CA Final DT A MTP 2 Nov23 Castudynotes Com

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Test Series: October, 2023


Division A – Multiple Choice Questions
MCQ No. Most Appropriate Answer MCQ No. Most Appropriate Answer
1. (c) 9. (b)
2. (d) 10. (a)
3. (c) 11. (d)
4. (c) 12. (c)
5. (b) 13. (c)
6. (d) 14. (c)
7. (b) 15. (d)
8. (a)

Division B – Descriptive Questions

1. Computation of total income and tax liability of M/s Sunshine Industries Ltd. for the A.Y. 2023-24
as per section 115BAA
Particulars Amount in `
I Profits and gains of business and profession
Net profit as per Statement of Profit and Loss 9,50,00,000
Add: Items debited but to be considered separately or to
be disallowed
(i) Depreciation as per useful life of assets 2,80,00,000
(ii) Donation to political party 12,00,000
[Since donation to political party is not wholly and
exclusively for the purpose of business or profession, it
is not allowable as deduction u/s 37. Since the amount
of contribution is debited to statement of profit and loss,
the same has to be added back]
(iii) Contribution to research institution approved and 50,00,000
notified by the Central Government for scientific
[As per section 35(1)(ii), 100% deduction is allowed for
amount paid to a research institution undertaking
scientific research, if such institution is approved for
this purpose and notified by the Central Government.
However, since company is opting for section 115BAA,
deduction in respect of this contribution is not allowed.
Since the amount of contribution is debited to
statement of profit and loss, the same is required to be

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(vi) Interest on borrowing paid to State Bank of India 35,00,000
(SBI) [10% x ` 420 lakhs x 10/12]
[Interest on borrowing from SBI upto 1.1.2023, being
the date when machinery is installed and put to use, is
not allowable as deduction since it has to be capitalized
as part of the cost of the asset. Interest for January,
February and March 2023 is disallowed as per section
43B since it is not paid on or before the due date of
filing return of income i.e., 31.10.2023. Since the entire
interest has been debited to the statement of profit and
loss, it has to be added back while computing business
(viii) Salary for installation of machinery 1,00,00,000
[As per ICDS V, expenses which are specifically
attributable for bringing the fixed asset to its working
condition would form part of actual cost. Therefore,
salary to foreign technicians for installation of
machinery is a capital expenditure and not allowable as
deduction. Since it has been debited to the statement
of profit and loss, it has to be added back while
computing business income]
Less: Items credited but not chargeable to tax or
chargeable to tax under other head of
income/expenses allowed but not debited
(iv) Dividend received from foreign company 15,00,000
[Dividend received from foreign company is taxable
under the head “Income from other Source”. Since the
same has been credited to Statement of Profit and loss,
it has to be deducted while computing business income.
(v) Long-term capital gain on sale of equity shares 4,00,000
[Long-term capital gain on sale of equity shares is
taxable under the head “Capital Gains”. Since the same
has been credited to Statement of Profit and loss, it has
to be deducted while computing business income.
(ix) Bad debt recovered 10,00,000
[The deduction of bad debt allowed u/s 36 was ` 12
lakhs out of the total debt of ` 22 lakhs; Since the
amount not written off as bad debt is ` 10 lakhs (` 22
lakhs - ` 12 lakhs) while the amount recovered in
respect of such debt is
` 11 lakhs, only the excess sum of ` 1 lakh would be
chargeable to tax as business income. Since the entire
amount of ` 11 lakhs recovered has been credited to
the statement of profit and loss, ` 10 lakhs has to be
reduced while computing business income.]
(vii) Profit on sale of plot of land 8,00,000
Capital gains arising on sale of plot of land are taxable
under the “Capital Gains”. Since the same has been

