Paper: Faradaic Electro-Swing Reactive Adsorption For CO Capture
Paper: Faradaic Electro-Swing Reactive Adsorption For CO Capture
Paper: Faradaic Electro-Swing Reactive Adsorption For CO Capture
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Carbon capture is one of the foremost methods for curtailing greenhouse gas emissions. Incumbent
technologies are inherently inefficient due to thermal energy losses, large footprint, or degradation of
sorbent material. We report a solid-state faradaic electro-swing reactive adsorption system comprising
an electrochemical cell that exploits the reductive addition of CO2 to quinones for carbon capture. The
reported device is compact and flexible, obviates the need for ancillary equipment, and eliminates the
parasitic energy losses by using electrochemically activated redox carriers. An electrochemical cell with
a polyanthraquinone–carbon nanotube composite negative electrode captures CO2 upon charging
via the carboxylation of reduced quinones, and releases CO2 upon discharge. The cell architecture
Received 28th July 2019, maximizes the surface area exposed to gas, allowing for ease of stacking of the cells in a parallel passage
Accepted 30th September 2019 contactor bed. We demonstrate the capture of CO2 both in a sealed chamber and in an adsorption bed
DOI: 10.1039/c9ee02412c from inlet streams of CO2 concentrations as low as 0.6% (6000 ppm) and up to 10%, at a constant CO2
capacity with a faradaic efficiency of 490%, and a work of 40–90 kJ per mole of CO2 captured, with great durability of electrochemical cells showing o30% loss of capacity after 7000 cylces.
Broader context
There is a clear scientific consensus on the role of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the unusually wild fluctuations of global climate patterns
over the last century, to which carbon dioxide is the largest contributor. This has generated a scientific tide in the study of carbon removal techniques over the
last three decades, which has slowly gathered momentum, culminating in the 2015 Paris Agreement, which heavily emphasized the role of carbon removal by
tackling emissions or via negative emissions technologies. While a path forward for carbon capture is being shaped by a mix of incumbent actors and
newcomers, the great majority of the proposed processes rely on conventional concepts. Moreover, most of these processes have a large balance of plant which
hinders their potential to flexibly adapt to the multi-scale nature of carbon capture. Herein, we demonstrate a new approach which presents a paradigm shift in adsorption
type processes and carbon capture. The electro-swing basis of our process allows its linear scaling with desired capacity and lends it geometric flexibility. It also allows
carbon capture from streams of any concentration, and its release into any carrier streams, including pure CO2, with a low balance of plant.
3530 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 3530--3547 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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for ventilation purposes in buildings and car cabins, or for In this work, we develop a compact electrochemical device
cabin environmental control systems on board spacecraft and for CO2 capture that eliminates the requirement for complex
submarines, where the maximum allowed CO2 concentration in flow systems, and that can be effective in the treatment of both
habitable spaces is 5000 ppm (or 0.5%).10 The first of such high and low concentration feed streams. A quinone-utilizing
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.
systems was developed by Winnick et al., for the electrochemical faradaic electrochemical cell that fulfils these requirements
capture of CO2 in spacecraft cabins using molten carbonates.11 and operates as an Electro-Swing Adsorption (ESA) process is
However, the low concentration of CO2 in such applications illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. The cell is comprised of
poses a challenge, mainly due to the low driving forces for mass two cathode electrode substrates coated with a CO2-binding
transfer and the large quantities of other species present in air quinone–carbon nanotube (Q–CNT) composite sandwiching an
in addition to CO2.12 Thus, carbon capture is a multi-scale anode electrode substrate coated with a ferrocene–CNT (Fc–CNT)
Open Access Article. Published on 01 October 2019. Downloaded on 9/18/2023 7:15:28 PM.
problem, where the CO2-rich streams to be treated vary greatly composite, with separator membranes between the electrodes.
in volume, concentration and composition, and different criteria This cell architecture is employed to maximize the CO2-binding
need to be fulfilled to ensure optimal processing depending on surface area of the cell exposed to gas flow in a parallel passage
whether sources are industrial or small-scale (e.g., power plants adsorbent contactor design where stacks of these cells form
or oil and gas heaters), concentrated or dilute (exhausts from parallel gas channels. The Fc–CNT electrode serves as an electron
combustion or air in confined spaces), and clean or contaminated source and sink for the reduction and oxidation, respectively, of
with other pollutants. the Q–CNT electrodes to regulate the uptake and release of the
Many of the CO2-capture chemical processes that involve a CO2. Wetting of porous non-woven carbon fiber mats used as the
capture agent such as amines or solid sorbents require temperature electrode substrates by a room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL)
and/or pressure swings to release the captured CO2 and regenerate electrolyte enables effective ionic currents to pass through the
the agents for further capture. These swings result in inefficiencies electrolyte on activation and deactivation of the electrodes, and
due to energy wasted in heating solvents and sorbents, pressurizing permits the diffusion of CO2 into the electrolyte-wetted cathodes
feed gas, or drawing a vacuum for desorption. Electrochemical during capture.
