Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Review of related literature and studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and

studies, both local and foreign, which provides a background and

a frame of reference upon which the conceptual framework and other

entries of this study were formulated.

Foreign literature

Veer (2005) pointed out that the progress of a country depends

upon the quality of its teacher training is essential for every

teacher. Trained teachers can do much more than untrained teacher.

Teachers need continuous program for the development in the field

of education.

Lee (2003) stated that there is a definite deficit in the

knowledge, skill and attitudes needed to use ICT as an effective

teaching-learning tool. Well-trained teachers using ICT are not

available in sufficient quality. This is partly because many

teachers regard technology as threat to their authority as the

main source of knowledge. Some teachers ignored the use of computer

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because they thought that computer will replace them in their field

in the future. In addition, pupils are often superior to their

teachers in computer skills, further undermining the traditional

authority of teachers. Consequently, there is the need to break

away from the conventional working culture of teachers as being

‘solitary’ and rather to build multi-disciplinary teams of

teachers, curriculum specialist and ICT technicians, who could

provide the range of skills necessary for the preparation of

quality IT-based teaching materials.

Jones (200) underscore the viewpoint that computers have

proven to be immensely useful tools for teachers and students, and

they are now considered to be an essential component of primary

and secondary education in the united states. In order to be able

to teach with computers, teachers need to have mastered a basic

level of computer literacy, and they need to develop pedagogical

techniques for integrating computers into the curriculum.

Baldauf (2009) indicated that digital technology have had a

profound impact on most aspect of human life. The rapid pace of

technology logical development has given the current generation

one of the most fascinating eras in which to live. Nettlebeck

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(2005) also identified that there is no choice but to recognize

that the new information and computer technologies undergird much

of the social and educational context in which we now find


Abecede (2003) specified that today’s world teachers need to

be equipped not only with subject-specific expertise and effective

teaching methodologies, but with the capacity to assist students

to meet the demands of the emerging knowledge base society.

Teachers therefore require familiarity with new forms of ICT and

need to have the ability to use that technology to enhance the

quality of teaching and learning.

Jung (2002) stated that ICTs have also been used to improve

access to and the quality of teachers training. For example,

institution like Cyber Teacher Training Center (CTTC) in South

Korea are taking advantage of the internet to provide better

teacher professional development opportunities to in-service

teachers. The government funded CTTC, establish in 1997, offers

self-directed, self-paced web-based course for primary and

secondary school teachers. Courses include “Computer in the

Information technology society”, “Education Reform” and “Future

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Society and Education”. Online tutorials are also offered, with

some course requiring occasional face-to-face meetings.

Shelly (2007) attested that teachers can increase their

productivity significance by using word processing software to

create documents, such as lesson plans, handouts, parent

communication, and student’s tests. Teacher use word processing to

transform paper documents into electronic form to eliminate

redundant works.

According to Good (2008), presentation graphics application

software is typically used to create presentation in form of slides

that can be used to create overhead transparencies or printed

handouts or books, as well as to present information in electronic

form. This type of software application is important for educators,

because electronic presentation can be integrated into units or

lesson. Teachers used presentation to demonstrate their ideas

using computer for better understanding of the topic.

The internet offers research, tips, lesson plans, discussion

opportunities, and a treasure trove of data (DePaul, 2002).

Teachers can find an almost unlimited number of ideas and plans on

the internet (Hunt, 2009). Also Dulan (2010), think that an

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internet connection would help to get people to use computers more

for research and to send e-mails to teachers. Teachers also use

internet for communication purpose to students and other peers.

In Chandra (2005) works, teachers need more that a quick

course in basic computer operations. They need guidance in using

the best tool in the best way to support the best kinds of


Local Literature

Students have high regard on the capability of their teachers.

It is fast that may students can afford to have ICT gadgets at

home, hence, they are advanced in terms of knowledge and skills on

ICT. It is a great challenge for teachers to learn and internalize

the use of computer in the subjects they are teaching, integrating

ICT in the classroom instruction (Itaas, 2009).

