Research Capstone Chapter 1-5 Final - Basirul

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The Benefits of Daily Exercise to Senior High School Students of a Private School in Zamboanga


A Capstone Research

Presented to:

Ms. Geraldine S. Calopez and Ms Tiffany DS Roldan

Research Instructors

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Senior Capstone Research Project

Semester 2, 2021-2022


Basirul, Aleezah Xyrille A.

May, 2022
Reflection Paper

I chose this research topic because I want to fully understand why exercising really is important

and how it will benefit our body in the long run, so that’s when I came up with this topic. This is my first

time working alone as a researcher so It’s really hard and new to me, but I accepted it as a challenge. At

first it was easy until I reached Chapter 4 and 5. These 2 chapters really challenged me a lot and I spent

too much time making them. I considered it as my biggest problem that I encountered. Research and

other school work really put the pressure on me, but however I managed to overcome it by doing the

research first because for me it was the hardest and Important for me. Working with people is really

difficult because as we know the research is individual, so It’s hard to approach them one by one. I may

have experienced mental breakdowns along the way but still at the end it was worth it.





Background of the Study……………………………………………….………...............4-6

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………..…………………6


Statement of Assumption…………………………………………………………………7-9

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………….…………...............9-10

Significant of the study……………..…………………………………………………….10-11

Definition of terms…………..……………………………………………….…………...11-12


Related Literature…………………………………………………….…….........................13-17

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………..………………..18-22

Conceptual Framework………………………………………….………………………...23


Research Design…………………………………………………………...………………24

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………………….24-25

Sampling Procedure………………………………………………………...……………...25

Research Locale…..………………………………………………………………………...25

Data Collection Procedures………………………………………………………………..25

Statistical Treatment……………………………………………………………………….26

Table 1.1…………………………………………………………………………………...27

Table 1.2…………………………………………………………………………………...28

Table 2.1……………………………………………………………………………….......28-29

Table 2.2…………………………………………………………………………………...29-30

Table 3.1…………………………………………………………………………………....30

Table 3.2……………………………………………………………………………………31







Appendix A- Instrument………………….…………………………………………………37-38

Appendix B- Raw Data……………………………………………………………………...39-40

Appendix C- Biodata………………..………………………………………………………41

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge myself from all the efforts and sacrifices in

doing this research successfully. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my research teachers,

Miss Geraldine Calopez and Miss Tiffany Roldan for giving me the opportunity to do this research study

and guiding me to make a very good study. They taught me the research and to present the research

works as clearly as possible. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under their guidance. I

would like to thank them for their empathy and service. I would also like to thank Mr. Al-Raiser Birung

and Ms. Alyzza Hassiman who stood as my research adviser and helped throughout this research study. I

am also grateful for my friends who supported me mentally and physically in this study. Again, thank

you so much!

- Aleezah Xyrille A. Basirul


This study is dedicated to people who want to know more about exercise and to my friends who

gave me inspiration and motivation towards achieving the success of this study. I dedicate this study also

to my research advisers and to my beloved school. Lastly I dedicated this study to myself who worked

hard in this research. All of these, I offer it to you all.

- Aleezah Xyrille A. Basirul


Since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak it has affected various aspects of lifestyle, and this includes the

physical activities in our daily lives. Although the pandemic has introduced physical activity and its

benefits to consolidate new types of physical activity habits such as the home-based exercise, it is still

not enough to meet the standard guidelines of physical activity (H.Amini, S.Habibi, A.H. Islamoglu, et

al.,2021). Due to the inactivity of people the researchers found that subjects whose fitness levels

decreased over that time period had a 72% increased risk in developing high blood pressure compared to

subjects who increased their cardio-respiratory fitness. The findings in benefits of daily exercise

experienced by the students. The table shows that the common benefits experienced by the students

include Productivity, Energetic, and Motivated. The table shows that Productivity is the most common

benefit students experienced with 0.45% of the respondents right after exercising. Followed by Energetic

(0.38%) and Motivated with 0.21% experienced by the students. And it shows that the common

exercises that students carry out on a regular basis. The common exercises used by the students include

Walking, Push ups, Biking, and Jogging. The table shows that Walking is the most common exercise

students use with 0.45% of the respondents doing everyday. Followed by Push ups (0.21%), Biking

(0.07%), and last but not the least, Jogging with 0.07% of the respondents doing it.


Background of the Study

Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness are the following terms that describe different

concepts. However, they are often confused with one another, and the terms are sometimes used

interchangeably. Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that

results in energy expenditure. When in daily life physical activity can be categorized into occupational,

sports, conditioning, household, or other activities. Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is

planned, structured, and repetitive and has as a final or an intermediate objective the improvement or

maintenance of physical fitness. While physical fitness is a set of attributes that are either health- or

skill-related. The degree to which people have these attributes can be measured with specific tests.

Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and manage noncommunicable diseases such as heart

disease, stroke, diabetes and several cancers. It also helps prevent hypertension, maintain healthy body

weight and can improve mental health, quality of life and well-being.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak it has affected various aspects of lifestyle, and this

includes the physical activities in our daily lives. Although the pandemic has introduced physical

activity and its benefits to consolidate new types of physical activity habits such as the home-based

exercise, it is still not enough to meet the standard guidelines of physical activity (H.Amini, S.Habibi,

A.H. Islamoglu, et al.,2021). Due to the inactivity of people the researchers found that subjects whose

fitness levels decreased over that time period had a 72% increased risk in developing high blood

pressure compared to subjects who increased their cardio-respiratory fitness. Even when you have none

of the classic risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity,

inactivity can still lead to heart disease, a condition that affects up to 6 million Americans. Johns
Hopkins Medicine researchers analyzed reported exercise levels in more than 11,000 people

participating in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study and found that going without physical

activity in middle age for six years was linked with an increased risk for heart failure. The 2,530

participants who reported decreased physical activity increased their heart failure risk by 18% even

though they had no history of cardiovascular disease at the start of the study, the report in Circulation

showed (Jeff Csatari, 2020).

In addition, while compulsion to stay at home for a long period of time poses a challenge to the

continuity of physical fitness, the experience of hampered physical activities, restricted social

communication, uncertainty, and helplessness leads to the emergence of psychological and physical

health issues have found that psychological problems are occurring in adults while adjusting to the

current lifestyle in accordance with the fear of contracting the COVID-19 disease. However, effective

coping strategies, psychological resources, and regular physical exercise can be helpful in dealing with

such health-related problems during the COVID-19. Moreover, physical activities and exercises can

reduce stress and anxiety, boost happy chemicals, improve self-confidence, increase brain power,

sharpen the memory and increase our muscles and bones strength. Now that the percentage of teenagers

suffering from stress, anxiety and depression keep on rising since the start of the pandemic, having a

daily exercise might help them cope up with what is happening to their body.

The increase of people's physical inactivity has a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to

people who are sufficiently active. Thus, the researcher seeks to examine the benefits of daily exercise to

senior high school students.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on “The Benefits of Daily Exercise to Senior High School Students of a

Private School in Zamboanga City”.

Specifically, this study seeks to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the kinds of benefits for doing daily exercise?

