Billy Donovan Spread PNRNotes

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Billy Donovan Notes

Offensive Philosophy

­For me as a coach I want to give up alot of freedom & I don't control every single play, I
would like there to be spontaneity and creativity, and part of our offense to be difficult to scout,
and hard to figure out what were doing.
­When we cross half court and transition is over, and were going to flow and were going to
­Always wants 2 defenders on the ball to create mismatches

Transition Attacking

­4 man should inbound the basketball, takes the ball out of the net and gets it out quickly.
­2 & 3 men run wide & have to get to at least first marker extended on the lane
­Ball should get past half court in 4 seconds
­5 man runs to the middle of the lane and seals his man

­Keep the middle open to allow the point guard to attack off the dribble
­Loves spacing the floor, and the more shooting you have, the more space you have
Spread PNR Offense
­Hardest thing to guard in basketball is the Pick & Roll
­Everything we do is based on SPACING & the PNR is defended
­Transition is over when the pass is made from 1 to 4 and 1 always clears to opposite corner

­Anytime there is a “Double Side” one player is in corner, and high guard “holds the sideline”
­Offense starts Pick & Roll wise on the reversal from 3 to 4.
­4 looks to pass to 2, if 2 is denied he cuts through backdoor and fills on same side corner

­If he is not denied, ball is reversed from 4 to 2.

­On reversal, 5 sprints out from the post and sets a ballscreen (angle is key here)
­Donovan wants his players to almost set a backscreen on x2 to ensure the defense is forced
to go over the top
­Options for 4 (typically flow, not a playcall)

­Follow 5 for a double ballscren

­Dive to the short corner
­Space to opposite wing, creating a spread situation

­2 attacks off PNR

­Anytime wing PNR with guard in the corner, that guard must “lift” into spot occupied by
ballhandler and replace for a shot opportunity
­On the roll, 5 man sprints to the rim and never lose sight of the ball, don’t turn back to the ball
­Ball is swung across to the 4 man, who reverses to 3 on the wing
­4 has options off of this PNR

­Option 1 is standard PNR

­Option 2 is a slip (if he loses sight of his defender and his defender went high to hedge,
automatic slip)
­Option 3 is to “shallow” cut and dive to short corner, with 3 dribbling hard off him

­On a “Slip” or “Shallow cut” x5 will most likely show, so on reversal 5 man hard ducks and
seals his man inside.
­1 looks to shoot or dump, never receives a PNR on wing. If nothing open he passes to corner
man and cuts through to opposite corner.

­2 man dribbles up, 5 steps up to set a ballscreen.

­Key here is 4 replacing underneath to the wing, most big men x out or switch big to big, and
this forces them into a tough defensive situation
­Looks at ways the PNR is defended
1) Hard show or trap
2) Switch
3) Back off or goes under to keep ball out of lane
­You need actions in your Pick & Roll to take advantage of how the opponent defends you
Spread PNR
­Players must start extremely spread out

­Uses 4 as a “Flat Screen”

­Where the “1’s” defender is will tell you how far 4 must come out.
­The 4 must give 1 at least one step to make a move off ballscreen
­Flat screener is a great pressure release for the 1
­You want two defenders on the ball as much as possible
­4 must determine where to screen so the 1 can get “two on the ball”

­Two on the ball then pitch back to the 4

­4 attacks 3 point line in pick & pop, or attacks the basket
­4 has the option to score or pass (depending on player popping)
­If one of your players gets the ball in the middle of the floor, he has done his job. Now its the
responsibility of everyone else on the floor to get open

­When the 4 gets the ball, he needs to attack the basket and makes the game easy for him.
Someone will stop him and where the help comes from­pass it there
­Don’t have the 4 take a non aggressive dribble then try to pass
­Dont throw to guarded man in corner

4 man options
1) Attack the rim
2) Pass to ballside player and set another screen

­5 man ducks into lane for post up

­2 man spots up
­4 man fades to baseline

­After you set a screen you must SPRINT into an area to be more effective
­Screener must get back into the play quickly after his screen
­Point Guard must make effective use of the screen, rubbing his man off
­If the person guarding the 4 man doesn't come out to guard then still run Pick & Roll & the 1
hits 4 then 4 man hits ballside guard directly into Pick & Roll on Wing
­If you have a player like Greg Oden (Big, Rim Protector, Slower) on the other team, then use
whoever he is guarding as the screener in Pick & Roll

vs Switch
­Anytime ¼ swtich, 4 posts up.

­to make sure no backside help, send 5 high for high low

­If they switch and it doesnt work then have 5 man set pick & roll and we will keep x3 on 4
man the entire possession to get a mismatch.

vs trap or aggressive show

­Easiest way to show on the Pick & Roll is to know that it is coming
­You can run the PNR action to get the defense to show

­two options for 5

­screen inside man for 2
­come behind 4 man slip for reversal

­Bigs must understand when to slip and when to set the screen
­When you get a person open, you cant let the defense back into the play, make them pay

vs aggressive jump outs (blitz)

­If a team is jumping out hard, try to make their big guard a screen before your Pick & Roll
­Look for 1 on the lob
­Roll & Replace action

Point guard progression when coming off pnr

­Attack the rim North & South
­1 hit open guy off screen (how is screener man playing, is he showing or is he back)
­ If opposite post man if hugging man, roll is open, if he is cheating his man look at the duck in
Notes & Thoughts from Donovan:
Difficulty guarding on Defense:
­getting back in transition and matching up
­constantly closing out
­getting broken down by dribble drive

­make them pay when scrambling

­you must know your ­the personnel and how they perform in the offense
­this offense is a point A to point B offense. You must READ & PLAY the game of basketball
­We try to gain an advantage at the three point like by creating situations offensively and
taking it away defensively
­A 4 that can shoot it creates so many offensive opportunities for your team
­The more you force the defense to closeout on you, the greater chance you have of getting
to the paint. So, your thinking offensively should be “how do I create closeout opportunities?”
­Loves flat ballscreen because defense has to go so deep under them to get through and
because if the ball screen is overplayed, it is so easy to switch the angle to cat the defense
­Wants to keep the ball in the “alley (middle of the court between the two elbows) because it
prevents teams from establishing helpside
­on a make we want the ball inbounded as quickly as possible, by whichever big is closest to
the ball and we want the ball advanced up the floor as quickly as possible as well (in practice
if ball isnt across half court in 4 seconds its an automatic turnover)
­no set lanes in transition, wants his players to play. Wants wings to run as wide as possible
sprinting up the floor. If both on the same side, its 2nd players responsibility to yell “push and
send the first wing through to the other side.
­At the end of the game I’m putting my 5 best scorers in the game
­If you have two unskilled forwards run a lot of ball screen into a pindown screen for a shooter
­Good shooting teams create good spacing
­To be a great shooting team you have to get the ball going toward the basket, try to get 2
defenders guarding the ball
­Likes to give players freedom, but there is responsibility to get that freedom
­Runs action that gets both guards a look at a shot, & an option for big to seal his man
­Guard coming off PNR should take TWO DRIBBLES to clear the screen and either
throwback or penetrate & pitch
­Teaching points: Shot Selection, Individual Improvement, Spacing Techniques
­Practice transition offense everyday

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