systems can minimize such parasitic energy losses as they can be The effectiveness of the electro-swing concept for CO2 capture
operated at near isothermal conditions, with significantly higher and release was demonstrated in a sealed system in which cell
efficiencies than their thermal-swing (TSA) and pressure-swing (PSA) polarity was cycled to regulate the activation and deactivation of
adsorption counterparts.13 One mode of electrochemical capture of the carrier, i.e. reduction and oxidation of the redox active
CO2 is through the use of a redox-active carrier. quinone. This was in lieu of the advection of the carrier electrolyte
Electrochemically mediated selective transport of chemical solution between two electrodes with a difference in potential.19 The
species was first reported by Ward et al.,14 where a redox-active performance of flow-through modules constructed with stacks of
carrier (ferrous ion) was used to transport nitric oxide across a the assembled electrode cells was also assessed. The CO2 capture
membrane. Since then, a number of systems have been developed processes were modelled to provide greater insight into the
for transporting chemical species by redox-active carriers that are operational principles for this technology.
activated at one electrode, to bind with the target species, and Ultimately, the goal of this work was to demonstrate an
deactivated at the opposite electrode, to release the target and electrochemically activated packed parallel passage contactor
regenerate the carrier.15,16 Systems that have been proposed for adsorption system for the removal of CO2 from flue gas and
the concentration of CO2 through this approach have been based other CO2-rich streams. The regeneration of the bed takes place
on a number of different carrier molecules, such as quinones,17–20 on reversal of the polarity of the stack in an ESA, with analogies
4,4 0 -bipyridine,21 and thiolates.22,23 Quinones are of particular to PSA systems, where adsorption takes place at high pressure
interest to this work for their superior electrochemical performance, and desorption at a lower pressure,24 or TSA systems, where
serving as redox-active carriers for CO2 in electrochemically adsorption takes place at low temperatures and the fixed bed is
mediated separation processes. DuBois et al. demonstrated regenerated at higher temperatures.25
this possibility, and studied the thermodynamics of an electro-
chemical CO2 pumping system that utilizes quinones.18 More
work followed, where Scovazzo et al. demonstrated the electro- Results and discussion
chemical separation of CO2 from o1% concentration gas
mixtures using 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone as a carrier Design of the electrochemical cell
in ionic liquid (IL) and organic solvent electrolytes media,19 Thin films of crystallized organic compounds have been studied
while Gurkan et al. screened a number of ILs to serve as suitable as a means of immobilizing CO2 redox-active carriers onto
electrolytes for quinone carriers in an electrochemically mediated electrode substrates.26 Redox-active polymers have long been
selective transport system for CO2.20 All of these systems, however, the preferred electrode material when using organic molecules
require the transport of the electrolyte and the dissolved carrier in electrochemical cells, however, because polymers are less
molecules between two electrodes in an electrochemical cell for soluble in the electrolyte than their corresponding redox-active
capture and release of CO2. This limits their implementation in repeating units, and thus the self-discharge of the cell can be
a number of applications where the requirement for flow avoided, and its cycling performance improved.27 For example,
systems and pumping, and the large footprint, are problematic. quinone polymers have been investigated as suitable cathode
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Fig. 1 Schematic of a single electro-swing adsorption electrochemical cell with porous electrodes and electrolyte separators. The outer electrodes,
coated with poly-1,4-anthraquinone composite, can capture CO2 on application of a reducing potential via carboxylation of quinone, and release the
CO2 on reversal of the polarity. The inner polyvinylferrocene-containing electrode serves as an electron source and sink for the quinone reduction and
oxidation, respectively.
materials in lithium-ion batteries,28 and pseudocapacitive energy process in which 100% CO2 recovery is achieved, puts the
storage devices.29 These polymers are usually made into com- technology much closer to the upper-right corner on the recovery-
posites with conductive high-surface area carbon materials, purity Pareto plot than those based on current CO2 sorbents.32,33
such as carbon black, graphite or carbon nanotubes (CNT), to Polyanthraquinone electrodes. Poly(1,4-anthraquinone) (P14AQ),
enhance the overall conductivity of the electrode material and shown in Fig. 1, was synthesized and incorporated into an ink
increase the area of the polymer exposed to the electrolyte.30 with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) in N-methyl-2-
Here, we used a polyanthraquinone–CNT (PAQ–CNT) composite pyrrolidone (NMP). Non-woven carbon fiber mat electrode sub-
for the cathode and polyvinylferrocene–CNT (PVFc–CNT) composite strates of thickness 150 mm (35 g m2) were dip-coated in the
for the anode.31 The electrolyte used was the RTIL 1-butyl-3- ink and dried very slowly to obtain a composite that uniformly
methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([Bmim]- coated the substrate at B1.2 mg cm2, shown in Fig. 2(a). The
[TF2N]), selected for its low volatility, which allows for flow of composite structure allows for a greater utilization of the
gas over the wetted electrodes without loss of electrolyte to anthraquinone repeating units in the polymers, and thus larger
evaporation or entrainment. currents under applied potentials. The CNT mesh, shown in
A sealed chamber was constructed in which CO2 capture and Fig. 2(f), provides a backbone to improve the conductivity of the
release on electrochemical activation and deactivation of the conjugated PAQ via p–p interactions with the anthraquinone
quinones, respectively, was indicated by the concomitant pressure units (Fig. S3, ESI†); it also provides a porous matrix decorated
changes in the chamber. A flow cell was also fabricated to house by the polymer chains for better electrolyte penetration. This
stacks of the electrochemical cells to allow for capture of CO2 from results in a larger surface area of the polymer being exposed to
flowing gas streams of compositions similar to those of flue gases, electrolyte, and an increased conductivity in the composite.34
air in aircraft cabins and buildings, and in the ambient environ- The p–p interaction of the polymer chains and CNTs, and the
ment. The adsorption effectiveness was assessed through analysis subsequent decoration of the nanotubes with the polymer
of the breakthrough profiles. chains, shown in Fig. 2(e), also improved the suspension of
The chemical specificity of quinones can provide near 100% the CNTs in the polymer solution, which resulted in very well
purity of released CO2, which, when combined with a well-designed dispersed inks. The ratio of PAQ to CNT was optimized, with the
3532 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 3530--3547 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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Fig. 2 (a) SEM micrograph of the cathode non-woven carbon mat coated with P14AQ–CNT, with details of coated and uncoated areas. (b, c and f) SEM
micrographs of increasing magnification of carbon fibers coated with P14AQ–CNT. (d) SEM micrograph of the uncoated carbon fibers. (e) TEM of
PAQ–CNT showing the amorphous polyanthraquinone decorating the MWCNT, a result of the p–p interaction.
