World's Dynamic CEOs Making A Footprint in Business, 2023
World's Dynamic CEOs Making A Footprint in Business, 2023
World's Dynamic CEOs Making A Footprint in Business, 2023
Wo r l d ' s D y n a m i c
Making A Footprint in Business,
Crafting Unforgettable Golf Experiences
World’s Dynamic CEOs Making A
Footprint in Business, 2023
Revolutionary Visionaries
World's Leaders latest edition “World's Dynamic CEOs Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read
Making A Footprint in Business, 2023” has featured the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and
success stories of renowned CEOs whose expertise in industry experts.
leadership is echoing globally. The cover has Noah
DiPasquale, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of
Epic Golf Club. He is drawing from over two decades of
experience as a corporate executive. His primary focus is
on providing Epic Golf Club members with
unforgettable experiences at some of the world's most Have a lovely read!
prestigious golf courses.
Follow us on :
Crafting Unforgettable Golf Experiences
18 Carlos Santos
22 David Weild
26 Dean Bartles
32 Josh Sherrard
36 Ken Dychtwald
40 Liam Hardey
46 Mitch Gould
50 Oliver Drews
54 Paul Edalat
Crafting Unforgettable
Golf Experiences
oah DiPasquale is the founder and blessed to wake up every day with a
Chief Executive Officer of Epic Golf smile, knowing that he has the
Club, drawing from over two privilege of interacting with his
decades of experience as a favorite people in the world.
corporate executive. His primary
focus is on providing Epic Golf Club In addition to his role at Epic Golf
members with unforgettable Club, Noah has a history of
experiences at some of the world's successfully founding various
most prestigious golf courses. business ventures. Notably, he
recently launched GolfLync, a social
In his role as a business leader, Noah media company aimed at
sees it as his responsibility to connecting millions of golfers
assemble a team of talented and worldwide. Furthermore, Mr.
passionate individuals, forge a DiPasquale has initiated the Epic
collective vision that extends years Foundation
into the future, and empower his (, a 501c3
team to make sound decisions for non-profit organization dedicated to
the benefit of the business, its enhancing the lives of communities
customers, and the communities in which they operate.
they serve. He considers himself
incredibly fortunate to have chosen
a career path that brings him
immense satisfaction and feels
10 | October 2023
C O V E R S T O R Y | 11
The Epic Golf Club
membership that operates
as a private golf society
allowing like-minded
golfers who share a
passion for golf to play the
best private golf courses in
the world, together.
Members of Epic have the
opportunity to play at over
1,000 of the top private
courses in North America
and around the world.
Through its careful
curation and application
process, the club's society
of private club members
have the privilege of
playing at each other's
impeccable, top-rated
private courses among the
most beautiful landscapes
in the country. Epic also
hosts 20+ events each year
at top-rated clubs for
members and their guests
to enjoy. The Epic Golf
team provides a fully
curated white-glove
experience to ensure the
quality of the trip meets or
exceeds the quality of the
world class golf.
12 | October 2023
Personal and Professional Philosophy Founding His Passion in Golf
Noah is the same person inside and outside of the Noah had a self-described “unusual path” to his start
workplace. He holds exceptionally high standards for in the golf business, since he had really only taken up
the individuals he chooses to surround himself with,
the game a few years prior. He was in the
and he deeply values the people in his life, whether
they are family, friends, customers, or co-workers. management and technology consulting space where
Noah has a penchant for operating at a rapid pace and he led a mid-tier firm for over a decade and started his
takes pride in his ability to swiftly and accurately own consulting firm in 2016. However, he quickly
assess situations, adapting as necessary. He strongly became drawn to the game of golf by its social and
believes in the philosophy of "work hard and play competitive foundation. Noah instantaneously noticed
hard," and he has cultivated a culture that rewards that there was a huge gap in the way golfers interacted
both personal and professional growth. Originating
with each other and saw his opportunity to change the
from humble beginnings, Noah views each day as a
blessing and relishes every moment. He firmly game of golf forever.
