio-Economic Data in Coastal Vulnerability Indices: Constraints and Opportunities
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Most previously developed coastal vulnerability/sensitivity indices acknowledge that the addition of socio-
economic variables would assist in defining vulnerable areas. This study investigated the incorporation of socio-
economic variables into a GIS based coastal vulnerability index for wave-induced erosion in Northern Ireland.
In this application, a socio-economic sub-index was developed to contribute potentially one third of the overall
index score; the other components consisted of coastal forcing and coastal characteristic sub-indices. All variables
were ranked on an arbitrary 1-5 scale with 5 being most vulnerable. The variables were merged within sub-indices
and then the sub-indices were combined to produce the overall index.
Several problems were encountered in assessing socio-economic vulnerability indicators. These relate to the
inherent difficulties involved in ranking socio-economic data on an interval scale. Temporal aspects also caused
difficulties as socio-economic variables vary over time as coastal populations and policies change. There were also
problems in relation to the size of the unit used to display the data and how this affected the vulnerability of certain
areas. Larger, more fundamental, problems in relation to human perceptions of vulnerability were also investigated.
The final results of the combined index were tested against field and desk-top studies and although they correlated
well with expected outcomes, the results did suggest an under representation of the socio-economic index.
Suggestions are put forward to alleviate this problem in any future developments.
ADDITIONALINDEXWORDS: Vulnerability indices, socio-economic data, coastal management, GIS
their classifications; however, the indices reviewed in
In the last several years there has been a substantial COOPER and MCLAUGHLIN (1998) and those examined
increase in the number of vulnerability indices developed since reveal a general acknowledgement that there is a need
for specific coastal areas (GORNITZ et al., 1993; to include socio-economic variables in the classification
LEGGETT and JONES, 1996; O’RIAIN, 1996; procedure. In fact the inclusion of socioeconomic factors is
CAMBERS, 1998). There are a number of explanations for the most popular suggestion for future studies in the
this ranging from intensified development and use of the published literature. GORNITZ et al. (1993) noted that the
coastal area itself, to a general increase in the utilisation of omission of demographic or economic factors from their
databases and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in coastal vulnerability index potentially limited its evaluation
coastal scientific studies. Indices have been used in coastal of vulnerable areas. Surprisingly, in many cases they are
areas to study a range of perturbations related to factors still not included in later studies by the same authors who
such as sea level rise, human impact, wave erosion, and oil made this recommendation. The reasons for this can vary
spill impact. The main objective of most coastal indices is from lack of suitable data to the inherent difficulties in
the classification of the coastline into units that exhibit ranking socioeconomic data on an interval or ratio scale. In
similar attributes or characteristics. These classifications contrast the ranking of readily quantifiable marine variables
can then assist in the implementation of preventative such as wave height is relatively simple.
management strategies in sensitive areas. A further problem in including socio-economic data, e.g.
A thorough study of the literature on the development of population, in vulnerability indices is that the data is time-
coastal vulnerability and sensitivity indices was undertaken constrained. Actual data can change over time with the
to assess the present state of the art in this area. The majority building of new houses and roads etc. Perceptions of threat
of authors use multidisciplinary data in the development of and of appropriate response to it, may also change with
time. For example in the nineteenth century defence of the The production of the overall index is presented in
land against ‘attack’ by the sea was the predominant view MCLAUGHLIN (2001), however a brief synopsis is
and many promenades, groynes and sea walls were necessary here. A Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) was
constructed at this time (CARTER, 1993). However, in developed in relation to wave-induced coastal erosion. The
Great Britain, at the end of the 20th century, conservation index was developed at three hierarchical scales: a Northern
bodies such as English Nature and The National Trust are Ireland coarse-resolution scale (500x500m), a regional
deliberately breaching sea defences to allow regeneration of scale for Coleraine Borough Council area (25x25m) and a
salt-marshes on former grazing marsh e.g. Northey Island in local scale for Portrush East Strand, Co. Antrim at a
Essex (CARTER, 1993). Another example of how policies resolution of 1x1m. The ArcView GIS system (ESRI) was
can change can be illustrated by the European Community’s used to calculate the index and map the results. Variables
(EC) agricultural policy of ‘set aside’. As there is now over- were selected and ranked on a 1-5 scale according to their