highest current per mass of active material (polymer) obtained anode electrode material for the electrochemical cell with
at a 1 : 3, PAQ : CNT ratio by weight (Fig. S4, ESI†). The cyclic PAQ–CNT cathode was a composite of polyvinylferrocene and CNT
voltammograms in Fig. 3 shown in green (under N2) and red (PVFc–CNT), shown in Fig. 1. This was prepared by dispersing
(under CO2) indicate the strong redox activity of these electrode MWCNTs in a solution of PVFc in NMP. The optimum ratio of
surfaces; the differences in the current response following the composite was found to be 1 : 1, PVFc : CNT, by weight. The
potential scans are discussed later. electrode substrate was dip-coated in the ink and dried slowly
Polyvinylferrocene electrode. A counter electrode with a to yield a composite that uniformly coated the substrate at
reduction potential more positive than the oxidative CO2 release B1.4 mg cm2, as shown in Fig. 4. The CVs of the PVFc–CNT
potential of PAQ–CNT is required to make an electrochemical electrode in N2 and CO2 saturated [Bmim][TF2N] are identical,
cell that can effectively capture and release CO2. Therefore, the and are indicated by the blue line in Fig. 3. PVFc–CNT has a
reduction potential of E0 = 0.03 V, against ferrocene (Fc).
The electrochemical cell. The PAQ–CNT electrodes were
assembled into an electrochemical cell in which CO2 was able
to be captured and released upon potential swings. This was
accomplished by layering a PVFc–CNT counter electrode
between the two PAQ–CNT electrodes to balance the charge of
these electrodes, as shown in Fig. 5(d). In a CO2-rich environment,
this afforded a polymer-based battery with an electrochemical
window of B1.2 V, where all the charge from the ferrocene
oxidation, at its reduction potential, was balanced by the charge
transferred to the two-electron reduction of quinone, at its first
reduction potential. This window is defined by the reduction
potential of PVFc–CNT and the first reduction potential of
PAQ–CNT, shown in Fig. 3 as DV1. However, in the absence of
CO2 or other such electrophiles, mainly under N2, PAQ retains
Fig. 3 Superimposed CVs of PVFc–CNT ( ) and P14AQ–CNT ( ) under
its two one-electron reductions, with half of the charge of the
N2 and ( ) under CO2 in [Bmim][TF2N], at 20 mV s1, vs. Fc, at T B 21 1C. ferrocene oxidation being balanced by the reduction of quinone
The two potential windows are shown; DV1 under CO2 and DV2 under N2. at the first potential and the other half by its reduction at the
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Two different types of units were fabricated to demonstrate the of up to 90% was estimated, with some of the charge lost to
effectiveness of the electro-swing process. The first was a sealed double layer charging of the porous electrodes. Here, F is
Fig. 5 (a) Custom-made sealed chamber for closed system experiments with pressure transducer to monitor the changes in pressure as CO2 is
adsorbed and desorbed upon cycling of the cell potential. The internal of the sealed chamber (b) with and (c) without the insulating cup. (d) Layers of the
electrochemical cell assembled in the sealed chamber.
3534 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 3530--3547 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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Fig. 6 (a) Changes in the number of moles of CO2 captured upon charging and discharge of the electrochemical cell over 10 cycles, normalized by the
moles of quinone on the electrode ( ). The CO2 captured from and released to the chamber tracks the charge applied to the electrochemical cell,
normalized by the area of the cell ( ). (b) The CO2 captured under different feed concentrations. (c) Capacity of cell over 7000 cycles. In a different set
of experiments using a larger cell and cavity, (d) shows the effect of varying charging potential for a 1000 s capture and (e) shows the effect of varying the
capture duration at 1.8 V capture potential. These experiments were conducted at T B 21 1C.
