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Writing and how.

When using an expository writing

style, the writer needs to separate their
It is the process of using symbols to
opinion from the facts they are sharing.
communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form.
It is the process of converting something intangible Examples of Expository Writing
into a tangible one.
Newsletter (Except Editorial)
The Writing Process (Steps)
How-to articles
Basically means “before writing.”
This phase involves brainstorming ideas,
researching resource materials, and Descriptive writing immerses the reader into
developing an outline. a story by creating a vivid picture of characters,
settings and events in their mind. Writers who use a
descriptive writing style often use library tools like
It is the phase where the act of similes and metaphors in their writing. The purpose
writing takes place. It involves the of the descriptive writing style is to make the reader
composition of the content using the facts feel like they are experiencing the events for
and ideas acquired during the pre-writing themselves.
Examples of Descriptive Writing
This phase involves scrutinizing the
draft. In doing so, the following points may
be considered: *additional materials to Personal Journals
support one’s stand *organization and
connection of thoughts and ideas *omit
irrelevant thoughts and ideas. Narrative
Editing Narrative writing expands upon the
This phrase involves proof reading descriptive writing style and tells an entire story
the “technical” aspect of the written output, with a beginning, middle and end, with characters,
such as sentence structure, spellings conflict, and settings.
grammar and proper usage of punctuations. Examples of Narrative Writing
Publishing Short Stories / Novels
It is the final phase which involves Biographies / Autobiographies
sharing the written output to the

The Writing Styles Persuasive writing is used to convince or

influence the reader to believe or do what the writer
These are techniques or ways used by an wants them to do. The persuasive writing style
author in effectively and meaningfully conveying requires the writer to combine research and logical
his/her thoughts and ideas to the readers/audience. reasoning with an emotional connection that
persuades the reader to adopt the writer’s personal
opinions and beliefs.
4 Writing Styles
Examples of Persuasive Writing
Cover Letters
Expository writing is used to inform,
explain or describe something to the reader. Flyer / Brochures / Advertisements
The expository writing style is one of the
most common types of writing and answers
questions the reader has, such as what, why,

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