Mogfur and The Painful Thorn FINISHED

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Mogfur’s Painful Dilemma

Recommended Level​: 3-4 Level 1 Characters

Dungeon Master Notes. ​The information in ​italics ​is meant to be read out loud. Information in ​purple
bold italics​ ​are magic items while information in ​red bold italics ​are monsters. These will require you to
refer to one of the three core rulebooks for more information on their stats. ​A skill check or saving throw
will be in pink text​. You may need to lower or increase the strength of the monsters or Difficulty
Challenges (DC) to better match the strength and skills of the party. You are encouraged to alter the story
and its contents as you wish. You will want to explain what Faraway Figurines are (rules on death) before
starting. I recommend reading through the whole adventure before starting, but especially the “NPCs and
Character Motivations” section.

Summary. ​This is a story about a giant named Mogfur who loves music. Mogfur goes to every showing of
the Azulian Orchestra, until recently. He has been missing for some time now. The party has decided to
take a contract to find Mogfur and see if he is okay. First, they must travel across the Decaying Hills and
through the dense Rosewood forest. They will also have to deal with a Knight of the Candle named Knight
Gunter, an evil man who seeks to destroy Mogfur and collect his Faraway Figurine. Players must find
Mogfur, make sure he is safe, and deal with Knight Gunter and his conquest for Mogfur’s Faraway

Preparation. ​This section details the preparation needed for this adventure. The DM will need the
Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual. And Dungeon Master’s Guide. The DM will also need note taking
materials, a DM screen, a set of dice, and a copy of each player’s character sheet. It’s recommended that
the DM bring extra sets of dice. Each player will need a set of dice, character sheet, pencil, eraser, and
note paper. An extra Player’s Handbook is a bonus.

If you want to go above and beyond, pick out songs ahead of time that match the mood of each stage of
the adventure as you play. Dressing as your character is also a huge plus.

Props. ​This includes a list of suggested props that can be used throughout the adventure, if able. Games
are always more fun with props!

· Miniatures to represent characters (chess pieces or other objects work well!)

· A battle grid – 1’ squares = 5 ft. (Pre-drawn maps on printer paper work if you don’t have an
· A dice tray (This is to catch dice that may roll off the table. Pencil boxes or something similar
work well)
· The job offer letter from Chant the Conductor – Page 3 - (rolled up piece of paper tied with
ribbon or string)

Rules on Death (Faraway Figurines). ​In these adventures, characters and monsters don’t die in the
traditional sense. A character that drops to 0 hp still makes Death Saving Throws. When a character fails
all three of his or her Death Saving Throws, their body is transported to the Faraway Plane. This is a
mysterious and unknown plane of existence that most everyone knows about, but no-one really knows
the full details of. Monsters that drop to 0 hp also go to this place. Going to the Faraway Place is known
as being “taken faraway”. When this happens, the body transforms into a pile of fine silver dust. Leftover
in the dust is a small indestructible silver stone figurine of the character or monster. These figurines,
known as Faraway Figurines, are magical and can be restored with spells like Revivify or Resurrection.

Rules of Roleplay. ​The following list includes some ideas for enhancing the role play of your games. Use
as many or as few of these rules as you think are applicable for your age range. Try expanding on them
with future games.

1. ​Find ways to facilitate roleplay and get the and finding gold coins. At the table, players are
kids thinking about how their character would living and breathing as their characters. This
react, not how they would act. Find ways to ask means that casual conversation can occur.
“What would (insert character name) do in this Encourage the players engage in a little
situation? in-character small talk. This can be about their
character’s past, things the character encounter
2. In the beginning of the adventure, encourage during their adventures, or any introspective
each player to give their character one good trait questions.
and one flaw. They can be creative with this. An
example of good traits include being 10. Try to interact with the player’s characters
courageous, shy, or creative. Some negative with an NPC. This could be an NPC included in
traits include nosy, secretive, and impatient. the adventure or one of your own making such
as a sarcastic familiar, someone who talks to the
3. Recommend players to come up with a voice characters in their dreams, or a sentient magic
for their character, but only if they want. object. This will help shy players or newcomers
feel more comfortable role playing their
4. Encourage players to create a short backstory character.
on why their character became the class they
are (fighter, wizard, etc) and one thing that is 11. Try to limit out of character conversations
special or interesting about that character. (2-3 about mechanics and rules if possible. I only
sentences). They should read this aloud or give recommend enforcing this for those that already
to the DM to read. have a good understanding of the rules.

5. Each player should choose one mannerism 12. Reward role playing. This can be done by
for their character. Some mannerisms include rewarding characters with inspiration points or a
crossing their arms when defensive, tilting their circumstance bonus. An example of a
head when curious, or rubbing their hands in circumstance bonus is when a player does a
anticipation. really good job convincing a merchant to lower
their prices with an in-character conversation.
6. As the DM, ask each player “How would your You can reward their character with a +5 bonus
character say that?” to get them to speak in to a Persuasion Check or letting them have
character. Do this repeatedly across the advantage on that roll. Another example could
adventure. be describing a cool scene in combat. An
example is describing that their rogue wants to
7. Encourage each player to participate in backflip off a balcony, swing off a chandelier,
in-character interaction by making eye contact and land on an enemy below. You may reward a
and gesturing to those players who may be too character that describes that scene advantage
shy or are overshadowed by other players. on their Dexterity Check or bonus to damage
Smile and encourage the players to describe dealt.
what their character is doing. If they can’t think
of anything, offer some suggestions. 13. Don’t forget the rule of fun. Set the
expectations in the beginning of the game and
8. Always refer to each player by their character give clear examples. Having fun is always the
name. PRIMARY GOAL, above all else. Players should
have fun without impeding someone else’s fun
9. Encourage some in-character personal
questions. Adventuring isn’t all slaying monsters

The City of Azule

City Theme. ​A city of beautiful works of art, the area. The landscape has the occasional
craftsmen, and adventurers. large boulder or tree. After one day’s travel
south, characters will arrive at the Rosewood.
Locations of Interest. ​Blacksmith, General This is a forest with huge coniferous trees that
Store, Fighter’s School, Jeweler, Woodcarver, sprout red and white roses from their trunks. The
Azulian Theater, Azule Stone Quarry. ground is often littered with rose petals.

