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Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development

Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2017

PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952


BETWEEN 2006 - 2015
Marius MAFTEI, Elena Narcisa POGURSCHI, Iulian VLAD, Lucia NISTOR

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 59 Marasti, District 1,

11464, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: +40213182564, Fax:+40213182888, Mobile:+40744 6474
10, Emails: mariusmaftei@gmail.com, elena.pogurschi@gmail.com, vladiul@yahoo.com.

Corresponding author: mariusmaftei@gmail.com


This is just a partial study for an ample research regarding evolution of species from Cervidae family in Romania.
The programme is developed in collaboration with Romanian Hunter’s Federation. The main purpose of this study is
to reveal the reality, to find causes and to elaborate long term strategies in direction of biodiversity conservation,
especially for wild game. In the last years the Romanian hunters indicate that the number of roe deer population
decreasing, because of intensive agriculture and also because of high number of predators (bear, wolf and lynx
population). The analysis is based on the official data from national evaluation of sedentary game in Giurgiu County.
Hunting territories in this area are managed by National Forest Authority, county associations of hunters and other
associations for conservation of biodiversity and management of hunting territories. The real cervidae livestock was
analyzed between 2006 and 2015 by county, and sex, and in comparison with the optimal livestock (maximal number
of individuals who can leave in a hunting area without causing damage to the agricultural fields or in the forest).
Considering the new agricultural techniques and technologies it is relatively normal to find a numerical depreciation
of wild game. In analysed period in Giurgiu County, the cervidae populations is good and representative. Also, there
were analyzed the differences between what can be seen in hunting territories and what is reported. As a conclusion,
the official evaluation is not perfect and the problem is to put together population from fence area (intensive growth)
with the population from free area. In this case, it is needed to evaluate exactly the livestock and to developed a long
term strategy for conservation of biodiversity.

Key words: cervidae, evaluation, game, Giurgiu

INTRODUCTION Guinness, T.H. Clutton-Brock, studies the

influence of climatic variation on the birth
It is a certitude that in the hunting areas the weights of Red deer [1]. In Slovakia, Trdan
number of game species has decreasing. This S., Vidrih M., Vesel A., Bobnar A., shows
situation was detected by hunters, no matter the that, at the forest border, because of red deer
hunting territories that they used for hunting. grazing, the herbal production is damaged with
All over the world, scientific organizations, 50% [14]. In this case, probably they have a big
hunter’s associations and organizations density or it is a temporary agglomeration. In
involved in environmental protection 2000, J. Slate L., E. B. Kruuk, T. C.
collaborate in the direction of conservation of Marshall, J. M. Pemberton, T. H. Clutton-
the environment and biodiversity, implicitly in Brock, analyzing a red deer population in the
the protection of wildlife. The subjects of this Islands of Rum (Scotland), demonstrate that
researches are mainly the members of cervidae inbreeding depression influences lifetime breeding
species. A lot of researches have as principal success in wild population of red deer [13].
subject the red deer, especially in North In Europe, a big project was “Big carnivores in
America and in North – Western European Carpathians” (1995-2003) developed by WWF
countries. The themes aim are deep, detailed in Romania. The aim of this project was to
topics, mainly focused on the influences of the analyze the wild livestock of brown bears,
special and general environment on behavior, wolves, lynx and wild cat and to determinate
growth rate, etc., as well as pathological the status of this species. The conclusions was
aspects. So, in Scotland, S.D. Albon, F.E. that all this four species of predators are