2. What kind of exercises do senior high school students carry out on a daily basis?


Based on the research questions plotted, the following hypothesis are formulated:

1. There are several kinds of benefits for implementing daily exercise such as it reduces risk of heart

diseases, improves mental health and mood, helps keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills

sharp as you age.

2. The senior high school students stick with the basic exercises such as the lunges, squats, pushups,

planking, and crunches.

Scope and Delimitation

This study dealt only with the benefits of daily exercise to senior high school students. It

only focused on Grade 12 Senior High School Students of a Private School in Zamboanga City

through the usage of survey questionnaires provided. The survey questionnaires were given to 50
individuals wherein half of the respondents are female students and the other half male students.

The online surveys and checklist from Google Docs will be given through the social media

application, Messenger.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit the following:

Future Researchers

This study will help the future researchers gain additional knowledge for their research paper.

They will also gain a better understanding of the objective of the topic. In addition, it will give them a

confirmation to the findings that they analyze.


This study will benefit the readers whether they may be young, old, or individuals who love to

exercise, lose weight and maintain their weight as it will help them gain knowledge and better

understanding on the topic. This will raise their awareness which may also help and motivate them to do

daily exercise with the knowledge on the different benefits of daily exercise.


This study will help the students who want to lose weight be informed on how it may

benefit their well-being when they will start and plan a daily exercise. It will keep them aware of
the possible outcome to their well-being due to being inactive. It will enable students to be more

curious and gain more knowledge, information, and findings.

Definition of Terms

Benefits - an advantage or profit gained from something.

Daily - done, produced, or occurring every day or every weekday.

Exercise - improve overall health, maintaining fitness, and helping to prevent the

development of obesity , hypertension , and cardiovascular disease.



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies. It includes the related

literature and related studies, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, operational

definition of variables and terms, and the statement of hypothesis.

Related Literature

1. Benefits, need and importance of daily exercise

Exercise is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose

of conditioning any part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain fitness and is

important as a means of physical rehabilitation. Also we can define exercise as any bodily movement

performed in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health. The benefits of regular

physical activity are wide-reaching and should form a part of every person’s day to help them remain

healthy. Regular exercise makes the heart stronger and the lungs fitter, enabling the cardiovascular

system to deliver more oxygen to the body with every heartbeat and the pulmonary system to increase

the maximum amount of oxygen that the lungs can take in. Exercise has also been shown to have the

following benefits: Lowers blood pressure, Somewhat decreases the levels of total and low-density

lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), Increases the level of high-density lipoprotein

(HDL) cholesterol (the good cholesterol). These beneficial effects in turn decrease the risk of heart

attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease. In addition, colon cancer and some forms of diabetes are less

likely to occur in people who exercise regularly. In short, regular exercise is one of the best things that
people can do to help prevent illness, maintain healthy body weight, preserve health and longevity, and

enhance quality of life..

2. Exercise for Mental Health

Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving

self-esteem and cognitive function. It has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low

self-esteem and social withdrawal. People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an

enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have

sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. Exercise can

improve the sense of control, coping ability and self-esteem. People who exercise regularly often report

how good achieving a goal makes them feel. Exercise can distract you from negative thoughts and

provide opportunities to try new experiences. It offers an opportunity to socialize and get social support

if you exercise with others.

3. Physical activity and daily exercise-related social distance policy during covid-19

pandemic: A systematic literature review

Physical activity plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving health in general. Although a direct

effect on preventing COVID-19 has not been found, exercise and diet can prevent people from getting

sick. Obesity is a risk factor for hospitalization complications (Stefan et al., 2020). Physical activity can

increase immune function, for example, mobilizing lymphocytes and releasing cytokines (Simpson &

Katsanis, 2020). Apart from this mechanism, people who have a lot of activities are not susceptible to

infection. While compulsion to stay at home for a long period of time poses a challenge to the continuity

of physical fitness, the experience of hampered physical activities, restricted social communication,

uncertainty, and helplessness leads to the emergence of psychological and physical health issues have

found that psychological problems are occurring in adults while adjusting to the current lifestyle in
accordance with the fear of contracting the COVID-19 disease. However, effective coping strategies,

psychological resources, and regular physical exercise can be helpful in dealing with such health-related

problems during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the following theories and studies:

1. A Naturalistic Assessment of the Relationship between Personality, Daily Life Events,

Leisure-Time Exercise, and Mood

The increased levels of exercise would result in significant increases in positive mood states and

reductions in negative mood. Even when positive and negative daily life events were controlled,

significant associations between exercise and positive mood were observed. There is a significant

reduction in negative mood when participants exercised more. According to (P. R. Giacobbi et al.,2005)

a Psychology of Sport and Exercise, stated that it is the end-of-day assessments of mood that reflect the

average mood or affect experienced over the course of the day. Similar to the approach taken by (David

et al.,1997) they also considered end-of-day assessments of mood to be an overall evaluative judgment

of one’s affective experiences or the average mood one has experienced on any given day.

2. Affected-Reflective theory of Physical Inactive and Exercise

Ralf Bran and Boris Cheval (2019) stated that lack of physical activity and exercise are major

societal to health problems. Many empirical studies show that people who are sufficiently physically

active differ in these variables from those who are less active.
3. A New Theory of Fitness: Activity Matters, No Matter How Small

It has been fairly well documented that strenuous exercise is not the only way to get in shape,

even doing low-level physical activities is good for our health even if the benefits of it may occur along

a long spectrum (Hans Villarica, 2011)

Conceptual Framework

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

The conceptual framework above, figure 1, shows the interplay of variables. The researcher

wanted to know the benefits of daily exercise in particular, on the senior high school students of private

school in Zamboanga City. The study will determine if there is a significant relationship between the
gender of the senior high school students and the significant difference on the types of exercises the

senior high school students do per day.

Statement of Hypothesis

Based on several studies which were presented in the Background of the Study, the researchers

have come up with a few assumptions that relate to their focus in the study and the following hypotheses

were formulated to answer the questions in the Statement of the Problem:

1. There are several kinds of benefits for implementing daily exercise such as it reduces risk of

heart diseases, improves mental health and mood, helps keep your thinking, learning, and

judgment skills sharp as you age.

2. The senior high school students stick with the basic exercises such as the lunges, squats,

pushups, planking, and crunches.



This chapter discusses research design, research instrument, sampling procedure, research locale,

and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

This study is a qualitative type of research intended to gather better understanding on

determining the benefits of daily exercises to the senior high school students of a private school in

Zamboanga City.

Research Instrument

For this study, the instrument used in gathering the data is Questionnaire Checklist which is

composed of a series of questions that highlight potentially relevant issues. The respondents of the study

are the Grade 12 students of a Private School in Zamboanga City. There are 30 respondents wherein,

they are all Grade 12 students from the Senior High School Department

Sampling Procedure

The sampling method that I used in this study is the Simple Random Sampling, wherein the

individuals are chosen from a larger set. Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance,

such that each individual has the same probability.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted online to avoid face to face contact since we’re still facing

pandemic. The instrument that I will use in gathering the specific data needed is in a form of survey via

google form- an online platform used for survey.

