Eapp 3
Eapp 3
Eapp 3
CRITICAL READING is an active process of discovery because 3. Comparison and Contrast - Gives the similarities and
when you read critically, you are not just receiving information differences between two or more people, events, concepts,
but also making an interaction with the writer. ideas, and the like.
- You should bear in mind that this kind of structure should
SUGGESTED WAYS TO HELP YOU BECOME A discuss both comparing (similarities) and contrasting
CRITICAL READER (differences).
1. Annotate what you read SIGNAL WORDS: like, unlike, both, neither, similar, and
2. Outline the text different.
3. Summarize the text 4. Chronological Order - Chronological order explains a text
4. Evaluate the text by the time an event occurs.
- Chrono means time and logic means order.
5. Problem – Solution - Mentions a problem or problems,
identifies some possible solutions and discusses the effect
of the solution.
- Problem – Solution is a pattern of organization that
explains a problem or issue and an attempted solution in the
Thesis statement is a statement or theory that is put
forward as a premise to be maintained or proved. It also tells
the reader what will be in the paper. It identifies and proved
the topic being discussed, or it summarizes the main point
of the paper. It is a 1-2 sentence or about 30 to 40 words
long. It is found at the end of the introduction, and it presents
1. Annotate what you read - Underline, circle or highlight the an argument to the reader.
word, phrases or sentences that contain important details A thesis statement is a sentence used in an essay that
2. Outline the Text - An Outline is a great way to organize ideas serves as the guide for the essay.
and information for a speech, an essay, a novel or a study guide. A thesis statement expresses the main idea of your paper.
i. Decide if you will write your outline by hand or type it. STATEMENT
ii. Narrow down your topics- outline helps you organize 1. A strong thesis statement usually contains an element of
your thoughts, ideas or research regarding a topic uncertainty, risk, or challenge, meaning that it should offer a
iii. Identify the purpose of your outline debatable claim that can be proven or disproved in the
iv. Identify the purpose of your outline essay.
v. Know your intended audience 2. An effective thesis statement is not just a statement of fact
vi. Write an alphanumeric outline for easy approach or a description of a topic. Instead, it describes for the reader
3. Summarize the Text - A summary is a shortened version of a what the particular position of the writer is on an issue, or
text. It contains the main points in the text and is written in your his/her interpretation of the significance of a particular idea.
own words 3. A thesis statement should not merely announce
4. Evaluate the Text - One way to evaluate the text is to look at something or state a fact. Rather, it should give an essay
the grammar, another way is to look at the content tension by introducing ideas that may challenge the reader’s
USING KNOWLEDGE OF TEXT STRUCTURE 4. It is important that a thesis statement is not too general
TO GLEAN INFORMATION because the writer will not have enough space to cover
every possible aspect of the thesis statement.
Text Structure EXAMPLE
- A text should present its details and main ideas general idea - gadget
- Helps them to organize a written text, giving its cause and narrow idea - wired headphones
effect, or its different views. general idea - appliances
- Text structure refers to organization of information in a narrow idea - microwave oven
Argumentative essay (Making a claim) states the topic of
COMMON TYPES OF TEXT STRUCTURE your paper, your position on the topic, and the reasons you
1. Spatial or Description - Gives a reader a detailed have for taking that position.
feature that creates a picture on his/her mind about a
2. Cause and Effect - Presents the relationship between
specific events, ideas, or concepts.
- Cause and effect is one way of organizing information
in a text. It explains reasons why something happened.
It can be ordered as cause to effect or vice versa. It is
generally used in expository and persuasive writing
SIGNAL WORDS: because, as a result, resulted,
caused, affected, since, due to, effect.
Analytical essay implies the breaking down of something into It shows how the parts of a text are related to one another
parts, or the discussion of something in a way that it becomes a or parts that are of equal importance, or sections that are
dissection of the whole. It differs from other types of essays in subordinate to the main idea.
that its primary goal is to explain something bit by bit to enhance
What is the importance of making an outline?
1. It gives an overview of the topic and it enables us
to see how various subtopics relate to one
2. Record the information in our own words tests our
understanding of what we read.
3. Record needed information from reference books
you do not own.
Expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student
Reading Outline
to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea,
used to get the main ideas of a text that is already
and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and
concise manner.
1. Read the entire text first. Skim the text afterward.
2. Locate the main idea or thesis statement of the whole essay
or text.
3. Look for key phrases in each paragraph.
4. Look at the topic sentences and group those with related
ideas together.
5. Evaluate the supporting details provided.
6. Go back to the text to check whether you have followed its
sequence closely and that you have not missed any important
Writing Outline
Narrative essay is telling a story. This essay is often anecdotal, is a skeletal overview of your draft, which contains your
experiential, and personal—allowing students to express fundamental points and the different ideas that support
themselves in a creative and, quite often, moving ways. them.
1. Determine what your purpose is for writing the thesis, who
your reading audience is, and point of view and tone you would
like to assume in delivering your message.
2. Group together similar ideas and thoughts.
3. Examine all your main topics, sub- topics, supporting points
and particular details to see if it all developed your thesis, and
are logically sequenced. Also, check if all levels in the outline
have parallel wordings and grammatical structure.
1. Formalist Criticism - Also known as formalism, In this
approach, you can criticize the work based on the
elements of the text, how the characters, the setting,
the plot and the point of view are presented in the
literary work, in the same manner with the elements of
an artwork such as the line, shape, form and the space