Faraday’s constant, Q is the charge transferred, and n is the In a different set of experiments where a larger cell (B450 cm2 of
number of moles of useful electrons transferred in the reaction, total exposed area) was used, CO2 transport limitations became
i.e. used for the capture of CO2, which in this reaction, is more prominent due to the larger internal volume of the cavity
equivalent to the number of moles of CO2. This efficiency results used. In this set, the effect of applying an overpotential was studied,
in B86 kJ per mole of CO2 captured and released, as determined by where capture potentials of greater than DV1 (in Fig. 3) were applied
the relation during a 1000 s capture experiment. Fig. 6(d) shows that upon
FDV increasing the applied capture potential more CO2 is captured for
E ¼ QDV or E=nCO2 ¼ (2) the duration of the experiment, which indicates the activation of
more quinone units on the electrodes during the charging half-
where DV is the difference between the applied charge and cycle. Charging the system at 1.8 V for varying durations, Fig. 6(e),
discharge potentials. shows that the system is fully charged after 2000 s, but more CO2 is
Fig. 6(b) shows similar results for the capture of CO2 from captured, i.e. more of the quinones are utilized, at increasing
gases of different concentrations ranging between 15 and durations of capture. This demonstrates the transport limitations
100%. Again, quinone utilization was high, but dependent on of the electrodes, as explained in later sections.
the initial gas concentration, owing not to capacity limitations, CO2 capture and release in flow systems. The adsorption bed
but to a reduction on sorption dynamics due to mass transfer assembled consisted of a few electrochemical cells stacked in
limitations with lower concentration driving forces. The electro- the flow device to allow the flow of gas in between, as illustrated
chemical cell showed great stability with o30% loss in capacity in Fig. 7(a). The blue regions indicate the presence of CO2, and
over 7000 cycles of capture and release, Fig. 6(c). The gradual the decrease in blue intensity within the channel indicates the
loss in capacity is mainly due to the electromigration of the adsorption front, ahead of which the bed is still empty, and
shorter polymer chains, Fig. S1 (ESI†), from the electrode and behind which the bed, i.e. the electrode assembly, is saturated
into the electrolyte, towards the opposite electrode. with CO2 and cannot adsorb more. A number of different cells
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Fig. 8 (a) Breakthrough profiles obtained at four inlet concentrations. (b) Same breakthrough profiles in (a) normalized by the inlet concentrations.
(c) Breakthrough profile obtained from a large system operating at B10% inlet concentration. (d) Breakthrough profiles obtained from five replicate runs
of a smaller system operating at B0.8% inlet concentration. These experiments were conducted at T B 21 1C.
Quinones undergo two reversible one-electron reductions in carbonate salt. Semiquinones with lower electron density –
aprotic electrolytes, at two reduction potentials, as shown in due to attached electron withdrawing groups – do not have
Scheme 1(a) for anthraquinone. But in the presence of CO2, a the nucleophilic strength to react with CO2.38 A semiquinone
single two-electron quasi-reversible reduction takes place at the carboxylated by the reductive addition of CO2 has its negative
first reduction potential, as shown in Scheme 1(b), where the charge isolated from the rest of the molecule by a s-bond,
CO2 molecule carboxylates the quinone resulting in a carbonate rendering the carboxylated quinone aromatic ring(s) relatively
salt.37 Upon the first reduction of a quinone molecule, a semi- neutral. Hence, the two-electron reduction of the parent qui-
quinone radical anion is produced. Some semiquinones, with none under CO2 occurs at the first reduction potential. The
sufficient electron density, i.e. sufficient Lewis base strength, second reduction generates another nucleophilic center, i.e. the
can react with CO2 in a nucleophilic addition to form a second oxygen of the quinone, which reacts with a second CO2
Scheme 1 (a) Two single-electron reduction waves of anthraquinone in the absence of electrophiles. (b) One two-electron reduction wave of
anthraquinone in the presence of CO2.
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molecule to form a bis(carbonate) dianion salt – the quinol dianion layer in the porous electrode.44 While the ratio of polymer to
diadduct. A similar behavior is observed when quinones are reduced CNT was optimized for the greatest gravimetric capacity, it is
in protic electrolyte media and the reduced quinones react with not the ideal ratio for conductivity. Some of the conductivity
protons to form two hydroxyl groups via a two-electron reduction.39 takes place through the backbone of the polymer, which con-
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The nucleophilic addition reaction of reduced quinones tributes to the slow electron transfer. This, however, does not
occurs only with electrophiles with sufficient Lewis acidity, such present a problem in the design of the contactor separation
as CO2, and not N2, hence the great selectivity in adsorption. unit, since the rate limiting step in the CO2 capture process is
Furthermore, water, in the treated gas stream, has minimal the transport of CO2 and not electron transfer.
effect on carbon capture, mainly because the hydrophobicity of The double carboxylation (CO2 addition) of anthraquinone
the IL used presents a considerable mass transfer resistance for to form the bis(carbonate) dianion follows an ECEC mechanism,
Open Access Article. Published on 01 October 2019. Downloaded on 9/18/2023 7:15:28 PM.
