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Diagenetic Control of Reservoir Performance and Its Implications for

Reservoir Prediction in Jinci Sandstone of Upper Carboniferous in
the Middle East Ordos Basin
Yunbing Hu, Yinghai Guo,* Hairuo Qing, and Junjian Zhang

Cite This: ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: The Upper Carboniferous sandstone reservoir is a vital

replacement area for natural gas exploration in Ordos Basin. In this study, 157
Jinci sandstone samples were selected to conduct a series of experiments and
analyses. The reservoir material composition and pore structure analysis shows
that the lithology of the reservoir is mainly quartz arenite, followed by sublithic
arenite. The detrital particles are mainly quartz (69−97.5%), followed by rock
fragments (0.1−24.5%), and the content of feldspar is less than 0.01%. The
cement consists of siliceous material, clay minerals, and carbonate, with averages
of 2.34, 5.96, and 1.81%, respectively. Three types of pore-throat structures
(HPMI curve: types 1, 2, and 3) are identified in the Jinci sandstone reservoir,
corresponding to different pore-throat radius distributions (RCP curves: types A,
B, and C). The study of the factors affecting reservoir pore structure and its
internal mechanism shows that the reservoir pore-throat combination, affecting
the reservoir performance, is mainly controlled by deposit composition and the
subsquent diagenetic modification. A higher rigid particle content and an
appropriate amount of siliceous cementation (2−10%) would lead to resistance of
the compaction, in favor of the preservation of primary intergranular pores. When
the content of ductile particles is more than 3%, the original intergranular pores tend to be substantially reduced. The deposit
composition of sandstone controls the preservation of residual intergranular pores by affecting the intensity of compaction and
dissolution controlling the amount and type of cementation. Compared with dissolution-subjected quartz arenites, the sublithic
arenites are characterized by a common occurrence of altered kaolinite and recrystallized illite, which would destroy the reservoir
property. The early diagenetic carbonate cementation, as well as the strong siliceous cementation in “sedimentary quartz arenite”, are
unfavorable to the formation of high-quality reservoirs. Then, on the basis of the characteristics of various diagenesis and their
interaction and internal relationship, the diagenetic sequence and diagenetic-pore evolution patterns of different types of reservoirs
were established. Finally, according to the lithological characteristics and the diagenetic-controlled pore-throat evolution patterns of
different types of reservoirs, the reservoir quality in the study area was predicted.

1. INTRODUCTION migration, and its exploitation;12,13 however, the pore system

In recent years, with the continuous decline of conventional oil of the tight sandstone reservoir is tortuous with a small pore
and gas production, unconventional resources have attracted radius and poor connectivity, which makes the micropore
structure difficult to accurately characterize.2,9 A large amount
much interest because of their huge reserves and exploration
of research has been done on the pore type, pore-throat radius,
potential.1−4 The tight sandstone reservoir is of great
pore structure of tight sandstone reservoirs, and interaction
significance to unconventional oil and gas systems. The
that the pore-throat structure posed on reservoir seepage
continuous promotion of tight sandstone reservoir perform-
capacity.2,12,14−17 However, the research on the pore-throat
ance evaluation and “dessert” prediction is the key to tight
sandstone gas exploration and utilization.5−7
The tight sandstone reservoir, with extremely low porosity Received: June 6, 2022
and permeability (porosity <10%, permeability less than Accepted: October 14, 2022
0.1mD),8,9 shows strong heterogeneity in the anisotropy of Published: October 27, 2022
lithology, pore structure, and physical properties due to the
diagenetic modification,10,11 among which, the micropore
structure is of great significance for hydrocarbon filling,
© 2022 The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society
39697 ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
ACS Omega Article

Figure 1. Structural location of the study area and distribution of the specific sampling wells of the Jinci sandstone in the present study. (a)
Location of Ordos Basin. (b) Location of the study area. (c) Distribution of sedimentary facies in the study area.

relationship and the diagenetic-controlled pore-throat evolu- for the preservation of the primary intergranular pores.
tion pattern of different pore-throat configuration types needs Dissolution may cause an increase in secondary porosity. It
more attention. should be noted that the dissolution process will also be
The characteristics of reservoir pore structure, determining accompanied by the precipitation of cement such as clay
the reservoir quality, are strictly affected by the composition of minerals and quartz.31,32 Therefore, the research on the
the original sediments, as well as the modification of complex lithological characteristics integrating the genesis of the
diagenesis during the postsedimentation.10,18−20 Therefore, interaction and internal relationship and its impact on the
research related to the impact of diagenetic alteration on pore evolution patterns of different pore-throat configuration
reservoir quality is crucial for the efficient exploration, reservoirs is essential. In addition, the Jinci sandstone is an
evaluation, and exploitation of tight reservoirs. Diagenesis important replacement area for natural gas exploration in
mainly refers to various physical and chemical processes that Ordos Basin. However, relevant research on the Jinci
occur after sediment deposition, including deep burial sandstone reservoir in the study area is not rich enough. So,
compaction (mechanical and chemical), mineral metasoma- it is particularly urgent to carry out relevant work related to the
tism, soluble components dissolution, and cementation.21 The influence of reservoir diagenesis on pore structure, clarify the
original deposition composition and its structural character- influencing factors of diagenesis, and investigate the internal
istics, determined by original sedimentation, exert significant relationship and interaction between various diageneses based
control on the types and intensity of diagenesis,22 resulting in on a full understanding of the sedimentary background.
the differential evolution of reservoir pore-throat structure.23 In this study, 157 Jinci sandstone samples of Upper
Much work has been done to reveal the impact of different Carboniferous in Ordos Basin were collected to conduct a
types of diagenesis on reservoir quality. It is considered that detailed study on reservoir material composition, pore-throat
compaction caused by progressive burial is the main factor structure, and diagenesis characteristics. On this basis, the
leading to the reduction of sandstone depositional poros- relationship between pore types and pore structure character-
ities,24−27 which is controlled by the effective stress and istics is discussed, the influencing factors of reservoir diagenesis
mechanical properties of sediments.21 Various types of in the study area are clarified, and the internal relationship and
secondary minerals generated during the process of cementa- interaction between various diageneses and their control
tion can fill the pore throat of the reservoir and destroy the mechanism on the reservoir pore structure are revealed.
reservoir performance;28 meanwhile, a small amount of cement Then, the diagenetic sequence and diagenetic-pore evolution
formed in the early diagenesis can improve the compaction patterns of different types of reservoirs were established, which
resistance of the reservoir,29,30 which is of positive significance can provide a basis for reservoir quality prediction.
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
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Figure 2. Stratigraphic characteristics of the Upper Carboniferous in the study area.

