Newbold Stat7 Ism 06
Newbold Stat7 Ism 06
Newbold Stat7 Ism 06
6.3 The sampling distribution of the sample mean can be generated by listing out
all possible samples of size n, calculate each possible x , determine the
probability of each possible x and generate the sampling distribution.
Alternatively, the probabilities of each x can be generated by use of the
binomial formula.
a. When n = 5: Use the binomial formula for x = 0, x = 1, etc.:
X P(X) x
0 .07776 0
1 .25920 .2
2 .34560 .4
3 .23040 .6
4 .07680 .8
5 .01024 1.0
p(1 - p) .4(.6)
E ( px ) = np = (5)(.4) = 2.0, s p =
== = .048, s p = .2191
n 5
6.4 The response should note that there will be errors in taking a census of the
entire population as well as errors in taking a sample. Improved accuracy can
be achieved via sampling methods versus taking a complete census (see
reference to Hogan, 90). By using sample information, we can make valid
inferences about the entire population without the time and expense involved
in taking a census.
6.5 a. mean and variance of the sampling distribution for the sample mean
µx = µ = 100
s 2 x = s n = 81 25 = 3.24 s x = s x 2 = 3.24
Chapter 6: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 153
102 - 100
b. Probability that x > 102 z x = = 1.11 1 – Fz(1.11) = .1335
98 - 100
c. Probability that 98 £ x £ 101 z x = = -1.11 Fz = 1 – Fz(1.11)
= .1335
101 - 100
zx = = .56 Fz(.56) – [1-Fx(1.11)] = .7123 - .1335 = .5788
101.5 - 100
d. Probability that x £ 101.5 z x = = .83 Fz = .7967
6.6 a. mean and variance of the sampling distribution for the sample mean
µx = µ = 100
s 2 x = s n = 900 30 = 30 s x = s x 2 = 30
109 - 100
b. Probability that x > 109 z x = = 1.64 1 – Fz(1.64) = .0505
96 - 100
c. Probability that 96 £ x £ 110 z x = = -.73 1 – Fz(.73) = .2327
110 - 100
zx = = 1.83 Fz = .9664. .9664 - .2327 = .7337
107 - 100
d. Probability that x £ 107 zx = = 1.28 Fz = .8997
6.7 a. mean and variance of the sampling distribution for the sample mean
µ x = µ = 200
s 2 x = s n = 625 25 = 25 s x = s x 2 = 25
209 - 200
b. Probability that x > 209 z x = = 1.80 1 – Fz(1.80) = .0359
198 - 200
c. Probability that 198 £ x £ 211 zx = = -.40 1 – Fz(.40) =
211 - 200
zx = = 2.20 Fz(2.20) = .9861. .9861 - .3446 = .6415
202 - 200
d. Probability that x £ 202 z x = = .40 Fz = .6554
6.8 a. mean and variance of the sampling distribution for the sample mean
µ x = µ = 400
s 2 x = s n = 1600 35 = 45.7143 s x = s x 2 = 45.7143
154 th
Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
412 - 400
b. Probability that x > 412 z x = = 1.77 1 – Fz(1.77) = .0384
407 - 400
c. Probability that 393 £ x £ 407 z x = = 1.04 Fz(1.04) =
393 - 400
zx = = -1.04 1 – Fz(1.04) = .1492. .8508 - .1492 =
389 - 400
d. Probability that x £ 389 z x = = -1.63 1-Fz(1.63) = 1-.9484
= .0516
s 3.6
6.9 a. E( X ) = µ x = 92. c. s x = = = 1.8
n 2
( 3.6 )
s2 93 - 92
b. s x 2 = = = 3.24 d. P(Z > ) = P(Z > .56) =
n 4 1.8
s 400
6.10 a. E( X ) = µ x = 1,200 c. s x = = = 133.33
n 3
( 400 )
s2 1, 050 - 1, 200
b. s x 2 = = = 17,778 d. P(Z< ) = P(Z<-1.13)
n 9 133.33
24 - 25 24 - 25
6.11 a. i) P(Z > ) = P(Z < -.5) = .3085. ii) P(Z < ) = P(Z < -1)
2 2 4
24 - 25
iii) P(Z < ) = P(Z < -2) = .0228
2 16
b. As the sample size increases, the standard error of the sampling
distribution will decrease. That is, as the sample size increases, the
sampling distribution of the sample means will clump up tighter
around the true population mean. The graph would show a tighter
distribution with less area in the tails.
