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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426

Learning Styles to Academic Performance: An

Glenn Landicho
College of Education, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Abstract: This study sought to assess the learning styles and academic performance of Mayayap National High School in Cabanatuan
City, Province of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. It utilized the descriptive and correlation methods of research. Data were gathered through
valid and reliable questionnaire-checklist distributed to the respondents identified through total sampling. Also, interview was used to
validate answers of the respondents. In the light of the findings, the study concluded that the respondents were of diverse profiles. Grade
10 English subject students of Mayapyap National High School are potential excellent learners of varied academic focus or area
considering that they are multi-modal learners. Similarly, they are adaptive to any form of education or training which is advantageous
to them as they take their journey to education. Also, the Mayapyap National High School, if they (respondents) continue their study,
would produce graduates who could be functional in a variety of course and employment after graduation. However, profile of the
respondents has minute effect to their learning and academic performance. Hence, teachers of Mayapyap National High School shall
focus in educating their students according to learning styles with little consideration on the socio-demographic profiles.

Keywords: Academic Performance, Learning Styles, Auditory Learners, Kinesthetic Learners, Multi-modal Learners

1. Introduction Teachers’ effectiveness rest on their models of learning they

use. But, no single method of learning fits to diverse kinds
Academic performance of students serves as barometer of of students. In agreement to Poonam et al. (2013), he
teachers’ competence. The learners’ performance does not pointed out that there is no single best teaching-learning
rest solely to educators’ capability but also considering strategy that can work for every student, no matter how good
students’ learning styles. A long line of literatures has that approach is. Also, Dellosa & Laraya (2011) mentioned
established that every student is unique and has various that instruction will be more effective if teachers will
methods of learning and achieving better academic employ different teaching strategies that will accommodate
performance. This situation sometimes, if not always, is a the different learning styles of the students and minimize
setback that every teacher has to dwell and resolve every day mismatches between the prevailing teaching styles as well as
of teaching. Lutz (2011) said that each student in a the learning styles.
classroom has a unique and complex system of thinking and
learning. These varied ways of perceiving information, Models on learning are essentials in guiding teachers
organizing thoughts and retaining knowledge are called promote satisfactory academic performance of their
learning styles. Learning styles according to Fleming & students. One of significant forms of learning is the
Baume, 2006), speaks to the understanding that every Flemming’s Model of Student Learning known as VARK
student learns differently. Technically, an individual’s (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing Preference, and
learning style refers to the preferential way in which the Kinesthetic) as stated by Fleming & Baume (2006). The
student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains Model acknowledges that students have different approaches
information. Also, Jiraporncharoen et al. (2015) explained to how they process information, referred to as ―preferred
that learning styles are the individual processes used for learning modes.‖ It provides scores on each of these four
understanding and retaining information, thereby gaining perceptual modes. Individuals have learning style
knowledge or skills. Similarly, Chermahini, Ghanbari, & preferences from 1 to all 4 modes; it determines a person’s
Talab (2013) stated that learning styles can be described as a learning style. In support thereto, Tenedero (2011) said that,
set of factors, behaviors, and attitudes that enhance learning people prefer to use different sensory modalities when they
in any situation. This, study of Gokalp (2013) stated that process information and demonstrate a distinct ability for
learning styles are not really concerned with ―what‖ learners remembering complex information better or less well by
learn, but rather ―how‖ they prefer to learn and it is also an hearing, seeing, or experiencing or mastering it through
important factor for students’ academic achievement and hands-on learning. Study of Piping (2005) proved that the
attitudes. Evidently, studies of Yip (2012), Cox (2013), and VARK learning style not only enhances students’
Lockie, Lanen & Mc Gannon (2013) proved that learning understanding but also raises learning motivation and
styles or preferences have great impact on academic interest among them. In sum, Pritchard (2005) observed that
achievements. In the same way, Choi et al. (2014) stated that good learning depends on a student’s learning style and
students’ knowledge of the different learning styles may teaching materials used.
help improve their academic performance as they learn more
about themselves and how to acquire knowledge in the most To these, one of the qualities of a premium teacher is the
effective manner. Further, study of Pascual (2014) showed capability to identify learners’ method of learning in order
that learning can be happier if the students are allowed to facilitate the appropriate approach of instruction; it should
learn at their own pace, at their own preference, and in their the primary concern of a teacher. O’Leary & Stewart (2013)
own ways. emphasized that even before planning suitable teaching

Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20201825 10.21275/ART20201825 598
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
design, teachers must consider the learning styles of the 3) Is there a significant relationship between the profile of
students. Thus, teachers are encouraged to employ different the respondents and their learning styles?
teaching techniques (Bostrom & Hallin, 2013) to cater to 4) Is there a significant relationship between the profile of
differences among varied learning styles since student's the respondents and their academic performance?
capacity to learn is impacted by the teacher's style of
conveying information (Carbonel, 2013). 2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
The aforesaid literature has established the importance of This study is anchored on the belief that learning styles are
students’ learning styles identification in teaching mostly by not really concerned with "what" learners learn, but rather
foreign researchers. Hence, this research sought to assess the "how" they prefer to learn and it is also an important factor
learning styles of high school students of Mayapyap for students’ academic achievement and attitudes (Fleming
National High School in Cabanatuan City, Province of & Baume, 2006). Hence, this was based on the VARK
Nueva Ecija and correlate to their academic performance to model which identifies four primary types of
know whether it would corroborate or deviate with findings learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic.
of overseas researches. However, the researcher believes that People learn using a variety of these methods, but one
teachers’ ability on knowing their students’ mode of learning method usually predominates. Familiarity with the
is contributory factor towards attainment of laudable characteristics of each learning style and associated
academic performance. strategies allow teachers to address the needs of each type of
learner and enable students to maximize learning through
The study, therefore, provided the following problems: their dominant learning styles. Figure 1 presents the
1) What is socio-demographic profile of the respondents in paradigm of the study.
terms of: sex, age, father’s educational attainment,
mother’s educational attainment, and study time?
2) How may the learning styles of the respondents be
described in terms of: Auditory, Kinesthetic, Read-write,
and Visual?

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

3. Methodology through valid and reliable questionnaire-checklist distributed

to the respondents after the approval of the School principal.
This study utilized the descriptive and correlation methods Also, some of the questions in the checklist were adapted
of research. This method involves the collection of data in from Response To Intervention (RTI) Learning Styles
order to test hypotheses or answer questions. According to Inventory 2014 and some questions were constructed by the
Kumar (2014), as cited by Pagandian and Eduardo (2019), researcher with the help an expert. Interview of respondents
this method can systematically describe a situation, problem, was also conducted. Further, gathered data were statistically
phenomenon, service or programs, or provides information treated using frequency percentage, chi- square, and person-
or describes the attitude towards an issue. Also, correlation r.
research determines whether a relationship or association
exists between two or more variables, but cannot determine 4. Results and Discussion
if one variable causes another. The researchers do not
manipulate any of the variables or put the participants into 4.1 The Socio-Demographic Profiles of Respondents
groups. Although correlation research cannot determine Table 1 shows that out of 334 respondents 172 (51.50%) are
causality, it is useful for predicting the level of one variable female while 162 (48.50%) are male which implies that
based on knowledge of the other variable. The respondents there were higher number of female than male students at
of the study are Grade 10 (Junior High) English students MNHS.
(334) of Mayapyap National High School (MNHS) in the
regular classes/sections for the academic year 2017-2018
identified through total sampling. Data were gathered
Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20201825 10.21275/ART20201825 599
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
4.1.1 According to Sex (S) they mentioned are blue collar job, or manual labor, like
driving, farming, construction working, etc. Relative thereto,
Table 1: Respondents According to Sex Plumer (2013) stated that only 27 percent of college
Sex f % graduates have a job related to their major.
Male 162 48.50
Female 172 51.50 4.1.4 According to Mother’s Educational Attainment
Total 334 100.00 (MEA)
Table 4 shows that majority of the respondents’ mothers
The findings is corroborated by the report of Philippine were High School Graduates, 152 (45.51%); followed by
Statistics Authority in 2013 which stated that participation College Graduate and High School Undergraduate both
rate of females aged 12 to 15 years old in secondary or high having 48 (14.37%). Some of their mothers reached college
school education (73.8%) was higher than the participation but did not obtain a degree, 43 (12.87%); 28 (8.38%) of the
rate of males (62.8%). In all regions, fewer males were respondents’ mothers finished elementary; and 13 (3.89%)
attending high school education than females with a ratio were elementary undergraduates; meanwhile two or 0.60%
ranging from 68 to 95 males for every 100 females. finished vocational courses.

