BP B1 Tests Unit3
BP B1 Tests Unit3
BP B1 Tests Unit3
Name: _________________________________
Long listening
Short listening BECP Part Four/BULATS
7 [BP_B1_Test_03_003.mp3] Listen to a radio
6 [BP_B1_Test_03_002.mp3] You will hear eight interview with Gina Velas, an expert in project
short recordings twice. For questions 1–8 choose management. Choose the correct option a, b or c.
the correct answer.
1 What does the interviewer say about failure?
1 Which project are they starting now? a It’s a good way to learn.
b You can’t afford to fail.
c It’s caused by a lack of experience.
a b c
BECP Part Two/BULATS (50–60 words)
8 Read this email from the Operations Director
asking for a project update.