The Philippines (2006) discussed the edge of students over

teachers in ICT. Students now are virtually knowledgeable about

chatting, on-line games and others useful application of computer,

while teachers, mostly, are clueless about them. The sad part is
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teacher lack training so they cannot even teach students of


According to Labian (2007), teachers touch the future of the

learners that pass through their caring hands. Their task is not

just imparting knowledge but also preparing students with stand

all the rigors in a high competitive societal order. Information

Communication Technology knowledge is their technological fuel and

raw materials that will help them achieve lofty goals ahead.

Teacher must be the first one to be educated on how to

maximize the capabilities of the computer. The generation today is

a world of innovation and new technology. The teachers must be

aware and adapt the changes so that they can gain additional skills

and improve their teaching styles and strategies in teaching. It

also gives them an opportunity for professional development.

Promoting computer literacy program will lead to the excellence of


According to Rodriguez (2007), it is also important to

remember that technology requires administrative and community

support and involvement that are critical to its successful

integration in education. Commitment and interest of teachers and

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school heads is the most critical factor for successful

implementation of any school innovation, especially technology.

The teacher must be fully-equipped and up to the task. Teacher

must harness the full potential of technology to improve learning

outcomes (Sec. Lapus, 2008). This information age needs modern

teachers. They are one who build education and learning; and if

they lack knowledge and skills, the learners will be most affected.

Former President arroyo called for a better integration of

ICT into the Philippine educational system to improve the quality

of learning and hone the computer skills of young Filipinos to

give them a competitive edge in securing work in a world that is

growing highly technical (Manila Bulletin, 2006). Also she enjoins

all teachers form public schools to get the national ICT competency

standards (NICS) and be ICT-certified. She stressed that teachers

need to be competent in ICT so classroom dynamics become more

innovation with ICT.

Sen. Escudero (2002) gives important to the advancement of

science and technology. Modern telecommunication and modes of

transportation have facilitated simultaneous and fast exchange of

ideas, information and resource among nations. This is the global

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technological and scientific setting which confronts the

Philippines today.

Schools like Southern Iloilo Polytechnic College held a

computer literacy seminar-workshop. It aimed to provide computer

literacy training and update faculty and staff of the difference

subject areas. School managers believed that the use of computer

could help teachers increase their efficiency and effectiveness.

At present, the Department of Education aims to fully equip

administrator, teachers, and support staff in word processing,

electronic spreadsheet, and graphic software to aid them in their

instructional task (Manzano, 2002).

Casiano (2007) signified that different places in the world

are connected. Globalization has bridged the gap, and computer is

the key instrument. Facebook, Friendster - these are just two

social networking sites that pioneered the phenomenon. These facts

are most abservable in the developed and some developed and some

developing countries.

On the other hand, Robies (2006) stated that even though the

Philippines government has initiated several programs and projects

for the use of ICT in education, real implementation in day-to-

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day learning is still limited. Teachers fear of technology still

hinders the optical use of ICT-related skills in their teaching


Despite various training programmers having been provided to

teachers, there is still a need to embark on a comprehensive and

sustained in-service training for teachers. Likewise, a systematic

development programed for education manager’s needs also to be

implemented to change the mindset of principals so they appreciate

the value of ICT in education (Belewati, 2004).

The 21st century is considered as the period of information

technology all over the world. In just a few seconds, with the tip

of one’s finger, current information and facts are gathered through

the use of highly advance facilities and machines.

This technological breakthrough has brought many changes in

education and other disciplines of learning. Technology has

connected all places, people, and event in the world. It has made

learning-teaching convenient and easy. It is necessary for

teachers to be aware of the appropriate place of technology in

education. They must know when and how to use technology to advance

the purpose of education (Orencia, 2004).

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Foreign Studies

According to the study of Asan (2003), the use computer in

education opens a new area of knowledge and offers a tool that has

the potential to change some of the existing educational methods.

The research is the key to the effective exploitation of this

resource in the educational system.