People of Interest Demographics. ​The local population is mostly

dwarven and human, although races of all types
1. Sindri the Male Gnome live and visit Azule.
(Charismatic, Charming, Job: Baker)
2. Bojack the Female Orc (Scholarly, City Culture. ​Mostly high spirited, although
Strict, Job: Librarian) some adventurers can be unruly and upset the
3. Kalaack the Male Arakocra locals. It’s not uncommon to see the city guard
(High-spirited, Preoccupied, Job: and their silver armor intervene in a dispute over
Tavern Keeper and Blacksmith) an adventure contract or trade deal. Azule is a
hub for adventurers because of the heroic sleep
Climate and Environment. ​Azule is landlocked they gain, and because many main roads lead
so it can be very dry. It’s currently summer and through the city from other parts of the continent.
the days can get unbearably hot if you’re not in
the city. Those who are wearing heavy clothing Benefits. ​Sleeping in the city grants characters
or armor while traveling outside the city must advantage on Charisma Saving Throws and
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw Charisma Checks for the day, until sunrise.
or become exhausted (level 1) with an increase Sleeping with a chunk of Azule Stone in one’s
in exhaustion level after each successive failure. possession will grant the same benefits. Azule
Wearing light clothing and drinking cool liquids, Stone can be bought from Kalaack the
or weather protection from magical items, will Blacksmith.
reduce your exhaustion. A long rest will also
help. These saving throws only apply when Dangers. ​Bandits and Wolves patrol the
travelling through the Decaying Hills. The Decaying Hills. Thieves lurk in the city. There
Rosewood’s shade blocks the heat of the sun. are unknown dangers in the Rosewood.

The area surrounding Azule are large, mostly

barren hills. The locals call them the Decaying
Hills because of the night predators that roam

Chapter 1 - Finding Mogfur
This chapter details the characters starting point Your party awakes early on Sun’s Day. The first
in the city of Azule and their travels through the thing you hear is the sound of beautiful music.
Decaying Hills. It’s not the sound of the Azulian Orchestra, but
of the hundreds of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks
Your story begins in Azule, a beautiful city made chirping, acting as an alarm for the city to wake
of blue stone that shimmers in the sunlight. Its up. Shortly after, you hear the echoes of
high walls make it difficult to see into the city collective yawns and the creaking of wood as
from the outside, except for those that sit on the hundreds of resident craftsmen and out-of-town
southern hills. From there, one can see the adventurers begin their day.
many people moving through its streets, like
ants in a busy colony. People come to Azule You’ve awakened from your slumber and
because of the beautiful buildings made of large stumble downstairs for some toast and sausage.
blue stones, which are rumored to bless people How do you begin your day? What do you say to
with magical courage and a golden tongue. each other?
Knights and warriors from far away, after
perilous journeys, come to spend the night in At this time, allow the players to introduce their
Azule and awake with no more fear and the characters. In this adventure, the characters
courage of the fearless ancient Dwarven hero have only known each other for about a day.
Dralgon Fireglide. An image of Dralgon and his Each has their own reason for visiting or
fire hammer are emblazoned throughout the city traveling through Azule, but they are mainly
on several tall cloth banners. there to earn some extra coin by completing one
of the many posted assignments. Encourage
People come to Azule to get a heroic sleep, but them to share their own reason for visiting Azule
stay for the Azulian Orchestra. Every week on and their backstory if they haven’t already.
Sun’s Day, the 100 member orchestra fills the
city with beautiful and intense music as the sun One of the characters will have found a paid
falls. Music spills out from the blue stone assignment from a notice board outside their inn
amphitheater, through the streets, and out and has convinced the other to tag along. Most
across the Decaying Hills. assignments posted in Azule are dangerous and
better completed as a group. If you use a prop
People also come to Azule for the adventuring for the note, hand it to the player that “found it”.
contracts. Azule, being a central hub on the Encourage them to read the parchment. The
continent, is a popular destination for people to parchment reads:
hire adventurers for oddjobs of all sorts. These
jobs range from collecting components for
wizards and their spells to slaying vicious beasts
that threaten the land.


We are deeply saddened by the disappearance of the local giant, Mogfur. He is our
biggest fan and watches our performances from the southern hills every Sun’s Day
night. He didn’t show last week, which was odd, but now I’m worried because he hasn’t
shown up this week either. He is usually lounging all day on the southern hill, waiting for
our performance. Please check on Mogfur let him know we miss him. He lives
somewhere in the Rosewood, past the Decaying Hills to the south, no more than a
four-day journey there and back. Bring him to the Azulian Theater. Please hurry.

Afterwards, please see me, Conductor Chant of the Azulian Orchestra, for your reward.

After reading the assignment, encourage the sneaks up on them and interrupts their long
players to ask questions and discuss how they rests to restore HP and spells.
will start this quest while in character.
Emphasize that this journey will take at least two The characters can travel through the southern
to three days there, and two to three days back. portcullis of Azule to reach the Decaying Hills. It
How would they plan for a dangerous journey if will take a little over 24 hours of traveling by foot,
they were in their character’s shoes? through the hills, to reach the Rosewood.
Characters can purchase horses or a wagon,
The characters have spent some time in Azule but they will be expensive. Horses also require
already, talking with the locals. They’ve learned feeding and can be spooked. Characters will
the Decaying Hills to the south can be need an explorer’s pack, ​Potion of Healing
dangerous. There are wolves and other (Magic Item), and other adventuring gear in
creatures lurking about. It can get very dark at order to survive. They should expect anything.
night. The heat may cause fatigue for those that
wear heavy armor. There may also be other Before leaving the town, the characters will
adventurers that they must compete with on overhear a loud and obnoxious young man with
contracts. long blonde hair named Knight Gunter. This man
is a Knight of the Candle and is wearing near
The city of Azule is a large place and has many pristine plate armor with a lit candle on his
merchants to purchase supplies from. The party breastplate and a lantern hanging from his hip.
can ask the residents for assistance finding He has a two-handed longsword on his back
shops. The amount of starting gold is up to you, and is holding a steel full helmet with a purple
but I recommend following the starting gold plume against his side with his right hand. He is
presented in the Player’s Handbook, which is talking to a group of half a dozen members of
roughly 100 gold pieces per character. I nobility.
recommend they purchase an explorer’s pack at
the very least. The characters will only have until Knight Gunter: ​“That’s when I slayed the beast!
sundown before shops close for the next three The slimy Lizard King never even saw it coming.
days for the Azulian Craft Festival, a monthly The last thing he saw was the flame of my
craft fair where local craftsmen sell and candle and the metal flash of my sword before
celebrate their creations. turning into silver dust. Commander Tobey paid
me a fine price for his Faraway Figurine!”
Characters may want to travel by day, as travel
by night is more dangerous. It is also The onlookers smile and laugh at his story.
recommended that characters take turns
keeping watch during the night, so nobody Knight Gunter: ​“Now I’m on a task to clear the
country-side of any beasts that lurk around.