Chapter 6: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 155
æ 210,000 - 215,000 ö
a. P( x > 210,000) = Pçç z > ÷÷ = P( z > -2) = 0.9772
è 25,000 / 100 ø
b. P(213,000 < x < 217,000)
æ 213,000 - 215,000 217,000 - 215,000 ö
= Pçç <z< ÷ = P(-0.8 < z < 0.8)
è 25,000 / 100 25,000 / 100 ÷ø
= 0.5763
c. P(214,000 < x < 216,000)
æ 214,000 - 215,000 216,000 - 215,000 ö
= Pçç <z< ÷ = P(-0.4 < z < 0.4)
è 25,000 / 100 25,000 / 100 ÷ø
= 0.3108
d. The sample mean selling price is most likely to lie in the range
$214,000 to $216,000 since it is centered about the given population
e. The results were still valid because of the central limit theorem with the
sample size being larger than 30.
6.13 a. s x = = 20
270 - 280
b. P(Z < ) = P(Z < -.5) = 1 - .6915 = .3085
250 - 280
c. P(Z > ) = P(Z > -1.5) = .9332
d. If the population standard deviation is smaller, then the standard error
of the sampling distribution of the means will also be smaller. Since Z
is higher, tail areas are smaller and the probabilities calculated for
parts a and b will both be smaller.
6.14 a. s x = = 5.5
100 - 87
b. P(Z < ) = P(Z < 2.36) = .9909
80 - 87
c. P(Z > ) = P(Z > -1.27) = .8980
85 - 87 95 - 87
d. P( >Z> ) = P(-.36 > Z > 1.45) = .4329
5.5 5.5
e. Higher, higher, lower. The graph will show that the standard error of
the sample means will decrease with an increased sample size.
156 th
Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
6.15 a. s x = = .3
19.7 - 20
b. P(Z < ) = P(Z < -1) = .1587
20.6 - 20
c. P(Z > ) = P(Z > 2) = .0228
19.5 - 20 20.5 - 20
d. P( <Z< ) = P(-1.67 < Z < 1.67) = .905
.3 .3
19.5 - 20 20.5 - 20
e. P( <Z< ) = P(-1.18 < Z < 1.18) = .762
.6 2 .6 2
6.16 a. s x = =4
b. P(Z > 5/4) = P(Z > 1.25) = .1056
c. P(Z < -4/4) = P(Z < -1) = .1587
d. P(-3/4 > Z > 3/4) = P(-.75 > Z > .75) = .4532
6.17 a. s x = = 4. P(Z > 2/4) = P(Z > .5) = .3085
b. P(Z < -3/4) = P(Z < -.75) = .2266
c. P(-4/4 > Z > 4/4) = P(-1 > Z > 1) = .3174
d. Lower, lower, lower
1.6 Difference
6.18 a. s x = = .16, P(Z>1.645) =.05, 1.645 = , Difference =
100 .16
b. P(Z < -1.28) = .1, -1.28 = , Difference = -.2048
c. P(Z > 1.44) = .075, 1.44 = , Difference = .2304
6.19 a. P(Z > 1.645) = .10, 1.645 = , n = 39.075, take n = 40
3.8 n
b. larger c. larger
6.20 a. P(Z > 1.96) = .025, 1.96 = , n = 67.766, take n = 68
8.4 n
b. smaller
c. larger
Chapter 6: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 157
6.22 a. N = 20, correction factor =
N = 40, correction factor =
N = 100, correction factor =
N = 1,000, correction factor =
N = 10,000, correction factor =
b. When the population size (N) equals the sample size (n), then there is no
variation away from the population mean and the standard error will be
zero. As the sample size becomes relatively small compared to the
population size, the correction factor tends towards 1 and the correction
factor becomes less significant in the calculation of the standard error
c. The correction factor tends toward a value of 1 and becomes
progressively less important as a modifying factor when the sample size
decreases relative to the population size
30 200
6.24 sx = = 3.8023
50 249
a. P(Z > )= P(Z > .66) = .2546
b. P(Z < )= P(Z < -1.31) = .0951
-10 10
c. P( <Z< )= P(-2.63 < Z < 2.63) = 1 - .9914 = .0086
3.8023 3.8023
10 450
6.25 sx = = .7077
150 599
31 - 32
a. P(Z > )= P(Z > -1.41) = .9207
33 - 32
b. P(Z < )= P(Z < 1.41) = .9207
c. Normal probability graph. Due to the property of symmetry, the area
in the tails of the normal probability distribution are the same.
