Automatic Highway
Automatic Highway
Automatic Highway
The idea of automated driving dates back to almost 50 years ago when General
Motors (GM) presented a vision of ―driverless‖ vehicles under automated control
at the 1939 World fairs in New York. In the 1950’s research by industrial
organizations conceptualized automated vehicles controlled by mechanical systems
and radio controls. After the first appearance of the computers in the 1960’s,
researchers began to consider the potential use of computers to provide lateral and
longitudinal control and traffic management. The fully automated highway concept
was initially examined by GM with sponsorship from the US department of
Transportation (DOT) in the late1970’s. During these times, focus was laid on
automated vehicles on a highway as computers were not powerful enough to consider
a complete fully automated highway system.
With the passage of the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transport Efficiency Act
(ISTEA), efforts were on early prototype development and testing of fully automated
vehicles and highways. This act prompted the US DOT to develop the National
Automated Highway System Research Programme (NAHSRP), whose goal was to
develop specifications for a fully automated highway system concept that would
support and stimulate the improvement of vehicle and highway technologies.
Personal injury.
Pain and suffering.
Anxiety and stress of driving.
2.3 Methodology
As shown in figure 2.1, a driver electing to use such an automated highway might first
pass through a validation lane, similar to today's high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) or
carpooling lanes. The system would then determine if the car will function correctly
in an automated mode, establish its destination, and deduct any tolls from the driver's
credit account. Improperly operating vehicles would be diverted to manual lanes. The
driver would then steer into a merging area, and the car would be guided through a
gate onto an automated lane. An automatic control system would coordinate the
movement of newly entering and existing traffic. Once travelling in automated mode,
the driver could relax until the turnoff. The reverse process would take the vehicle off
the highway. At this point, the system would need to check whether the driver could
retake control, then take appropriate action if the driver were asleep, sick, or even
The alternative to this kind of dedicated lane system is a mixed traffic system, in
which automated and non-automated vehicles would share the roadway. This
approach requires more-extensive modifications to the highway infrastructure, but
would provide the biggest payoff in terms of capacity increase.
In fact, a spectrum of approaches can be envisioned for highway automation systems
in which the degree of each vehicle's autonomy varies. On one end of the range would
be fully independent or "free-agent" vehicles with their own proximity sensors that
would enable vehicles to stop safely even if the vehicle ahead were to apply the
brakes suddenly. In the middle would be vehicles that could adapt to various levels of
cooperation with other vehicles (platooning). At the other end would be systems that
rely to a lesser or greater degree on the highway infrastructure for automated support.
In general, however, most of the technology would be installed in the car.
While current vehicles use new technologies mostly for safety or driver
convenience, e.g., air bags, antilock brakes, adaptive cruise control, power steering,
the vehicles on an AHS system would require much more new technology that
communicates with the roadway. In the simplest forms of AHS these would focus on
the detection of other vehicles and obstacles. Technologies that already do this to
some extent are beginning to be added to luxury vehicles or are sometimes an option
that can be selected by the consumer; e.g., collision warning systems. Other
technologies that would be precursors to the communications technologies in an AHS
system are also being introduced; these include navigation assistance systems, traveler
information systems, and vehicle locator systems. Their acceptance in the market is
taken as an indicator of eventual consumer acceptance of the broader AHS concept.
The Control design of an Automated Highway system can be looked upon the
basis of a 5 layer theory which together comprise the two systems viz. the On-
board Vehicle System and the Roadside System. The control design is
explained with the aid of the figure 4.1:
The physical layer comprises all the on-board vehicle controllers of the physical
components of a vehicle. These include the engine and transmission, brake and
steering control systems, as well as the different lateral and longitudinal vehicle
guidance and range sensors. The main function of the physical layer is to decouple the
longitudinal and lateral vehicle guidance control and to approximately linearize the
physical layer dynamics.
The regulation layer is responsible for the longitudinal and lateral guidance of
the vehicle, and the execution of the manoeuvres ordered by the coordination layer.