Soon their figurines will be mine, and even them from danger and reward them in the end,
better, the coin that comes with it!” although he won’t say what the reward is.

As he says that, a peasant woman in a dirty red He will also be on the lookout for his lost ​Ring of
dress comes running up to him, sobbing, and Invisibility​ (​ Magic Item). Only knights of high
slaps his chest plate and says, ranking are given these rings, although he will
not say how he obtained the ring in the first
Peasant Woman: ​“Knight Gunter! How could place. He will say he obtained the ring long ago
you, Knight Gunter! You’re a monster! The from a friend if they ask about it.
Knights of the Candle are monsters! You sent
my poor husband Joey to the hospital, all If the party questions his affiliation with Knight
because you thought he was trying to steal your Gunter and the Knights of the Candle, he will
bounty! How could you? Joey is a good man!” explain how a man named Commander Tobey
took control of the Knighthood and the Knights
As she finishes, he grabs her arms and pushes took a turn for the worst after that, seeking
her to the ground with an evil smile. power for themselves over justice for others.

Knight Gunter: ​“That’s what he deserves for As the DM, you will use Sterm to impart advice
getting between me and my bounty. He’s lucky I when the party is stuck or acts as a helping
didn’t collect his Faraway Figurine!” hand if combat becomes dire. Sterm is a very
friendly person and will do things like pat
The nobles laugh as the peasant woman looks adventurers on the back, give group hugs after a
in horror then runs away. Gunter pulls out his triumph, and give words of encouragement.
sword and raises it in the air.
While traveling through the Decaying Hills,
Knight Gunter: ​“For the Knights of the Candle! characters may encounter a variety of threats.
Nobody shall stop me in my conquest! Not even Before travelling through the hills, please read
dirty peasants!” the “Climate and Environment” section above.
Howling wolves can be heard all through the
The nobles cheer as he finishes speaking. He night as they stalk and hunt in the hills. When
continues speaking, but noticeably gives your travelling during the night, roll 1d20 every 6
party a watchful eye for a few seconds before hours of in-game time using “Encounter Table A”
returning to conversation with the nobles. to determine what threats that may try to attack
the party. When traveling during the day, roll
Waiting on the other side of the southern 1d20 every 12 hours. Do this even while in
portcullis, the characters will meet Sterm Rosewood. The journey through the Decaying
Lightblade. Please read “Characters and NPCs” Hills should only last a day or so on foot.
section below to know more about Sterm
Lightblade. It’s recommended that you use a maximum of
one encounter using the encounter table in a
Sterm is seen wearing very old Knight of the 24-hour period, although you may increase it to
Candle plate armor and has a two-handed two if the party can handle it and time permitting.
sword on his back. Sterm will ask if he can join Use your best discretion when determining when
the characters so he can complete his Knightly encounters occur, if at all.
duties and finally retire. For a Knight of the
Candle to retire, they must perform a ceremony
involving the burning of their plate armor and
sword. To do this, he must travel deep in the
forest until he’s found a pit of firewax. This wax
burns so hot that it melts solid steel. He tells that
party that if the party helps him, he will protect

Encounter Table​ ​A ​(1d20)

1-4: (1d6-1) Giant Frogs (CR 0.25) attack the party.

5-8: (1d4) Black Bears (CR 0.5) attack the party.

9-12: (1d4) Wolves (CR 0.25) stalk the party for several hours before trying to attack while they are

13-16: (1d6) Bandits (CR 0.125) try to rob the party of their gold.

17-20: Nothing happens

Chapter 2 – Travelling through the Rosewood

This chapter details travelling through the Characters that follow these footprints will be led
Rosewood. The intense smell of roses will fill the to the base of a large tree. At the base of this
character’s noses as they reach the tree line into tree is a circle impression in the rose petals, as if
the Rosewood. Within the Rosewood, someone was sitting down here.
characters will not suffer from heat exhaustion
because of the shade. There is no clear path in, SIDE TASK: ​If the characters try to investigate
but the trees are far enough apart to not have further, and stick their hand down towards the
any trouble walking through, although a cart impression, they will discover an invisible
wouldn’t be able to fit. humanoid napping against the tree. This is a
male gray feathered Kenku, named Flipper, who
Red and white roses climb up and down every is napping against the base of the tree while
tree trunk and branch. A thick blanket of petals wearing a ​Ring of Invisibility.​ This is the same
covers the ground floor. The sound of chirping ring that was stolen from Sterm Lightblade.
Rose-breasted Grosbeaks seems to grow louder
as you start to walk within the Rosewood, but If prodded or disturbed, Flipper will wake with a
eventually softens. startle and try to scurry up the tree and hide in
the canopy 50 feet up. Some of his black
A character that succeeds on a DC 15 Nature or feathers will fall off in the process. He will look
Investigation Check will notice faint outlines of frightened and suspicious. Sterm will accuse
large footprints, pressed into the petals, that Flipper of stealing his ring. The Kenku will tell
lead further south. A character that succeeds on the party that his cousin gave him the ring as a
a DC 10 Insight Check will know these are wedding present.​ Succeeding on a DC 14
giant’s footprints and probably Mogfur’s. Insight Check will reveal that this is a lie. ​If
caught in the lie, Flipper will admit that he stole
After walking for a couple hours, following the the ring from Knight Sterm as he slept. He will
footprints, a character that succeeds on a DC 18 then drop the ring but stay in the tree until they
Perception Check will notice some smaller leave. Then he will run back to Azule.
footprints leading off to the right of the path.
After four more hours of travel, the characters
will start to notice smaller trees that have been