31 - 32 33 - 32
d. P(Z < ) or P(Z > ) = P(Z < -1.41) or P(Z > 1.41) =
.7077 .7077
6.26 E ( pˆ ) = .4 s pˆ = = .04899
a. Probability that the sample proportion is greater than .45
.45 - .4
z= = P(Z >1.02) = .1539
b. Probability that the sample proportion is less than .29
.29 - .4
z= = P(Z< -2.25) = .0122
c. Probability that the sample proportion is between .35 and .51
.35 - .4 .51 - .4
d. P( <Z< ) = P(-1.02 < Z < 2.25) = .8339
.04899 .04899
6.27 E ( pˆ ) = .25 s pˆ = = .0306186
a. Probability that the sample proportion is greater than .31
.31 - .25
z= = P(Z > 1.96) = .0250
b. Probability that the sample proportion is less than .14
.14 - .25
z= = P(Z < -3.59) = .0002
Chapter 6: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 159
6.28 E ( pˆ ) = .60 s pˆ = = .04899
a. Probability that the sample proportion is greater than .66
.66 - .6
z= = P(Z > 1.22) = .1112
b. Probability that the sample proportion is less than .48
.48 - .6
z= = P(Z < -2.45) = .0071
c. Probability that the sample proportion is between .52 and .66
.52 - .6 .66 - .6
P( z = <Z< z= ) = P(-1.63 < Z < 1.22) = .8372
.04899 .04899
6.29 E ( pˆ ) = .50 s pˆ = = .01667
a. Probability that the sample proportion is greater than .52
.52 - .5
z= = P(Z > 1.20) = .1152
b. Probability that the sample proportion is less than .46
.46 - .5
z= = P(Z < -2.40) = .0082
c. Probability that the sample proportion is between .47 and .53
.47 - .5 .53 - .5
P( z = <Z< z= ) = P(-1.80 < Z < 1.80) = .9282
.01667 .01667
6.30 a. E ( pˆ ) = .424
b. s pˆ 2 = = .00244
c. s pˆ = .0494
.5 - .424
d. P(Z > )= P(Z > 1.54) = .0618
6.31 a. E ( pˆ ) = .75
b. s pˆ 2 = = .001875
c. s pˆ = .0433
.8 - .75
d. P(Z > )= P(Z > 1.15) = .1251
160 th
Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
6.32 a. E ( pˆ ) = .20
b. s pˆ 2 = = .000889
c. s pˆ = .0298
.15 - .2
d. P(Z < )= P(Z < -1.68) = .0465
6.33 a. s pˆ = = .0324
.25 - .3
b. P(Z < )= P(Z < -1.54) = .0618
.33 - .3
c. P(Z > )= P(Z > .93) = .1762
.27 - .3 .33 - .3
d. P( <Z< )= P(-.93 < Z < .93) = .6476
.0324 .0324
6.34 s pˆ = = .0447
.35 - .4 .45 - .4
P( <Z< )= P(-1.12 < Z < 1.12) = .7372
.0447 .0447
6.35 a. s pˆ = = .0285
.5 - .42
b. P(Z > )= P(Z > 2.81) = .0025
.4 - .42 .45 - .42
c. P( <Z< )= P(-.7 < Z < 1.05) = .6111
.0285 .0285
d. .41 - .43
6.36 a. s pˆ = = .0351
.15 - .2
b. P(Z > ) = P(Z > -1.42) = .9222
.18 - .2 .22 - .2
c. P( <Z< )= P(-.57 < Z < .57) = .4314
.0351 .0351
d. Higher, higher
Chapter 6: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 161
6.37 a. s pˆ = = .02739
.32 - .3
b. P(Z < )= P(Z < .73) = .7673
c. .29 - .31
6.38 The largest value for s p̂ is when p = .5. In this case, s pˆ = =
6.39 P(Z > 1.96) = .025, .03 = 1.96 , solving for n = 1067.11. Take a
sample of size 1,068.
