(progressive waves)
Learning objectives
●describe what is meant by wave motion as illustrated by vibration in ropes, springs
and ripple tanks
● understand and use the terms displacement, amplitude, phase difference, period,
frequency, wavelength and speed
● understand the use of the time-base and y-gain of a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO)
to determine frequency and amplitude
● derive, using the definitions of speed, frequency and wavelength, the wave
equation v = f λ
● recall and use v = f λ
● compare transverse and longitudinal waves
● analyze and interpret graphical representations of transverse and longitudinal
● recall and use intensity = power/area and intensity ∝ (amplitude)² for a progressive
Name as many waves as you can!
Describing waves
● Waves that move through a material (or a vacuum) are called progressive waves.
● A progressive wave transfers energy from one point to another without transfering
any material between the two points.
● When a wave travels between two points, no matter actually travels with it. The
points on the wave simply vibrate back and forth about fixed positions.
● https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/wave-on-a-string/latest/wave-on-a-string_en
● https://ophysics.com/w5.html
Main features of the wave
Period, T
In transverse waves, the particles of the In longitudinal waves, the particles of the
medium vibrate perpendicular to the medium vibrate parallel to the direction
direction of movement of the wave. movement of the wave.
Example: ripples on water, light waves, Example: sound waves
electromagnetic waves
Representing longitudinal waves
● The longitudinal wave shows how the
material through which it is travelling is
alternately compressed and expanded.
This gives rise to high and low pressure
regions, respectively. However, this can
be difficult to draw, so you will often
see a longitudinal wave represented as
if it were a sine wave.
● We can compare the compressions and
rarefactions (or expansions) of the
longitudinal wave with the peaks and
troughs of the transverse wave.
The diagram shows a wave. Which labelled distance is the
The diagram represents a water wave.
Which row shows the amplitude and the
wavelength of the wave?
Time Period, Frequency and
Wave Speed Calculation
Time Period
Time period is the time taken for a full cycle of the wave, usually
measured from peak to peak, or trough to trough.
The period of a wave can be calculated using the equation:
This is when:
● the period (T ) is measured in seconds (s)
● time (t) is measured in seconds (s)
● number of cycle (n)
● Frequency is the number of waves passing a point each second
● The frequency of a wave can be calculated using the equation:
This is when:
● the frequency (f ) is measured in Hertz (Hz)
● time (t) is measured in seconds (s)
● number of cycle (n)
Period and Frequency Relationship
T: period (s)
f: frequency (Hz)
n: number of cycles
t: time (s)
Measuring frequency and voltage
You can measure the frequency of sound waves using a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) or
oscilloscope for short.
X-axis Y-axis
Time-base Y-gain
Represents Represents
time voltage
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX8JIM7elVQ
Simulation: https://academo.org/demos/virtual-oscilloscope/
Wave Speed
Wave speed is speed with which energy is transmitted by a wave
• The intensity of a wave generally decreases as it travels along (the wave may spread
out/be absorbed/scattered). Therefore, its amplitude decreases.
• In fact, intensity I is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude A.
if one wave has twice the amplitude of another, it has four times the
intensity. This means that the wave is transmitting four times the
power per unit area at right angles to the wave velocity.
Workbook pg.85 no 1,2
Doppler Effect for Sound Waves
Learning objectives
●understand that when a source of sound waves moves relative to a stationary
observer, the observed frequency is different from the source frequency.
(understanding of the Doppler effect for a stationary source and a moving
observer is not required
● use the expression fο = fs v /(v ± vs) for the observed frequency when a
source of sound waves moves relative to a stationary observe.