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credited to the statement of profit and loss, the same
has to be reduced while computing business income]
Less: Depreciation as per Income-tax Rules, 1,50,00,000
Depreciation on assets acquired during the P.Y.
- Office building
Purchased and put to use on 15.12.2022
[` 300 lakhs x 10% x 50%, since it has been put to use
for less than 180 days during the year] 15,00,000
- Computer
Purchased and put to use on 11.5.2022
[` 25 lakhs x 40%, since it has been put to use for 180
days or more during the year] 10,00,000
- Plant and machinery
On P & M installed and put to use on 1.1.2023
[` 624.5 lakhs (` 500 lakhs + ` 100 lakhs of salary for
installation + ` 24.5 lakhs, being interest from 1.6.2022
to 31.12.2022) x 15% x 50%, since it has been put to use
for less than 180 days during the year] 46,83,750 2,21,83,750
Additional depreciation (since company is opting for section
115BAA, additional depreciation is not allowed) - -
Profits and gains from business or profession 11,68,16,250
II Capital Gains
Profit on sale of plot of land -
[Short-term capital gains arise on sale of plot of land held for
less than 24 months. However, in this case, since the
transfer is to a 100% subsidiary company, which is an Indian
company, the same would not constitute a transfer for levy
of capital gains tax as per section 47(iv)]
Long-term capital gain on listed equity shares 4,00,000 4,00,000
III Income from Other Sources
Dividend received from a foreign company 15,00,000
Gross Total Income 11,87,16,250
Less: Deduction under Chapter VI-A
Deduction under section 80GGB [Donation to political party is -
not allowable as deduction to Diamond Industries Ltd., since the
company is opting for section 115BAA]
Deduction under section 80M allowable, even if, company is 12,00,000
opting for section 115BAA, to the extent of lower of dividend
received and dividend distributed. Therefore, ` 12,00,000, being
the amount of dividend distributed allowable as deduction
Total Income 11,75,16,250

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Computation of tax liability as per section 115BAA
Particulars Amount in `
Tax payable on LTCG @10% u/s 112A on ` 3,00,000, being the LTCG in excess 30,000
of ` 1,00,000
Tax @ 22% on ` 11,71,16,250 2,57,65,575
Add: Surcharge @ 10% 25,79,558
Add: Health and education cess @4% 11,35,005
Tax liability 2,95,10,138
Tax liability (rounded off) 2,95,10,140
2. (a) Computation of Total Income of M/s Fast Forward & Associates, a partnership firm, for the
A.Y. 2023-24
Particulars Amount (in `)
I Profits and gains of business and profession
Net profit as per profit and loss account 80,00,000
Add: Items debited but to be considered separately or to
be disallowed
(1) Interest to partners on capital 55,000
[As per section 40(b), interest to partners authorized by
the partnership deed is allowable as deduction subject
to a maximum of 12% p.a.] [` 7,15,000 x 1%/13%]
(2) Interest on loan taken from partner 18,000
[As per section 40(b), interest to partners authorized by
the partnership deed is allowable as deduction subject
to a maximum of 12% p.a., whether it is interest on
partner’s capital or loan] [` 90,000 x 3%/15%]
(3) Depreciation as per books of account 1,15,650
Less: Items credited but chargeable to tax under another
head/expenses allowed but not debited
1. Interest on bank fixed deposits made out of surplus 35,000
[Interest received from bank on fixed deposits made out
of surplus funds is assessable under the head 'Income
from other sources’. Since the same has been credited
to profit and loss account, it has to be deducted while
computing business income]
2. Profit on sale of building 53,55,000
[Capital gain on sale of building is taxable under the
head “Capital Gains”. Since such gains has been

