Grant Management Software
Grant Management Software
Grant Management Software
Management Systems
November 2013
Elizabeth Pope
Kyle Andrei
Laura Quinn
Grantmaking programs are complicated to manage. available for United States-based foundations. Then
Even the relatively small programs can involve track- well recommend packages that might work for your
ing dozens of applications, reviewers, requirements, organization based on your specific needs.
and payments. But grants management software
This report focuses on systems that help private
can help by saving grantmakers time, making their
foundations manage their grantmaking process through
processes more effective and transparent, and even
the entire grants lifecycle, including payment tracking.
transforming the way they do business.
Community foundations differ from private founda-
tions in several important areas, and are therefore not
included in this report. See Idealwares January 2012
Well take a look at what Consumers Guide to Integrated Software for Community
Foundations for an in-depth look at these systems.
grants management You can download that report for free at http://www.
systems do, and Note that theres another kind of grants management
compare the strengths system entirelyone designed to help the recipients
of grants rather than grantmakers. These systems help
and weakness of the nonprofits manage proposal submissions and grants
theyve received, and confusingly, are also known as
packages available grants management systems. We did not evaluate this
functionality in this reportalthough a few of these
for grantmakers. systems, such as Common Grant Application and
MOSAIC, are designed to support both grantees and
Grantmakers choices are growing each year, and the
systems available to them range in complexity and Whats Changed Since the Last
price. Small packages can support straightforward Report?
online application, review, and progress reporting
processes for $2,400 a year, while a specialty solution We released the first edition of our Consumers Guide
for a very large grantmaking organization can cost to Grants Management Systems in 2008, a subsequent
upward of $200,000. major revision in 2011, and a final appendix in Janu-
ary of 2012. Once again, weve found that the field of
How do you choose the right system for your needs? systems has evolved substantially.
This report is a good place to startweve done a
lot of the work for you. Well explore the available Theres more of an emphasis on workflows to
options for accepting and reviewing applications automate processes in many of the systems, and on
and tracking grants throughout their life cycles, take integrating grants management systems with external
a look at what grants management systems do, and sources of data and other systems that a foundation
compare the strengths and weakness of the packages uses. Grants management vendors continue to move
As you start to consider your options, think through banks and hospitals with far greater security needs rely
what types of systems might work for you before con- on similar models. Security issues are not limited to
sidering specific systems: Online hosted or Installed, SaaS platforms; similar breaches have occurred with
Integrated with Back Office Services, Specialized for systems installed on site at organizational data centers
Community Foundations, or Custom-Built. behind company firewalls. In this years update, weve
asked more about how software vendors protect the
security and integrity of your data.
The online systems currently available typically offer
It makes sense to think strong support for online data collection, including
online applications, review processes, and progress
through what types reports. They range from straightforward, inexpensive
packages starting at $2,400 per year all the way up to
of packages might very sophisticated, customized systems for more than
$200,000 per year.
work for you before
considering specific Installed Systems
A more traditional option, these systems are purchased
systems. up front and installed onto your network and your
staffs computers. Many of these systems only run on
the Microsoft Windows operating system, so if your
organization uses Mac or Linux machines, you may
have a difficult time finding one thats compatible.
Online Hosted Systems With this model, youre responsible for software
A growing number of grants management systems updates and data backups.
are hosted entirely online, accessible through web
browsers. In this model, sometimes called Software- The available installed systems tend to be strong in
as-a-Service (SaaS), you pay a software vendor to the kinds of features that can help your staff manage
provide online access, and the softwarealong with a complex process, such as the ability to code grants
all your grants datais stored on the vendors servers. with keywords and easily create printed letters, but
The benefits are that you dont have to purchase any can be weaker in online data collection. Some require
hardware, the vendor handles software updates and external modules to support online applications and
data backups, and your staff can access the system progress reports, or to let you send email from within
from anywhere theres an internet connection. This the system. They typically cost more in the first year
model also places significantly less burden on your than the online systems, ranging from $2,400 to
foundations IT department (at least in theory). $200,000 or more for the first year, but many are
more affordable on a per-year basis after that.
But ongoing security breaches involving online
services have led some to question this kind of system. A few of the higher-end systems use a different
The truth is, it can be quite securein fact, many installed model, and offer software that you buy and
Custom-Built Systems
This report focuses on packaged solutions, but build-
ing your own system can be a useful alternative for
large foundations with truly unique needs. Going
down this road merits caution, however, as it can be
expensive, lengthy, and risky. Make sure you have a
good reason to build a system around your unique
needs rather than standardizing your processes to
Data Access data can be accessed this way? Is it read only, or can
Whether your system is hosted (Software-as-a-Service) you write to the database? Or does the vendor have
or installed, the grants data it contains is yours. You to set up any integration with external packages for
should be able to access it at will. Being able to extract youoften at extra cost?
your data from the system is critical in order to back
As mobile devices grow in popularity, users look in-
it upalways a good ideaor to migrate it to a new
creasingly to work from their smartphones and tablet
grants management system. If your system is hosted
computers. While many web-based applications are
on the vendors servers, make sure the vendor guaran-
accessible via smartphone web browsers, their screen
tees specifically that you will be able to fully export all
size can make it impractical to use them unless the
grant data and all attached files on request. Systems
vendor either provides a view optimized for mobile
that allow you to do this yourself, without relying on
browsers or builds a compact smartphone application,
the vendor, are even better.
or app, to facilitate access. Using a web-based grants
Easy data access can also allow you to interact with management system from tablet computers can be
your data through other systemsfor example, to practical without a specialized app or mobile view
export grants data to a website as a text file, or to given their larger screen size relative to smartphones.
Excel for sorting, calculating, and formatting more Mobile device access is still new territory so it pays
sophisticated reports. The ability to import files is also to get detailed information from the vendor if this
helpfulfor example, to manually load information is something that interests you. We also asked about
from an external accounting system. ways in which vendors protect the security and
integrity of your data within the system.
If you want a system to integrate with other software
packages, such as QuickBooks or Crystal Reports, so
Prices for grants management systems vary widely, but Yearly fees. As opposed to license or maintenance
follow three primary models: fees, some systemsincluding most hosted
systemscharge an annual fee. This fee is often
License and maintenance fees. Most installed scaled to usage, and is likely to be based on some
software packages charge a per-user up-front fee combination of number of system users, how many
for purchase and installation, anything from a few grants applications you accept, how many docu-
thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands. Many ments you store, and how many programs (with
offer an -la-carte menu of optional modules that separate system processes) you run. A few systems
can substantially affect the license cost. In addi- define this yearly fee based on the amount of assets
tion, theres typically an annual maintenance fee, you are administrating within the system, rather
generally 15 percent to 20 percent, which covers than your actual system use.
phone support and software updates. The mainte-
nance fee is often optional, but skip it at your own Setup and configuration costs. Most vendors charge
riskphone support is important, and without setup and configuration fees. Some vendors pricing
updates your software will become out-of-sync structures are simple, charging specific fees for
with the vendors latest version, making it difficult analyzing and documenting your system require-
(and likely expensive) to purchase add-on modules ment, customization, online application building,
in the future. report creation, and data migration. A few cover all
these services in the base pricing structure. Others
use complicated pricing schemes that let you
choose exactly what services you want. Remember,
In general, installed whether you pay the vendor, hire a consultant,
or choose to tackle setup or installation yourself,
software packages cost theres often a lot of work to do. Data migration in
particular is a time-consuming and often underesti-
more up front than mated task.
In general, installed software packages cost more up
similar hosted online front than similar Online hosted packages, but are less
expensive in terms of ongoing vendor fees.
packages, but are less The comparison charts in the next section include
expensive in terms of price estimates for each system, for both a minimal
implementation of the package typical for small
ongoing vendor fees. organizations and a complex installation for a larger
organization. The First Year cost represents any
license costs, setup costs, or fees for the first year of
service. The Yearly cost is the recurring maintenance
fee or annual fee you would expect to pay each year.
How do the available packages compare? Below, youll net relies on Bromelkamps module for
find summaries and comparison charts. We also took online data collection and grants review. Dynamics
a careful look at 28 packagesyou can find those CRM makes for a solid grants management platform
detailed reviews in Appendix A. but its interface at times can obscure Akoya.nets
functionality. You are currently limited to exporting
data view-by-view, but the vendor plans an automated
Low Cost for Simple Needs backup button in a future release. Bromelkamp is
More functionality isnt necessarily better. If you have open to performing custom development at additional
only a small grants program, a straightforward system cost for clients who need it, and there are Dynamics
with a lower price tag could provide exactly the CRM and APIs available for those who
support you need. want to extend the system themselves. Organizations
that accept online applications connect
to Those that need to build their own
GIFTS Online by MicroEdge online forms require Bromelkamps Builder
GIFTS Online is MicroEdges fully web-accessible, module at additional cost. A small foundation would
Online hosted entry into the grants management pay about $10,080 in the first year and about $6,180
arena. GIFTS Online offers many of the strengths of ongoing per year for, including the eGrant.
the installed systems GIFTS and GIFTS Alta, includ- net module. A large foundation could expect to pay
ing optional modules, grant information tracking, $36,422 in the first year, and then $14,922 ongoing
mail-merging, and application review. As with the per year, again including the module. This
new GIFTS Alta interface, the GIFTS Online plat- pricing includes eight hours of training.
form benefits from the considerable work MicroEdge
has done to refine the user experience. GIFTS Online Grant Lifecycle Manager by
can offer customized views per user and per role,
including customizable user dashboards. You can also
customize your own online forms, which is new since Foundant Grant Lifecycle Manager is a polished,
we last saw the system. An entry level client could friendly, and quickly growing low-cost grant manage-
acquire GIFTS Online for about $5,500 per year. A ment option with a strong focus on online data
very large client could pay $42,477 per year. gathering. Easy-to-update online forms allow you
to collect online grant applications, feedback from
external reviews, and online progress reports from by Bromelkamp grantees. But the system still has only basic support, Bromelkamps online grants management for payments and budgeting and doesnt support
system built on Microsofts Dynamics CRM platform, branching for applications or data collection. It does
provides solid mid-level functionality for a great price. not allow users to interact with data via an Application leverages its Dynamics flexible constitu- Programming Interface. It does, however, allow you
ent tracking base to provide users great relationship to export most visible data from the system. Foundant
management capabilities, along with the ability to Grant Lifecycle Manager is very reasonably priced, at
track applicants and grants by virtually any character- $6,500 for a two-year license that includes support,
istics you choose. Like its sister product, Pearl, Akoya. and $1,500 for a one-time setup cost. The vendor also
The detailed write-ups of the 28 systems begin on page 41. The framework used to
determine the ratings is included in Appendix B.
[with eGrants.
GIFTS Online
Inc Common
net module]
Small Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$5,500 $10,080 $4,750 $1,270 $2,000 $4,385 $7000- $10,000 $3,500
First year cost
$5,500 $6,180 $3,250 $1,270 $2,000 $3,990 $1600- $5,000 $3,000
Ongoing yearly cost
Large Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$42,500 $36,400 $4,750 $5,500 $7,000 $10,365 $10,000- $40000 $12,500
First year cost
$16,000 and up
$42,500 $14,900 $3,250 $5,500 $7,000 $9,970 $1,600- $20,000 $12,000
Ongoing yearly cost
$2,000 and up
Internal Tracking
Online Applicationsfor Grantmakers *
*with module or app at additional cost *** Small foundation parameters: Five named users, five con- *** Large foundation parameters: Twenty named
current users, 50 external reviewers, $10,000,000 asset base, users, 10 concurrent users, 50 external reviewers,
**with customization 10 grants per year. Basic functionality to review applications, $1,000,000,000 asset base, 100 grants per year.
track and pay grants, and to accept applications online. With all functionality covered in this report.
Versaic Grants
[with eGrants.
Smart Simple
Great Grants
net module]
Good Done
JK Group
Small Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$21,800 $18000 $17,000 - $32,200 $15,000 - $10,080 $10,000 $36,600
First year cost and up $25,000 $30,000 and up
$11,800 $10000 $7,500 - $7,200 $7,000 - $6,180 $10,000 $7,320
Ongoing yearly cost and up $15,000 $12,000 and up
Large Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$71,370 $27,000 $25,000 - $61,600 $100,000 $36,400 $20,000 $84,000
First year cost
and up $100,000 and up and up
$42,870 $10,000 $12,000 - $21,600 $25,000 - $14,900 $15,000 $16,800
Ongoing yearly cost and up $20,000 $85,000 and up
Internal Tracking **
Emails * *
Relationship Management **
Payments **
Budgeting * *
Data Access
Overall Customization
Ease of Use
Support & Training
Stability in the Market
Support Customer Experience
Training Customer Experience
Implementation Customer Experience
None Basic Solid Advanced < 5 responses Below Average Good Outstanding
*with module or app at additional cost *** Small foundation parameters: Five named users, five con- *** Large foundation parameters: Twenty named
current users, 50 external reviewers, $10,000,000 asset base, users, 10 concurrent users, 50 external reviewers,
**with customization 10 grants per year. Basic functionality to review applications, $1,000,000,000 asset base, 100 grants per year.
track and pay grants, and to accept applications online. With all functionality covered in this report.
Smart Simple
Great Grants
Good Done
JK Group
- Full
Small Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$18,000 $32,000 $8,000 $11,000 $17,000 - $21,800 $57,200 $18,000
First year cost
and up $25,000 and up
varies varies $4,000 $11,000 $7,500 - $11,800 $23,200 $10,000
Ongoing yearly cost
$15,000 and up
Large Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$100,000 $155,000 $36,000 $82,500 $25,000 - $71,370 $71,500 $27,000
First year cost
and up and up $100,000 and up
varies varies $11,000 $82,500 $12,000 - $42,870 $30,500 $10,000
Ongoing yearly cost
$20,000 and up
Internal Tracking ** *
Relationship Management
Budgeting **
Data Access
Overall Customization
Ease of Use
Support & Training
Stability in the Market
Support Customer Experience
Training Customer Experience
Implementation Customer Experience
None Basic Solid Advanced < 5 responses Below Average Good Outstanding
*with module or app at additional cost *** Small foundation parameters: Five named users, five con- *** Large foundation parameters: Twenty named
current users, 50 external reviewers, $10,000,000 asset base, users, 10 concurrent users, 50 external reviewers,
**with customization 10 grants per year. Basic functionality to review applications, $1,000,000,000 asset base, 100 grants per year.
track and pay grants, and to accept applications online. With all functionality covered in this report.
First Pearl
Small Grantmaker, basic functionality***
not recom- $17,430 $12, $10,000 $4,000 - $15,000 - $10,000 $11, 000 $32,000
First year cost mended for 000 $8,000 $30,000 and up and up
this size
not recom- $1,800 $4,450 $6,000 $4,000 - $7,000 - $10,000 $11, 000 varies
Ongoing yearly cost mended for $8,000 $12,000 and up
this size
Large Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$75,000 - $43,500 $33,850 $150,000 $12000- $100,000 $20,000 $82,500 $155,
First year cost $300,000 $30000 and up and up and up 000 and
$30,000 - $7,250 $12,550 $18,000 $12000- $25,000 - $15,000 $82,500 varies
Ongoing yearly cost
$50000 $30000 $85,000 and up
Internal Tracking ** **
Data Access
Overall Customization
Ease of Use
Support & Training
Stability in the Market
Support Customer Experience
Training Customer Experience
Implementation Customer Experience
None Basic Solid Advanced < 5 responses Below Average Good Outstanding
*with module or app at additional cost *** Small foundation parameters: Five named users, five con- *** Large foundation parameters: Twenty named
current users, 50 external reviewers, $10,000,000 asset base, users, 10 concurrent users, 50 external reviewers,
**with customization 10 grants per year. Basic functionality to review applications, $1,000,000,000 asset base, 100 grants per year.
track and pay grants, and to accept applications online. With all functionality covered in this report.