adheres to the notion that "the journey is the
destination." | 13
14 | October 2023
empowered to go above and beyond
what is typically expected, especially in
extenuating circumstances. At Epic, one
of the core values is "Your job is not
done until THE job is done," which
often means thinking creatively and
taking heroic actions when the situation
demands it. | 15
that time, he held a relatively high-paying
and high-powered job, and he and his wife Words of Wisdom for New Leaders
had just welcomed a baby boy into their
family. The decision to leave his job and Noah's advice to new leaders includes several key
pursue entrepreneurship was a challenging pieces of wisdom:
one, and he wasn't sure if the bigger risk Ÿ Build strong relationships with your team and create
was leaving the job or discussing it with his an environment of trust.
wife. Fortunately, his wife was incredibly
Ÿ Communicate clearly, setting expectations and
supportive, reassuring him that they didn't
need all the luxury items if things didn't addressing deficiencies when necessary, while also
work out but expressing confidence in his celebrating successes.
ability to succeed if he gave it his best. Her Ÿ Be decisive and don't avoid tough decisions, and
support provided the push he needed, and when delivering bad news, do it in person.
from there, the transition to starting Epic Ÿ Stay adaptable and open-minded, as great ideas can
Golf felt like a natural progression. As he come from unexpected sources.
put himself in positions to succeed, the Ÿ Prioritize self-care, as leadership is demanding, and
sense of risk diminished, and it all felt like
your mental and physical well-being are essential for
the obvious next steps.
long-term success. Burnout can hinder your
effectiveness as a leader.
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26 | October 2023 | 27
For the past few Years of Excellency
decades, the race for
industrial competitive Since 2010, Dr. Dean Bartles has served as a board
advantage has centered member for NCDMM before joining as the President
on finding new and and Chief Executive Officer in May 2019. Prior to this,
abundant low-cost he served as the President of the National Tooling and
labor sources. The next Machining Association and was previously the Director
wave of industrial of the John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center at
productivity increases the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Bartles was the
is anticipated to be founding Executive Director of the Digital
fueled by technological Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute in
advancements. Cyber- Chicago and the Chief Manufacturing Officer of UI
physical systems (CPS) LABS. Dr. Bartles worked for General Dynamics
and dynamic data processes that employ enormous Corporation for 30 years, where he was responsible for
volumes of data to drive smart machines define this setting up and running manufacturing operations in
development, which some refer to as Industry 4.0. Egypt, Turkey, and the United States. Between 2001
and 2014, Dr. Bartles increased sales at General
Dr. Dean Bartles, a well-known person in the Dynamics Corporation from $135 million to over $600
manufacturing area, is well-suited to describe the million. Before his time at General Dynamics
complexity of production and how it is being altered Corporation, Dr. Bartles worked for Fairchild Republic
with the assistance of developing technology. He is a Company as an industrial engineer for approximately 5
seasoned operations specialist with four decades of years.
manufacturing and technology management experience.
He is currently the President and CEO of the Dr. Bartles served as the 2016-2017 President of the
Manufacturing Technology Deployment Group, Inc., a North American Manufacturing Research Institute, the
not-for-profit holding company of both the National 2016 President of the Society of Manufacturing
Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining Engineers, the founding Chairman of the Smart
(NCDMM) and Advanced Manufacturing International, Manufacturing Leadership Coalition, and the Chairman
Inc. (AMI), a new subsidiary and sister company to of the Board of the National Center for Defense
NCDMM. Manufacturing and Machining. Dean graduated from
Indiana State University, earning a PhD in Technology
MTDG Management with a concentration in Manufacturing
The Manufacturing Technology Deployment Group
(MTDG) is the not-for-profit holding company of the Dr. Bartles' skills in advanced manufacturing
National Center for Defense Manufacturing and technology areas include digital manufacturing, model-
Machining (NCDMM) and Advanced Manufacturing based enterprise, industry 4.0, smart manufacturing,
International (AMI). advanced robotics, and brilliant factory concepts.