6.40 a. s pˆ = = .0395
b. P(Z > 1.28), 1.28 = , Difference = .0506
c. P(Z < -1.645), -1.645 = , Difference = .065
d. P(Z > 1.036), 1.036 = , Difference = .0409
(.5)(.5) .56 - .5
6.41 s pˆ = = .04082, P(Z > )= P(Z > 1.47) = .0708
150 .04082
(.5)(.5) .58 - .5
6.42 s pˆ = = .03162, P(Z > )= P(Z > 2.53) = .0057
250 .03162
(.55)(.45) 419
6.43 s pˆ = = .05065
81 499
.5 - .55
P(Z < )= P(Z < -.99) = .1611
0.4(1 - 0.4)
6.44 a. s pˆ = = 0.0447
æ 0.33 - 0.40 ö
b. P( pˆ < 0.33) = Pç z < ÷ = P( z < -1.57 ) = 0.0582
è 0.0447 ø
æ 0.38 - 0.40 0.46 - 0.40 ö
c. P(0.38 < pˆ < 0.46) = Pç <z< ÷
è 0.044721 0.044721 ø
= P(-0.4472 < z < 1.34) = 0.5825
162 th
Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
0.53(1 - 0.53)
6.45 a. s pˆ = = 0.05580
æ 0.5 - 0.53 ö
b. P( pˆ < 0.5) = Pç z < ÷ = P( z < -0.54) = 0.2946
è 0.05580 ø
c. Find a where P( pˆ > a) = 0.03 .
æ a - 0.5 ö
P( pˆ > a) = Pç z > ÷ = 0.03 , P( z > 1.88) = 0.03
è 0.05580 ø
a - 0.5
So = 1.88 and a = 0.6049 .
.1 - .122 (.2709)(.7291)
6.46 P(Z < = P(Z < -.61) = .2709, s pˆ = = .04969
.036 81
.5 - .2709
P(Z > ) = P(Z > 4.61) » .0000
6.47 a. Find the probability that the sample mean is > 101.
101 - 100
Probability that x > 101 z x = = .80 1 – Fz(.80) = .2119
b. Find the probability that the sample variance is > 45
(n - 1) s 2 15(45)
P( > ) = P( c 2(15) > 27) = between .05 and .025
s2 25
c. Find the probability that the sample variance is > 60
(n - 1) s 2 15(60)
P( > ) = P( c 2(15) > 36) = Less than .005
s 2
(n - 1) s 2 19(3.1)
6.50 P( > ) = P( c 2(19) > 33.66) = between .01 and .025 (.0201
s 2
(n - 1) s 2
6.51 a. P( <) = P( c 2(11) < 23.79) = between .975 and .99
s 2
(1.7) 2
(.9864 exactly)
(n - 1) s 2 11(1)1
b. P( > ) = P( c 2(11) > 3.81) = between .975 and .99 (.9751
s 2
(1.7) 2
(n - 1) s 2 15(3,000)2
6.52 a. P( > ) = P( c 2(15) > 21.6) = greater than .1 (.1187
s2 (2,500) 2
(n - 1) s 2 15(1,500)2
b. P( < ) = P( c 2(15) < 5.4) = between .01 and .025
s 2
(2,500) 2
(.0118 exactly)
(n - 1) s 2
6.53 a. P( ) = P( c 2(19) < 7.6) = about .01 ( .0097 exactly)
s 2
(n - 1) s 2 19(500)
b. P( > ) = P( c 2(19) > 38) = between .005 and .01 (.0059
s 2
164 th
Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
(n - 1)s 2 24(75)2
6.54 a. P( < ) = P( c 2(24) < 13.5) = between .025 and .05
s 2
(100) 2
(.0428 exactly)
(n - 1) s 2 24(150)2
b. P( > ) = P( c 2(24) > 54) = less than .005 (.0004
s 2
(100) 2
(n - 1) s 229(3.5)2
6.55 a. P( > ) = P( c 2(29) > 17.54) = between .95 and .975
s 2
(4.5) 2
Descriptive Statistics: C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, ...