PAGE 37 A Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems November 2013
GIFTS - Full
Small Grantmaker, basic functionality***
not recommended $20,000 $15,000 to $36,600 n/a
First year cost
for this size $30,000
not recommended varies $7,000 to $7,320 n/a
Ongoing yearly cost
for this size $12,000
Large Grantmaker, basic functionality***
$75,000 - $300,000 $225,000 $100,000 $84,000 n/a
First year cost
and up
$30,000 - $50000 varies $25,000 to $16,800 n/a
Ongoing yearly cost
Internal Tracking
Online Applicationsfor Grantmakers * *
Relationship Management
Grant Requirements & Evaluation * *
Budgeting * *
Data Access
Overall Customization
Ease of Use
Support & Training
Stability in the Market
Support Customer Experience
Training Customer Experience
Implementation Customer Experience
None Basic Solid Advanced < 5 responses Below Average Good Outstanding
*with module or app at additional cost *** Small foundation parameters: Five named users, five con- *** Large foundation parameters: Twenty named
current users, 50 external reviewers, $10,000,000 asset base, users, 10 concurrent users, 50 external reviewers,
**with customization 10 grants per year. Basic functionality to review applications, $1,000,000,000 asset base, 100 grants per year.
track and pay grants, and to accept applications online. With all functionality covered in this report.
There are a number of options in grants management grants management systemtailoring a system to
software packages. Thats good, but it can make idiosyncratic processes is, at best, expensive, and
choosing difficult. What questions should you ask to may be impossible. Take care before deciding you
narrow down the choices to focus in on the packages have unique needs. Its quite common to think
likely to work best for you? your processes are unusual in an important way,
but in many cases these processes can be tweaked to
Do you need a particular type of software match best practices without sacrifice. However, if
package? If you want an online system that your you have truly unique needs, youll need to look for
staff can access from anywhere, youll likely want a system that can be substantially customizedof-
to prioritize Online hosted options. Organizations ten, by a vendor willing to update their software for
that value control of infrastructure should consider an additional fee.
systems that can be installed on in-house hardware.
Do you plan to take all your applications online?
More than any other criteria, the packages vary
in their ability to receive applications online, and Its important to try to
to deal gracefully with applications received in
paper form. If online applications are part of your align your processes
strategy, look carefully at the features offered in
this area to see if theyll meet your needs, and at with grantmaking
what price. If you plan to continue receiving at
least some applications in paper, though, make sure best practices before
the ability to easily get these applications into the
system is high on your list of requirements. choosing a new grants
How sophisticated are your needs? Read through
the description in this report of what grants management system.
management systems can do, and think through
how much of the more-advanced functionality
described is necessary for you. If the vast majority What types of software can your infrastructure
of functionality described doesnt really apply for support? Online hosted software is appealing
your processes, the less-expensive and less-complex to many organizations, as it doesnt require any
systems might work well for you. Dont assume hardware, software, or maintenance support. If you
that more functionality is better; an inexpensive choose a software package that needs to be installed
and streamlined system might be just what you on your own computers, however, youll need to
need. On the other hand, if youll need a number consider how well you can support that package.
of the functionalities described as more advanced, What software will fit within your current technical
you may need to look to the more-complex, environment? For instance, if your staff is using
expensive packages. Macs, you may have trouble finding a package that
How well do your processes match typical ones? can be easily installed. Will your existing hardware
Its important to try to align your processes with support the new software, or will you need to
grantmaking best practices before choosing a new purchase new equipment? Will you need to bring
Easygrants combines sophisticated functionality with the ability to customize in depth not only all online
applications, review forms, and grantee reports, but all workflow and tasks required for each programinclud-
ing who should do which task, and when. Each user is presented with an easy-to-parse list of upcoming tasks
assigned to them in a portal-like format; they can also search the system or perform bulk processes like send
emails, print letters, or create reports. The system does not, however, easily support branching online forms. The
system excels in its support for complex, online review processes, and is also good with mail-merged letters and
automatic email reminders. The system can be hosted by Altum, but is often installed on grantmakers own web
servers. A mid-sized organization might expect to pay about $75,000 to $100,000 in first-year licensing costs,
plus $50,000 to $200,000 or more for initial setup and configuration.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and see
the specific percent allocation of a grant across each.
Splitting Codes: Grants can be split by custom categorization codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes
throughout the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel
spreadsheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be entered into the system, but you must log
in as a grantee to do so. Alternatively, you could scan in a paper application and attach it to the grant record, but the
contents of the application would not be captured into fields that are searchable and reportable.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links. Can
optionally save documents in Sharepoint if Sharepoint integration is chosen.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the client can define the
keywords and categories to match the standard taxonomy they desire.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations
to apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor. You can update or create these online
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Both internal and external reviewers can easily print grant summaries or full grant informa-
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily see what documents are associated with the request and stored in
the system, but must download the files in order to view their contents.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs, which are customizable by
the client.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified via email when
reviews are completed.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you easily send an email to a particular individual in the system, but not to a
group of people at once. Users must export a contact list to email a group of people at once.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data. Emails cannot be edited after merging.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees based on date,
but not other triggers.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam, unless the client hosts the system themselves. In this
case, emails are sent through clients email servers, potentially exposing them to blacklisting.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system, but as a
browser-based solution, this is possible through the browser itself, if enabled.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
Record of Correspondence: Stores a record of all system-generated emails for each grant, but not other communications.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: System allows you to automatically synchronize contacts with CRM systems, but has not been
done with Outlook. Requires customization at additional cost.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for example,
fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: The vendor has experience in integrating the system with external accounting packages, including
QuickBooks and Microsoft Dynamics, at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow steps.
Multi-Currency Support: Currently supports grants in a single currency, of the clients selection. The vendor reports that
currency conversion could be added to the system during the customization process.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants made in other currencies.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment informa-
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments.
Payment Reporting: The system can be configured to send the coding attributes of associated requests, organizations, and
contacts to an accounting system.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Does not let you base current years budget on the previous year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Lets you set up what-if scenarios, but requires a module at additional cost.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: The system does not have the ability to create grant requests based on budgeted line items
in a proposal.
Program-Related Investments: The system does not support interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides a SOAP API to allow a programmer to create custom automated data flows to an external
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: The vendor provides robust documentation regarding their security, which highlights the redundancy of
the data stored on its servers.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system allows for a limited number of custom fields, which can be placed nearly anywhere and have
the same permissions as system-generated fields. Existing system fields can be renamed.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use, which are created by the vendor as
part of their initial setup process.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and code (as
allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path, but
possibly on a delayed schedule depending on degree of customization.
Support for Multiple Languages: Its possible for grantmakers to provide instructions to applicants and grantees in differ-
ent languages through online forms, but the system itself is in English.
Vendor Background
History: Easygrants has been in use by clients since 1999. Easygrants was purchased by Altum in October 2006.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 21 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is approximately 57
percent nonprofit, 19 percent international, and 24 percent government.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system covers the personnel and operational expenses required to
support it.
ProposalCENTRAL is an interesting mid-market software package focused on health and biomedical research
grantmakers. It is very strong in some areasfor example, it offers support for sophisticated online applications
and some of the most powerful support for external review committees of any software package we looked at. Lack
of budgeting support and weak mail-merge facility for printed letters, however, may make it less appealing to some
organizations. A technical feel and suboptimal layout make the system harder to learn than many others. The system
starts at about $10,000 per year for small foundations, and scales up through $100,000 per year or more for very
large foundations with complex processes.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date. Categories and
codes can only be assigned post-award.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and see the
specific percent allocation of a grant across each. Applicants have the ability to define the categories or codes related to their
proposal, and select the percent allocation to each.
Splitting Codes: Grants can be split by custom categorization codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Only lets you update grant information like project names or codes once the grant is
approved, not during the application process. Prior to that, you must log in to the system as the grantee or request that the
grantee makes the changes to their own grant application.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle. Search functionality is spread among multiple places depending on what you
are searching for.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system, but you must log in
as a grantee to do so.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Does not let you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the client can define the
keywords and categories to match the standard taxonomy they desire.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you collect application information online with, at a minimum, file uploads, drop-
down boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, but the vendor must set up application forms for you.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system does not let you
keep track of individuals and their associations with a record, even if they leave, for historical and audit purposes.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Its not possible to set rules to communicate with a contact according to their relationship
with the grant or organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder
to report contact.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated emails for each grant. Letters or docu-
ments can be attached to the grant record by a staff user.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Budget Tracking Configuration: Not applicable. The system supports grant budgets, but not program budgets.
Budget Amount Reporting: Not applicable. The system supports grant budgets, but not program budgets.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Not applicable. The system supports grant budgets, but not program budgets.
Budget Basing: Not applicable. The system supports grant budgets, but not program budgets.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Cannot split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Not applicable. The system supports grant budgets, but not program budgets.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items cannot be set up to automatically create grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: The system supports interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system, but on a client by client basis upon request.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system includes many pre-built fields which can be configured or renamed by the user and can be
reported or queried on, but the user-defined names do not carry over into the reporting tool.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use. These are custom data fields that can
be defined and configured by the grantmaker for internal tracking.
Online Information Customization: The vendor will customize the information requested in online applications and
review forms.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will customize system to your needs at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Vendor can offer custom languages in limited areas of the application.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is not as polished looking as some systems, andfields are sometimes crowded together,
making it more difficult to scan.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can find the actions he or she is most likely to take, but they
must look through a considerable list of options to find them.
Optimization for Experts: An expert user will need more steps and clicks to take action than in some other systems., Bromelkamps online grants management system built on Microsofts Dynamics CRM platform, provides
solid mid-level functionality for a great price. leverages its Dynamics flexible constituent tracking base
to provide users great relationship management capabilities, along with the ability to track applicants and grants by
virtually any characteristics you choose. Like its sister product, Pearl, relies on Bromelkamps
module for online data collection and grants review. Dynamics CRM makes for a solid grants management platform
but its interface at times can obscure Akoya.nets functionality. You are currently limited to exporting data view-by-
view, but the vendor plans an automated backup button in a future release. Bromelkamp is open to performing
custom development at additional cost for clients who need it, and there are Dynamics CRM and APIs
available for those who want to extend the system themselves. Organizations that accept online applications connect to Those that need to build their own online forms require Bromelkamps Builder
module at additional cost. A small foundation would pay about $10,080 in the first year and about $6,180 ongoing
per year for, including the module. A large foundation could expect to pay $36,422 in the
first year, and then $14,922 ongoing per year, again including the module. This pricing includes eight
hours of training.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, but cannot
track the specific dollar or percent allocation to each.
Splitting Codes: Grants can be split by custom categorization codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by starting a new
request record from the system and choosing (or entering a new) applicant.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links.
Batch Updates: The vendor recommends that clients use Microsoft Accesss Find and Replace tool for batch updates.
Taxonomy: There is no built-in compliance for an industry-standard taxonomy in the system. Users have the ability to
customize system menus and field labels to match a standard taxonomy.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what grants
theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Both internal and external reviewers can easily print grant summaries or full grant information,
with the module.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
easily, but requires the Reviewer module at additional cost.
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored in
the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process, with the module.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
comments, with the module.
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or customizable scoring schemes for different programs.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications with the module.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review, with the module.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
score, with the module. You can also use radio button choices or lists of text values. Additional calculations are
possible by exporting to Microsoft Excel.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, with the module.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees. Emails can be
scheduled either by date or when a specific action occurs.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam. Optionally, email can be sent through the clients email
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system. Spell-
check may be available depending on the email client you use.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. Lets you keep a record of an
individuals association with a record, even if they leave, for historical and audit purposes, and they will not show up as an
active contact for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of all
grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Can you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organization (for example, to send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report contact)?
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with any accounting software packages.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information,
but only supports a static currency rate conversion. Vendor could configure more robust multiple currencies at additional
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments made in any currency.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Budget Tracking Configuration: Budgeting features are designed to track only the amount awarded in a particular year,
and not the total amount paid in a year.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas, but requires
customization at additional cost.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items are not linked to grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: Support for interest repayments on PRIs is available through a separate product, at ad-
ditional cost.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into Excel format, but through an unautomated
entity-by-entity process. The vendor plans an automated backup button in a future release.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system. Clients can interact programmatically with Akoya through the Dynamics API.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: The vendor reports that the system protects data through SSL security with multiple firewall protections
and constant multiple-site backup
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Internal Tracking Fields: There is no limit to the number of custom fields can be created. Lets users rename existing
system fields, except for about a dozen core fields. Information stored in custom fields included in searches and reports.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms using the Builder module, at additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and code (as
allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets you define custom language sets for applicants and reviewers based on user, group,
or giving program.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 1978; has been in use since 2010.
Client Base: The vendor reports that has 12 clients. All are private or corporate foundations.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
First Pearl is a traditional installed software package built in Microsoft Access, which is both a strength and a weak-
ness. On one hand, Access includes a solid report builder, is strong in data tracking, and provides a flexible database
platformwhich Bromelkamp leverages to tailor First Pearl to each clients needs, including adding fields or features
to support unique processes. Someone with Access development experience can extend First Pearls functionality
with minimal or no vendor assistance. On the other hand, Access has limitations in user interface design options,
which manifests in First Pearl through screens that, while feature-rich, can feel crowded and hard to navigate. Access
also lacks field-level security, but for clients concerned about this, Bromelkamp is able to effectively resolve the issue
through creative use of custom secure database tables, and can leverage user permissions to protect or hide dynami-
cally (by user or even by data condition). Also, an MSSQL version of First Pearl is available that provides field-level
security. Organizations that accept online applications connect to First Pearl. Those that need to build
their own online forms require Bromelkamps Builder module, at additional cost. A small foundation
could expect to pay around $17,430 for the first year (including and $1,800 in annual recurring costs. A
large foundation could expect to pay closer to $43,492 in the first year (including, and $7,242 in annual
recurring costs.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes.
Splitting Codes: Grants can be split by custom categorization codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system.
File Attachment Method: The vendor recommends that clients use Microsoft Accesss Find and Replace tool for batch
updates, and Microsoft Access queries for more complex updates.
Batch Updates: The vendor recommends that clients use Microsoft Accesss Find and Replace tool for batch updates, and
Microsoft Access queries for more complex updates.
Taxonomy: The system supports the industry-standard taxonomy defined by the Foundation Center.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Both internal and external reviewers can easily print grant summaries or full grant informa-
tion, with the module.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
easily, but requires the Reviewer module at additional cost.
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process, with the module.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
comments, with the module.
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or customizable scoring schemes for different programs.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications with the module.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review, with the module.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
score, with the module. You can also use radio button choices or lists of text values. Additional calculations are
possible by exporting to Microsoft Excel.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, with the module.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Emails are sent via the users default email client. The vendor recommends using a broadcast email client,
such as MailChimp or ConstantContact.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Does not let you set up event-triggered emails.
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees.
Outbound Email Method: Emails can be sent through third-party email services. The third-party email service you choose
may require an additional fee. Alternatively, emails can be sent through clients email servers, but this can potentially
expose them to risk of blacklisting.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system. Spell-
check may be available depending on the email client you use.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Can send email to any contact recorded in an application form, and attach a descriptive
role to the contact.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Default Payment Scheduling: Doesnt let you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, but you can
define payment schedules by formula for different types of grants, then adjust the amounts and dates for each grant indi-
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation
codes for successful transactions. Optionally integrates directly with bank or third-party payment processors to initiate the
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: The vendor has experience in integrating the system with external accounting software packages,
including Quickbooks, Sage 50 (formerly Peachtree), and Intacct.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: The core system only supports grants in a single currency, but the vendor can customize the
system to support grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information, at additional cost.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments made in any currency, but requires multi-currency
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter only a single budget amount for your whole organization.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Cannot track grants split across more than one program for budgeting purposes without
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you set up budgets for multiple years, but there are no linkages among these; each years budget
is discreet.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: The system has the ability to create grant requests based on budgeted line items in a
proposal, using user-defined formulas.