4.1.2 According to Age (A) Table 4: According to Mother’s Educational Attainment of

Table 2 reveals that 185 (55.39%) of the respondents were in the Respondents
ages ranging from 14 to 15, and 141 (42.22%) of them were Mothers’ Educational Attainment f %
in ages ranging from 16 to 17. There were also seven College Graduate 48 14.37
respondents whose ages ranged from 18 to 19 and only one College Undergraduate 43 12.87
of them was in the age ranging from 20 to 21. The mean age Vocational 2 0.60
for grade 10 respondents was 15.53. High School Graduate 152 45.51
High School Undergraduate 48 14.37
Table 2: Respondents According to Age Elementary Graduate 28 8.38
Age Bracket f % Elementary Undergraduate 13 3.89
14 – 15 185 55.39 Total 334 100.00
16 – 17 141 42.22
18 – 19 7 2.10 Results show that only 89 out of 334 of the respondents’
20 – 21 1 0.30 mothers were not able to finish studying at least until high
Total 334 100.00 school. Still, most of the women showed interest in
Mean age: 15.53 education, this is possibly why as per Philippine Statistics
Authority in 2011, both basic and functional literacy rates
Thus, the results imply that as of the normal age expectation were higher among female adolescents compared to their
of Department of Education (DepEd) for a learner to finish male counterparts.
Junior High School, MNHS is on the right track. Hence, the
finding is in accordance to DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2014, 4.1.5 According to Study Time (ST)
Enclosure No. 2, the entrant age for Junior High School is Table 5 shows that 156 (46.71%) respondents study in the
12 years old, and for Senior High School is 16 years old. afternoon; 173 (51.79%) study in the evening and only 5
(1.50%) studies in the morning. This implies that majority of
4.1.3 According to Father’s Educational Attainment the respondents prefer to study at night. Interview of
(FEA) respondents revealed that studying at night make them
Table 3 shows that majority of the respondents, 145 (respondents) more focused.
(43.41%) had fathers who were High School Graduates; 53
(15.87%) had fathers who graduated college; 29 (8.68%) of Table 5: Distribution of the Respondents According to
them had fathers who finished elementary. Study Time
Study time f %
Table 3: Respondents According to Father’s Educational Morning 5 1.50
Attainment of the Respondents Afternoon 156 46.71
Father’s Educational Attainment f % Night 173 51.79
College Graduate 53 15.87 Total 334 100.00
College Undergraduate 43 12.87
Vocational 9 2.69 In support to the aforesaid findings, Zhang (2012) stated that
High School Graduate 145 43.41 studying at night may be more beneficial because night-
High School Undergraduate 39 11.68 studying will result in more retained information than
Elementary Graduate 29 8.68 studying in the morning. Zhang added that studying through
Elementary Undergraduate 16 4.79 the night might not work for everyone, but it will benefit the
Total 334 100.00 largest number of students.
This implies that majority of the respondents’ fathers 4.2 Learning Styles of the Respondents
finished studying at least until high school and some even
went and finished college. However, interview revealed that Table 6 shows that while many of Mayapyap National High
some of the respondents’ fathers who reached college were School’s Grade 10 students had read-write preference with
not able to practice what they have studied; most of the jobs 75 (22%) majority of them were multimodal 113 (33%);
Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20201825 10.21275/ART20201825 600
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
meaning they learn using combinations of different styles. The result corroborated the study of Nzesei in 2015 which
Visual learners make up 63 (18.86%) of the respondents, 55 showed that the most preferred learning style by the students
(16.47%) were auditory learners, and least of all the styles is the multimodal dimension or Visual/Auditory/Kinesthetic.
were the kinesthetic learners 28 (8.38%). Thus, majority of the students have strong visual, auditory
and kinesthetic modalities.
Table 6: Distribution of Respondents According to Learning
Styles 4.3 Significant Relationship between the Respondents’
Learning Styles f % Profile and their Learning Styles
Visual 63 18.86
Auditory 55 16.47 Table 7 shows that only Study Time significantly correlated
Read-write 75 22.46 with read-write (phi.142, .05) learning style. This means that
Kinesthetic 28 8.38 those respondents who study at night more likely preferred
Multimodal 113 33.83 read-write learning style.
Total 334 100.00