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2017
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
endangered and must be protected. It is wild[9, 11]. In 1830 fallow deer were
interesting that in the middle of ‘90’s, some colonized in a forest with an area of 4,000 ha,
Romanian researchers show that the Romanian situated along Crisul Negru, (today's territory
brown bear was the biggest livestock from of Hungary), on the border with Romania. Due
Europe [4]. More than that, the brown bear real to the existence of the wolves, entire stock
number was almost three times bigger than the grew hard. Because of this, in 1900 the forest
optimal number [10] (optimal population – and a part of the agricultural land has closed.
maximum number of individuals who can live Due to the favorable conditions the fallow deer
in an area without depreciating forest and stock has grown so much that it has created
agricultural crops [8]). Protection of this important forest damage. So, after about 15
predators led to decreasing of prey species, years (roughly in 1915) the fence area has
especially of that species that cohabitate in the disbanded and it is supposed that some fallow
same area with the brown bear and wolf. We deer has moved to the forest of Socodor,
refer here especially to red deer and roe deer. located at 9-12 km [2]. In 1918 the fallow deer
In almost the same time, from South, a new in Romania numbered 500 individuals grouped
predator arrive in Romania: the jackal (Canis in nine cores. The only individuals who lived
Aureus). In the past, some individual of Canis in freedom were at Savarsin and Socodor, Arad
Aureus was observed in South-East of County [5].
Romania, more exactly in Dobrogea area, and In 2007, according to the "Report on Romania's
especially in Danube Delta. But this time, state of forests in 2007" the fallow deer
jackals was hunted in Alba County, at more livestock from freedom was evaluated at 5,700
than 400 km from the South border. In specimens [6]. Unfortunately, the economical
comparison with foxes, jackals prefers small value and the interest for hunting this species
game and roe deer and red deer kids. In the is low. More than that, due to physiological,
absence of a predator, the number of jackals ethological and morphological characteristics,
has increased numerically and has expanded the fallow deer is a food competitor for roe deer
vertiginously. It is a fox competitor and, due to and red deer.
superior physiological and morphological
characteristics, he became the predominant MATERIALS AND METHODS
predator of the roe deer and even red deer,
preferring the youth, but not getting back in It was analyzed the official data from national
front of the mature specimens, especially in the evaluation of sedentary game in Giurgiu
case of roe deer. In this situation, when in the County area, more exactly for roe deer, fallow
field the red deer has became a rarity, and the deer and red deer and it was calculated
red deer it is obvious at a lower level, it is a statistics, in order to have a better view of
must to know the real livestock and the real situation. The hunting territories in this county
evolution of species, in order to developing are managed by National Forest Authority,
medium and long-term strategies for the county associations of hunters and other
conservation of cervidae species. We cannot associations for conservation of biodiversity
leave aside the economic aspects, the deer and management of hunting territories.
representing the second species of hunting It was analyzed the livestock of Cervidae
interest in Romania (after the rabbit) [3], and between 2006 and 2015 by sexes, and in
the deer, by the species characteristics and comparison with optimal livestock, in
hunting fees practiced. accordance with the rating keys for hunting
Regarding the fallow deer, it is not a territories [7, 12].
autochthonous species. In Romania the fallow There were also used some statistics like
deer was imported, for the first time, in average population, standard deviation, error
centuries I-II, by Romans, being bred in fence of average, and variability coefficient in order
area. After barbarians invasion, the fallow deer to have a better overview of the population
escape from this fence areas and became evolution. In other way, our study is based on

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2017
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
the official reports of hunting areas For red deer, the individuals are mainly located
administrators, centralized at ministerial level, in the meadow of the Danube. In the rest of
due to the fact that the evaluation of cervidae Giurgiu County we can find red deer in only
species, on such a large area, involves a huge one hunting fence areas - Singureni. The fallow
number of observers and a lot of time (in deer is breeding al in two hunting fence areas:
according with the methodological norms for Singureni and Bolintin.
game evaluation in Romania). More than that, Analyzing by species we find, in red deer
a correct evaluation must be done in the same population (figure 2), an increasing number of
time for all 42 hunting areas from Giurgiu males starting from 2013 till 2015, with an
County (over 300,000 ha), Romania. yearly average of 42.85% in 2013, 32.5% in
2014 and 24.53% in 2015. Females and youth
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS livestock have almost the same evolution
(41.67% in 2013, 39.67% in 2014, etc.).
Analyzing the data from Table 1 and Figure 1, The natural increasing rate for red deer is
we can easily observe that the livestock is normally 15%. This situation, revealed above,
relatively stable until 2012, when the fallow it is a unreal due to the fact that in official
deer population increasing from 84 to 136 evaluation was put together the individuals
individuals. from free area and individuals from hunting
fence areas, even if this last individuals does
Table 1. Real livestock of cervidae in Giurgiu County not have the same legal regulation. We can say
Roe Deer Fallow Deer Red Deer that this is a huge mistake because we have
(heads) (heads) (heads) now an inexact, an unreal image of red deer
2006 2,157 78 115 situation.
2007 2,180 78 110 The statistics calculated for red deer is
2008 2,293 83 121
presented in table 2
2009 2,351 82 110
2010 2,398 84 105
2011 2,391 86 105
2012 2,369 84 105
2013 2,407 136 102
2014 2,503 189 101
2015 2,669 268 100 Red deer
150 Males
Source: Own calculation
As we expected, the roe deer is dominating, Red deer
from numerical point of view, the other two 50 Females
species, being the most important species of +youth
big game in south east, after the wild boar. 0