knocked over, scrapes and gashes in the larger red and purple rose petals from a big leather
trees, and a general path of destruction leading satchel hanging from his side and grind them
further south made by the giant. After a couple with water into a pestle and mortar until he
more hours of travelling along this heavily makes a healing paste. Applying this paste to
beaten path, they will catch up to the giant. the wound closes it and heals the target for
(2d4+2) hp.
The party should be cautious about approaching
Mogfur. If they startle him in the slightest, and he Afterwards, he will explain that he has been in a
is easily scared, he will spot the party and start foul mood because of a massive thorn in his foot
to run south. Please see the “APPENDIX” below that he stepped on gathering some purple rose
for stats on Mogfur and other characters or petals from the Purple Rosewood Thicket to the
monsters in this adventure. east.

Chasing Mogfur. ​When Mogfur starts to run, The characters should explain that he’s needed
the party should follow him. When they do, this back at the city because of Conductor Chant.
will start a skill challenge. Characters must When he hears this, he will be shocked and
partake in a series of group Dexterity Saving warmhearted. He never knew the Azulian
Throws as Mogfur tries to slow the characters Orchestra cared for him like he does for them.
down as he runs while slightly limping in pain. Listening to the Azulian Orchestra on the hills
outside of Azul is his favorite thing to do every
Take the combined average of checks for all the Sun’s Day which makes the pain of the thorn
characters for each challenge. If the characters that much worse. He wants nothing more than to
fail the skill contest, they will lose sight of Mogfur return to Azule to listen to the Orchestra, but
and have to track him down again. He will not needs the thorn removed from his foot before he
listen to their pleas to stop until after this skill can make the trek across the Decaying Hills. He
challenge. can’t remove the thorn because it hurts far too
Challenge 1: ​Mogfur takes off running as
quickly as he can bearably do so, which is only He calls himself dumb for not thinking of it at the
slightly quicker than the characters thanks to the time, but the berries of the Purple Rosewood
thorn in his foot. As he runs, he picks up a large Tree have special numbing properties that,
stone and rolls it behind him. ​Everyone in a 5 when properly mixed with red and purple rose
foot line, 100 feet back, must succeed on a DC petals, creates a numbing paste. When applied
13 Dexterity Saving Throw or take (2d4) to Mogfur’s foot, it will numb it enough to remove
bludgeoning damage and fall prone. the thorn without pain. Only then, will Mogfur be
able to heal and travel with the party. He will tell
Challenge 2: ​Mogfur will then try to club a tree. the party that the Purple Rosewood Thickett is a
It will fall right in front of the characters. day’s journey to the west of their location.
Everyone in the path of the tree must succeed
on a DC 14 Dexterity Saving Throw or fall prone. Dire Wolves Attack. ​As Mogfur is talking, two
Dire wolves sneak up on the group from the
Challenge 3: ​Mogfur will take a huge chunk of east. There is a white ​Dire Wolf​ ​and a gray ​Dire
mud in his hands and throw it at the party. Wolf​. Their stats are in the “APPENDIX”. They
Characters must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity stand far enough away so as to not draw
Saving Throw or have their eyes covered in mud attention to themselves and wait for an
and become blinded for 2 rounds. opportunity to strike. Towards the end of the
conversation, they sneak behind Mogfur. After
If the party catches up to Mogfur, he will try to the conversation ends, they attack. ​Characters
swing his club at the party. When he gets a can try to make a contested Perception
closer look at the characters, he will realize his (Characters) vs Stealth (Dire wolves) Check to
mistake and drop his club and sincerely try to spot the wolves, but the characters will
apologize. He tells them the pain he is in and have disadvantage unless they are actively
how it makes him do dumb things sometimes. If looking for a threat.
he hurts one of the characters, he will take some

When the ​Dire Wolves​ ​attack, they will mostly more healing paste. He tells the characters how
go for Mogfur. These wolves have thick fur, to find his home. Mogfur lives 30 minutes south
snarling teeth, and a wild vicious look in their of this location in a small cave.
eyes. Saliva drips from their large sharp teeth.
They give out a vicious growl as they sprint At this point, Mogfur will urge the party to find
towards Mogfur. the Purple Rosewood Thickett and bring back
Purple Rosewood petals and berries so he can
As the fight begins, Mogfur yells at the party not help himself and the white ​Dire Wolf.​ He tells
to intervene. The ​Dire Wolves​ ​bite at Mogfur’s the characters that they should head east, past
legs and occasionally jump up to bite his arms the Crying Rock, across the tree bridge on the
as he tries to kick and swing them away. He river, and up the Howling Cliff. Before they
manages to toss the white wolf off, which was leave, Mogfur hands the characters two rolled
attached and biting his arm, to the ground up balls of the red and purple petal healing
nearby. As the gray wolf is biting his legs, he paste that can be used to heal a character for
swings his club down on the white wolf and 2d4+2 hp in a round. Each ball of healing paste
knocks it unconscious. When he does this, the has one use.
gray wolf whimpers and backs off, then flees into
the woods to the west. The den is located to the Mogfur will tell them that there are unknown
east. The wolf does this purposely so as not to dangers that lurk in the woods and that they
lead anyone to the den directly. should be stealthy and cautious if able. He tells
them not to be fooled by the beautiful scenery
After the fight ends, Mogfur tells the party not to and wishes them luck.
worry. He says he will care for the wolf back at
his cave. He puts the white wolf over his
shoulder. ​ ​A character that succeeds on a DC 10
Animal Handling Check, they will notice that the
white Dire wolf is a female.

Mogfur is slightly injured, but nothing serious. He

quickly bandages himself with some rags and

Chapter 3 – Finding the Purple Rosewood Tree

In this chapter, the characters will travel east Characters must succeed on DC 15 Survival
through the Rosewood to try to find the Purple Checks between each location or risk running
Rosewood Thickett. The journey there and back into trouble. ​Take the group average. If the
will take approximately 24 hours. Along the way, average is below 15, roll a 1d20 using the
the characters will pass by the Crying Rock, the “Encounter Table B” to determine what threats
river with the tree bridge, and the Howling Cliff. the party encounters.
Each location is roughly 6 hours apart.