The regulation layer must carry out two longitudinal control tasks. The first task is
that of a vehicle follower in a platoon and consists in maintaining a prescribed
constant spacing from the preceding vehicle. The second task is that of a platoon
leader or free agent and consists in safely and efficiently executing a manoeuvre
commanded by the coordination layer.
The coordination layer is responsible for selecting the activity that the vehicle
should attempt or continue to execute, in order to realize its currently assigned activity
plan. It communicates and coordinates its actions with its peers—the coordination
layers of neighboujring vehicles—and supervises and commands the regulation layer
to execute or abort manoeuvres. It also communicates with the link layer roadside
control system, from which it periodically receives an updated activity plan.
There is one link layer controller for each 0.5 to 5 km-long segment of the
highway, called a link. Its task is to control the traffic flow within the link so as to
attain its full capacity and minimize vehicle travel time and undesirable transient
phenomena, such as congestion. A link is itself subdivided in sections, one per lane. A
link receives and discharges traffic flow from and to neighbouring links, as well as
AHS entrances and exits. The controller measures aggregated vehicle densities in
each of the link’s sections. These densities are specific to vehicle type, including
origin and destination, and whether the vehicle is a platoon leader, follower or is
changing lanes. It broadcasts commands in the form of a specific activity plan for
each vehicle type and section, to the vehicle coordination layer controllers.
The link layer controller receives commands from the network layer in the form
of demands on the inlet traffic flows at the AHS entrances, and outlet flow constraints
at the AHS exits, as well as desired inlet-to-outlet traffic flow split ratios, in case a
vehicle can take more than one route to each the same destination, while travelling in
that highway link,
The task of the network layer is to control entering traffic and route traffic flow
within the network of highway links that constitute the AHS, in order to optimize the
capacity and average vehicle travel time of the AHS and minimize transient
congestion in any of its highway links.
The overall on-board vehicle control system comprises the control systems for
the coordination, regulation, and physical layers. Its primary objective is to safely
control the vehicle while efficiently executing its activity plan. By ―safely‖ it is
meant that the vehicle should not collide under normal circumstances, in the absence
of major hardware malfunction. By ―efficiently‖ it is meant that the vehicle
should complete the manoeuvres in its activity plan in a manner that tends to optimize
the capacity and traffic flow of the AHS. This involves completing manoeuvres, such
as join, split or change lane in the minimum possible time, and performing platoon
follower and leader laws while maintaining as high a speed and as small a distance
from the preceding vehicle as practicable.
However, since the on-board vehicle control system does not have the overall
AHS capacity and traffic flow information, overall AHS optimality is not monitored
or guaranteed at this layer
The roadside control system’s primary objective is to optimize the capacity and
traffic flow of the overall AHS. The models used in the link layer involve aggregated
vehicle densities and traffic flows but not individual vehicles. Thus, vehicle safety, as
defined in Section3, cannot be monitored, much less enforced. The roadside control
system can control the network and link layers in ways that tend to increase vehicle
safety, such as maintaining sufficiently low aggregated vehicle densities and
decreasing the inlet traffic flow into links.
Researchers have attempted to estimate benefits that might accrue from the
implementation of automated highway systems. Table 2 summarizes potential
benefits. Many of the benefits shown in the table are fairly speculative; the systems
they would depend upon are not yet in existence and there is no clear evidence that
the system can produce the following benefits in reality.
The introduction of new technologies often creates social tensions. For instance,
although talking on the phone while walking. or driving is commonplace nowadays,
there are concerns about its safety, and debates continue over whether it is rude to use
a cell phone in public places such as restaurants or on a bus. Similarly, mature
technologies experienced social challenges when they were introduced. The first
automobiles were seen as rich people’s toys, and former President Woodrow Wilson,
then head of Princeton College, warned students about showing off their vehicles
before the townsfolk, who he presumed would never have cars.
6.1 Unclear Social and Environmental Impacts
One of the critical problems for the automated highway system development is
that the impact of AHS on society and environment is unclear yet. Studies necessarily
must be speculative since the system has not yet been implemented apart from the San
Diego demonstration project. The following topics are ones that have generated
considerable disagreement.