Fig. 2. Graphic representation of red deer evolution
2500 Source: Own determination
2000 Roe deer
We must say that the fallow deer it is breed in
Red deer these two fence areas: Bolintin (administrated
by National Forest Authority) and Singureni
500 Fall. deer (administrated by Hunters Asociation
0 “Bradul”). In this last case we talk about a mixt
breeding: wild boar, fallow deer, roe deer and
red deer. Calculated statistics for this species is
Fig. 1. Graphic representation of cervidae evolution presented in table 3.
Source: Own determination

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2017
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Table 2. Calculated statistics for red deer Table 3. Calculated statistics for fallow deer
Red deer Fallow deer

Specification Total, from Females Specification

Males Total, of Females
which: & youth Males
which: & youth

2006 78.00 31.00 47.00

2006 115.00 47.00 68.00
2007 78.00 29.00 49.00
2007 110.00 40.00 70.00
2008 83.00 31.00 52.00
2008 121.00 43.00 78.00
2009 82.00 30.00 52.00
2009 110.00 40.00 70.00
2010 84.00 30.00 54.00
2010 105.00 35.00 70.00
2011 86.00 29.00 57.00
2011 105.00 28.00 77.00
2012 84.00 28.00 56.00
2012 105.00 25.00 80.00
2013 136.00 40.00 96.00
2013 102.00 25.00 77.00
2014 189.00 53.00 136.00
2014 101.00 23.00 78.00
2015 268.00 66.00 202.00
2015 100.00 20.00 80.00
X 116.80 36.70 80.10
X 107.40 32.60 74.80
STDEV 64.04 12.84 51.29
STDEV 6.65 9.54 4.71
Sx 21.35 4.28 17.10
Sx 2.22 3.18 1.57
CV% 54.83 34.99 64.03
CV% 6.19 29.25 6.30
Source: Own calculation Source: Own calculation
In Figure 3 it is represented graphically the
evolution of fallow deer in Giurgiu County. In roe deer population we observe a constant
trend, with low fluctuation. In male case we
remark an involution, from numerical point of
view, between 2010 – 2011 (-9.41%). In 2012
70 the increasing was insignificant - only 0.12%,
60 in 2013 and 2014 we talk about +3.58%, and in
50 Males 2015 we observe an increasing of 7.03%.
40 Graphic representation of roe deer evolution is
30 presented in Fig. 4 and statistics in Table 4. The
20 roe deer females record an increasing between
10 2006 and 2011.