Program-Related Investments: Support for interest repayments on PRIs is available through a separate product, at ad-
ditional cost.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides a direct ODBC database connection to allow a programmer to create custom data feeds to
or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not let you see grant summary and grant details from a mobile
or tablet device.
Data Integrity: If installed on the clients server, the security of the data stored within the system is commensurate with
the clients own Windows login security and backup. If installed on the hosted server, the security is through a secure SSL
connection and appropriate Windows login security, RemoteApp, and backups.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: There is no limit to the number of custom fields can be created. Lets users rename existing system fields,
except for about a dozen core fields. Information stored in custom fields included in searches and reports.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms using the Builder module, at additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is not as polished looking as some systems, andfields are sometimes crowded together,
making it more difficult to scan.
Intuitive Labels: The labels for navigation and action items are not always intuitive, meaning that many users will require
training specific to the system in order toeffectively understand them. However, a description appears on the status bar
when the cursor is in the field.
Easily Taking Action: Users must navigate through the main menu to take an action, regardless of the page they are on
making it slower to act on the record they are are viewing.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 1978; First Pearl has been in use since 1997.
Client Base: The vendor reports about 240 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 25 percent private, 25 percent family,
25 percent corporate, and 25 percent government.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Closerwares GrantMaker offers solid and affordable grant and application tracking features with reasonable sup-
port for online forms. Online application forms can be extensively formatted with a variety of field types, and the
resulting applications and grants can be easily coded and searched. A variety of application-scoring options with the
ability to summarize and report on numerical review scores add to GrantMakers generally strong application review
functionality. Lack of any substantial payment tracking functionality and budget support will disappoint some
organizations, as will relatively weak email capabilities. GrantMaker licenses start at $600 per user annually, with
volume discounts for five licenses and up. There is a one-time setup fee of $500.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes.
Splitting Codes: Grants can be split by custom categorization codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by first scanning the
document into a file and attaching it as a file to the application record.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: You cannot easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Eligibility Branching: Eligibility quizzes can branch to multiple applications.
Application Branching: Grant application forms can branchfor example, to show a different set of questions for fiscal-
sponsored organizations than 501(c)(3) organizations.
Support for Multiple Stages: Supports multiple application stages, a Letter Of Intent stage, a more detailed proposal stage,
and as many other stages as needed, but there is no support for automatically scored eligibility quizzes.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria.
Email Template Flexibility: You cannot mail-merge fields into system email.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Does not meet this criteria.
Tracking Organizational History: Organization information must be re-entered for each grant, and theres no easy way to
see a history of all grants to a particular organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization, but this requires customization at an additional cost.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Its not possible to set rules to communicate with a contact according to their relationship
with the grant or organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder
to report contact.
Record of Correspondence: Stores a record of all system-generated email for each grant, but not other communications.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you note interactions with a grantee in a single comment field, but does not support a more
detailed communications log without custom fields.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Does not let you define a default payment schedule.
Viewing Payment Schedules: The system does not support scheduled payments. You would have to use custom fields to
approximate this functionality.
Check Requests: Cannot generate paper check requests.
Budget Tracking Configuration: Budgeting is not supported.
Budget Amount Reporting: Budgeting is not supported.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgeting is not supported.
Budget Basing: Budgeting is not supported.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Budgeting is not supported.
Multiyear Budgeting: Budgeting is not supported.
What-Ifs: Budgeting is not supported.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeting is not supported.
Program-Related Investments: The system does not support interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Does not allow a programmer to create custom data flows to an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not let you see grant summary and grant details from a mobile
or tablet device.
Data Integrity: The vendor provides robust documentation regarding their security, which highlights the redundancy of
the data stored on its servers.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system allows for unlimited custom fields, which can be placed nearly anywhere and have the same
permissions as system-generated fields. The vendor will create custom fields for the client.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will customize system to your needs at additional cost, but doesnt often do so.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor excludes extensively customized systems from the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Does not let youdefine custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2003. Grantmaker Closerware has been in general use since 2009.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have 30+ clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 65 percent private founda-
tions, 28 percent family foundations, 7 percent corporate/government.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently does not cover the personnel and operational
expenses required to support it. The vendor states Closerwares revenue from other products more than support the future
growth of the GrantMaker product.
An online hosted option, Common Grant Application by Oceanpeak Inc. provides an affordable, easy-to-use system
with some interesting featuresparticularly for applications. For example, applicants can easily attach video and
other multimedia components to their applications. The applications themselves are limited in formatting and
functionality, but online applications include a helpful, well-thought-out ability for applicants to reuse information.
The vendor also reports being willing to customize the system at no cost to the client and roll out those changes to
all users if the new functionality is deemed useful to the user community. On the other hand, much grantmaker
functionality is notably absent, and relationship management is all but nonexistent, as is support for budgeting.
Common Grant Application does not handle mail-merge fields for print or email correspondence. There is some
ability to track payments, but no functionality to make payments contingent on a reporting requirement. The
system now supports saving a list of favorite reports for easy access, and all visible system fields can be queried and
included in both standard and ad-hoc reportsfor instance, reports can be configured to include just text fields.
Common Grant Application calculates its pricing partially by taking into account the number of applications
received in a given year. For instance, a small foundation that receives only 10 applications annually could use Com-
mon Grant Application for around $1,270 per year, while a very large foundation with 100 applications a year could
expect an annual fee of about $5,500.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: Grants and applications are split within the system.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle, but not by board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, but not by
percentage or dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across different codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Does not let you define custom categorization codes, although the vendor suggested that
custom reports could help retrieve some information.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by legal name, application ID, and program and grant cycle. EIN search-
ing was added to the system after Idealware demoed it.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by starting a new
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of some fields.
Taxonomy: The system has a taxonomy within the system that is partially based on the National Taxonomy of Exempt
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: To see related records and data across records, you need to
apply a filter to certain views.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Does not support checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require
from prospective grantees. The system does not allow incomplete applications to be submitted.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Once an online application has been submitted, you cannot reopen it to request
more information from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Reviewers (in this system, evaluators) can easily print grant summaries or full grant informa-
tion, and can filter by program or by date.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports three standard evaluation scales and two custom evaluation scales.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Does not let you track external reviewers interests, geographic location, or potential conflicts
of interest.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
scorebut not aggregate them.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed with an in-system alert, but not via email.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you easily send an email to a particular group of people at once, but not to
individuals. Group emails are not sent via blind copy.
Email Template Flexibility: You cannot mail-merge fields into system email.
Email Attachments: Does not let you attach files to emails.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Does not let you set up event-triggered emails. The system can send email notifications on a set
number of event conditions to grantmakes and applicants, who can individually choose whether or not to receive them.
Schedule-Triggered Email: Does not let you set up scheduled email reminders to applicants and grantees.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system, but as a
browser-based solution, this is possible through the browser itself, if enabled.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: You cannot keep a record of individuals who were once but are no longer associated with a
grant within the systemthey must be deleted from the organization.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not let you track individual business units under a larger organization, although you can
track by different grantmaker programs.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you provide primary and secondary fiscal agents and sponsor contacts for each
grant application. You can also specify allowable signatories.
Customized Communication: Its not possible to communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the
grant or organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report
Record of Correspondence: Stores a record of all system-generated email for each grant, but not other communications.
These are posted to individual user message boards.
Call and Email Logging: Does not let you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and email.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a payment schedule individually for each grant, but not a default that
applies to all of them.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Cannot generate paper check requests or print checks directly from the system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: You can view payments due but the system does not record prerequisite requirements
associated with payments.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Does not support ACH payments and wire transfers.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with external accounting software packages, but vendor is willing to
integrate, possibly at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Does not support an automated payment approval process.
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies, but does not include foreign exchange informa-
Multi-Currency Reporting: Supports reporting on grants and payments in multiple currencies, but does not include
foreign exchange information.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Does not allow you to set up payments contingent upon specified requirements.
Payment Controls: Does not let you set up payment controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
mation. Users can be assigned to set roles, some of which have limited access to payment information, but these roles and
associated permissions are not configurable.
Payment Notes: There is no ability to include notes on payments, but you can include a reference number.
Budget Tracking Configuration: Does not track any budget information.
Budget Amount Reporting: Does not track any budget information.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Does not let you track budgets by hierarchical categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Does not let you base current years budget on the previous year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Cannot track grants split across more than one program for budgeting purposes.
Multiyear Budgeting: Does not easily let you set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items do not connect to grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: The system does not support interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Does not allow a programmer to create custom data flows to an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: Common Grant Application uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security mechanism to ensure the security
and privacy of some data transmitted in the system.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Some dropdown values are customizable but not all.
Custom Fields: Does not let you add custom fields throughout the system. The vendor customizes the system for clients at
the time of implementation.
Internal Tracking Fields: Does not let you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you store custom information submitted by grantees, such as application narra-
tives or progress report metrics. Online progress report forms can be customized with the foundations logo.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at no additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: There is no ability to define custom language sets based on user, group, or giving
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2007; Common Grant Application has been in use since 2007.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have 22 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is approximately 40 percent
private and family, 20 percent public, 10 percent community, 10 percent government, 10 percent public, and 10 percent
Sustainability: Operating and personnel expenses are not currently covered by the revenue the system generates.
CyberGrants offers a highly configurable online hosted solution with a particularly strong base of corporate founda-
tion clients. The system has an easy-to-navigate interface and very solid online data gathering capabilitiesfor
example, online support for eligibility quizzes, proposals, and progress reportsand administrative tracking features,
such as the ability to update application information at any time, to attach internal use and coding fields to ap-
plications, and to create mail-merged letters. Internal tax status and OFAC checking is quite robust, and the system
benefits from a user-friendly ad hoc reporting engine. The system lacks an internal communication log, though, and
the fact that every reviewer must have at least a limited license to access the system means it may not be the best
solution for foundations who use many external reviewers. The system also has substantial ability to develop custom
functionality to complement its standard features. CyberGrants has two licensing levels, both of which include all
modules, support, and maintenance. Small foundations with five users might pay in the range of $11,000 per year,
and larger foundations could pay closer to $82,500 with 20 named users and 15 reviewers.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Cycles are not a system feature; this would be accommodated
through configuration.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes through
custom fields, and track by specific percent and dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, PDFs, pictures, and videos.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, program and grant cycle, and export search results.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by creating a new
request associated with an existing account.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Batch updates to organizational records are possible but must be handled by the vendor.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but this could be configured.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications in the Sandbox envirnoment, including file
uploads, dropdown boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: External and internal reviewers can easily print grant summaries, but not full grant informa-
tion including attachments, or sort or filter by program or date.
Reviewers Portal: You can configure a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications
more easily, but every reviewer must have a license to use the product.
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers must manually open documents one by one associated with the request
and stored in the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process. A
workflow interface allows users to manage the workflow steps themselves.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those criteria to
assign applications for review, including geography or any other criteria. Each external reviewer must have a license to use
the software.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: You cannot report on numeric review scores as summary statisticsfor example, average score
but this can be configured.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be notified when reviews are completed,
either via email, via dashboard, or by searching by approval stage.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Group emails are not sent through blind copies, and there is a designated reply-to address.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data, and edit them after theyve been merged.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics, but you can see if an email is undeliverable.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees, but these need
to be configured to a specific help.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: Theres no dedicated in-system spell-check for emails.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: You would need to delete an individual no longer associated with a grant to have them not
show up as an active contact for communication. The individual will still show up in the systems audit trail.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can be configured to track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants
for both the individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report contact.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you note interactions with a grantee in a single comment field, but does not support a more
detailed communications log.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a payment schedule individually for each grant, but not a default that
applies to all of them.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming, but you can only see whether the
grantee has met the requirements linked with that conditional payment by doing a search to see what the unpaid balance is
and then running a report.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, and print checks directly from the system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: You must run a report to see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether
the grantee has met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors). Theres a standard field for in care of recipients.
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers through custom configuration.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: The vendor has experience in integrating the system with external accounting software packages
by building a custom feed at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments made in any currency.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement through customization.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount only for each request.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas. In the demo
environment we saw, each line is associated with specific requests and tied to organizations.
Budget Basing: Lets you easily use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than budget line.
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting, and compare budgets across
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items are linked to grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: The system does basic support for PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Does not allow a programmer to create custom data flows to an external system. CyberGrants does
this themselves.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. The
vendor is in the process of optimizing the user interface to be mobile and tablet responsive.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. The vendor is in the process of optimizing the user interface to be mobile
and tablet responsive.
Data Integrity: The vendor uses SSL and 128 bit encryption to protect data in the system.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you add unlimited custom fields of 18 different types throughout the system that for the most part
have the same permissions as system-generated fields. You can see when a field was published but not all the details about it
in the audit log.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost. Implementation
includes some customization.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path, and
makes sure that enhancements dont affect customizations through the maintenance fees.
Support for Multiple Languages: The vendor reports that custom language sets are forthcoming in the fall 2013 release.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 1999.The software was developed as a custom tool and has been in use
since 2001.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 300 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 13.3 percent private,
8.7 percent family, 76.5 percent corporate, and 1.4 percent government.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, but not
specific percent or dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: Its not possible to split grants across different codes by default, although this could be customized.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are by default searchable by organizations legal name, application ID, and program and
grant cycle, but not by EIN. Through customization by the vendor, its possible to search by any field.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system through the people
database. Application can be scanned to PDF and attached to the application record, or it can by typed in manually.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the vendors server and stores a link to that uploaded
file in the database.
Batch Updates: Does not let you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields, except to update grant status.
Taxonomy: Theres currently no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: Lets both individuals and organizations apply for grants
from the same grant program, but theres no branching logic applied when one applies as an individual versus an organiza-
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: The system lets you track individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each
individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts
for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not let you track individual business units under a larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Its not possible to automatically communicate with a contact according to their relation-
ship with the grant or organization (for example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting
reminder to report contact). However, the system synchronizes contacts from an organization and gives access to form
completion online so the appropriate contact is completing the form.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: System allows you to automatically synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, but not print checks directly from the system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Does not support ACH payments and wire transfers.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with external accounting software packages, but vendor is willing to
integrate at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments in whichever currency the system is configured to use.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments through Claims Annotations.
Payment Reporting: Lets you pull reports on payments which carry the coding attributes of associated requests, organiza-
tions, and contacts.
Other Payment Issues: Lets you void payments, make refunds, and place payments on hold, but these are simply statuses
that dont synch with accounting. Lets you update payment details (e.g., general ledger account, fund, etc.) in batch and
create payments in batch. There is no ability to track in-kind and quid pro quo payments.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Does not let you base current years budget on the previous year.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Theres no limit to custom fields, and they are indistinguishable from system-standard fields. Lets you track
creation and change of custom fields. Lets you customize field names.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and/or code
(as allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Theres no ability define custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program.
The system supports all UNICODE characters.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can find the actions he or she is most likely to take, but they
must look through a considerable list of options to find them.
Optimization for Experts: An expert user will need more steps and clicks to take action than in some other systems.
This online hosted system, specializing in corporate and private foundations, provides well-rounded functionality.
DonationXchange has solid application review features, and online application forms are flexible, with the option
to embed the forms directly in a webpage, but support for online applicants is not as strong as in other systems
reviewed in this report. Budgeting in the system is mostly solid, and an integration with QuickBooks provides strong
functionality for tracking payments. While the system provides decent email capabilities, support for letters and
other print communication is rather basic. A smaller foundation with five users dealing with under 100 grants a year
could get up and running in the system for about $10,000; larger foundations dealing with 100 grants or more per
year and 10 concurrent users could expect to pay $40,000 or more in the first year.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, through
custom fields only.
Splitting Codes: Grants can be split by custom categorization codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, grant type,
and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system through the quick
request add interface.
File Attachment Method: At this time, the system saves only the link (i.e., file system path) for attached documents.
