OSY (Final) Microproject

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Sr. No.
Contents Page No.

Annexure I– Micro Project Proposal 1-4

1.Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 2

2. Course Outcome Addressed 2

3.Proposed Methodology 2

4. Action Plan 3

5. Resources Required 3

6. Name with Roll no 4

Annexure II – Micro Project Report 5-24

1.Rationale 5

2.Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 5

3.Course Outcome Achieve 5

4. Literature Review 6

5.Actual Methodology Followed 06-23

6.Actual Resources Used 24

7. Skill developed / Learning out of this Micro-

8. Applications of this Micro-Project 24

Annexure I

Micro Project Proposal


1. Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

1. Understanding all Commands of Linux in operating system.

2. To study about what is Linux Commands actually means in operating system.
3. To understand how This scheme permits the physical address space of a process to be non – contiguous.

2. Course Outcome Addressed:

1. Install operating system and configure it.

2. Execute process commands for performing process management operations.
3. Use OS tools to perform various functions.
4. Apply scheduling algorithms to calculate turnaround time and average waiting time.
5. Calculate efficiency of different memory management techniques.

3. Proposed Methodology:

Linux is an operating system just like Windows and Unix. Meanwhile, Linux is an open-source project
which keeps it different from other operating systems. There is a misconception in the developer community
thinking that Linux is the tough part to handle that a normal person can’t use it. In reality, Linux is freedom
of joy once you are familiar with it. This made Linux a comfortable place to live. Simultaneously making a
Linux project is also made easy. At the same time, there are a lot of opensource projects which are in need of
improving their applications and you have to provide your contribution in order to enhance career
opportunities and skills in particular fields.

4. Action Plan:

Sr. Details of Activity Planned Planned Finish Name of Responsible

No. Start date date Team Members

1 Search the topic 24-08-2022 07-09-2022

2 Search the information 07-09-2022 14-09-2022

3 Find the meaning of 21-09-2022 28-09-2022


4 Find the different types of 12-10-2022 02-11-2022 Yashodeep Laxman

pollution Chavan

5 Disadvantages and 09-11-2022 11-11-2022

precaution of pollution

6 Collecting the different 16-11-2022 23-11-2022

images of pollution

7 Making Index and 30-11-2022 30-11-2022

Certificate of project

8 Finalizing Project with its 07-11-2022 14-12-2022


5. Resources Required:

No. Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks

1 Computer WINDOWS 11,8GB RAM, 1

2 Operating System WINDOWS 11 1

3 Browser Chrome 1

6. Name with Roll No.:

No. Enrollment No. Name of Team Member Roll No.

1 2010950114 Yashodeep Laxman Chavan 34

Mr. Chavan A.Y.

Name and Signature of the Teacher

Annexure – II

Micro-Project Report


1. Rationale:

An Operating System is basically a system program that controls the execution of application programs and acts
as an interface between applications and the computer hardware. It manages the computer system resources to
be used in an efficient manner. This course enables to learn internal functioning of operating system and will
help in identifying appropriate Operating System for given applications/task. This course is also a prerequisite
for the group of courses included in 'Cloud Infrastructure Maintenance' Elective group.

2. Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

1. Understanding all commands of Linux in operating system.

2. To study about what is Linux Commands actually means in operating system.
3. To understand how This scheme permits the physical address space of a process to be non –

3. Course Outcomes Achieved:

1. Installing operating system and configure system.

2. Use OS tools to perform various functions.
3. Execute process commands for performing process management operations.
4. Apply scheduling algorithms to calculate turnaround time and average waiting time.
5. Calculate efficiency of different memory management techniques.

4. Literature Review:

Linux is an operating system just like Windows and Unix. Meanwhile, Linux is an open-source project which
keeps it different from other operating systems. There is a misconception in the developer community thinking
that Linux is the tough part to handle that a normal person can’t use it. In reality, Linux is freedom of joy once
you are familiar with it. This made Linux a comfortable place to live. Simultaneously making a Linux project is
also made easy. At the same time, there are a lot of opensource projects which are in need of improving their
applications and you have to provide your contribution in order to enhance career opportunities and skills in
particular fields.

5. Actual Methodologies Followed:


1.date (command)

is used to display the system date and time. date command is also used to set date and time of the
system. By default the date command displays the date in the time zone on which Unix/linux
operating system is configured. You must be the super-user (root) to change the date and time.