There is concern that if AHS are implemented the greater numbers of vehicles
on an automated highway could create bottlenecks at its entry and exit points as more
traffic reenters non-automated streets. This might offset most of the benefits of the
traffic flow improvement on the automated highways. The U.S. DOT acknowledged
that it was a serious concern to design an interchange that can integrate with
surrounding non-AHS roads to ease the problem.
6.1.2 Unclear Impact on Land Use and Environment
There are concerns that commuters might live farther from the work place,
because an automated highway system promises to increase the accessibility of more
distant locations through higher freeway speeds. Therefore, it possibly encourages
urban sprawl and greater dependence on the automobile. The concern about land use
pattern and urban development raises also the serious question on the AHS’s positive
role regarding air quality, noise, etc. If more vehicles were accommodated at faster
speeds on a fully automated highway, vehicle emissions might increase and degrade
air quality, as AHS might encourage more Vehicle Mile Traveled (VMT). This
conflicting result may provoke the fundamental question of whether or not automated
highway system is much more efficient, comparing to traditional highway or other
transportation modes such as light rail and high-speed rail.
6.1.3 Safety
6.1.4 Equity
Studies have not addressed specific issues of whether and how state and federal
government might provide incentives to commercialize automated vehicles, how the
system should be financed (e.g. toll system/ other sources), and how equity concerns
could be reduced. There also may be different equity issues involved with different
vehicle users.
There has been a debate between those who favor an evolutionary deployment
of automated high systems and those who promote full-scale conversion of regional
highways to the system.
After the U.S. DOT’s decision was made to withdraw from the National
Automated Highway System Research Program, AHS research has mostly followed
the evolutionary model. Today, many efforts are being made to develop and
commercialize the basic AHS-related technologies such as adaptive cruise control and
collision-warning features.
6.3 Public Acceptance
For AHS to obtain public acceptance, it must be designed and implemented with
many complex human factors and operational reliability considerations. The decision
on which vehicle controls are automated and how these systems interface with the
driver will affect seriously system safety and the level of public acceptance. In
addition, the extent to which motorists would accept reduced manual control of their
vehicles of be willing to travel in automated vehicles at close following distances, on
narrower lanes, and at higher speeds is not clear yet. Full automation of the nation’s
road cannot be attained in a day, until a careful review as to human response and
system safety, and market analysis on potential users can be successfully addressed.
User fears, inertia, and distrust on new technology are typically too strong to be
eliminated without gradual and systematic implementation strategies.
The vision of deployment of local and regional automated highways requires the
public sector to consider the issue of institutionalization of automated highway
systems. Successful institutionalization would reduce potential political and economic
conflicts and would specify the roles and responsibilities of each public and private
actor. Key institutional issues include finance, regulation, and organization.
U.S. DOT’s 1996 report identified several issues concerning the finance of
automated highways, but these issues have not been discussed actively since the U.S.
DOT withdrew its financial support for the long-term research on AHS. Yet, it is
worth summarizing the significant issues in the following:
The main ways to cover automated highway system costs and the cost
The priority to be given to investment in normal highways v/s. automated
The rights and privileges that the operating entity can have.
In many urban areas, maintenance alone absorbs the majority of available funds,
and transportation agencies are left with little funding to use on new projects of any
This suggests that either new funding source would need to be found or else the
benefits of AHS would have to be so convincing that transportation officials would
put AHS projects ahead of other desired transportation investments.
Many operational issues can arise in considering the role of state and local
government in building and operating highways. The AHS will include technically
complex components such as advanced electronic sensors, on-line computers and
software, and communication systems. Installation and maintenance of these systems
may present a significant challenge to the operators. Since AHS will introduce an
increased level of complexity for highway operations, the following issues should be
The ability of state and local transportation agencies to build, operate and
maintain the sophisticated networks of automated highway; changes that
might be needed in personnel hiring practices, pay scales, etc.
