Peh Q4 Notes

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PEH 104 thighs, lower leg muscles, hip muscles and

3. Build endurance.
1. It is a break from monotony and a diversion from 4. Along hiking, both are weight-bearing exercises,
the daily routine. Has a positive change from the which build up bone density.
stereotypical lifestyle. 5. Boosts your core strength as you hike with a
2. RA give enjoyment because while recreating one heavy backpack.
engages in something he likes. 6. Improves mental health by getting away from
3. Source of hoy and provide relaxation for one’s stress of everyday life.
mind and body. 7. Depression, stress, and anxiety have a way of
building up when you’re cooped up indoors too
Recreational Categories: long. Hitting the trail helps to put your life in
Active Recreation perspective and take your mind off your worries.
-are means of relaxation and fun time activities 8. It makes you creative. Due to outdoor exposure,
usually of a more formal nature no particular rules soaks all the vitamin D from the sunlight can
to be followed. Often requiring equipment and improve your mind. Increases ability to focus and
taking place at prescribed places, sites or fields. improve problem-solving skills.
Passive Recreation Vitamin D
-refers to recreational activities that do not require -is also great for maintaining healthy bones and
organized facilities like sports fields or pavilions and teeth, supporting your immune system and
gyms. boosting cardiovascular health.

What is Outdoor Recreation? HIKING

-provides opportunities for people to be active, - is defined as walking a long distance, especially
relax, develop friendships, spend time as a family, cross country or in the woods. To hike is to engage
be challenged and develop new skills and abilities – in a leisure-like activity on pre-made trails and/or
both physical and mental. roads. - not just an activity but it is an Art.
-Active outdoor recreation provides an alternative Hiking Equipment
option for people who do not want to participate in
organized traditional sport. - Map/Compass
- Water - Headlamp
BENEFITS - First-aid kit
1. Directly associated with improved outcomes for - Food for the day
cardiovascular health, obesity, stress-related illness - Fire-starting tool
and mental health. - Fixed blade knife or Foldable Knife
2. Easy access for all due to many types of - Multi-tool
activities to suit interests, abilities and
environments. 14 Essential Hiking Tips for Beginners in the Art
3. Activities have low or no cost at all. of Hiking
4. Has social benefits to completing ORA with ✓ Choosing the Right Hike
clubs, and up skilling with providers.
- Biggest mistake made by the beginners is
TREKKING selecting the long hike or one having excessive
- Involves a long vigorous hike in wild natural climbing. Consider normal pace as 2 miles per
environment for multiple days. It can be done off hour. And If you’ve selected Hill or mountain then
hiking trails. add one hour for thousand feet of elevation.
- As well as fun and riveting, hiking and trekking
✓ Weather conditions
can improve your mental and physical health.
- Can drastically change your first hiking
BENEFITS: experience,
1. IT LOWERS THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE -So it is always better to check the weather
AND IMPROVES YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE condition before going to hike a trail.
2. Benefits the muscles, build up strength in the
✓ Clothing extensively.
- Make sure that your clothes are adequately warm ➢ A tarp may seem like extra trouble and expense,
and in layers. since you already have a tent. But it’s great to be
able to hang a little roof over your camp table for
✓ Right shoes shade and protection from rain.
- Painful feet can destroy your first hiking ➢ Don’t neglect lighting. The campfire has a lovely
experience. Invest in high-quality shoes that
glow, but you’ll need light in tents, for the cooler, at
provide solid grip and support to your ankles.
the camp table, for finding your way to restrooms,