Data Gathering Procedure

Permission letter will be submitted to the principal for approval, once the letter is approved the

researcher distributed the questionnaire to the respondents.

Research Setting

This study will be conducted online to avoid face to face contact since we are still facing

Chapter IV


This chapter presents, analyses and interprets data with the aid of tables and statistical tools to

give meaning to the gathered data. The presentation is sequenced according to the order of the problems

raised in the statement of the problem in chapter 1.

Statement of problem 1: “What are the kinds of benefits for doing daily exercise?”

Table 1: Kinds of benefits for doing daily exercise experienced by the students

Benefits Frequency Percentage Rank

Productive 13 43% 1

Energetic 11 37% 2

Motivated 6 20% 3

Table 1 shows the benefits of daily exercise experienced by the students. The table shows that the

common benefits experienced by the students include Productivity, Energetic, and Motivated. The table

shows that Productivity is the most common benefit students experienced with 0.45% of the respondents

right after exercising. Followed by Energetic (0.38%) and Motivated with 0.21% experienced by the

Statement of the problem 2: “What kind of exercises do senior high school students carry out on a

daily basis?”

Table 2: Kinds of daily exercise carry out by the students

Exercises Frequency Percentage Rank

Walking 13 43% 1

Push ups 6 21% 2

Biking 2 7% 3.5

Jogging 2 7% 3.5

The table 2 shows the common exercises that students carry out on a regular basis. The common

exercises used by the students include Walking, Push ups, Biking, and Jogging. The table shows that

Walking is the most common exercise students use with 0.45% of the respondents doing everyday.

Followed by Push ups (0.21%), Biking (0.07%), and last but not the least, Jogging with 0.07% of the

respondents doing it.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations.


This study attempted to determine the benefits of the daily exercise to Senior High School Students of a

Private School in Zamboanga City.

Specifically, this study sought to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the kinds of benefits for doing daily exercise?

2. What kind of exercises do senior high school students carry out on a daily basis?


Through the problem stated, the researcher was able to construct the following hypotheses:

1. There are several kinds of benefits for implementing daily exercise such as it reduces risk of heart

diseases, improves mental health and mood, helps keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills

sharp as you age.

2. The senior high school students stick with the basic exercises such as the walking, jogging, biking and

push ups

Based on the analysis of data using statistical tools, the following were the findings:

1. The common benefits experienced by the students include Productivity, Energetic, and

Motivated. The table shows that Productivity is the most common benefit students experienced

with 0.45% of the respondents right after exercising. Followed by Energetic (0.38%) and

Motivated with 0.21% experienced by the students.

2. The common exercises used by the students include Walking, Push ups, Biking, and Jogging.

The table shows that Walking is the most common exercise students use with 0.45% of the

respondents doing everyday. Followed by Push ups (0.21%), Biking (0.07%), and last but not the

least, Jogging with 0.07% of the respondents doing it.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the following are the recommendations:

1) Senior High School students should have a planned workout, for them to be productive

throughout the day, especially now we are in the rise of e-learning caused by the COVID-19


2) Future researchers can conduct the research within the comparable field utilizing a subjective information

approach and utilize this research as his or her reference. Other than that, this research is anticipated to

empower future researchers to assess, re-examine, reproduce, or alter this inquiry about and type in

advance to investigate for other levels and objectives.


1. Mohammed, A.E. (2016). Benefits, need and importance of daily exercise

2. Adam, F. (2019). What to know about exercises and how to start

3. Brian, D.J. (2021). Benefits of Exercise - Fundamentals

4. Aisha, S. M.D., Vishal, M. M.D., Frederick, D.P M.D., Ph.D. (2006) Exercise for Mental

5. Lawrence, R., Jeanne, S. Ph.D., Melinda, S. M.A., (2021). The Mental Health Benefits of

6. Anugrahsari, S.; Abbas, H.; Suryadi. (2021). Physical activity and daily exercise-related social
distance policy during covid-19 pandemic: A systematic literature review

7. Harleen, K., Tushar, S., Yogesh, K.A., Shalini, M. (2020). Physical Fitness and Exercise During
the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Enquiry

8. Jeff, C. (2020). What Can Happen To Your Body If You Don't Exercise
Appendix A- Approval Letter

A Multiple Intelligence School
Educate – Serve - Inspire

March 5, 2021

Ms. Rosemarie R. Cabandera

Secondary School Principal
Ferndale International School
BG Bldg. Veterans Avenue,
Zamboanga City


Greetings of Peace!

I am Aleezah Xyrille A. Basirul, a Grade 12 STEM A student of Ferndale International School, enrolled in Research
Capstone with our research instructor, Ms. Geraldine S. Calopez. I will be conducting research entitled “The
Benefits of Daily Exercise to Senior High School Students of a Private School in Zamboanga City”.

In connection to this, I am asking for your permission to allow me to conduct the said study in Ferndale
International School that will include the Grade 12 students as the respondents.

Deeply hoping for your kind consideration and approval regarding this matter. Thank you so much and more

Respectfully yours,

Basirul, Aleezah Xyrille A.



Ms. Geraldine S. Calopez Rosemarie R. Cabandera

Research Instructor Secondary School Principal
Appendix B: Instrument

Questionnaire Checklist

Name: sijinniiinnniininininiininininininininininiinin Gender: Female Male

(Last Name, First Name Middle Initial)


Do you exercise regularly? (Walking, Biking, Push ups)



How long do you exercise?

10-15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour

How do you feel right after exercising?

Your answer:

Does exercising make your day more productive? (kindly provide some evidences)*

Your answer:
Do you notice some changes to your body after exercising for a long period of time? ( 2weeks, 1 month)



Do you think that you are much healthier compared to the other people who rarely exercise/move?*


Appendix C : Raw Data

I - Gender that exercise daily

Respondent Total no. of gender that exercise daily

Male 6

Female 7

II - Time consume by the students when exercising

Time Quantity

10-15 minutes 5

30 minutes 5

45 minutes

1 hour 3
Appendix D

Bio Data

Name: Aleezah Xyrille A. Basirul

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 25, 2003

Age: 18


Father: Jelfrey M. Basirul

Occupation: OFW

Mother: Xy-za A. Apasa

Occupation: OFW

Residence: Bluehomes Executive, Brgy Cabatangan, Zamboanga City


Elementary: Isabela Central Elementary Pilot School

Junior High School: Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School

Ferndale International School

Senior High School: Ferndale International School

Dear Students,

Congratulations on being on track for your senior year. Research says that one of the best ways
to ensure that high school graduates are prepared for college/university or the workforce is to make the
senior year more rigorous. Ferndale International School is committed to making sure that we provide
all students with a rigorous and relevant curriculum at the senior high school level that will ensure
students success.

The Senior Capstone Project represents the culmination of senior high school. The Senior
Capstone Project is intended to showcase the student’s strengths, skills and interest in a particular topic
and to demonstrate the student’s ability to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information and
communicate significant knowledge and understanding to a particular audience. The Senior Capstone
Project should apply learning to real life situations and should be an experience above and beyond the
school’s curriculum. Through this opportunity to explore knowledge in an area of specific interest,
students will understand the concept of ‘life-long’ learning.