Table 7: Relationship between the Profile of the Respondents and their Learning Styles
Profile Visual Auditory Read-write Kinesthetic
phi value Cramers V p value phi value Cramers V p value phi value Cramers V p value phi value Cramers V p value
S 0.156 0.156 0.581 0.129 0.129 0.854 1.22 1.22 0.894 1.630 1.630 0.540
A 0.389 0.147 0.847 0.437 0.165 0.684 0.37 0.14 0.989 0.413 0.156 0.867
FEA 0.375 0.142 0.933 0.473 0.179 0.328 0.42 0.159 0.827 0.472 0.179 0.342
MEA 0.389 0.159 0.606 0.420 0.171 0.517 0.412 0.168 0.596 0.389 0.159 0.801
ST 0.427 0.342 0.628 0.421 0.374 0.824 0.142** 0.187 0.000 0.821 0.142 0.074
** .05 Level of significance
This is probably because tasks like reading a textbook or a Also, Fathers' highest educational status was negatively
journal article, writing a paper, or working on an assignment correlated with the present General Weighted Average,
require a great deal of concentration, and the ability to do meaning respondents whose father had higher educational
focused tasks tends to decline as the day goes on qualification had better academic performance. Dickson,
(Thompson, 2017). Gregg and Robinson (2013) shared that parent who select
higher levels of education may also impact their abilities in
4.4 Significant Relationship between the Respondents’ child-raising or be related to other genetic and
Profile and their Academic Performance environmental factors shared with their children that will
lead the children to also achieve higher levels of education.
Table 8 presents that Sex was significantly correlated with As a result of attaining more education, the parents with
previous General Weighted Average (r=.193) and present high levels of schooling provide a better childhood
General Weighted Average (r=.204), meaning that those experience and home environment and consequently their
female respondents had higher academic performance children do better in school.
compared to male counterparts.This implies that female
students show more interest in education and are generally 5. Conclusion
more persistent and hardworking as compared to male
students. In Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Based on the findings of the study, it concluded that the
(FLEMMS) 2008, women who were considered basically respondents were of diverse profiles. Grade 10 students of
literate (those who can only read and write) were estimated Mayapyap National High School are potential excellent
at 26 million (90 for every 100 women), higher than men at learners of varied academic focus or area considering that
an estimated 25 million (87 in every 100 men). This is they are multi-modal learners. Similarly, they are adaptive to
evident in the elementary and high school completion rates any form of education or training which is advantageous to
where females were consistently higher than males. Aside them as they take their journey to education. Also, the
from acquiring basic literacy, women with numerical skills Mayapyap National High School, if they (respondents)
(functional literacy) were estimated at 25 million (86 for continue their study, would produce graduates who could be
every 100 women), also higher than men with numerical functional in a variety of course and employment after
skill estimated at 24 million (82 for every 100 men). graduation. However, profile of the respondents has minute
effect to their learning and academic performance. Hence,
Table 8: Relationship between the Respondents’ Profile and teachers of Mayapyap National High School shall focus in
their Academic Performance educating their students according to learning styles with
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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20201825 10.21275/ART20201825 601
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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