2. GEOLOGICAL SETTING member is mainly a set of the alternative sea and river facies
The Ordos Basin, located in the west of the North China Plate environmental rock series composed of sandstone, shale,
siltstone, and limestone, and coal seams are occasionally
(Figure 1a), is a multicycle sedimentary craton basin, as well as
developed. Jinci sandstone is located at the bottom of the Jinci
one of the most important petroliferous basins in China. The
member, which belongs to the upper part of the Benxi
evolution of the current tectonic framework of the basin began
Formation. In the Wushenqi and Shenmu-Qingjian areas, it is
in the middle of the Yanshanian movement and tended to be
mainly subaqueous distributary channel deposits with large
stable until the Himalayan movement. There are six secondary
large-scale inclined beddings and trough cross-bedding formed
structural units in the basin3 (Figure 1b). The study area is
in tide transformed shallow water delta environment.
close to the Western Shanxi Flexure Belt and located in the
northeast of the Yishan slope. During the period of the Late
Carboniferous, the regional structure showed a pattern of high 3. SAMPLES AND METHODOLOGY
in the north and low in the south, and transgression occurred In this study, 157 Upper Carboniferous Jinci sandstone
in the south of the basin due to the tectonic movement of the samples were collected from a total of 20 exploration wells
plate. The study area is a tide transformed composite for comprehensive research. First, a small part of each
sedimentary system of a shallow water delta, wide sea lagoon, sandstone sample is taken for the preparation of cast thin
tidal flat, and carbonate tidal flat under the background of the sections (CTS). The CTS samples were made in China
confined epicontinental sea, and the deposits of subaqueous Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute,
distributary channel, tidal bar, and tidal channel constitute the and then all thin sections were observed and identified by
main sedimentary types of the Jincis sandstone (Figure 1c). polarizing microscope technology to investigate the character-
The Upper Carboniferous sediments in the research area istics of mineral, pores, and reservoir morphology.
show the integrated characteristics of four types of sedimentary Then, 20 samples were selected from 157 samples to prepare
systems: (1) weathered bauxite, (2) littoral and neritic clastic samples with lengths of 0.5 and 4 cm, respectively. The 20
rocks, (3) tidal flat limestone, and (4) coastal swamp facies samples of 0.5 cm long were gold-coated and dried with FEI
coal rock, carbonaceous mudstone, and ferroaluminite Quanta 250 for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis.
containing pyrite or siderite nodules and bands (Figure 2). All these calculations were completed in the modern analysis
The bottom of the Benxi Formation of Upper Carboniferous is and calculation center of the China University of mining and
mainly composed of iron and aluminum riched mudstone and technology (CUMT). The other 20 4 cm long samples were
shale and is called the Hutian member. The central Pangou used for the high-pressure mercury intrusion (HPMI) test
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
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according to the Chinese Standard SY/T5346-2005 with consist of both high metamorphic lithic fragments (average
mercury porosimeter (Autopore 9520). The upper limit was 1.07%) and lower metamorphic lithic fragments (phyllite
set to 200 MPa, corresponding to the pore-throat radius of 0.21%, slate 0.06%, schist, etc.). There is a small amount of
0.004 μm. sedimentary lithic fragments such as mudstone and siltstone
Finally, 10 samples were selected from the 20 samples to fragments. In addition, the argillization and calcification of
prepare 10 4 cm long samples for the rate-controlled detrital particles can be seen, as they form a small amount of
porosimetry (RCP) test. According to the industrial standard, altered lithic fragments (average 0.46%). During the process of
the samples were tested with an ASPE-730 mercury compaction, the ductile lithic fragments are prone to plastic
porosimeter at a rate of 0.00005 mL/min, and the maximum deformation and concavo-convex contact with rigid particles or
intrusion pressure set was 9000 psi, corresponding to the pore- even occur in the form of a pseudomatrix, which can occupy
throat radius of 0.12 μm. Both the HPMI and the RCP tests most of the pore space (Figure 4c,e). In this study, they are
were completed in the Langfang Branch of China Petroleum collectively referred to as ductile fragments, including most
Exploration and Development Research Institute. lower metamorphic lithic fragments (such as schist, phyllite,
and slate fragments) (Figure 4e), as well as mudstone
4. RESULTS fragments and mica (Figure 4b,f).
4.1. Detrital Mineralogy. According to the petrographic 4.2. Cement. 4.2.1. Quartz. Statistics show that quartz
identification and observation of 157 sandstone CTSs, the Jinci cement exists in 94.63% of the tested Jinci sandstones, and its
sandstones in the study area are mainly medium to coarse- volume content is 0.1−14%, with an average of 2.34%,
grained (less fine-grained), medium to well-sorted, subangular accounting for 17.2% and 14.7% of the total cement in quartz
to subrounded, linear contact to concavo-convex contact of arenite and sublithic arenite, respectively (Figure 5). Quartz
detrital grains. According to the classification scheme proposed overgrowths (Figure 6a) and authigenic quartz (Figure 6g)
by folk, sandstone here is mainly quartz arenite, followed by that precipitated during late diagenesis of deep burial are the
sublithic arenite (Figure 3). The deposit compositions of main forms of quartz cement. Some quartz cement exists via
porous cementation, the point contact and short-line contact
of detrital particles showing the characteristics of early
diagenetic cementation (Figure 6b). Chemical compaction
can provide siliceous material for the formation of quartz
cement. In addition, the sources of quartz cement also include
SiO2 precipitated during the transformation of clay minerals
and silicon provided by volcanism during the sedimentary
4.2.2. Carbonate. The ferrocalcite cement in the sandstone
reservoir often appears purplish red or purple (Figure 6d),
which can be seen in 22.81% of the tested samples, with an
average content of 1.81%. Calcite, red in the cast thin section
(Figure 6c), can be found only in 10.07% of the total samples,
with content between 0.1% and 12%. Both the calcite and the
ferrocalcite fill the pore space heteromorphicly (Figure 6c,d);
in addition, a strong cementation structure with continuous
crystal can also be formed in some of the samples (Figure 6c).
Figure 3. QFR plot of the Upper Carboniferous Jinci sandstone Ankerite, with a percentage ranging between 0.1 and 4%, can
classification in the study area.
be observed in 20.81% of examined samples. Most of them
appear in the form of euhedral rhombohedral crystals;
reservoirs from different areas are shown in Table 1. It can be however, a small amount of them are microcrystalline
seen that the types of lithic fragments in different regions vary aggregates, some of which show radial structures with dirty
greatly. Compared with the Jiaxian-Ansai area, sublithic arenite centers and pure edges, indicating two stages of crystallization
quartz arenite in other regions has higher metamorphic lithic (Figure 6e). There is little difference in the content of
fragments content. carbonate cement between quartz arenite and sublithic arenite
Detrital quartz (with content in the range 69− 97.5%, an (Figure 5). The dissolution of feldspar, as well as the
average of 85.94%) is the main detrital component of Jinci transformation of clay minerals, can provide material sources
sandstone and is dominated by monocrystalline quartz (Figure for carbonate cement. The existence of a large amount of Fe2+
4a). In addition, there is a small amount of polycrystalline is evidence that the iron-bearing carbonate cement was mainly
quartz, quartzite fragments, and chert (Figure 4b,c). Few formed in the later diagenetic stage.
detrital feldspars can be seen except for a small amount of acid 4.2.3. Clay. The authigenic clay cement in the study area
plagioclase and striped feldspar from the source rock of the mainly includes kaolinite, illite, and a small amount of mixed
provenance area (Figure 4b), which can be the result of layer clay, with a percentage content of 0.1−16%. Kaolinite
chemical weathering in the process of sedimentation and the cement and illite cement can be seen in 93.96% and 92.62% of
dissolution of feldspar by acid fluid in coal-bearing strata the examined samples, respectively, among which the quartz
during diagenesis. arenite is characterized by a high content of kaolinite cement.
The content of sandstone lithic fragments in the study area However, there is little difference in content between kaolinite
is 0.1−24.5% with an average of 3.33%, of which the volcanic and illite in sublithic arenite (Figure 5).
lithic fragments (0.93%) are dominated by intermediate-acid The content of kaolinite is 0.1−11%, with an average of
eruptive lithic fragments. The metamorphic lithic fragments 3.83%. According to its occurrence, kaolinite can be divided
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
Table 1. Deposit Composition (Detrital Particles and Cement) of the Jincihe Sandstone Reservoir from Different Regions in the Study Areaa
Detrital particles (%) Cement (%)
Lithic fragments Carbonate cement Clay cement
ACS Omega