SYNTAX: - $date

2.cal (command)

This command is used to display Calendar for current month or any particular Month.

SYNTAX: - $Cal

3.clear (Command)

clear is a standard Unix computer operating system command that is used to clear the terminal screen. This
command first looks for a terminal type in the environment and after that, it figures out the terminfo database
for how to clear the screen. And this command will ignore any command-line parameters that may be present.
Also, the clear command doesn’t take any argument and it is almost similar to cls command on a number of
other Operating Systems.

SYNTAX: -$clear

3.banner (Command)

banner command in linux is used to print the ASCII character string in large letter to standard

SYNTAX: - $banner osy

4.who (command)

As a system administrator, we need to ensure who is on the system on a particular time. We must keep on eye
to our servers. But of course, we can’t do that for 24 hours a day. On Linux system, we can use who command
to see who is on the system

SYNTAX: - $who

5.who am I (Command)

The whoami command allows Linux users to see the currently logged-in user. The output displays the
username of the effective user in the current shell. Additionally, whoami is useful in bash scripting to show
who is running the script.

SYNTAX: - $whoami

6. sudo command

Short for superuser do, sudo is one of the most popular basic Linux commands that lets you perform tasks that

require administrative or root permissions.

When using sudo, the system will prompt users to authenticate themselves with a password. Then, the Linux

system will log a timestamp as a tracker. By default, every root user can run sudo commands for 15


If you try to run sudo in the command line without authenticating yourself, the system will log the activity as a

security event.

Here’s the general syntax:

sudo (command)

You can also add an option, such as:

• -k or –reset-timestamp invalidates the timestamp file.

• -g or –group=group runs commands as a specified group name or ID.

• -h or –host=host runs commands on the host.

7. pwd command

Use the pwd command to find the path of your current working directory. Simply entering pwd will return the

full current path – a path of all the directories that starts with a forward slash (/). For

example, /home/username.

The pwd command uses the following syntax:

pwd [option]

It has two acceptable options:

• -L or –logical prints environment variable content, including symbolic links.

• -P or –physical prints the actual path of the current directory.

8.ps (Command)

As we all know Linux is a multitasking and multi-user systems. So, it allows multiple processes to operate
simultaneously without interfering with each other. Process is one of the important fundamental concept of the
Linux OS. A process is an executing instance of a program and carry out different tasks within the operating

Linux provides us a utility called ps for viewing information related with the processes on a system which
stands as abbreviation for “Process Status”. ps command is used to list the currently running processes and
their PIDs along with some other information depends on different options. It reads the process information
from the virtual files in /proc file-system. /proc contains virtual files, this is the reason it’s referred as a virtual
file system.

ps provides numerous options for manipulating the output according to our need.


9.sleep (Command)

Sleep command is used to delay for a fixed amount of time during the execution of any script. When the coder
needs to pause the execution of any command for the particular purpose then this command is used with the
particular time value. You can set the delay amount by seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h) and days (d). This
tutorial will help you to learn the use of sleep command by using different bash scripts.

Sleep command syntax:

sleep number[suffix]

10.exit (Command)

Linux exit command is used to exit from the current shell. It takes a parameter as a number and exits the shell
with a return of status number. If we did not provide any parameter, it would return the status of the last
executed command. The exit command closes a script and exits the shell.

If we have more than one shell tab, the exit command will close the tab where it is executed. This is a built-in
command, and we cannot find a dedicated manual page for this.

SYNTAX: -$exit

11. cd command

To navigate through the Linux files and directories, use the cd command. Depending on your current working
directory, it requires either the full path or the directory name.

Running this command without an option will take you to the home folder. Keep in mind that only users

with sudo privileges can execute it.

Let’s say you’re in /home/username/Documents and want to go to Photos, a subdirectory of Documents. To

do so, enter the following command:

cd Photos.

If you want to switch to a completely new directory, for example, /home/username/Movies, you have to

enter cd followed by the directory’s absolute path:

cd /home/username/Movies

Here are some shortcuts to help you navigate:

• cd ~[username] goes to another user’s home directory.

• cd .. moves one directory up.

• cd- moves to your previous directory.

12. ls command

The ls command lists files and directories within a system. Running it without a flag or parameter will show the

current working directory’s content.

To see other directories’ content, type ls followed by the desired path. For example, to view files in

the Documents folder, enter:

ls /home/username/Documents
Here are some options you can use with the ls command:

• ls -R lists all the files in the subdirectories.