Batch Updates: Does not easily let you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the client can define the
keywords and categories to match the standard taxonomy they desire.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Eligibility Branching: Eligibility quizzes can branch to multiple applications.
Application Branching: Grant application forms can branchfor example, to show a different set of questions for fiscal-
sponsored organizations than 501(c)(3) organizations.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Does not support checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require
from prospective grantees.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of all
grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the indi-
vidual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relationships
to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Can send email to any contact recorded in an application form.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you note interactions with a grantee through multiple internal notes, but currently does not
support a more detailed communications log.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information
with actuals (approved and pending). You cannot easily track additional categories as well, thoughfor example, to track
budgets for both programs and geographic areas.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you set up budgets for multiple years, but there are no linkages among these; each years budget
is discreet.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you create unlimited custom fields within the system which have the same permissions as system-
standard fields. You can track the creation and change of custom fields for historical documentation in an audit log.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets youdefine custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is not as polished looking as some systems, but the interface is clean and fields are neatly
laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: An expert user will need more steps and clicks to take action than in some other systems.
FluidReview (by the makers of FluidSurvey) is a configurable and polished online system with an emphasis on forms.
The form builder is very flexible and easy to use, allowing users to drag and drop fields to add, remove, or rearrange
application questions. Workflow is strong and rather straightforward to set up, as is application review. However,
support for payments and budgeting is minimal, and while email is fairly strong, users must create mail merges for
letters or other print communication outside of the system. A smaller foundation that awards about 10 grants per year
may be able to get started with FluidReview for as little as $4,000, while a client with more advanced needs and larger
grant programs may see annual costs up to $30,000.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes. Its possible to
build reports to show the specific percent or dollar allocations across these codes.
Splitting Codes: Grants can be split by custom categorization codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes throughout
the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN, applica-
tion ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The system supports an industry-standard taxonomy. Users have the ability to customize system menus and field
labels to match a standard taxonomy.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown boxes,
checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Eligibility Branching: Eligibility quizzes can branch to multiple applications.
Application Branching: Grant application forms can branchfor example, to show a different set of questions for fiscal-
sponsored organizations than 501(c)(3) organizations.
Support for Multiple Stages: Supports multiple application stages, including an automatically scored eligibility quiz, a
Letter Of Intent stage, a more detailed proposal stage, and as many other stages as needed.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what grants
theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data. Individual emails can be edited after the batch is merged, prior to sending.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization only as members on an applica-
tion or proposal.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Can send email to any contact recorded in an application form.
Record of Correspondence: Stores a record of all system-generated email for each grant, but not other communications.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system without customization.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a payment schedule individually for each grant, but not a default that
applies to all of them.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information
with actuals (approved and pending). You cannot easily track additional categories as well, thoughfor example, to track
budgets for both programs and geographic areas.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Does not let you track budgets by hierarchical categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Does not let you base current years budget on the previous year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Cannot track grants split across more than one program for budgeting purposes.
Multiyear Budgeting: Does not easily let you set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: The system does not have the ability to create grant requests based on budgeted line items
in a proposal.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system allows for unlimited custom fields, which can be placed nearly anywhere and have the same
permissions as system-generated fields.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, possibly at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and code (as
allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Its possible for clients to define custom language sets for system navigation and menus,
or create application forms in multiple languages.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, as well as by
percentage. You can track by dollar amount with configuration.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across different codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting. The vendor will
create custom categorization codes for online hosted customers at additional cost.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, program and grant cycle, and classification.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering it as a
new request.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Does not easily let you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields, though the vendor can
perform this task for you.
Taxonomy: Theres currently no support for an an industry-standard taxonomy within the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system can be configured to allow both individuals and
organizations to apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with file uploads, dropdown boxes, checkboxes,
and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor, though the vendor typically configures these forms for clients.
Training is available to help you customize the system yourself, and the vendor reports that the 2014 release will add some
more functionality around self-configuration.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Does not support checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require
from prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Reviewers can print grant summaries or full grant information by clicking a print icon
within the application itself. Uploaded files will show as links within the system.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system.
Grant Review Workflows: The vendor can define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process.
The vendor can also make changes to workflow, often at no additional cost, depending on the complexity of the change.
The vendor reports that a new release in 2014 will allow for the ability for users to manage and alter their own workflows.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs. This is currently customiz-
able only by the vendor, although a new release in 2014 will allow for the ability for users to customize their own scoring
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Does not let you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest, or track
reviewers and applications by geography or other criteria defined by grantmaker for making assignments.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
score. You can assign different weights to the scores and then aggregate them.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, but only on the home page, not via email.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Group emails are sent as blind copies.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both
standard text and mail-merge type inserted data. You can edit emails from a batch sent out based on a template, but only
within an hour and a half after sending.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals, but not groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees based on
calendar dates.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system, but as
a browser-based solution, this is possible through the browser itself, if enabled.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: The system lets you track individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each
individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts
for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant
or organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report
contactthrough role-based communication.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particu-
lar contact at a grantee organization.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that automatically applies to all grants, but
cannot be updated for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting. Lets you print checks directly from the system, but
only one at a time. The vendor offers check printing as a service.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with any accounting software packages, but can export payment
information to a csv file that can be imported into an accounting package.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments made in any currency.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Its possible for budgeted line items to create grant requests through a one-click process.
Program-Related Investments: The system does not support interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets and mobile devices, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices
web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets and mobile devices, however, have a screen size sufficient for
viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: JKGroupundertakes a SSAE 16 Audit each year, and reports that their systems must adhere to some of
the most stringent IT, security, and operational protocols in the world. More information is available upon request from the
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The vendor can create unlimited custom fields for the grantmakers use.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at no additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and code (as
allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: There is the ability todefine custom language sets based on user, group, or giving
program, but only on the front end of the system.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 1989; this package has been in use by clients since 2003.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have 60 clients using the grants management solution. All clients are corporate
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Fluxx has a unique interface that replaces traditional menus and screens with cards arranged horizontally on the
screen. Users can save sets of cards as dashboards containing frequently viewed information. These cards are
easily searchable and filterable to allow efficient access to information related to any entity in the system, and can
also contain graphical views of data. Like the rest of the system, the reporting functionality is polished, and Fluxx
has added support for ad hoc reporting as well. Fluxx has also added some new capabilities, such as batch update
functionality, in-system support for Google Drive attachments, integration with several accounting packages, and
robust OFAC checking. Fluxx boasts flexible, powerful automated workflow facility that supports grants review and
payment approval processes. In addition, you can easily set up reminders for grantees and staff, and assign tasks to
users based on schedules and events. Though Fluxx began as an open source project, the creators of the system have
made the decision to charge for licenses, hosting, and support in order to support its long-term sustainability. Those
fees range from implementation fees of between $15,000 and $30,000 and ongoing annual fees of between $7,000
and $12,000 for small foundations up to implentation fees over $100,000 and annual fees of between $25,000 and
$85,000 for large foundations.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and by
percentage or dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across different codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs. The system is also tightly integrated with Google Drive, and supports editing Google Doc attachments
within the system. All files can be previewed directly within the system.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle. The system has the capability to perform a universal search.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system without the need to
log in as the applicant.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database. Optionally, files could be stored on a SharePoint server or on the clients file server with a link to it stored in
the database. You can also attach Google Docs within the system.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is currently support for an hGrant feed within the system, and the vendor is working with partners
including GuideStar and the Foundation Center to implement a universal taxonomy within the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant. Any approvals processes required by the workflow would need to be repeated for reopened
applications, but only if the request was declined and reopened, or manually moved back multiple steps in the workflow.
Printing Grant Summaries: Reviewers can easily print grant summaries or full grant information as a PDF. Audio and
video attachments can be viewed within the system.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Lets reviewers easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system. Audio and video files are playable within the browser. Google Drive files can be edited within the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process and
configure a workflow without the assistance of the vendor. Workflows can branch based on various factors, such as request
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs. Scoring schemes are cus-
tomizable, and can be number-based or narrative.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review. Lets you track reviewers and applications by geography or other criteria defined by
grantmaker for making assignments. You can also create and save review panels to assign to requests.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
grades. You can also choose to keep all comments and grades anonymous, but still make them public to other reviewers.
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
scoreand aggregate them.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, either by alert within the system or via email based on configuration.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. MailChimp integration is available for bulk emails. MailChimp service requires an additional fee. Group
emails are not sent via blind copy.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data. In order to edit an email after its been merged, you would need to send it to
Outlook first.
Email Attachments: Does not let you attach files to emails.
Email Delivery Reporting: Lets you see the open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate for each email, the
number of people who clicked on each link, and bounce reports, but only for emails sent through MailChimp integration.
MailChimp service requires an additional fee.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees, as well as
schedule email reminders based on a variety of criteria.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: Lets you spell-check emails with a built-in, dedicated spell-checker.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Lets you keep a record of individuals no longer associated with a grant by archiving them
for historical and audit purposes, and they will not show up as active contacts for communication.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment. This is done by allowing you to filter on whether a payment is actually
due (due with no unmet requirements) or tentatively due (due but with unmet requirements).
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, and send requests to print checks to the accounting
software packages with which the software integrates.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Does not let you base current years budget on the previous year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Lets you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items can create grant requests and feed directly to payments.
Program-Related Investments: The vendor has customized the system to track interest repayment on PRIs for several
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: There is a dedicated iOS app to support application review.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: There is a dedicated iOS app to support grant information review.
Data Integrity: The vendor protects the security and integrity of data stored within the system through a variety of meth-
ods, including a firewall, TLS/SSL encryption, and two-factor authentication. The hosting of the system is provided within
the Amazon Web Services cloud, and uses that providers robust security protocols and backup procedures.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you create unlimited custom fields within the system which have the same permissions as system-
standard fields. You can track the creation and change of custom fields for historical documentation in an audit log.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take. The User
Interface is configured to meet the specific needs of the client.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take,
though the navigation scheme is unique. Users who are familiar with other grants management systems may require
substantial training.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: The Fluxx project has been in existence since 2005. FluxxLabs (the organization that provides Fluxx support and
training) has been in operation since 2010. Fluxx has been in use by clients since 2010.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have 53 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 80 percent private, 5 percent
corporate, and 15 percent government.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Foundant Grant Lifecycle Manager is a polished, friendly, and quickly growing low-cost grant management option
with a strong focus on online data gathering. Easy-to-update online forms allow you to collect online grant applica-
tions, feedback from external reviews, and online progress reports from grantees. But the system still has only basic
support for payments and budgeting and doesnt support branching for applications or data collection. It does not
allow users to interact with data via an Application Programming Interface. It does, however, allow you to export
most visible data from the system. Foundant is very reasonably priced, at $6,500 for a two-year license that includes
support, and $1,500 for a one-time setup cost. The vendor also offers notably strong customer support and training
options for a system of this price tier, and has an active and growing user group community.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes.Its not possible
to assign specific percent or dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: Its not possible to split grants across specific codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs. Images can be converted to PDFs, but audio and video attachments must be downloaded seperately.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, workflow stage, date, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering it as a
new request.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Does not easily let you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The vendor is working with partners including GuideStar and the Foundation Center to implement a universal
taxonomy within the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system does not allow both individuals and organiza-
tions to apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with file uploads, dropdown boxes, checkboxes,
and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Eligibility Branching: Theres no eligibility quiz available in the system.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Group emails are not sent via blind copies, but rather individually to minimize the risk of being flagged
as spam.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create an unlimited number of email templates, but you cannot mail-merge fields
into system email.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on a limited number of certain events, such as
online application submission.
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system, but as a
browser-based solution, this is possible through the browser itself, if enabled.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: The system lets you track individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each
individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts
for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Organization information is saved within the system, and you can view and report on
the history of all grants to a particular organization.
Tracking Business Units: Lets you track individual business units under a larger organization with some modifications.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you or to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report con-
tactthrough role-based communication.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated emails for each grant, but not mail-
merge documents. You can manually upload mail-merged documents.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually. The payment schedule workflow has been updated.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, but not print checks directly from the system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Does not easily support payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary
grantee (for example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Does not support ACH payments and wire transfers.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with external accounting software packages, but vendor reports that
this feature is forthcoming.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Does not support an automated payment approval process.
Multi-Currency Support: Only supports grants in U.S. dollars.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Does not let you report on grants made in other currencies.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement, but the system only flags contigencies rather than enforcing them.
Payment Controls: Does not let you set up payment controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Payment Notes: Its possible to add a comment on a note.
Payment Reporting: Lets you pull reports on payments which carry the coding attributes of associated requests, organiza-
tions, and contacts.
Other Payment Issues: To void payments or put them on hold, you would need to create a custom status. To refund
payments, you would need to create a negative payment amount. Its not possible to create or update payments in batch or
track quid pro quo or in-kind payments.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export most data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Does not allow a programmer to create custom data flows to an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web broswer.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet
devices. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web
Data Integrity: The vendors security protocols include vulnerability testing, a redundant server replicated in real time,
daily backup, strict firewalls, and a hosting provider that is SSAE 16 compliant.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system lets you create an unlimited number of custom fields with the same permissions as system-
standard fields, but there isnt an audit log of changes.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost, including visual design aspects.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will customize system to your needs at additional cost, but doesnt often do so.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor does not provide extensively customized solutions.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets youdefine custom language sets for applicants and reviewers based on user, group,
or giving program.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface has been streamlined to be more visually appealling, and remains clean with fields that are
neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: An expert user will need more steps and clicks to take action than in some other systems,
though batch functionality has streamlined some repetitive tasks.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since January 2006. Grant Lifecycle Manager has been in use since February
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 514 clients. Client breakdown by foundation type is 50 percent
private, 15 percent community, 10 percent arts and humanities, 10 percent government, 5 percent corporate, 5 percent
medical research, and 5 percent other.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Fusion Labs GE/Spectrum is a standalone system that includes several facets, including the GrantedGE grants
management system and either the PROFFER 4 online application management, which integrates with Blackbauds
NetCommunity, or the Spectrum online web portal for those who choose not to use NetCommunity. The system
can integrate tightly with other Blackbaud products, too, such as The Raisers Edge and The Financial Edge. How-
ever, unlike the earlier GrantedGE system, those external products are not required for GE/Spectrum. The system
can handle event- and schedule-triggered emails, and can provide an outbound server for broadcast email, shielding
users from the risk of blacklisting. Fusion Labs online form modules support reasonably sophisticated formatting
of forms. The system now includes application branching, more sophisticated eligibility quizzes, and support for
multiple logons for applicants from a single organization. License costs range from around $20,000 to $225,000,
based on the size of the foundation and complexity of the implementation.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories (in this system, known as characteristics), such as geographic
or population-based codes, and track across specific dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: No data available.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs, as well as audio and video files.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be manually entered into the system or imported via
File Attachment Method: The system saves only the link (i.e., file system path) for attached documents. Files that are
uploaded as part of the online application submission are embedded in the database.
Batch Updates: Except for application status field, does not let you perform batch updates of defined coding and other
Taxonomy: The vendor maintains a commitment to implementing an industry-standard taxonomy within the system
should one become widely used.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program through the use of conditional forms on an online application.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor and that are fully configurable to the look
and feel of the foundations website.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Reviewers can easily print grant summaries or full grant information, but not filter or sort by
program or date.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports customizable scoring schemes for different programs and for each application.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review. You can track reviewers and applications by geography or other criteria defined by
grantmaker for making assignments, and save set panels of reviewers to assign them.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary and aggregated statisticsfor
example, average score.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, but only within the system, not via email.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Group emails are not sent as blind copies but as one-to-one.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data, and edit individual emails from a batch sent out based on a template.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Lets you see the open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate for each email, the number
of people who clicked on each link, and bounce reports, but through third-party integration at additional cost.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
submission, but through third-party integration with NetCommunity at additional cost.
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees, but through
third-party integration with NetCommunity at additional cost.