water with very little retention,40 and any residual water in the IL as shown in Scheme 2(a). During a constant-current charging of
phase merely stabilizes the reduced quinones,41 with no significant the cell in the presence of a flux of CO2 towards the quinone units
change to the electrochemical or chemical steps of the carbon equal to, or higher than, the rate of the electrochemical reduction
capture process.20 While the presence of oxygen can cause the of the quinones, both of the reduction electrochemical reactions
oxidation of some reduced quinones with a sufficiently negative take place at the first reduction potential, E01. The molar flux of
reduction potential, through the formation of the superoxide radical CO2, NCO2, towards the electrode (moles per unit area per second)
anion O2 , it is possible to avoid any reactions with oxygen in the should match the current density, J, at the electrode (charge per
feed stream by carefully tuning the electron density of the quinone unit area per second), as in,
The cyclic voltammogram (CV) of the PAQ–CNT composite NCO2 ¼ (3)
on the electrode substrate in [Bmim][TF2N] saturated with N2,
the green line in Fig. 3, shows two redox couples corresponding Conversely, if the flux of CO2 is lower than the rate of reduction,
to the two reduction potentials of anthraquinone. The cathodic some of the semiquinones produced in the first reduction are not
and anodic peaks, however, are broader than those reported for carboxylated but are instead reduced to quinol dianions at the
solutions of quinone molecules in electrolytes,20 which can be more negative second potential, E02, as shown in Scheme 2(b). In
ascribed to the slower electron exchange between differently- this case, for the same number of moles of semiquinone being
reduced redox units, i.e. neutral quinone, semiquinone (radical reduced, and hence electrons, i.e. charge, transferred, more
anion) and quinol dianion, along the p-conjugated backbone of energy is required in accordance with eqn (2).
the polymer,43 and also to the diffusion and electromigration of CO2 deprivation was not a problem in the highly saturated
electrolytic species into and out of the porous PAQ–CNT film.44 electrolyte in the CV electrochemical characterizations, where
The expected disappearance of the second redox couple of the the concentration of CO2 in the electrolyte was about 20 times
CV under CO2 was observed, as shown by the red line in Fig. 3, higher than that of the quinones on the electrode. However, in
and attributed to the carboxylation of the reduced quinone an adsorption system, where the electrolyte is not saturated
units along the polymer chain facilitating the second electron with CO2 there needs to be a careful balance between the
reduction of anthraquinone at the first reduction potential, advective and diffusive fluxes of CO2 towards the anthraqui-
with the consequent increase in the current at that potential. none cathodes for reductive addition, and the rate of the
The PAQ–CNT electrode can therefore be used to remove CO2 reduction of anthraquinone. This can be better controlled by
selectively from a gas mixture via nucleophilic addition, and charging the cell, i.e. reducing the anthraquinone, at a constant
regenerated via an electrochemical oxidation, with release of potential that is sufficient to drive the first reduction of
the CO2, as shown earlier. The two reduction potentials under anthraquinone but not the second, i.e. charging the cell at a
N2 are E01 = 1.21 V and E02 = 1.63 V, vs. Fc. Under CO2 these potential difference that is between DV1 and DV2. With operation
two potentials coalesce to yield a single quasi-reversible redox at this constant potential, the flux of CO2 does not affect the
couple at the first reduction potential observed under N2, i.e. E01. energy of binding, since the second electron is acquired by a
The separation of the oxidation and reduction peaks in the semiquinone at the first reduction potential, but only after the
CVs reported is large, indicating sluggish electron transfer to first CO2 addition occurs; following this second reduction, a
the quinone repeat units on the polymer, and a thick diffusion second CO2 molecule can bind to the dianion monoadduct.
Scheme 2 Reaction steps of the double carboxylation of quinones (a) in high and (b) low CO2 fluxes towards the anthraquinone electrode. E represents
an electrochemical reaction step. C represents a chemical reaction step.
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dissolved CO2,
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and the overall electroneutrality is maintained by ensuring that where b is the adjusted Henry’s constant which accounts for the
X equilibrium partition of CO2 between the gas and IL phases.
zi Ci ¼ 0 (12)
The purpose of this simulation is to obtain a semi-
quantitative analysis of the behavior of the cell under different
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The boundary conditions for these equations are ground conditions, and, therefore, order of magnitude estimates are
(F = 0 V) for the anthraquinone electrode (colored grey in made for the electrochemical parameters of the model.
Fig. 9), and either constant current or constant potential at the Model results for batch system. The simulation of constant-
ferrocene electrode (pink). The electrochemical model is the current charging at 0–5% CO2 concentrations in the sealed
same for both sealed and flow systems, although the transport system in which the gas channel shown in Fig. 9 served as a gas
of CO2 in the gas phase (shown as a transparent block) is headspace, shows results that are consistent with the afore-
Open Access Article. Published on 01 October 2019. Downloaded on 9/18/2023 7:15:28 PM.