production in agriculture, farmers are being paid not to farm perceived vulnerability to wave-induced erosion (with 5
the land. This is an indication of how temporal changes can being the most vulnerable and 1 least vulnerable). The
be important in terms of coastal management. An area can variables selected were separated into three sub-indices: a
change within the space of a few years from being one of coastal characteristics sub-index to determine the coast’s
agricultural value to one of solely conservation value. resistance to erosion, a coastal forcing sub-index to quantify
Therefore in quantifying socio-economic variables a review the forcing variables, and a socio-economic sub-index to
period of approximately 5 years may be appropriate to take identify the infrastructure potentially at risk. Each sub-index
account of variable and policy changes. This coincides with was given equal input in the final index score (i.e. one
a typical review period for many local authority planning third). Variables were adapted according to the scale of the
activities and may therefore be appropriate for study. Some variables became more detailed as the
environmental management applications. Particular resolution of the study increased, while others became
problems also arise in the ranking of socio-economic obsolete as they remained constant at the local scale and
variables, as it is difficult to assign a meaningful value to therefore did not differentiate between areas. The results
them. Unlike a simple cost-benefit analysis it is not easy to were documented in the form of colour-coded vulnerability
apportion a monetary value. maps thus enabling the more vulnerable areas to be easily
Despite these difficulties the inclusion of socio-economic identified. In this paper only the socio-economic sub-index
variables is of great importance, perhaps even essential, in is discussed.
the development of valid coastal vulnerability indices.
DOORNKAMP, (1990) noted that "studies of coastal Selection of socio-economic variables
management problems have shown that different human
There are many potential indicators of socio-economic
and social reactions will manifest themselves according to
value. In deciding which variables to include, the
the size of the population of the affected area, the economic
desirability of including a parameter must be balanced
activity within the area, and the prevailing social
against the availability of up-to-date data that is in a useable
conditions". GORNITZ et al. (1993) summed up the
format. Therefore the variables chosen for inclusion in the
reasoning for including socio-economic data when they
index were those for which data could be easily obtained,
remarked that " is the perceived social and economic
and which were also deemed to be of relevance to coastal
worth of the resources within the region at risk that will
areas. The socio-economic variables selected for inclusion
determine which, if any, efforts are made to protect a given
in the socio-economic sub-index are listed below:
area". It is the economic cost of the loss of houses and
infrastructure that will inherently influence the vulnerability • Population
of an area. Socio-economic parameters thus appear to be an • Cultural heritage
essential component in any vulnerability index. • Roads
Development of a vulnerability index for the Northern • Railways
Ireland coast • Landuse
A questionnaire survey of government and non- • Conservation status
government organisations was undertaken to investigate the Of these six variables, roads and railways are the simplest
practices of coastal management and to gauge the overall environmental assets to incorporate into an index. They
perception of the development of a GIS based Coastal occupy defined space, are of defined widths and the costs of
Vulnerability Index for Northern Ireland. The results protecting, replacing or relocating them are relatively
showed an encouraging and positive response from simple to evaluate. Therefore this paper concentrates on the
Northern Ireland coastal information users, indicating that remaining four variables and discusses the problems
there would be a demand for such a system if it were made encountered in using them in a socio-economic index.
The population numbers were then ranked on a 1-5 basis stands. However, the owners, the National Trust secured
with the assumption that larger numbers of people being funds for a cliff stabilisation project. HOPLEY (1992) noted
affected by (or causing) erosion are directly correlated with that although coastal retreat in some areas is inevitable in
increasing vulnerability. Even this decision can cause relation to a rising sea level, complete protection in situ is
problems; one counter argument is that large settlements are warranted for certain sites "because of the amount of
more likely to have engineered coastal defences, e.g. the investment, the historical and/or heritage value, or because
Thames Barrage for London, while sparsely inhabited of the lack of alternatives". This underscores the value and
places are left to the mercy of nature. vulnerability of cultural heritage sites in the coastal zone.
Archaeological data was available from the Department
Cultural Heritage of the Environment’s Environment and Heritage section in
a database known as the Sites and Monuments Records
The inclusion of cultural heritage variables produced
(SMR). Sites owned by the National Trust were also
problems when it came to vulnerability ranking.
included. The ranking of the sites was considered carefully.