• ls -a shows hidden files in addition to the visible ones.

• ls -lh shows the file sizes in easily readable formats, such as MB, GB, and TB.

13. cat command

Concatenate, or cat, is one of the most frequently used Linux commands. It lists, combines, and writes file

content to the standard output. To run the cat command, type cat followed by the file name and its extension.

For instance:

cat filename.txt.

Here are other ways to use the cat command:

• cat > filename.txt creates a new file.

• cat filename1.txt filename2.txt > filename3.txt merges filename1.txt and filename2.txt and stores the

output in filename3.txt.

• cat filename.txt displays content in reverse order.

14. cp command

Use the cp command to copy files or directories and their content. Take a look at the following use cases.

To copy one file from the current directory to another, enter cp followed by the file name and the destination

directory. For example:

cp filename.txt /home/username/Documents

To copy files to a directory, enter the file names followed by the destination directory:

cp filename1.txt filename2.txt filename3.txt /home/username/Documents

To copy the content of a file to a new file in the same directory, enter cp followed by the source file and the

destination file:

cp filename1.txt filename2.txt

To copy an entire directory, pass the -R flag before typing the source directory, followed by the destination


cp -R /home/username/Documents /home/username/Documents_backup

15. mv command

The primary use of the mv command is to move and rename files and directories. Additionally, it doesn’t

produce an output upon execution.

Simply type mv followed by the filename and the destination directory. For example, you want to

move filename.txt to the /home/username/Documents directory:

mv filename.txt /home/username/Documents.

You can also use the mv command to rename a file:

mv old_filename.txt new_filename.txt

16. mkdir command

Use the mkdir command to create one or multiple directories at once and set permissions for each of them. The

user executing this command must have the privilege to make a new folder in the parent directory, or they may

receive a permission denied error.

Here’s the basic syntax:

mkdir [option] directory_name

For example, you want to create a directory called Music:

mkdir Music

To make a new directory called Songs inside Music, use this command:
mkdir Music/Songs

The mkdir command accepts many options, such as:

• -p or –parents create a directory between two existing folders. For example, mkdir -p

Music/2020/Songs will make the new “2020” directory.

• -m sets the file permissions. For instance, to create a directory with full read, write, and execute

permissions for all users, enter mkdir -m777 directory_name.

• -v prints a message for each created directory.

17. rmdir command

To permanently delete an empty directory, use the rmdir command. Remember that the user running this

command should have sudo privileges in the parent directory.

For example, you want to remove an empty subdirectory named personal1 and its main folder mvdir:

rmdir -p mvdir/personal1.

18. rm command

The rm command is used to delete files within a directory. Make sure that the user performing this command

has write permissions.

Remember the directory’s location as this will remove the file(s) and you can’t undo it.

Here’s the general syntax:

rm filename

To remove multiple files, enter the following command:

rm filename1 filename2 filename3

Here are some acceptable options you can add:

• -i prompts system confirmation before deleting a file.

• -f allows the system to remove without a confirmation.

• -r deletes files and directories recursively.

19. touch command

The touch command allows you to create an empty file or generate and modify a timestamp in the Linux

command line.

For example, enter the following command to create an HTML file named Web in the Documents directory:
touch /home/username/Documents/Web.html

20. head command
The head command allows you to view the first ten lines of a text. Adding an option lets you change the

number of lines shown. The head command is also used to output piped data to the CLI.

Here’s the general syntax:

head [option] [file]

For instance, you want to view the first ten lines of note.txt, located in the current directory:

head note.txt

Below are some options you can add:

• -n or –lines prints the first customized number of lines. For example, enter head -n 5 filename.txt to

show the first five lines of filename.txt.

• -c or –bytes prints the first customized number of bytes of each file.

• -q or –quiet will not print headers specifying the file name.

21. tail command

The tail command displays the last ten lines of a file. It allows users to check whether a file has new data or to

read error messages.

Here’s the general format:

tail [option] [file]

For example, you want to show the last ten lines of the colors.txt file:

tail -n colors.txt

22. diff command

Short for difference, the diff command compares two contents of a file line by line. After analyzing them, it

will display the parts that do not match.

Programmers often use the diff command to alter a program instead of rewriting the entire source code.

Here’s the general format:

diff [option] file1 file2

For example, you want to compare two text files – note.txt and note_update.txt:

diff note.txt note_update.txt

Here are some acceptable options to add:

• -c displays the difference between two files in a context form.