28 | October 2023 | 29
32 | October 2023
Guiding Families to Entrepreneurial Success with
Unparalleled Expertise and Insight | 33
34 | October 2023
Journey of Empowerment and Significance
Josh, a Hawaii native, pursued his education Josh Sherrard, a born entrepreneur,
at The University of Hawaii, Simpson Bible
embarked on his first business
College, and The Moody Bible Institute. As
an ordained minister, he found fulfillment in venture at the young age of twelve.
working on missions, playing the guitar, As the President and CEO of
traveling, and spending cherished moments Strategic Navigators, he has
with his wife, Amy, and their three children: nurtured a passion for
Joshua II, Julianne, and Gabriel.
entrepreneurship throughout his
Josh's entrepreneurial spirit ignited at the age
of 12 when he started his first business, and career. Over the years, Josh has
later, as a teenager, he interned at a prominent dabbled in start-ups, corporate
financial company in Honolulu. Following America, and international business
over a decade of experience in Christian development, gaining invaluable
Ministry, he served as a minister in non-profit experience in these realms.
organizations, gaining exposure to operations,
stewardship, and communications.
With over a decade of involvement
Around 2012, Josh embarked on a transition in the Non-Profit Sector, Josh has
from a full-time pastor to a businessman. successfully managed multi-million-
During this period, he identified a crucial dollar companies, showcasing his
pain-point for entrepreneurs—taxes. Driven
prowess in organizational leadership.
by the desire to guide his clients towards a
path of significance, he assembled a team of Additionally, he has dedicated
tax and law experts. Together, they developed numerous years to financial advising
a program that could provide small business and business efficiency, establishing
owners with time-tested strategies employed himself as an expert in these fields.
by the uber-wealthy, ultimately assisting
entrepreneurs in maximizing their revenue.
Josh's comprehensive background in
Drawing upon his diverse experiences and Business, Finance, Executive
expertise, Josh strives to empower his clients Management, Real Estate,
by offering valuable strategies that pave the Operations, and Sales lends a unique
way for their success and significance in the depth to his role as a Business
business world.
Family Coach. Combining his diverse
expertise, he brings a wealth of
knowledge and experience to guide
and support families in their
entrepreneurial endeavors. | 35
A Thought Leader with a
Focus on the Business
Opportunities and Social
Effects of Global Aging and
36 | October 2023
Founder & CEO
Age Wave | 37
K en Dychtwald, PhD has
emerged as North America's
foremost visionary and
original thinker regarding the social,
economic, healthcare, marketing,
House Conferences on Aging. He
was named the single most
influential marketer to baby
boomers over the last quarter-
century by American Demographics.
Aging Award for distinguished
leadership and has received the
Inspire Award from the
International Council on Active
financial, and workforce His article in the Harvard Business
implications of the "age wave" – a Review, "It's Time to Retire Since 1986, Ken has been the
term he coined in the 1980's. He is a Retirement," was awarded the Founder and CEO of Age Wave, an
psychologist, gerontologist, prestigious McKinsey Award, tying acclaimed think tank and
documentary filmmaker, and best- for first place with the legendary consultancy focused on the social
selling author of 19 books, including Peter Drucker. He was honored by and business implications and
his three latest What Retirees Want: Investment Advisor as one of the 35 opportunities of global aging and
A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age, most influential thought leaders in rising longevity. During his career,
Radical Curiosity: One Man’s Search the financial services industry over Ken has addressed more than two
for Cosmic Magic and a Purposeful Life the past 35 years, and he and his million people worldwide in his
and Sages of Aging: A Guide for wife, Maddy, received the Esalen speeches to corporate, association,
Changemakers. Prize for their outstanding social service, and government
contributions to advancing the groups. His strikingly accurate
He has served as a fellow of the human potential of aging men and predictions, landmark research, and
World Economic Forum and was a women worldwide. He has twice innovative ideas are regularly
featured speaker at two White received the American Society on featured in leading print and
38 | October 2023
electronic media worldwide and, pioneering research initiative called Congressional think tank. The
incredibly, have garnered nearly the SAGE Project, which came to be several-year focus of our team of
twenty billion media impressions. funded by the National Institutes of demographers, gerontologists,
Health. We set out to see if some of sociologists, urban planners, and
In this wide-ranging interview, Ken the progressive new approaches to physicians was to study how,
Dychtwald shares what inspired him mental and physical health, such as throughout 99% of human history,
to start Age Wave, what market biofeedback, meditation, yoga, and the average life expectancy was
opportunities are hiding in plain nutrition, could reverse some under 18 years. Over the past few
sight, and so much more. elements of aging decline. The centuries, medical, economic, social,
project was so successful that it and demographic forces have been
What motivated you to start became the model for similar shifting and grinding against each
Age Wave and what were programs all over the world and other. Dramatic breakthroughs in
served to ignite the nascent holistic medicine, public health, and lifestyle
your initial goals? health and healthy aging fields. management have caused two
Life threw me an interesting curve unprecedented trends: declining
back in 1974, when I was 24, Then, in 1982, another piece of an fertility and increasing longevity.