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credited to profit and loss account, the same has to be
deducted while computing business income] 53,90,000
Less: Depreciation as per Income-tax Rules, 1962 14,000
- Depreciation on Motor car [` 6,80,000 x 30%, 2,04,000
eligible for higher depreciation since purchased
and put to use on 1.1.2020]
- Mobile phone [` 20,000 x 15% x 50%, since
purchased and put to use for less than 180 days] 1,500 2,19,500
Book Profit 25,79,150
Less: Salary to working partners
(i) As per limits given under section 40(b)
On first ` 3,00,000 @90% 2,70,000
On the balance of ` 22,79,150 @ 60% 13,67,490
(ii) Salary actually paid to working partners 4,80,000
[` 20,000 x 12 x 2]
Deduction allowed being (i) or (ii) whichever is less 4,80,000
II Capital Gains
1. Short term capital gain on sale of building forming
part of block of asset [Since building was the only
asset in the block]
Full value of consideration 90,00,000
Less: Cost of acquisition [WDV as on 1.4.2022] 36,45,000
Less: Exemption under section 54EC [Investment in
bonds of NHAI, the maximum deduction u/s 54EC would 50,00,000 3,55,000
be ` 50 lakhs]
[Available against depreciable asset, being a building
held for more than 24 months and the payment for bonds
has been made within six months from the date of
transfer, exemption u/s 54EC would be available even if
the allotment of bonds was made after the expiry of the
six months1]
III Income from Other Sources
Interest from bank on fixed deposits 35,000
Gross Total Income 24,89,150
Less: Deduction under section 10AA [` 7,50,000 x
40,00,000/ ` 1,20,00,000 x 100%]

1 Hindustan Unilever Ltd. v. DCIT (2010) 325 ITR 102 (Bom.)

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[Unit in SEZ is eligible for deduction u/s 10AA since it 2,50,000
obtained the letter of approval on or before 31 st March, 2020
and started operations before 31.3.2021]
Total Income 22,39,150
(b) Computation of total income and tax liability of Mr. Pradeep for A.Y. 2023-24
Particulars ` `
Income from house property
Gross annual value 2 of house property in Country M 36,40,000
[` 52,000 x ` 70/CMD]
Less: Municipal taxes [` 6,000 x ` 70/CMD] 4,20,000
Net Annual value 32,20,000
Less: Deduction @30% 9,66,000 22,54,000

Profits and gains from business and profession

Income from sole proprietary concern in India 80,00,000
Share of profit from a partnership firm in India of ` 20 lakhs, is
exempt under section 10(2A) Nil
Business profit 80,00,000
Less: Business Loss3 in Country G (CGD 5200 x ` 70/CGD) 3,64,000
Income from Other Sources
Agricultural income from tea gardens in Country G, is taxable in 28,00,000
India (CGD 40000 x ` 70/CGD)
Dividend income from Country M (CMD 30000 x 21,00,000
` 70/CGD) 49,00,000
Gross Total Income 1,47,90,000
Less: Deductions under Chapter VI-A
Under section 80C [deposit in PPF] 1,50,000
Under section 80D 25,000
[Medi-claim premium paid Rs.28,000, restricted to 1,75,000
Total Income 1,46,15,000
Tax on total income
Tax on ` 1,46,15,000 [(30% x ` 1,36,15,000) plus ` 1,12,500] 41,97,000

2 In absence of any information regarding fair rent and standard rent, actual rent is considered as gross annual
3 Since the eight year has not expired from the assessment year in which such business loss was incurred, such

business loss can be set-off against current year business income.

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Add: Surcharge@15%, since total income exceeds ` 1 crore but 6,29,550
does not exceed ` 2 crore
Add: HEC@4% 1,93,062
Average rate of tax in India 34.3456%
[i.e., ` 50,19,612/` 1,46,15,000 x 100]

Rebate u/s 91 in respect of income in Country G

Average rate of tax in Country G 20%
Doubly taxed income [` 28,00,000 – ` 3,64,000] 24,36,000
Rebate under section 91 on ` 24,36,000 @20%
(lower of average Indian tax rate and rate of tax in Country G) 4,87,200

Rebate u/s 91 in respect of income in Country M

Average rate of tax in Country M 13.1707%
[CMD 3,000 (30,000 x 10%) + CMD 7800 (52,000 x 15%)/ CMD
82,000] x 100
Doubly taxed income [` 22,54,000 + ` 21,00,000]
Rebate under section 91 on ` 43,54,000 @13.1707%
(lower of average Indian tax rate and rate of tax in Country G) 5,73,452
Tax liability in India 39,58,960