Variable Mean Variance
C20 3.00 2.00
C21 4.00 8.00
C22 4.00 8.00
C23 4.50 12.50
C24 5.00 18.00
C25 5.00 2.00
C26 5.00 2.00
C27 6.00 8.00
C28 6.0000 0.000000000
C29 6.500 0.500
C30 7.00 2.00
C31 6.500 0.500
C32 7.00 2.00
C33 7.500 0.500
C34 5.50 4.50
14s 2 x
6.59 a. P( c 2 (14 ) > 29.14) = .01, 29.14 = , sx = 2.597
14s 2 x
b. P ( c 2 (14 ) > 5.63) = .025, 5.63 = , sx = 1.141
c. P ( c 2 (14 ) < 6.57) = .05, P( c 2 (14 ) > 23.68) = .05
14s 2 a 14s 2b
between 6.57 = , sa = 1.233, and 23.68 = , sb = 2.341
(1.8)2 (1.8)2
(n - 1) s 2 19(2.05)
6.61 P( > ) = P( c 2(19) > 25.97) = more than 10% (.1310
s 2
(n - 1) s 2 24(12.2)
6.62 P( < ) = P( c 2(24) < 19.01) = less than .90 (.5438 exactly)
s 2
6.63 A sample mean can be thought of as a random variable since there are a very
large number of possible samples, sample size n, that can be drawn from a
population. Each of those samples is likely to have a different sample mean.
Therefore, all possible sample means, sample size n, will have its own
probability distribution. This probability distribution is made up of all
possible sample means calculated from all possible samples of a certain size
drawn from a specific population
166 th
Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
6.64 a. C26 = = 15 possible samples
b. (41, 39), (41, 35), (41, 35), (41, 33), (41, 38), (39, 35), (39, 35), (39,
33), (39, 38), (35, 35), (35, 33), (35, 38), (35, 33), (35, 38), (33, 38)
c. 34 PX (34) = 34 = 4.5333
35PX (35) = = 2.3333
35.5PX (35.5) = = 2.3667
36 PX (36) = = 2.4
36.5PX (36.5) = 36.5 = 4.8667
37 PX (37) = 37 = 7.4
38PX (38) = 38 = 5.0667
38.5PX (38.5) = = 2.5667
39.5PX (39.5) = = 2.6333
40 PX (40) = = 2.6667
d. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is
å xPx ( x ) = 36.8333 which is exactly equal to the population mean:
å xi = 36.8333 . This is the result expected from the Central Limit
6.65 The central limit theorem states that as the sample size increases, the
sampling distribution of the sample mean tends toward the normal
probability distribution, allowing use of the normal probability distribution
for estimating population means.
450 - 420
6.66 a. P ( Z > ) = P(Z > 1.5) = .0668
100 25
400 - 420 450 - 420
b. P( <Z< ) = P(-1 < Z < 1.5) = .7745
100 25 100 25
x - 420
c. P(Z > 1.28) = .1, 1.28 = , x = 445.6
100 25
Chapter 6: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 167
x - 420
d. P(Z < -1.28) = .1, -1.28 = , x = 394.4
100 25
24s 2
e. P( c (24) > 36.42) = .05, 36.42 =
, s = 123.1868
24s 2
f. P( c 2(24) < 13.85) = .05, 13.85 = , s = 75.966
g. Smaller. A larger sample size would lead to a smaller standard error
and the graph of the normal distribution would be tighter with less area
in the tails.
