Strategic Planning and Performance of Telecommunic
Strategic Planning and Performance of Telecommunic
Strategic Planning and Performance of Telecommunic
Website: ISSN (e): 2321-3418
DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v10i2.em01
According to Young, (2013) a strategic planning process usually involves the formulation of vision for the
future that defines the fundamental purpose of an Organization (Young, 2013). Such fundamentals include
the budget, as well as developing of general goals, specific objectives or targets and performance
measurement to gauge Organizational progress, which will involve forecasting within and outside the
institution and preparing scenarios for response to challenges (Young, 2013). Many Organizations spend
most of their time realizing and reacting to unexpected changes and problems instead of anticipating and
preparing for them thus leading crisis management. There is no doubt that traditional management practices
such as detailed annual budget, strategic plans, quarterly forecasts and monthly management reports are now
becoming obsolete (Pearce.J & Robinson R, 2011). The current movement suggest that, there needs to be a
strong bottom-up component to the planning process both to ensure that the important views of all people at
all levels of the Organization are heard and that they are part of the process and part of the plan (Barney,
The target population comprised of all Top and middle level, managers of mobile phone operator companies
in Rwanda which include MTN and Airtel company Headquarter and branches managers within Kigali. The
Further, the high factor loading scores showed that all the items explained Performance of
Telecommunication industry. The EFA extracted 1 factor with an Eigen value of 4.302 which is above the
accepted value of 1 and cumulative extracted variance of 61.456 %. Thus, none of the items was dropped
(Yong & Pearce, 2013).
Further, The EFA extracted 1 factor with an Eigen value of 4.200 which is above the accepted value of 1 and
cumulative extracted variance of 59.997 %. Thus, none of the seven items was dropped (Yong & Pearce,
Further, the high factor loading scores showed that all the items explained strategic planning. The EFA
extracted 1 factor with an Eigen value of 3.089 which is above the accepted value of 1 and cumulative
extracted variance of 61.781 % (Yong & Pearce, 2013). Thus, none of the two items was dropped.
Correlation Results
Correlation analysis forms a basis for regression analysis; thus, it is appropriate to analyze in research.
Extant studies have described the concept of correlation as the degree of association between variables in the
study (Mukaka, 2012; Asueroet al., 2006). Equally, it quantifies the strength of the linear relationship
between a pair of variables (Bewicket al., 2003). The present study sought to probe the relationship strategic
management practices and Performance of Telecommunication industry under the moderating role of Legal
& regulatory framework. Therefore, the study analyzed the relationships that are inherent among the
variables using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) to assess or infer on the strength of the
linear link between study variables (Mukaka, 2012).
Statistically, correlation coefficient always falls between -1.0 and +1.0 such that if the correlation (r) is
positive, there is a positive relationship whereas if correlation (r) is negative, then the relationship between
variables is negative (Samuel & Okey, 2015; Rebekićet al., 2015). Further, if the correlation (r) falls within
0.00 to 0.10 then it is a negligible correlation; 0.10 to 0.39 means weak correlation; 0.40 to 0.69 infers a
moderate correlation; 0.70 to 0.89 implies a strong correlation and 0.90 to 1.00 signifies a very strong
Performance Pearson 1
p-value .000
From the results on table 4.37 above, there is a positive and significant correlation between the independent
variables and Performance of Telecommunication industry. Notably, the correlation results revealed that
Strategic Planning has a positive and significant moderate relationship with Performance of
Telecommunication industry’s (r =0.953**, ρ<.05).
Moderating variables showed a positive and significant correlation with Performance of Telecommunication
industry. As revealed, Legal & regulatory framework (r =0.905**, ρ<.05) is positively associated with
Performance of Telecommunication industry. Based on the above results there is an indication of the linear
relationship between all predictors on performance, hence the need to perform a more sophisticated model
such as multiple regression model to show a cause-effect relationship.
Table 4.4 Coefficients of Strategic planning on performance
The results in Table 4.47 indicates that the overall models were a good fit since the variables; Strategic
Planning, were found to have a value of F-statistic of 419.597 and the p-value was found to be 0.000 which
is less than the critical value of 0.05.
Hypothesis summary
No Null Hypothesis Decision criteria Conclusion
1 Reject the null The null was rejected
H1: There is no significant relationship between hypothesis if p<0.05 since p-value was found
strategic planning and performance of to be < 0.05
telecommunication industry in Rwanda
2 H2: There is no significant moderation effect of Reject the null The null was rejected
legal and regulatory framework on the hypothesis if p<0.05 since p-value was found
relationship between strategic planning practice to be < 0.05
and the performance of Telecommunication
industry in Rwanda
This specific objective was set to ascertain whether strategic planning has a substantial influence on the
performance of the telecommunications company. To that effect, the indicators of strategic planning include
the strategic forecasting, strategic budgeting and long-term goals & objectives. All the respondents were
strongly in agreement with statements that; The firm has a Process of defining company’s strategy or
direction and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, The firm has a Systematic
process of envisioning a desired future and translating this vision into broadly defined goals and steps
achieve them, The organization formulates the strategic vision for the future in a timely manner, The
company has a framework for Evaluating and monitoring the overall strategic plan, We regularly forecast
internal and external development, We always Specify the tactical “action” strategies to be accomplish and
The firm has a Smart Budgeting strategy to maximize resources and minimize costs.
Notably, the correlation results revealed that Strategic Planning has a positive and significant moderate
relationship with Performance of Telecommunication industry. The results on linearity test for strategic
planning and performance of the telecommunication industry since the level of linear association was found
to be 0.953 which was also positive and statistically significant. Similarly, the null hypothesis Strategic
Planning and performance of the telecommunications industry were subjected to the hypothesis to determine
whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis and the results showed a positive and significant association
between Strategic Planning and Performance of Telecommunication industry (β = 0.953, ρ< .05). Therefore,