RNW Reviewer12345
RNW Reviewer12345
RNW Reviewer12345
2. Generate ideas based on that main idea, and list • Transforming information into visual presentation.
them down. • Colors, shapes and arrows.
3. When brainstorming individually, a writer is advised USING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS
to freewrite, which is the act of letting one's thoughts
flow out as they will. • A MIND MAP is the simplest graphic organizer to
develop, and it shares some similarities to the
4. When brainstorming with a group, each member brainstorming list.
should similarly be advised to refrain from evaluating
each others' ideas while in the process of generating • A VENN DIAGRAM is used to compare and contrast
them. at least two different things by highlighting their
similarities and differences in relation to each.
5. Evaluate the resulting list of ideas only after
thoroughly exploring and checking which of them are • A FLOW CHART is more systematic in nature
relevantly related to the main topic and could be because this graphic organizer is used in depicting the
developed further. steps involved in a process, a system, or an algorithm.
A. Supporting Details
Not a Title
• ETHOS - Appeal to ethics convinces the readers that
USING COMPARISON AND CONTRAST the writer is credible in their argument given their
expertise or knowledge about the topic.
• Comparisons – focus on illustrating what makes two
or more different subjects similar to each other. • PATHOS - The appeal to emotion, makes readers
feel emotionally connected and invested in the topic.
• Contrasts – focus on illustrating what makes them
different. • LOGOS - The appeal to logic, use a spreadable facts
and testimonies to logically present one's argument.
RNW 5 Properties of a Well Written Text
• Alternating method (stating one aspect of
“A well-written text is organized.’’
one thing and immediately discussing same aspect of
the other item and how they are similar or different) A well-organized text has its elements logically and
stategically arranged, which includes the following:
• Block method (discussing all of the aspects of one
thing and then discussing all of the aspects of ● The THESIS, or the main idea serves as the central
another). argument of the whole discussion.
USING CAUSE AND EFFECT ● The THESIS STATEMENT, or the topic sentence is
where the thesis is clearly expressed and could be
• A cause produces an event or set of conditions and situated at any part of the paragraph.
writing about it states why it happened.
● The SUPPORTING DETAILS, which are the
• Effect results from that event or set of condition and statements that explain and further expand the main
writing about it states its results. idea.
USING DESCRIPTION PROBLEMS-SOLUTION Identify the thesis statement and supporting details.
• Problem-solution paragraph informs readers about 1. The quality of a restaurant is expressed by food,
certain problems that might affect them and their ambiance, and quality of service. - TS
lives and proposed solutions to address said
problems. 2. The darker-colored walls and low lighting create a
feeling of intimacy. - SD
• Problem the situation where something is causing or
would potentially cause difficulties or conflict. 1. Daily practice in any subject will improve student
proficiency. - SD
• Solution the method in which those ongoing or
potential difficulties could be resolved or avoided. 2. Students benefit from doing homework every day
in three distinct ways. - TS
1. There are certain things that a useful toolbox
• Persuasion is the skill used to influence or motivate should not be without. - TS
readers to believe in a certain idea or perform specific
actions. 2. Keep at least two screwdrivers; one flat head and
one Phillip’s head. - SD