NP2 Recalls 9
NP2 Recalls 9
NP2 Recalls 9
Arlian, a nursing student, is reviewing for her finals specific tissue layers. Knowing these is helpful to know
examination next week. She wants to master the because coexisting congenital disorders found in
Reproductive organ. The following questions are newborns usually arise from the same germ layer.
pertaining to its anatomy.
6. Which among the Germ layers that forms the brain
1. During coitus, there are glands that release secretions and spinal cord?*
to lubricate the external genitalia. What do you call the
glands located on each side of the vaginal opening?* A.Ectoderm
1 point B.Mesoderm
A.Bartholin gland D.Epidermis
B.Cowper’s gland beside prostate
C.Skene gland 7. Heart is the muscle at the center of the circulatory
D.Prostate gland system that pumps blood around the body as it beats. The
nurse is aware that it is from which germ layer?*
2. The nurse knows that the structure that conveys the
ovum from the ovaries to the uterus is the fallopian tube. A.Ectoderm
Which of the following is true about the isthmus part of B.Mesoderm
the fallopian tube* C.Endoderm
A.It is the most proximal part of the tube that lies within
the uterine wall INTERSTITIAL WALL 8. The trachea and esophagus arise from the same germ
B.This part is cut during childbirth to enlarge the vaginal layer which makes it common for a birth anomaly such
opening FOURCHETTE as fistula to occur between them. Which germ layer it
C.It is where fertilization of an ovum usually occurs arises from?*
D.It is extremely narrow where tubal sterilization is
done A.Ectoderm
3. Spermatogenesis is the production of sperm to C.Endoderm
maintain a fixed number of chromosomes of every D.Epidermis
human being. Spermatozoa is produced in the testes.
Which among the following is true about its complex 9. Krizzia, a pregnant client, is currently working in a
sequence of events?* company. She tells the nurse that she has to work
because her husband’s income is not enough to sustain
A.Ductus deferens, arteries and veins their everyday needs. She asks the nurse how she can
B.Prostate gland, cowper’s gland and vas deferens prevent fetal teratogens.*
C.Seminal vesicle, epididymis and vas deferens
D.Vas deferens, cowper’s gland and seminal vesicle A.Avoid any room where smoker gathers
B.Refrain from drinking alcohol
4. Spermatogenesis is the production of sperm to C.Ask employer for a statement on hazardous substances
maintain a fixed number of chromosomes of every at work site
human being. Spermatozoa is produced in the testes. D.AOTA
Which among the following is true about its complex
sequence of events?* SITUATION:
There is a 1.47% increase of population in the
A.FSH is responsible for the release of testosterone from Philippines in 2022. Family Planning Health program
the testes LH was held in a hospital where topics about contraceptives
B.LH is responsible for the release of androgen-binding is discussed. Nurse Totimar is on duty and she
protein (ABP) FSH encountered the following questions:
C.LH and FSH are only released in females for their
menstruation 10. Jana went to the clinic and confirmed with the nurse
D.ABP and testosterone promotes sperm formation about the use of diaphragm. She should be instructed to
ABPS Bind to testosteron leave it in place after coitus for at least how many hours?
5. Patient XYZ went for a laboratory test to check for
his sperm count. Analysis revealed that the number of his A.1 hour
sperm in one ejaculation is approximately 15 million. B.6 hours 24 hours, MORETHAN 24 fluid statisis
The nurse knows that is:* C.12 hours
D.24 hours
B.Oligospermia 11. A 38 year old female, with 4 children, came to the
C.Normal NORMAL VOLUME:1.5 to 5mL clinic and inquired about her options for contraception
NORMAL COUNT: 20-150 MILLION methods. She also stated that she smokes a pack of
D.Hyperspermia cigarettes a day. The nurse advised her to avoid:*
12. Carla, a 19-year-old working student, was trembling. 16. Maryrose, a 22-week pregnant client, is scheduled
She told the nurse she forgot to take her prescribed active for an amniocentesis. Which of the following nursing
contraceptive pills for two consecutive days. She started instructions should be given to the client?*
crying and asked the nurse what to do. The nurse should
instruct:* A.Position the patient in a sitting position to better access
the fluid
A.Ignore it, take one now and use other contraceptive B.Void immediately before the procedure
such as spermicide for a month C.Drink 2-3 full glasses of water prior to the
B.Take two pills now then continue tomorrow with amniocentesis and void after the procedure
your usual schedule D.X-ray will be used to guide the procedure UTZ
C.Throw out the rest of the pack and start a new pack of
pills 17. Judy, a 23-year old primigravida is scheduled for an
D.Let’s inform the physician. alpha-fetoprotein test. She asks the nurse for the
indication of the test and what the medical professional is
13. Carol consults the nurse because her 16-year-old trying to detect. The nurse correctly answers:*
daughter asks her how she can avoid the pressure of
unwanted sex? The nurse should not suggests:* A.Kidney defects
1 point B.Respiratory Defects
C.Cardiac Defects
A.Tell the daughter to discuss it with her partner which D.Chromosomal Defects ↑:NTD ↓: CHROMOSAL.