Archaeological and historical monuments are important not
Initially the study considered differentiating between ‘more
only in economic terms but in social and cultural terms.
important’ and ‘less important’ sites. One possible method
They form part of the cultural resource and are
of doing this was to place State-owned or National Trust-
irreplaceable. There was for example high public interest
owned monuments in the highest ranked category on the
when it was announced that the 18th century Mussenden
basis that their acquisition/designation indicates high value.
Temple at Downhill on the north coast near Castlerock, Co.
Derry was endangered by erosion of the cliff on which it
Figure 2. ED population density map for Portstewart and Portrush. (Source: 1991 ED census data).
Figure 3. Point based population density for Portrush and Portstewart. (Source: 1991 ED census data in point format).
Other sites with actual upstanding remains were placed in valuable areas. However, they acknowledged that such data
the next category, followed by sites with no upstanding are often difficult to obtain in an up-to-date format. Other
remains, and finally ‘find spots’ where single items had authors who noted the importance of landuse as a variable
been found. However, it is difficult to put a value on a include GORNITZ et al. (1993) who stated that in future
cultural heritage resource. Although one site may be better landuse data may be added to the coastal risk assessment
preserved than another, this does not mean that it is more database to overcome the existing lack of data on
important. For example, although the Medieval Dunluce anthropogenic activities. TOWNEND and FLEMMING
Castle, Co. Antrim is still upstanding and in good condition (1994) also decided that landuse must be incorporated in
this does not necessarily mean that it is more important than order to derive management units from their coastal process
the Mesolithic site at Mountsandel in Coleraine which has units. For the purposes of this present study, landuse types
no visible surface expression, yet is the oldest settlement were grouped and then ranked according to monetary value.
site yet recorded in Ireland. Any method of ranking is It was initially intended to obtain data from the Rates Office
therefore subjective. Archaeologists were consulted as to on the rateable value of different landuse types, and then to
whether sites could be ranked in order of importance. It use these values to classify the landuse categories.
became obvious that even professional archaeologists could However, although promised, the data were never
not agree if such a ranking system could be implemented forthcoming. Therefore the rationale used for the economic
(C. BREEN, T. MCERLEAN pers. comm., 2000). ranking was based on subjective assessment of which
Therefore it was decided to abandon the ranking of landuse types were more or less valuable to humans than
archaeological sites and to rank all sites in the highest others, see Table (1). Previous work has been carried out on
category (5), with areas of no recorded heritage value the use of "a benefit-cost analysis" such as that by
ranked as 1. CHAPELLE and WEBSTER, 1993 (IN CENDRERO and
Ideally sites should be studied individually and a detailed FISCHER, 1997). HOWEVER, IT WAS NOTED BY
survey of each site recorded; however, time limitations and CENDRERO and FISCHER, 1997 that this methodology
the scale of the study curtailed the level of detail recorded. requires a "great deal of expertise and creativity to value the
Finally it must also be remembered that in areas where there relevant elements" and therefore was not within the scope of
is no positive evidence for the presence of archaeological this study.
sites, it can equally be said that there is a lack of evidence It must be noted that this ranking scheme does not take
to prove their absence. Every piece of land, especially along into account potential value, e.g. a field currently used for
the north coast of Ireland, has the potential to contain agriculture on the outskirts of Portstewart may be
important information on the cultural past (MARSHALL, potentially much more valuable as a site for a future housing
1991). For example peat outcrops at Portrush West (Mill) development. The results merely portray the economic
Strand were dated to about 5,000 BC (WILSON and status of the coastal resource at present.