different in the two scenarios. mentioned mechanism of CO2 capture. In addition to the cell
In the sealed system, CO2 transport occurs via diffusion voltage, the concentrations of all the cathode quinonic species
toward the electrode only, while in flow CO2 is also advected were studied during the charging process. Fig. 10 shows the cell
down the channel. In the sealed system, the partial pressure of voltages at 0–5% CO2 and the concentration profiles of cathode
the gas decreases during capture, while in flow the CO2 species at 0, 2, and 5% CO2. The cell voltage profiles in
concentration changes along the gas channel with time, and Fig. 10(a) show that as the concentration of CO2 increases, less
the concentration of the gas leaving the device is a measure of of the cell charging occurs at the higher potential. At 0% CO2
the total effectiveness of the adsorption bed capacity and the cell simply traverses both reduction potentials of the
transport and kinetic limitations within the system. The total quinone, and the species profiles in Fig. 10(b) show two
transport of CO2 is modelled by transport equations in each of consecutive conversions; the first is the reduction of quinone
the two phases, gas and IL. In the gas phase, the mass transfer to semiquinone, and the second is the reduction of semiqui-
governing equation in the sealed system is given by none to quinol dianion. The second reaction starts only after all
@CCO2 ;gas the quinone is converted to semiquinone, and to further
¼ DCO2 ;gas r2 CCO2 ;gas (13)
@t accommodate the incoming electrons at the constant current,
the second, more energetic reduction takes place until all
where CCO2,gas is the concentration of CO2 in the gas phase,
faradaic reactions are exhausted. Here, the simulation was
obtained from its partial pressure and the ideal gas law. This
stopped just short of full conversion to avoid numerical com-
governing equation has a no-flux boundary condition at the
plications that arise from the exhaustion of faradaic material,
three walls
i.e. complete charging. At 2% CO2, upon generation of the
@CCO2 ;gas semiquinone, shown in Fig. 10(c), the modest diffusive flux of
¼0 (14)
@O walls CO2 allows for the formation of the semiquinone monoadduct
which soon accepts a second electron at the first reduction
and at the gas–IL interface, the fluxes normal to the interface
potential of quinone, hence extending the cell charging period
are set to be equal
spent at the lower potential. This dianion monoadduct can
dCCO2 ;gas dCCO2 ;IL then react with a second CO2 molecule, to form the dianion
DCO2 ;gas ¼ DCO2 ;IL (15)
dx dx diadduct. But, upon the depletion of CO2 in the vicinity of the
where CCO2,IL is the concentration of dissolved CO2 in the IL cathode, due to a charging rate that is faster than the diffusive
phase. In the flow system, the flux of CO2 has an advective flux of CO2 into the electrolyte at 2% headspace concentration,
component as well and the governing equation becomes the semiquinone is converted to the dianion at the higher
second potential, while the concentrations of the dianion
@CCO2 ;gas
¼ DCO2 ;gas r2 CCO2 ;gas þ urCCO2 ;gas (16) monoadduct and the dianion diadduct remain constant. This
is reflected in the potential profile at 2% CO2 in Fig. 10(a).
where u is the velocity of the gas flowing in the channel. The However, at 5% CO2, the diffusive flux of CO2 is adequate, and
inlet is set at a constant concentration inflow and the outlet at barely any semiquinone can be detected since it is converted to
zero gauge pressure. The mass transfer governing equation for semiquinone monoadduct, and other subsequent species, soon
dissolved CO2 in the IL phase, for both sealed and flow systems, after generation, shown in Fig. 10(d). Here, all the electro-
is given by chemical reactions take place at the first potential and none
@CCO2 ;IL of the semiquinone is converted to quinol dianion.
¼ DCO2 ;IL r2 CCO2 ;IL þ R (17)
@t Hence, the optimum charging method of the cell, i.e. CO2
capture, is to operate at a constant potential just larger than the
where R is a bulk reaction term describing the rate of the
first potential window DV1. The greater the charging voltage,
chemical reactions shown in Scheme 2(a). Simple rate equations,
the faster the reduction reaction due to the larger overpotential.
first order in all reactants, are used. A no-flux boundary condition
For practical reasons, and to avoid large current surges, the cell
is set at the walls. At the gas–electrode interface, the concentration
can be charged at a constant current until the desired charging
of dissolved CO2 is set to
potential difference is reached. This will be between DV1 and
CCO2,IL = bCCO2,gas (18) DV2 based on the rate of charging desired. At this point the bed
3540 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 3530--3547 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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is activated for capture by making half the total capture capacity concentration for a given cell voltage, respectively. The number
available. Then the cell can be set at that constant potential of bed volumes required increases with decreasing feed con-
until saturation of the cathodes is achieved. The second half of centrations, a result of the fixed overall bed capacity and the
the capture capacity is made available as more CO2 flows in. rectangular nature of the adsorption isotherm of this system. In
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It is also possible to fully activate the bed by charging at a the absence of transport and reaction limitations, all break-
potential difference DVHigh 4 DV1, at which point the cells are through curves should collapse when the bed volume is multiplied
disconnected and allowed to saturate with no further supply by the feed fraction of the adsorbate; the fact that this is not exactly
of current, until breakthrough is achieved, and the bed is so in Fig. 11(d) indicates that mass transfer limitations do play a
regenerated by discharging the cell and releasing pure CO2. role in the uptake of CO2 by the activated electrodes. Nevertheless,
The energy recovered however, cannot exceed QDV1, resulting the overall capacity, indicated by the trapezoidal area under
Open Access Article. Published on 01 October 2019. Downloaded on 9/18/2023 7:15:28 PM.
in an energy loss of greater than Q(DVHigh DV1). Cout/Cin = 1 and the breakthrough curves, remained constant. How-
Model results for flow system. The model described above ever, the effect of a stronger driving force on improved mass transfer
was also used to simulate the capture of CO2 from a channel is evident in Fig. 11(b), where at charging potentials that are closer to
under flow conditions. The gas flowed parallel to the electrodes DV2, more of the dianion is generated in a Nernstian distribution,
in the cell, a cross-section of which is shown in Fig. 9. The which provides two reaction sites for CO2. This results in a stronger
simulated concentration profiles in the channel and the qui- driving force in the adsorption of CO2 and hence improved mass
none electrode are shown as a function of the number of bed transfer, which yields a sharper breakthrough profile.