Undoubtedly the recent advancement in information technology

innovations and computer usage is rapidly transforming work

culture and teachers cannot escape the fact that today’s classroom

must provide technology-supported learning (Angers & Machtmes,

2005). Being prepared to adopt and use technology and knowing how

that technology can support student learning must become integral

skills in every teacher’s professional repertoire. District and

school policy and professional development workshops and training

are designed to positively influence teacher’s adoption and usage

of computer technology (Kumar, 2008).

The study of Ognukola (2008), seeks to examine the science

teacher’s computer attitude, ownership and frequency of computer

use as predictors of the science teacher literacy in basic computer

operation. In other words, the extents to which the variables

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jointly and individually predict the teachers’ computer literacy

are determined.

In study conducted at Gordon University Aberdeen in Scotland,

teachers, skills and knowledge is relatively low and is focused on

a fairly narrow range of ICT. Word processing is the predominant

used made of ICT in primary and secondary schools. The used of

other software application like spreadsheets is minimal (Tella,


In Mahmud study (2010), most of the teachers had moderate

level of basic ICT. They were familiar with application software

such word processing and electronic presentation.

In this study too it was found that formal ICT training and

ICT experience influence the teachers especially the older ones

and attitude. Therefore, teachers especially the older ones and

normally with more teaching experience need to be identified, and

provided with specially designed training programs, in various

forms of ICT course and workshop.

In study of Razak (2009), after examine various factors such

as teachers’ competency, attitude, infrastructure and support, it

can be concluding that the majority of English of teachers in

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Malaysian technical schools are still novice user of IT. Some of

the reason deduced from the survey and the interview were low level

of computer competency, less focus on the new computing skills,

limited training program, techno fear, limited infrastructure and

support. Each of these factors is discussed below.

Local Studies

In study of Famor (2005), the use of ICT in education has

become a critical factor to ensure that a country workforce is

skilled and prepared to meet the challenge of development and

global employment opportunities. Thus, as ICT becomes part of the

Philippine basic education landscape, the inclusion of basic

learning competencies in computer to educate our Filipino learners

so that can be globally competitive and raise their personal and

national estem, and realize a progressive life will be no less

than strategic.

The study made by Dallado (2002) showed that teachers and

administrators of Calbayog pilot central school had a minor

knowledge in computer in terms of concepts also they lacked

training in terms of computer.

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Based on Cajilin study (20090, the data collected on ICT

training programs reveled the scarcity of professional development

opportunities. In her example, out of 111 teachers only 30% were

able to attend ICT training programs that were spread over a 15-

year period, form 1994 to early 2009.

Valenzuela (2005) piloted a study to classify technology

orientation in terms of awareness and utilization and the perceived

teacher competence in technology at the Dasmarinas National high

school, cavite. The respondents of the study were 116 non-computer

teachers. The questionnaire was the main tool in gathering the

data in order to solicit response for the following areas:

technology orientation in terms of awareness, utilization and the

teachers’ competency in technology.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-art

The related literature and studies provided level of computer

literacy program of the teacher of senior high school in Baao

National High School. The studies conducted by foreign and local

authors enrich the knowledge of the researcher particularly on the

level of computer literacy program. The study of Veer (2005), Lee

(2003), Jones (2000), Baldauf (2009), Nettle beck (2005), Abe cede
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Department of Education

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Baao, Camarines Sur School ID: 301931 Telephone No.: 871-6420
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(2003), Jung (2002), Shelly (2007), (DePaul, 2002), (Hunt, 2009),

In Chandra (2005), (Itaas, 2009), Labian (2007), Sen. Escudero

(2002), (Manzano, 2002), Casiano (2007), Robies (2006), (Belewati,

2004), (Orencia, 2004), (Angers & Machtmes, 2005), Ognukola

(2008), (Tella, 2007), Razak (2009), Famor (2005), Dallado (2002),

Based on Cajilin study (2009), Valenzuela (2005) benefited the

present study because it provides valuable information on the

different significant effect and related to the researchers in

conducting study.

Research Gap

Among the studies enumerated here in, it was noted that most

of that have exactly the same and have similarities to the present

study. This means that the information gathered by the researcher

using the different related literature and studies conducted by

foreign and local authors guided the researcher in conducting the

study. This is the gap that present study would like to bridge.

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