Depth Porosity Permeability Mixed layer

Location Sample (m) (%) (mD) Quartz Feldspar VLF MLF SLF ALF Mica Quartz Calcite Ferrocalcite Ankerite Kaolinite Illite clay
Hengshan-Zhidan T12 2978.5 9.0 1.18 93.5 0 0.2 0.1 0 1.5 0.1 2.5 0.1 0 0 1.5 0.5 0
T81 3648.3 8.1 3.20 88.82 0 4 0.58 0 0.5 0.2 2 0 0.2 0.1 3.5 0.1 0
Su215 3890.3 7.6 0.79 86.5 0 3 0.5 0 1.7 0 2 0 1.5 0 4 0.8 0
Tao37 3397.7 2.6 0.27 80.2 0 3 1.7 0 2 0 3 0.1 0 0 0.5 2.5 0
Tao39 3480.5 0.3 0.01 75.8 0 5 15.5 0 0.5 0.5 1 0 0 0 0.2 1 0
T3 3088.4 4.3 0.31 85.5 0 3 1.5 0 0.6 0.1 2 0 3 0 2.1 0.2 1.8
Shan398 3863.3 4.9 0.29 95.8 0 3 1 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shan468 3181.4 2.1 0.33 73.5 0 0 1 0 0 0.5 12 0 0 0 1 2 0
Jiaxian-Ansai Mi128 2010.0 8.3 0.30 74.9 0 10 0.5 0 3 0.1 3 0 0 1.8 2.5 4 0
Mi74 2421.1 3.1 0.00 80.7 0.2 7.5 2.6 0 0.2 0.1 4 0 0 0.1 0 3 0
Mi119 3080.5 8.2 0.76 88.2 0 1 0 0 3.2 0.1 0.5 0 4 0 3 0 0
Qi20 2756.1 13.3 17.80 92.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0.1 5 1 0
Mi138 2820.9 11.6 0.41 92.8 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3 0 0 0 2 2 0
Mi72 2874.8 4.6 0.03 78.3 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Qi34 2971.2 8.6 1.88 82.5 0 0.5 0 0 4 0 7 0 1 0 5 0 0
Shen90 2052.6 7.9 1.96 87 0 0 0.5 0 5 0 4.5 0 0 0 3 0 0
Shenmu Shen103 2486.4 2.1 0.07 79.6 0 4 9.5 1 0 5 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0

Shen62 2276.2 7.3 0.16 87.3 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 5 0 0 3 1.5 3 0
Wushenqi Tao25 3483.0 5.3 0.07 83.3 0 7 1.5 0 0.3 0.5 5 0.2 0 0 1.5 0 0.5
Zh15 3103.0 4.4 0.23 88.1 0 2.5 0.8 0 0.8 0.3 4 0 2.1 0 1 0.2 0
VLF: volcanic lithic fragments; ALF: altered lithic fragments; MLF: metamorphic lithic fragments; SLF: sedimentary lithic fragments.