65 - 60
6.67 a. P(Z > ) = P(Z > 1) = .1587
10 4
Xi - 60
b. P(Z < -1.28) = .1, -1.28 = , Xi = 53.6
10 4
3s 2
c. P( c 2 (3) > 6.25) = .1, 6.25 = , s = 14.4337
(10) 2
3s 2 x
d. P( c 2 (3) < .584) = .1, .584 = , s = 4.4121
(10) 2
65 - 60
e. P(Z > ) = P(Z > 1.0) = .1587
10 4
Use the binomial formula: P(X >2) = P(X = 3) + P(X = 4)
C34 (.8413)3 (.1587)1 + C44 (.8413)4 (.1587)0 = .87896
19 - 14.8
6.68 a. P(Z > ) = P(Z > 2) = .0228
6.3 9
10.6 - 14.8 19 - 14.8
b. P( <Z< ) = P(-2 < Z < 2) = .9544
6.3 9 6.3 9
X - 14.8
c. P(Z < -.675) = .25, -.675 = i , Xi = 13.3825
6.3 9
8s 2
d. P( c 2
(8) > 13.36) = .1, 13.36 = , s = 8.1414
(6.3) 2
e. Smaller
168 Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
1,500 - 1,600
6.69 a. P(Z > ) = P(Z > -1.00) = .8413
400 16
X - 1,600
b. P(Z > 1.04) = .15, 1.04 = i , Xi = 1,704
400 16
15s 2
c. P ( c 2
(15) > 22.31) = .1, 22.31 = , s = 487.825
120 - 100
6.71 a. P(Z > ) = P(Z > 2) = .0228
30 9
X - 100
b. P(Z < -.843) = .20, -.843 = i , Xi = 91.57
30 9
8s 2
c. P( c 2 (8) < 2.73) = .05, 2.73 = , s = 17.525
æ 0.7 - 0.8 ö
6.72 a. P( pˆ < 0.7) = Pç z < ÷ = P( z < -1.94) = 0.0262
ç (0 .8 )(0 .2 ) / 60 ÷
è ø
æ 0.7 - 0.8 ö÷
b. P( pˆ < 0.7) = Pç z < = P( z < -0.61) = 0.2709
ç ( 0. 8)( 0. 2) / 6 ÷
è ø
æ 38,000 - 37,000 ö
c. P( x > 38,000) = Pçç z > ÷ = P( z > 0.61) = 0.2709
è 4,000 / 6 ÷ø
æ 38,000 - 37,000 ö
d. P( x > 38,000) = Pç z > ÷ = P( z > 0.25) = 0.5987
è 4,000 ø
Chapter 6: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 169
15s 2
6.73 a. P( c 2 (15) > 30.58) = .01, 30.58 = , s = 2.5701
b. P(Z > 1.04) = .15, 1.04 = , Difference = .468
1.8 16
c. P(Z > 1.96) = .025, 1.96 = , Difference = ±.882
1.8 16
(n - 1) s 2
6.74 P( > 20(2)) = P ( c 2 ( 20 ) > 40) = .005
s 2
.6 - .5
6.75 a. P(Z > ) = P(Z > 2) = .0228
(.5)(.5) /100
.4 - .5 .55 - .5
b. P( <Z< ) = P(-1 < Z < 1) = .6826
(.5)(.5) /100 (.5)(.5) /100
c. Replace 100 with 10 in parts a. and b. The answer will be larger for
part a. and smaller for part b.
29.5 - 30
6.77 P(Z < ) = P(Z < -1.54) = .0618
1.3 16
6.78 a. s x = = .03098
p - .4
P(Z > -.843) = .8, -.843 = , p = .3739
p - .4
b. P(Z < 1.28) = .9, 1.28 = , p = .4397
c. P(Z > 1.04) = .35, 1.04 = , Difference = ±.0322
.28 - .2
6.79 a. P(Z > ) = P(Z < 3.46) = .9997
(.2)(.8) / 300
.28 - .4
b. P(Z < ) = P(Z < -4.24) » .0000
(.4)(.6) / 300
170 th
Statistics for Business & Economics, 7 edition
(n - 1) s 2 24(4,000) 2
6.80 a. P( > ) = P( c 2(24) > 8.82) = more than .99 (.9979
s2 (6,600) 2
(n - 1)s 2 24(8,000)2
b. P( < ) = P( c 2(24) < 35.62) = between .9 and .95
s 2
(6,600) 2
(.9354 exactly)
(n - 1) s 2 19(2.5)2
6.81 P( > ) = P( c 2(19) > 29.69) = between .05 and .1 (.0559
s2 (2) 2
æ x - µ 685 - 710 ö
b. P( x < 685) = Pçç < ÷÷ = P( z < -6.90) = 0.0000
è xs 3.625 ø
æ x - µ 720 - 710 ö
c. P( x > 720) = Pçç > ÷÷ = P( z > 2.76) = 0.0029
è xs 3.625 ø
To find the variance of the sample mean for each sample, use the equation
s s2
sx = , which gives us s x2 = . Use s 2 = 72.43989 as an estimate for s 2
n n
and note that n = 5 for each sample. Thus, s x2 = = 14.48798.