finishing writing my first book, emerging puzzle fell into place. I
BodyMind, and completing my became an advisor to what was then
doctorate on the Psychology of the called the Office of Technology
Body. I was invited to co-found a Assessment, the non-partisan U.S. | 39
40 | October 2023 | 41
potential significance of the technology. It was
a sustainable technology that would also be
used to the energy transition, one of the
fastest-growing and most important sectors of
the economy.
To the best of the team's knowledge, Cellfion
is developing and commercializing the world's
first bio-based ion-selective membrane made
from the most abundant biopolymer on the
planet, cellulose derived from wood. The
membrane can be used in different energy
storage and conversion devices such as Redox
Flow Batteries (a battery technology that can
store substantial amounts of energy) and
hydrogen technologies such as fuel cells (used
for hydrogen conversion to electrical energy)
and Electrolysers (used for the production of
green hydrogen). He says, "Our solution isn't
limited to just these devices, as we have
identified over 10 possible applications for the
42 | October 2023
Governments, risk capitalists, engineers, entrepreneurs,
and researchers all have important roles to play in this.
The absence of risk-takers and entrepreneurs that desire
to advance the technology into a commercial product
causes a lot of wonderful research and new concepts to
be lost. He thinks industries can create the future it
desires by promoting greater innovation.
Future Ideas
Liam envisions a really thrilling journey over the next
five years. He anticipates that the business will have
reached out to other geographic areas, increased the
number of skilled employees at the company, researched
new goods to add to its product line, and built the first
plant in the world for the production of bio-based ion-
selective membranes. | 43
A Legacy of Excellence in Retail
Distribution and Manufacturing
46 | October 2023 | 47
GNC, Tree of Life, Albertson's,, Walgreens,
CVS, 7-Eleven, Target, USA Sports, Vitamin World, Home
Depot, Lowe's, and Menards.
48 | October 2023
Mitch emphasizes how NPI can help clients achieve their
goal of entering the US market, offering a range of For brand manufacturers, especially those who primarily
services that eliminate the need for recruiting sales operated online, these changes presented new challenges.
representatives, administrative assistants, warehouse Managing the supply chain became increasingly difficult
space, marketing expertise, logistical knowledge, and as they needed to meet the demand if a retail store decided
FDA compliance. The "Evolution of Distribution" to carry their brands. As an example, one customer shared
platform proves invaluable in reducing costs for NPI with Gould that the bottle cap they had been using faced a
clients and facilitating their successful entry into the US backorder of nine months, forcing them to switch
market. suppliers. The importance of having an online presence,
which was already significant before the pandemic,
Navigating the Changing Retail Landscape became even more critical during the health emergency.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the Many businesses, particularly startups, excel at
retail industry, accelerating the growth of e-commerce. developing innovative products but lack the necessary
While online shopping had been steadily increasing, the personnel to effectively market and sell them. These
pandemic compelled customers to make in-person companies require a team of talented and qualified
purchases of brands they had previously only bought employees to navigate the complexities of the retail
online. To adapt to these changing consumer behaviors, industry. At NPI, a skilled sales team is in constant contact
retailers introduced new services such as curbside pickup, with retail customers throughout the year. Additionally,
next- and same-day delivery, and more. NPI has a dedicated marketing group with expertise in | 49
50 | October 2023 | 51
Communication and connection Monte Christo" and known for
are fundamental human needs housing one of the most
that provide comfort and allow prominent inmates who was
people to share their wrongfully accused. He recalls,
experiences and concerns with "At that time, I did not know
others. For inmates, who often that the world of corrections
have limited physical would determine my future life.