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Figure 4. Micrographs showing the characteristics of detrital minerals in sandstone samples of this study. (a) Monocrystalline quartz particles,
numerous linear (Arrow I) and concavo-convex (Arrow II) contacts (quartz arenite, well Q20, 2757.87m). (b) Mica debris and plagioclase with
polysynthetic twinning (sublithic arenite, well mi74, 2467.66m). (c) Volcanic lithic fragments and slate fragments; slate fragments are strongly
deformed, in concavo-convex contact with quartz particles, and occupied pore space (sublithic arenite, well tao37, 3396.5m). (d) Carbonaceous
phyllite fragments (quartz arenite, well mi72, 2874.8m). (e) A variety of lithic fragments, such as slate fragments, phyllite fragments, and calcified
fragments (sublithic arenite, well mi74, 2467.66m). (f) Altered rock fragments, including kaolinized fragments and calcified fragments (quartz
arenite, mi119 well, 3080.5m). Q = detrital quartz; Quartz = quartz cement; F = feldspar; RF = rock fragments.

the form of vermicular or “booklet” aggregates with crystals of

a larger size (10 μm−20 μm) (Figure 6h), and the formation
of authigenic kaolinite is closely related to the dissolution of
feldspar aluminosilicate. Compared with authigenic kaolinite,
altered kaolinite is smaller in single crystal size and shows poor
automorphism (Figure 6f). It is dominantly found in sublithic
arenite and formed through metasomatism and kaolinization of
feldspar and volcanic ash. The kaolinite cement can be formed
at all stages of diagenesis. However, most of it was formed in
the later stage.
Illite in the study area mainly includes altered illite and
authigenic illite with the percentage content ranging from 0.1
to 15% and an average of 2.53%. Authigenic illite grows along
the particle surface, with single crystals in a scaly shape and
Figure 5. Content distribution of different types of cement in Jinci aggregates that are fibrous or hair-like (Figure 6i). It is
sandstone samples obtained from the study area.
generally developed in tuffaceous sandstone and clean quartz
arenite. Altered illite is often colloidal with coarse grains, dense
into authigenically crystallized kaolinite and altered kaolinite. structure, and uniform aggregates. In addition, sericitization
The authigenic kaolinite is mainly found in quartz arenite in occurs on it (Figure 6f,i).
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
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Figure 6. Micrographs showing the characteristics of cements in Jinci sandstone. (a) Quartz overgrowths (well qi37, 2950.17m). (b) Quartz
cement occurring as pore-filling (well Tao 37,3396.5m). (c) Calcite cement (well Tong77,3326.98m). (d) Poikilitic ferrocalcite occurring as pore-
filling, in phenocryst shape (well Mi46, 2217.95m). (e) Euhedral rhombohedral crystals (arrow I) and ankerite microcrystalline aggregate, show
radial structures with dirty centers and pure edges (arrow II) (well Shen90, 2052.6m). (f) Altered illite, yellow to orange in color, which underwent
sericitization (arrow I), altered kaolinite, small in particle size, and poor automorphism (arrow II) (well Mi74,2416.91m). (g) Authigenic quartz
appearing as an automorphic crystal in pores (well Mi138,2820.94m). (h) Vermicular or “booklet” aggregates of authigenic kaolinite (well
Qi20,2756.13m). (i) Fibrous and scaly shaped authigenic illite (well Mi72, 2874.8m). Q = detrital quartz; Quartz = quartz cement; F = feldspar; RF
= rock fragments.

4.3. Pore Classification. The pore type and content pores and intercrystalline micropores are more likely to be
distribution in sandstone with different lithologies are shown in distributed in sublithic arenite.
The primary intergranular pore (PIEP) is the space
Figure 7. Comparing the proportion of different types of pores preserved after sediment deposition. As a result of the
in reservoirs with different lithologies, we can find that primary modification of complex diagenesis, the intergranular pores
intergranular pores and secondary intergranular pores are more that now exist are not intergranular pores in the original
sedimentary period but transformed primary intergranular
favorable within quartz arenite, while intragranular dissolved pores that present triangular, quadrilateral, or polygonal in
shape (Figure 8a) and are mostly found in quartz arenite and
some sublithic arenite with high rigid detrital particle content.
Primary intergranular pores can be found among 42.29% of the
tested samples with an average thin-section porosity of 2.06%.
Secondary intergranular pores (SIEPs) can be seen in
48.99% of the total samples. These are the space regenerated
via dissolution of detrital grain margins or intergranular
material (such as tephra and tuff material) and distributed
between detrital particles in a harbor or irregular shape (Figure
8a,b), with an average porosity of 1.0%.
The detrital particles, such as feldspar and volcanic rock
fragment particles in the sandstone, can be selectively
dissolved, forming isolated and honeycomb-like dissolved
pores in the grain interiors, and are called secondary
intragranular pores (SIAP). Furthermore, mold pores formed
by the complete dissolution of detrital particles can also be
Figure 7. Pore type and content distribution in sandstone with found (Figure 8c). All these dissolution phenomena can be
different lithologies. observed in 47.65% of the tested samples, leading to a porosity
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Figure 8. Micrographs showing the characteristics of pores of reservoirs: (a) Primary intergranular pores (arrow I) and secondary intergranular
pores (arrow II) (well Qi20, 2752.73m). (b) Partial dissolution of detrital particles (arrow I) and volcanic materials (arrow II) (well Mi138,
2815.4m). (c) Secondary intragranular pores within lithic fragments, honeycomb (arrow I) and isolated particle internal dissolved pore (arrow II)
(well Mi9, 2750.48m). (d) Intercrystalline micropores in altered kaolinite from detrital particles (arrow II) and precipitated authigenic kaolinite
intercrystalline micropores (arrow I) (well Qi20, 2758.2m). (e) Matrix altered kaolinite intercrystalline micropores (arrow I) and matrix altered
illite intercrystalline micropores (arrow II) (well Su215, 3890.34m). (f) Pores between authigenic illite cement in rock fragment dissolved pores
(arrow I) and microfractures (arrow II) (well Su215, 3890.34m).

