Lab 05

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SYSC 3120: Software Requirements Engineering

Module 5 Lab Assignment

Fall 2021
Dr. N. Kahani Posted: November 15, 2021
Carleton University
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering Due: November 26, 2021

Due on Friday, November 26, 2021 by 11:55PM

This assignment contains 4 pages (including this cover page) and 4 problems. You are responsible for ensuring
that your copy of the assignment is complete. Bring any discrepancy to the attention of your instructor.

Special Instructions:

1. Solve as many problems as you can.

2. Start early, as this lab assignment can be much more time-consuming than you might initially think!

3. The burden of communication is upon you. Solutions not properly explained will not be considered
correct. Part of proper communication is the appearance and layout. If we cannot “decode” what you
wrote, we cannot grade it as a correct solution.
4. You may consult outside sources, such as textbooks, but any use of any source must be documented
in the assignment solutions.
5. You are permitted to discuss general aspects of the problem sets with other students in the class, but
you must hand in your own copy of the solutions.
6. Your lab assignment solutions are due by 11:55PM on the due date and must be submitted on

• Late assignments will be graded with a late penalty of 10% of the full grade per day up to 48
hours past the deadline.
7. You are responsible for ensuring that your lab assignment is submitted correctly and without corruption.

Problem 1 2 3 4 Total
Points: 10 8 12 10 40

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SYSC 3120 — Module 5 Lab Assignment Due Date: November 26, 2021

The purpose of this lab is to participate in activities related to the formal specification of requirements,
assumptions, and domain properties. In particular, it will exercise your ability to formally specify requirements
statements using propositional logic, predicate logic, and linear temporal logic (LTL).

Consider the following requirements statements for the RealEstateManager system.

(a) A client’s information should be deleted when the client’s status is inactive.
(b) A client’s information can be changed, or removed, only if the client has been added to the system.
(c) A client’s status shall be active if and only if an agent is assigned to the client and the client has not
requested to cancel the service.
(d) A client’s status is set as inactive if the client has not answered calls for more than a month.
(e) The system shall not match a property to an inactive client.
(f) The system shall not match a property to a tenant if the number of bedrooms on the property is fewer
than the number of bedrooms needed by the tenant.
(g) An agent shall not have more than 10 clients at one time.
(h) A client’s information can only be changed by the secretary or the agent assigned to the client.
(i) Every client that is listed as active, shall have one agent assigned to them.
(j) The system shall ensure that the same client has not been assigned to two different agents.
(k) A client’s status shall be new until an agent is assigned to the client or the client has requested to cancel
the service.
(l) If a client has called the company to cancel the service, then it will be guaranteed that the client’s
information will be deleted from the system.
(m) The system shall ensure that if a real estate staff member enters their valid username and password pair,
then the next state will give them access to the client’s information.
(n) A newly added client will always eventually be assigned to an agent, unless the client calls to cancel the
(o) If a deal is closed or a client calls to cancel the service, then the client’s status will become inactive.

*Important Note*
If you feel it necessary to make assumptions regarding missing information, or to clarify the stated requirements,
please ensure that your assumptions are clearly and properly documented, and that they are reasonable for
the given system.

Submission Requirements
Please read the following instructions very carefully and follow them precisely when submitting your assignment!

The following items are required for a complete assignment submission:

1. PDF Lab Assignment Solutions: Submit a detailed document that carefully and concisely describes
your solutions to the problems in this lab assignment. Please ensure that your document is well-organized
and that the problem numbers and sub-parts are clearly provided to facilitate the grading of your

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SYSC 3120 — Module 5 Lab Assignment Due Date: November 26, 2021

Grading Notes
An important part of this lab assignment is following instructions. As such, the following grade penalties
will be applied for failure to comply with the submission requirements outlined above:
• Failure to submit the Lab Assignment Solutions will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment.
• Failure to submit the Lab Assignment Solutions in the required format (PDF) will result in deduction
of 5% of the full grade of the assignment.

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SYSC 3120 — Module 5 Lab Assignment Due Date: November 26, 2021

Problem 1 [10 points]

Consider each of the requirements statements listed on Page 2. Specify the notation that you will use
to specify each of the statements in Problems 2-4. Define appropriate propositions, sets, functions,
and/or predicates to simplify the presentation of the specification. Provide a short description of each
notation. Be sure to avoid having redundant or inconsistent notations.

Problem 2 [8 points]
Specify requirements statements (a)-(d) using propositional logic.

Problem 3 [12 points]

Specify requirements statements (e)-(j) using predicate logic.

Problem 4 [10 points]

Specify requirements statements (k)-(o) using linear temporal logic (LTL).


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