Festival Activities 5e

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Festival Activities

festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by a
community and centering on some
characteristic aspect of that community and its
religion or traditions. It is often marked as a
local or national holiday.
Homebrew by Curio Solus

1. Ale drinking contest

Entry Fee: 10 sp
Number of participants: 6-12 Badges
During three rounds contestants drink giant mug of ale per For 1st places, aside from usual reward, contestants
round making a CON Saves to stay in competition. may get a Badge. It’s a brass coin that can be
Failed Save prevents character from continuing to drink exchanged for special prizes at a DM’s discretion.
and he must leave a table, loosing a competition. On the Save
failed by 10 or more contestant also involuntarily vomits.
Contestants drink until only one of them is still able to drink 3. Dancing contest
– he is the winner.
1st round: Mug of Brightwood Ale (DC 11 CON Save); Entry Fee: 5 sp
2nd round: Mug of Splintertooth Ale (DC 14 CON Save);
3rd round: Mug of Gut Punch Ale (DC 17 CON Save); Number of participants: 3-6 pairs
Bonus Round. This round starts if more than one contestant During three rounds contestants in pairs participate in three
still standing and lasts until there is one or none contestants different dances.
left: Green Death Ale (DC 20 CON Save per mug). Both contestants make a Performance Checks each round.
Median number of their rolls is their points for a round but
Rewards: score is counted only if both Check results was within same
1st place: badge, 30 sp & silver chalice (worth ~25 gp); range (1-5 - Poor, 6-10- Medium, 11-15 - Good, 16-20 -
Everyone else: nothing. Outstanding).
Otherwise, dancers were out of sync with each other and
2. Pie eating contest get no points at all.
Player can choose to make Performance Check with
Entry Fee: 8 sp Disadvantage to try to sync with a partner.
Contestants that were applauded by the crowd the most
Number of participants: 6-12 (have the highest points) win.
Contestants eat three pies in a rapid succession as fast as they
can making CON Checks. Rewards:
Player can choose to try eating a pie: 1st place: badge, 15 sp & two pairs of leather boots;
Fast (3 seconds, CON Check with Disadvantage); 2nd place: 10 sp & two straw hats;
Normal (6 seconds, straight CON Check); 3rd place: trinket.
Slow (9 seconds, CON Check with Advantage).
On each failed Check contestant gags and looses 9 seconds 4. Stump chopping contest
of time additionaly to time needed to eat a pie.
On the Check failed by 10 or more contestant chokes and Entry Fee: 10 sp
looses immediately.
Contestant that ate all pies the fastest wins. Number of participants: 4-8
1st Pie: Meat Pie (DC 10 CON Check); Contestants are given two-handed hatchets (simple weapon,
2nd Pie: Onion Pie (DC 13 CON Check); 1d8 chopping damage) and need to chop a tree stump in half
3rd Pie: Potato Pie (DC 16 CON Check). in the least amount of hits possible.
Stump has 15 AC and 30 HP. Player makes as many melee
Rewards: attacks needed to destroy it.
1st place: badge, 25 sp & trinket; Rewards:
2nd place: 15 sp & trinket;
3rd place: trinket. 1st place: badge & 60 sp;
2nd place: 40 sp & trinket;
3rd place: 20 sp & trinket.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
5. Arm wrestling contest 8. Goblin toss
Entry Fee: 10 sp Entry Fee: 1 sp