1. Develop self-confidence and self-respect. 4. The Camp kitchen

2. Grow as responsible members of the society ➢ A stable cooktop with a flame you can control
3. Develop our capacities for leadership and use makes it much easier to whip up a meal.
responsibility in our own groups and community life. ➢ Most run on propane and are simple to operate.
➢ Abseiling Canyoning Mountain Biking Adventure
4. Appreciate that health of mind and body is a Racing Caving Orienteering Bird Watching Diving
sacred gift and that physical fitness and mental Outrigger Canoeing Camping Geocaching Rafting
well-being are conditions to be achieved and Bush Walking Hiking Rock Climbing Canoeing
maintained. Kayaking Sea Kayaking Snorkeling Stand - up
➢ For many people, camping is the ultimate Paddle Boarding Surfing Swimming Trail Running
getaway. ➢ A camping trip requires some
-There’s no need to bring a heavyweight stove; the
equipment and preparation to be accomplished
standard two-burner propane models usually fold
up to about the size of a briefcase and fit in easily
EQUIPMENTS: with your gear.
➢ Camp cookware should be simple. A frying pan,
1. Tents
a generous sauce pan, a spatula, a serving spoon,
➢ The classic camping shelter offers cozy privacy a chopping knife and an inexpensive cutting board
and protects you from insects and the elements. will meet most of your needs.
➢ Don’t underestimate the size you’ll need; a tent
that’s big enough on paper for three adults might be 5. Clothes and Hygiene
crowded in real life. ➢ Normal mild-weather clothes—jeans, cargo
shorts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.—are generally fine
2. Sleeping Bags and Pads for camping. ➢ It’s common for campgrounds to
➢ We all want what’s known as a three-season provide bathrooms and showers, and it’s a real
sleeping bag, suitable for use anytime except treat to freshen up during the course of a weekend
winter. in the woods.
➢ Sleeping bags have comfort ratings based on ➢ Make sure to research local rules about washing
temperature—when choosing, keep in mind that and relieving yourself near streams, lakes, and
nights can be chilly in the field. other natural features.
➢ Fluffy as it may be, a sleeping bag alone won’t
ensure a comfortable night’s rest. TREKKING
- involves a long vigorous hike in wild natural
➢ A sleeping pad will keep you warmer and will
environment for multiple days. It can be done off
cushion your back, shoulders and hips from the
hiking trails.
unyielding ground.
- Hiking and Trekking, can improve your mental and
3. Camp Furniture physical health.
➢ Everyone likes to sit around a campfire, but
hardly anyone likes to sit on the ground for more
than a few minutes. 1. It lowers the risk of heart disease and improves
➢ Many campgrounds provide a picnic table at your blood pressure
each campsite, and every camping party uses them 2. Better overall Fitness - these activities do
amazing things to your muscles. Build up strength 4. A sleeping bag.
in your thighs, lower leg muscles, hip muscles and - When buying a sleeping bag, adhere to the
hamstrings. It also builds your endurance. Hiking comfort temperatures provided by the
and trekking are both weight-bearing exercises, manufacturer. Usually, there are three numbers:
which build up bone density. Trekking also boosts comfort, limit, and extreme. Comfort is the
your core strength as you hike with a heavy temperature at which a female will rest comfortably,
backpack. - The more you do, the more your overall limit - a male comfort temperature, extreme - the
strength and fitness improves. lowest temperature at which female will be able to
3. IMPROVES YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. sleep for 6 hours without the risk of hypothermia.
- Get away from the stress of everyday life and
escape to the outdoors. Stress, depression and
anxiety have a way of building up when you’re
cooped up indoors too long. Hitting the trail helps to ➢ DAY HIKING / TREKKING
put your life in perspective and take your mind off - As is apparent by the name, day hiking refers to a
your worries. hike that does not exceed daylight hours. It can be
4. IT MAKES YOU CREATIVE. anything from a simple walk in a natural
- On top of all the physical and mental boosts, environment, such as an urban nature park, to a
hiking and trekking can also make you more hike across a small mountain trail with hikers
creative. It’s true! Spending time outdoors and returning as the sun goes down. It can also include
soaking all the Vitamin D from the sunlight can a complete day trip into the wild with a guide in tow.
improve your mind. Vitamin D, “the sunshine
vitamin,” increases attention span, and improves -You don’t have to limit yourself to trails that are
our ability to focus. Put a creative spin on our close by either. Just hop on a train or a bus to get
problem-solving skills. - Vitamin D is also great for to another trailhead. This is called a transfer hike,
maintaining healthy bones and teeth, supporting and if you want to ensure you can get home before
your immune system and boosting cardiovascular it gets dark, just make sure the trail ends at a train
health. station or bus stop. This type of hike is perfect for
EQUIPMENTS beginners who want to work their way up to more
adventurous trails.
1. Hiking boots.
- For short day hikes, comfortable sneakers might ➢ SUMMIT HIKING / TREKKING
do it but for longer overnight hikes good hiking - Summit hiking is considered to be the most
shoes or boots are essential. For trekking, you rewarding hikes a person can take. As the name
