Fasihah Compare Essay
Fasihah Compare Essay
Fasihah Compare Essay
Mothers and fathers can be distinguished in terms of their interactions with children.
Stanton (2010) stated that when it comes to interaction, mothers are more prone to engage in
activities involving emotions like care and softness to provide children with a sense of
security. This is due to the fact that mothers form a profound emotional bond with their
children during pregnancy that continues for the rest of their lives. For example, mothers love
to practise affectionate activities such as cuddling and kissing with their kids to show them
that they are loved. According to Stein (n.d.), fathers’ preference is to engage in physical and
risky activities that teach a child to become resilient. This happens because fathers prefer to
teach life skills and show their affection through action and acts of service. For instance, dads
will practise physical activities like biking, hiking, and playground adventures as a way to
interact with their children. Therefore, it is undeniable that mothers and fathers vary in the
way they interact with their children.
To conclude, although mothers and fathers are our parents, they differ in terms of
interactions, discipline, and communication. Even though they are really different from each
other, both parenting styles are valid and good for children. Parents are both different in their
own way, but as their children, we must always be respectful and love them equally as if they
were our parents.
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Mothers. LiveAbout. https://www.liveabout.com/balancing-parenting-styles-1270915
Stanton, G. T. (2010, October 15). Why children need father-love and mother-love. JA Show
Articles. https://jashow.org/articles/why-children-need-father-love-and-mother-love/
Stein, R. (n.d.). How parenting styles differ between Dads and Moms. Westchester Health.