This guide has been prepared to help you through the five stages of the project I strongly
encourage you to carefully plan your time, avoid procrastination, and submit assignments on time. In
order to pass senior high school and specifically this course, every student must successfully pass all
phases of this Capstone Research Project. This guide is designed to help you understand what is required
in all of the five phases in the project.

Good luck with your project. Right now, you may feel a little overwhelmed and intimidated by
the work that lies ahead, but if you meet your deadlines, dare to take risk in ‘stretching’ your personal
self, and give each assignment your very best you will achieve the goals of this activity and achieve
excellence in your work. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your instructors as well as
other teachers in the school. All of us are committed to help you succeed in this Senior Capstone Project.


Dr. Annie A. Alvarez

Executive-Director, FIS
August, 2017
Senior Capstone Project Timeline
List of Forms/Requirements to be Submitted
School Year 2020-2021

Date Phase 1:The Proposal Points Signature of

Completed Mentor
04/11/2022 Parent Permission/Approval Form (5pts)
04/11/2022 Capstone Mentor/Adviser Consent (5pts)
01/20/2022 Topic Approval (10 pts)

Date Phase II: The Research Paper Points Signature of

Completed Mentor
Topic/Project/Product Change Form (5pts)
03/25/2022 1st Draft of Research Paper (35 pts)
05/18/2022 Final Research Paper (60 pts)

Date Phase II1:The Project Points Signature of

Completed Mentor
03/05/2022 Project Consent Form (5pts)
05/01/2022 Capstone Product Work Log (30pts)
05/01/2022 Final Product (5 pts)
Product Evaluation Form (Mentor) (10pts)

Date Phase 1V:The Presentation Points Signature of

Completed Mentor
03/29/2022 Oral Presentation (60 pts)

Date Phase 1:The Portfolio Points Signature of

Completed Mentor
05/18/2022 Portfolio Submission (50pts)

Date Phase 1:The Reflective Essay Points Signature of

Completed Mentor
05/01/2022 Reflective Essay Paper (20pts)
Senior Capstone Research Project
Capstone Product Work Log Hours
Date Time Spent Activities Resources Used Signature
in of Mentor
01-13-2 6 hrs / 25 Lectures / Activities 1 - 5 PPT – Ms. Gie
022 mins
01-14-2 3 hrs / 20 Lectures / Activities 6 - 8 PPT – Ms. Gie
022 mins
01-20-2 5 hrs / 30 Lectures / Activities 9 - 12 PPT – Ms. Gie
022 mins
01-21-2 4 hrs / 40 Lectures / Activities 13 - 16 PPT – Ms. Gie
022 mins
01-23-2 2 hrs / 30 Finalizing Activities 1 - 8 PPT – Ms. Gie
022 mins
01-24-2 3 hrs / 40 Finalizing Activities 9 - 16 PPT – Ms. Gie
022 mins
02-10-2 5 hrs / 45 Making Chapter I - III Internet
022 mins
02-10-2 4 hrs / 28 Senior Capstone Project Document – Ms. Gie
022 mins Student Guide
02-11-2 1 hr / 40 mins Senior Capstone Project Document – Ms. Gie
022 Student Guide
02-12-2 4 hrs/ 30 Continuation of making Internet
022 mins Chapter I-III
02-14-2 2 hrs / 19 Finalizing Chapter I - III Internet
022 mins
02-26-2 3 hrs / 23 Editing Chapter I & III Corrections – Ms. Gie
022 mins and Ms. Tiff
02-29-2 1 hr / 20 mins Input the questionnaire in Online Platform
022 Google Form
03-06-2 4 hrs / 30 Communicating to Messenger
022 mins respondents
03-08-2 3 hrs / 30 Making Chapter IV & V Answer of the
022 mins Respondents
03-09-2 2 hrs / 37 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-10-2 1 hrs / 37 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-11-2 4 hrs / 22 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-12-2 2 hrs / 54 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-14-2 5 hrs / 18 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-15-2 4 hrs / 45 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-18-2 4 hrs / 30 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-19-2 4 hrs / 10 Continuation of making Answer of the
022 mins Chapter IV & V Respondents
03-29-2 45 mins Oral Defense Zoom with Ms. Gie
022 and Ms. Tiff
04-10- 4 hrs / 30 Editing Chapter I - V Corrections- Ms. Gie
2022 mins and Ms. Tiff

In their senior year, students will begin a major assignment that will serve as a link between

junior high school and senior high school. This assignment is called the Senior Capstone Project. The

Senior Capstone Project is designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply all that they have

learned in their last 2 years of senior high school curriculum into a project which extends their learning,

stretches their potential and challenges their abilities. The Senior Capstone Project is completed in the

senior year.

The goals and purpose of the Senior Capstone Project are as follows:

● To afford students an opportunity to demonstrate the skills, talents, and maturity developed

during their high school career and to discover ways in which one can become a successful

university student pursuing a professional course.

● To enable students to know more about the problems, issues, and needs of the community and

contribute to its ongoing progress and development. The project will allow students the

opportunity to research an issue of social concern of their interest.

● To foster lifetime interests and learning habits while providing students with a sense of


● To strengthen student’s communication skills. By combining academic skills and community

interests, students will be challenged and will work hard to do something for the community and

communicate suggestions/recommendations for the betterment of the community.

The project will be evidence of the student’s ability to solve problems, organize time and resources,

collaborate and work as a team with peers and reflect on oneself as a long-life learner. The first part is
for students to choose a topic that not only interests them but one which will allow them to grow and

mature in ways that are exciting and challenging.

The Six Phases in the Senior Capstone Project

Students and their parents/guardians will be introduced to the Senior Capstone Project. Each

student will receive a guide identifying the requirements as well as the timeline for completing

assignments related to the Capstone Project. There are six phases to be followed in the Senior Capstone

Project. They are as follows:

Phase I is the Selecting an Area of Focus/Research Problem.

During this phase, students will conceptualize and brainstorm social, technological, world issues,

concerns and problems that they can turn into a research project. Using concept mapping strategy,

groups will discuss topics, problems, issues that they are interested to learn. A topic, issue or concern

may have arisen because of a need, an interest, a requirement, or something that students are curious to

know about. The concern is addressed with the help of the adviser/mentor, peers or other teachers.

Through group discussions and peers, these concerns are clarified and stated succinctly after which it

becomes a probable research problem. Each student will identify a topic, conceptualize an essential

research question and sub-questions (if applicable) and then formulate hypothesis/hypotheses so as to be

able to identify variables in the study.

Phase II is the Project Proposal.

During this phase, students will write a project proposal/research paper of approximately 10

pages, based on an identified area of need. (see Project Proposal Template). At this point, students will

research related literature consisting of primary and secondary sources. Students will write an abstract of
related secondary sources to gather information about the research focus. Thereafter, students write a

project proposal with the help of the adviser/mentor.

Phase III is the Project.