Outbound Email Method: Emails can be sent through third-party email services, but at additional cost. Otherwise, emails
are sent through clients email servers, potentially exposing them to blacklisting.
Spell Checking: The system does not include spell-check for emails, however templates on which emails are based can be
spell-checked, and merge fields can be spell-checked.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: You must delete former grantseeker contacts from organizational records.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not let you track individual business units under a larger organization, although you could
do so via reports.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report contact.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Lets you automatically capture emails from external email systems into grantee or organization records
for example, by including a special grants management system email address in the bcc field, but requires integration with
NetCommunity at additional cost.
Contact Synchronization: System does not automatically synchronize Outlook contacts, but vendor can provide a utility
to update email addresses. Integration with NetCommunity provides more Outlook functionality, at additional cost.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Allows users to design and develop a custom check, which can be printed from within the system, but
requires a real-time interface with a financial system to ensure that there is a financial audit trail.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: GE/Spectrum can be integrated with The Financial Edge and Quickbooks in real time. The
vendor has experience in integrating the system with other accounting systems.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Limited support for payment approval workflows.
Multi-Currency Support: Only supports grants in U.S. dollars, although the vendor reports support for multiple curren-
cies is forthcoming.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Does not let you report on grants made in other currencies, although the vendor reports
support for multiple currencies is forthcoming.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Budget Tracking Configuration: Budgeting features are designed to track only the amount paid out in a particular year,
and not the total amount awarded in a year.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Does not let you base current years budget on the previous year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items do not automatically create grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: The system supports grant-related loans, but not interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides a direct ODBC database connection to allow a programmer to create custom data feeds to
or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: Security is handled by a secure login/password environment, with specific data within the database en-
crypted to provide added security. An audit trail for key data modifications allows tracking of changes to the database.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you create custom fields that have similar permissions to system-standard fields, and tracks their
creation and history in the audit trail.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms, including visual design aspects.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will provide custom plug-ins, at an additional cost, to meet a clients specific needs, but
most customizations are built directly into the base system.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and code (as
allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path, unless
existing tables are modified.
Support for Multiple Languages: There is no ability todefine custom language sets based on user, group, or giving
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business for over 20 years. The GrantedGE product has been in use since 2005 and the
new version of GE/Spectrum has been in general use since 2012.
Client Base: Fusion Labs currently has approximately 120 clients for GE/Spectrum. The breakdown by nonprofit organiza-
tions is 5 percent to 10 percent private foundations, 70 percent to 80 percent community foundations, 10 percent to 15
percent religious foundations, 5 percent to 10 percent other foundations (family, research, etc.).
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Mosaics suite of softwarewhich includes GEMS, STARS, and other customized implementationsis designed to
support many facets of the human services sector besides grants management, and provides powerful cabilities in the
realm of grant evaluation and contract-based budgeting. The system is used predominantly by government agencies
throughout the United States, and in 29 countries in the developing world. The vendor provides consulting services
and highly customized implementations for its customers to help connect grants and improved outcomes with an
organizations grantees. The software has a unique means of personalizing the interface, and its easy to turn features
and whole areas of the system on and off. Online application and progress report features are strong, although its
not as streamlined as other systems in facilitating the viewing and printing of applications and attachments for
reviewers. The system does not include a means of checking tax or OFAC status, although the vendor is willing
to add such features during implementation. Theres some facility to send messages within the system, but not to
support letters or email merges. However, most data is exportable to Excel, and the systems powerful reporting
capabilities are a plus. Support optionsboth online and phoneare also quite extensive. The vendor reports that
pricing is determined based on the specific size and needs of the organization in question. For a small foundation,
the estimated cost for implementation plus the first year license and support costs would be approximately $32,000,
with a lower ongoing annual cost for maintenance and support. For a larger foundation, the estimated cost for
implementation plus the first year license and support costs would be approximately $155,000, with a lower ongo-
ing annual cost for maintenance and support.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Grant information cannot be tracked by program cycle or board
meeting date, but information about either could be tracked by creating dates within the system calendar.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: You can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, with
specific percent or dollar allocations, but the system would require some customization to do so.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be entered into the system by scanning the application
and uploading the PDF as a document-upload data field, which would still enable the review workflow, or else by having a
grantmaker log in as a grantee to do so.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as either objects or links.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields through an import mechanism.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the vendor would be willing to
build one upon request.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: External or internal reviewers cannot easily print grant summaries or full grant information by
program or by date without running a report.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different, customizable information or scoring schemes for different programs.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest, but does not
provide any specific functionality to help you assign applications for review based on these criteria. The system lets you
capture geographic as well as other criteria defined by the grantmaker for making assignments.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
scoreand aggregate them.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, either via email or within the system.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria through an internal communications log for users of the system.
Email Template Flexibility: You cannot mail-merge fields into system email.
Email Attachments: Does not let you attach files to emails.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees.
Outbound Email Method: Theres no in-system email, but there is a Message Center module that can be used to track
triggered system email notifications, allow users to compose messages, customize signatures, attach documents to com-
munications, and select from a predetermined list of contacts.
Spell Checking: Lets you spell-check for all system messages in the Message Center module.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Lets you track the relationship of an individual associated with a grant even if they leave,
by enabling a feature which identifies active and inactive users of the system.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
Record of Correspondence: Stores a record of all system-generated internal messages for each grant, but not other com-
Call and Email Logging: Does not let you note interactions with a grantee without exporting a report.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Does not let you define a default payment schedule.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Cannot generate paper check requests or print checks direcly from the system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Does not support ACH payments and wire transfers.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you manually note what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and
check/ACH payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: The vendor has experience in integrating the system with external accounting software packages,
including GreatPlains, at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Can be configured to support grants made in multiple currencies.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Can be configured to report on grants and payments made in any currency.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments.
Payment Reporting: Lets you pull reports on payments which carry the coding attributes of associated requests, organiza-
tions, and contacts.
Other Payment Issues: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or payment
Budget Tracking Configuration: Budgeting features are designed to track only the amount paid out in a particular year,
and not the total amount awarded in a year. Budgets are tied to contracts.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides a direct ODBC database connection to allow a programmer to create custom data feeds to
or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices, but the
system interface is mobile responsive.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device, but the system interface is mobile responsive.
Data Integrity: The vendors security protocols include a redundant network of servers, replicated in real time; daily
backup; substantial activity logs and audit trails; firewalls for both application and database servers; encryption for sensitive
data; and isolated session containers.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you create unlimited custom fields, which can be placed in most places throughout the system, with
the same permissions as other fields. Creation of the fields is tracked in the audit log of the whole system.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Its possible to define custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking but fields are sometimes crowded together, making it more difficult to
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a user doesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order to effectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can find the actions he or she is most likely to take, but they
must look through a considerable list of options to find them.
Optimization for Experts: An expert user will need more steps and clicks to take action than in some other systems.
Vendor Background
History: Mosaic has been in business for 13 years, beginning in 2000. GEMS has been in use by clients for 13 years.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 32 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 72 percent government,
23 percent private, and 5 percent family.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it. The vendor also reports that they invest a significant amount of resources in research and develop-
ment both for technology and for domain expertise.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and track by
specific percent or dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes throughout
the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, PDFs, photos, and audio and video files.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN, applica-
tion ID, and program and grant cycle. The system also includes a global full text search of the database.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering application
information into the grant record. The system also includes the ability to import information from PDFs into the database.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads files to the the vendors own servers and retrieves them from there. The
vendor also offers additional cloud storage.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields, as well as set them to run at intervals and
send out to other systems.
Taxonomy: The vendor has supported industry-standard taxonomies such as that of the National Center for Education
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows for individuals and organizations to apply
for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown boxes,
checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor. The system offers a formatted portal page, and you
can control its look and feel.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. You can choose to have a no-reply email address or reply to the sender. Group emails are not sent as
blind copies but as one-to-one.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data. Its not possible to edit individual emails after they have been merged.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Lets you see the open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate for each email, the number
of people who clicked on each link, and bounce reports through a third-party application, Mandrill.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees. Lets you
schedule email reminders based on a variety of criteria.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam. You can set the emails to display a reply-to address
from the foundation, rather than the vendor.
Spell Checking: Theres no dedicated spell-check for emails generated within the system. You can use your browsers
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Lets you keep a record of an individual no longer associated with a grant within the systems
audit trail, and the individual will not show up as an active contact for communication. However, the individual no longer
appears on the organizational record of the grant.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Its possible to communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant
or organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report
contactthrough segmentation.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Its not possible to automatically synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, and lets you print checks directly from the system
using templates or by integrating with the accounting system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions, and the vendor can handle payment disbursements for you at additional cost.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with any accounting software packages, but the vendor could build
integration with accounting packages for additional cost, so long as there is an API available for the accounting system
chosen. The vendor also suggests batch uploads for data transfer.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments made in any currency.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can choose whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Lets you set up what-if scenarios by setting up a grant in a pre-committed status and reporting on it.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items can be connected to grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: Theres no current support for interest repayments on PRIs, but the vendor is willing to
configure this for clients if needed.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system. ODBC functionality can be set up for additional cost. The vendor also reports built-in
secure RSS feeds for all data.
Mobile Device Application Review: Provides an interface specifically designed to see, code, approve, and add review
comments from a mobile or tablet web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Provides an interface specifically designed to let you see grant sum-
maries and details from a mobile or tablet device.
Data Integrity: The vendor reports that they have been certified by TRUSTe, and that they use ACLs, two-factor authen-
tication, and external security auditing tools on a daily basis to ensure that resources are properly secured. The system is
hosted within the Amazon cloud services, and the system leverages both encryption and SSL sessions for sensitive data
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you create unlimited custom fields with the same permissions as custom fields. The creation and
change is tracked within the audit log for the entire system.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost, including visual design aspects.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and code (as
allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets you define custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program. The
vendor reports that they have already worked in 10 different languages.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2008. Good Done Great has been in use by clients since 2008.
Client Base: Thereare 141 grantmakers currently using the Good Done Great system. The breakdown of foundation type
is 44 percent community foundations, 32 percentprivate/family, 20 percent corporate, and 4 percentgovernment.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Aimed primarily at corporate foundations, GrantRight is an Online hosted option with a web-based interface. It has
a particular strength in internal grant tracking, payments, and budgeting features. However, its somewhat limited in
online application and progress reporting. For instance, it can only support an eligibility quiz and one other applica-
tion phase, and does not offer any ability to track data from grantee progress reports without additional customiza-
tion. Nearly anything is customizableincluding sophisticated application review workflows and formsbut
almost all customization must be done by the vendor, potentially at additional cost, including customizing values
in dropdown boxes and creating letter and grant summary templates. Ad hoc reports are flexible and easy to format.
Standard reports can be easily modified by those familiar with SAP Crystal Reports. GrantStream has extensive
experience with corporate clients and is willing to heavily customize GrantRight, which could make it attractive to
corporate foundations with specialized needs. Annual recurring costs for GrantRight can be between $23,000 and
$30,000, $19,200 to $25,000 with first year setup fees generally starting around 30,000 to $34,000.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, but not
specific percent or dollar allocations without customization.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across different codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting, but requires
customization, possibly for a fee.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering it as a
new request.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the vendor can configure the
system, possibly for a fee.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you collect application information online with, at a minimum, file uploads, drop-
down boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, but the vendor must set up application forms for you at no additional cost.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you easily send an email to a particular individual, but not to a group of people at
Email Template Flexibility: You cannot mail-merge fields into system email.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals, but not groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system, but as a
browser-based solution, this is possible through the browser itself, if enabled.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not let you track individual business units under a larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organization if configured to associate multiple contacts with an organization.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you note interactions with a grantee in a single comment field, but does not support a more
detailed communications log. A more detailed logging of calls and external emails can be configured by the vendor, possibly
at additional cost.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for example,
fiscal sponsors), but requires customization, possibly at additional cost.
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: The vendor has experience in integrating the system with external accounting software packages,
possibly at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process, but without a configurable
workflow. The vendor must set up workflows, possibly at additional cost.
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments made in any currency.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment informa-
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments.
Payment Reporting: The system provides the ability to pull reports on payments which carry the coding attributes of associ-
ated requests, organizations, and contacts.
Other Payment Issues: The system provides the ability to void or place holds on payments in the system, create payments
or update payment details in batch, and track in-kind and quid prop quo payments. Users cannot refund payments in the
system, but can post corrective negative payments to reflect refunds.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Does not allow a programmer to create custom data flows to an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device.
Data Integrity: The vendor provides robust documentation regarding their security, which highlights the redundancy of
the data stored on its servers.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes, but this customization
must be performed by the vendor during implementation.
Custom Fields: The system allows for unlimited custom fields, which can be placed nearly anywhere and have the same
permissions as system-generated fields. Custom fields are set up by the vendor at implementation.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use, but this customization must be
performed by the vendor, possibly at additional cost.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
Vendor Customization: Vendor will customize system to your needs at additional cost, but doesnt often do so.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets youdefine custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking but some screens are broken into multiple smaller frames that while
adjustable, can each require signficant vertical scrolling to see the information you need.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2000; GrantRight has been in use since 2000.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 70 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 90 percent corporate
and the rest other types of grantmakers.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and track the
specific percent or dollar allocations for each.
Splitting Codes: No data available.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs, as well as video and audio files. Large files may require SharePoint.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering it as a
new request.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The system can be implemented with an industry-standard taxonomy. The vendor reports that they are work-
ing with the Foundation Center to define a standard taxonomy.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you see easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Internal reviewers can easily print grant summaries, but attachments must be printed out one
by one. An additional cost module, ReviewerConnect, is required to extend this functionality to external reviewers.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
easily, but requires the ReviewerConnect module at additional cost.
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system, but they must open each attachment one by one.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process. The
vendor has updated the workflow ability of the system substantially, and allows each user to customize workflows specific to
their account.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs, which can be customized.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review, along with tracking reviewers and applications by geography or other criteria
defined by grantmaker for making assignments.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
score. But aggregation is possible only through custom fields or external spreadsheets.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified via email when
reviews are completed. External reviewers can be notified when an application is accepted.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. You can define whether to send group emails as blind copies or individually.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data, and lets you edit emails from a batch sent out based on a template.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Only lets you see read receipts for each email.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees. Lets you
schedule email reminders based on a variety of criteria.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through clients email servers, potentially exposing them to blacklisting.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Lets you define that individuals are no longer with an organization by adding end dates to
their affiliation with the organizaiton. You can also deactivate the master contact record. The former contact still appears on
the record, but will not be sent communications. A minimal audit trail of these changes appears.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Budget Tracking Configuration: Budgeting features are designed to track only the amount paid out in a particular year,
and not the total amount awarded in a year, but this requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending), but requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas, but requires a
module at additional cost.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year, but requires add-on
functionality at additional cost.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
purposes, requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting, but requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Lets you automatically create a pending request for a budgeted line item.
Program-Related Investments: There is no defined functionality to support PRIs, but the vendor reports that this could
be accommodated by changing the grant amount when the interest repayment is returned, as well as through custom fields,
among other strategies.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: The vendor reports both native file system and database tools external to the system that provide backup
and redundancy capability, and that the vendor works to ensure that their clients are following best practices for their use.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out, and has been extensively updated and modernized.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
MicroEdge now offers a new user interface called GIFTS Alta as well as GIFTS Online in addition to the older
version of GIFTS, but the latter system is still widely used in the sector. MicroEdge reports that GIFTS is and will
continue to be supported and enhanced, including support for Office 2013 Professional and security improvements.
However, new MicroEdge clients will purchase either GIFTS Alta or GIFTS Online. To supplement the desktop-
based package, GIFTS functionality can be extended through a large selection of modules, making it easier to tailor
the system to your needsbut harder to understand features and pricing. The core GIFTS functionality starts at
about $19,000 in first-year costs, but a typical entry level configurationwhich includes the ability to track custom
fields and attach documentsis about $25,000. At this level, GIFTS offers strong internal tracking features, like the
ability to create printed letters, categorize with codes, and track payments, but there is no support in the base product
to collect and track reviewer data. In this core system, its not possible to create unique views for different internal
users of the system, requiring even casual users to navigate the complex interface. Adding additional modules can
plug these gaps, creating a solution thats quite strong in most areas, but at a cost, running to $75,000 or more in the
first year.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and track the
specific percent or dollar allocations for each.