3. (a) As per section 115TD, the accreted income of “M/s Ratan Charitable Trust”, registered under
section 12AA would be chargeable to tax at maximum marginal rate @ 34.944% [30% plus
surcharge @12% plus cess@4%] for the reason of cancellation of registration.
Computation of exit tax payable by M/s Ratan Charitable Trust
Particulars Amount (`)
Aggregate FMV of total assets as on 31.1.2023, being the specified date 12,85,00,000
(date of order of cancellation of the registration) [See Working Note 1]
Less: Total liability computed in accordance with the prescribed method of
valuation [See Working Note 2] 3,05,00,000
Accreted Income 9,80,00,000
Tax Liability @ 34.944% of ` 9,80,00,000 3,42,45,120
Working Note 1:
Aggregate fair market value of total assets on the date of cancellation
of the registration
Valuation of Land, being an immovable property purchased in the year -
[Value of land purchased in the year 2009 not includible in the aggregate fair
market value, since the exemption provisions under section 11 and 12 would

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apply from P.Y.2012-13, being the previous year in which application for
registration of trust is made]
Valuation of Land and building, being an immovable property, 10,50,00,000
purchased in 2016
[The fair market value of land and building would be higher of ` 1,000 lakhs
i.e., price that the land and building would ordinarily fetch if sold in the open
market as per registered valuer’s certificate and ` 1,050 lakhs, being stamp
duty value as on the specified date i.e., 31.1.2023]
Valuation of Quoted equity shares in M/s XP Ltd. [2,000 x ` 1,075 per 21,50,000
[The fair market value of quoted shares would be ` 1,075 per share, being
the average of the lowest (` 1,051) and highest price (` 1,099) of such shares
on the specified date i.e., 31.1.2023]
Balance in current account of a nationalized bank 10,00,000
Balance in fixed deposits with scheduled banks 2,00,00,000
Cash in hand 3,50,000
Working Note 2 - Total liability
Book value of liabilities in the balance sheet on specified date 11,35,00,000
Less: Capital fund 8,00,00,000
Less: Contingent liability on estimated basis to contractor for which no bills 30,00,000
are received
Total liability of M/s Ratan Charitable Trust 3,05,00,000
The latest day on which such tax has to be paid is 14 th April, 2023, being 14 days from
31.3.3023, the date on which the order confirming the cancellation is received.
(b) Computation of income to be declared by the branch in its return of income
Computation of Head Office expenses allowable u/s 44C:
Particulars ` `
Net profit of the branch 28,00,000
Add: Head office expenditure debited to profit and loss 1,20,00,000
Unabsorbed depreciation 17,00,000
Capital expenditure for promoting family planning 7,00,000
Brought forward business loss 25,00,000
Deductions under Chapter VI-A 20,00,000
Adjusted total income 2,17,00,000
Note – Depreciation for the current financial year and capital expenditure on scientific research
are not required to be added back for computing adjusted total income.
Head office expenses allowable u/s 44C = ` 10,85,000
Being the lower of -
(i) 5% of ` 2,17,00,000 = ` 10,85,000
(ii) Actual Head Office expenses allocated to the branch = ` 1,20,00,000