Encounter Table​ ​B ​(1d20)

1-4: (1d4-1) Giant Centipedes (CR 0.25)

5-8: (1d4-1) Goblins (CR 0.25)

9-12: (1d4) Giant Rats (CR 0.125)

13-16: (1d4) Kobolds (CR 0.125)

17-20: Nothing happens

The Crying Rock.​ ​After hours of traveling understand Celestial will know this says
through dense forest, you come across a giant “remember to disarm the trap”.
boulder that sits between two trees. Either by
natural or magical means, the front of the The chest is unlocked but trapped. A character
boulder is shaped like a frowning face with large can discover that this box is trapped by
sunken eyes. Water dribbles from its eyes from succeeding a DC 15 Perception Check.
somewhere within the rock. The canopies from Unlocking the trap requires holding two hidden
the trees on either side of the rock lay on the buttons on either side while simultaneously
rock as if to give it big bushy hair. opening the lid very slowly. A character may do
this if they try to open the chest and succeed in
A character that searches near the rock and a DC 16 Dexterity check, with thieves’ tools. On
succeeds on a DC 18 Perception check will find a failure, the trap will release a spring-loaded
a loose dirt patch, as if something was buried piton that destroys the potion inside. Inside is a
under the ground.​ Characters that discover this Potion of Animal Friendship​ (Magic Item), a
and find a way to dig through 3 feet of dirt, will Ring of Jumping​ (Magic Item), and a leather
discover a small metal chest that has strange coin pouch with 50 gold pieces.
unknown symbols carved on top. Those that

The Tree Bridge. ​Here, you come to a rushing up to the tree trunk that makes the bridge and,
river about 50 feet wide and countless miles with a heavy kick, shoves the bridge out of
long. There are several tall trees that line the place. The rushing water carries it down the
river. One of them has been cut down, its trunk river.
being used as a bridge.
Knight Gunter: ​“I know you plan on helping this
As you approach, you see small flashes of light giant I’ve been hearing so much about, and with
coming out of the tree line on the other side of the help of another Knight of the Candle,
the river. The light is from the glass lantern that no-less.”
hangs from the hip of Knight Gunter. He walks

He raises his sword towards Knight Sterm Athletics Checks to swim to either side, or wash
Lightblade. down the river until they find a way to hold onto
one of the many rocks or tree roots in the water.
“Have you forgotten your duties, old man? We’re If someone falls in, someone could throw a rope
here to slay beasts, not make friends with them. in for them to grab onto. ​If this happens, each
They’re evil monstrosities that stand in the way character holding onto the rope must succeed
of our power! You’ll regret what you’re doing.” on a DC 10 Strength Check, else the rope will
slip out of their hands.
As he says that, he rubs a small ring on his
finger and disappears. A character that succeeds on a DC 12 Insight
Check will realize they can chop down one of
At this time, Knight Gunter will have left the area the taller trees to use as a new bridge.​ If they do
to stalk the party. The party will need to find a this, the characters may want to secure the tree
way across the river. on each end with large heavy river rocks found
on each side of the river. Otherwise, they risk
The river flows for countless miles in either the bridge coming loose and end up floating
direction. It is 60 feet wide. The trees are down the river.
approximately 50-75 feet tall and stand on either
side. If the characters find the buried box at the
Crying Rock, they can try to use the Ring of
A character that falls in the water will have to Jumping to jump across the river one at a time.
succeed in two out of three DC 15 Acrobatics or


The Howling Cliff. ​The Howling Cliff is a rock cuboid pillars on circular rotating platforms sit at
face that is 100 feet tall and 60 feet wide. Either the base of the cliff. Each pillar has a hole at the
side is covered in a dense layer of bushes and top with a metal flap in the center. Each is facing
rocks, too thick to pass through. As wind rips west, or towards you.
through the trees and hits the smooth surface of
the wall, it creates a sharp howling noise. Three

Puzzle. ​To solve this puzzle, the characters will need to align all the pillars to face south. This way, the
wind will be able to blow through all the holes and spin the metal flaps to activate the mechanism they
control. When the flaps on all three pillars are spinning, a secret stairwell will activate and pop out of the
wall that will lead the characters safely up the wall. If one of the flaps stops spinning, the stairs will retract
back into the wall.


Thorn Maze. ​Once the characters reach the top layout, but the maze is too obscured from the
of the Howling Cliff they will only need to travel canopies of the trees and clusters of thorn vines
another hour to reach the Thorn Maze that to see any threats within.
guards the Purple Rosewood Thickett. These
trees have purple trunks and are covered in
purple roses and small purple berries. Before
the characters reach the Purple Rosewood
grove, the characters will approach clusters of
massive green vines, about a foot in diameter
and sprawling in all directions. The clusters of
vines stand 10 feet tall. The vines have long
thorns, approximately 6 inches in diameter and a
couple feet long. These vines create a maze that
is spread a couple hundred feet in radius around
the Purple Rosewood Thickett.

The images below show the maze of thorns and

Below is the solved maze with marked locations
the path that leads to the center where the grove
of interest.
of Purple Rosewood Trees resides. The paths of
this maze are approximately 20 ft. wide. The
walls of thorns are 3 to 5 feet wide. The walls of
the maze are impassable because of the thorns
and thick vines. The vines are as tough as iron,
although the thorns can snap off fairly easily.

A character that is thrown against the thorn wall

must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity Saving
Throw or take (1d4) piercing damage.

Below is the map that you can use to slowly

reveal parts of the maze to the characters. I
recommend only revealing parts of the map that
the characters can see. The characters can try
to climb a nearby tree and look down on top of
the maze to get a better understanding of the

of the maze or if they take a left-hand turn
towards the den. Alternatively, the gray wolf may
wait till the characters are ready to exit the
maze. If the wolf’s health becomes too low, it will
flee back to its pups, put the two pups on its
back, and flee through a small exit through the
thorns. If the wolf flees, it will go to Mogfur’s den
and wait there to check on the white ​Dire wolf​.