Splitting Codes: No data available.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes throughout
the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs, as well as video and audio files. Large files may require SharePoint.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN, applica-
tion ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering it as a new
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The system can be implemented with an industry-standard taxonomy. The vendor reports that they are working
with the Foundation Center to define a standard taxonomy.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you see related records and data across records, but may
require some navigating between tables.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: No data available.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown boxes,
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what grants
theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Internal reviewers can easily print grant summaries, but attachments must be printed out one
by one. An additional cost module, ReviewerConnect, is required to extend this functionality to external reviewers.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
easily, but requires the ReviewerConnect module at additional cost.
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored in
the system, but they must open each attachment one by one.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs, which can be customized.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review, along with tracking reviewers and applications by geography or other criteria
defined by grantmaker for making assignments through an additional module, ReviewerConnect.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
score. But aggregation is possible only through custom fields or external spreadsheets.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified via email when
reviews are completed. External reviewers can be notified when an application is accepted.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. You can define whether to send group emails as blind copies or not.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data, and lets you edit emails from a batch sent out based on a template.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Only lets you see read receipts for each email.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees. Lets you
schedule email reminders based on a variety of criteria.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through clients email servers, potentially exposing them to blacklisting.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: In order to define that an individual is no longer with an organization, you would need
to create a new contact first, and add a date to the relationship of the former contact to represent when he or she left the
organization. The former contact still appears on the record, but will not be sent communications. A minimal audit trail of
these changes appears.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Its not possible to automatically communicate with a contact according to their relation-
ship with the grant or organization.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, and lets you print checks directly from the system
through a Checkwriter functionality, or if integrated with an accounting system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Integrates tightly with several external accounting packages. Many major packages are supported
and the vendor could build integration for other packages at additional cost.
Budget Tracking Configuration: Budgeting features are designed to track only the amount paid out in a particular year,
and not the total amount awarded in a year, but this requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending), but requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas, but this
requires a module at additional cost.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year, but requires add-on
functionality at additional cost.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
purposes, but this requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting, but requires add-on functionality at additional cost.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Lets you automatically create a pending request for a budgeted line item.
Program-Related Investments: There is no defined functionality to support PRIs, but the vendor reports that this could
be accommodated by changing the grant amount when the interest repayment is returned, or through custom fields,
among other strategies.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: The vendor reports both native file system and database tools external to the system that provide backup
and redundancy capability, and that the vendor works to ensure that their clients are following best practices for their use.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system includes unlimited custom fields, and you can rename system-standard fields. Custom fields
have the same functionality as system standard fields. The creation and change date/user of any element in the database is
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out, but appears somewhat dated. An extensively
modernized new layout is available in GIFTS Alta.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 1985; GIFTS package has been in use by clients since 1995.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 2,000 clients using this version of GIFTS. The vendor does not
provide a client breakdown by foundation type.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
GIFTS Online is MicroEdges fully web-accessible, Online hosted entry into the grants management arena. GIFTS
Online offers many of the strengths of the installed systems GIFTS and GIFTS Alta, including optional modules,
grant information tracking, mail-merging, and application review. As with the new GIFTS Alta interface, the
GIFTS Online platform benefits from the considerable work MicroEdge has done to refine the user experience.
GIFTS Online can offer customized views per user and per role, including customizable user dashboards. You can
also customize your own online forms, which is new since we last saw the system. An entry level client could acquire
GIFTS Online for about $5,500 per year. A very large client could pay $42,477 per year.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and track the
specific percent or dollar allocations for each.
Splitting Codes: Its possible to split grants by custom categorization codes if you configure the system to allow multiple
codes per grant.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering it as a
new request.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The system can be implemented with an industry-standard taxonomy. The vendor reports that they are work-
ing with industry partners to define a standard taxonomy.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor, but requires a subscription cost.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program, but requires
a subscription cost.
Eligibility Branching: The system allows for eligibility quizzes which can branch to multiple applications, but requires a
subscription cost.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Internal reviewers can easily print grant summaries but attachments must be printed out one
by one. An additional cost module is required to extend this functionality to external reviewers.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system, but they must open each attachment one by one.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs, which is customizable by
foundation staffers.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review, along with tracking reviewers and applications by geography or other criteria
defined by grantmaker for making assignments.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified via email when
reviews are completed. External reviewers can be notified when an application is accepted.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data.
Email Attachments: Does not let you attach files to emails.
Email Delivery Reporting: Only lets you see read receipts for each email.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees. Lets you
schedule email reminders based on a variety of criteria.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of all
grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Can set send criteria to communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the
grant or organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, and lets you print checks directly from the system
through a Checkwriter functionality, or if integrated with an accounting system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Integrates tightly with several external accounting packages. Many major packages are supported
and the vendor could build integration for other packages at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Only supports grants in U.S. dollars.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Does not let you report on grants made in other currencies.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
mation, but these permissions are configured by the vendor during implementation.
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments.
Payment Reporting: Lets you pull reports on payments which carry the coding attributes of associated requests, organiza-
tions, and contacts.
Other Payment Issues: The system has the ability to void, refund, or hold payments. The system has the ability to track
in-kind and quid pro quo payments tracked separately on the payment record.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Does not allow a programmer to create custom data flows to an external system. The vendor will
consider requests for custom import needs at additional cost.
Mobile Device Application Review: Offers a third-party mobile app, RDP iTAP mobile, to facilitate application review.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Offers a third-party mobile app, RDP iTAP mobile, to let you see
grant summary and grant details from a mobile or tablet device.
Data Integrity: The vendor provides robust documentation regarding their security, which highlights the redundancy of
the data stored on its servers.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system includes unlimited custom fields, and you can rename system-standard fields. Custom fields
have the same functionality as system standard fields. The creation and change date/user of any element in the database is
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will customize system to your needs at additional cost, but doesnt often do so. Customiza-
tion is considered on an individual basis, and there is the possibility that these customizations will be added to the core
code base and made available for all clients. The system allows for personalization of the system done by the end user.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets youdefine custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 1985; GIFTS Online has been in use since 2009.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 300 organizations currently using GIFTS Online. The vendor does
not provide a client breakdown by foundation type.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
FoundationConnect is an Online hosted solution built on top of the Salesforce platform. The vendor, NPower, is a
grantseeking nonprofit. The system capitalizes on Salesforces strong relationship-management features to provide
robust tracking for organizations, contacts, and grants, including the ability to track and report on grantees with
multiple related business units. Strong support for dashboards, task lists, and role-based views provides a feature-
rich experience for grants managers while allowing program officers and management to see only the information
relevant to them. Grantees and external reviewers log in through a separate, but tightly integrated, portal applica-
tion. Users will want to visit the Salesforce AppExchange to add Conga Composer or LOOP Document Services
for mail-merge and template capability. Email sent from FoundationConnect is automatically logged and routed
through Salesforce email servers, which shields organizations from the risk of being blacklisted for mass mailing,
but is limited to 500 emails per day. Many broadcast email programs, like Vertical Response and Team Approach,
also integrate tightly with Salesforce. A free connector lets users log email sent from Outlook and synchronizes their
Outlook contacts with the system. The initial license cost for FoundationConnect ranges from $25,000 for small
foundations to $40,000 for larger foundations, with maintenance and support ranging from $7,200 to $14,400 and
up per year. The Salesforce license is free for nonprofits for up to 10 user licenses, and costs $360 per license per year
on top of that.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and by
percentage or dollar allocations if you adjust these in the payment schedule.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across different codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: No data available.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by entering it as a
new application.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links. The system
can also be customized to store attachments as links. The system has added the ability to index and version attachments.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The vendor is working with partners including the Foundation Center to implement a universal taxonomy
within the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: External and internal reviewers can easily print grant summaries and attachments with the
configuration of add-on components such as Conga Composer, LOOP Document Services, or another Salesforce app at
additional cost. You can sort and filter by program and date.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
easily. Reviewers can upload attachments.
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers must manually open documents associated with the request and stored in
the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process. The
system uses the Salesforce workflow functionality.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different and customizable information or scoring schemes for different programs.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review. Lets you track reviewers and applications by geography or other criteria defined
by grantmaker for making assignments. You cant save review panels in the system, but you can batch assign reviewers to
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
scoreand aggregate them.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, either by alert within the system or via email based on configuration.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. You can send up to 500 emails per day within the system. Higher volumes can be supported via add-on
modules such as VerticalResponse or Team Approach, possibly at additional cost.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data, but you must set up the template beforehand rather than inserting merge fields
into an ad hoc email message. You cant edit emails on an individual basis after they have been merged.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Lets you see the open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate for each email, the number
of people who clicked on each link, and bounce reports, but requires a module at no additional cost for up to 10,000
emails per month. Additional fees apply after the monthly limit is reached. Higher volumes can be supported via add-on
modules such as VerticalResponse or Team Approach, possibly at additional cost.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees, as well as
schedule email reminders based on a variety of other criteria.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam. Salesforce caps outbound at 500 emails per day. Higher
volumes can be supported via add-on modules that integrate tightly with Salesforce, such as Vertical Response, iContact,
and MailChimp, possibly at additional cost.
Spell Checking: Lets you spell-check emails within the system.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Lets you keep a record of individuals no longer associated with a grant by keeping them as
former contacts, and they will not show up as active contacts for communication.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a payment schedule, including multiple payments, for each individual
grant, but does not easily allow you to create a default payment schedule for all grants.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting. Its not possible to print checks directly from the
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded. The system has new features for budget tracking that can automate some of this work.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending). The system has new features for budget tracking that can automate some of this work.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Lets you set up what-if scenarios by cloning a request. The cloned requests status changes to projected and
from here you can see budget projections.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items can create grant requests and feed directly to payments.
Program-Related Investments: The vendor has customized the system to track interest repayment on PRIs for several
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Provides an interface specifically designed to see, code, approve, and add review
comments from a mobile or tablet device.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Provides an interface specifically designed to let you see grant sum-
maries and details from a mobile or tablet device.
Data Integrity: All data is hosted by, which provides robust, multi-layered protections to ensure data
confidentiality and integrity (more detail available here:
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: NPower NY was founded in 2000 and has been providing database solutions to the nonprofit sector since 2005.
The Foundation Grant Manager product was formally launched in June 2009.
Client Base: The vendor reports 63 clients. Approximate breakdown is 75 percent private foundations, 10 percent family
foundations, 10 percent community foundations, and 5 percent government and other.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
PhilanTrack is an Online hosted option that prioritizes the user experience for both grantseekers and grantmakers.
It provides solid support for tracking applications and grants, and for producing letters and board dockets. The
online application interface allows grantseekers to use the system as their own grant language repository, with the
ability to search for and reuse language theyve used on past grants. Grantmakers will find PhilanTrack simple to
navigate, though at the time of this review search functionality is tied to specific areas of the system, meaning you
have to know the tab in which the subject of your search is located in order to find it. PhilanTracks relationship-
management facility is somewhat limited, with only basic support for tracking communications with granteesyou
can keep a call log on a grantee record, but emails generated within the system must be added manually. And while
the system can generate automatic emails based on a number of action-triggers, theres no way to easily define par-
ent/child relationships for organizations in the system. PhilanTracks pricing starts at $4,000 annually with another
$4,000 in first-year setup costs.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across different codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle. Search functionality is currently spread across multiple areas and you have to
know where data lives in order to search for it. For example, if a fields home is in the grants tab, you couldnt search for it
from another tab.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be entered into the system, but you must log in as a
grantee to do so. The system also allows you to scan and upload paper applications for attachment to the applicants record.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields as long as they are associated with a
Taxonomy: The system supports the industry-standard taxonomy defined by the Foundation Center.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The vendor can configure the system at implementation to
allow both individuals and organizations to apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Grantmakers can construct application forms by choosing questions from a large existing
set and adding them to the application in any order they wish. This interface is easy to use. The vendor typically works
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Does not support checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require
from prospective grantees. The system, however, allows you to select which questions require a response.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Reviewers can easily print grant summaries or full grant information.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can easily view uploaded documents associated with the request and stored
in the system.
Grant Review Workflows: Does not let you define automatic steps and rules for the grants review process.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs. Scoring schemes can be
customized by the client.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Does not let you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Does not allow reviewers to see each others comments and grades, unless they have
also been granted another role, like board member, which allows them to view other parts of the system.
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified via email or
in-system notifications when reviews are completed.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you easily send an email to a particular individual, but not to a group of people at
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals based on templates that include both standard text and
mail-merge type inserted data, but only the vendor can create and modify email templates. This is typically done at no
additional cost. Emails can be edited prior to sending if sent through the clients default email client.
Email Attachments: Does not let you attach files to emails.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees based on the
number of days prior to the due date.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: The system does not include spell-checking functionality for email.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on forms. The system will preserve an indi-
viduals history with a grant even after they have left the organization. The organization, but not the grantmaker, can mark
a contact as inactive. Inactive contacts are excluded from system generated communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not let you track individual business units under a larger organization except as fiscal
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
Record of Correspondence: Does not store any record of system-generated emails or letters.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a payment schedule individually for each grant, but not a default that
applies to all of them.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Allows you to export a filtered set of grant records that can be used to generate paper check requests
outside of the system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years, on a per-grant basis.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with any accounting software packages, but can export payment
information to a csv file that can be imported into an accounting package. The vendor is willing to integrate at additional
Automated Payment Approval Process: Does not support an automated payment approval process.
Multi-Currency Support: Only supports grants in a single currency.
Budget Tracking Configuration: The budgeting features can track both the amount paid out in a particular year and the
total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program or grantee and report on that
information with actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined program areas.
Budget Basing: Does not let you base current years budget on the previous year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Cannot track grants split across more than one program for budgeting purposes.
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting on a per-grant basis.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: There is no ability for budgeted line items to automatically create grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: The system does not support interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv. The
vendor notes the system can also export to .pdf and .rtf formats.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system. Use of API can require communication with vendor, which may involve additional
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: The vendor provides robust documentation regarding their security, which highlights the redundancy of
the data stored on its servers.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Users cannot create custom fields. Some existing field names can be customized but not all.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will customize system to your needs, possibly at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor permits clients to extend system functionality via access to underlying database and code (as
allowed through the API).
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets you define different languages for application forms and progress reports.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2004. Philantrack has been in use by clients since 2007.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 40 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 60 percent private, 10
percent corporate, and 30 percent community foundations.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
PowerOFFICE is a solid, well-rounded system with particularly strong features around relationship and contact
management. Built on IBM Notes Domino, the system can be installed on your organizations server, or hosted
on the vendors servers. PowerOFFICE is fairly strong in both print and email communication, although delivery
statistics for broadcast email are only available through customization by the vendor. The system provides relation-
ship and contact management through the PowerPEOPLE module, which allows users to track all the communica-
tion theyve had with individuals and associate multiple contacts to organizations and grants. The online application
process is straightforwardthe vendor will create application forms for you, but applicants cannot save incomplete
applications to finish later before submitting, and neither can they view or print submitted applications without
customization. A small foundation that receives only 10 applications annually could expect to pay about $3,000 per
year for a hosted version of the system, plus a one-time setup fee for online applications starting at around $4,000,
or a one-time cost of $6,000 to install the system on your own server, plus annual fees of $1,600 and the setup fee
for online applications. For larger foundations which receive around 100 applications annually, the system would be
$6,600 per year hosted (plus setup fee) or $12,000 for installed (with an annual fee of $2,000).
