Analogue Project

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Osuoha 1

Samantha Osuoha
Dr. Diehl
HUMN – 2010
September 26, 2023
Analogue Paper
In this analytical paper, I chose to analyze the song, “All my loving” by the Beatles. In
the song All my loving, the love language I feel like is described is physical touch. This can be
seen in the lyrics “I’ll pretend that I’m kissing the lips I’m missing” which illustrates a sense of
craving for the closeness or the touch of this woman who he loves dearly but can't seem to like
hold or be near in the current moment, it seems like there are in a long distance relationship
almost because of the lyric “and then while I'm away I'll write home every day and I'll send all
my loving to you” which shows that they are not in the same place but he will always love her
and his way of showing his love is through physical touch which seems like what makes the
relationship harder because he's not able to show his love in the way he would have liked so I
feel like he's using another love language that being words of affirmation in the sense he's telling
her what he wants to do he's telling her that he misses her and that he's sending all his love.
I feel like the type of love that's being displayed in the song is a little bit of Ludus love
and almost Eros love in a way. I say this because he almost has a playful tone kind of when
you're listening to this song where he goes tomorrow and this I'll miss you remember I'll always
be true it's almost like he's trying to be poetic when he's talking to her or trying to express his
love for her and it gives kind of a playful feeling especially in the tune of the song and the
beating and the pace is kind of like it's a bit fast-paced but not really it's almost like a classic
Elvis love song if you will where it's not too slow but it's not too fast and it's giving this playful
yet romantic type of love which is why I mentioned Eros because it's still very romantic yet it's
somehow playful due to the beating and the pace of the song.
The music video for the song is in black and white which kind of reminds me of an old
school type of club which kind of hints back to this Ludus love this old school playful type of
love that is really kind of emphasize throughout the song and then the fact that the pace of the
song as I have mentioned prior is kind of like Elvis love songs that aren't too and not too fast but
they're also medium which kind of helps with this kind of depiction of a slow yet playful type of
love that's been brewing for a bit if that makes sense. The different cords or the different pauses
throughout the music where there are solos and the guitar you can hear the strings and it's almost
like emphasize the romance that's brewing between these two lovers but also kind of hinting at
the playfulness that's always been there. This song kind of reminds me of the House of
Guardaboschi painting where it gave a kind of playful and warm feeling. I feel like this overlap
is important because it helps illustrate the pace of the music in a painting. This song helps me
understand the different variations of love and how similar or even contrasting love types can be
depicted and still show the same or different messages.

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