increase of 0.1−2.5% in thin sections, with an average of respectively, on average. The mercury intrusion curve of the
0.45%. type 1 reservoir shows a long flat section at the initial stage
Intercrystalline micropores (IEP) are common (Figure (Figure 9a). With the increase of Pd, the horizontal section of
8d,e,f) and can be observed in 89.93% of the sandstones, the type 2 reservoir intrusion curve narrows (Figure 9b). The
with average thin-section porosity of 2.51%. Intercrystalline type 3 reservoir, with maximum Pd (average 6.1 MPa), displays
micropores account for a high proportion in the sandstone the characteristics of being steep as a whole without a flat
(Figure 7) and thereby are an important reservoir space. section (Figure 9c), indicating that from type 1 to type 3, the
Intercrystalline micropores in authigenic clay perform better sorting of reservoir pore throat gets worse in turn,
than those in altered clay minerals in reservoir properties. accompanied by the decrease of maximum mercury saturation
4.4. Pore-Throat Structure and Size Distribution. (Smax). Meanwhile, the average and maximum pore-throat radii
4.4.1. Pore Structure Characteristics. Previous studies show (Rave and Rmax) decrease as well (Figure 10a). The Rave value
that the threshold pressure and capillary pressure curve for the type 1 reservoir ranges from 1.83 to 11.66 μm, with an
obtained from the HPMI test are closely related to the pore average of 8.65 μm; however, the average values of Rave are
structure of the reservoir.33 In the present study, according to smaller for the type 2 and type 3 reservoirs and are 0.71 and
the integrated characteristics of the capillary pressure curve and 0.38 μm, respectively. In addition, there is a crucial decrease in
threshold pressure (Pd), the sandstone reservoirs are divided sample permeability with the decrease of the Rave value (Figure
into three types. The pore composition and pore structural 10b).
parameters for each sample are listed in Table 2. 4.4.2. Pore-Throat Size Distribution. The pore-throat
The samples of type 1 and type 2 reservoirs show the structure parameters of 10 representative sandstone samples
characteristics of a low Pd value at 0.018 and 0.26 MPa, obtained from the RCP test are shown in Table 2. In addition,
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
Table 2. Pore Type Composition, Pore Structure Classification, and Pore Structure Parameters for Sandstone Samples According to CTS, HPMI, and RCP Tests
Pore types HPMI data RCP data
Well Depth HPMI Pd Smax Sr Rave Rmax RCP Rpave Rtave
ACS Omega

Location name (m) Total PIEP SIEP SIAP IEP types (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (μm) (μm) types (μm) (μm) ηave Sf (%) Sp (%) St (%)
Jiaxian-Ansai Mi128 2010 4.25 0.5 1 1.5 1.25 2 0.5 79.60 49.67 0.34 1.47 - - - - - - -
Mi74 2421.1 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 3 50 7.10 1.68 0.01 0.01 - - - - - - -
Mi119 3080.49 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.1 2 0.15 77.10 64.38 1.09 4.90 B 213.24 1.25 202.90 - 35.24 35.76
Qi20 2756.13 11.6 5 3 0.1 3.5 1 0.01 93.00 81.00 11.66 73.50 A 307.14 8.29 43.88 74.37 30.29 44.08
Mi138 2820.94 3.1 1.5 0.1 0 1.5 3 0.3 62.80 55.58 0.71 2.45 C 205.55 0.66 327.86 37.25 21.07 16.18
Mi72 2874.8 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 3 1.5 20.10 11.40 0.17 0.49 - - - - - - -
Qi34 2971.22 2.9 1 0.7 0.2 1 1 0.01 79.70 61.69 11.25 73.50 A 189.00 1.39 164.00 84.13 59.18 24.95
Shen90 2052.55 3.8 1 1 0.3 1.5 1 0.01 75.80 47.22 9.54 73.50 A 188.00 1.63 156.00 82.09 52.61 29.49
Hengshan- T12 2978.48 1.9 0.1 0.4 0.4 1 1 0.05 68.00 62.42 2.83 14.70 - - - - - - -
Zhidan T81 3648.32 2.3 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.5 1 0.01 84.00 68.80 7.99 73.50 A 175.00 3.01 135.00 72.57 47.31 25.26
Su215 3890.34 2 0 0 0 2 2 0.2 76.50 47.74 0.69 3.67 B 195.04 1.47 161.75 79.48 40.25 39.23
Tao37 3397.72 0.7 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 3 0.2 81.80 55.38 0.48 3.68 - - - - - - -
Tao39 3480.45 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 3 0.2 32.00 2.50 0.68 3.68 - - - - - - -
T3 3088.38 0.4 0 0 0.1 0.3 2 0.3 85.20 34.68 0.31 2.45 - - - - - - -
Shan398 3863.31 0.3 0 0 0 0.3 3 0.3 88.40 69.66 0.42 2.45 C 157.00 0.48 308.00 58.44 20.91 37.54
Shan468 3181.42 1.3 0 0.3 0.5 0.5 2 0.2 96.80 53.82 0.64 3.68 - - - - - - -
Shenmu Shen103 2486.4 3.2 1 0.7 0 1.5 3 0.3 67.00 41.67 0.32 2.45 C 150.00 0.43 277.00 30.37 17.29 13.08
Shen62 2276.19 4.6 0.1 1 1.5 2 3 0.3 84.50 51.46 0.48 2.45 C 154.00 0.38 366.00 48.11 17.43 30.68

Wushenqi Tao25 3482.96 0.7 0 0 0.2 0.5 3 1.5 85.00 48.28 0.12 0.49 - - - - - - -
Zh15 3102.97 0.3 0 0 0.1 0.2 2 0.2 68.00 42.50 1.20 3.68 - - - - - - -

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Figure 9. Capillary pressure curves of (a) type 1, (b) type 2, and (c) type 3 reservoir samples obtained from the study area.

Figure 10. (a) Distribution histogram of Rmax and Rave for stuied samples. (b) Scatter plot of the pore Rave versus the reservoir permeability.

the distributions of the pore radius (Rp), throat radius (Rt), indicating a sharp decrease in the throat radius, which is
and pore-throat radius ratio (η) of sandstone samples are consistent with the experimental results that the average throat
obtained as well (Figure 11). It can be seen that the radii (Rt,ave) of type A and type B reservoirs are larger, with
distributions of the pore radius of different sandstone samples averages of 3.24 and 1.36 μm, respectively. However, for the
are similar, with roughly the same peak center. However, the type C reservoir, there is a sharp reduction in the average
distributions of the throat radius and pore-throat radius ratio throat radius to 0.49 μm.
are quite different (Figure 11a,c,e), indicating that the throat The mercury intrusion curve of the three types of reservoirs
radius plays an important role in controlling the reservoir based on the RCP test is shown in Figure 12. From reservoir
permeability, which is consistent with the previous studies.23 type A to reservoir type C, the Pd value increases, and the final
On this basis, according to the throat radius distribution, the mercury saturation (Sf) decreases; meanwhile, with the
reservoir is divided into three types: (A) multimodal-low increased displacement pressure, the pore intrusion curves
kurtosis (Figure 11a); (B) unimodal-low kurtosis (Figure 11c); get steeper. In addition, the total intrusion curve can be
and (C) unimodal-high kurtosis (Figure 11e). From type A to subdivided into a pore mercury intrusion dominated segment
type C, the average pore radius (Rp,ave) decreases in turn; and throat mercury intrusion dominated segment according to
however, the pore-throat radius ratio increases gradually, the contribution of pore and throat to total mercury saturation
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
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Figure 11. Distribution curves of pore-throat types: (a) type A, (c) type B and, (e) type C. Pore-throat ratios for (b) type A, (d) type B, and (f)
type C from RCP data of Jinci sandstone reservoirs.