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across some, but not all, different codes or categories.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by creating a new
request from the admin view and filling out fields.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the vendor can configure the
system, possibly for a fee.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you collect application information online with, at a minimum, file uploads, drop-
down boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, but the vendor must set up application forms for you at additional cost.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: The system lets you track individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each
individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the organization.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not let you track individual business units under a larger organization without customiza-
tion by the vendor, possibly at additional cost.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Can send email to any contact recorded in an application form.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you automatically capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a payment schedule individually for each grant, but not a default that
applies to all of them.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due, and whether the grantee has met the associated
prerequisite requirements, on an individual grantee basis.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Does not support ACH payments and wire transfers.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with any accounting software packages.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Does not let you report on grants made in other currencies.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement through notes.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments.
Payment Reporting: The system can be configured to send the coding attributes of associated requests, organizations, and
contacts to an accounting system.
Other Payment Issues: The system provides the ability to void or place holds on payments in the system, update payment
details in batch, and track in-kind and quid pro quo payments. Users cannot refund payments in the system or create
payments in batch.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Lets you set up what-if scenarios.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Users cannot add custom fields, unless they have purchased the source code. The vendor can add fields for
the user upon request, possibly at additional cost.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets youdefine custom language sets for applicants and reviewers based on user, group,
or giving program.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking but fields are sometimes crowded together, making it more difficult to
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: An expert user will need more steps and clicks to take action than in some other systems.
SmartSimples GMS360 has undergone a major user experience redesign which complements its power and flex-
ibility with greater ease of use. This system lets you create relatively complex online forms that can contain a wide
variety of field types, including rich text fields with formatting toolbars and internal tracking fields that can be made
invisible to applicants. Uploaded files can be version-controlled and indexed, making their contents available to
queries and reports. The system provides useful support for managing relationships, broadcast email, mail-merged
letters, and reporting, as well as integrated task lists and dashboards to manage each users work. Payment functional-
ity and budgeting are particularly strong, with support for payment workflows and multiple currencies. SmartSimple
implementation starts at about $20,000. Annual support and maintenance are included in monthly user fees.High
usage staffers such as grants administrators and program officers who use the system more than 40 hours a month,
are billed at $1,176 per user per year (billed on a montly basis). Low usage staffers who are logged into the system
for less than 40 hours per month are billed at $180 per year (again on a monthly basis). External users, like reviewers
or board members, are billed annually at $2,400 total (on a monthly basis). License fees are based on actual usage,
and the system automatically audits the user type for fair billing.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and by
percentage or dollar allocation if the categories are tied to the budget.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, organizational records, and personal profiles,
including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle. The vendor has added considerable enhancements around searching.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system from the new appli-
cations area of the Submission Manager module. Forms can be filled in PDF and the data imported back into the system.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The system has support for the NTEE syntax within the system, and the vendor is willing to work with clients
to incorporate other taxonomies into the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows for both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, the com-
munications history and what grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: Reviewers can easily print grant summaries or full grant information as a PDF. Audio and
video attachments can be viewed within the system.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Lets reviewers easily view selected documents associated with the request and stored
in the system. Audio and video files are playable within the browser, and documents are converted to a single PDF.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process and
configure a workflow without the assistance of the vendor. Workflows can branch based on various factors, such as request
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
comments. Reviewer comments can be made visible to the foundation staff as soon as they are saved as a draft.
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: Lets you track external reviewers interests and potential conflicts of interest and use those
criteria to assign applications for review. You can also create and save review panels to assign to requests.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
scoreand aggregate them.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, either via email or internal message, or both.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Group emails are not sent as blind copies, but rather individually to minimize the likelihood of being
caught in a spam filter.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data. You cannot edit one-off emails from a batch sent out based on a template.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Lets you see the open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate for each email, the number
of people who clicked on each link, and bounce reports.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
submission. Email configuration is done through the workflow engine.
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees. Lets you
schedule emails based on date or elapsed time. Email configuration is done through the workflow engine.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam. Alternatively, email can be sent through the clients
email servers or through third-party email services, which may require an additional fee.
Spell Checking: Lets you spell-check emails within the system.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: The system lets you track individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each
individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts
for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report con-
tactthrough role-based communication.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting, but its not possible to print a check directly from the
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for example,
fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Integrates tightly with Quickbooks, Accpac, and SAP. The vendor states they can also faciliate data
transfer to most other GL systems.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow steps.
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount and disbursements for each grants program and report on that
information with actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking pur-
poses. You can also manage multiple budgets and draw funds on a per grant basis.
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: Does not let you set up what-if scenarios, although the vendor reports that this feature is forthcoming.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items can create grant requests and feed directly to disbursements.
Program-Related Investments: The system does not support interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to or from an external system. Webservices, AJAX, and .Net APIs are provided.
Mobile Device Application Review: Provides a standalone app for Android devices that allows for application review. Most
tablets also have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Provides a standalone app for Android devices which allows you to see
grant summary and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets also have a screen size sufficient for viewing data
and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: The vendor reports that the system protects the integrity and security of data within the system through best
practice sever encryption, configurable password policies, role based access, optional two factor authentication, and intruder
lockouts, among other practices.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes, as well as change field
Custom Fields: The system lets you create an unlimited number of custom fields with the same permissions as system-
standard fields, and you can track the creation or change of custom fields in a log for historical documentation.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review forms,
including visual design aspects.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, possibly at additional cost.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it. The User Interface is configured to meet the specific needs of the client.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take. The
User Interface is configured to meet the specific needs of the client.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2002. SmartSimple Grants Management has been in use since 2004.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 40 clients for SmartSimple GrantsManagement. The breakdown by type
of grantmaker is 10 percent private foundations, 10 percent corporate foundations, and 52 percent government. The remain-
der are other entities, including community foundations.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it. The company is managed by the founding ownership team. There is no debt financing and no outside
The Versaic platform is used by a number of corporate philanthropic departments to manage grantmaking, product
donations, and sponsorships. Versaic Grants is a highly flexible platform built on Microsofts .NET business applica-
tion framework. The vendor provides consulting services for clients, including configuration of online forms, batch
updates, and ongoing tech support for applicants and grantees. Reporting is very strong in the system, and it has
powerful internal workflows that can help segment applications based on programs and automatically rout them to
the right staffers. Theres no OFAC checking in the system at this point, and you cant see email delivery statistics.
The Versaic Grants solution can be implemented for $10,000 and up, with subscription fees of $10,000 and up per
year for small foundations. For larger foundations, the vendor quoted a minimum implementation cost of $20,000,
with annual subscription fees starting at $15,000.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Cycles are not a pre-set system feature; this would be accommodated
through configuration.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, and track by
specific percent or dollar allocations.
Splitting Codes: Lets you split grants across program codes.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be entered into the system either by duplicating an
existing application or creating a new application and entering the information.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Batch updates are possible but must be handled by the vendor.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the vendor would be willing to
build one upon request.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you collect application information online, but the vendor must set up application
forms for youtheres no additional cost for most typical applications.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what
grants theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Requirements Checklist: Supports checklist functionality to define what information or documents you require from
prospective grantees.
Reopening Submitted Applications: Lets you reopen online applications once theyve been submitted if more information
is required from the applicant.
Printing Grant Summaries: External or internal reviewers can easily print grant summaries, but not attachmentsthose
would need to be printed manually.
Reviewers Portal: Provides a simplified portal interface to allow reviewers to see and review grant applications more
Viewing Documents in the System: Reviewers can view selected documents associated with the request and stored in the
system, but they need to manually open them apart from the application.
Grant Review Workflows: Lets you define automatic steps and rules, or workflow, for the grants review process and
throughout the system on a very sophisticated level.
Multiple Reviewer Support: Multiple reviewers can each rate an application on a number of different factors, and add
Scoring Flexibility: Supports different information or scoring schemes for different programs. This must be customized by
the vendor.
Online Application Review: Supports online viewing and reviewing of applications.
External Reviewer Profiles: The system would need to be customized in order to track external reviewers interests and
potential conflicts of interest and use those criteria to assign applications for review, as well as to track reviewers and
applications by geography or other criteria defined by grantmaker for making assignments.
Comment Sharing Among Reviewers: Lets you choose whether to allow reviewers to see each others comments and
Numeric Review Scores: Lets you view numeric review scores and report them as summary statisticsfor example, average
scoreand aggregate them.
Review Status Notification: Proposal owner and grants management staff can be automatically notified when reviews are
completed, including by only a portion of the assigned reviewers if that is a desired workflow. The system can send notifica-
tion within the system and via email.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Emails are sent individually from a no-reply address to avoid spam filters.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data, and edit the emails after they have been merged. You can add logos and other
graphic elements through HTML.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups.
Email Delivery Reporting: Does not let you see email delivery statistics.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees. Lets you
schedule email reminders based on a variety of criteria.
Outbound Email Method: Emails can be sent through third-party email services or through clients email servers, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: Theres currently no internal spell-check for email, but the vendor reports that this could be configured.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: The system could be configured to let you keep a record of an individual no longer associat-
ed with a grant within the systems audit trail, and have the individual not show up as an active contact for communication.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of all
grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not let you track individual business units under a larger organization, although this could
be customized.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report con-
tactthrough role-based communication.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated letters and emails for each grant, but its
stored in the entire audit trail with all the rest of the information about the grant.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you note interactions with a grantee in a single comment field, but does not support a more
detailed communications log.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants. The vendor could
adjust the amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers, but you need to manually enter information and
confirmation codes for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check number/
ACH payment/wire transfer number (the latter must be manually entered).
Accounting Integration: The vendor has experience in integrating the system with external accounting software packages.
Most of their clients do not choose to integrate their accounting systems, however.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Supports grants made in multiple currencies by storing currency and exchange rate information.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments made in any currency.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined groups, categories, or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting.
What-Ifs: The vendor has built in forecasting tools that could support what-if scenarios.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items are connected to grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: Theres no current support for interest repayments on PRIs, but the vendor is willing to
configure this for clients if needed.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv
Custom Data Feeds: The vendor can provide custom data flows to an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices, but
interface is fully mobile and tablet responsive.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device, but the interface is fully mobile and tablet responsive.
Data Integrity: The system protects sensitive data and any data that a customer requests be encrypted through Microsoft
SQL server protocols. All sensitive data transferred over the internet is encrypted using 40-bit to 128-bit SSL 2.0 encryp-
tion, depending on browser settings. Versaics hosting provider is both SAS 70 Type II and SSAE 16 certified.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: The vendor would customize dropdown values for fields.
Custom Fields: The vendor can create custom fields and provide an audit log.
Internal Tracking Fields: The vendor would customize internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: The vendor would customize online application and review forms.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Lets you define custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out. The vendor customizes the interface based on each
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2000; Versaic Grants has been in use by clients since 2010.
Client Base: The vendor reports 90 clients, all of which are corporate.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
Designed as the successor to CultureGrants Online, WESTAFs GrantsOnline (GO for short) was built by grant-
makers for use by the sector. In addition to traditional grants management functionality, GrantsOnline has some
unusual features likely to be of interest to arts funders, such as the ability for applicants to submit videos in support
of their applications. Conveniently, the videos stream rather than download, although files are converted to the Flash
format, which isnt well supported on iOS devices like iPads. While generally strong in internal tracking, the system
has a comparatively limited ability to track grants easily by categories and codes. Dynamic fields allow you to build
powerful online forms with more intricate branching logic than youll find in most other systems. Application review
and email capabilities are similarly strong. During implementation, clients can select from a menu of options for
grant-payment functionality that can be includedpossibly, for an additional implementation cost. While reporting
facilities are powerful and flexible, theres no ability to see a list of favorite reports. Pricing for GrantsOnline has
three tiers and starts at $4,450 in annual license fees for five grant programs and up to 500 users with a first-year
setup fee of $7,550. Media storage per user above 100MB is available at additional cost.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes, but not
specific percent or dollar allocations without customization.
Splitting Codes: Its not possible to split grants across program codes without customization.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets,
and PDFs, as well as audio or video files.
Searching: Grants and applications are searchable by a number of criteria, including organizations legal name, EIN,
application ID, and program and grant cycle.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system as a new grant.
File Attachment Method: The system uploads attached documents to the server and stores a link to that uploaded file in
the database.
Batch Updates: Does not easily let you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: The vendor is developing support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: There is limited availablility to see related records and data
across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Emailing Individuals and Groups: Lets you send email through the system to a single individual or group that meets
particular criteria. Group emails are not sent via blind copy.
Email Template Flexibility: Lets you create email to individuals and groups based on templates that include both standard
text and mail-merge type inserted data. You can preview emails after merging them, but cannot edit one-offs.
Email Attachments: Lets you attach files to emails sent to individuals and groups, but these attachments are limited to
PDF files generated by the system.
Email Delivery Reporting: Lets you see read receipts and notifications of non delivery, but not open, click-through, or
unsubscribe rates for each email.
Event-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send automatic emails based on certain events, such as online application
Schedule-Triggered Email: Lets you set up and send scheduled reminder emails to applicants and grantees, as well as if an
applications status changes.
Outbound Email Method: Emails are sent through the vendors email service to protect you from blacklisting, and the
vendor takes a series of steps to ensure email is not flagged as spam.
Spell Checking: The system does not provide any specific spell-checking ability for emails generated in the system, but as a
browser-based solution, this is possible through the browser itself, if enabled.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers will not show up as active contacts for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Can track individual business units under a larger organization, and see grants for both the
individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Its not possible to set rules to communicate with a contact according to their relationship
with the grant or organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder
to report contact.
Record of Correspondence: Stores a record of all system-generated email for each grant, but not other communications.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization. This log can be threaded and is searchable.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook. Contacts can be exported to a file that can be
imported into an external email system.
Default Payment Scheduling: Lets you define a default payment schedule that applies to all grants, and then adjust the
amounts and dates for each grant individually.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Can generate a paper check request for accounting. This requires configuration at no additional cost. Its
not possible to print checks directly from the system.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years. This requires customization at no additional cost.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements, but requires customization at additional cost.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors), but requires customization at additional cost.
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions, but requires customization at additional cost.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number, but requires customization at additional cost.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with external accounting software packages, but vendor is willing to
integrate at additional cost.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
steps, but requires customization at additional cost.
Multi-Currency Support: Only supports grants in a single currency.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments in whichever currency the system is configured to use.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement, but requires customization at additional cost.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
mation, but requires customization at additional cost.
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments through administrative forms.
Payment Reporting: Its not possible to pull reports on payments that carry coding attributes of associated requests,
organizations, and contacts.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded, but this requires customization at additional cost.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending), but requires customization at additional cost.
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas, but this
requires customization at additional cost.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year, but requires customization
at additional cost.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Can split grants across more than one program for budgeting and payment-tracking
purposes, but this requires customization at additional cost.
Multiyear Budgeting: Lets you easily set up multi-year budgeting, but requires customization at additional cost.
What-Ifs: Lets you set up what-if scenarios, but requires customization at additional cost.
Budgeting and Grant Requests: Budgeted line items can be set up to automatically create grant requests.
Program-Related Investments: The system does not support interest repayments on PRIs.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Does not allow a programmer to create custom data flows to an external system.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser. Audio
and video attachments require Flash, and so cannot be viewed on the iOS operating system. However, Android-based mobile
devices play audio and video attachments.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser. Audio and video attachments require Flash, and so cannot be viewed on
the iOS operating system. However, Android-based mobile devices play audio and video attachments.
Data Integrity: The vendor provides robust documentation regarding their security, which highlights the redundancy of the
data stored on its server.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: The system allows for unlimited custom fields, which can be placed nearly anywhere and have the same
permissions as system-generated fields. Versioning of custom fields is possible, but not recommended.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review forms,
including visual design elements.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Its not possible to define custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program
without customization.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 1974 ; GrantsOnline has been in use by clients since January 2010.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have 32 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 5 percent private and 95
percent government.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
WizeHives Grant Management System offers a combination of features and affordable pricing that will make this
Online hosted system an attractive option for smaller grantmakers. It is approachable, with a polished layout and
collapsible side navigation menus that make it easy for users to find their way around the system. WizeHives Grant
Management System scores well in grant tracking and online applications, and easily configurable grant review
workflows bolster an already solid application review process. However, WizeHives Grant Management System is
less strong when it comes to creating letters or other print communication, as there is no mail-merge functionality.