CARTER, 1990) and so could potentially contain deposits
of Neolithic material. Conservation Designation
The incorporation of conservation designations is
probably the most difficult of all variables to include in a
The protection of an area deemed vulnerable will only be vulnerability index. There are problems involved in
considered if the area is sufficiently ‘important’ in deciding how to rank designated sites; the question being
economic, cultural or environmental terms to justify whether they should receive a high ranking or not.
protection. Therefore landuse type is of significance in ‘Protection’ of a conservation site can hardly include
determining vulnerability. protection from the operation of natural wave forcing
The ‘value’of land can be defined in a variety of different processes. In many cases the unique character of a site is
ways. This can be in monetary terms, or replacement cost or due entirely to the operation of such processes, e.g. a storm
in aesthetic terms or conservation value. For example, in shingle ridge by definition is built by storms. In other cases
monetary terms a marsh or bog would probably lie very low the maintenance of a conservation site demands that natural
in the value ranking. However, in terms of conservation it is processes continue to operate, e.g. occasional salt-water
of much higher ecological and biological value as a feeding inundation is essential to salt marsh survival. In such cases
ground for birds or a place where unusual plants occur. the potential for erosion is actually a fundamental part of the
Other indices that incorporate landuse as a variable include protection. For example, in 1996 Coleraine Borough
those of MCCUE and DEAKIN (1995), FLEMMING and Council was refused permission to build a seawall at
TOWNEND (1989), LEE et al. (1991), and O’RIAIN Portballintrae, Co. Antrim. This was because the proposed
(1996). HUGHES and BRUNDRIT (1992) suggested that, seawall fronted a geological section previously designated
in the ranking of landuse variables, a rateable value would as an Earth Science Conservation Review (ESCR) ‘Single
give a better indication of the locations of economically Interest Locality’ (SIL) site, by the DoE (NI) Environment
1 2 3 4 5
Landuse Bare rocks Coastal areas Forest Agriculture Urban and industrial
Sparsely vegetated areas Natural grasslands Infrastructure
Water bodies
and Heritage Service and the Countryside Nature There can be dilemmas involved in ranking areas of
Conservation Council (CNCC). The site was protected from conservation designation. In nature things change. If a site
the seawall development because erosion is necessary to has been designated because it is a salt marsh, should it be
keep the section fresh and prevent its ‘degradation’by slope allowed to revert to a mudflat if that is its natural
movements or vegetation development. Many natural sites evolutionary pathway? Or should the site be constrained by
cannot be harmed by the operation of natural processes. human efforts to stay in its former but now non-equilibrium
Indeed they may well depend on such processes e.g. the state? A classic example of this occurred at Porlock in west
Giant’s Causeway, Co. Antrim would degrade in the Somerset, England where the National Trust opposed a
absence of wave impact. Wessex Water scheme to strengthen a threatened gravel
The example above shows that the ranking of designated barrier. The Trust believed that natural processes should be
coastal sites raises an interesting philosophical argument. It allowed to operate even if a designated freshwater/brackish
could be argued that even if the infrastructure associated wetland would suffer marine flooding as a result and
with the management and use of a site, e.g. paths, car parks, thereby transform into a marine habitat (Carter, 1993).
visitor centres, is vulnerable to wave attack, this
"secondary" vulnerability should not dominate management Computation of the socio-economic sub-index
considerations and vulnerability assessment since the
The overall variables and their rankings are shown in
operation of natural processes is necessary for the
Table 4.3. Each of the six variables was gridded in ArcView
maintenance of the primary site interest.
GIS and then the rankings added together. The resulting
Since the purpose of this index was to assess vulnerability
scores were then normalised by converting them to a range
in relation to erosion from marine forces it was decided to
of the maximum and minimum scores (the minimum score
rank the designated areas on the basis of whether they held
in Table 3 is 6 and the maximum is 30, therefore 6 was
national or international designations. See Table 2 for the
subtracted from the total score, the result was divided by 30
rankings. National areas were allocated higher vulnerability
and finally multiplied by 100).
ratings than international areas as there is arguably a greater
The coastal characteristics and the coastal forcing sub-
chance that their management systems will be weaker, e.g.
indices were calculated in a similar manner and the three
resources are fewer in terms of both expertise and finance.
sub-indices were then added as shown below.