Number of participants: 4-8, elimination Number of participants: 1 at a time

Contestants are paired and each places one arm on a surface Contestants must throw three “goblins” (rag dolls of goblins)
with their elbows bent and touching the surface, and they grip into one of three “fireplaces” (holes in the ground).
each other's hand. The goal is to pin the other's arm onto the Player makes three improvised ranged attacks (d20+DEX
surface, the winner's arm over the loser's arm. modifier) into holes of his choice:
Player(s) make a contested Athletics Check and the one 1) Big hole, 1 point (AC = 10);
who failed gets his hand lowered towards table. On a next 2) Medium hole, 2 points (AC = 12);
failed Athletics Check his hand is pinned to the table and he 3) Small hole, 3 points (AC = 15).
loses. Though on a successful Athletics Check player can get
back in the middle position and even begin winning with Rewards:
another successful Check. 9 points: badge & big dragon ragdoll;
6-8 points: small ragdoll (various);
Rewards: 3-5 points: wooden toy;
1st place: badge & 60 sp; 1-2 points: candy.
2nd place: 40 sp;
3rd place: 20 sp. 9. Log tossing contest
6. Slapping contest Entry Fee: 10 sp

Entry Fee: 5 sp Number of participants: 6-12

Contestants have three tries to throw a wooden log as far as
Number of participants: 4-8, elimination they can. The throw and distance is counted only if log lands
Contestants are paired and decide who goes first. That upright.
contestant slaps his opponent in the face as hard as he can Player must make an Athletics Check. Result of that Check
(making a STR Check contested by opponent's CON Save), is an amount of feet the log travels. Immediately after that,
then they switch roles. player must succeed on a DEX Check with a DC =
On a failed CON Save contestant flinches and looses a (contestant’s Athletics Check result) - 5 ) to land the log
competition. On the Save failed by 10 or more contestant also upright. Contestant that threw the log the farthest - wins.
is knocked out momentarily.
The last participant left - wins. Rewards:
1st place: badge & 60 sp;
Rewards: 2nd place: 40 sp & trinket;
1st place: badge & barrel of mead; 3rd place: 20 sp.
2nd place: 10 sp & trinket;
3rd place: trinket. 10. Magic tricks contest
7. Horseracing Entry Fee: 10 sp