connections and rely on Today a painted picture of this
telephones to stay in touch with Château hangs on the wall of
family and the outside world, my office.”
communication is particularly
important. At that time, I Prior to joining Telio, Oliver
underwent a banking
Oliver Drews, CEO of Telio did not know apprenticeship. The previous
Group, is a Hamburg-based management team of Telio was
entrepreneur. He is dedicating that the world in search of someone who
his life for the last 20 years to
the world of prisons. Telio
Group develops and delivers
communication solutions for
ministries and prisons in 23
countries around the world. All
Telio products are designed to
make an important contribution
to the resocialization of
inmates. Seeing an urgent need
to advocate and build a lobby
for the many children of
detainees, Oliver Drews
founded Connecting Hearts in
52 | October 2023
communication, which includes a greater access to the
outside world, social exchange, and contact with family and
friends. Bringing normalcy to their lives as far as possible.
Founding Telio Group As the vast majority of inmates return to society Telio wants
to equip them to thrive when they return.
The Telio Group was established Establishing Culture of Integrity and Innovation
in Hamburg, Germany 25 years
The Telio Group is driven by the mission to modernize the
ago with the goal of
correctional landscape and to maximise the outcomes of the
revolutionizing and modernizing jurisdictional partners. Oliver is proud to lead his team in this
the penal system through mission. Its wide range of products and services goes beyond
just next-level digital innovation; it is also about promoting
innovative breakthroughs. Its rehabilitation and providing inmates with the motivation and
focus on creating smart digital desire they need to have after their release from prison. The
management believes that by offering better access to
prisons that provide inmates
communication, inmates are more likely to successfully
with more opportunities and reintegrate into society and avoid reoffending, leading to
enable officers to focus on high- lower crime rates, safer communities, and a reduced burden
on the criminal justice system.
value work has been central to
its mission. The Telio Group's As a company, Telio Group strives to look beyond the
solutions contribute to creating negative connotations often associated with prisons and
instead focus on providing inmates with a second chance at
a positive work environment. Its life. It believes that this second chance must be deeply
journey began with a simple ingrained in the company's DNA.
service of providing detainees
Leading with the Spirit to Bring Change
with telecommunication
services via secure hallway Oliver's entrepreneurial spirit has been an intrinsic part of his
persona, driven by a desire to effect positive change. He
phone booths in a few German firmly believes in the concept of transforming prisons into
prisons. Over time, the company better spaces through the provision of products and services,
creating "Places for a second chance" since he believes
has grown into a global
everyone deserves one. Despite facing frequent challenges
company with more than 250 and a busy schedule, his unwavering belief in this mission
employees operating in 23 fuels his daily drive to persevere. To continuously evolve and
progress, one must be receptive to novel perspectives and
countries and serving over 700 methods, as failing to do so can stifle growth and adaptation.
facilities worldwide.
Aspire to Creating New | 53
54 | October 2023
Revolutionizing Medication Management for
Patient Safety and Well-Being | 55
56 | October 2023
The Journey from Fitness
Entrepreneur to Healthcare
From a young age, Mr. Edalat was
keenly interested in tennis,
weightlifting, and overall health and
wellness. Using his entrepreneurial
skills and experiences, he significantly
impacted the rapidly growing fitness
and wellness industries. | 57