AR News Nov 2023

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11849 238B Street, Maple Ridge BC V4R 2T8

Phone 604-463-3035 Fax 604-463-0667

Principal: Ramin Mehrassa
Vice Principal: Kathy Kosman

Newsletter #3 – November 2023

The fall season is in full swing here at ARE, with many different activities taking place. Our school
recently completed in the District Cross Country races for both our primary and intermediate
students. This year we were fortunate that we stayed fairly dry with minimal amount of rain. We
had a tremendous turnout of over 100 students for the two races! And volleyball is wrapping up and
a big thank you to our coaches, Mrs. McCafferty, Mrs. Gowan, Mrs. Diamond, and Mrs. Arcand. We
now look forward to basketball in the new year.

To bring in Halloween, our wonderful PAC hosted a dance for the community on October 27 th, which
was very well-attended. And our Halloween parade in the gym was a big hit with so many of our
students dressed up. Thank you to our parents for encouraging student participation ☺

And a reminder that next week will be a short one with November 10th being a non-instructional day
and the Remembrance Day holiday on November 13th. We will be holding our Remembrance Day
assembly on November 9th this year.

Finally, our Scholastic Book Fair will be held during the week of December 4th-8th. Like last year,
we will host the event on-site at the school while offering an online sales part as well. Please note
that the Fair will be open for extended hours on the afternoon of December 7th and all day on
December 8th, due to the Student Inclusive Conferences.

November 9 – Remembrance Day Assembly
November 10 – Non-instructional Day (no school)
November 13 – Remembrance Day STAT (no school)
November 21 – Gr 6 Immunizations – first dose
As we are well into the cold, wet months, be sure to dress your
kids appropriately for the weather with coats, boots, umbrellas,
etc. We go outside at recesses and lunches every day, so a
spare set of clothes in your child’s backpack is a good idea.
Getting out in the fresh air keeps us healthy and reduces the
amount of time we spend in the building!


The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District (SD42) will be offering families a choice
for student inclusive conferences this year. This is a time when you, your child and the
teacher meet. These formal term 1 and 2 conferences will be offered as either in person
or virtual to allow families the choice that works best for them. At the time of booking,
you will be offered the choice of conference type. Teachers will let you know when the
specific times for virtual conferences will be.

Please watch for a message on when you will be able to book your conference in the SD42
Parent Portal.

During the conference, teachers will discuss your child’s academic learning, strengths, and
areas to develop, then set a collaborative learning goal for your child. You will also be able
to ask any questions you may have.

Your child’s classroom teacher looks forward to engaging with you and your child during
this important reporting event.

Thursday, December 7, 2023 – Early Dismissal at 11:30 for the afternoon conferences

Friday, December 8, 2023 – No school as conferences will be taking place all day


Thank you once again to the generosity of our community as we were able to raise over
$1100 for the Terry Fox Foundation.
Once again, this year, in lieu of our primary Christmas concert, we will be holding a school-
wide Winter Festival in February. Teachers will be organizing different stations for
students with a Canadian Winter/Carnivale theme. All students will be participating in the
STEM/arts & craft types of stations. We would love to have parent volunteers joining us
for the festival. Please stay tuned for more information for you in upcoming newsletters.


Interested in a career with School District 42? The Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows
School District is looking for a variety of qualified educators and support staff. For
more information please visit:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2 3

-PJ Day -MR Lapidary

Club DIV 7
-PAC Hot Lunch

6 7 8 9 10

-BC Fruits & -PAC Hot Lunch -Remembrance -Non-instructional

Veg: Apples, milk Day assembly day (no school)
-Gymnastics DIV

13 14 15 16 17
-Remembrance -ArtStarts
Day STAT (no -Smile Cookie Performance:
school) Sale -PAC Hot Lunch Uzume Taiko
Drums 9:00am
-PAC Meeting
7:00pm -Skating DIV 2,
20 21 22 23 24

-Gr 6 -PAC Hot Lunch -Bowling – DIV

Immunizations- 10, 11
first dose
-Gymnastics DIV

27 28 29 30

-BC Fruit & Veg- -PAC Hot Lunch

Mandarins, milk

-Skating – DIV 3

*subject to change*

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