volumes in Fig. 11(a). The gas phase profiles are consistent with Fig. 11(e) and (f) show the current across the electrochemical
a dispersed plug flow in the channels, with a reasonably sharp cell during the capture experiments in (c) and (b) respectively.
adsorption front, while the linear CO2 profiles in the electrode are Fig. 11(e) shows that at low potential charging, i.e. 1.3 V, an
a result of the significant diffusional limitations in this region. Of initial spike in current is observed which results from the
particular interest is the depletion of unbound quinonic species reduction of the quinones on the electrodes to semiquinone, as
in the cathode as removal of CO2 from the channel proceeds; as explained earlier. This is followed by a region of constant current
the cathode becomes saturated with CO2, the concentration of which is proportional to the flux of CO2 into the electrodes, since
CO2 increases along the length of the channel until break- it reacts with the semiquinones and allows them to accept a
through is achieved at around 8 bed volumes, after which second electron at the low potential. As the electrodes become
further saturation is allowed until the outlet concentration is saturated and all the semiquinone is depleted, the current
equal to the inlet concentration at around 10 bed volumes. decreases. This region of constant current followed by the sharp
Fig. 11(b) and (c) show the breakthrough profiles as a function decrease is very broad for the 10% case, but much shorter for the
of cell voltage for a given feed concentration, and of feed 50% case, where there is a brief transition from the initial spike
Fig. 10 Simulation of charging the electrochemical cell at different CO2 concentrations at constant current. (a) Potential difference of the cell. The
change in concentration of quinone with charge is shown at (b) 0%, (c) 2% and (d) 5% CO2.
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Fig. 11 (a) Breakthrough profiles from simulation at 50% CO2 and charging potential of 1.7 V; inset: the concentration of CO2 in the channel and the
concentration of unbound quinonic species in the cathode with bed volume. (b) Breakthrough profiles at multiple capture potentials at 50% inlet
concentration. (c) Breakthrough profiles from simulation at multiple inlet concentrations at a charging potential of 1.3 V. (d) Normalized breakthrough
profiles of the capture experiments in (c). (e) The current across the electrochemical cells during the capture experiments in (b). (f) The current across the
electrochemical cells during the capture experiments in (c).
to the decreasing current region manifested in a shoulder. are in their doubly charged states and no further electron
However, Fig. 11(f) shows that as the applied capture potential transfer occurs. This double peak behavior of the current is
increases, the current profile for the same inlet concentration the result of the balance between the rate of electron transfer
changes dramatically. This is elucidated in Scheme 3; as the and the flux of CO2, which relates to the earlier discussions. At
applied potential approaches DV2, all of the quinone is reduced to charging potentials higher than DV2 e.g. DVHigh, not shown here,
semiquinone and a Nernstian distribution of semiquinone and a larger first peak is expected where all the quinone is converted
quinol dianion is generated, evident by the increasing current in to semiquinone then dianion, i.e. two consecutive single-electron
the first peak. reductions, after which the current drops to zero and only
Thus, CO2 reacts with the Nernstian mixture of semiquinone chemical addition reactions occur, Scheme 2(b).
and quinol dianion, where in the case of the latter no further
reaction, chemical or electrochemical, occurs, but in the case of Energetic analysis of CO2 release
the former a semiquinone monoadduct species is formed, The applied release potential determines the energy recovered
which can be reduced to the dianion monoadduct at DV1. from the cell upon the release of CO2, and must, therefore, be
Therefore, the applied potential presents a large overpotential selected carefully. While quinones under N2 are expected to be
for this reaction, hence the second increase in the current reduced and oxidized reversibly without any significant loss of
which corresponds to the electron transfer for this reduction. energy, in an electrophile-rich environment, such as CO2, the
Following these steps, all the quinone moieties in the electrodes reduction is only quasi-reversible due to the energetic penalty
3542 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 3530--3547 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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Scheme 3 The reduction of anthraquinone at a potential higher than its second reduction potential with a limited flux of CO2.
of breaking a bond formed with CO2. Therefore, some of the Consequently, to reduce energy losses per cycle, a less positive
energy is lost in the process, and it is imperative to minimize potential can be used in a constant potential discharge. While the
this loss, since it is directly related to energy per mole of CO2 capture cell voltage can be maintained at fairly minimal levels by
concentrated (captured and released) in a CO2 capture process. setting it close to DV1, with some diminishment in rate, release at
The last step in the CO2 capture, Scheme 1(b), i.e. the addition of a high cell voltages can result in a partial release of CO2, due to the
second molecule of CO2 to the semiquinone monoadduct to form partial oxidation of the bis(carbonate) quinone units (dianion
a dianion diadduct, is chemically irreversible for the duration of diadduct units), and a subsequent underutilization of anthraqui-
the cycle,37 and the release reaction takes place via an electro- none. After a few cycles of capture and release at a higher potential,
chemical oxidation of the diadduct. This oxidation occurs at a a constant equilibrium rate of utilization of anthraquinone is
more positive potential than the first reduction potential E01. Thus, achieved. This is akin to the working capacity of a pressure-swing
the more positive the release potential, the larger the overpotential adsorption system.45 Thus partial release can be achieved at higher
and the faster and more complete is the release of the bound CO2. cell discharge potentials as shown in Fig. 12. This allows for a much
However, a more positive release voltage corresponds to less smaller window of operation, which at the B90% faradaic efficiency
energy recovered during discharge, and thus more work done reported earlier, an energy use of B43 kJ mol1, with 60%
per cycle of capture and release, which is given by eqn (2). utilization of accessible quinone is possible. This is on par with
Fig. 12 Fraction of CO2 released from the PAQ–CNT electrode with release voltage. At a constant capture cell voltage of 1.3 V, less of the bed is
recovered with increasing release cell voltage, but the energy per mole of CO2 captured and released also decreases.