might want to think about boots with ankle support. implies, it involves surmounting the summit or peak
Don’t forget to wear in your shoes before you go on of a mountain, an objective that is as challenging as
a hike. it is fulfilling.
- In fact, beyond the thrill of making it to the top,
2. A backpack. each peak offers a deep connection to the
- For day hikes, a light day backpack with a landscape that is unlike other hiking experiences. If
hydration pack is perfect. For longer hikes and you want to take it up a notch, you can also try
treks, where you need to carry your food and tent, a peak bagging, which involves hikes to multiple
50-60L backpack should suffice. peaks.
-Make sure it has a waist belt and adjustable back -The main aim of this pastime is to reach as many
support. summits as possible (such as hills and mountains).
3. A tent.
- Your accommodation for the duration of your trip
- Time has a way of putting things into perspective,
should be sturdy. If you intend to hike during
something which long-distance hikers are well
warmer seasons, a 3 season tent will do, yet if you
aware of. Contrary to popular belief, they are not
plan to hike during winter, make sure your tent has
like backpackers.
a skirt and can withstand wind, rain, and snow.
-A long-distance hike can take weeks and even a
couple of months to traverse.
-It is an exercise in perseverance that breaks
physical and mental limitations for those who can Make sure the surroundings are safe and out of
endure it. danger, otherwise you will allow yourself to be the
- Unlike a day trip, you cannot just turn around and victim.
head home when the sun starts to set. A long-
distance hike pits you against nature for days to the
point that everyday life just fades into the 1. Can the casualty hear your voice?
background. The only cares you have in the world 2. Can he open or close his eyes?
involve the next panoramic view or the next 3. Are there any movements?
landmark. 4. Do they respond to touch?
– Ask/shout for help
- Rocks and boulders come in different shapes and AIRWAY
sizes and each requires a different approach. If you – Is the person’s airway clear? If the person is not
are walking on small rocks or pebbles, make sure responding and is unconscious, check airway by
to wear hiking shoes that have rubber soles that opening and having a look inside.
won’t slip off them. Plus, avoid larger rocks by - Tilting the head back with the chin facing up will
walking around them or risk twisting an ankle. The clear an airway.
trick is to remain focused and plan your hike before
heading out. BREATHING
– Make sure that the victim is breathing by looking
➢ LOOSE SURFACES at the breathing signs, listening to exhales, and
- Walking over loose gravel and mud can be messy feeling air coming out of the mouth or nose.
and dangerous, especially if both cover a steep
CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
slope. Make sure your hiking boots have strong
- Is a lifesaving technique that is administered when
grips for stronger traction so that you can slide
breathing and heartbeat of a person stopped, such
down slowly enough to break a fall.
as during a heart attack and drowning.
➢ ROOTS - If an adult is unconscious, no pulse, and not
- Exposed roots pose the same threat as rocks do breathing, perform the CPR until the emergency
for hikers. These also come in several shapes and personnel or medics arrive.
sizes and can protrude on a trail making them a CPR involves the CAB process
tripping hazard. Plus, roots can also be slippery C – compression (restoration of blood circulation)
depending on the vegetation they are encroaching A – clearing of Airway
on. To prevent yourself from slipping or tripping on B – Breathing - Put the person on his back on a
these, look where you place your feet and of firm surface
course, wear rubber soled hiking boots that provide
strong ankle support.  Locate hand position for compression by
drawing an imaginary line from armpit to
Hiking can be a fulfilling and healthy pastime but it center chest for hand placement
can get uncomfortable and deadly fast if you do not  Place heel on one hand on the lower part of
try each trail gradually. the breastbone
-You need to walk before you can run after all.  Put the other hand over the first, interlacing
Focus on small, obstacle-free and straight trails in your fingers for support
the beginning to improve your endurance for more  With straight arms and shoulder positioned
challenging hikes. over the victim’s chest, push down. For
-With practice, time and perseverance, you may adult victims, push if down for at least 2
even be capable of traversing summits and inches.
completing difficult mountain trails.  Give 30 compressions in 18 seconds or less
Safety Practices in OUTDOOR RECREATION (rate of 100 compressions in one minute)
and let chest rise completely between
DANGER compressions
- always check first the danger and source of injury.
 After 30 compressions, give two rescue
 Repeat cycle until help arrive or when there
are signs of movements. When pulse is felt
but no signs of breathing, administer one
rescue breathing every five seconds and
recheck pulse every two minutes
1. Gently tilt the victim’s forehead back with one
2. Tilt the victim’s chin using the other hand; this will
open the victim’s airway.
3. Pinch nose to close then cover the victim’s
mouth with your mouth. Blow life-giving aur to the
victim. Watch for the chest rise; if it does not rise
then reposition and perform the rescue breathing all
over again.

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