Entry Fee: 100 sp Number of participants: 4-8

Contestants try to impress the crowd with their magic tricks
Number of participants: 4 using only non-damaging Cantrips (thaumaturgy,
Contestants saddle their horses and on command start the prestidigitation, druidcraft, minor illusion, etc). Player makes
race. The one who finishes 6th lap first - wins. Arcana Check and Performance Check. At a DM’s
Each lap contestant has a choice of actions: discretion, player can roll Performance Check with Advantage
1) Player makes an CON Check to see how well his for creative use of their spells. Sum of those results is a final
character handles himself in a saddle; score deduced by the amount of applause at the end.
2) Player makes an Animal Handling Check to push his Rewards:
horse to the limit;
3) Player makes both CON Check and Animal Handling 1st place: badge & 60 sp;
Check with Disadvantage and adds up the results. 2nd place: 40 sp & trinket;
Sum of all Checks represents overall speed during a race. 3rd place: 20 sp & trinket.
Contestant that has higher amount of points was the fastest
and wins.
1st place: badge & 400 sp;
Everyone else: nothing.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Contestant makes Performance Check and Ability Check
of his choice: Religion, History or Arcana. Specialized Check
Horserace Betting cannot be higher than Performance Check (so if player rolled
Alternatively players can bet on one of four horses 15 Performance and 18 History, you count the latter as 15
in a race. Take four differen d20s. Name each one and have a total of 30 points). At a DM’s discretion, player can
with a horse moniker and roll them at the same roll Performance Check with Advantage for creative story.
time. The highest roll leads this lap. Do all 6 laps Sum of those two checks (and +7 bonus if applicable) is the
breaking ties with repeated d20 rolls. final score deduced by the amount of applause at the end.
11. Giant boar rodeo 1st place: badge & book;
2nd place: 60 sp;
Entry Fee: 20 sp 3rd place: 30 sp.
Number of participants: 1 at a time 13. Dragon race
Inside a 15 x 15 ft. corral sits Giant Boar (MM p.323) with
muzzle and hempen rope tied across its torso. Entry Fee: 20 sp
Contestant jumps on top of the Boar and tries to hold on to Number of participants: 6-12
it as long as possible. Boar tries to throw off the contestant by
struggling and moving in an unpredictable pattern. Contestant picks one of 12 lizards (MM p.332) – they all of
DM rolls a d4: different colours and have twig wings glued to their backs.
1: Boar runs in circles trying to throw off the contestant to After that, all lizards are placed on 30 ft. track and at a
the side (Player must succeed on a STR Save); command each contestant begins to goad their lizard to move
2: Boar tries to slam the contestant against the side of a toward finish line.
corral (Player must succeed on a DEX Save); Each turn player(s) makes an Animal Handling Check:
3: Boar prances in place trying to shake off the contestant 1-4: Lizard moves 5 ft.backwards;
(Player must succeed on a CON Save); 5-13: Lizard doesn’t move this turn;
4: Boar rages! Add 1 to DC of all Saves and reroll ignoring 14-20: Lizard moves 5 ft.
this result for this turn. Rewards:
Difficulty is the same for all Saves and starts at 10,
increasing by 1 after each Save. 1st place: badge & 120 sp;
Each Save success adds 3 seconds to contestant's time. 2nd place: 80 sp;
Even one failed Save results in a contestants fall to the 3rd place: 40 sp.
ground and he must succeed on a DC 13 DEX Save or be 14. Barrel run contest
trampled by the Boar taking 2d6+3 bludgeoning damage.
Contestant can choose to jump off to safety from the Boar Entry Fee: 10 sp
at any time with successful DC 10 Acrobatics Check.
Rewards: Number of participants: 5
12+ seconds: badge & golden ingot (~ 50 gp worth); Contestant balance on top of the barrels and try to get to the
9 seconds: silver ingot (~ 25 gp worth); finish line of a 50 ft. track first. Each turn player(s) makes an
6 seconds: 120 sp. Acrobatics Check:
1-7: Contestant falls and looses immediately;
12. Storytelling contest 8-12: Contestant stays on the spot trying to not fall down;
13-18: Contestant moves 10 ft.;
Entry Fee: 10 sp 19+: Contestant moves 15 ft.
Number of participants: 4-8 Rewards:
Contestants tell fascinating stories for the crowd about great 1st place: badge & 60 sp;
deeds of old (History), gods and wonders (Religion) or magic 2nd place: 40 sp;
and mystery (Arcana). 3rd place: 20 sp.
DM rolls a d6:
1-2: there's mainly young folk and kids in the crowd (+7 to
final score when telling Arcana stories);
3-4: there's mainly middle-aged folk in the crowd (+7 to final
score when telling Religion story);
