My Favourite Photo
My Favourite Photo
My Favourite Photo
Course: 1
Group: 2213r
The daguerreotype had shortcomings, notably the fragility of the mirror-like image
surface and the particular viewing conditions required to see the image properly. Each was a
unique opaque positive that could only be duplicated by copying it with a camera. Inventors set
about working out improved processes that would be more practical. By the end of the 1850s
the daguerreotype had been replaced by the less expensive and more easily
viewed ambrotype and tintype, which made use of the recently introduced collodion process.
Glass plate collodion negatives used to make prints on albumen paper soon became the
preferred photographic method and held that position for many years, even after the
introduction of the more convenient gelatin process in 1871. Refinements of the gelatin process
have remained the primary black-and-white photographic process to this day, differing
primarily in the sensitivity of the emulsion and the support material used, which was originally
glass, then a variety of flexible plastic films, along with various types of paper for the final
Non-digital photographs are produced with a two-step chemical process. In the two-step
process the light-sensitive film captures a negative image (colors and lights/darks are inverted).
To produce a positive image, the negative is most commonly transferred ('printed')
onto photographic paper. Printing the negative onto transparent film stock is used to
manufacture motion picture films. Alternatively, the film is processed to invert
the negative image, yielding positive transparencies. Such positive images are usually mounted
in frames, called slides. Before recent advances in digital photography, transparencies were
widely used by professionals because of their sharpness and accuracy of color rendition. Most
photographs published in magazines were taken on color transparency film. Originally, all
photographs were monochromatic or hand-painted in color. Although methods for developing
color photos were available as early as 1861.
They did not become widely available until the 1940s or 1950s, and even so, until the
1960s most photographs were taken in black and white. Since then, color photography has
dominated popular photography, although black-and-white is still used, being easier to develop
than color. Panoramic format images can be taken with cameras like the Hasselblad Xpan on
standard film. Since the 1990s, panoramic photos have been available on the Advanced Photo
System (APS) film. APS was developed by several of the major film manufacturers to provide a
film with different formats and computerized options available, though APS panoramas were
created using a mask in panorama-capable cameras, far less desirable than a true panoramic
camera, which achieves its effect through a wider film format. APS has become less popular
and has been discontinued.
The advent of the microcomputer and digital photography has led to the rise of digital
prints. These prints are created from stored graphic formats such as JPEG, TIFF, and RAW.
The types of printers used include inkjet printers, dye-sublimation printer, laser printers,
and thermal printers. Inkjet prints are sometimes given the coined name "Giclée". The Web has
been a popular medium for storing and sharing photos ever since the first photograph was
published on the web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1992 (an image of the CERN house band Les
Horribles Cernettes). Today popular sites such as Flickr, PhotoBucket and 500px are used by
millions of people to share their pictures.
Ideal photograph storage involves placing each photo in an individual folder constructed
from buffered, or acid-free paper. Buffered paper folders are especially recommended in cases
when a photograph was previously mounted onto poor quality material or using an adhesive that
will lead to even more acid creation. Store photographs measuring 8x10 inches or smaller
vertically along the longer edge of the photo in the buffered paper folder, within a larger
archival box, and label each folder with relevant information to identify it. The rigid nature of
the folder protects the photo from slumping or creasing, as long as the box is not packed too
tightly or under filled. Folder larger photos or brittle photos stacked flat within archival boxes
with other materials of comparable size. The most stable of plastics used in photo
preservation, polyester, does not generate any harmful chemical elements, nor does it have any
capability to absorb acids generated by the photograph itself.
Polyester sleeves and encapsulation have been praised for their ability to protect the
photograph from humidity and environmental pollution, slowing the reaction between the item
and the atmosphere. This is true, however the polyester just as frequently traps these elements
next to the material it is intended to protect. This is especially risky in a storage environment
that experiences drastic fluctuations in humidity or temperature, leading to ferrotyping, or
sticking of the photograph to the plastic. Photographs sleeved or encapsulated in polyester
cannot be stored vertically in boxes because they will slide down next to each other within the
box, bending and folding, nor can the archivist write directly onto the polyester to identify the
photograph. Therefore, it is necessary to either stack polyester protected photographs
horizontally within a box, or bind them in a three ring binder. Stacking the photos horizontally
within a flat box will greatly reduce ease of access, and binders leave three sides of the photo
exposed to the effects of light and do not support the photograph evenly on both sides, leading
to slumping and bending within the binder. The plastic used for enclosures has been
manufactured to be as frictionless as possible to prevent scratching photos during insertion to
the sleeves. Unfortunately, the slippery nature of the enclosure generates a build-up of static
electricity, which attracts dust and lint particles. The static can attract the dust to the inside of
the sleeve, as well, where it can scratch the photograph. Likewise, these components that aid in
insertion of the photo, referred to as slip agents, can break down and transfer from the plastic to
the photograph, where they deposit as an oily film, attracting further lint and dust. At this time,
there is no test to evaluate the long-term effects of these components on photographs. In
addition, the plastic sleeves can develop kinks or creases in the surface, which will scratch away
at the emulsion during handling.