The capability of state and local jurisdictions to work together effectively in
planning and operating AHS
The regional institutional integration to support the efficient operation of AHS
The training of technical staff to deal with the system
The structure of ownership of facility (public or private)
Responsibility for standard-setting for new equipment and operations.
Presently, the primary burden of the cost of vehicle accidents rests with the
drivers and the owners of the vehicles, because most of highway collisions are due to
driver error. However, the increased automation resulting from the adoption of certain
automated highway technologies could shift liability to the developers and operators
of automated systems. Thus a major issue concerns the resolution of who is to be
responsible for accidents on automated highway systems: the non-driving driver, the
auto-highway authority, or the auto manufacturer.
Figure 7.1 – A typical Vehicle Platoon experiment done in San Diego, CA.
The platoon demonstration was designed by researchers at the California PATH
program to show how vehicle automation technology can be used to make a major
contribution to relieving traffic congestion. The eight Buicks operating in tight
coordination showed how an automated highway system can provide a significant
increase in highway throughput (vehicles per lane per hour moving along the
At Demo ’97, as shown in figure 7.2, the eight vehicles of the PATH platoon
travelled at a fixed separation distance of 6.5 meters (21 feet) at all speeds up to full
highway speed. At this spacing, eight-vehicle platoons separated by a safe
interplatoon gap of 60 m (about 200 ft.) and travelling at 65 mph would represent a
―pipeline‖ capacity of about 5700 vehicles per hour. Reducing this by 25% to
allow for the manoeuvring needed at entry and exit points corresponds to an effective
throughput of about 4300 vehicles per lane per hour. Throughput under normal
manual driving conditions at this speed would be approximately 2000 vehicles per
lane per hour.
Figure 7.3 – Tight coordination between vehicles. A scene in San Diego, CA.
The vehicle-vehicle communication capability is used to coordinate
manoeuvring. These manoeuvres include lane changing, in which a vehicle safely
coordinates its lane change with adjacent vehicles, so that they do not try to occupy
the same place at the same time, and platoon join and split manoeuvres — decreasing
the space between vehicles to form a platoon and increasing the space to separate
from a platoon.
The control system has also been designed with careful attention to passenger
ride quality. Both the lateral (steering) and longitudinal (speed and spacing) control
systems have been designed, tested, and proven to have higher performance than even
highly skilled human drivers. The lateral control system keeps the vehicle to within a
few inches of the lane center under virtually all conditions, which is much more
accurate than human drivers’ steering. The longitudinal control system maintains
speed and spacing accuracy that exceeds that of all but virtuoso race-car drivers.
The accuracy and fast response of the longitudinal control system provides a
reassuring, smooth ride. Although some people are initially startled by the
―tailgating‖ aspect of vehicle following at close separations, most of them quickly
adapt and develop a sense of comfort and security because of the constantly
maintained separation.
A key feature of the control design architecture is the separation of the various
control functions into distinct layers with well-defined interfaces. Each layer is then
designed with its own model that is suited to the functions for which it is responsible.
The models at the various layers are different not only in terms of their formal
structure (ranging from differential equations to state machines to static graphs), but
also in the entities that have a role in them.
Though it has been said so, the reasons why many federal programs like the
National Automated Highway System Research Program (NAHSRP) failed was that
the program was trapped in technology-optimism. Several U.S. DOT reports on AHS
show that there are no technical and non-technical showstoppers. However, legal,
institutional, and societal challenges just as critical as technical issues. Moreover,
these institutional and societal issues cannot be settled in one day, because they are
much to do with people’s perception, behavior, consensus and social changes based
on those.
3. Congress, Nita. ―Smart Road, Smart Car: The Automated Highway System‖.
Public Roads Online. Autumn 1996. Pg.4, 5 & 7. Link:
6. Lay, Rodney K., Gene M. McHale, and William B. Stevens. The U.S. DOT Status
Report on the Automated Highway Systems Program. Working Note 95W0000093.
Mtretek Systems, Center for Telecommunications and Advanced Technology.
McLean, Virginia. July 1996. Pg.8-2.