sexual activities will permit or not TRISOMY21
B.Be certain that her partner understands that when she
say “NO”, she means it 18. Judy, still being anxious, feels sorry and says it is
C.Avoid being in a high-pressure situations such as a her first time. She is curious on how AFP is being
party with known drug use obtained?*
D.Tell her daughter that accepting drugs is fine if she 1 point
is with her close friends
A.Cervical secretions
14. The nurse is teaching the client about a natural B.Chorionic villi blood sample
family planning method which is the basal body C.Maternal blood sample 16-18 weeks
temperature method. The woman does not need any D.Abdominal ultrasoun
further teaching when she states that*
19. Angela is in her first trimester. She is too excited to
know the gender of her baby and asks when is the earliest
A.“Sa araw ng ovulation ko ay tataas ng 1°C ang month that her baby’s gender will be determined. The
temperature ko” nurse responds*
B.“Iche-check ko ang temperature ko sa umaga
pagkatapos ko mag exercise”
A.2 months by an ultrasound EXTERNAL
C.“Kapag bumaba po ang temperature ko tapos
kinabukasan biglang tumaas, dapat hindi ako
B.4 months by an ultrasound
makipagtalik hanggang dalawang araw pagkatapos ito
C.7 months by an ultrasound DESCEND OF
D.“Kapag paiba-iba ang oras ng gising ko, D.It is impossible. The gender is known after birth
makakaapekto ito sa BBT method”
20. Biophysical profile scoring combines five
15. The mucus of the uterine cervix changes in structure parameters in checking the overall well-being of the
and consistency each month during a menstrual cycle. fetus. Among the parameters, which is not assessed using
Which assessment of cervical mucus suggests that the a sonogram*
woman is about to ovulate?
A.Fetal breathing continues movement of diaphragm for
i.Scant cervical mucus at least 30 sec
ii.(+) Spinnbarkeit if ↑estrogen B.Fetal Tone atleast active extension of fetal with return
iii.Highly viscous cervical mucus to flexion/ opening or closing of hand
iv.(+) Ferning if ↑estrogen C.Fetal Heart reactivity non stress test—REACTIVE+
atleast 2 or more FHR acceleratipn of atlest 15bpm for
A.i, ii, iii, iv atleast 15 sec. during a 20 min period
B.ii, iii, iv D.Amniotic fluid volume
C.i, ii, iv
D.ii, iv 21. Pia, a 36 weeks in gestation is scheduled for a
routine ultrasound prior to an amniocentesis. After
SITUATION: teaching Pia about the purpose for the ultrasound, when
Nurse Lilian is working in Guimaras Primary Health you were validating her understanding which of the
Care where routine laboratory tests is done for pregnant following statements would indicate that Pia needs
client. She knows that Routine laboratory tests are further instruction?*
performed to identify conditions that may increase the
A.“the test will determine where to insert the needle"
B."the ultrasound locates a pool of amniotic fluid" A.Boys should be circumcised because it is in the
C."the ultrasound will help to locate the placenta" Philippine culture
D."the ultrasound identifies blood flow through the B.A statement from the DOH asserts that
umbilical cord" DOOPLER circumcision is highly personal
C.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
22. The mother received the results of her ultrasound experts endorse circumcision for every male newborns.
and it indicates that there is a less than the usual amount D.Circumcision is not yet allowed in newborns and
of amniotic fluid present. The nurse knows that should not be talked about.