It is best to leave photographs lying flat on the table when viewing them. Do not pick it
up from a corner, or even from two sides and hold it at eye level. Every time the photograph
bends, even a little, this can break down the emulsion. The very nature of enclosing a
photograph in plastic encourages users to pick it up; users tend to handle plastic enclosed
photographs less gently than non-enclosed photographs, simply because they feel the plastic
enclosure makes the photo impervious to all mishandling. As long as a photo is in its folder,
there is no need to touch it; simply remove the folder from the box, lay it flat on the table, and
open the folder.
If for some reason the researchers or archivists do need to handle the actual photo,
perhaps to examine the verso for writing, they can use gloves if there appears to be a risk from
oils or dirt on the hands. Because daguerreotypes were rendered on a mirrored surface,
many spiritualists also became practitioners of the new art form. Spiritualists would claim that
the human image on the mirrored surface was akin to looking into one's soul. The spiritualists
also believed that it would open their souls and let demons in. Among Muslims, it
is makruh (disliked) to perform salah (worship) in a place decorated with photographs.
Photography and darkroom anomalies and artifacts sometimes lead viewers to believe that
spirits or demons have been captured in photos.
In today’s society, it is very hard to find a job after graduating from college. Currently,
today’s job market requires a very high degree of expertise and knowledge to be able to obtain a
good, well-paying job. In fact, with this mindset, freshmen would usually pick a major with a
strong workload and challenging classes. Some of these classes would not help them in their
field of study and are basically, in my opinion, a waste of time and extra busy work to stress
over. However, students will go through stress and anxiety to pass these difficult classes, so
they will be able to graduate and have a successful job line up for them after college. Despite
the successful results, it is not healthy for anyone’s mental well-being to live under such intense
stress and anxiety. According to the American Institute of Stress (AIS), a study showed that five
out of ten college students feel constant stress at all hours of the day. Students need to find a
healthy way to control their stress and anxiety from these intense classes. If not dealt with
properly, this can have a negative impact on students and will cause many students to give up
and drop out altogether. A study done by the American psychology association (APA) shows
that 25% of college students drop out of college due to stress and pressure from their classes. As
a college student myself, with a major, that is very science heavy. I understand that college feels
like an exhausting rat race sometimes. My idea for a proposal would be, that colleges should
allow students to have electives in their schedule to help them reduce their stress and anxiety.
An extra elective class in between their heavy classes can be beneficial for the students. In fact,
according to a recent article by the US national library of Medicine shows that enjoyable
activities can be good for one’s mental health and well-being.
As a personal example, I use photography sometimes to help me handle the stress from
classes and school. I am not a professional photographer, but I still enjoy the activity as a
hobby. Most of the time whenever anyone hears the word photography, they mostly imagine
very expensive camera equipment and sophisticated pictures. However, this misleading
information can be further from the truth. Almost anyone can be a photographer. In fact, you
can also use your smartphone to take pictures almost as nice, as if you were using an expensive
camera. Photography has always been one of my favorite hobbies. One of the reasons why I
enjoy it is because it gives me a healthy way to deal with stress. When I take a picture with my
camera, I can see the world in a whole new different light. When I go to new places, I would
usually take pictures on my phone. I would take pictures of trees, flowers, and plants. When I
look over these photos, I would zoom in to see all the tiny details of the flowers and plants.
There are also other ways photography can be seen in. Sometimes people may see it as art.
Other people might see it as entertainment, but for me, I see it as a form of therapy.
Phototherapy uses personal pictures or albums of the person who is in therapy to help
them express their emotions or as a way of communication. In Phototherapy, you can use any
form of photography like videos for example. Back to my original proposal, as seen from my
hobby photography. An elective or hobby in between heavy classes can be very helpful to many
college students dealing with stress and anxiety. In conclusion, I believe that it will be very
beneficial for colleges to give students the opportunity to have an extra elective in between their
heavy classes. This act can be very helpful.
I was never a big fan a photos when i was younger and that hasn't really changed. I was
one of those people who were socially anxious and honestly, kind of awkward. When someone
pulled the camera out I would hide or just casually walk away, and when they forced me I'd be
sporting an awkward smile. Whenever people would look old through photos I wouldn't be
around just in case one of me would come around. They'd love them, yet I would hate them. As
I started looking for photos, I realized that it was going to be a harder task than I once thought.
Looking back on photos of myself isn't my favorite thing to do. That wasn't the only issue I ran
into though. There was a plethora of photos to choose from, it seemed like my mother always
had her camera out. It's kind of crazy to think that I have my birth, today and everything in
between locked and frozen in a picture. I may not like looking at myself but I find it really
interesting to see others in old photos. In a lot of my old photos, my parents, they look so
young. I often wonder what they were thinking or what was going on while the picture was
being taken. It's always cool to see pictures of my grandmas and aunts from when they were
kids. Back when these photos were taken, everything was so different. It's like your looking at a
stranger, but they look oddly familiar. There are many photos of me as a child, and in almost all
of them I am wearing nothing more than basketball shorts and a tank top. I loved being outside
when I was little, so basketball shorts were the perfect outfit, especially on a hot Ohio summer
day. My brother and I wore very similar clothing most of the time; My family thought it would
be nice if we matched. This lead to many conflicts when they would buy us the same shorts, we
would always fight about whos is whos. In my photo, I stood there grinning while wearing my
usual attire. I quite obviously fit into the category of a stereotypical young boy then.