An organization with five users, 10 grants per year, and only light online application and review functionality could
pay as little as $2,000 in the first year. An organization that receives more than 500 applications annually and
requires more-robust donor management capabilities might pay closer to $7,000 per year.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes. Its possible to
build reports to show the specific percent or dollar allocations across these codes.
Splitting Codes: Its not possible to split grants across program codes without customization.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Lets you easily update basic grant information like project names or codes through-
out the process.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: Grants and applications are only searchable by EIN, legal name, and appID. Searching by grant and program
cycles depends on system setup, which could be configured during initial consultation.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be easily entered into the system by starting a new
application. Copies of the physical application can be scanned and saved in the system as a PDF or image file.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects rather than links.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no built-in compliance for an industry-standard taxonomy in the system. Users have the ability to
customize system menus and field labels to match a standard taxonomy.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Its possible to view an organizations payment history by
creating a custom form to capture that data from the organization. The results of forms are included in system reports.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, dropdown
boxes, checkboxes, and text fields, without additional charges from the vendor.
Number of Online Application Forms: Lets you create different online forms to support each grant program.
Eligibility Branching: Eligibility quizzes can branch to multiple applications.
Application Review
Viewing Relationship History: Lets you see a history of a relationship with prospective granteesfor example, what grants
theyve applied for, been declined, or been granted in the past.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. The system lets you track
individuals over time, and the history of the relationship of each individual associated with a grant, even if they leave the
organization. Departed staffers can be marked as no longer with the organization through a custom field or tag, which can
be configured to exclude them from future communication.
Tracking Organizational History: Users can create and run a report to see a history of all grants to an organization.
Report results can be used to populate a new grant application.
Tracking Business Units: The system can only track individual business units under a larger organization by creating
subrecords or subforms.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization by allowing applicants to
include additional contacts on the application form. Contacts tracked like this can be emailed or included in report results.
Customized Communication: Can send email to any contact recorded in an application form.
Record of Correspondence: Automatically stores a record of all system-generated email for each grant. Phone calls or other
communication can be manually recorded as notes.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Lets you automatically capture emails from external email systems into grantee or organization records
for example, by including a special grants management system email address in the bcc field.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Does not let you define a default payment schedule.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment, but requires you to create a view to dispay this information.
Check Requests: Cannot easily generate paper check requests.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years, but requires you to create a view to dispay this information.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements, but requires you to create a view to dispay this information.
Third-Party Payee Support: Supports payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary grantee (for
example, fiscal sponsors).
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions, but requires custom fields.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number, but you have to create a view to do so.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with any accounting software packages. The vendor can build
custom integrations at implementation.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Supports an automated payment approval process with configurable workflow
Multi-Currency Support: Only supports grants in a single currency.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Does not let you report on grants made in other currencies.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Lets you configure audit/security controls to ensure that only certain staff can change payment infor-
Payment Notes: Can include notes on the record of the grant, but not on the payment record itself.
Payment Reporting: The system can be configured to send the coding attributes of associated requests, organizations, and
contacts to an accounting system.
Other Payment Issues: In general, payment issues are handled through the clients accounting system. Voided/refunded
payments, in-kind payments, or payment details can be tracked in the system through custom fields on the grant record.
Its not possible to update payment details (e.g., general ledger account, fund, etc.) in batch or create payments in batch,
although you can batch update statuses.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Does not let you track budgets by hierarchical categories or program areas. Vendor recom-
mends exporting data to Excel for hierarchical budget tracking by defined categories or program areas.
Data Access
Data Export to other formats: Lets you export all data visible to users into another file format, such as .xls or .csv.
Custom Data Feeds: Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow a programmer to create custom data
feeds to, but not from, an external system. However, the vendor can create a custom integration with other systems, for
additional cost.
Mobile Device Application Review: Does not explicitly support application review via mobile or tablet devices. Most
tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Grant Information Review from a Mobile Device [: Does not provide explicit functionality to let you see grant summary
and grant details from a mobile or tablet device. Most tablets, however, have a screen size sufficient for viewing data and
performing data entry via the devices web browser.
Data Integrity: The vendor provides robust documentation regarding their security, which highlights the redundancy of
the data stored on its servers.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Lets you customize dropdown values for fields such as program or grant codes.
Custom Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Internal Tracking Fields: The system allows for unlimited custom fields, which can be placed nearly anywhere and have
the same permissions as system-generated fields.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Its possible for clients to define custom language sets for system navigation and menus,
or create application forms in multiple languages.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: The labels for navigation and action items are not always intuitive, meaning that many users will require
training specific to the system in order toeffectively understand them, but the client has the ability to rename many, but
not all, labels.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: The system pulls together the information and actions expert users are likely to need so as to
minimize the number of steps and clicks they need to take.
Vendor Background
History: The vendor has been in business since 2007. The system has been in use by clients since 2008.
Client Base: The vendor reports that they have about 750 clients. Breakdown by foundation type is 50 percent private, 10
percent family, 10 percent community, 10 percent corporate, and 20 percent government.
Sustainability: The revenue earned from the grantmaking system currently covers the personnel and operational expenses
required to support it.
ZoomGrants is a well-laid out, hosted grants management solution centered on requests for proposals (RFPs) and
the grant applications submitted in response to RFPs. Grant applications support an eligibility quiz in addition to
the application itself, and can include fields for post-grant reporting. The system has robust support for the applica-
tion processapplicants can manage their proposals and information for all funders using the system using one
account, and can carry over contact information and other data from one application to another, or from a Letter of
Intent to a proposal. Only applicants, not foundation staff, can make changes to organizational information. Search
functionality is basic; ZoomGrants outputs information to an onscreen report and then requires foundation staff
to rely on their browsers search functionality to hone in on what they need. Merge fields are supported for emails,
but not for printed correspondence, which must be produced by exporting system data to a CSV file to be merged
with Microsoft Word. A foundation with one RFP or grantmaking program could pay as little as $1,495 per year for
ZoomGrants. Each additional grantmaking program adds $1,495 annually.
Internal Tracking
Grant Cycle Linkages: All information for each grant project is linked together through its entire lifecycle.
Tracking by Grant Status: You can easily retrieve grant information and status.
Tracking by Program Cycle or Board Meeting Date: Can track by program cycle or board meeting date.
Tracking by Categories and Codes: Can track by categories, such as geographic or population-based codes.
Splitting Codes: No data available.
Custom Categorization Codes: Lets you define custom categorization codes for tracking and reporting.
Updating Basic Grant Information: Only the grantee can update basic grant information like project names or codes.
Attaching Files to Grant Record: Lets you easily attach files to grant records, including Word documents, Excel spread-
sheets, and PDFs.
Searching: There is no traditional search functionality. Users must run a report to list all contacts and organizations in the
system on-screen. From here you have to use your browsers search functionality to locate the information you want.
Handling Paper Applications: An application received in paper can be entered into the system, but you must log in as a
grantee to do so. System is designed so that grantees control their information rather than the grantor.
File Attachment Method: The system stores attached documents in the database as objects, but can also be configured to
store links to files.
Batch Updates: Lets you perform batch updates of defined coding and other fields.
Taxonomy: There is no support for an industry-standard taxonomy within the system, but the client can define the
keywords and categories to match the standard taxonomy they desire.
Ability to View Related Records and Data Across Records: Lets you easily see related records and data across records.
Online Applications
Support for Both Individual Applicants and Organizations: The system allows both individuals and organizations to
apply for grants from the same grant program.
Creating Online Applications: Lets you create new online applications with, at a minimum, file uploads, checkboxes, and
text fields, without additional charges from the vendor. Radio buttons are used in lieu of dropdown fields.
Number of Online Application Forms: Only supports one online application form per RFP, but multiple RFPs can be
run simultaneously.
Relationship Management
Tracking Individual History: Its possible to capture multiple individuals on online forms. Lets you keep a record of an
individuals association with a record, even if they leave, for historical and audit purposes, and they will not show up as an
active contact for communications.
Tracking Organizational History: Tracks organizations separately from individual grants to allow you to see a history of
all grants to an organization.
Tracking Business Units: Does not currently let you track individual business units under a larger organization, and see
grants for both the individual units and the larger organization.
Multiple Contacts Per Organization: Lets you associate multiple contacts with an organization and define their relation-
ships to you and to a specific grant.
Customized Communication: Lets you communicate with a contact according to their relationship with the grant or
organizationfor example, send the payment letter to the payment contact, or email reporting reminder to report con-
tactthrough role-based communication.
Record of Correspondence: Stores a record of all system-generated email for each grant, but not other communications.
Call and Email Logging: Lets you keep a log of outside communications, such as phone calls and emails, with a particular
contact at a grantee organization.
Email Capture: Does not let you capture emails from an external email system.
Contact Synchronization: Does not synchronize contacts with Outlook.
Default Payment Scheduling: Does not let you define a default payment schedule.
Viewing Payment Schedules: Lets you see what scheduled payments are upcoming and whether the grantee has met the
requirements linked with that conditional payment.
Check Requests: Cannot generate paper check requests.
View Scheduled Payment Amount (Annual): Can view the amount scheduled to be paid out in a given year, including
payments for grants awarded in previous years.
Schedule-Based Payment Viewing: Lets you see what payments are due based on a schedule, and whether the grantee has
met the associated prerequisite requirements.
Third-Party Payee Support: Does not easily support payments to individuals or organizations other than the primary
grantee (for example, fiscal sponsors) without customization.
Electronic Payments: Supports ACH payments and wire transfers by storing required information and confirmation codes
for successful transactions.
Viewing Payments Made: Lets you see what payments have been made, including amount, date paid, and check/ACH
payment/wire transfer number.
Accounting Integration: Does not currently integrate with any accounting software packages.
Automated Payment Approval Process: Does not support an automated payment approval process.
Multi-Currency Support: Only supports grants in a single currency per RFP.
Multi-Currency Reporting: Lets you report on grants and payments in whichever currency the system is configured to use.
Contingent/Conditional Payments: Allows for payments to be made contingent or conditional upon a specified grant or
payment requirement.
Payment Controls: Does not currently let you set up payment controls to ensure that only certain staff can change pay-
ment information; only the admin role can change payment information.
Payment Notes: Lets you include notes on payments.
Payment Reporting: Lets you pull reports on payments which carry the coding attributes of associated requests, organiza-
tions, and contacts.
Other Payment Issues: Voided payments could be recorded in the system as declined; the system has the ability to track
quid pro quo and in-kind payments.
Budget Tracking Configuration: You can decide whether the budgeting features track the amount paid out in a particular
year or the total amount awarded.
Budget Amount Reporting: Lets you enter a budget amount for each grants program and report on that information with
actuals (approved and pending).
Hierarchical Budget Tracking: Budgets can be tracked in hierarchically defined categories or program areas.
Budget Basing: Lets you use previous years budgets as a base and adjust them for current year.
Multiple Programs Per Grant: Cannot track grants split across more than one program for budgeting purposes.
Multiyear Budgeting: Does not easily let you set up multi-year budgeting.
Overall Customization
Dropdown Fields: Radio buttons are used in lieu of dropdown fields. These values are customizable.
Custom Fields: The system lets you create a limited number of custom fields with the same permissions as system-standard
fields. Some existing field names can be customized, but not all. The system keeps a log of when fields are created or
changed for historical documentation.
Internal Tracking Fields: Lets you add custom internal tracking fields for staff use.
Online Information Customization: Lets you customize the information requested in online applications and review
forms at no additional cost.
Vendor Customization: Vendor will extensively customize system to your needs, possibly at additional cost.
System Extendibility: Vendor does not allow clients access to database and code to extend system functionality.
Support for Customized Systems: Vendor permits extensively customized systems to remain on the upgrade path.
Support for Multiple Languages: Does not let youdefine custom language sets based on user, group, or giving program,
but can translate the text displayed based on the language settings of the grantees computer.
Ease of Use
Interface Layout: The interface is polished looking and neatly laid out.
Intuitive Labels: Navigation and action items are labeled intuitively, so that a userdoesnt have to understand language
specific to the system in order toeffectively use it.
Easily Taking Action: On the core interface pages, the user can easily find the actions he or she is most likely to take.
Optimization for Experts: An expert user will need more steps and clicks to take action than in some other systems.
The reviews are much easier to understand when the vast amount of information gathered is considered through the
lens of typical grantmaker needs. In order to more easily compare strengths and weakness across packages, we created
a rating system based on the common needs expressed in interviews and the features on which packages typically
differed. While every organization will need to decide on the criteria that is important for their own needs, and thus
may rate criteria quite differently than we did, this rating system can provide a starting point for comparison.
Internal Tracking
None / Not Acceptable Basic Solid Advanced
Does not meet the Can track a project Meets Basic criteria, plus: Meets Solid criteria, plus:
criteria for Basic. name, request
amount, and organi- Lets you attach documents Lets you easily attach
zation. to a grant record, possibly external documents to
by logging into the system a grant record, without
Can track the as an applicant to do so. logging into a separate
program with which a interface as a grantee.
grant is associated. Can track by program cycle
or board meeting date, and Lets you define custom
All information for by categories such as geo- categorization codes for
each grant project graphic or population-based tracking and reporting.
is linked together codes.
through its entire Lets you easily update
lifecycle. Lets you search grants and basic grant information
applications by a number like project names or codes
You can easily retrieve of criteria, including orga- throughout the process.
grant information and nizations legal name, EIN,
status. Lets you easily enter ap-
application ID, program, plications received in paper
and grant cycle. into the system without
Lets you easily update logging into a separate
basic grant information interface as an applicant.
like project names or codes Lets you perform batch
throughout the process. updates of defined coding
OR, applications that are and other fields.
received in paper can be
easily entered into the The system stores attached
system without logging documents in the database
into a separate interface as a as objects rather than links.
grantee. OR, the system uploads
attached documents to the
Lets you easily view related server and stores a link to
records and data across that uploaded file in the
records. database.
Can track by percentage
or dollar allocation across
Does not meet the Vendor can be Meets Basic criteria, plus: Meets Solid criteria, plus:
criteria for Basic. reached for questions.
Vendor provides training, Vendor provides unlimited
Vendor provides potentially at additional phone and email support
either online or cost. within a yearly fee or
printed help manuals. maintenance package.
Vendor provides phone
support. Vendor provides initial
training in person or via
the internet at no addi-
tional cost, and additional
training sessions can be
2. About how long have you had the system you currently use?
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding support for the
system you use?
Stronglydisagree Disagree Agree Stronglyagree contactedthis Idon'trecall
It'sgenerallyeasytoreach j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Ingeneral,thepeopleI've j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Ingeneral,myquestionsor j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Ingeneral,myquestionsor j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Thevendorprovidesuseful j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Thevendorisconsistently j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Igenerallyhearfromthe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Ingeneral,itiscleartome j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Ingeneral,updatestothe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
5. Does your vendor offer multiple tiers of support (Basic, Premium, etc.)?
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements regrading the implementation of
the system you use?
Stronglydisagree Disagree Agree Stronglyagree Idon'trecall inimplementing
Theimplementationofthe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Theimplementationofthe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Therepresentativesofthe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Thesystemdeliversonthe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Smallissuesfrom j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Largerissuesfrom j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the trainingofferedby
Stronglydisagree Disagree Agree Stronglyagree Idon'trecall intrainingonthe
Thetrainingofferedbythe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Thetrainingofferedbythe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Thetrainingofferedbythe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Thetrainingofferedbythe j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Ingeneral,thequalityof j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
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Idealware, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, provides thoroughly researched, impartial, and accessible resources about software
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