Billy Donovan Spread PNRNotes
Billy Donovan Spread PNRNotes
Billy Donovan Spread PNRNotes
Offensive Philosophy
For me as a coach I want to give up alot of freedom & I don't control every single play, I
would like there to be spontaneity and creativity, and part of our offense to be difficult to scout,
and hard to figure out what were doing.
When we cross half court and transition is over, and were going to flow and were going to
Always wants 2 defenders on the ball to create mismatches
Transition Attacking
4 man should inbound the basketball, takes the ball out of the net and gets it out quickly.
2 & 3 men run wide & have to get to at least first marker extended on the lane
Ball should get past half court in 4 seconds
5 man runs to the middle of the lane and seals his man
Keep the middle open to allow the point guard to attack off the dribble
Loves spacing the floor, and the more shooting you have, the more space you have
Spread PNR Offense
Hardest thing to guard in basketball is the Pick & Roll
Everything we do is based on SPACING & the PNR is defended
Transition is over when the pass is made from 1 to 4 and 1 always clears to opposite corner
Anytime there is a “Double Side” one player is in corner, and high guard “holds the sideline”
Offense starts Pick & Roll wise on the reversal from 3 to 4.
4 looks to pass to 2, if 2 is denied he cuts through backdoor and fills on same side corner
On reversal, 5 sprints out from the post and sets a ballscreen (angle is key here)
Donovan wants his players to almost set a backscreen on x2 to ensure the defense is forced
to go over the top
Options for 4 (typically flow, not a playcall)
On a “Slip” or “Shallow cut” x5 will most likely show, so on reversal 5 man hard ducks and
seals his man inside.
1 looks to shoot or dump, never receives a PNR on wing. If nothing open he passes to corner
man and cuts through to opposite corner.
Where the “1’s” defender is will tell you how far 4 must come out.
The 4 must give 1 at least one step to make a move off ballscreen
Flat screener is a great pressure release for the 1
You want two defenders on the ball as much as possible
4 must determine where to screen so the 1 can get “two on the ball”
When the 4 gets the ball, he needs to attack the basket and makes the game easy for him.
Someone will stop him and where the help comes frompass it there
Don’t have the 4 take a non aggressive dribble then try to pass
Dont throw to guarded man in corner
4 man options
1) Attack the rim
2) Pass to ballside player and set another screen
After you set a screen you must SPRINT into an area to be more effective
Screener must get back into the play quickly after his screen
Point Guard must make effective use of the screen, rubbing his man off
If the person guarding the 4 man doesn't come out to guard then still run Pick & Roll & the 1
hits 4 then 4 man hits ballside guard directly into Pick & Roll on Wing
If you have a player like Greg Oden (Big, Rim Protector, Slower) on the other team, then use
whoever he is guarding as the screener in Pick & Roll
vs Switch
Anytime ¼ swtich, 4 posts up.
to make sure no backside help, send 5 high for high low
If they switch and it doesnt work then have 5 man set pick & roll and we will keep x3 on 4
man the entire possession to get a mismatch.
Bigs must understand when to slip and when to set the screen
When you get a person open, you cant let the defense back into the play, make them pay