The center of the maze contains a half dozen

Purple Rosewood Trees. The purple petals that
have fallen to the ground can be collected, but
the berries that are still attached to the trees can
only be cut off or freed by a magical weapon. If
the players haven’t been able to come across a
magical weapon, Sterms sword is magical and
The ​red circle​ ​is (1d4-1) Giant Rats (CR 0.125). he will be able to collect the berries. They will
only need a handful of berries.
The ​purple circle​ ​contains (1d4) Giant Rats
(CR 0.125). There is a pile of silver dust here Once the berries have been collected, they
from someone who has “gone faraway” with a should head back to Mogfur’s cave and give him
figurine of a young male Knight of the Candle the berries. They will know the location and can
recruit. On the ground is also a ​+1 Longsword travel there easily.
(Magic Item). The hilt is made with a standard
black leather wrap andthe blade is engraved About halfway back to Mogfur’s cave, when it
with the words “Honor and Glory”. It gives off a becomes very dark, ​a character who succeeds
slight golden glow. on a DC 20 Perception Check will notice a small
ball of light following them in the distance. ​This
The ​green circle​ ​has a regular Rosewood tree is the lit candle of Knight Gunter hundreds of
with some of the roots sticking out of the dirt. ​A yards back. If they spot him, they can choose to
character that succeeds on a DC 15 Perception confront him.
Check will reveal the shimmering hilt of a sword
jammed in the dirt and tied up by the roots​. If the Confrontation with Knight Gunter. ​If Knight
characters spend some time trying to slice the Gunter is not spotted, he will try to attack the
roots, they may eventually free the sword. Stuck party in the night and gain the advantage of
in the roots is a ​+1 Short Sword​ ​(Magic Item). surprising the characters. During the fight, if he
The hilt has a light brown leather wrap and the is low on health, he will use his ​Ring of
blade is dark blue with a red trim on the blade’s Invisibility​ and escape to fight another day. He
edge. will heal back to full health overnight and
continue to track the party to Mogfur’s cave. He
The ​blue circle​ ​is the location of the Dire Wolf will not reveal himself again until they reach the
den. Currently, the gray wolf is here guarding its cave.
pups. The pups can be heard whimpering and
growling as the characters get closer to the
center of the maze. The gray wolf will try to
attack the characters about halfway to the center

Mogfur’s Cave. ​Mogfur’s cave is built into a characters do not react immediately, Knight
small hill. It is approximately 40 ft. wide by 60 ft. Gunter will try to strike Mogfur.
deep. There is a 40 ft. clearing in front of the
cave entrance with a dense tree line beyond If Knight Gunter gets the chance to strike, his
that. The cave is 40 ft. tall. One may position attack will be a critical attack. At this time,
themselves above the cave on the hill which Mogfur will awake with a scream and combat will
overlooks the clearing. Inside the cave is a large start. The white wolf is too weak to attack and
simple bed, a rack hanging with large simple will stay in the back of the cave and growl at the
wooden tools, and a bunch of dried meats attacker.
hanging just outside the entrance.
When Knight Gunter attacks, he will remove a
When the characters reach Mogfur’s cave, they black crystal necklace, throw it to the ground,
will notice that the white wolf is on top of Mogfur and stomp on it to break it. Black smoke will flow
and growling. Upon closer inspection, the out of the broken crystal and will reveal x2
characters will notice that the wolf is playing with Shadows​ ​(CR 0.5) that fight on behalf of
Mogfur and not harming him. Mogfur will have a Gunter. The shadows will try to stick to the
big smile on his face. shadow of the cave, because of their weakness
to sunlight, but will exit the cave if they must.
After returning the berries to Mogfur, he will They will try to attack the giant first, unless
make a purple paste to cover his foot and threatened.
remove the thorn. He will then wrap the foot in a
thick cloth. It will take 24 hours for his foot to If Knight Gunter’s health is too low, he will
heal before he can travel. surrender or try to run away. Knight Gunter will
be holding a coin pouch that has 200 gold
During this time, when Mogfur is still healing and pieces, as well as a leather bag that contains
is fast asleep, Knight Gunter will approach the roughly 50 Faraway Figurines. These figurines
giant, still invisible because of the ​Ring of depict monsters and humanoids of all sorts. It’s
Invisibility,​ and try to slay him as he sleeps. ​A unclear which are innocent.
character that succeeds on a DC 15 Perception
Check will hear the sound of clanking armor Upon discovering these figurines, Knight Sterm
before this happens, but cannot discern the Lightblade will recommend taking the bag of
exact location​. ​A character that succeeds on a figurines to a temple in Azule so they can sort
DC 18 Perception Check will hear the clanking out which Faraway Figurines are those of the
armor and notice it is getting closer to Mogfur. innocent.
After noticing the location of the noise, a
character that succeeds on a DC 15 Perception
Check will notice foot imprints being created in
the mud getting closer to Mogfur.​ If the