To prepare students to be independent thinkers in a democratic society, they need to be aware of

the various issues and needs present in their community. There are two ways how the project can be


Project 1.Service –Learning Project

Students can develop a service learning project based on an identified area of need. This will

allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in helping the community and its residents. So for

example, if the research project is about ‘homeless children’ students will present their finds and

recommendations to DSWD or any appropriate agency responsible for homeless children. Ideally, this

will lead to greater sensitivity and participation in each student’s community. Evidence gathered at the

conclusion of the service learning phase should accurately reflect the amount of time and effort spent

gathering information through interviews and/or surveys.

Project 2.Action Research/Mini-Research

Students will conduct action research/mini-research on a special topic, issue or problem

identified in a community/city. The action research/mini-research will entail identifying an area of

focus/questions, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, and developing a research product. A

minimum of 20 hours of verified service/gathering primary data or presentation is required in this phase

of the Senior Capstone Project.

Phase IV is the Presentation.

Students will deliver a 10-15 minute oral presentation that describes the research and to

demonstrate mastery of the research topic. The presentation using a power point visual support is done

before a review panel and it is the culminating element to the Senior Capstone Project. This presentation

is the student’s chance to demonstrate what they know and what they can do. At the conclusion of the

presentation, students will respond to questions from the presentation panel.

Phase V is the Portfolio.

Students are expected to provide evidence of this Senior Capstone Project journey through the

development of a portfolio/file binder. They will keep records of their progress and preserve everything

in the portfolio /file binder that demonstrates their journey throughout the entire Senior Project. The

purpose is to document the process of the Senior Project in all its steps. Students will keep accurate

records of the time that they have devoted to the project and what they learned. As they work through

the process for each component of the Capstone Project, papers, plans, notes, interviews, or

observations, photographs, time logs etc. that pertain to that part will be added to the portfolio. The

comprehensive portfolio will reflect student growth and display the hard work carried throughout the

Part VI is the Reflective Essay.

At the end of the project students will write a reflective essay that reflects their thoughts and

learnings gained during the preparation and execution of the research project. This Reflective Essay will

be evidence of written and oral communication skills and will form a part of their English grade.

Mentor or Senior Capstone Research Adviser

A faculty mentor or an adviser will be assigned to each student to help them in the project. The

mentor/adviser will be one of the Faculty/Instructors of Ferndale International School.

The Senior Capstone Research Project is a significant part of senior high school and will have a

major influence on student’s semester grades. Although they may feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment

with the size of the task before them, we can assure them of our support. If they work hard and meet

deadlines, they will have a successful and exciting experience.

Phase 1 – Selecting a Senior Capstone Project Topic

We have provided an approach for brainstorming and selecting a topic. This is a project that will

require a significant amount of time and energy. It should be something that each student is passionate

and excited about so that they will learn from the experience and have a great time doing it.

The following steps are guidelines for brainstorming and selecting an interesting Proposal.

Step I

● Concept Mapping

● Brainstorm Imaging (Storyboard Method)

Students are now asked to think about all the things they are interested in- things they would like

to do, learn, understand, see, improve, create, or experience. Students will brainstorm and write down

their ideas as they pop into their mind, students should not limit themselves at this point. Ideas should be

narrowed down to three or four ideas that are “do-able”, consider whether or not research information

and resources to complete the project are available. Their project should maintain their interest for an

extended period of time and should also stretch their abilities and allow them to grow as a learner.

Step II

The Students are now ready to develop four questions that they would like to answer through

research on their topic. Students may use the questions below to begin this process.

Possible starting points for research questions might be...

● I would like to improve…

● I am perplexed by…

● I am very curious about…

● I want to learn more about…

● Something I think would really make a difference is …

● Something I would like to do change ________ is _______

● Right now, some areas I’m particularly interested in are

Additional Ideas to Consider

A Senior Capstone Project is about doing and learning something that each student wants to do

and learn about. This is their chance to choose a topic that will be interesting and worthwhile and will

extend their knowledge. As each student begins the Senior Capstone Project they should think about the

following questions---

● Is the research topic one that is reflective of my own career interest?

● Is the research topic one in which I am interested, but not an expert?

● Is the research topic one that is broad enough to allow me to access enough

information, yet narrow enough to make the research scope reasonable?

● Is the research topic one that is challenging to my academic and creative abilities?

● Is the research topic safe for me to explore?

● Is my research going to be appropriate for presentation to a review panel?

Refer to some documentary research topics in Appendix B – Samples.

Phase II – The Project Proposal/Research Paper

What do I write about?

The Project Proposal/Research Paper should complement the topic that each student has selected

for their Senior Capstone Project. The research paper will allow them to explore what is currently

known about their topic as well as allow them to answer four research questions that were developed

during the Proposal stage of this Project.

A research paper is not just a report, it must include a thesis statement that declares the main

idea of the paper, that makes a statement about the subject, and that engages the reader. This component

of the Capstone Project will prepare them for a research paper they may write in their post-secondary


The Project Proposal

Students will submit a project proposal to the Senior Capstone Research Project Committee

through the adviser. This proposal will formulate a contractual agreement that will enumerate all aspects

of their Senior Project. The purpose off the contract is to ensure consistency of rigor and that all topics

have active research components around an essential question.

This proposal will include the following: (Template for the Project Proposal is in the Appendix,


● Topic Abstract of the Project

● Project Steps (Methods & Procedure)

● Project Justification (Explain the significance/importance of the Project)

● Product Description & Justification

● Cost

Research Paper Minimum Requirement

Use the following “minimum standards” as a checklist to insure your paper will be effective.

Meeting these minimums will not ensure a high grade, but will be a guide to a passing grade. Highest
grades go to papers that EXCEED the minimum standards. We encourage all students to aim the best

that they can do.

Minimum Standards

✔ Be word processed

✔ Be a minimum of 8 papers but no more than 10 pages, double spaced, excluding the title

page and works cite page

✔ Have a cover page that identifies the title, student, date, adviser/mentor

✔ Be properly formatted with one-inch margin, and twelve-point. Times New Roman font

✔ Use accurate MLA in-text citations and works cited page. (Sample MLA citations can be

found in the Appendix)

✔ There are at least (8) eight sources (primary and secondary) cited in the paper and listed on

the Works Cited page. All sources should be evaluated for credibility, accuracy, and currency.

✔ Work Cite (Alphabetical listing of books, magazines, and internet sources that will be used in

proving the central point of the research.

✔ Use charts and graphs, when appropriate, but no decorative clipart or draw apart from things

✔ Research paper will be placed in a 3 ring binder.


Senior Capstone Project Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is literary theft. Copying someone

else’s word or words without giving them credit is a crime punishable by law. Plagiarism may result in

automatic failure for the Capstone Project and a phone call to parents. Common errors that are

1. A student uses a quote or another author’s work without any citation.

2. A student paraphrases a quote or another author’s work but does not cite the source.

3. A student incorrectly cites a source.

4. A student uses phrases and pieces of quotes without using quotation marks around them

and/or does not cite them to their source.

Parenthetical Documentation:

Any fact that is used to back up the central point in the research paper must be documented,

whether the fact is directly quoted or in the writer’s own words. If a fact is not documented that supports

the central point, the student is guilty of plagiarism. If a writer's exact words are not, given credit and/or

do not place the exact words in quotation marks, plagiarism has been committed.