(Sf). Among these three types of reservoirs, the total mercury shown in Figure 13, the porosity and permeability obtained by
saturations of type A and type B reservoirs are both dominated these different methods both show a significant positive
by pores intrusion and are 44.08% and 37.75%, respectively correlation, and the correlation between the porosity and the
(Figure 12a,b); the type C reservoir has a long throat mercury permeability measured by the plunger sample (R2 = 0.5256) is
intrusion leading segment (Figure 12c), and the throat stronger than that from CTS. It is mainly because the
mercury saturation (St) is greater than the pore mercury micropores exist in tight sandstone reservoirs, which can
saturation (Sp) (19.18% in the pores and 24.37% in the contribute to the reservoir porosity and permeability, but they
throat). are difficult to identify and accurately quantify during
4.5. Physical Properties of the Sandstone Reservoir. petrological analyses, which can also be confirmed by the
The porosities of sandstone samples in the study area are phenomenon that the thin-section porosity is smaller than the
0.56−21.73%, averaged to 6.52%, and the permeability ranges porosity measured with plunger samples.
from 0.001 mD to 21.78 mD, averaged to 0.4612 mD.
Meanwhile, the thin-section porosities obtained from petro- 5. DISCUSSION
graphic analyses are in the range 0−15.2%, with an average of 5.1. Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Performance.
3.83%. Except for a few samples, the overall seepage capacity of After sediment deposition, the modification of diagenesis on
the samples in the present study is poor, showing the reservoir cement and pore-throat characteristics played the
characteristics of a typical tight sandstone reservoir. As is leading role on controlling reservoir physical properties and
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Figure 12. Pore, throat, and total mercury intrusion curve characteristics of (a) type A, (b) type B, and (c) type C reservoirs based on the RCP test.

Figure 13. Plot of (a) plug porosity versus permeability and (b) CTS porosity versus permeability of Jinci sandstone samples.

heterogeneity. During the diagenesis process, compaction and greatly restricts the formation of secondary pores. Moreover,
cementation may cause a significant reduction in reservoir the poor flow capacity caused by compaction may show a
porosity. On the contrary, the dissolution of skeleton particles negative impact on the progress of dissolution, thus affecting
and intergranular materials will improve the reservoir perform- the reservoir performance of sandstone. Previous studies have
ance to a certain extent.34,35 The difference between reservoir demonstrated that the initial porosity of well-sorted sandstone
heterogeneity and physical properties in the study area is refers to 40%.36 On this basis, porosity damage caused by
closely related to reservoir material composition, indicating compaction and cementation of the sandstone samples is
that the influence of material composition on diagenesis is the investigated as Figure 14 shows, which indicates that
key to reservoir performance. compaction is a fatal factor for porosity loss of sandstone
5.1.1. Compaction. Compaction can cause significant reservoirs. In addition, the porosity reduction resulting from
decreases in intergranular volumes and geometric shape the compaction of sublithic arenite is more than that of quartz
change in the pore-throat system, resulting in release of arenite.
diagenetic fluid from the pore-throat system, so that the Various factors affects the rate and intensity of compaction,
soluble substances in sandstone are mainly transformed into including deposit composition, rock physical properties, as well
altered clay under high pressure and temperature, and thereby as many external influence factors (such as burial rate, sand
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
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with fewer ductile components and high content of rigid

particles (Figure 16a,b) retains more primary intergranular
Previous studies proposed that cementation in the early
diagenetic stage can resist compaction and is beneficial to the
preservation of original pores.43−45 In the present study, the
primary pores are mostly distributed in sandstone reservoirs in
which the quartz cement varies in the range of 2−10% (Figure
15b). Quartz cement and rigid particles can enhance the
compaction resistance ability of sandstone, thereby resulting in
relatively higher residual intergranular pore volume. However,
when quartz cement is more than 10%, it will occupy the
original pore volume, causing the reduction of the original
intergranular pore volume. The reservoirs less than 2% in
quartz cement content are mostly sublithic arenite, for which
the intensity of compaction is dominated by ductile grains.
5.1.2. Cementation. Multiple cementations (siliceous, clay
minerals, carbonate, etc.) occurred on the sandstone reservoir
in the study area, among which the quartz and kaolinite
cementation are mostly found in quartz arenite (Figure 16c),
while illite-dominated clay cement and carbonate cement are
the main cementation types in sublithic arenite (Figure 16d).
Figure 14. Plotting of porosity damage caused by compaction and This shows that the material composition of the sandstone
cementation of the Jinci sandstone samples. reservoir controls the type and intensity of cementation and
thereby affects the performance of the sandstone reservoir.
body scale, temperature, tectonic stress, etc.).18,21,37−40 The Quartz cement in the study area mainly occurs as quartz
sublithic arenite with high content of ductile components overgrowth (Figure 6a) and a small amount of authigenic
(such as mica, soft rock debris, clay matrix, etc.) in the study quartz particles (Figure 6g). Diversity of sources exists for
area is significantly affected by compaction, and the detrital quartz cement, including alteration and dissolution of tephra
particles are mostly in concavo-convex contact (Figure 4c), and detrital feldspar, in situ pressure solution,46−48 and
with stronger loss of primary pores (Figure 7), while the quartz transformation of clay minerals, among which, the silica from
arenite with fewer ductile components retain more primary silicate dissolution is the main source of quartz cement.40 The
pores (Figure 7, Figure 8a). This proves that the material primary intergranular pores retained in quartz arenite provide a
composition of sandstone in the study area is the key factor fluid channel for the dissolution of volcanic materials and space
controlling the intensity of compaction. for quartz precipitation in the early diagenetic stage and thus
The primary intergranular pores tend to disappear in result in the relatively developed quartz overgrowth in quartz
sandstone with ductile particle content greater than 3% arenite (Figure 16c). However, since pore fluid in sublithic
(Figure 15a), indicating that the deformation of ductile grains arenite is mostly discharged under the early compaction, the
caused by compaction controls the loss of primary silicate and volcanic materials in the sandstone were mainly
intergranular pores. Previous research has demonstrated the transformed into altered clay during the deep burial
higher the content of sandstone ductile material, the more period.47,49,50 Therefore, less quartz overgrowth and only a
thorough the compaction,39−41 resulting in greater porosity small amount of authigenic quartz particles coexisting with clay
loss.42 On the contrary, rigid particles show the poor ability of minerals can be found in sublithic arenite. For quartz arenite,
plastic deformation and can resist compaction, which is the more quartz cement, the worse the reservoir physical
conducive for primary intergranular pores to be preserved.43 properties (Figure 17a). However, for sublithic arenite, the
Therefore, compared with sublithic arenite, the quartz arenite content of quartz cement is positively correlated with

Figure 15. Box plots diagram of primary intergranular pore content versus the content of (a) reservoir ductile particles and (b) quartz cement.