Chapter 4 – Extinguishing the Candle
After Knight Gunter is caught, he should be tied so without a smile. Mogfur responds back with
up and taken into Azule and reported to the funny faces and a smile.
authorities. If the characters have chosen to slay
Knight Gunter instead, they should bring back As Knight Gunter is led into Azule, the same
his bag of figurines to prove he was an evil man. members of nobility from before are now
Knight Sterm will know to take the figurines to laughing and pointing at him. One of the city
the Azulian Clerics. guards, wearing silver armor, approaches the
Before heading back to Azule, and after Mogfur
is healed, the gray wolf and pups will make an The following dialogue assumes Knight Gunter
appearance. The gray wolf does not seem has been hauled into the city and not slain.
hostile and has a big slab of meat in his mouth.
He crawls to the feet of Mogfur and places the Guard: ​“Hault there. What are you doing with
meat at his feet, as a sign that he means no this Knight?”
harm and wants peace. The white wolf then
goes and nuzzles the gray wolf as Mogfur pets At this time, the characters should explain what
both. He gestures towards the cave as if to say Knight Gunter did wrong, which involves
“You can live here with me if you want”. Then he harming Mogfur and threatened the characters if
takes a piece of meat from his bag and throws it they intervened. Sterm Lightbloade will ask the
inside the cave. They happily accept the guard to call upon the Azulian Clerics. Being a
invitation. respected member of the old order of the
Knights of the Candle, they do what he says.
After Mogfur’s foot is healed, he will travel with
the party back to the city of Azule. On Mogfur’s The guard rushes off. A few minutes later, six
back is a large object wrapped in cloth. It’s the clerics, a mix of Dwarves and Halflings in blue
shape of a large tree branch. Mogfur will not say robes holding long white staffs, gather near the
what the item is, only that it’s something “very party. As they approach, the guard motions
special”. Mogfur will lead the party safely towards the party.
through the Rosewood forest and across the
Decaying Hills. On the way back, he will help Guard: ​“Well, do what they ask.”
any bandits or possible threats that might
appear. You do not need to roll these Sterm Lightblade: ​“I suspect that not everyone
encounters, just explain them if they should here deserved their fate. Can you please look?”
happen. Nothing in the area is a match for a
full-strength Mogfur. A loud roar and a wave of Sterm takes the bag of figurines and carefully
his club intimidates any danger. Mogfur provides spreads them out on the ground. There are
the characters with a special watery drink made figurines of goblins, knolls, and harpies. There
with the red petals of the Rosewood to combat are also figurines of normal looking peasant-folk.
any fatigue from the heat.
One of the clerics looks at Sterm closely and his
As the party reaches the large black iron eyes widen.
portcullis of Azule, they open for the adventurers
and their giant friend. As they walk through the Azulian Cleric: ​“For Knight Sterm Lightblade,
city streets, the residents of the city look in awe slayer of monstrosities and former General of
at Mogfur. Giants wandering in a city, even one the Knights of the Candle, I will do anything you
with a constant flow of strange adventurers from ask. How can I not, after you saved our town 20
across the land, is a rare sight. The residents years ago from those Gargoyles? The way you
don’t stare with any negative intent, but with used your Ring of Invisibility to sneak into their
wonderment. Many young children run up and nest and trapped them with that giant magical
hug Mogfur’s leg until their parents rush up to net? Then your Knights rode in on their horses
drag them away, although they can’t help doing and took out the beasts, saving at least 20

townsfolk too? I still tell that story! Anything for Peasant Woman: ​“You need firewax? We have
you, Knight Lightblade! After this, can I please a bunch of the stuff at home. It makes a great
get an autograph?” fire in the winter and never goes bad. Hold on,
I’ll go get you what we have. It’s the least I can
The cleric, a Halfling with a long white beard, do.”
waves his hand over the figurines. The evil ones
glow red, while the innocent ones glow blue. He The woman runs off for a few minutes and
looks back at the other clerics and they form a returns with a tin container filled with orange
circle around the figurines and hold hands. They firewax and hands it to Knight Sterm. As she
start to chant the language of magic. By this does, he opens the lid of the container and his
point, several townsfolk have gathered around to eyes lights with joy. He gives the woman a huge
watch. As they chant, the figurines that were hug.
blue start to glow bright white. They glow so
white, that everyone reflexively covers their Ceremony of the Candle. ​After receiving the
eyes. A few moments later, the clerics stop firewax, Sterm will lead the party just outside the
chanting and everyone opens their eyes. southern portcullis. He will take off his armor and
smear it in the fire wax, covering every inch,
The figurines that were blue have grown into the before lying each piece on the ground and
full-size people that they used to be. They have surrounding them with 10 candles. He lights
been brought back from the Faraway Plane. each one slowly and with care. After a pause, he
Standing in the middle of the circle of clerics are draws his sword, holds it up, and begins to
now an assortment of humans, dwarves, and speak.
elves with one orc, dressed in plain peasant
clothing. You hear a scream of joy from behind Knight Sterm: ​Knights of the Candle. Knights of
you as someone says “My Joey!” the Flame. Knights of Valor and Knights of
Fame. Sword held high, the heat of the sun on
As you turn around, you see the peasant woman my face, I hope I’ve done my duty, with bravery
in the dirty red dress from before running up to and grace. I’ve swung my last sword, slain my
hug one of the human men. She turns to the last foe, and now I look forward, a new road, I
characters and runs up to hug them and thank go.
them all individually.
As he finishes, he brings his sword down and
After this, Knight Gunter becomes very slashes one of the candles in half. The lit portion
uncomfortable and starts sweating a lot. He lands on the armor and sparks the firewax. The
starts desperately looking around for a way to armor lights in a brilliant flame that melts it
escape. completely in a matter of minutes. Sterm stares
into the fire, as if he’s seeing his past all at once.
Knight Gunter: ​“​Hey, look, those aren’t mine. I After a couple of minutes, he turns to the
was holding them for a friend, I promise!” characters and gives them all a big hug, Mogfur
As he says that, the guard grabs Gunter by the
arm and hauls him off to the town jail. As they Knight Sterm: ​“Now, I believe this big guy has
leave, the onlookers cheer with joy. Then, Knight places to be! Follow me!”
Sterm Lightblade turns to look at the party, then
Mogfur. He gives Mogfur a playful shove and leads the
characters to the Azulian Theater.
Knight Sterm: ​“It seems our work here is
almost done. It’s unfortunate that I couldn’t find Upon reaching the Azulian Theater, Chant the
any firewax. I was hoping to retire today. Conductor comes out to meet the party. Chant,
the blue female tiefling, twirls the edges of her
Upon hearing this, the peasant woman in the conductor’s cape out of excitement and looks up
dirty red dress runs up to Sterm and says, at Mogfur with a giant smile. She quickly greets