This is probably valid as a generalisation but the situation
on the ground is quite complex and there are many
anomalies. Dealing with the Republic of Ireland
MCKENNA et al. (2000) (pg. 88-89) point out the wide Table 2. Classification scheme for conservation designations in
disparity in the degree of protection offered by conservation Northern Ireland.
designations, ranging from virtually none in some of the
national designations to strong statutory protection for the INTERNATIONAL Score
European designations of Special Protection Areas (SPA) Ramsar site 3
and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). Surprisingly, Special Protection Areas
however, the prestigious international designations of Special Areas of Conservation
Ramsar and World Heritage Site bestow no protection per World Heritage Site
se; one reason why they are designated is that they are
already well protected by other designations e.g. SPA in the NATIONAL
Ramsar case. Areas of Special Scientific Interest 5
It is conceded therefore that the overall ranking in Table 2 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
may be crude, however data are not available to support a National Nature Reserves
more refined ranking system. Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Table 3 Socio-economic characteristics vulnerability classification scheme for Northern Ireland index.
Variable 1 2 3 4 5
Settlement No settlement Village Small Town Large town City
Landuse Water bodies Natural grasslands Forest Agriculture Urban and industrial
Marsh/bog and moor
Sparsely vegetated areas Coastal areas Infrastructure
Bare rocks
CVI = The diagram also demonstrates that the overall index via
(coastal characteristics + coastal forcing + socio-economic) / 3 its sub-indices does differentiate between areas. If all of the
sub-index sub-index sub-index sites were clustered around the centre of the triangle then
this would suggest that all areas studied were relatively
In Figure 4 areas such as Magilligan, Portrush, Belfast similar in relation to their coastal characteristics, coastal
and Kilkeel are highlighted as being of high vulnerability, forcing and socio-economic attributes. This would not be a
with areas such as Fair Head and Island Magee showing low true picture of Northern Ireland as its coastline is quite
vulnerability. diverse with areas of high and low erosion, wave exposure
To test the influence of each of the three sub-indices in the and areas of high and low socio-economic activity.
overall result, seven sites along the coast of Northern
Ireland were randomly chosen and their sub-index values Discussion
examined (these were based on the average of 6 selected
The calculated indices were tested against site assessment
grid squares for each area). An Excel macro program named
validation studies and correlated well at each of the 3 scales.
Trixel Version 1.0b (copyright Julien Furrer, 1996) was used
However, a problem noted during the breakdown of the
to create a ternary diagram to display the results of the three
overall index scores into their component sub-indices was
sub-indices for these sites. The results are shown in
the under-representation of the socio-economic sub-index in
Figure 5.
its contribution to the overall index score. Belfast was the
The ternary diagram above shows the relative influence of
only study area tested where the socio-economic sub-index
each of the three sub-indices in the overall index score. The
made a significant contribution to the overall index score
diagram shows a general tendency for the coastal forcing
(bearing in mind that the maximum contribution of any one
and coastal characteristics sub-indices to dominate the
of the sub-indices to the overall index is 1/3rd). There are
overall score, with the socio-economic index having the
several possible explanations why this occurred. The first
least influence. The city of Belfast for example stands out as
and simplest explanation is that the coastline of Northern
having the greatest influence from the socio-economic
Ireland is relatively undeveloped in socio-economic terms,
index as might be expected, given its sheltered position and
and that in fact the index is reflecting reality. A second
high level of infrastructure. Of the seven areas, Benbane
possibility is that the low socio-economic sub-index scores
Head has the highest score in the coastal forcing sub-index,
may be an artefact of the use of dichotomous variables, i.e.
followed by Fair Head, while Magilligan is dominated by
variables that exist in either of two states e.g. presence or
the coastal characteristics sub-index as is the town of
absence. The socio-economic sub-index has two
Figure 5. Triangular diagram of the relative strengths of each of the 3 sub-indices for selected sites in Northern Ireland.
dichotomous variables at each index scale, the coastal position against its natural tendency to behave in a dynamic
forcing sub-index has none and the coastal characteristics manner. Figure 6 attempts to highlight the complex
sub-index has only one at the local and Northern Ireland relationship between vulnerability and perceived value on
levels. Examples of dichotomous variables used are the an eroding coast.
presence or absence of railways or the presence or absence Although the diagram is schematic, actual values could be
of cultural heritage features. Dichotomous variables are added to the graph in terms of property value and actual
"coarse" variables in that they use only the extremes of the distances to the coast. The numbers (1-5) on the diagram
1-5 range. Therefore, where these variables represent illustrate how perceived value changes with increasing
phenomena that occur in few locations they may skew the perception of vulnerability. For example a house at location
overall index score by giving most of the coastline low 1, e.g. 500m from the shoreline, has a certain baseline value.