A quotation should never be used without introducing who gave the quote and/or the significance

of the quote. A quotation by itself, even punctuated correctly, makes little sense if it is not worked

smoothly into the context of the students’ own sentence structure and into what the paper is trying to

prove. For quotations that are three lines long or longer. Indent 5” on the left and right margins for the

entire quote. The quotation should be singled spaced. Double space before and after the quote. Do not

use quotation marks. The single spacing indicated that the material is a direct quote.
PART III- The Product

The Project phase of the Senior Capstone is the major aspect/dimension in this whole progress.

All the students will have the opportunity to do something hands-on and to actually get involved outside

of the school in an area that interests them. This phase requires each student to apply his knowledge they

have gained in the research and reporting phase to a real-life issue/problem/concern around the same- or

very similar topic. There must be a product at the end of the project experience. The product can be

something that the student has built, or created, or it can be a visual representation of something that

they have developed. In other instances the product will also be an action plan with suggestions,

information, and/or recommendations to effect change or will lead to the improvement of the


At least twenty (20) documented hours are required to complete the physical product, community

service preparation. These hours will be fulfilled outside of school hours and will be supervised under

the direction of one or more adults/mentor/adviser from the school or community. All students must

complete the Product Work Log Form whenever they spend time working on their product. The students

should also keep a notebook to record journal notes that will be used for their reflection log. All these

documents will be part of the Project portfolio.

Guidelines for completing a product:

1. The product must be student generated.

2. Their project and research report top [it must be related to the area of need they have already


3 .Each student must spend a minimum of twenty (20) hours outside of school on their project.

This does not include any word or preparation on the research paper, the portfolio or oral Presentation.
4. Their project must represent a challenge to them, and an opportunity for growth. It is very

important that each student show how they have stretched themselves in doing this project and served

community projects.

5. They must have an adult mentor to help them with their project phase. This person must either

be an expert in the field, or someone who has significant experience in the area of their project. Each

student may have more than one mentor.

6. Products cannot include any illegal, immoral, or unsafe activities

7. Verification of the 20 hours must be done in the following ways:

● Required work Log: The work log is a form that all students will use to keep record of the

time and resources used in completing the product. It includes: the date and length of

time spent, what was done, any resources used and the mentor/teacher’s signature.

● Required Pictures or videos which show progress the student has made should be

included as a form verification.

● Certification. If the student takes a class as part of the product, they should submit

certificate or a letter for verification

Senior Capstone Mentor Information

Mentor responsibilities will come in any and varied shapes and forms depending on each

student’s project. Their primary job is to prod the student’s thinking. Additionally, they should lend their

expertise when it is appropriate and necessary, keeping in mind that more is learned by doing than

listening. However regardless of the Capstone product, all adult mentors are asked to contribute in the

following ways:
● Encourage, advise, direct, supervise and lead the student to become acquainted with the activity

he or she has chosen.

● Help the student understand what the real requirements are for the project, whether the student is

building/making a product, preparing a performance, or studying a new skill.

● Help the student figure out how to present his or her progress on the project. Photographs of

work in progress are always good, but there might be other ways, as well to capture visually

what they did.

● Sign the “Mentor Information” and “Product Approval” forms.

● Assist the student with keeping track of their hours on the Product Work Log, and when the

product is finished, complete the Mentor Scoring Rubric land and return to the student. The

student will not get a grade for the product without these two forms filled and signed by the adult


Part IV- The Portfolio

What is it and what should be included?

The Senior Capstone Project Portfolios a collection of all required forms, research

documentation, and reflection neatly presented in a 1-inch binder. The Senior Capstone Project Portfolio

documents the Capstone Project Journey. All students should begin keeping a folder of all documents

starting with the Parental Permission Form and Topic Approval Form. As each student works through

the process for each phase of the Capstone Project, papers, plans notes, interviews or observations that

pertain to that part should be added to the portfolio. The portfolio will be evaluated on the following

criteria: submission of portfolio requirements and organization, and professional appearance.

The portfolio must include:

● Table of contents

● Signed of Parental Permission Form

● Topic Approval Form

● Capstone Letter of Intent

● Final Research Paper with rubrics

● Copies of printouts and articles

● Project Consent Form

● Product Work Log

● Capstone Mentor information

● Reflection Essay with evaluation form

● Final presentation with rubric

● You may include visuals such as pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, photograph, flow charts

Phase V- The Presentation

The presentation represents the final step in the Senior Capstone Project Process. It is a

self-evaluation and reflection by the students of all that he/she has accomplished and serves as a

synthesis of all learning. It involves a speech of 10-15 minutes before a panel of teachers and

community members, some of whom are experts in the field represented by the topic. The presentation

(using powerpoint visual) describes what has been learned from conducting research, writing the paper,

and fulfilling the requirements of the project. The presentation should include whom the student

contacted, what worked, what did not work, and how problems were solved. Of special importance is a

description of what has been learned from the total experience.

All students should be rehearsed and professional in their manner, dress, and appearance. To build

confidence, practice their presentation in front of family members, teachers and peers. Following this

advice will allow them to be prepared when they are ready to present.

Presentation Minimum Requirements

Your presentation must:

● Be 10-15 minutes in length, allowing 2-3 minutes for a question and answer period.

● Include your product to provide physical evidence of your accomplishment.

● Address not only the project and the research, but challenging(s) along your project journey that

led to your personal and academic growth.

Key points to remember before and during the presentation:

● Make eye contact with your Capstone Review Panel members, Rehearse enough that you do it

and have to read your notes.

● When facing audience, be sure to avoid blocking your product/display

● First impressions are lasting impressions! Dressing for success will extend the positive

impressions about the content you are presenting.

Impeccable grooming, including combed hair and clean clothes are very important. If the project lends

itself to a specific uniform or costume and wearing it would aid in the presentation, feel free to be

creative in dress.

● Be prepared. One of the most effective strategies for reducing stage fright is to know the subject

thoroughly. Each student knows more about their senior project than anyone else does.

● Produce the visual aids.

● Plan. Prepare a sentence outline. Assign minutes for each phase of your presentation.





Question and answer

● Decide how to integrate your product and visual representation of your product into your speech.

Will it be part of the introduction, happen after the conclusion or be part of the entire


● Rehearse repeatedly. When rehearsing practice the entire presentation. Place the outline

sentences on separate cards. Students may wish to include transitional sentences to help move to

the next topic. Use the cards as the practice, and include the visual aids in the rehearsal. Time

yourself to make sure the presentation is exactly 8-10minutes long leaving time for questions and

answer at the end.

● Make sure that all technology is working. Show up on time.

What should I say?

1- Introduction

● The target in a solid opening is to catch the audience’s interest and curiosity by skillfully

introducing the speech topic. A good beginning is essential.

● Began with a pause. When first approaching the audience, take a moment to adjust notes and

make sure that you are comfortable. Establish control of the situation.

● Present the first sentence from the memory. By memorizing the opening, rapport is established

with the audience through eye contact.