• -u displays the output without redundant information.

• -i makes the diff command case insensitive.

23. tar command

The tar command archives multiple files into a TAR file – a common Linux format similar to ZIP, with

optional compression.

Here’s the basic syntax:

tar [options] [archive_file] [file or directory to be archived]

For instance, you want to create a new TAR archive named newarchive.tar in

the /home/user/Documents directory:

tar -cvf newarchive.tar /home/user/Documents

The tar command accepts many options, such as:

• -x extracts a file.

• -t lists the content of a file.

• -u archives and adds to an existing archive file.

Check out the more practical examples to know more about the other functions.

24. chmod command

chmod is a common command that modifies a file or directory’s read, write, and execute permissions. In Linux,

each file is associated with three user classes – owner, group member, and others.

Here’s the basic syntax:

chmod [option] [permission] [file_name]

For example, the owner is currently the only one with full permissions to change note.txt. To allow group

members and others to read, write, and execute the file, change it to the -rwxrwxrwx permission type, whose

numeric value is 777:

chmod 777 note.txt

This command supports many options, including:

• -c or –changes displays information when a change is made.

• -f or –silent suppresses the error messages.

• -v or –verbose displays a diagnostic for each processed file.

25. chown command

The chown command lets you change the ownership of a file, directory, or symbolic link to a specified


Here’s the basic format:

chown [option] owner[:group] file(s)

For example, you want to make linuxuser2 the owner of filename.txt:

chown linuxuser2 filename.txt

26. jobs command

A job is a process that the shell starts. The jobs command will display all the running processes along with their
statuses. Remember that this command is only available in csh, bash, tcsh, and ksh shells.

This is the basic syntax:

jobs [options] jobID

To check the status of jobs in the current shell, simply enter jobs to the CLI.

Here are some options you can use:

• -l lists process IDs along with their information.

• -n lists jobs whose statuses have changed since the last notification.

• -p lists process IDs only.

27. kill command

Use the kill command to terminate an unresponsive program manually. It will signal misbehaving applications

and instruct them to close their processes.

To kill a program, you must know its process identification number (PID). If you don’t know the PID, run the

following command:

ps ux

After knowing what signal to use and the program’s PID, enter the following syntax:

kill [signal_option] pid

There are 64 signals that you can use, but these two are among the most commonly used:

• SIGTERM requests a program to stop running and gives it some time to save all of its progress. The

system will use this by default if you don’t specify the signal when entering the kill command.

• SIGKILL forces programs to stop, and you will lose unsaved progress.

For example, the program’s PID is 63773, and you want to force it to stop:

kill SIGKILL 63773

28. ping command

The ping command is one of the most used basic Linux commands for checking whether a network or a server
is reachable. In addition, it is used to troubleshoot various connectivity issues.

Here’s the general format:

ping [option] [hostname_or_IP_address]

For example, you want to know whether you can connect to Google and measure its response time:

ping google.com

29. wget command

The Linux command line lets you download files from the internet using the wget command. It works in the

background without hindering other running processes.

The wget command retrieves files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols. It can perform recursive

downloads, which transfer website parts by following directory structures and links, creating local versions of

the web pages.

To use it, enter the following command:

wget [option] [url]

For example, enter the following command to download the latest version of WordPress:

wget https://wordpress.org/latest.zip

30. uname command

The uname or Unix name command will print detailed information about your Linux system and hardware.

This includes the machine name, operating system, and kernel. To run this command, simply enter uname into

your CLI.

Here’s the basic syntax:

uname [option]

These are the acceptable options to use:

• -a prints all the system information.

• -s prints the kernel name.

• -n prints the system’s node hostname.

6. Actual Resources Used:

Specification Quantity Remarks

Sr. No. Name of resource / material

1 Computer WINDOWS 11,8GB RAM, 1

2 Operating System WINDOWS 11 1

3 Browser Chrome 1

7. Skill developed / Learning out of this Micro-Project:

There are so many things that we learn from this project of

1. We learn the all Commands of Linux in OS.

2. We learn Commands requirements.
3. We discovered new things while researching the project.

8. Applications of this Micro-Project:

1.A Linux command is a program or utility that runs on the command line.

2.A command line is an interface that accepts lines of text and processes them into instructions for your

3.Any graphical user interface (GUI) is just an abstraction of command-line programs.



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