5-6: there's mainly old folk in the crowd (+7 to final score
when telling History story).
Contestant may make successful DC 15 Insight Check to
read the crowd and know this.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
15. Greased pig catching On a failure, sheep is unruly and shearing takes 10
Entry Fee: Free
On a Check failed by 10 or more sheep is cut, runs away
and refuses to be sheared again – contestant looses 5
Number of participants: Any minutes.
In the middle of the fairgrounds there are a booth and small Repeat until out of time.
empty pigpen. Rewards:
Contestants are informed that a greased pig is released 1st place: badge & 80 sp;
somewhere on the fair and they are free to catch it and return 2nd place: 60 sp;
to the pigpen for a reward. 3rd place: 40 sp.
To find the pig player can try to succeed on either a DC 18
Perception Check, DC 15 Survival Check or DC 15 18. Shell game
Investigation Check. Player spends 30-60 minutes (at DM’s
discretion) with any of those activities. Entry Fee: 5 sp per bet
After finding a pig, there's a 50% chance that someone is
already pursuing it. Contestant can try to catch a pig with Number of participants: 1 at a time
successful DC 18 Athletics Check (Check made with There are three shells and a bean. Host of the game places the
Disadvantage if someone else is also trying to grab the pig). bean under one of the shells and shuffles them. Participant
After a failed attempt, DC to catch the pig decreases by 2 must guess under which shell bean is located.
(to a minimum of 12), you fall prone and lose sight of the pig Before asking for a roll, DM decides how host is playing:
as it vanishes in the crowd. Player immediately can attempt to Fair: DM makes a Sleight of Hand Check + 5 for a host;
make DC 13 Perception Check to see where pig went and Cheating: DM makes a Deception Check + 5 for a host.
try to catch it again. Otherwise you must search for the pig all Then player given a choice of rolling either Perception
over again. Check or Insight Check.
Rewards: If the player chose to roll Perception vs Deception or
1 pig: badge & sausage. Insight vs Sleigh of Hand - he automatically loses.
Otherwise make a contested roll, higher result wins.
16. Archery range Rewards:
Entry Fee: 10 sp Right guess: 10 sp;
Five right guesses in a row: badge & 10 sp.
Number of participants: 1 at a time
Contestants are given short bows and three arrows. At the 19. Dart trick shots
end of a 60ft. range sits a target. Player makes three ranged Entry Fee: 10 sp
attacks trying to hit the target as accurately as possible:
1. AC = 22 Bullseye! (10 points); Number of participants: 1 at a time
2. AC = 18 Yellow band (8 points); Contestants try to perform three trick shots in a rapid
3. AC = 16 Red band (6 points); succession using thrown darts with only one try for each trick
4. AC = 14 Blue band (4 points). shot:
1. Two red apples thrown in the air in front of contestant
Rewards: within 10 ft. Player must make two ranged attacks to hit them
24-30 points: badge & ornate quiver (~40 gp worth); both. Apple’s AC = 14. 1 point.
19-24 points: badge & 60 sp; 2. Two red apples thrown in the air to each side of
13-18 points: 40 sp; contestant within 10 ft. Player must make two ranged attacks
8-12 points: 20 sp. with Disadvantage to hit them both. Apple’s AC = 14. 2
17. Sheep shearing contest 3. A basket of green apples is thrown in the air in front of
contestant within 10 ft. Player must make ranged attack to hit
Entry Fee: 10 sp the only red apple amongst them. Player makes a Perception
Check to spot the apple fast enough. Apple’s AC = (30 - result
Number of participants: 5 of a Perception Check). 3 points.
Contestants enter a 40 x 40 ft. corral with 15-20 sheep in it. In
30 minutes contestants must shear as many sheep as they Rewards:
can. 6 points: badge & ornate dagger;
Contestant must make an **Animal Handling Check ** to 3-5 points: 5 darts;
calm down the sheep he wants to shear. After that he makes a 1-2 points: bag of apples.
Sleight of Hand Check with a DC = (30 – Animal Handling
Check result) to shear it.
On a success it takes 5 minutes to shear a sheep.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
20. Insulting contest 22. Debate contest
Entry Fee: 5 sp Entry Fee: 5 sp
Number of participants: 4-8, elimination Number of participants: 4-8, elimination
The two contestants take turns insulting each other in Contestants enter a battle of wits, which involves the use of
amusing ways. The competition ends when one participant deceptive and assertive tactics while also trying to persuade
can't think of anything within a reasonable amount of time the judges.
and the crowd decides the winner. DM rolls a d4:
Contestants are paired and decide who goes first. That 1: The theme of a debate is related to Arcana;
contestant insults his opponent making a CHA Check. Then 2: The theme of a debate is related to History;
opponent must make his CHA Check with a DC = (CHA 3: The theme of a debate is related to Nature;
Check of his opponent - 5). If he succeeds, his Check-5 4: The theme of a debate is related to Religion.
becomes new DC and so on. If player has a proficiency in a skill relevant to given theme
At DM's discretion, player can try to make - he can add his proficiency bonus to all rolls during that
creative/funny/witty insult in-character and get an Advantage debate.
on CHA Check roll for that turn. Participants are paired and players make a contested rolls
If contestant doesn't meet set DC - he takes too much time of their choice by playing Boulder - Parchment - Shears
coming up with an answer and looses competition. (a.k.a. Rock-Paper-Scissors). The player who wins his round,
rolls his Check with Advantage. Ties are replayed. In any case,
player must roll a Check corresponding to shape that he
1st place: badge & 50 sp; played:
Everyone else: nothing. 1) Boulder: Player must make an Intimidation Check;
2) Parchment: Player must make a Persuasion Check;
21. Hungry bugbear 3) Shears: Player must make a Deception Check.
Entry Fee: 5 sp
Player must win three contested rolls this way to beat his
Number of participants: 1 vs 6 Rewards:
At the start of the game contestants divide in two teams: six 1st place: badge & 70 sp;
Hiders ("kids") and one Seeker ("bugbear"). After that, Seeker 2nd place: 50 sp;
closes his eyes and Hiders spread out through fairgrounds. 3rd place: 30 sp.
After 1 minute Seeker begins to search for Hiders. Game lasts
for 1 hour. Start and end of the game announced by loud horn. 23. Knowledge contest
Each Hider are dressed in differently colored fool's cap and
band with sleighbells sealed with wax on one of his ankles. Entry Fee: 10 sp
Goal of Hiders is to stay undetected by Seeker for 1 hour.
They are prohibited to leave confines of a fairgrounds and Number of participants: 6-12
take off cap and band. Contestants participate in a general knowledge quiz by
Seeker are dressed in rugged fur hat with donkey ears. answering 8 questions writing their answers on a small
Seeker's goal is to find as many Hiders as he can during 1 parchment.
hour period. DM rolls a d4:
Every 10 minutes Hiders roll Stealth Check to stay out of 1: The question requires successfull Arcana Check;
sight and Seeker rolls Investigation Check to find them 2: The question requires successfull History Check;
depending on the amount of Hiders left: 3: The question requires successfull Nature Check;
5-6: Investigation Check with Advantage; 4: The question requires successfull Religion Check.
3-4: Straight Investigation Check; Each question has a DC = ( 10 + d6 ) and grants 1 point if
1-2: Investigation Check with Disadvantage. given a right answer. Contestant with a highest score - wins.
If Seeker beats Hider's Stealth Check with his Investigation If there are tied scores for 1st place, Blitz round begins for
Check he finds him and claims his band as proof. If there are those contestants. Same rules apply as above but answers
multiple Hiders with failed Stealth rolls, only the lowest one is must be given right away - contestants roll their Checks with
considered seen and caught by Seeker per 10 minute period. Disadvantage taking turns, until one of them fails. He takes
Seeker Rewards: Hider Rewards: 2nd place.
5-6 bands: badge & 60 sp; Undetected: badge & 10 sp; Rewards:
3-4 bands: 30 sp; Everyone else: nothing. 1st place: badge & 70 sp;
1-2 bands: trinket. 2nd place: 50 sp;
3rd place: 30 sp.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
24. Hedge maze
Entry Fee: 1 sp
Number of participants: Any
Participants enter a maze and the goal is to get to the other
side. Alternatively, if they wish, participants can take part in a
bonus game. Each contestant is whispered that he needs to
find a coloured pebble, a specific flower and second part of a
code phrase (each condition is different for each participant).
As participant enters a maze he must make a DC 10
Survival Check to advance through one of six maze stages
towards exit. On a success he spends 10 minutes and passes
to next stage. Otherwise he spends 10 minutes walking in
circles and stays on the same stage.
Player doesn't know whether he succeeded or failed.
As participant enters 3rd stage, DM can ask him to make a
DC 13 Investigation Check to find the right pebble that
scattered on the ground ocasionally. Whether participant
succeeded or failed, he spends 30 minutes doing this activity. 3) Score the Ball. Player can score the Ball into enemies
