Lio Reiki
Lio Reiki
Lio Reiki
Practitioner’s Manual
The “King of the Beasts,” universally linked with royalty, strength, and
courage, the lion is usually associated with masculine representations of
the sun god in Greece and Rome. However, in the Middle East and Egypt
the lion is more frequently represented as a woman. Sphinxlike, both
nurturer and destroyer, the goddesses Sekhmet, Ishtar, Astarte, and
Cybele rode lions, drove lions, or bore leonine features.
The lion is considered to be the symbol of the sun. Gold is its color. As
the female lion often hunts and works in groups, the lion totem can
provide support in dealing with groups.
Feminine Energy
Additionally, the lion teaches stealth. If you have a goal, you do not need
to pounce on it head on. You can instead find a less direct path towards
the goal and learn how to approach it from a different angle.
The feminine energy represented by the lion is not the stereotypical weak
feminine energy often portrayed in Western culture. This feminine energy
is not about using feminine wiles to catch a man. Remember, the hunter
in the lion family is the female. Thus, the feminine energy represented by
the lion totem is that of the strong mother who nurtures and protects her
Lion Totem
You will receive your own lion totem for use with Lion Reiki. If you
already have a totem animal, it is perfectly OK to work with another one.
Many people have multiple totem animals they work with. Additionally,
some people change their main totem at different points in their lifetime
as they evolve and change.
During your Lion Reiki attunement, you may have connected with your
lion totem. If you did not connect with a lion totem during your
attunement, then you can ask to connect with a lion totem during
meditation. Simply go into meditation and ask to meet your lion totem.
You may see one or more lions greeting you during your meditation. If
you do not hear a name for your totem, then you can give your lion totem
a special name as feels right to you.
Your lion totem may be male or female – it does not matter; the right
energy that you need will be there for you. Perhaps you may find yourself
drawing both a male and female lion totem.
The lion totem will assist you in healings and can also be used for
protection. Simply call upon it and ask it for its help.
In some cases, the person you are healing may need more help. You can
ask your lion totem to surround your client with a group of lions.
Remember, the lion totem represents working well in groups. The group
of lions will surround the person being healed and offer a circle of
healing energy to them.
Your lion totem can help provide you and your clients protection from
psychic attacks and negative energies. Call upon your lion totem for
protection in the following manner:
Dear lion totem (name), please protect me (or client's name) from any
negative energies, entities, or thoughtforms. Thank you.
When going to sleep at night, you might ask your lion totem to remain
with you in your bedroom to protect you from anyone who may intend
harm. You can ask for a group of lions to circle and protect you or your
As you visualize yourself wearing the lion's mane, imagine that you are
During this time your lion totem may have a message for you. Simply
allow whatever message you need to hear to come to you in whatever
form it comes. Do not try to receive a message. Simply be receptive and
When you feel complete, thank your lion totem and go about your day,
recharged and ready for action!