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Income to be declared by the branch for A.Y.2023-24
Particulars `
Net profit of the branch 28,00,000
Add: Head office expenditure debited to profit and loss 1,20,00,000
Less: Head office expenses allowable u/s 44C 10,85,000
Income to be declared by the branch 1,37,15,000
4. (a) (i) An authorised dealer, who receives an amount for overseas remittance from a buyer, being a
person remitting such amount out of India under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme of RBI,
is required to collect tax at source @5%. In case the remittance is for a purpose other than
purchase of overseas tour programme package, then, no tax has to be collected at source, if
the amount or aggregate of amount remitted by a buyer is less than ` 7 lakhs; and where the
said amount exceeds ` 7 lakhs, tax has to be collected at source @5% of the amount or
aggregate of amount in excess of ` 7 lakhs.
Tax is required to be collected at source @0.5% of the amount or aggregate of amount in
excess of ` 7 lakhs where remittance is made out of loan from a bank or financial institution
notified by the Central Government referred under section 80E. However, in the present case,
Mr. Swaraj remitted the amount out of the loan taken from his employer being a manufacturing
company, tax is required to be deducted @5% on the amount or aggregate of amount in
excess of ` 7 lakhs.
Accordingly, the authorised dealer has to collect tax at source @5% on the amount remitted
by Mr. Swaraj in excess of ` 7,00,000 towards maintenance expenses of his son studying in
Canada as well as on amount remitted out of the loan taken from his employer not being the
financial institution defined under section 80E.
Thus, Rs. 33,000 [5% of Rs. 6,60,000 (Rs. 7,80,000 + Rs. 5,80,000 – Rs. 7,00,000) has to be
collected at source on the remittances made by Mr. Swaraj.
(ii) In a case where sale of goods of an e-commerce participant (Mr. Blue) is facilitated by an e-
commerce operator (TIDE) through its e-commerce website, section 194-O requires the e-
commerce operator to deduct tax at source@1% on ` 84 lakhs, being the gross amount of
sales facilitated through the e-commerce website.
As per section 206AA, in case where the deductee has not furnished his PAN, tax is required
to deducted at source at higher of 1% or 5%. Accordingly, tax has to be deducted at source
@5% of Rs. 84 lakhs = Rs. 4.2 lakhs.
(b) Mrs. Preeti’s income from house property would be ` 2,10,000 (` 3,00,000 less 30% of net annual
value). Since this is her only source of income, her gross total income/total income for A.Y.202 3-
24 would be ` 2,10,000, which is lower than the basic exemption limit. Hence, she is not required
to file her return of income for A.Y.2023-24 as per section 139(1)(b), since her gross total
income/total income does not exceed the basic exemption limit of ` 2,50,000.
However, clause (iv) to seventh proviso of section 139(1) provides that a person (other than a
company or a firm) who is not required to furnish a return u/s 139(1) has to furnish return on or
before the due date if he/she fulfills such other conditions as may be prescribed under Rule 12AB.
Rule 12AB, inter alia, prescribes that any person other than a company or a firm, who is not required
to furnish a return under section 139(1), has to file income-tax return in the prescribed form and
manner on or before the due date if, the aggregate of tax deducted at source a nd tax collected at
source during the previous year, in case of such person, is ` 25,000 or more.

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Accordingly, it has to be examined whether, in Mrs. Preeti’s case, the requirement to file return for
A.Y.2023-24 arises due to TDS/TCS, in her case, exceeding ` 25,000 in the P.Y.2022-23.
As per section 206C(1F), every person, being a seller, who receives any amount as consideration
for sale of a motor vehicle of the value exceeding ` 10 lakhs, has to collect tax from the buyer
@1% of the sale consideration.
Accordingly, dealer of the car is required to collect tax at source of ` 26,247 @1% on ex-showroom
price i.e., ` 26,24,710 (` 29,52,000 – ` 2,15,000 – ` 51,575 – ` 25,255 – ` 35,460) from
Mrs. Preeti, being the buyer of the car.
Hence, as per the seventh proviso to section 139(1) read with Rule 12AB, Mrs. Preeti is required
to mandatorily file her return of income for A.Y.2023-24, even though her gross total income/total
income does not exceed the basic exemption limit, since tax collected at source during the P.Y.
2022-23, in her case is ` 26,247 which exceeds the threshold of ` 25,000.
(c) The CBDT has, vide Circular No. 3/2022 dated 3.2.2022, clarified that the applicability of the Most
Favoured Nation (MFN) clause and benefit of the lower rate or restricted scope of source taxation
rights in relation to certain items of income including dividends provided in India's DTAAs with the
third State (Country Y, in this case) will be available to the first (OECD) State (Country X, in this
case) only when all the following conditions are met:
Condition Satisfaction of condition in the case
on hand
(i) The second treaty (with the third State) is This condition is satisfied as India has
entered into after the signature/ Entry into entered into a DTAA with Country Y on
Force of the treaty between India and the 15.5.2018, after it has entered into a
first state DTAA with Country X on 1.1.2018.
(ii) The second treaty is entered into between This condition is satisfied as India has
India and a State which is a member of the entered into a DTAA on 15.5.2018 with
OECD at the time of signing the treaty Country Y, which is a member of OECD
with it; since 2017. Hence, on 15.5.2018,
Country Y was an OECD member.
(iii) India limits its taxing rights in the second This condition is satisfied since in DTAA
treaty in relation to rate or scope of taxation between India and Country Y, dividend is
in respect of relevant items of income taxable@10%.
(iv) A separate notification has been issued by In this case, conditions (i), (ii) and (iii)
India, importing the benefits of the second mentioned above have been satisfied.
treaty into the treaty with the first State as The concessional rate of 10% can be
required by the provisions of section 90(1) applied for taxing the dividend received
of the Income-tax Act, 1961. by Trimex Inc. from Red Ltd., an Indian
company, only if India has issued a
separate notification importing the
benefits of India-Country Y tax treaty into
India-Country X tax treaty, as required by
the provisions of sections 90(1). If such
notification has been issued, then, the
concessional rate of 10% can be applied
for taxing the dividend received by
Trimex Inc. from Red Ltd., an Indian
company; otherwise, it cannot be
applied, even if other conditions are