As participant enters 5th stage, DM can ask him to make a Bucket if he is within 5 ft. of it by making improvised melee
DC 13 Nature Check to pick the right flower that grow in attack (d20 + STR mod) against AC=5. Alternatively player
flowerbeds on this stage. Whether participant succeeded or can score the Ball into enemies Bucket if he is within 10 ft. or
failed, he spends 30 minutes doing this activity. more of it by making improvised ranged attack (d20 + DEX
As participant finishes last 6th stage, there's a board near mod) against AC=15. Each other player in the line of the
the exit with 50+ phrases carved on it. Player must succeed throw adds 2 AC.
on a DC 13 INT Check to remember 1st part of a phrase and 4) Shove. Player can try to shove an enemy within 5 ft. by
match it for the answer. Otherwise he fails to remember and making a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s
roll can not be repeated. Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the
target chooses the ability to use). If player succeeds, enemy is
Rewards: either knocked prone or pushed 5 ft. away from player.
All 3 conditions met: badge, fancy hat (various) & trinket. 5) Grapple. Player can try to grapple an enemy within 5 ft.
by making a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the
25. Mud handegg target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
(the target chooses the ability to use). If player succeeds,
Entry Fee: 10 sp enemy is subjected to grappled condition.
Number of participants: 3 vs 3
6) Escape Grapple (2 actions). A grappled player can try
to escape grapple by succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) or
Two teams with three participants in each enter the playing Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by enemies Strength
Field. It is 25 x 30 ft. fenced area filled with waist-deep thick (Athletics) check.
mud and two Buckets placed on opposite sides of the field. 7) Dash/Tumble/Overrun (2 actions). Player can Dash to
Players start surrounding their Bucket. At the beginning of a Move 10 extra ft. or try to tumble through/overrun an
match egg-shaped leather Ball is thrown in the middle of the enemy's space by making a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
field (see picture). contested by enemy's Dexterity (Acrobatics) check for
Goal of the game is to score the Ball into enemy's Bucket tumble or Strength (Athletics) check contested by the
three times before they do the same. After scoring, players get enemy's Strength (Athletics) check for overrun. If the player
on a starting position and repeat. wins the contest, he can move through the enemy's space
Each participant rolls Initiative and goes in order. On each once this turn.
of its turns participant can Move up to 10 ft. and take two 8) Guard (2 actions). Player can stand guard and next time
eligible Actions: enemy is moving into or within 5 ft. of him, he can spend his
1) Grab the Ball. Player can pick up the ball from the Reaction to Shove or Grapple an enemy with Advantage until
ground or take it from ally within 5 ft. if said ally willing to the start of his next turn.
give it away or try to wrestle it from the grip of enemy within 5 Additionally, if player team's Bucket is within 5 ft. of
ft. To do so player makes a Strength (Athletics) check guarding player - difficulty to score in that Bucket increases by
contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity 10 AC (does not stack with Guard action of other players).
(Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use); Guarding ends if player becomes grappled, prone or
2) Pass the Ball. Player can give the Ball to ally within 5 ft. moves(ed) from his position.
or try to throw it to ally that is 10 ft. or more away. Ally must
succeed on a DC 10 DEX Check to catch the Ball. Otherwise Rewards:
it lands on the ground in front of the ally. \columnbreak Winning team: badge & 50 silver each;
Loosing team: trinket each.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Random Festival Encounters
Sometimes during party travel across a fairground something
unexpected or unusual can happen.

3d6 Encounter
3 Animals on the loose
4 Drunken brawl
5 Guard harassment
6 Pickpockets try to steal from a party member
7 Angry contestant that lost, confronts party member
8 Drunkard heckles one of the party members
9 Beggar asks for a coin
10 Spectacle
11 Clingy peddler
12 Bunch of urchins start following party member
13 Bullies
Arrogant contestant that won, confronts party
Shady seller makes a “special offer” for a party
16 Thief on the run
17 Protest
18 Fire

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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