I was a relatively skinny kid when I was growing up. A little pudge here and there but it
was nothing noticeable. It wasn't until I got older when I, to be frank, became lazier that the
weight started to add up. I hit 5th grade and that when people started to notice it as an issue. My
mother would tell me to portion more and stop overeating. I didn't listen to it's been an uphill
battle ever since. The playing field wasn't leveled until my freshman year when I started putting
the effort in. There is one photo that I remember so vividly. It was from my 3rd birthday and I
was at the park with my family. I believe it was one of my aunts who took the photo. We were
all sitting around my cake under one of the park's shelters, I was sitting in the middle. I still
remember I was in my favorite Thomas the tank engine shirt and blue jeans. I had the biggest
grin on my face because I got the Scooby-Doo themed birthday that I had been dreaming of. My
cousin, Madison, was positioned right next to me as she anxiously awaited to dig into the cake
with me. I can relive that memory like it just happened yesterday. I can see the happiness on my
family members faces. I can feel the excitement inside of me. I wanted the time for cake and
food to be over because I couldn’t wait to open my presents. I remember my mother pushing me
in the swing right next to the shelter. I also remember the approaching rain clouds that ended up
washing it all away, leaving only memories. Back when the photo was taken and on to my early
teens, my dad was my one of my favorite people. We used to work on things together and he'd
be the first person I talked to when I had an idea. To me, he was awesome, even a role model
and I took on many of his characteristics. In the photo, he was wearing his usual flannel and
jeans, which to me was awesome. But as I grew into my later years, I realized many things I
was blind to when I was younger. My father wasn't the man that I once thought he was, but
instead just a shadow. I still have to fix the things he helped break. I've come to realize that my
mother is one of the only reasons that the party, I so fondly remember, happened. When I was
younger my mom wasn't the most exciting person. She was a stay at home mom when I was
little and always got me what I needed. She would make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
for lunch every day and we would eat together then tend to the garden. I wouldn't realize until
years later that she wanted a job, wanted to eat more than that lousy sandwich and that she
would help change our families lives in the greatest way possible. My childhood was bliss when
I was living it, but when I now look back upon it I realized that I was blind to what was really
happening. So many things make more sense now, and I'm frankly happy that I didn't see them
growing up.
People in my family tried hard to make my life as fun as it could be I really appreciate
them more for their efforts if I could, I don't think I would change a thing. The tribulations we
went through then, make today seem that much better. My childhood may have been
unfortunate but my today is pretty great.
Very recently, I have discovered an old photograph while checking some old documents.
Now, this has become the most favourite photograph for me. I have started loving the
photograph since I discovered it. It's quite a pleasant surprise for me to have the opportunity to
talk about this picture. The photograph shows a newlywed couple. They are standing with a
simple pose. In fact, the couple is my mum and dad. The photo was taken immediately after
they got married. Besides, the background of the photo is also awesome. I think the marriage
might have taken place beside a river or at any open space. This was a black and white photo
and some of its parts have been damaged with the passage of time. the photo also shows some
other people are standing behind my parents and everyone in the photo were looking cheerful.
Besides, the photo is black and white. I think that was the age when black and white
photographs were leading the time.
The photo was taken by a professional photographer of that time. The photographer has
created a magical environment on the photo with some of the simple techniques. The photo
looks wonderful even today and I admire the photographic sense of the photographer. The
photo was taken marking the marriage of my parents. This is the first photo of my parent’s
marriage and I think this one is the remaining one. In fact, the number of photos of their
marriage is limited. In those days, capturing a photo was troublesome and expensive as well.
Hiring a professional photographer was also an expensive issue to consider. Besides, the
number of photos was also limited. So, I think they have not captured numerous photos as it is
done in the present day.
The photo is about 30 years old. It is printed on a special paper. I have never seen black
and white images in a printed form before. So, it was an interesting experience for me. My dad
is in his 60s while my mum is around 52 years old. I am their youngest son. And thus I had a
fascination to know about their marriage. In fact, I am planning to get married and thus wanted
to get some tips from them about the marriage preparation, especially the photography. My
mum laughed at me when I asked about the photography of their marriage event.
Actually, I did not have any idea that photography was in the initial stage during the day
they were married off. However, this is the ideal photo for me. It shows how the marriage
ceremony took place in the past days. Moreover, I came to know about the decoration of my
parent’s marriage. It was a mystery to me. I always wanted to know about the background of
my family and marriage of my parent was an important aspect here. Besides, the photographer
has clicked the photo with the right angle and all the components are equally present in the
photo. I am amazed at the sense of composition in the photo. I, in fact, is in love with this old
piece. Despite being old, this photo bears charm and I feel glad whenever I look at it. So, this is
my favourite photograph.