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used for delivering the energy for desorption, i.e. heat and
pressure change, whereas the energetics reported herein corre-
spond to that of the process, which unlike those utilizing solid
sorbents, has a binary affinity for CO2.
Moreover, if a precise rate of release is desired, the cell can
be discharged at a constant current. In this case, the flux of the
released CO2 is proportional to the current density, as given by
eqn (3). The discharge current and time, control the charge
transferred, which is the extensive variable in the work of the
process. This method of release is seldom utilized in swing
adsorption processes, because it is the intensive, rather than
the extensive variable, that is modulated, e.g., temperature in
thermal swing, pressure in pressure swing, and, here, potential.
Nevertheless, this can be useful for fast regeneration of the bed at
high currents, where long periods of capture and short periods of
release are desired. But due to the incomplete discharge of the
electrochemical cells, in analogy with high current discharge of
batteries,30 the bed will only be partially regenerated.
Swing operations
The electro-swing adsorption (ESA) technology developed in
this work has a number of perceived advantages over other
swing technologies such as temperature- (TSA) and pressure-
swing (PSA) adsorption in terms of both its mode of operation
and its thermodynamic adsorption characteristics, as illustrated Fig. 13 Comparison of temperature- (TSA), pressure- (PSA) and electro-
in Fig. 13. Temperature-swing operations require heating and (ESA) swing operations showing the impact of sorption isotherms on total
working capacity.
cooling of the entire adsorption matrix to release the adsorbed
compounds, rather than just targeting the adsorption sites
themselves, which introduces many thermal inefficiencies regeneration of the adsorbent, or the partial pressure of the
to the operation. The heating is typically accomplished with recovered adsorbate in the sweep stream. The electro-swing
high-temperature steam as the sweep gas, with subsequent adsorbents, on the other hand, are characterized by a rectan-
condensation of the steam to recover the pure CO2 product gular adsorption isotherm in which the saturation loading
stream, whereas cooling is achieved during the blowdown phase in capacity in the activated state is independent of the gas phase
preparation for the next sorption cycle. With pressure-swing opera- concentration, so the adsorbent is equally effective over a wide
tions, the release of the captured material occurs on reduction of the range of feed concentrations from ambient conditions through to
adsorbate partial pressure in the sweep to reverse the mass transfer those characteristic of large scale power and industrial facilities.
driving force, which can be achieved either by drawing a vacuum on When deactivated, the adsorbent has negligible capacity for the CO2
the bed, or by using low pressure steam as the sweep gas. The even at high CO2 gas phase concentrations such that the working
product leaving the bed is dilute, and requires a second separation capacity of the adsorbent is independent of operating conditions.
step, such as the condensation of steam, and external compression Thus, the sweep stream during the desorption process can be pure
of the resulting CO2 to bring it to the desired pressures for CO2 at the desired pressure, subject primarily to equipment design
subsequent utilization or for transportation and subsurface seques- constraints, which greatly simplifies the adsorption/desorption cycle
tration in geologic formations. Moreover, in both TSA and PSA relative to those of the TSA and PSA processes. The results in
operations, the working capacity is strongly dependent on the shape Fig. 6(a) show that release into a pure CO2 gas environment is facile
of the Langmuir- (or Freundlich-) type isotherm, with significantly and fast, and complete if sufficient time is allowed to account for
lower capacities at lower concentrations, which limits the degree of the kinetics of the process.
3544 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 3530--3547 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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complexation of CO2 with redox-active species for the mitigation used without further modification.
of CO2 emissions, and for control of CO2 levels in confined
environments. Electro-swing adsorption has been shown to be Methods
equally effective, at a constant capacity, for the capture of CO2 at Synthesis of poly(1,4-anthraquinone) (P14AQ). The synthetic
concentrations typical of fossil fuel combustion flue gases procedure followed the work of Yamamoto et al.43 A solution
(B10%) and in confined ambient environments (0.6–0.8%). of 1.510 g (5.45 mmol) 1,4-dichloroanthraquinone in 20 mL
These advances have been made possible by the development
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conducted in a standard three-electrode glass cell with a poly- electrodes, and Michael J. Tarkanian and Mark Belanger for
mer–CNT coated substrate as working electrode, platinum wire as their guidance and help with the fabrication of the adsorption
the counter electrode and Leakless Ag|AgCl Reference Electrode beds. This work made use of the DMSE microscopy facility and
(purchased from eDAQ). The IL electrolyte was stored at machine shop, and the Edgerton Student Shop at MIT.
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