28. A 1-day old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Reyes is being
A.It suggests extreme prematurity assessed by the nurse. Which of the following findings
B.It may result to umbilical cord compression should be reported to the doctor?*
C.It is related to poor flexion in fetal attitude
D.The pockets of amniotic fluid is around 20-24 A.Harlequin sign
B.Erythema Toxicum
C.Choanal atresia
D.Epstein pearls
A.11.25lbs A.CBC
B.15 lbs B.SGPT
C.7.5 lbs C.ABG
D.16.5 lbs D.CBG
24. When the nurse is assigned to admitting neonates in 30. Casey, a 4-year-old child is scheduled for breathing
the nursery. She makes it into a point to wear her gloves exercises. The goal is for her to increase her expiratory
carefully. This action is based on what scientific phase? What is the appropriate task?*
A.Use an incentive spirometer
A.Meconium contains enteric bacteria which may be a B.Taking several deep breaths
cause for infection C.Breathe into a paper bag
B.The urine of infant is so alkaline which is very harmful D.Blow a pinwheel
to the skin
C.The baby is at high risk for infection and must be 31. The mother of a child with asthma is confused with
protected at all times the prescription given by the doctor and says there are a
D.Amniotic fluid may contain harmful viruses lot of medications for asthma. She asks which of the
following medications has a quick relief when there is an
25. The attending physician has ordered to give Vitamin asthma attack?*
K 0.5mg IM for a newborn. The nurse checked the stocks
of available medication and found a vial with 2mg/mL A.Fluticasone
label. The nurse calculates and give the correct dose as:* B.Prednisone
A.1mL D.Albuterol SABA
B. 0.25mL
C. 4mL 32. A 6-year-old child was rushed to the emergency
D.0.5mL department due to difficulty breathing.The most
important piece of information that would indicate that a
26. When the nurse checked the 8-hour-old neonate, she child is in status asthmaticus is?*
assessed the hands and feets bluish in color. The nurse is
knowledgeable when she does what action?* A.When is the child’s last meal?
B.When was the child’s last dose of medication?
A.Administer oxygen via nasal cannula C.What was the child’s last activity when asthma
B.Swaddle the baby in a blanket triggers?
C.Inform the physician and ask for a possible incubator D.When was the child last admitted
D.Apply pulse oximeter to check for oxygen saturation
33. Four primigravida clients went to the clinic and were
27. The postpartum mother asks the nurse if she should assessed accordingly by the nurse on duty. Which among
have their son circumcised. Which piece of scientific the gravid clients should the nurse refer for further
information should the nurse base her answer on?* assessment?*
A.Asymmetry of the head with overriding bones. 60. Nurse Nicole is a member of the birthing team when
B.Head circumference 32 cm, chest 34 cm Michelle gave birth to her first born. Inside the delivery
C.A sharply outlined, spongy area of edema room Nicole assisted the attending obstetrician. To
D.Two" soft spots" between the cranial bones address the concerns of keeping the baby warm, her first
step in obtaining thermal protection for the newborn is
A.Dry the baby thoroughly after the cord has been cut
B.Dry the baby thoroughly immediately after giving
C.Cover the baby with a clean, dry cloth after the cord
has been cut
56. Nicole just had a vaginal delivery of her second D.Cover the baby with clean, dry cloth, immediately
child 2 days ago. She breastfeeds her baby without after birth
difficulty. You visited her and during your postpartum
assessment you EXPECT normal findings to be as:* 61. After providing necessary drying and warmth and
support to the newborn. Nurse Michelle observed other
details as essential parts of the immediate care of a
A.Fundic height at 1 cm above the umbilicus
1 hour after birth = umbilicus normal newborn which includes:*
24hrs thereafter+1cm below
B.Some feeling of after pains A.Deep suctioning of the airway to remove mucous
C.Voiding frequently, 50-75 mL per episode of voiding B.Removing used wet cloth, and covering the baby with
250-400 mL clean, dry cloth
D.Pinkish to brownish vaginal discharge RUBRA-DARK C.Stimulation the baby by slapping the soles of the
baby’s feet
57. Ruthchelle had vaginal delivery of her first baby 6 D.Skin-to-skin contact by placing the baby over the
weeks ago and you see her for follow-up postpartum mother’s chest