Fig. 3. Graphic representation of fallow deer evolution
Source: Own determination 1500
Roe deer
In the male case it is obvious a numerical 1000
involution (-42.55%). For females and youths
we record a constantly increasing but with a 500 Roe deer
low intensity (about 17.65% between 2006 – Females
2015). From economically point of view, the 0
increasing of fallow deer population it is not a
good idea. Hunters interest for this type of
cervidae is low, and the hunting and economic Fig. 4. Graphic representation of roe deer evolution
value is also low. In comparison with the others Source: Own determination
two species of cervidae that was analyzed, the
fallow deer is cheap, being lower than red deer
and near the red deer, as we can observe in
Figure 3.
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2017
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Table 4. Calculated statistics for roe deer We strongly recommend:
Roe deer -Compulsory, for hunting areas administrators,
to maintain a population with an ascendant
Specification Total, from Females &
trend till to the optimal population;
-Implication of hunters in surveillance of
2006 2,157.00 821.00 1,336.00
obligatory action of administrators (evaluation,
2007 2,180.00 837.00 1,343.00
feeding, etc.);
2008 2,293.00 865.00 1,428.00
-Active implication of national hunting area
2009 2,351.00 871.00 1,480.00
administration in game evaluation;
2010 2,398.00 789.00 1,609.00
-Compulsory, for hunting areas administrators,
2011 2,391.00 790.00 1,601.00
to maintain the sex ratio and all technical
2012 2,369.00 809.00 1,560.00
parameters in order to conserve and preserve
2013 2,407.00 838.00 1,569.00
2014 2,503.00 868.00 1,635.00 -Realization of some areas reports regarding
2015 2,669.00 929.00 1,740.00
principal factors who influenced the diagnosis
X 2,371.80 841.70 1,530.10
-Respect the term:”selection hunting”;
STDEV 148.10 43.07 130.95
-Diversification of fence hunting areas activity
Sx 49.37 14.36 43.65
in direction of repopulation in free hunting
CV% 6.24 5.12 8.56
It is interesting to analyze that from 2012 till
2013 we observe a decreasing of females and
youths, at fix one year difference from the [1]Albon, S.D., Guinness, F.E., Clutton-Brock, T.H.,
decreasing of males. 1983, The influence of climatic variation on the birth
All this situation can be attribute to the weights of Red deer (Cervus elaphus) – Journal of
decreasing number of youths because of Zoology, Volume 200, Issue 2, June 1983, p. 295–298.
inadequate sex ratio. Practically some females [2]Cazacu, I., 1983, Contributii la cunoasterea
populatiilor de cerb lopatar din teren neîngradit,
was not mated. Vânatorul si Pescarul Sportiv, XXXV, 8 (414), p. 8-9.
The principal factors was the moment of [3]Comșia, A.M., 1961, Biologia și principiile culturii
resigning of management contracts for hunting vânatului , Academia Română, p. 78-92.
areas. In this case, a large part of administrators [4]Cotta, V., Bodea, M., Micu, I., 2008, Vânatul și
extract the game a little bit illogical. Attention! vânătoarea în România, Ed. Ceres, București, p. 191-
Maintaining a sex ratio, in roe deer population, [5]Geacu, S., 2009, Dinamica spatio-temporara a
1 female for 1.1 or maximum 1.5 males it is a populatiilor de mamifere din familiile Cervidae si
good measure to maintain a good and strong Bovidae din fauna României, Ph.D. Thesis, Bucuresti,
population. www.unibuc.ro, Accessed on 02.08.2010;
[6]Raport privind starea padurilor Romaniei, 2007,
CONCLUSIONS -12-16_Raport_Starea_padurilor_2007.pdf, Accessed
on October 20, 2017
The evaluation of game population is totally [7]Efective. Ministerul Mediului,
unclear. Some species, like fallow deer, are http://www.mmediu.ro/articol/efective/699. Accessed
absent in free hunting areas but appear in on October 10, 2017
[8]Legea vânătorii și protecției fondului cinegetic
national evaluation because of breeding in nr.407/2006 cu modificările și completările ulterioare.
fence areas. It is a must to have an evaluation [9]Macinic, C., 2011, Cerbul lopatar (Dama Dama L.) în
only for free hunting areas and separately for Câmpia de Vest, Ph.D. thesis, “Transilvania” University
fence hunting areas. Brasov, Brasov 2011.
Exaggerate extraction of roe deer males, and an [10]Micu, I., 2004, Etologia faunei cinegetice, Ed.
Ceres, București, 155-178, 185-186.
unbalanced sex ratio can lead to decreasing of [11]Nedici, G., 2003, Istoria Vânatoarei, Editura
population from numerical and qualitative Paideia, Bucuresti, p. 28-32;
point of view.
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2017
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
[12]Ordinul M.A.P.A.M. nr.393/2002 privind aprobarea
cheilor de bonitare şi a densităţilor optime pentru
speciile de de bonitare şi a densităţilor optime pentru
speciile de cerb comun, cerb lopătar, căprior, capră
neagră, mistreţ, urs, iepure, fazan, potârniche, cocoş de
munte, râs, lup şi pisică sălbatică şi pentru determinarea
efectivelor optime, pe fondurile de vânătoare, pentru
aceste specii de faună sălbatică de interes cinegetic.
[13]Slate, L., Kruuk, E.B., Marshall, T.C., Pemberton
J.M., Clutton-Brock, T.H., 2000, Inbreeding depression
influences lifetime breeding success in a wild population of
red deer (Cervus Elaphus), Proceedings of The Royal Society
B, Biological sciences, 22 August 2000, Volume 267, Issue
[14]Trdan, S., Vidrih, M., Vesel, A., Bobnar, A., 2003,
Research on the influence of red deer (Cervus elaphus
L.) grazing on grassland production in the south-eastern
part of Slovenia, Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci. 2003,
68(4 Pt A):313-20.


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