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In case if Country Y became an OECD member only in the year 2020, then, the concessional rate
of 10% cannot be applied for taxing dividend received by Trimex Inc. from Red Ltd., since Country
Y was not an OECD member on 15.5.2018, at the time when India signed the DTAA with it.
Consequently, condition (ii) mentioned above would not be satisfied in such a case. Hence,
dividend received by Trimex Inc. from Red Ltd. would be subject to tax@15%.
5. (a) Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) would resolve dispute in the case of a person who opts for dispute
resolution under Chapter XIX-AA in respect of dispute arising from any variation in the specified order
in his case and who fulfils the specified conditions. Specified order includes an assessment order
passed under section 143(3), where the aggregate sum of variations made vide such order does not
exceed ` 10 lakh; the total income as per such return furnished by the assessee for the assessment
year relevant to such order does not exceed ` 50 lakhs and such order is not based on search or
requisition or survey or any information received under a DTAA.
Accordingly, in the present case, Mr. Sharma can file an application before DRC, since the
assessment order received on 26.11.2023 is a specified order and he satisfies the specified
conditions on account of no order of detention being made and no prosecution proceedings being
initiated or instituted against him. Non-levy of penalty under income-tax law is not a specified
condition, therefore, the levy of penalty under section 271D on him does not result in non -
compliance with the specified condition. Mr. Sharma has to file an application for resolution of
dispute in the prescribed form on or before 25.12.2023 i.e., within one month from the date of
receipt of the specified order.
However, once a modified order is passed by the DRC, no appeal or revision would lie against
such order.
If assessment order is based upon the information received under an DTAA entered with India, Mr.
Sharma, will not be eligible to make an application before DRC, since it is not a specified order.
(b) (i) Yes, Mr. Arvind is required to file his return of income for A.Y.2023-24.
As per section 139(1)(b), an individual is required to file his return if his total income, without
giving effect to deductions under, inter alia, Chapter VI-A and section 10AA, exceeds the
basic exemption limit. In this case, Mr. Arvind’s total income of ` 2,00,000 is lower than the
basic exemption limit of ` 2,50,000. However, such person referred to in section 139(1)(b)
who is not required to file his return on account of his total income being lower than the basic
exemption limit would be required to file return of income if, inter alia, his turnover in business
exceeds ` 60 lakhs. In this case, since Mr. Arvind’s turnover from business for the P.Y.2022-
23 is ` 70 lakhs, he has to file return of his income for A.Y.2023-24.
(ii) Yes, Mr. Bipin is required to file his return of income for A.Y.2023-24.
Gift of ` 50 lakhs received from son is not taxable under section 56(2)(x) in the hands of
Mr. Bipin, since his son is his relative, and gifts from a relative are excluded from the
applicability of section 56(2)(x). The only income of Mr. Bipin for the P.Y.2022-23 would be
interest on savings account for a period of 4 days from 28 th March, 2023 to 31 st March, 2023
on ` 50 lakhs, which would be lower than the basic exemption limit. As per section 139(1)(b),
an individual is required to file his return if his total income exceeds the basic exemption limit.
In this case, Mr. Bipin’s total income is lower than the basic exemption limit of ` 2,50,000.
However, such person referred to in section 139(1)(b) who is not required to file his return
on account of his total income being lower than the basic exemption limit would be required
to file return of income if, inter alia, the deposit in his savings account is
` 50 lakhs or more during the previous year.
Since a deposit of ` 50 lakhs has been made in the savings account of Mr. Bipin in the
P.Y.2022-23, he is required to file his return of income for A.Y.2023-24.