visits. She is feeding well and is bottle-feeding her infant
successfully. During your physical assessment, you 62. In applying essential new born care (ENC), Nurse
EXPECT normal findings as:* Richard keeps in mind that care of the umbilicus should
A.Having some pink striae but starting to fade
B.Tender breast, some milk expressed MASTITIS A.Cleaning with cooled, boiled water and leaving it
C.Fundus 6cm below the umbilicus on palpation NON uncovered
PALPABLE BY 10 DAYS B.Covering with a Sterile compress
D.With creamy, yellow vaginal discharge YEAST C.Cleaning with alcohol
INFECTION D.Applying antibiotic cream
58. In the postpartum period, you should instruct your 63. The vitamin K is administered to the newborn for
client to perform which of the following exercises to which of the following reason?*
strengthen her pelvis floor muscles?*
A.Newborns are susceptible to avitaminosis
A.Kegel exercises B.Newborns have no intestinal bacteria
B.lung exercise C.Hemolysis of the fetal red blood cells destroys vitamin
C.push-up K
D.sit-ups D.The newborn’s liver incapable of producing sufficient
vitamin K
59. Another nursing focus is the monitoring of
postpartum clients for possible complications. 64. Practice like cord clamping and the traditional
Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the primary causes of “milking” of the cord immediately post delivery have
maternal mortality associated with child bearing. Which now been proven to be beneficial. These can also results
among the following T’s is the most frequent cause of in more harm and complications especially in pre-terms
postpartum hemorrhage?* and in the fragile blood vessels in the brain of the
newborn. Richard NOW modifies and introduces a new
A.Tissue newborn care practice termed as:*
C.Tone RESISTANCE OF THE MUSCLE A.Routine Separation
D.Thrombin B.“Unang Yakap”
C.Properly timed cord clamping
SITUATION: D.Partographing
A current initiative of the Department of Health (DOH)
is the program called essential intrapartal Newborn SITUATION:
(EINC). This provides meaningful measures to be If emergencies occur inside healthcare facilities where
supplies and equipment’s are expectedly available and
assumed complete, similar healthcare situations are also danger signal prompting alert for the first sign of
present in “pre-hospital” or pre-institutional” settings excessive blood magnesium level is:*
requiring the same degree of nursing care management.
The following applies. A.Disappearance knee – jerk reflex ↓ DEEP TENDON
65. During the second second trimester of pregnancy, a B.Increased respiratory rate DECREASE
pregnancy woman is ideally given her first dose of C.Development of cardiac dysrhythmia
tetanus toxoid by intramuscular injection. Which of the D.Disturbance in sensorium
following is appropriate for the disposition of used
syringes and needles in the pre-institutional settings?* SITUATION:
Nurse Michelle retired early form service as clinical
A.Cap again before throwing in garbage cans instructor in a college of nursing in Alfonso Cavite and
B.Decontaminate before even reusing opened he PRIMARY HEALTH CARE (PHC)
C.Place in puncture – proof containers NURSONG CLINIC. One of her health programs
D.Place in a garbage can focused on CHILD SURVIVAL which includes
addressing malnutrition.
66. The pregnant client with threatened miscarriage is
advised by the nurse to avoid coitus for two weeks which Using the IMCI Approach the following situations and
she asks the purpose why. The nurse responds correctly:* questions apply
A.It prevents infection 71. Among the first clients in nurse Michelle’s PHC
B.It prevents threatened miscarriage to change to Clinic Raffy, a 6 month’s old child, with visible severe
imminent wasting and severe palmar pallor which nurse Raffy
C.It pokes the live fetus classified as:*
D.It is unethical and unprofessional
A.Not very weight/No Anemia
67. Mrs. Nicole Richards came to you with an obstetric B.Anemia/severe malnutrition
history of three (3) spontaneous abortions, is now 12 C.Severe malnutrition/severe anemia
weeks pregnant, and attending her OB’s high rick clinic. D.Anemia/very low birth weight
Mrs. Richard expresses to you her concern over this
pregnancy. In order for you to determine that the patient
is experiencing IMMINENT miscarriage occur when*
A."this behavior is a defense mechanisms when A.Suggest to the mother to give the baby bottle feeding
normal routine changes" for several days until the pain subsides.
