Manufacturing Engineering II
All questions carry equal marks. The distribution of marks in the right margin
give an approximate indication of the relative importance of each part of the
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Question 1 (33⅓ marks)
Q1 c) It has been highlighted that “Life Cycle Thinking can help people find new
ways to improve environmental performance, image, and economic benefits.” Explain
what is meant by “Life Cycle Thinking” and highlight its impact on manufacturing.
(12⅓ marks)
Q1 d) Explain how the Life-cycle analysis approach can be used to measure the
environmental impact of manufacturing.
(10 marks)
Q3 a) The laser powder bed fusion process has been the most dominant processing
technique used for the fabrication of metallic parts using Additive Manufacturing
(AM). With the aid of a diagram, describe this AM technique.
(8 marks)
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Q3 c) Highlight the factors limiting the wider adoption of additive manufacturing in
the fabrication of industrial components.
(9 marks)
Q4 b) Write detailed notes on the mechanical stylus method used for the measurement
of the topographical profiles of machined surfaces.
(5 marks)
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Question 5 (33⅓ marks)
(b) “Henry Ford fundamentally changed the face of transportation, not because he
invented the motor car, nor because he developed the manufacturing process to put
one together. His contribution was to change the underlying model from one which
offered a handmade specialist product to a few wealthy customers to one which
offered a car for Everyman at a price they could afford!”.
With reference to the Craft Production era, describe the main innovations in the
evolution of the mass production system that enabled the realisation of Fords goal.
(12 marks)
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