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(c) (i) (A) The statement is not correct.
The binding provision will not apply to an advance ruling pronounced by the Board of
Advance Ruling. Therefore, the order passed by the Board for Advance Ruling is not
binding on Mr. Shalin.
He may appeal to the High Court against such order within sixty days from the date of
the communication of that order.
(B) The statement is not correct.
A resident falling within any class or category of persons as notified by the Central
Government i.e., a public sector undertaking can seek advance ruling even if question
raised is pending before the Appellate Tribunal.
(ii) M/s. Alpha LLC is an e-commerce operator since it is a non-resident owning and operating
an online shopping app for facilitating sale of goods. Equalisation levy is attracted since it
does not have a permanent establishment in India. Equalisation levy@2% is leviable on the
amount of consideration received or receivable by M/s. Alpha LLC from online sale of goods
facilitated by it to persons resident in India, since the aggregate consideration from such sale
exceeds ` 2 crore in the F.Y.2022-23.
Particulars Amount in `
(a) Receipts from sale of goods to persons resident in India using 196 lakhs
internet from India
(b) Receipts from persons resident in India, even if it is while visiting 7 lakhs
neighbouring countries
Amount of consideration 203 lakhs
Equalisation levy = 2% of ` 203 lakhs = ` 4.06 lakhs.
6. (a) As per section 178, every person who is the liquidator of any company which is being wound up,
whether under the orders of a Court or otherwise, is under a statutory obligation to give notice of
such appointment within thirty days to the Assessing Officer who is entitled to assess the income
of the company.
The liquidator is debarred from parting with the assets of company and its properties in his hands
until he is notified by the Assessing Officer of the amount which will be sufficient to provide for any
tax which is then, or is likely thereafter, to become payable by the company except with the prior
approval of the Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or Principal Commissioner or
Commissioner and on being so notified, shall set aside an amount equal to the amount notified.
Consequences on failure to perform such obligations
If the liquidator fails to notify the Assessing Officer of his appointment within the time specified or
fails to set aside the amount intimated by the Assessing Officer as being sufficient to provide for
the tax liability of the company or parts with any of the assets or property of the company in his
hands in contravention of the above provisions, he shall be personally liable for payment of the tax
which the company would be liable to pay.
However, if the amount of any tax payable by the company is notified by the Assessing Officer, the
personal liability of the liquidator shall be to the extent of such amount.
Failure to comply with the above requirement would be an offence punishable under section 276A.