B."your child probably do not like me or another nurse B.Give the mother instruction on how to massage her
assigned to him" fundus.
C."bedwetting and thumb-sucking are the child's way of C.Give the patient instructions on how to breastfeed in a
getting even for abandonment" different positions.
D." your toddler is angry and this is a way of telling you D.Describe how hormones in breastfeeding work.
of his unhappiness"
91. When preparing to conduct prenatal and parenting
SITUATION: classes for a group of parents, the clinic's nursing staff
In your area of assignment which is LABOR AND will be providing childcare for the parents' children who
DELIVERY, you get to handle varied cases of birthing range in age from 15 months to 6 years. The clinic has
mothers. The following conditions apply. a playroom. Which of the following activities would be
most appropriate to include?*
86. You are attending to Nicole, whose cervix is
completely dilated and with THE FETAL HEAD IS AT
A.A group sing-along
2 (-) station. The head of Nicole's fetus has not
B.Drawing and painting projects
descended in the past hour. What most appropriate initial
C.Free play with adult supervision
assessment should you make?*
D.Watching cartoon videos.
A.Determine if Nicole's bladder is distended 92. Which of the following would suggest that the
PREVENTS DESCENT OF BABY parents of a 6-year-old boy with leukemia have age-
B.Assess fetal status, fetal heart tones, and scalp pH appropriate expectations regarding their child's response
C.Submit Nicole for x-rays to determine fetal size to his approaching death after the nurse has taught them
D.Notify the surgical team so that an operative delivery how to talk with their child about death and dying?*
87. A newborn, at 1 minute after vaginal delivery, is
pink with blue hands and feet, has a lusty cry 2 . heart A.He is too young to comprehend what is happening to
rate of 1402 , prompt response to stimulation with him
crying, and maintains minimal flexion, with sluggish B.He might believe that his behavior causes his own
movement. If you should perform an Apgar score, how death
would you score for this newborn?* C.He will accept that his illness will cause death
D.He will understand how much his siblings will miss
A.8 him.
B.9 93. After the nurse instructs the parents of a 5-month-old
C.10 infant about the purpose of the Denver Developmental
D.7 Screening Test (DDST), which of the following
88. A postpartum mother, after giving birth 6 hours ago, statements by the parents about what the test measures
was checked by the nurse and noted a temperature of would indicate that the teaching was effective?*
38C. The nurse knows that the appropriate action to do
is:* A.Intelligence quotient.
B.Emotional development.
A.Report immediately to the physician because it may be C.Social and physical abilities.
a sign of infection D.Potential for future development
B.Encourage the mother to take in fluids.
94. While the nurse talks to the mother about her baby's
C.Inform the mother to be on bed rest without bathroom
motor skill development. The nurse should communicate
to the mother that a newborn will most likely be able to
D.Do nothing as this is expected.
do which of the following by the age of 7 months?*
A.Walk with one handheld 12 months
B.Use a spoon to successfully eat 18 months A.Prior to the procedure, wrap the food in an ice pack for
C.Stand while holding onto furniture 11 months one full minute
cruising B.Lateral heel should be avoided to prevent damage on
D.Sit alone using the hands for support. the sensitive structures
C.Let the skin air dry after rubbing the skin with
95. According to the developmental theories, which alcohol
important developmental event during a toddler is D.Grasping the calf firmly may prevent harm throughout
essential?* the procedure.
A.The child learns to feed himself
B.The child is able to develop friendships
C.The child learns how to walk independently
D.The child participates in being potty-trained.
A.Patches of alopecia
B.Ruddy complexion JAUNDICE
C.Erythema toxicum
99. The nurse received the test results of the mother and
her baby. The nurse saw that the direct Coombs test is
positive. The sample required for the procedure is?*
A.Newborn’s blood
B.Mother’s blood INDIRECT
C.Newborn’s urine
D.Mother’s urine