● There are several ways to begin the presentation such as: with surprising fact, humor, video clip,

story, rhetorical questions, dramatic reading, quotation, overhead, projecting into the future,

looking into the past.

● Use transitional words such as: therefore, such, however, because of, similarly, firstly, secondly,

after all, despite, on the other hand yet, regarding…

2- Body

The body of the speech is the center of the presentation. Information from the research, personal

growth and the product and the project are all intermixed as whole. As the speech is planned, ask

yourself what things you want the audience to know. Here are a few suggestion:

● Project description including details about the product

● Reference to interactions with mentor

● Reference to research, interviewed

● Demonstration of performance (visual aids)

● How did the research and the product connect?

● Reflection on personal growth

3- Conclusion

The conclusion has many attributes ass the introduction. Leave everyone thinking about what you said.

Select how you plan to end it all: surprising fact, humor, video clip, story rhetorical question, dramatic

reading, question, overhead, projecting into the future, looking into the past.

How should I say it?

1- Body Language
● Eye contact — Practice often enough so that you will only glance occasionally at the cards.

Your peers and the judges are supporting your work. Looking at them provides reinforcement

and encouragement.

● Posture — stand proud. This is your time to shine. This is a great accomplishment and you have

a right to be proud. Do not chew gum or have food in your mouth. Keep the hands free to move

or to make a point. Gestures should be natural and spontaneous, not choreographed and

mechanical. Avoid wiggling, shaking and fidgeting

2- Voice

● Quality - vary pitch and tone.

● Rate - many novice speakers talk too rapidly; slow down and listen to what is being said.

● Volume - speaks moderately, but loudly enough to be heard.

● Articulation - use appropriate language that is clear; enunciate, breathe, eliminate verbal static

such as ah, er, um you know.

● Enthusiasm - enthusiasm will produce interest.

● Humor - use when appropriate

3- At the End of the Presentation

● Thank everyone for his/her attention

● Ask for questions

● Anticipate questions and answer questions like a pro

● Give the person who asks the question direct eye contact.
● Do not answer with short, "I dunno," or yeah,"responses. Instead, restate the question into the

context of the answer

● Extend and expand on the information already shared in the speech

● Look around and smile occasionally.

● If the answer is not known, do not try to fake Instead you could say, "That's a g question. I did

not cover that in my research, but would like to find out about it. Thank you.”

● At the end of the question and answer period, look at the judges and thank them for their time

and interest.

Tips for Audiovisuals

● Visual aids

● Audio/visual aids make the presenter appear more professional and better prepared.

● The audiovisual component will enhance the presentation, but should not overshadow it.

● Make sure that everyone in the audience can see the visual aids.

● Give the audience a minute to study a visual before explaining it.

● Practice using the visuals before the actual presentation. Rehearse the presentation, perfecting the

handling of the visuals. Be sure to talk to the audience and not to the visual. Also practice

making the transitions from speaking to using charts, graphs, videos, CD’s

● Make sure all visuals are neat, clear, professional and grammatically correct.

● Make sure all equipment needed is available

Phase VI- The Reflective Essay

Reflect on the Capstone experience by writing a reflective essay on the research topic. The essay

should be at least one to three double spaced, one inch margins and 12 points plain text font. All

students may use related clip art and be as creative as they like.

The following questions can be used to write the reflective essay.

l. How and why did you choose your topic and your physical product?

2. What were the total hours spent working on your physical project? Discuss your experiences

as you worked on it.

3. What were some of your experiences when conducting research and writing the paper?

4. What were some of the biggest problems that you encountered as you worked on the project

from beginning to end?

5. What did you do to manage your time? How did you balance research work and school work?

6. What did you learn about working with other people, especially your mentor?

7. What was the "stretch" for you? How did you challenge yourself through the project you

picked? Was there a risk? How did you face any fears and overcome obstacles?

Senior Capstone Research Project Forms

In this section of the Student Guide you will find samples and forms that you will need at various

points in the Senior Capstone Project.

Below is a list of forms that are included in this Student Guide.

● Research Project Topic Approval Form …………………. 29

● Capstone Letter of Intent Sample ………………………... 31

● Capstone Project Parent Consent Form …………………. 32

● Capstone Mentor/Adviser Consent Form ……………….. 33

● Capstone Project Research Paper Rubric ………………… 34

● Capstone Project Presentation Rubric ……………………. 34

● Capstone Project Reflective Essay ……………………….. 36

● Portfolio Evaluation Form ………………………………... 37

Capstone Letter of Intent Sample

(Format your paper with 1 inch margins)

Date: (Leave 2 spaces between date and inside address)

Name of Adviser/Mentor: Ms. Monica Nance

Ferndale International School
Zamboanga City 7000

(Leave 2 spaces between inside address and salutation)

Salutation Dear Ms. Monica

(Leave 2 spaces between salutation and body of letter)

Paragraph 1 Describe what project topic you selected, why you selected it, and what t
you hope to learn or accomplish.

(Leave 2 spaces between each paragraph)

Paragraph 2 Describe what you will research or service learning projects and what your
product will be.
(Leave 2 spaces between each paragraph)
Paragraph 3 Copy the following statements on Plagiarism.
I understand that plagiarism is stealing someone else's work or
ideas without giving them proper credit by using appropriate citations.

I pledge to do my own best work in completing my Capstone Project

and affirm that I will not plagiarize nor falsify any documents during
the Capstone process.
(Leave 2 spaces between body of letter land closing)
Your name:
(Leave 4 lines for your signature. Sign in blue or black ink with your first and last name)
Appendices- Capstone Research Project Forms
Research Project Topic Approval Form

Student’s Name: Aleezah Xyrille A. Basirul Course Track: Academic Track

Topic I have chosen: The Benefits of Daily Exercise to Senior High School Students of a Private School

in Zamboanga City

My essential question/sub- questions are as follows:

1. What are the different kinds of benefits for doing daily exercise?
2. What kind of exercises do senior high school students carry out on a daily basis?
3. Is there a significant difference of exercises in senior high school students when data is grouped
according to gender?

The Senior Capstone Research Project Committee:

After reviewing your topic the following has been taken:

Your topic has been Your topic has been

_________ Approved ______________ Disapproved

Good luck! You may proceed to the next Phase of Recommendations:

the Capstone Project. Remember, if you decide to
change your topic you will have to submit a Topic
Change Form.

Mentor’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________

Senior High School Principal: _______________________ Date: _________________

Capstone Letter of Intent Sample

January 26, 2021

Zamboanga City 7000
Dear Ms.

My research is entitled "The Benefits of Daily Exercise to Senior High School Students of a
Private School in Zamboanga City”. This research project includes the gathering significant information
of how video games affect the student's academic performance in school. As a teenager and a senior
high school student, I wanted to conduct research that has a connection to my hobby. Video Games are
one of the most popular activities that teenagers like me are into nowadays. That is why I chose video
games as my independent variable in this study.

I understand that plagiarism is stealing someone else’s work or ideas without giving them proper
credit by using appropriate citations.

I pledge to do my own best work in completing my Capstone Project and affirm that I will not
plagiarize nor falsify any documents during the Capstone process.


