Yournewsletterjuly 2019: Yourschoolhere
Yournewsletterjuly 2019: Yourschoolhere
Yournewsletterjuly 2019: Yourschoolhere
Y O U R N EW SLET T ER JU LY 2 0 1 9
Welcome to our latest Newsletter for Term 3 Week 2. Cr oss Cou n t r y Post pon ed u n t il Th u r s
Sept 20
Skies camp. successful sports for the last 10 years. In that time,
Lunch several national champions and New Zealand
As snug as bugs in rugs. Our wee We now offer a healthy school lunch offer for
representatives have been produced.
students each day.
cherubs are all tucked up
watching a movie before We are thrilled to offer lunches by the Big Hungry Com pet it ion s
Lunch company.
bedtime. There are 4 major interschool competitions in Term
The lunch supplier has asked that orders contain
the correct money (no change will be given) and 2, all held in school time, so children who play
are placed in a secure envelope with order form another winter sport can also take part in cross
It has been a fun-filled day full of attached.
activities such as finger painting, a country.
Lu n ch es in clu de:
confidence course, orienteering, - Caversham Road Relays (Junior and Senior
- fruit
board games, insect hunts, tug of - sandwiches teams of 4),
- biscuits - Milton Cross Country Relays (Junior and
wars and much more. Senior teams of 6)
Post in t h e t u ck sh op m ailbox in t h e alcove of - The Otago Cross Country Championships (4
We can't wait until tomorrow! age groups)
t h e Hall by 9.00am .
Keep an eye out for Day Two's Contact Mrs Jones if you want more information.
- The Logan Park Individual Road Race
(Senior and Junior)
report in your inboxes and our
One of the most enjoyable events of the year is the
Facebook Page.
trip to the New Zealand Secondary Schools' Cross
Country Championships in July.