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(b) Computation of Tax Liability of Mr. Vikas & Mr. Vansh for the A.Y. 2023-24 as per regular
provisions of Income-tax Act
Particulars Mr. Vikas Mr. Vansh
Income under the head “Salaries”
Salary 13,00,000 13,00,000
Less: Standard deduction u/s 16(ia) 50,000 50,000
12,50,000 12,50,000
Less: Set-off of loss from house property of ` 2,00,000, being
deduction for interest on loan borrowed for self-occupied
property u/s 24(b) allowable to the extent of ` 2,00,000 - 2,00,000
Gross Total Income/Total Income 12,50,000 10,50,000
Less: Deduction u/s VI-A
Section 80D – Medical insurance premium 24,000 -
Tax Liability 12,26,000 10,50,000
Upto ` 2,50,000 Nil Nil
` 2,50,001 to ` 5,00,000 @ 5% 12,500 12,500
` 5,00,001 to ` 10,00,000 @ 20% 1,00,000 1,00,000
Above ` 10,00,000 @30% 67,800 15,000
1,80,300 1,27,500
Add: Health and Education cess @4% 7,212 5,100
Tax liability 1,87,512 1,32,600
Tax liability (rounded off) 1,87,510 1,32,600
Computation of Tax Liability of Mr. Vikas & Mr. Vansh for the A.Y. 2023-24 as per
section 115BAC
Particulars Mr. Vikas Mr. Vansh
Total Income (computed as per regular provisions) 12,26,000 10,50,000
Add: Standard deduction u/s 16(ia) [Not allowable as
deduction u/s 115BAC] 50,000 50,000
12,76,000 11,00,000
Add: Set-off loss from house property in respect interest on
loan for self-occupied property [not allowable as deduction u/s
115BAC] - 2,00,000
12,76,000 13,00,000
Add: Deduction under section 80D[Not allowable as deduction
u/s 115BAC] 24,000 -
Total income as per section 115BAC 13,00,000 13,00,000
Tax Liability
Upto ` 2,50,000 Nil Nil
` 2,50,001 to ` 5,00,000 @ 5% 12,500 12,500
` 5,00,001 to ` 7,50,000 @ 10% 25,000 25,000
` 7,50,001 to ` 10,00,000 @ 15% 37,500 37,500
` 10,00,001 to ` 12,50,000 @ 20% 50,000 50,000

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` 12,50,001 to ` 13,00,000 @ 25% 12,500 12,500
1,37,500 1,37,500
Add: Health and education cess @4% 5,500 5,500
Tax Liability 1,43,000 1,43,000
Since tax liability of Mr. Vikas as per section 115BAC of ` 1,43,000 is lower than the tax liability
of ` 1,87,510 computed as per the regular provisions of the Act, it is advisable for him to opt
for section 115BAC.
However, in case of Mr. Vansh, since his tax liability as the normal provisions of
` 1,32,600 is lower than the tax liability of ` 1,43,000 as per section 115BAC, it is advisable for
him not to opt for section 115BAC and pay tax as per regular provisions.
(c) Two enterprises are deemed to be associated enterprises where one enterprise, directly or
indirectly, holds shares carrying not less than 26% of the voting power in the other enterprise.
In this case, since Tick Ltd., a foreign company, holds 30% equity shares in Toe Ltd., an Indian
company, Tick Ltd. and Toe Ltd. are deemed to be associated enterprises. Since the transaction
of developing software and providing related support service by Toe Ltd. to Tick Ltd. is an
international transaction between associated enterprises, the provisions of transfer pricing would
be attracted in this case.
Computation of Arm’s Length Price as per Cost Plus Method
Particulars % %
Gross Profit mark-up on cost in case of GN Ltd. Ltd. [an unrelated party] 40%
Less: Adjustments for functional and other differences
- Value of technology support [Tick Ltd. provides technology support, 6%
but GN Ltd. does not provide such support. Therefore, value of
technology support shall be adjusted] [15% of 40%, being gross profit]
- Quantity discount to Tick Ltd. [Quantity discount is allowed to Tick Ltd. 4%
as it gives business in large volumes, but the same is not provided to
GN Ltd. Therefore, it shall be adjusted] [10% of 40%, being gross
- Risk and cost associated with marketing [Toe Ltd. has to bear all the 8%
risk and costs associated with the marketing function in case of G N
Ltd., while there is no such risk in case of services to Tick Ltd.
Therefore, market risk and cost shall be adjusted] [20% of 40%, being
gross profit] 18%
Add: Cost of credit to Tick Ltd. [Toe Ltd has provided credit of 1 month to
Tick Ltd. but not to the unrelated party. Therefore, adjustment for the
cost of such credit has to be carried out to arrive at the ALP] [(5% of
40%, being gross profit] 2%
Arm’s length gross profit mark up to cost 24%
Cost incurred by Toe Ltd. for executing Tick Ltd.’s work 3,50,000
Add: Adjusted gross profit (` 3,50,000 x 24%) 84,000
Arm’s length billed value 4,34,000
Less: Actual Billed Income from Tick Ltd. (` 2,500 x 150 man hours) 3,75,000
Total Income of Toe Ltd to be increased by 59,000


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