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Figure 16. Box diagram of composition and content distribution of detrital particles (a, b) and cement (c,d) in sandstones with different lithologies.

Figure 17. Scatter diagram of the reservoir permeability of sandstones with different lithologies versus (a) quartz cement content, (b) kaolinite
cement content, (c) illite cement content, and (d) carbonate cement content.

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Figure 18. Box diagram of porosity (obtained from CTS) of different types of pores in quartz arenite and sublithic arenite in Jinci sandstone.

Figure 19. Scatter diagram of the reservoir permeability versus the CTS porosity of (a) primary intergranular pores, (b) secondary intergranular
pores, (c) secondary intragranular pores, and (d) intercrystalline micropores in Jinci sandstone.

permeability in the range of less than 5% (Figure 17a). This primary intergranular pores in sublithic arenite; in this case, the
means that a small amount of quartz cement in ductile matrix and feldspar particles are supposed to be altered by
fragment-rich sandstone is of positive significance to enhance adsorbing water to form altered kaolinite.23 In quartz arenite,
its compaction resistance ability.10,21,43,44 no significant correlation exists between the kaolinite cement
Previous studies have demonstrated that the authigenic content and the sandstone permeability (Figure 17b), since
kaolinite is formed in an acidic environment with low K+ precipitated kaolinite can form a large number of intergranular
content.51 The Upper Paleozoic coal-bearing strata in Ordos micropores while reducing the macropore volume.52,53
Basin is rich in acidic media; moreover, it contains detrital However, for sublithic arenite, at the stage of kaolinite cement
feldspars and abundant volcanic materials; all these together less than 4%, it shows a positive correlation with reservoir
provide favorable conditions for the formation of kaolinite. permeability, and when it is greater than 4%, the reservoir
The primary intergranular pores generally preserved in quartz permeability decreases significantly (Figure 17b). On one
arenite are necessary for the fluid exchange and complete hand, a small amount of kaolinite can provide intercrystalline
dissolution of silicate minerals, which are conducive to the micropores; moreover, it is also evidence of a certain degree of
precipitation of authigenic kaolinite. However, there are a few dissolution in the sandstone.54 On the other hand, the higher
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Figure 20. Diagenesis-controlled pore evolution pattern of the Jinci sandstone reservoirs.

kaolinite content represents the development of altered significant impact on reservoir performance and pore structure
kaolinite with fewer intercrystalline micropores. heterogeneity.58−60 Carbonate cementation precipitation can
Illite is also an important clay mineral in sandstone, occur during the whole diagenesis period.39,61−63 The thermal
including heterobasic illite, authigenic illite, and illite altered evolution of organic matter, feldspar dissolution, as well as
from volcanic ash. Altered illite is mostly found in sublithic transformation of clay can provide materials required for
arenite with more ductile particles; for these reservoirs, carbonate cement precipitation.39,60,64 With the increase of
compaction instead of cementation plays a more dominant carbonate cement content, the permeability of the reservoir
role in reservoir performance.23 Authigenic illite mostly comes decreases significantly (Figure 17d). Local reservoirs in the
from the dissolution of feldspar and the transformation of study area are affected by marine fluids, forming a lot of
kaolinite.49,55 During the diagenetic stage, if the K+ provided dolomite cement in the early stage of diagenesis, which
by K-feldspar cannot be taken away or the diagenetic fluid is destroys the reservoir performance.
rich in K+, it is more likely to form authigenic illite. The 5.1.3. Dissolution. Secondary dissolved pores resulting from
appearance of pore-attaching and pore-bridging authigenic dissolution are significant reservoir spaces for sandstone
illite leads to a significant reduction in reservoir performance reservoirs.45,65 The petrographic analyses show that the
(Figure 17c). porosity contributed by secondary pores of the reservoir in
Carbonate cement can poikiliticly cement detrital particles the study area is 0.01−6.1%, with an average of 0.71%,
and fill large intergranular spaces,56,57 which has posed accounting for 27.3% of the total porosity. The secondary
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Figure 21. Vertical distribution of the deposit composition, pore-throat configuration mode, and physical properties of the reservoir in (a) Well
Qi20, (b) Well Tao37, and (c) Well Shen21.