them all and ushers them to their seats in the opens the curtains and ties them to either side of
empty blue Azule stone amphitheater. the stage. Unveiled, is the Azulian Orchestra,
instruments shining under the brilliant bright
Chant: ​“Thank you so much for checking on lights. Chant, the Conductor, is standing on a
Mogfur. Every performance I look to the small platform facing the members. Mogfur is
southern hills and hope to see this big friendly nowhere to be seen. After a couple moments,
guy staring back down at us. Here, please Chant turns around.
accept this as a gift. It’s not a lot, but it’s the
least I can do.” Chant: ​“Thank you, honored adventurers! We
owe you a debt for returning our biggest fan,
Chant hands the party a bag of 200 gold pieces whom we care deeply. I am pleased and
and a ​Stone of Good Luck​. honored to present this private performance and
welcome our honorary new member of the
Chant: ​“That stone has helped me a lot over the Azulian Orchestra to the stage, Mogfur!”
years, but I no longer need it. Mogfur will be my
good luck charm! Please, have a seat and enjoy As he says that, the orchestra stands up and
the performance.” erupts in cheers. Mogfur, now dressed in the
formal blue layered uniform of the Azulian
Chant rushes behind the large red curtains that Orchestra, walks on stage holding a large
cover the stage. As she does, Mogfur gets out of wooden instrument called a Shawm. It looks like
his seat and rushes to talk to Chant. They are a large wooden clarinet mixed with a horn. He
too far away to hear what they’re saying, but has the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. Each
they see Chant smile as Mogfur motions to the tooth glimmers from the stage light. He walks
wrapped object on his back. They see Chant over and takes his place at a large chair to the
nod and motion Mogfur to follow Chant behind front and right of the stage. The orchestra waits
the curtains. to sit until Mogfur sits.

After a couple minutes, four lights from above After a few moments, Chant the Conductor
and behind the seating area shine on the brings out her conductor baton and starts to
curtains and light the stage. An older male wave it four times. Suddenly, the sound of
wizard in fine formal attire, a black suit and Mogfur’s Shawm fills the room. After a few bars
bowtie, walks on stage in front of the curtain. of playing, the Azulian Orchestra follows as a
beautiful force of music fills the theater. Song
Wizard: ​“It is with great pleasure that I welcome after song, Mogfur’s face lights with more and
our honored guests this evening. We have more joy. After a while, the music softens and
prepared something special, just for you all. ends. The curtains close behind them.
Now, without further adieu, I present the Azulian
Orchestra.” THE END

Then, he raises his hands towards the curtains,

and with a couple flicks of his wrists, magically

NPC Characters and Motivations

Knight Gunter

The main antagonist in this story is Knight Gunter of the Knights of the Candle. Knight Gunter enlisted in
the Knighthood shortly after Commander Tobey, an evil and power-hungry man, took power. Knight
Gunter, under the orders of Commander Tobey, began on his conquest of banishing monsters of all sorts
to the Faraway Plane. He is doing this to ensure that the Knights of the Candle have nobody in their way
when Commander Tobey decides to use his Knights for future conquests across the rest of the continent.
Knight Tobey doesn’t care if innocents are slain in the process. He has recently slain an innocent named
Joey for getting in his way.

The authorities of Azule know about Knight Gunter but doesn’t know he has slain innocents in the
process. Local adventurers don’t like Knight Gunter. Recently, Knight Gunter discovered the giant Mogfur
and aims to destroy him and banish him to the Faraway Plane.

Knight Gunter saw the party take the contract to seek the giant in the beginning of the adventurer and has
been keeping close tabs on them since them. He overhears any conversation between the party and
Knight Sterm Lightblade. Overhearing that the party plans on helping the giant, instead of merely slaying
him, Knight Gunter plans on intercepting the party and foiling their plans and slaying

Knight Sterm Lightblade

Sterm Lightblade is a human male in his late 60s. He has short white hair and carries himself with pride.
He is caring and honorable and always looking out for people. Sterm is a pure knight, through and
through. He belongs to the Knights of the Candle, a Knightly order who used to stand for justice and all
things good in the world.

While he still wears the armor of his order, plate armor with a candle engraved on the front, and is still
technically classified as a Knight of the Candle, his days of conquest are over. He spends most of his time
napping in the Rosewood and imparting wisdom and advice on local adventurers around Azule. He
believes strongly in the ways of the old and loves to help people. His views conflict with the new and
younger order of Knights. Their current leader, Commander Tobey, shifted focus of the order away from
seeking justice and towards seeking power. Since then, more and more shady characters have slipped
into the ranks of the Knighthood.

Mogfur and the Dire Wolves

Mogfur is a big friendly giant. He loves going to the southern hills of Azule to listen to the Azulian
Orchestra every Sun’s Day. He makes regular trips to the Purple Rosewood to collect purple rose petals
that have fallen from the trees. These are used in special healing paste that heals him from his injuries.
Recently, a pair of Dire Wolves, one with gray fur (father), and one with white fur (mother) has moved into
the dense maze of thorns that surround these trees. During Mogfur’s last visit, not only did he step on a
large thorn that badly injured him, he disturbed the newly formed Dire Wolf den.

This happened a couple days ago. Since then, the Dire Wolves have been stalking Mogfur and waiting for
the opportunity to strike back. They fear that the giant may return to harm their growing pups. The pups
are old enough to fend off any smaller predators that lurk around the Rosewood, but can’t handle the
threat of a giant.

Mogfur has no knowledge of the Dire wolve’s presence until they attack.


Knight Sterm Lightblade

Medium Humanoid, Lawful Good

Armor Class ​16

Hit Points ​16 (2d8 + 5)
Speed ​25 ft.


17 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws ​Wisdom +4, Strength +6

Skills​ Investigation +4, Perception +3, Survival +4, Persuasion +5, History +4
Languages ​Common, Dwarvish
Challenge ​2


+1 Longsword. ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack​: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit​: (1d8+4) slashing damage.

Knight Gunter
Medium Humanoid, Lawful Evil

Armor Class ​16

Hit Points ​23 (3d8 + 6)
Speed ​25 ft.


17 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+3) 12 (+0) 10 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws ​Charisma +4, Strength +6

Skills​ Investigation +4, Perception +4, Survival +6, Persuasion +5
Languages ​Common, Giant
Challenge ​2


Longsword. ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack​: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit​: (1d8+4) slashing damage.
Shortbow. ​Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ (1d6+2) piercing damage.

Huge Giant, Lawful Good

Armor Class ​13

Hit Points ​105 (10d12 + 40)
Speed ​40 ft.


21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+3) 10 (+0) 9 (+1) 8 (-1)

Skills ​Perception +2
Languages ​Common, Giant
Challenge ​5


Multiattack. ​The giant makes two greatclub attacks.

Greatclub. ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack​: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Rock. ​Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +8 to hit, reach 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning

Thanks for playing!

For more adventures, visit

Written by,

Cameron Wright


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