Brazilian Bikini Wax Protocol

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Brazilian Bikini Wax Protocol

1 White sheet
1 large piece Examination paper
1 Medium white towel
1 Wax warmer
1 container Hard wax
1 Clipboard
1 Pen
1 Client Profile
1 Body Treatment Record
1 Tray
1 bottle Hand sanitizer
1 pair Disposable gloves
6-10 Wooden tongue depressors
1 Tweezers
1 Scissors
2 pieces Soft gauze
1 tbs. Powder
1 tbs. Witch Hazel
1 tbs. Post-depilatory product
1 Magnifying lamp
1 Cleansing Wipe


Treatment Bed Setup

1. Begin warming wax by placing Hard wax in the warmer
2. Cover the treatment bed with a white sheet
3. Cover the white sheet with examination paper for the waxing service
4. Place a folded towel on the bed for client draping
5. Place disposable underwear on the treatment bed for the client
6. Turn on the magnifying lamp and place it above the work area
7. Collect all of the required supplies for the waxing service and place them on the tray (refer to ‘Required
Supplies’ list)

Brazilian Bikini Wax

Wooden tongue depressors are single use items. They cannot be dipped back into the wax warmer after use.

Client Consultation 5 mins.

Client Profile Refer to Effective Client Communication Protocol
Body Treatment Record Refer to Contraindications Chart
Clipboard Refer to Pre- and Post-Care Instructions

Brazilian Bikini Wax Protocol

Client Preparation 1 min.

Treatment bed set up Refer to Effective Client Communication Protocol
Hand sanitizer Sanitize hands and put on disposable gloves in front of client.
Disposable gloves *Client will use cleansing wipe while changing to prepare the treatment area for
Cleansing wipe waxing.
Skin Analysis 2 mins.
Client Profile Examine the client’s treatment area and assess skin health
Body Treatment Record Determine the direction of hair growth and current length of hair (see Figure 1)
Clipboard Refer to Effective Client Communication Protocol
Magnifying lamp
Test Wax Temperature 1 min.
Wooden tongue depressor Smooth a small amount of heated wax onto your inner wrist to ensure
Heated hard wax temperature is sufficient for service and client’s safety
Remove with a wax strip
Pre-Depilatory 1 min.
Scissors Trim any long hairs to ½ inch
Pre-depilatory product Cleanse the treatment area with the pre-depilatory product
Soft gauze Apply powder if there is any moisture on treatment area
Client Position 1 min.
Treatment bed The treatment bed must be flat
Assist the client to lie down on treatment bed
Assist the client into a triangle-shaped pose (see Figure 2): Leave one leg
straight and bring the sole of their other foot to their knee (straight leg) and turn
out their hip
Brazilian Bikini Wax 10-20 mins.
Hard wax 1. Ask the client to place their hands on their lower abdomen to help keep
Wooden tongue depressors the skin taut
Tweezers 2. Start on the section above the femoral ridge; wax on the outside edges
working inwards
3. With the wooden tongue depressor, apply wax on a 45°angle against
the direction of hair growth then with the direction of hair growth (e.g.,
like frosting a cake)
4. The wax must be thicker at the edge for removal
5. Throw used wooden tongue depressor in the garbage
6. Wait for the wax to harden
7. Place hand firmly at thick edge of the hard wax strip to keep skin taut
8. Lift a corner of the hard wax strip for removal
9. Quickly pull the wax strip in the opposite direction of hair growth; keep
your hand close to the surface of the skin (you can bruise the area if you
pull the wax strip up and away from the skin)
10. Apply firm pressure over area waxed to alleviate discomfort

Brazilian Bikini Wax Protocol

11. Once all sections of hair above the femoral ridge have been removed,
wax the hair on one side of the labia
12. Wax one side of the buttocks
The client might need to bring their foot a little higher or raise their knee
up to their chest to finish this last section
13. Repeat steps 2-13 on the opposite side
14. Hold the skin taut and tweeze hairs still present in the treatment area by
pulling hair with the direction of hair growth
15. Remove any access waxy residue with a wax strip
Post-Depilatory 1 min.
Post-depilatory product Calm and protect the treatment area with the post-depilatory product
Apply product gently over the entire treatment area and inspect for hair and
residual wax
Recommend appropriate Post-Care Instructions to client.
Following the service, clean and disinfect treatment area, and discard all disposable items and empty the garbage

Figure 1. Direction of hair growth Figure 2. Client position for Brazilian Bikini Wax

Brazilian Bikini Wax Protocol

Hill, P. and Bickmore, H. R. (2008). Advanced hair removal. Toronto: Thomson Delmar Learning.

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