dissolved pores in quartz arenites of the present study are to discharge during early compaction, resulting in less
dominated by intergranular dissolved pores; however, in dissolution of the reservoir; what’s more, the small amount
sublithic arenite, it is mostly intragranular dissolved pores of dissolved product from the soluble component is difficult to
(Figure 18). transfer away,68 and there is a trend to precipitate nearby to
The relationship analysis between thin-section porosity of form the clay and quartz cement,69 which would fill the
different types of pores and reservoir permeability shows that dissolved pores formed in the early stage,54 thereby resulting in
the porosity of primary intergranular pores and secondary the limited improvement of reservoir performance by
intergranular pores is positively correlated with reservoir dissolution. In addition, in the sublithic arenite reservoir
permeability (Figure 19a,b); however, there is no obvious without strong dissolution, the tuffaceous tends to be
correlation between intragranular dissolved pore porosity and dehydrated under high temperature and pressure and would
reservoir permeability (Figure 19c). It is because the reservoirs, transform into clay minerals such as smectite and illite, which
with intergranular pores developed, are mainly quartz arenite, enhances the compaction and result in the reduction of the
while intragranular dissolved pores mostly exist in the sublithic reservoir performance (Figure 19d).
arenites (Figure 18). Previous studies have shown that the Therefore, dissolution can significantly improve the physical
migration channel of acid fluid (fracture, lithologic interface, properties of primary intergranular pore developed reservoirs
pore-throat system) is the main factor affecting the dissolution dominated by quartz arenites; however, for the reservoir
intensity.66 Quartz arenite in the study area tends to preserve dominated by sublithic arenite with fewer primary intergra-
more intergranular pores that are beneficial to the fluid nular pores, although some dissolution pores can be formed
exchange, which can promote the dissolution,39,63,67 resulting through dissolution, it shows a limited impact on reservoir
in plenty of secondary dissolved pores in quartz arenite to physical properties.
greatly improve the reservoir permeability; however, for 5.2. Diagenetic-Pore Evolution of Different Types of
sublithic arenite, the diagenetic fluid in the sandstone is easy Reservoirs. Porosity and permeability are direct indicators for
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
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reservoir performance evaluation, and their influencing factors and most of them are poor gas layers. Therefore, this area is
vary;47 however, all of them control the sandstone reservoir less favorable.
performance by affecting the reservoir pore structure.
According to HPMI and CRP tests, three types of pore-throat 6. CONCLUSION
structures are classified among Jinci sandstone reservoirs The following points are made as our results:
(Figure 9), corresponding to different pore-throat radius
distributions (Figure 12). Sandstone, with type 1 pore-throat (1) Jinci sandstone in the present study is mainly quartz
structure, is mainly quartz arenite with various pore types and a arenite, followed by sublithic arenite. The detrital
large throat radius (average 2 μm), and therefore shows the particles are mainly quartz (69−97.5%), followed by
best reservoir performance. The intercrystalline micropores are rock fragments (0.1−24.5%), and the content of feldspar
is less than 0.01%. The cement is mainly siliceous
mostly distributed in the type 3 pore-throat structure
material, clay minerals, and carbonate cementation, with
sandstones. This type of reservoir has the worst physical
averages of 2.34%, 5.96%, and 1.81%, respectively. Three
properties with a tube bundle throat and small throat radius
types of pore-throat structures (HPMI curve: types 1, 2,
(less than 1.3 μm). The physical properties of the sandstone
and 3) are identified in sandstone, corresponding to
reservoir with type 2 pore-throat structure are between type 1
different pore-throat radius distributions (RCP curve:
and type 3, which is dominated by the secondary dissolved
types A, B, and C).
According to the diagenesis characteristics of Jinci sand- (2) The deposit composition of sandstone controls the
stone, especially the relative sequence of various cementation, preservation of the primary intergranular pores by
the diagenetic evolution sequence of the sandstone reservoir is affecting the intensity of compaction, further determin-
established, and the diagenetic-pore evolution patterns for ing the intensity of dissolution, and controlling the
different types of reservoirs is analyzed (Figure 20). It can be intensity and type of cementation. Higher rigid particle
seen that the early compaction and cementation intensities of content and an appropriate amount of siliceous
sandstones with different deposit compositions vary, which cementation (2−10%) in sublithic arenite are favorable
affects the distribution of residual primary intergranular pores for the preservation of primary intergranular pores.
and further affects the intensity of dissolution and cementation, When the content of ductile particles is more than 2%,
resulting in different pore-throat structures and physical the primary intergranular pores tend to disappear.
properties of the reservoir (Figure 11, Figure 20). Compared with quartz arenite with substantial dis-
5.3. Implications for Reservoir Performance Predic- solution, the high plastic sublithic arenite is charac-
tion. The diagenetic-pore evolution of sandstone, determined terized by relatively poor reservoir performance for the
by the original deposit composition, affects the pore structure higher content of altered kaolinite and recrystallized
and pore-throat radius distribution of the reservoir and thereby illite. Dissolution shows a limited impact in controlling
controls the reservoir performance. Therefore, based on the the permeability of the reservoir dominated by sublithic
deposit composition and diagenetic-pore evolution pattern of arenite with fewer primary intergranular pores.
sandstone in the study area, the exploration potential of the (3) The reservoir pore-throat configuration type is mainly
Jinci sandstone reservoir in the study area can be predicted. controlled by the sandstone deposit composition and
The underwater distributary channel sandstones and tidal diagenetic alteration. According to the lithological and
bar sandstones in the Jiaxian-Ansai area of the study area are diagenetic characteristics of different pore-throat config-
mainly quartz arenite characterized by the high content of uration reservoirs, the diagenetic-pore evolution patterns
quartz detrital particles, low content of ductile components, of different types of reservoirs are established.
and almost no clay matrix. The coexistence of multiple types of (4) The sandstone reservoir in the Jiaxian-Ansai area follows
pores in the reservoir results in a wide distribution of pore- the diagenetic-pore evolution patterns of the type 1 and
throat radius. The reservoir follows the type 1 pore structure type 2 pore structure reservoirs, where the type I is
reservoir diagenetic-pore evolution pattern and shows high considered to be the favorable area. The type 3
reservoir performance, which is often proved to be gas bearing diagenetic-pore evolution pattern is more inclined to
(Figure 21a). Therefore, this area is considered to be a high- appear in the Shenmu and Wushenqi areas where
quality reservoir area. sublithic arenite is widely distributed. This area is
Sandstone reservoirs in the Shenmu and Wushenqi area, considered as the type III favorable area.
especially the distributary channel edge sandstone, are
dominated by sublithic arenite with relatively high content of
rock fragments and ductile components such as the clay matrix.
Corresponding Author
These reservoirs are dominated by intergranular pores and Yinghai Guo − Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resource
show a higher illite content (Figure 21c). The type 3 pore & Reservoir Formation Process, Ministry of Education, China
structure reservoir diagenetic-pore evolution pattern greatly University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008,
destroyed the reservoir performance. The reservoirs here are China; School of Resources and Earth Science, China
mainly dry layers, and this area therefore is referred to as a University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116,
poor-quality reservoir area. China;;
The Hengshan-Zhidan area is dominated by quartz arenite. Email:
The reservoir pore evolution is mainly the type 2 pattern;
however, the quartz and calcareous cements in local regional Authors
reservoirs can occupy the reservoir pores, making the reservoir Yunbing Hu − Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resource
pore space be dominated by intragranular dissolved pores. The & Reservoir Formation Process, Ministry of Education, China
physical properties of this kind of reservoir are relatively poor, University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008,
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 39697−39717
ACS Omega Article

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