index scores. As the variables in the index are not averaged, This value increases at location 2 as it is closer to the
these dichotomous variables tend to lower the overall socio- shoreline and then increases again significantly at location
economic score. 3. Location 4 is where the house reaches its maximum value
This unrealistic influence of dichotomous variables as it is now close to the shore with excellent views of the
suggests that if possible their use should be avoided. Their sea. At location 5, however, awareness of the vulnerability
impact could also be lessened by combining variables into of the area causes the property value to fall away steeply.
groups, for example roads and railways could be merged The box at point 4 therefore indicates the point of maximum
into a "transportation links" variable which would allow the value at which the owner ideally wants to maintain the
full 1-5 vulnerability ranking to be used. In the case of house-to-shore distance. As this distance decreases, the
cultural heritage features the problem is more complicated. value of the property declines due to perception of risk.
As previously noted it is not easy to rank cultural features in Further seaward comes the point of ‘terminal’vulnerability
order of their importance because of the high level of i.e. loss of land area. A recent example of this "vulnerability
subjectivity involved. = value" phenomenon can be found in the case of the
An alternative to the production of an overall Mussenden Temple at Downhill, Co. Derry. Much of its
vulnerability index could be the production of a character comes from its spectacular cliff-edge location
vulnerability ‘profile’ instead. This would mean that, (Figure 3.1.4). However, it was vulnerable because of cliff
instead of combining the three sub-indices into one, they erosion. Rather than lose one of its prime possessions or risk
would be left as three ‘stand-alone’indices. These could be moving it inland, the National Trust in 1998 spent £250,000
displayed via piecharts or barcharts beside maps of the in strengthening the cliff (BELFAST TELEGRAPH, 23
study area. The main advantage of these profiles would be a May, 1998). In doing this the Trust explicitly went against
clearer distinction of areas where one sub-index is its normal policy of allowing natural processes to proceed
dominant. This could possibly be viewed as an alternative to uninterrupted. Similarily in 1999 at Beachy Head in Sussex,
weighting the sub-indices in the creation of an overall index England, the Belle Tout Lighthouse was moved back 55ft
score. Gornitz has commented that the use of a vulnerability (16.8m) from the eroding cliff edge at a cost of £250,000
profile may be better than an index as the latter can conceal (THE INDEPENDENT, 18th MARCH, 1999).
differences in the relative strengths of individual variables The dotted line on the vulnerability curve in Figure 6 is
from one area to another (Gornitz, V. pers. comm., 1993). linked with the placement of coastal defences, i.e. with
Alongside these specific problems of quantifying and defences in position the value peak is located further
incorporating socio-economic data, there are more seaward as defences both reduce "real" risk and delay the
fundamental problems relating to human perceptions of perception of risk (although in the majority of cases there
vulnerability. Human actions can distort the commonly held must have been some perception of risk to "generate" the
view of vulnerability as an undesirable "state" to be avoided defences). Even with coastal defences, continuing wave
if at all possible. For example coastal users may deliberately attack eventually raises the economic costs of defending the
encroach into inter-tidal areas or onto mobile and unstable site to exceed the actual value of the land and therefore the
dune systems. This problem is highlighted with the site is abandoned and its value declines rapidly. It should be
positioning of the 5th green at Royal Portrush Golf Club, noted that in the index developed here, coastal defence
Co. Antrim. The green is deliberately positioned on the crest structures were considered to be indicators of erosion either
of the highest seaward dune for reasons of its scenic view; actual or threatened. However, there are cases where
inevitably this places the green in a vulnerable area. defence structures can actually be the cause of erosion
Paradoxically if the green was located in a safer, less (PILKEY and DIXON, 1996). "Defence" structures such as
vulnerable position it would be perceived as less attractive seawalls are not always built to protect against erosion as
and therefore less "valuable". The green has been defended they may be built to create promenades or to improve access
by rock armour in an attempt to hold the dune in a static to beaches. CARTER and BARTLETT (1990) noted how
coastal engineering structures caused spectacular changes at
Figure 6. Schematic model of the relationship between vulnerability and perceived value on an eroding coast.