Aleezah Xyrille A. Basirul

St. Leo I (12 STEM)
Capstone Project Parent Consent Form

I BASIRUL ALEEZAH XYRILLE A. from grade 12 STEM, am aware that I must pass all six parts of the Senior
Capstone Research Project as a requirement to pass Senior High School. I know that each Phase builds upon the
previous one and while I will work simultaneously on all phases of the project, all phases must be completed in
order and according to set guidelines. I will not be permitted to proceed to another phase of the project without
successfully completing the previous one. This means that if the assigned work is not done within the time frame
given, my capstone project completion and graduation is jeopardized. It is my responsibility to complete the work,
seek help as needed, and utilize the resources available.
I understand the six major phases to the Senior Capstone Project consist of:
1. A Project Proposal (minimum of 8-10 pages of text)
2. A physical product, community service project, or a research Paper requiring a minimum of 20
documented hours of work.
3. A 10 to 15 minute oral presentation of the project and the research paper to a review panel.
4. A professional portfolio documenting the entire Senior Capstone experience process.
5. A reflective Essay
I understand that these are requirements. Brief details are as follows;

Capstone Component Summary of Research Plan

Research Paper Topic Impact of Video Games on Senior High School
Students’ Academic Performance
Product to be Produced Research Paper

Student Signature: _________________________ Date: 05/13/22

Student Cell Phone Contact Number:
I have read my son/daughter’s Capstone Project proposal as outlined in the project approval form. I realized
that 80 hours is necessary to complete the physical product or performance preparation will be fulfilled. My
son/daughter will also be assisted by a mentor from the school.
I hereby indemnify and hold harmless to Ferndale International School, its management, faculty and
other employees for any accident, injury or expenses that may result from participation in the capstone project

Parent/Guardian: Nadzra A. Salip_Signature:___\________ Date: 05/13/22

Person to Contact in case of Emergency: Contact No:
Capstone Mentor/Adviser Consent Form

Mentor’s Name:


Cell Phone Contact Number:


I hereby agree to be a mentor/adviser for Aleezah Xyrille A. Basirul I understand that my

responsibilities include meeting periodically with the student and completing an Evaluation of the
student. I realize that my position as a mentor is primarily one of advising and giving technical
assistance when appropriate and not “to do” the project for the student.

Mentor’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: 05/13/22

Signature of Senior High School Principal: _________________________ Date :___________

Capstone Project Research Paper Rubric and
Project Presentation Rubric
RESEARCH Clearly and concisely Clearly state the paper’s States the paper’s purpose No apparent research
STATEMEN state’s the paper’s purpose purpose in a single in a single sentence. statement
T in a single sentence, which sentence.
is engaging and/or thought
INTRODUC Introduction is engaging, Introduction states the Introduction does not There is no clear
TION states the main topic and main topic and previews states the main topic and introduction.
previews the structure of the structure of paper previews the structure of
paper paper
BODY Each paragraph has Each paragraph has Each paragraph lacks Each paragraph fails to
thoughtful supporting sufficient supporting detail supporting detail develop the main idea
detail sentences that sentences that develop sentences that develop
develop the main idea the main idea the main idea
ORGANIZAT Writer demonstrates Writer demonstrates Logical organization not No evidence of
IONAL logical sequencing of ideas sequencing of ideas fully developed. structure or
STRUCTUR through well-developed through well-developed Transitions not present. organization
E paragraphs. Transitional paragraphs. Transitional
phrases are used to phrases are used to
enhance organization enhance organization
CONCLUSIO The conclusion is engaging The conclusion restates The conclusion does not The conclusion is not
N and restates the research the research adequately restates the apparent
PRESENTATI Presentation of data is Presentation of data is Presentation of data is Presentation of data is
ON OF clear, precise and accurate complete and simplistic and plausible vague and inaccurate
RESEARCH unambiguous
EXPLAINS Provides insightful Provides logical Provides explanations that Provides explanations
CHOICES explanations explanations are complete but vague that are incomplete or
MECHANIC No errors in punctuation, 1-3 errors in punctuation, 4-6 errors in punctuation, More than 6 errors in
S capitalization and spelling capitalization and spelling capitalization and spelling punctuation,
capitalization and
SENTENCE No errors in sentence 1-3 errors in sentence 4-6 errors in sentence More than 6 errors in
USAGE structure and word usage structure and word usage structure and word usage sentence structure and
word usage
GRAPHICAL The data is very well The data is well supported The data is supported by The data is not
REPRESENA supported by graphical by graphical graphical representation supported by graphical
TION representation representation representation
CITATION All cited works, both text Most cited works, both Few cited works, both text No cited works, are
and visual are text and visual are and visual are evident
documented in correct documented in correct documented in correct
format format format
BIBLIOGRA Completed with no errors. Completed with no errors. Completed with no errors. Completed with errors.
PHY Includes more than 8 Includes 5-7 major Includes 3-4 major Includes 1-2 major
major references references references references

Final Points: _____________

Capstone Project Reflective Essay

Student’s Name: Basirul, Aleezah Xyrille A. Date: 03/29/22

Research Topic: The Benefits of Daily Exercise to Senior High School Students of a Private School in

Zamboanga City

Performance Mentor’s Signature: ___________________ Date: ____________

Evaluation Rubric:

4 Outstanding demonstration of the criterion

3 Substantial demonstration of the criterion

2 Some evidence of the criterion, but flaws exist

1 Little or no evidence of the criterion

Criteria/Descriptors 4 3 2 1 Comments

Reflective essay reveals insight and

introspection. Includes all of the topics
provided in the student guide.
Length and format of essay include 1-3
pages in length, double-spaced, one inch
margin and 12 point plan text form.
Reflective essay shows planning with a
clear beginning, middle and end. Logical or
chronological order is reflective in the
Reflective essays are written in standard
English; less formal and more personal
writing is demonstrated.
Errors in punctuation, spelling and
grammar are minimal.
Portfolio Evaluation Form

Student’s Name: Basirul, Aleezah Xyrille A.

All Professional Portfolio Requirements are Possible Points Comments

fulfilled. Points Earned

● Table of Contents
● Signed Parental Permission form
● Topic Approval Form
● Topic Change Form (if applicable)
● First draft of Research paper
● Final research paper with rubric
● Copies of printouts and articles
● Project consent form
● Product work log
● Sample of Product(if applicable)
● Capstone mentor information
● Product approval form
● Product evaluation form
● Documentation of progress-pictures,
artifacts, etc.
● Reflection essay with evaluation form
● Final presentation with rubric
● Others(visuals such as pictures, diagrams,
charts, graphs, photographs, flow charts)
Organization &Professional Appearance

● The portfolio is in the requested order and

exhibits evidence that content and
documentation is complete and extremely
● The portfolio is in the requested binding
● Content are chronologically ordered
where necessary
● Portfolio is neat and professional.
● Creativity and originality are used to
enhance the portfolio
● The portfolio shows mastery of the
learning process involved in the Capstone
● The portfolio conveys the growth of the
senior’s knowledge, interest and skills.

Mentor: Signature: _______________ Date: 04/11/2021

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